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Save David Bowie!!

We all know David Bowie has a sweet thang goin' on with Brian Molko of the band Placebo. We must fight to keep David Bowie protected from contracting this spitting illness from Brian. We don't want our David to be spitting like a barbarian during his next tour!

Pictured here, Dave was in dangerously close quarters with Brian during their rehearsal for Bowie's appearance at Placebo's New York performance! It is possible that our David has already contracted Brian's spitting illness, but research is currently being done to ensure that this has in fact NOT happened.
To the right is another area of concern for our David. Pictured here is David's lovely wife Iman (left), and Brian's un-named girlfriend of the week (right). Brian's girlfriend would surely have caught the spitting illness from him and here in this photo lies the danger of her passing it on to Iman! If Iman catches it, then David is sure to get it as well. As mentioned in regards to the above photo, extensive clinical research is being done on all four parties - Brian, the un-named girlfriend of the week, Iman, and David Bowie, to ensure that Brian has NOT transferred his nasty illness onto the innocent glamourous people. Iman and Mrs. Brian
Bowie Pictured here are David and Brian backstage. Brian appears to be a bit sweaty and about to give David a hug. For our David's sake, we hope this isn't so. A hug is bad enough, but a sweaty hug is even worse.

Photos on this page from http://www.davidbowie.com

This page will be updated as more information becomes available.

If you have an inquiry, message, a photo of concern in which Molko is possibly transferring this disease to someone, or if you think YOU may have been in dangerous contact wtih Molko, email us at: molko_spits@hotmail.com.

We are doing our best to help save David Bowie and others from catching this incurable disease.