August 17,18,19, 2001 • Oakey, MI
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Dead Weight Pulling Garden Tractor Pulling
On August 17-19, the Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association will be presenting its 27th annual show from the clubs showgrounds in Oakley, Michigan. The show, which aims to preserve farming methods and practices of the past, is the largest show of its kind in Michigan with over 1000 exhibits on display and in action. Also, being a "working" show, you won't just see tractors & equipement sitting around. Activities include: Tractor Pulls, Parades, Tractor Slow Races, Threshing, Baling, Plowing, Rock Crushing, Saw Milling, Shingle Milling, Veneer Milling, and Blacksmithing. The show also features Steam Engines, Large Stationary Engines, Small Gas Engines, Tractor Drawn People Movers, Art's and Crafts, Flea Markets, Petting Zoo, Kiddie Pedal Pull, Garden Tractor Pull, and a live country western band playing every night. This years' feature tractor is Oliver / Cockshutt. There will be Oliver / Cockshutt only activities in addition to the regular show.
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