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How to Connect an External CD-R or CD-RW Drive

How to Connect an External CD-R or CD-RW Drive 1. Shut down the computer, but leave it plugged into surge suppressor.
2. Skip to step 6 if you do not currently have a parallel-port printer.
3. Turn off the printer.
4. Disconnect the printer from the computer.
5. Plug the printer into the bypass parallel port on back of CD drive. (It's usually labeled with a printer icon.)
6. Connect the supplied cable to the parallel (printer) port on your computer (plug will only go in one way) and CD drive.
7. Tighten the hand screws at the connector.
8. Connect the power cord or adapter to CD drive and plug it into the surge suppressor.
9. Make sure that the CD drive has power by pressing the button to open the CD drawer.
10. Connect the audio cable from the CD drive to a sound input port on your computer.
11. Turn on the printer.
12. Turn on the computer.
13. Install CD driver software according to the manufacturer's instructions.

If you will not be playing music using your CD drive, you do not need to connect the audio cable.
Connect magnetically shielded speakers or headphones to CD drive if you wish.
If you have a SCSI CD-R or CD-RW drive, see the Related eHow "How to Install a SCSI Zip Drive" for the basics on installing; the process is the same.

IRQ conflicts and other compatibility issues are common when connecting peripherals to PCs. Contact the manufacturers of your computer and CD drive if you have problems getting the drive to work.

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