5.1.1 Standard of Accuracy標準精度
Survey procedures and accuracy required shall be a function of the type survey performed. All electronic distance measuring (EDM) traverses shall be close loop and levels for benchmark shall not close on the origination bench (benchmark). The Contractor shall not close levels on adjacent loops.

5.1.2 Check Survey檢測
The Employer's Representative may perform check surveys at any stage of the Contract, including routine field calibration checks. The Contractor shall take necessary action to accommodate the Employer's check surveys.

5.1.3 Data Recording資料記錄
The Contractor shall maintain a hard and electronic record of all survey information. This data shall be transmitted to the Employer's Representative upon completion of each survey. Electronic coordinate records shall be in ASCII format and any drawings shall conform to the requirement of Appendix H.

5.1.4 Qualified Personnel人員資格
The contractor shall maintain in its organization an experienced and qualified surveyor, who shall be responsible for organization and managing all survey work. He shall include in his organization qualified staff perform all required survey work See Subsection 2.1.5.

5.1.5 Equipment Calibration儀器檢驗
The Contractor's survey equipment shall be calibrated by a certified laboratory at the manufacturer's suggested intervals. Validation of calibration in the form of a dated and signed tag shall be affixed to the instrument case. The Contractor shall be prepared to show this tag to the Employer's Representative, upon request. The equipment shall be kept in proper operating condition.

5.1.6 Private Property私人產業
In carrying out surveys, the Contractor shall not enter upon land outside the Site without the express permission of the landowner. This right of entry permission shall be on a from signed by the owner and submitted to the Employer's Representative for information. The Contractor shall develop a right if entry form, which shall be submitted, to the Employer's Representative for his statement of no objection. The rights of the individual landowners shall be fully respected in all instances. The Contractor shall notify the Employer's Representative immediately and follow up in writing any potential negative incident.


5.2.1 Horizontal平面控制
Primary horizontal control monuments were established utilizing the Global Positioning System (GPS). Position closure and checks to National GPS Monuments occurred at approximately 15-kilometer intervals for the length of the control survey. The GPS survey monuments the total length of the Project.

5.2.2 Vertical立面控制
Primary vertical control monuments upon or in the vicinity of the monuments referred to in Subsection 5.2.1 have been established for the length of the Project. Level loops of 15-kilometer length were run for the 345-kilometer distance form Taipei to Kaohsiung. The elevation datum is Keelung Mean Sea Level.

5.2.3 Sketches控制點位置指示圖
Location sketches have been prepared for monuments noted in Subsections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2. The sketches reflect specific location measured from planimetric features such as structures, power poles, and roadways. 
控制點位置指示圖參照5.2.1 及5.2.2小節建立,其內容包括點號、位置圖、附近結構物、電桿、道路等。

5.2.4 Employer-Supplied Data.甲方提供資料
The data and sketches referred to in Subsection 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 are provided in Volume 24 for utilization by the Contractor in the design and construction of this Contract.
所有測量資料及控制點指示圖參照Vol.24 之5.2.2及5.2.3小節所述,以供乙方設計與興建使用。 Verification控制點確認
The Contractor shall check the accuracy of the Employer-Supplied monuments and sketches within 90 days of the Employer's Representative for final adjustments. If adjustments are deemed necessary, the Contractor will be the Employer's Representative in writing. The contractor shall not, without prior written approval from the Employer's Representative, deviate from the original supplied data. The Contractor shall recheck the accuracy of the Employer-Supplied monuments and sketches fifteen (15) months from Commencement Data and 12 months thereafter. This data shall be submitted to the Employer's Representative, for review and additional action, if deemed necessary. Any suspected movement observed by either the Contractor or Employer's Representative shall be cause to recheck individual monuments. If during the aforementioned checks, monuments are found to be missing, damaged or movement is suspected, a written report shall be submitted ti the Employer's Representative within 7 days.
乙方必須在開工後90天內複測甲方所提供之控制點與樁位指示圖之準確性,複測結果應以書面方式向甲方提出,做為最後之調整。若甲方認為控制點資料須要調整,則由甲方書面通知乙方。乙方在未獲得甲方之核准通知前,不應偏離原始提供之資料。乙方於開工後15個月內及爾後的12個月內,必須分別複測甲方所提供之控制點與樁位指示圖。複測資料若認為有需要,應提供甲方複核或做為其他運用。乙方或甲方由觀測而懷疑有變動之任何個別點位,應予複測。於複測中,若發現點位有移動、遺失、毀損或遭破壞之虞時,應於7日內提出書面報告通知甲方。 Protection保護
The Contractor shall provide measures to protect and maintain the monuments within the Contact from being disturbed.


5.3.1 Control Surveys 控制測量
Horizontal control survey for all construction setting out be Second Order, Class 1 according to Land Survey Standards for Taiwan. Vertical control survey shall be Class B. the Taiwan National Standards for highway control surveys shall be reference document for vertical control surveys. All traverse stations and benchmarks set shall be sufficiently protected from disturbance. These points shall be regarded as semi-permanent, having the potential of being utilized during the construction phase of the Contract. GPS equipment may be used for the horizontal control at the option of the Contractor whit the required accuracy being maintained.

5.3.2 Topographic Surveys.地形測量
The Contractor as port of the design of the Works shall review and if necessary shall perform topographic surveys. These surveys shall utilize radial methods. Notes shall be kept either by data collector or field books. The Contractor shall maintain a hard copy record of all work performed with a data collector.

5.3.3 Cross Section Surveys.橫斷面測量
Cross section survey baselines shall be longitudinal and parallel to the centerline of the feature being cross-sectioned.

5.3.4 Property Delineation路權範圍
The Contractor shall establish the limits of his available ROW with points that shall be permanent in nature and such that direct line of sight is available between adjacent points. The Contractor shall notify the Employer's Representative in writing when these points have been set. The Contractor shall also notify the Employer's Representative in writing of any conflicts with the property needs.

5.3.5 Traverses導線測量
All traverses shall be conducted as specified herein. The Contractor shall traverses for horizontal and vertical control from the monuments identified in Subsections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2. Traverses and level runs shall be performed in accordance with Subsection 5.3.1 and shall commence from two record monuments and close on two record monuments. Traverses shall be closed both by position and azimuth/bearing.

5.3.6 Alignment Interface線性界面
The Contractor shall establish both alignment centerline interfaces. These points shall be permanent and have at least three survey ties to insure re-establishment. The Contractor shall also set the previous change-in-curvature points within his contract with sufficient re-establishment ties. These points shall be of permanent mature and protected from disturbance. These points shall be set within six months after commencement date and after establishment, the Contractor shall notify the Employer's Representative of same.


5.4.1 Types of Construction Surveys工程測量形式 Control Surveys控制測量
Control surveys shall be conducted in accordance with Subsection 5.3.1. All control surveys shall be coordinated with Interfacing Parties. Control traverse and level data shall be provided to the Employer's Representative. This data shall be field notes, hard copy of the raw data collector files and electronic information.
工程測量之控制測量部份應依據5.3.1小節之規定實施,所有控制測量應與界面之座標為同一系統。控制測量之導線及水準原始觀測記錄或電子記錄器之資料提供給甲方。 Tunnel Surveys隧道測量
The Contractor shall traverse for horizontal and vertical control of tunnel construction in accordance with Subsection 5.3.5.
The Contractor shall maintain complete sets of tunnel survey equipment. These sets shall contain, but not be limited to, lasers, special eyepiece prisms, and luminary equipment.
Verification of line and grade for tunnels shall be accomplished on a weekly basis. This data shall be submitted to the Employer's Representative, in writing, and shall contain station/offset data in a tabular form.
乙方應於每週提報已完成部份之路線及縱坡資料,其中包括測站及位移之相關資料給甲方,。 Bridges and Viaducts橋樑及高架橋
The Contractor shall traverse for horizontal and vertical control for bridges and viaducts in accordance with Subsection 5.3.5.
An offset line shall be set for pier control. Points shall be established at changes in curvature. The TS (tangent to spiral) and ST (spiral to tangent) offset points shall control the tangent sections. The Contractor shall not set intermediate points along the tangent portion of alignment, other than from the TS and ST offsets.
墩柱施工時應於曲率變化點設置支距,並且可以用以控制TS (切線接螺線) 及ST (螺線接切線) 等切線段。除了從TS及ST位置位移外,乙方不得沿線形切線的某一部份設置中間點。
The Contractor shall identify the chainage and offset distance to right and left of edge of the Site at each third pier and shall permanently anchor a brass or stain steel plate into said third pier. The plate shall be 2 meters from ground level and be 25cm square and 1 minimum of 4mm in thickness. A sketch of the method of affixing these plates shall be submitted to the Employer's Representative for statement of no objection. After the concrete curing period, these plates shall be marked with pier number, chainage and offset distance right and left to the edge of the Site. Chainage shall be identified to the closest meter and offsets rounded off to 10 centimeters. The purpose of the plates is to enable the Employer to easily set out the boundaries of the Site at any time in the future.
乙方應於確定里程及位移量後,於每三座墩柱左右側安裝以銅或不鏽鋼製成的標示牌。標示牌安裝於離地面2公尺處;標示牌為25公分見方,最小厚度為4mm。標示牌設計圖經甲方無異議後製作。於混凝土澆置後,標示墩柱編號、里程、左右位移量。里程近以至公尺,位移量誤差應小於10cm。標示牌的用途是讓甲方日後隨時可以輕易地自範圍內找到位置。 Cut and Cover/At-Grade Sections明挖覆蓋及平面道路段
The Contractor shall traverse for horizontal and vertical control of cut and cover and at-grade section in accordance with Subsection 5.3.5.
乙方應依據5.3.5 小節,於明挖覆蓋及平面道路段設置平面及立面控制導線。
The Contractor shall establish top/toe of slope stakes for excavation/fill. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Employer's Representative, in writing of any discrepancies relevant to the Site for which occupation has been given (See Volume 19)
乙方必須於開挖及回填處設置邊坡樁。當任何位置有差異產生時,乙方應即時以面報告通知甲方 (參閱 Volume 19)

5.4.2 As-Built Surveys施工測量 Tunnel隧道
The Contractor shall set points on the emergency walkway wall at the approximate changes in curvature points, but no less then 200 meters apart. The Contractor shall traverse though these points in accordance with the control surveys Second Order, Class 2 traverse standards specified in Subsections 5.3.1 and 5.3.5. From this adjusted traverse, final tunnel as-built line and grade shall be determined by the Contractor. The as-built section shall include:
o centerline invert and back,
o toe of right and left cable trough,
o both sides at spring line and mid-point right and
o left between spring line and centerline back
These sections shall be at 20 meters intervals in tangent segments and 10 meters intervals in spring/curve segments.
From the aforementioned adjusted traverse, the Contractor shall set 8cm domed brass caps at even 200 meter chainage or change in curvature points and offsets, shall be placed on the center of these brass caps and a new traverse run thought these scribe marks. The traverse shall be Second Order, Class 1. The traverse shall be adjusted and the real point at exact chainage and offset measured in and drilled into the brass cap. Class B levels, as specified in Subsection 5.3.1 shall be run over the brass caps for vertical track control. The chainage, offset and elevation shall be legibly written on the trackway side of the wall at ballast level and within the cable trough in sections with fixed inverts.
All horizontal and vertical field data shall be to submitted to Employer's Representative in a tabular form which reflects chainage, offset, and all impacts to design horizontal or vertical alignment clearances.
所有現場所獲得的平、立面資料及與設計之平、立面線形不符部份,均應以書面資料方式提供給甲方。 Bridges and Viaducts/Cut and Cover/At-Grade Sections
The Contractor shall set points on the cable trough wall at the approximate change in curvature points, but no less than 200meter apart. The Contractor shall traverse through these points in accordance with the control surveys Second Order, Class 2 traverse standards identified in Subsection 5.3.1. From this adjusted traverse, final structure as-built line and grade shall be determined by the Contractor. The as-built section shall include:
· centerline invert,
· toe of right and left cable trough, and
· tops of cable trough walls
These sections shall be at pier joints and mid span between piers. From the aforementioned adjusted traverse, the Contractor shall set 8cm domed brass caps at even 200meter chainages and at change in curvature points offset to centerline 2.25m. Where embankment sections exist the monument offset shall be 3.255m. the brass caps shall be epoxied into the cable trough wall. A scribe mark, at specific 200meter chainage or change in curvature points and offsets, shall be placed on the center of these brass caps and a new traverse run through these scribe marks. This traverse shall be Second Order, Class 1. The traverse shall be adjusted and the real point at exact chainage and offset measured in and the point drilled into the brass cap. Class B levels, as specified in Subsection 5.3.1, shall be run over these brass caps for vertical track control. The chainage, offset and elevation shall be legibly written on the trackway side of the wall at ballast level or within the cable trough in section with fixed inverts.
All horizontal and vertical field data shall be submitted to the Employer's Representative in a tabular form which reflects chainage, offset, and all impacts to design horizontal or vertical alignment clearances.