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ICQ ("I seek you") is a user-friendly Internet program that tells you who's online at all times. No longer will you search in vain for friends and associates on the Net. ICQ does the searching for you, alerting you in real time when friends or colleagues sign on. In addition, ICQ continually tells you which of your friends and colleagues are online. With ICQ, you can chat, send messages and files, play games, or just hang out with your fellow Netizens as you surf the Net.
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برنامج حمايه من التجسس والهاكر +يعمل30 يوما

Jammer offers protection against NetBus and Back Orifice--the two most well-known cracker tools on the Internet. It uses low-level network driver access and captures all incoming and outgoing Internet or intranet traffic. This real-time packet analyzer decrypts all network traffic and finds anyone trying to log on to your computer. Jammer detects and removes these intrusions and punishes the hacker by sending a warning email to his or her system administrator. The program can also detect TCP scanning and can scan for most Trojans, the ICQ Personal Web Server security hole, NetBios, Legion, and Ogre. This version includes features to help detect Back Orifice 2000. This 30-day trial will not remove Trojans from your system

اضغط هنا 3.4MB للعمل على الاهداءات والكروت للاصدقاء+يعمل 30 يوما

Send that special someone a personalized greeting card.+30days free

اضغط هنا 943,835 bytes برنامج لضغط الفايلات وفتحها وهو مفيد لتقليل سعة الغايل

A self-extracting Zip file is an executable program file (.EXE file) that includes a Zip file and software to extract or "unzip" the contents of the Zip file. Users can run (execute) a self-extracting Zip file just as they run any other program

اضغط هنا 1.8MB اتصفح الصور بسهوله+والبرامج

Try a full-featured image viewer.

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1 MB

برنامج جات تقدر الكتابه والتكلم بنفس الوقت

FreeTel provides real-time full-duplex voice communication via the Internet. You can talk to friends and relatives around the world

اضغط هنا 10MB رسم أشكال جميله ومتحركه وهو جيد لاصحاب الوب+يعمل 30 يوما

Shareware image editor grows up By Jim Pfleger+ free 30 days

اضغط هنا 10.6MB برنامج حمايه من الفايرس+يعمل 30 يوما

Version 5.0 of Norton AntiVirus has new features that let you quarantine infected files+FREE 30 DAYS

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لمشاهدة أفلام السي دي+والفيديو

Watch your favorite MPEG videos full screen.

الرجوع الى الصفحه الرئيسيه
