Urusai Ranma!: School is No Place for Aliens!

by Shelle

Disclaimer: Urusei Yatsura and Ranma 1/2 belong to Rumiko Takahashi

Ranma cowered in the dojo, scowling and trying to ignore his growling stomach. A large spatula-induced bump adorned his forehead. His ribs were bruised by a certain Amazon's spin-kick. He neck was red from the friction caused by a red gymnastics ribbon. And his jaw was visibly swollen thanks to an enraged tomboy's punt. And thanks to his fiance's many admirers, a bruised nose, sprained wrist, and sore back finished the ensemble. To top it all off, there was no one left who was willing to give him food. And he was hungry.


Ranma instinctively shot upwards to cling to the ceiling in fright.

"Darling! You're so frisky-t'cha!"

"Gah!" Ranma let go of the alien he had unintentionally glomped as she hovered near the ceiling. He fell to the dojo floor with a thump. Giggling with amusement, Lum drifted down to sit next to the stunned Ranma lying on his back.

"Isn't-cha married life wonderful, Darling? Once I've gotten myself registered we can settle down on earth-t'cha! Then we'll be together, just you and me, forever and ever and-"

"Now wait just a minute Lum!" Ranma shot to a sitting position. "I didn't..."

"Hmm?" Lum blinked guilessly, trying to peer at Ranma's suddenly lowered face with big blue eyes.

"I... I mean... I didn't really..."

Lum waited patiently, a smile on her face. "What-cha trying to say... Darling?"

Before anything more could be said an enormous crash emanated from the Tendou house. Half expecting the retribution of Akane, Ranma jumped, guiltily whipping his head from side to side.

"Come on Darling!" Lum called, already flying towards the house. Ranma soon ran after her.

Whatever they were expecting, the scene they found certainly wasn't it. The Tendous and Genma-panda were gathered around the dinner table, wondering eyes trained on the giant peach that had obviously fallen from the sky, crashed through the roof, and landed on the table, snapping it in half.

"What the heck is this?" Ranma asked, glad for the moment that this unusual event had turned Akane's focus on something other than him.

"Hmmm... it looks a little familiar..." Lum muttered.

"Look at that peach, so tender and ripe..." Genma said, drooling.

"Hey, not so fast," Ranma said, planting his foot in the face of his father's as the man lunged for the fruit. "If anyone should have it, it's me. I didn't get no dinner, remember?"

"It's mine boy! I saw it first!"

"But I'm hungry!"

"Alright already!" Akane shouted, annoyed. "I'll settle this." She took took careful aim, her hand stiff and ready.


Her hand wouldn't budge in mid chop. "What gives?"

"Gee Akane, after all that cinder-block pulverisin' you'd think you could slice a simple fruit-"

"Hey, shut-up! You're not in the clear yet Ranma Saotom-waaaahh!"

The peach chose that moment to explode in a burst of blinding white light. Everybody was thrown to the walls. Slowly, the light faded.

"Wow... how scary." Kneeling in the peach's remains was a small, green-haired little boy. He wore tiger-print diapers and sported a small yellow horn on the top of his head.

[Momotaro?] Genma's sign read as he sweatdropped.

"Ten-chan!" Lum held out her arms in happy recognition.

"Lum-chan!" Ten brightened visibly.

"Come here, Ten-chan," Lum said, smiling and clapping encouragingly.

"Hai." Ten nodded and began the process of slowly, laboriously flying towards Lum.

"You're so quick!"

"Hai, hai!"

"You're so fast!"


"You kidding me? You're slow as a snail!" Ranma put his hands on his hips and smirked at the boy peddling his arms and legs through the air.

Instantly, Ten glared at Ranma. His cute act gone, he growled, "Don't try to kid me, just 'cause you think I'm a kid!" He turned his attention back to Lum.

"Is this the loser you're staying on earth for Lum-chan?"


"Yes, this is Darling. Darling meet my cousin, Ten-chan."

Both parties countinued to assess each other.

"Oh, how kawaii!" Akane came foreward and patted Ten on the head, giggling. "I'm Akane Tendou."

"Pleased to meet you Akane-san." Ten said meekly.

"What a polite little man!" Akane gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey!" Ranma crossed his arms over his chest, annoyed at Ten's act.

"Oh my, you've come all the way from Lum's planet, Uru, was it? What a long journey for such a young child." Kasumi placed a hand to her mouth at the thought.

"Yes, it was really long, and scary too." Ten affected a sad and tired face. "Traveling through cold space all alone. And what a dis