"The Christian Witch Creed"
1. We shall heed the Ten Commandments and The Rede.
2. We shall swear to do good to the best of our abilities.
3. We ARE Right Handed pathed Witches.
4. We shall strive to be uplifting and thereby hold each other in high esteem.
Addressing the issues of:
God/dess- As Christian Witches, we follow the teachings of the Bible in its purest form. But, we are also intelligent and philosophic persons, so, we realize that God has no ultimate gender. We believe that God has aspects of both, so, some, not all, of us, may use the term God/dess (The word God, slash, dess), meant to signify and respect God's feminine and nurturing qualities as well as God's masculine qualities. We do not believe in a separate God and Goddess, we feel that The God, and The Goddess are one. And, as Christian Witches, we feel that Christ IS the son of the God/dess.
The Biblical Witch- In the Bible, you may find a phrase that goes something like this(not all versions of the Bible state the exact words): "Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch To Live". As right handed pathed Witches, we make NO ONE suffer. However, the term "Witch" in the Bible was originally meant to state "Poisoner" in some passages, and "Evil Doer" in others. The revised and true phrase might be more like this: "Thou Shalt Not Suffer An Evil Doer To Live". {The one occasion that, the word "Witch" was most likely meant to be used, was in reference to "The Witch Of Endor"}.
Witches & Satan- Know this. Witches as a rule DO NOT HARM, and DO NOT WORSHIP SATAN. In fact, most non Christian Witches do not even believe in a devil. There is of course, an exception to every rule. We Christian Witches do believe in Satan, but the degree of this belief varies from Witch to Witch, and upon their own interpretations.
Spells & Incantations- There may be questions of how we go about casting spells and incantations without the use of specific deities and spirits. Well, Christian Witches have a variety of ways on how to do this. Some of us cast "Mind" Spells, that is to say, spells we cast that have a bases in the natural power of the mind. Some of us use a more eclectic approach, and substitute the spirits with Angels or the Holy Christian Trinity.
written by
Sep 28, 1998 22:55
the creed stated above is a basic run-down of my beliefs, do I believe I can be a christian and a witch? yes in the same way I believe I can be a christian and a transsexual, to me it should not matter the title I use, or the method I use to worship, God cares more about my love for Him and my love for others. As Jesus said "The two greatest commandments is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and soul and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself, all other commandments are built upon these"
I picture the trinity as a family, the Lord, God the father named Jehovah, the Lady Goddess the mother named Holy Spiit, and the Young Lord God the son, named Jesus the Christ. all are distinct yet all are also one
Witches revere (not worship, but revere) the four elements, (Earth, Fire, Air, Water) and the four directions (North South East West) in the Bible, God can easily be found representing Himself and His Angelic Beasts from the book of Revalations in all four elements and directions, here is the list
Element | Direction | God | Angel | |
Earth | North | called Rock of ages and Cornerstone | Ox headed beast | |
Air | East | led Israel through wilderness as pillar of cloud | Eagle headed beast | |
Fire | South | Led Israel through Wilderness as pillar of Fire, called Consuming Fire | Human headed beast | |
Water | West | called Living Water | Lion Headed Beast |
God/dess has given me many gifts, among these are reading the tarot, healing, empathy, and an attunment with nature, specifically water