Mudkip and Treeco's temple

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On this site I'll include everything about Pokemon and more.

Welcome. I hope you will enjoy my site. I will update it whenever I can. Have fun! (^_^)

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Fold me!Pokemon origami

Ooo!  I found Pikachu!Lets find Pok'emon!!!

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Adoptions From: 1-151
Want to adopt a Pokemon? If you do, just copy the HTML below and paste it on your site. To copy it, all you have to do is to highlight the text below. Now on the top on your internet screen, click on Edit. Now click on copy. Paste the text on your site. Now where you see capital letters, those are the parts you need to edit.
PS: When you are choosing your Pokemon's Number and the number is a 1 or 2 digit number, the thing to do, is to put a "0" before your Pokemon Number.