aww....are you confused? You poor thing.

If you think you are a mopey gawth, than take this test.

If you know you are, to bad....take it anyway!

If you are perky... Get out! You are contaminating all this darkness in our heads.

Ok....are you ready to begin? For everyone question you answer "yes" to give yourself 5 points. If you answer "no" don't give yourself any.

-- Do you write poetry describing your suicidal thoughts?

-- Do you hate your parents?

-- School sucks, right?

-- Are all your clothes black?

-- Do the colors on this website hurt your eyes?

-- Are you always wearing sun glasses?

-- Do you turn to dust when you are out before dusk?

-- Do you like to cut yourself, "just because"?

-- Do you have lots of knifes?

-- Bauhaus is the best band in the world, yea?

-- Cloves, you gotta have em'?

-- Do you complain about authority?

-- when you slightly move your lips, does your white face paint crack?

-- Are you always frowning?

-- God sucks, right?

-- The Crow is your favorite movie?

-- Do you hate perky gawths?

-- Do people call you a freak?

-- Do you laugh at them?

-- Are you always at a cemetary?

-- Do you wish you were dead?

Ok, so remember...for the questions you said "yes" to give yourself 5 points.

If you got 5 - 105 points....


congragulations...welcome to hell.

Also...go check out the problems only Mopey Gawths have....

maybe you can relate.

About Mopey Gawth Central ..::.. Mopey Gawth Poetry ..::.. Mopey Gawth of the Week

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