In honor of the great Nightsong, I have decided to include this bizarrely titled page.  This odd acronym stands for Editorials, Links, Review, Etc.


Editorials: basically includes my views on all sorts of crappy stuff that happens in this world.  Be it in video games or general high school society, this page, which should probably be named rants, not editorials, will have it.


Links:  Hmm....let's think about that for a second.  May it possibly have, oh, I don't know, links?  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is where you can link to all of the other pages on the net that I deem worthy.  Like you needed me to explain that to you.


Reviews: shall be where the reviews shall go.  Another easy one, right?  There will be a section for my own reviews of the work as others, and when I acutally get around to doing them, it'll give you a good idea of some good stuff to read.


Etc:  Well, since I am somewhat of a random person, I think I needed space for my somewhat random stuff.  Anything that has no other place on the page will go here.  Not like it would actually deem reading, but still, everything needs a place. 




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