Those of you with good eyes will find Kasim in the picture below... :-) 
Of all the storytellers segment shots I tried, this is the only one that turned out...
After the show, I found out how scary it can be to be famous, even for 15 seconds!! (in case you skipped the captions, Kasim had dedicated "Sacrifice" during his solo set to me in honor of my two A's that day in school.) When Kasim came looking for me & my friends, the entire group of fans tried to come back with us. Some said "I'm Laura!" Some tried to convince me that we knew each other. Some simply tried to bribe me so they could meet Meat and the band. One lady was trying to get the security guards to let her in with the "cutest little 13-year old you ever did see, how can you look at that face and not let her go back??"
Luckily, Kasim spotted me and was able to tell the security folks "HER! Let her back here, she'll tell you who else." It was a struggle to get my friends through the gate, and Kasim was as anxious as I was to get everyone back there and shut the gate. Unfortunately, we didn't get everyone before things got out of hand and we had to leave a few of my friends behind. I was able to get some of them - two out of three ain't bad! - back about ten minutes later, after the crowd had started to thin but before they cleared the house.

Kasim was so sweet and took time to ask everyone how they liked the show, and how they knew me, and what they did and so on. He was the only band member who sat around and talked to us - John and Mark walked through but didn't stay. I'm sure they were all tired and ready to relax, which only illustrates how wonderful & giving our Kasim can be! The band was facing a 10-hour long bus ride and probably needed to chill out - if I was hot in the crowd I can't imagine how bad it was on stage with the lights and smoke and everything. Kasim looked a little tired to me, but he's never more alive than when he's with fans - both old and new!! He was quite patient - even when a couple of the folks got antsy about an album cover that Meat was signing.

Kasim signed stuff for me and my friends too and posed for pictures. While we couldn't get Meat to sign a BOOH (Bat Out of Hell) CD for Elaine, I asked Kasim if he'd do the honors. He was tickled to do so - and made sure to point out that his name is on the album insert in more places than Meat's!! Later, Elaine said she wasn't upset as she knew she had the signature of "the nicest person in the band! And you tell him I said so!"
This was the greatest night and I'll never forget it!
Those of you who tuned in to find out more about the "consciously" comment - I saw Meat Loaf play in Omaha in the mid-nineties. Everything Louder tour with the release of BOOH II (Bat Out of Hell II). But I had no idea Kasim was going to play such a big role in my life in the next decade! I have no recollection of actually seeing him but he had to have been there - that was during the Steve Buslowe as musical director, Kasim as the man who played guitar, keyboards and background vocals phase!
We even went to the charity softball game and I was within feet of the entire band. I could have been standing right next to Kasim and I would have had no idea who he was. At that stage in my life, I was obsessed over Mark Alexander and his hair. But I was too nervous to say anything to any of them.
Huh. Funny how things work out...