Welcome to Mikie's Photo Tribute to Selena
Here you will find all the Photo Tributes to Selena I did with Sierra Print Artist 3.0 with the help of other Selena web sites as well as some pictures from some of her cd's . Please click on the thumbnail (small picture) to get to see the real file (These are instructions for only Windows-based computers, If you have an Apple computer, please consult the operating manual for web file saving instructions). If you would like to download it, click on the file that you want, then right click on the picture. A sub menu will come up. Click on the "Save Picture As" link. A dialog box will come up. Tell the computer where you want to save it in in the "Look in:" box on the dialog box "Example: Look in: C:" . After you have decided where you want the file, the file will show up in the "File:" box. Click on the "Save" button, and it will save it to the drive that you told it to. To view the file at a later time, simply goto your Windows Explorer, and click on the file to view it.
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