this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don't warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them  with the eyes closed   !

number one becomes number two ,  a jug of piss becomes a pile of poo  !  : o ()

number one becomes number two, a jug of piss becomes a pile of poo  !  : o ()

number one becomes number two, a jug of piss becomes a pile of poo ! :o()

#1 becomes #2, a jug of piss becomes a pile of poo ! :o()

#1 becomes number 2, a jug of piss becomes a pile of poo ! :o()

#1 becomes number 2, a jug of piss, becomes a pile of poo ! :o()

there's a zen style of meditation called  “ shikanatza ”  which allows thoughts to be looked at and their content questioned or developed or patterns perceived !

meditation/contemplation does not solve depression or anxiety at all, but gives some robustness to them !

forms of meditation involving counting the breath or kundalini or visualization are actually not really meditation at all, but the usual human  “sanditon”  avoidance !

oatsgerm  writes  an  interpretation  of  “ not two, not one ”



#1  becomes  #2  when what you write is a jug of piss and becomes a pile of poo  !  : o )

#2  becomes  #1  when what you write is a pile of poo and becomes a jug of piss  !  : o )

oatsgerm  writes  an  interpretation  of  “ not two, not one ”



#1 becomes #2 when what you write is a jug of piss and becomes a pile of poo ! :o)

#2 becomes #1 when what you write is a pile of poo and becomes a jug of piss ! :o)

oatsgerm  writes  an  interpretation  of  “ not two, not one ”



#1  becomes  #2  when what you write is a jug of piss and becomes a pile of poo ! :o)

#2  becomes  #1  when what you write is a pile of poo and becomes a jug of piss ! :o)

recent research shows that a lack of   sleep  physically damages the brain, so if you have that problem it's not a minor issue !

I don't think you should fall asleep while meditating/in a contemplative mode but there's no reason not to wind down, in my case I turn off the lights about two hours before bed and use a red led headlamp for light, the circadian rhythm sees this as dark................

jennifer lawrence   autistic  ?

she displays some very autistic coping strategies, sorta being herself warts and all humorously which allows for rectifying feedback......

there's quite a strong male streak blurred in there..........


jennifer lawrence   autistic   ?

she displays some very autistic coping strategies, sorta being herself warts and all humorously which allows for rectifying feedback......

there's quite a strong male streak blurred in there..........

i have looked at tenshin roshi  but he's not enlightened and just the  “married with kids”  sunburban zen........................

there's a sort of a level that have some sense but you need to be way more coherent to get to enlightenment ! :o)

it's not a minor issue with zen, the very poor quality of teachers around, why it's been killed by neo-advaita non duality !

by way of comparison, karl renz who is well known in non duality is almost enlightened, a much better quality teacher ! : o)

emotionshateme  writes  about what he calls  “ derealization ”

so lately I have been experiencing a lot more derealization and depersonalization

I've experienced it in the past before but it was more of a fleeting experience

then it started to be attached to panic attacks  ‑  either as a prelude or a main symptom

I've been withdrawing from xanax  (being safe and following the doctor)  and have been experiencing it all with a lot more frequency

the past few weeks it's just been always sort of there in the background

and it's been so hard to describe and explain... the best I can do is relate it to
when an image is out of focus and blurry

that's how life feels right now

I feel like I'm watching the world through my eyes but at the same time
having an out of body experience

distances  “feel”  wrong, I'm stuck in my head, etc.,etc.

last night I had sort of a revelation

or maybe just a new way to explain it

I was watching this documentary on netflix about near death experiences and what people describe... and so many people describe feelings of floating out of their body, watching from above, tunnel vision, etc, etc.

and I got to thinking... what if near death experiences are real?

what if it's possible that the soul or spirit or inner energy or whatever
is a separate thing from your physical body?

what if that's what derealization is  ‑  what if it's a time when your  “spirit”  isn't fully in focus and attached to your physical body?

what if things really are out of focus just a bit?

it just made me wonder

I realize that sounds like crazy talk or some weird magic but it's interesting to think about

if it were true... how would you go about reattaching the two beings?



the physical body is just a model, if it suited evolution we could all be in some state of  “out of body experience” ,  but I don't think it helps escape the lions so it doesn't suit ! :o)

where you are going wrong is constructing another state called  “ the spirit ”  to host these very different experiences, but it's all the one brain plus some dissociation : o)

good post, not at all loopy ! :o)

essays  in  idleness  !

it's the contemplative tableau that is prior to meditation

that tableau needs to be encouraged and developed and and not smothered by methods, hubris and the creation of  “blank meditative states”  !

I have been trying to think why reddit zen and the people posting on it are such  “ anti-zen ”  cot cases and I think it's deeper even than a lack of contemplative interest and experience, but goes right back to a failure to be interested in where one is going wrong and the corrections necessary which is a very schizophrenic trait !

the hard to understand thing about meditation is it is essentially  “ instructionless ” ,  following the breath is actually an instruction !

with meditation you become familiar with your habitual thought patterns.............

this starts to change you, it's really a mystical contemplative path and not for everyone............

mostly it goes wrong because people still clutter their lives and won't move away from that

like giving up computer games in the case of many on reddit !

with meditation you become familiar with your habitual thought patterns.............

this starts to change you, it's really a mystical contemplative path and not for everyone............

mostly it goes wrong because people still clutter their lives and won't move away from that

like giving up computer games in the case of many on reddit !

with meditation you become familiar with your habitual thought patterns.............

this starts to change you, it's really a mystical contemplative path and not for everyone............

mostly it goes wrong because people still clutter their lives and won't move away from that

like giving up computer games in  your  case...........

with meditation you become familiar with your habitual thought patterns.............

this starts to change you, it's really a mystical contemplative path and not for everyone............

mostly it goes wrong because people still clutter their lives and won't move away from that

when the sky   ceases ,  then you will be enlightened  ! : o ) (

when the sky   ceases ,  then you will be enlightened !:o)(

when the sky ceases, then you will be enlightened !:o)(

sanditonites never rebel against their condition ! : o( )

sanditonites never rebel against their condition ! : o( )

sanditonites never rebel against their condition ! :o(

sanditonites never rebel against their condition !

breaking the cycle of the re-creation of redditon/sanditon

this is like a theme of jane austen, how we continually recreate reality, but it's very apparent that redditon/sanditon is some sort of self perpetuating recreating cycles..................

I think meditation/contemplation is really a reordering and decompression so that things move forward differently from what they might otherwise have done

rather than continue to move on the wrong tracks, the cycle is broken a bit and the movement different ! .........!

breaking the cycle of the re-creation of redditon/sanditon

this is like a theme of jane austen, how we continually recreate reality, but it's very apparent that redditon/sanditon is some sort of self perpetuating recreating cycles..................

so I thought I would just  repost  some advice I gave/experience I related on /r/meditation

I think it is just really a reordering and decompression so that things move forward differently from what they might otherwise have done

rather than continue to move on the wrong tracks, the cycle is broken a bit and the movement different ! .........!

i think after a long nap or actually on waking up in the morning is the wrong time to do sitting meditation, tho i will often lie in bed sorta cogitating for an hour after waking up ! :o)

the reason is that naps and sleep are both periods of relatively restricted circulation and to do sitting meditation after these is to compound the problem!

i'm not saying  you  have any circulation/spinal problems, but family history is pretty informative !

full or half lotus is too like what can cause DVT imo and to be avoided, even indian is no good in this respect !

i just slouch in a chair with a red led  headlamp in the dark  for an hour or two before bed !

imo it's important that meditation be instructionless, sometimes i work on problems, often it's just shikantaza-ery or for a minute or two i may notice the breath but i don't feel that following the breath for any length of time is helpful !

reddit meditation has always amazed me with the difficulty and unusual experiences a lot of people seem to have, i do have a good circulation, but really it has always been quite comfortable, not traumatic and almost entirely without surprises ! :o)

  sanditon   don't call the  mumonkan  a juice bar ! :o)

  sanditon  don't call the  mumonkan  a juice bar ! :o)

the gateless  gate ,  case 9

a monk  asked  kõyõ seijõ,

ewk posted in reddit zen for ten kalpas and could not attain buddhahood

he did not become a buddha

how could this be?

seijõ  replied

your question is quite self-explanatory

The monk  asked

he posted  not Zen  so many times; why could he not attain buddhahood?

seijõ  replied

because he did not become a buddha



because there is enlightenment but no Buddhahood ! :o)

sanditon ,  the real   sanditon 

plot  summary  ! :o)

reddit zen  =  sanditon 

oatgerm  asks

is this a housing show?

this seems like a housing show



it's not a housing show, it's a satire based on a very famous book  “ sanditon ”  by jane austen

much more zen btw than the crap usually posted here, but in fact the people on reddit zen are like the people in sanditon and it's pretty much how life is generally !


stupidly self promoting like so much of life I am afraid ! :o(

reddit zen  =  sanditon 

reddit zen  =  sanditon

reddit zen  =  sanditon

persuasion is  a  dark  work ,  jane austen’s own disappointment in life, she died eleven months after completing it ! :o(

“ [..]  I don't get stressed, worried, unhappy, angry, I don't hate people, I don't take anything personally, I don't get afraid, etc... [..] ”

it's called eating the lotus....................

jane austen died very young, 41, most likely from  arsenic  in a rheumatoid medication

she needed the sun, but boy did her class tog up in those times

the hypereal clarity of emma and pride and  prejudice





from ?

: o(

I have seen zen make so much  wreckage  over the years, you are another !

lose everything and become half schizotic to boot and you are more ignorant now than when you went in ! :o(

I have seen zen make so much  wreckage  over the years, you are another !

lose everything and become half schizotic to boot and you are more ignorant now than when you went in ! :o(

ewk  writes 

technically mazu was patriarch number 7

there is was even a prophecy and stuff



mazu was a generation later, I am the only person  (possibly one other !)  to have direct mind to mind transmission with the sixth patriarch !

mazu was only four when the sixth patriarch died!

ewk, when you know what it is, you write what people study ! :o()(

zen is a label, it's the mind to mind transmission that matters, like john of the cross's vision of christ on the cross ! :o)(

ewk you need to study solitude, not books ! : o )

god, I've told you something useful, but you will ignore it ! : o(

maybe that was dogen's weakness, he never spent enough time in solitary retreat ! ?

ewk you need to study solitude, not books ! : o )

god, I've told you something useful, but you will ignore it ! : o(

maybe that was dogen's weakness, he never spent enough time in solitary retreat ! ?

ewk you need to study solitude, not books ! : o )

god, I've told you something useful, but you will ignore it ! : o(

ewk you need to study solitude, not books ! : o )

what is behind everything?

a heath robinson machine

what is behind everything?

a heath robinson machine !

what is behind everything?

a heath robinson

machine !

what is behind everything?




machine !

what is behind everything?

a heath robinson machine !


what is behind everything?

a heath robinson

machine !


what is behind everything?




machine !


“ have you had confirmed enlightenment? or do you know anyone who has?

I know you guys on reddit zen like to read books and argue about history, but isn't the point of zen, and all of buddhism, to shed the ego, and awaken to your true self?

has anyone here actually done that? ”



that's actually bullshit, it's the mind to mind   transmission   that defines zen !

songhill  replies quoting me about him  !

“ you are another endless spiller of bullshit thinking it means something ! ”

the little speck of crap has spoken!



lol, it's a hat  (ed. my quote !)  you find comfortable because you picked it up and put it on ! :o)

if one spins endless bullshit or  “ confetti for crazies ”  like you do, the truth is it doesn't bother you or you actually like it otherwise you wouldn't do it ! :o)

songhill  replies quoting me about him  !

“ you are another endless spiller of bullshit thinking it means something ! ”

the little speck of crap has spoken!



lol, it's a hat  (ed. my quote !)  you find comfortable because you picked it up and put it on ! :o)

if one spins endless bullshit or  “ confetti for crazies ”  like you do, the truth is it doesn't bother you or you actually like it otherwise you wouldn't do it ! :o)

the ultrashort sutra

I guess I was sorta prodded by the endless crap lankavatarasutra aka zeroday posted, it's this endless total crap that's nothing to do with anything except confetti for the crazies

so the ultrashort sutra

zen asks a very simple question, is what we call life a reflection of something deeper and the answer is yes it is ! 

the ultrashort sutra

I guess I was sorta prodded by the endless crap lankavatarasutra aka zeroday posted, it's this endless total crap that's nothing to do with anything except confetti for the crazies

so the ultrashort sutra

zen asks a very simple question, is what we call life a reflection of something deeper and the answer is yes it is !

zen asks a very simple question, is what we call life a reflection of something deeper and the answer is yes it is !

it must be as you say or you wouldn't be telling me  !  :o)

it must be as you say or you wouldn't be telling me ! :o)

it must be as you say or you wouldn't be telling me  !

it must be as you say or you wouldn't be telling me !

it must be as you say or you wouldn't be telling me

gentlemen, gentle women, gentlewomen, gentlemen, who is ruled, who  rules ?

gentlemen, gentle women, gentlewomen, gentlemen, who is ruled, who rules?

we are just breeding machines and we have the psychology of breeding machines and that is about it !





we are just breeding machines and we have the psychology of breeding machines and that is about it !

: o ( )

we are just breeding machines  and we have the psychology of breeding machines  and that is about it !

we are just breeding machines and we have the psychology of breeding machines and that is about it !


disagreements handled constructively grow people,  agreement never does ! :o()

disagreements handled constructively grow people, agreement never does ! :o()

it took along me a long time to appreciate charles bukowski and now I thumb through  “ the people look like   flowers  at last ”  like the /a bible !

yeah, it took along me a long time to appreciate charles bukowski and now I thumb through  “ the people look like   flowers  at last ”  like the /a bible !

disagreements handled constructively grow people, agreement never does ! :o()

another grey day here and my jackaroo fuel supply system is still in bits ! :o)

the days roll on, the curtains are closing in and we will soon be dead...............................

an interesting  page  on steve jobs !

he was autistic with severe biofilm/microbiome problems
and died at about the usual age for such ! :o(

this is what he   should  have been doing  !

his being pescetarian likely contributed to his pancreatic cancer problems as high levels of arsenic in the diet  are a known inductor ! :o)(

chapter  two ,  “ tigers and pussycats ”  is interesting  !

those   “ three month intensive summer and winter retreats at korean son monasteries in seoul and gwangju ”  were sufficiently crazy and severe to induce PTSD imo !

see people in zen are so rigid and emotionally insulated from themselves that zen is just a maladaptive exercise in flipping through the various states of PSTD to the strong detriment and actually oppositional to what it is really about !

imo ewk has PTSD and ECZL is in fact part of this very very typical zen thing which is to insulate what zen is about from their emotional lives so zen becomes something unattainable locked away in the voynich of dull and stupid books !

zenmastermike  replies

the author even mentioned having a cough lasting for 5 years from those retreats, and many people dying or running away before the retreats were done

they would store the dead bodies under the table in the middle of the meditation hall during the winter, since it was so cold inside the bodies wouldn't decompose

I have no doubt it could cause PTSD if it can cause death.

“ I have been consuming a lot of vinegar. Is this ok?

I came across vinegar drinks and I have gone crazy

I am drinking approximately 16oz of apple cider  vinegar  a week for about three weeks now

is this unhealthy for me in any way?  ”



Vinegar does inhibit a carbohydrate enzyme so you do lose weight.

I got addicted to verjuice once, I feel any over strong need for a drink or food means an underlying problem, anyway I gave the verjuice up completely and am better for it ! :o)

zen ,  or the worthwhile bits are a subset of the   contemplative tableau

there, I just crossed from one side of the universe to the/another and you didn't even blink ! :o)

well, I guess you have to open  your  eyes to blink ! :o)

zen ,  or the worthwhile bits are a subset of the   contemplative tableau

there, I just crossed from one side of the universe to the/another and you didn't even blink ! :o)

well, I guess you have to open your eyes to blink ! :o)

zen ,  or the worthwhile bits are a subset of the   contemplative tableau

there, I just crossed from one side of the universe to the/another and you didn't even blink ! :o)

without the contemplative tableau there is no contact with buddha, infinity so to speak

with the contact you understand how things are and don't need the words of others tho to be fair they can be a big help, but zen is mostly quite distorted and worse than no help.............

I don't doubt you see because I know and somewhat live the detail, you doubt so you try to create ECZL  (ewk's correct zen lineage)  as a substitute for your doubt which is a lack of contemplative contact...........

without the contemplative tableau there is no contact with buddha, infinity so to speak

with the contact you understand how things are and don't need the words of others tho to be fair they can be a big help, but zen is mostly quite distorted and worse than no help.............

I don't doubt you see because I know and somewhat live the detail, you doubt so you try to create ECZL  (ewk's correct zen lineage)  as a substitute for your doubt which is a lack of contemplative contact...........

a good online farnsworth munsell 100 hue  test

i scored 12 first time and have problems with discrimination in the blue green area

that's on a samsung  s27b370  monitor which has very good colour rendering tho not an IPS !

that's an ok score, and i might try it again and see if i can do better, it is of interest because poor scores can  relate  to high blood pressure tho mine is quite low, sorta  90/60 !

2nd time around the score is 8, interesting still problems in the brown-green, green-blue area, could be an IPS monitor would be better ! :o)

bit like a rubik cube really !

Thanx  :)  Xx

female for  “ we're separated but you are still of some use to me ! ”  :o)(

Thanx  :)  Xx

female for  “ we're separated but you are still of some use to me ! ”

ewk, while you ignore the contemplative side of mysticism you can only crash in a bad way and it has already happened ! :o(

trapped here on reddit zen and a decoy to fools ! :o(

ewk, while you ignore the contemplative side of mysticism you can only crash in a bad way and it has already happened ! :o(

trapped here on reddit zen and a decoy to fools ! :o(

“ life is beautiful, all of us on this planet is  beautiful  ”

the next step is to take off the rose tinted glasses ! :o)

some  superflake  (not the OP)  called neverwasnorwillbe  replied

booo. sadness is a illusion. just as happiness is an illusion. let him choose what he'd rather perceive.



then why did you reply ! ?

what you just wrote is called  voynich

truth is not an illusion ! :o)

the choice is red pill versus blue pill I am afraid

“ life is beautiful, all of us on this planet is  beautiful  ”

the next step is to take off the rose tinted glasses ! :o)

it's sorta hard, you have got reality on the one hand and the perfect world on the other





  meet  !





it's sorta hard, you have got reality on the one hand and the perfect world on the other





  meet  !

it's sorta hard, you have got reality on the one hand and the perfect world on the other





meet !

 Henri Fantin-Latour (1836-1904);   By the Table  1872;   Oil on canvas; 2.2 megabytes

paul-marie  verlaine  and arthur  rimbaud  on the left !


eluveitie are not too bright basically,  roma ryan the lyricist for enya is of a completely different caliber !

eluveitie are not too bright basically, roma ryan the lyricist for enya is of a completely different caliber !

maya nyx  asks/tells/says

just as  (ed.  eluveitei !)  you find blood axis' lyrics meaningless?



look the herd is dumb, anything that sells is dumb and blood axis need to sell !

just voynich for the unthinking stupids !

look the herd is dumb, anything that sells is dumb and blood axis need to sell !

just voynich for the unthinking stupids !

Buddha's earlier incarnations are interesting, initially as a tree shrine god, then as a merchant bank figurehead, then in a brief blaze of glory, that of a unifying factor in ashoka's empire ! :o)(

zero contemplative/reflective work  =  reverse progress ! 

zero contemplative/reflective work  =  reverse progress !

zero contemplative work  =  reverse progress !

charles bukowski is an  antidote  to jane austen ! :o)

charles  bukowski  is an antidote to jane austen ! :o)

there's more sense in    emma    than the blue cliff record

childlessness,  children,  the circuses around both !

there's more sense in    emma    than the blue cliff record

childlessness, children, the circuses around both !

there's more sense in    emma    than the blue cliff record

childlessness, children, the circuses around both !

there's more sense in    emma    than the blue cliff record

childlessness, children, the circus around both !

ok, since in your view magnetic fields do not interact with biological tissue then it's ok for a pregnant woman to use a cell phone without restriction ?

“ but still: lack of sleep  fractures  like brittle bones, and I couldn’t tell you why ”

recent research shows that it causes physical brain damage so maybe that's why, I can certainly relate to that fractured feeling !

one of the best things I have found is folapro which is a metabolically advanced form of folic acid, what L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate does  is wind the homocysteine back !

one trick I do is always turn the lights out at a set time in the evening and just work or sit in a chair doing what might be called contemplation or meditation with a red head lamp, the brain takes red to be dark from a circadian rhythm point of view and really this time usually lasts about two and a half hours, surprisingly long !

melatonin is best only taken once or twice a week in very small quantities because it habituates

vitamin d can be helpful

anyway all written up  in

ed.  she deleted the post, another zen narcissist who can't/won't help themselves ! :o)

kaneckt  asks  about non-directive meditation

anyone familiar with this?

it's when you let your mind wander. let thoughts etc. just freely pass.

it's not concentrative meditation.

the acem meditators subscribe to it; they use an  ‘effortless mantra’  as a means to allow the meditator to let thoughts etc. freely pass.

so. I have a question. wouldn't having a mantra be concentrative? why not skip the mantra and just let your mind wander?



you have to take non direction further in the sense of not having any intention, it's really ok during this period of silence and non action to consider anything or simply let things be or arise and fall or whatever !

it's like floating downstream, you let the energy of the stream direct you, not entirely, but to get that movement amplification which also means you have to let go where you entered and just arrive where you arrive ! :o)

so hard to let go ourselves and arrive somewhere new shining and fresh ! :o)

“ I had a  dream  once where I adopted this beautiful 4-5 year old blonde girl. In my dream I spent a day with her out on the town. We went to lunch, went shopping..

It was an amazing day. When I woke up I felt awful.. It was strange but.. I missed her. So much.

I've always wanted to adopt and the girl in the dream is what I had always imagined.

I have no interest in having my own child, but a part of me so badly wants to adopt..

I had the dream shortly after I actually started researching about adoption.

I got really depressed for the week after that dream. I missed that girl like I lost a daughter. I wanted so badly to have that dream again, but it never happened... ”

my  comment

Beautiful ! :o)

life  :   skyfall  versus  the  mirror

pistaf  quotes  from the commentary of case 9 in the blue cliff record and follows up with a comment

some people say,  “ fundamentally there isn't the slightest bit of anything, but when we have tea we drink tea, when we have rice we eat rice ”

this is big vain talk; I call this claiming attainment without having attained, claiming realization without having realized

basically since they haven't bored in and penetrated through, when they hear people speaking of mind or nature, of the mysterious or the abstruse, they say,  “ this is just mad talk; fundamentally there isn't anything to be concerned with ”

this could be called one blind man leading many blind men

they are far from knowing that before the Patriarch came, people scarcely called the sky earth, or called mountains rivers; why did the patriarch still come from the west ?

everyplace where they  “ go up into the hall ”  and  “ enter the room ”  what do they speak of ?

it is all judgements of intellectual consciousness; when the feeling of judgements of intellectual consciousness are ended, only then can you see through

and when you see through, then as of old sky is sky, earth is earth, mountains are mountains, rivers are rivers

an ancient said,  “ mind is the sense faculty, things are the objects; both elements are like flaws on a mirror ” 

when you get to this realm you will naturally be clean and naked, bare and untrammeled

even the ultimate principle of theory is not yet the place of peace and security

people often misunderstand this point; they stay within the realm of unconcern and neither pay homage to the buddhas nor burn incense

they do indeed seem to be right, but in spite of that they're totally wrong

when questioned, their replies do resemble the ultimate principle, but as soon as they are pressed, they're shattered, confused; they sit there with an empty belly and a proud heart, but when they get to their last day they'll wring their hands and beat their breasts, but it'll already be too late

pistaf's  comment

a lot gets said about mumon's warnings, but here is another set of warnings that I found very interesting

how is one to recognize the sort of person that  “ seems to be right, but in spite of that they're totally wrong ”  ?

how do you recognize if you are that person ?



pretenders claim there is nothing to do, they sit on their arses eating the lotus at the end of time...............

hubric and stupid they think they know it all

infinity is as far from their being as sense consideration or decency ! : o(


one of the big problems of texts like the mumonkan or the blue cliff record is that the medieval cultures with their very different life experience, times and way of thinking and net of word associations means that they are not really translatable.............

so with a case like this i have done a retranslation that might appear to be too different, but imo captures the actual intended meaning !

it's been a matter of recent amazement to me to see that in fact some of these old zen stories are not necessarily opaque with a meaning unattainable or lost forever, but they are really quite modern and accessible, but you have to jump to the full meaning and its modern expression.............

what i am really saying is people are chasing a chimera with zen, they are stuck in some idea of sensible and coherent meaning not being possible compared the manner in which we might expect sense or eventual sense from emily dickinson or charles bukowksi . . .

they are fooled by the intrinsically untranslatable nature of these old texts into thinking that this bleary obscurity is in fact the meaning behind them ! :o)!

so the fools they are, they just moon around forever on various interpretations entirely missing the point to eventually get so habituated in the sea of voynich they insist on being uselessly insane !

  “ [..]  this is why sometimes, repeating a koan in your head over and over is correct meditation form

[..]  there is literally merit/benefit/progress to repeating a koan in your head over and over ”

to the uselessly schizophrenic yes ! :o() 

zen is not about merit, it is about discovery ! :o) 

the trouble with koans is most do not mean anything in the first place so what will repeating meaningless rubbish do ?

might as well repeat an advertising jingle !

and that is probably what you are doing anyway ! :o)(

“ is repeating a koan in your head over and over correct koan meditation form ? ”

forget koans, they are for the mentally retarded ,   inquiry   is what you should be doing ! :o)

fluid and flexible, it's what synchs with life and makes progress ! :o)

see your question was a better koan than the koan, you asked about it and presumably are open to looking at the answers ! :o)

that is  “ inquiry ”  !  : o)

religion is hacks just repetitiously spewing their stuff, personal enlightenment is the ability to be creative which stems from an identity with what it is all about !

ewk   writes

that's not what zen masters  teach



look up  “ solipsist ”

“ that's not what zen masters teach ”

well actually they don't rely on cut and pastes and have their own fresh words !

religion is hacks just repetitiously spewing their stuff, personal enlightenment is the ability to be creative which stems from an identity with what it is all about !

like I have just written ! :o)

now that's what zen masters teach ! :o)

ewk  replies  with one of his usual cut and pastes

 why not study zen instead of making claims about what other people have said?



lol, i'm the zen master, what I teach is simply what a zen master teachs ! 

proxies like you simply wipe their arses in the dust for ever ! :o)

the way of zen or any line of  “ spiritual inquiry ”  is basically solipsist, the priority is wether you mislead yourself or not, not your effect on others  !  : o )(

the way zen is, basically solipsist, the priority is wether you mislead yourself or not, not your effect on others ! :o)(

the way zen is, basically solipsist, the priority is wether you mislead yourself or not, not your effect on others ! :o)(

my   reply   to ewk

if you are personally enlightened then it's not a statement of faith is it !

it's a statement of personal experience which is the opposite of faith !

you are the one with your ECZL  (ed.  Ewk's correct zen lineage)  that is promoting faith and requiring that people genuflect to it as some mysterious unknowable scripture !

if huangbo wasn't personally enlightened in your view, why would you be holding him up as a scriptural example of what zen is about ?

so you are doing what you criticize..................

promoting faith, belief, scripture and have completely lost sight of what zen has always been about which is personal enlightenment which most often comes through as the enlightened masters berating stupid monks for their presumption !

when huangbo was asked  “ where had he been ”  he replied  “ in the majestic mountains ! ”  what did he mean by that ?


so my   correction   of huangbo was what upset you ?

the original quote was not enlightened and so I made it enlightened, of course from a view of the preservation of the  “holy ECZL”  this cannot be permitted so you stepped in ! :o)

what we regard as huangbo actually has a lot of parallels with the scriptural process because it's not necessarily authentically what he said at all but the result of editing by a team of monks !

yeah enlightenment does enable me to write what was really meant without having to read the original chinese !

it's cause I have been there and know what belongs to that space which is what personal enlightenment and zen are all about !

you don't get this of course ! :o(


ewk writes :  “ the first hint that people aren't enlightened ?

they claim they are enlightened ”

not at all, the implicit claim is there in most of the zen stories, it is something very definite and one knows it and as for the endless pretenders like yourself............

it's such a different way of looking at things and so contrary to the conventional mindset !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the magic powers one is interesting, in reality there is an element of that and it's intrinsic to the enlightenment claim, tho in practical terms i'm not sure what it gives, not money or the ability to levitate objects that's for sure ! :o)

i'm all for reading   books ,   just not the usual junk like alan watts or the suzukis ! :o)

as I have already explained it is all about personal experience and religion is an anathema

now you  (ed.  ewk)  have asked a really good question

“ if you are enlightened, why do you need the family name? ”

it's simply that my enlightenment experience was mind to mind transmission with the 6th patriarch, what can I say, lucked up as the most senior person in zen ! :o)

so the answer to your question as senior   patriarch    I am the family name ! :o)

you can run as far as you like but you can't get away from that ! : o)


yeah authentic visions like Catherine of siena  (tho more upmarket ! :o)  I relate to !

it was a real event, you can wiggle but you can't get around it !

toeong  seongcheol  was a celibate monk who devoted his life to the issues of understanding what life is a reflection of, really whatever he says has to be seen/understood in that context

he was married against his will at  20  and abandoned his wife  6  months pregnant, he was very reluctant to meet his teenage daughter for the first time or even permit his mother to visit him .................

kusan, another great korean master, had a serious disease when he was  26  and at  29  renounced his marriage to become celibate monk, i don't think he had any children tho !

that's why  “ having no descendants ”  is so often mentioned in zen, celibates do not have any children and in those very family and  “ancestral”  oriented societies, this was a huge failure and reason to be looked down upon !

there's not a conjunction of a happy fertile suburban life and true understanding.........

so the question asked  (how to get complete concentration on a question while having to do other daily tasks)  needs the application of context ,  if the context is suburban then it needs a different approach

I would say a/the theme of reddit zen is the attempt to pretend that what requires celibacy and the focus of abstention is just as applicable to pot addled game playing twits in some tangle or untangle of relationship.....................

i don't know what it is about migraine

but it leaves you exhausted  ! :o(


i don't know what it is about migraine

but it leaves you exhausted !


i don't know what it is about migraine

but it leaves you exhausted


i don't know what goes on in a migraine

but it leaves you exhausted . . . . .

i don't know what goes on in a migraine

but it leaves you exhausted ! : o(

i don't know what goes on in a migraine

but it leaves you exhausted !

ewk, you cannot escape that zen is about personal enlightenment  !

lacking this and any idea of the contemplative work necessary you continually build some notion of what i will call  “Ewk's correct zen lineage”  ECZL,  not that i am saying there is no such thing, but that not being enlightened yourself and being unable to recognise the true signs you make mistakes and face continuity problems when there is no such need for temporal or semantic continuity as the seventh    patriarch    and  charles   bukowski    are the best illustrations of .

you promote the scriptual ECZL as some half pie travesty of real contemplative work but where is it taking you personally ?

tea and movies are containers, not the enlightened life !

these   questions   will live forever awaiting your answer saying  “ start the real work and step up to me ! ”

a life trifecta for aging men !

this may seem a bit charles bukowski-ish, but in fact is advice from reddit !

1.   you may be surprised when a very significant person in your life wants to leave you .

let them

2.    when a man has that combination that a woman is looking for, she will be very persistent in her pursuit of him !

3.    sex for older men is an unpaid chore !

4.    to the above i would add that a relationship breakup is a movement from emotional intimacy to business practicality, so just keep things smooth, mutually helpful and non aggravative !

be friends to the extent possible and not enemies, the curtains are closing in, leave teenage intensity for teenagers !

5.    i guess that is a bit charles bukowski ! :o)

6.    health is independence !

being in the moment is a load of hogwash

and as regards tolle

why anyone/you would give someone so lauded by oprah

the time of day is beyond me !

being in the moment is a load of hogwash  and as regards tolle

why anyone/you would give someone so lauded by oprah the time of day is beyond me !

being in the moment is a load of hogwash and as regards tolle, why anyone would give someone so lauded by oprah the time of day is beyond me !

“ this is going to sound insane... but I want to start a real life fight club, I wanna know how ?

how would I go about doing it ?

would people actually attend ? ”



it's insane to want brain damage without being in car accident  !  : o (

let's not talk about the consequences of jaw and tooth damage !

fight clubs in the form you imagine don't exist, or not for long and the martial arts and boxing are an attempt to address the issues, tho boxing still has concussion problems and martial arts are generally are too hard on the joints !

wrestlers are prone to getting the hsv-1 form of herpes (herpes gladiatorum !)

interestingly the male human face is evolutionarily   designed  to be robust to punches to it and I guess being swiped by animal legs...............

today's world is not favourable to anything involving body contact or medical expenses..............!

 hominin skull sequence showing adaption to robustly receiving face blows

slaves and masters

it's like women and men, the man is always in the wrong

the slave is always in the wrong and the master always  in  the  right  !

:  o  ( )

slaves and masters

it's like women and men, the man is always in the wrong

the slave is always in the wrong and the master always  in  the  right  !


slaves and masters

it's like women and men, the man is always in the wrong

the slave is always in the wrong and the master always right !


slaves and masters

it's like women and men, the man is always in the wrong

the slave is always in the wrong and the master always in the right !


slaves and masters

it's like women and men, the man is always in the wrong

the slave is always in the wrong and the master always right !


slaves and masters

it's like women and men, the man is always in the wrong

the slave is always in the wrong

slaves and masters

it's like women and men, the man is always in the wrong

the slave is always wrong

charles bukowski's saddest  poem

he really should have stopped   !   :  o  ( )

charles bukowski's saddest  poem ,  he really should have stopped  !  : o ()

charles bukowski's saddest  poem ,  he really should have stopped  !  : o ()

charles bukowski's saddest  poem ,  he really should have stopped ! :o()

a huangbo  quote

“ the relinquishment of ALL delusions leaves no dharma on which to lay hold ”

let me rephrase that

infinity is the relinquishment of all delusions  !  : o )(

ewk  replies

why would you rephrase huangbo?

if you don't have your own phrase, your rephrase is just a prayer



I have no objection to prayers and is that my own phrase or huangbo's ?

or infinity's correction of that dogen like halfwit huangbo?

if huangbo had his own phrase, was that a prayer, or a rephrase or just plain wrong?


when you get enlightened ewk you will be able to reply to me, not before, go ahead keep making a fool of yourself ! :o)

a huangbo  quote

“ the relinquishment of ALL delusions leaves no dharma on which to lay hold ”

let me rephrase that

infinity is the relinquishment of all delusions  !  : o )(

a huangbo  quote

“ the relinquishment of ALL delusions leaves no dharma on which to lay hold ”

let me rephrase that

infinity is the relinquishment of all delusions ! :o)(

a huangbo  quote

“ the relinquishment of ALL delusions leaves no dharma on which to lay hold ”

let me rephrase that

infinity is the relinquishment of all delusions ! :o)(

niwt  writes

toni    packer   isn't zen

she's not part of Bodhidharma's family



she was in fact Philip kapleau's chosen dharma heir, but didn't agree with all the ceremonial stuff so went with some others to found a new group at springwater down by lake hemlock in the finger lake region

bodidharma was celibate and didn't have a family !

toni packer was actually  ultra soto  very meditation/shikantaza oriented without hardly any  “ scripture ”  of any sort !

charles bukowski's views on  women

I call 'em complaining machines

things are never right with a guy to them

and man, when you throw that hysteria in there . . . forget it

I gotta get out, get in the car, and go


get a cup of coffee somewhere


anything but another woman

I guess they're just built different, right?   ( he's on a roll now )

the hysteria starts . . . they're gone

you go to leave, they don't understand


(  ed. the above in a high woman's screech  )

“ I'm getting the hell out of here, baby! ”

they think I'm a woman hater, but I'm not

a lot of it is word of mouth

they just hear  “ bukowski's a male-chauvinist pig ” ,  but they don't check the source

sure I make women look bad sometimes, but I make men look bad too

I make myself look bad

if I really think it's bad, I say it's bad  ‑  man, woman, child, dog

the women are so touchy, they think they're being singled out

that's their problem.

charles bukowski was very indebted to catullus and hence indirectly sappho,

surprisingly !















charles bukowski was very indebted to catullus and hence indirectly sappho,

surprisingly !

charles bukowski was very indebted to catullus and hence indirectly sappho

charles bukowski was very indebted to catullus and hence sappho

from charles bukowski's poem  “ Rimbaud be damned ”

[ . . . ]

trying to hide from them the fact that I was a fool

and feeling terrible

and the small hills began to be covered with snow

slowly things became white

slowly things became whiter

and I knew that it all would finally pass

and thank the good grace of the good God,

my years and time were running

out; we drove on and on,

past little villages and both good things and

bad things were happening to the

people in those villages too,

but I still was nothing

but arms and ears and eyes and maybe there’d be

either some good luck for me or

more death tomorrow

the wonders of  corticosteriods ,  8x the  tuberculosis  risk ! :o(

a good  retranslation  of a shobogenzo passage by brad warner

even if the whole universe is nothing but a bunch of jerks doing all kinds of jerk-type things,  there is still liberation in simply not being a jerk

as a cross reference from the nishijima/cross translation

even if unwholesome action fills worlds upon worlds, and swallows up all things, refrain(ing)  from  (wrong action)  is emancipation

interestingly marcel proust was best man at  henry  bergson's  wedding !

“ religion is to mysticism what popularization is to science ”

the great thing about a circle is you can go  around  it forever ! :o)

so what would I say ,  “ misguided and cognitively impaired ? ”

ed.  instead of  nut

“ wanderers in deluded realms ”

“ investigators of neuronal atrophy? ”

walkers of axonial junction asphyxiation ?

I think I quite like the last one ! :o)

ed.  the  “egoless”  moderator couldn't handle it and banned me, what a fake !

lucid dreaming is very neurologically destructive !

i   reply  to wickedpriest

ex?  alcoholic naval?  vets like you are really screwed up ! :o)

wickedpriest  replies

so vets are screwed up, but you're tip-top, right?



tip top is not the word/phrase I would use but I have done the serious work and got results which is why I upset you and you follow me, I presume over to the meditation  board  ..........

a life of drinking and the fake pretend camaraderie of the navy or whatever and adapting to the stupidity of the command chain has left you in outer  space  for contemplative inquiry

a heap of aggressive bluster didn't even work in the navy, but you think it works here, all it does is blind you !


you show all the signs of someone who has worked under command of some sort, incapable of any measured real world dealing without the heavy hand of being directed !

you are super aggressive to no point, concealing because boy's own worlds need that..........

ed.  he says he was not a member of the navy, airforce or army, what the story is of course he is keeping to himself and really reddit zen seems to operate best  as a natural quarantine for people like this.............

since my  deleted  comment on the travesty of the way English literature is taught in usa universities seems to have caused such  upset ,  it would be worth your while to look more  closely  at Jacques derrida!

I find any music defeats the value of any contemplation, intrudes and splits the attention into some-one else's thoughts which is what music really is !

even a computer's thoughts given the way some music is now generated !

there is a stream about a kilometer away I can listen to if I go outside, it really has a different quality to anything of human manufacture ! :o)

why not read some les murray or check out a Charles bukowski video, you need the perspective they give, meditation by itself only gives part of the picture !

“ I went to a sahaja meeting from on saturday
the group advertised itself as a meditation group

I was guided through a thing where I sat with my eyes closed and palms open on my lap and then repeated mentally what the leader told me

right hand over the heart  ‘ mother, am I pure spirit? ’  right hand just under my heart  ‘ mother, am I my own guru? ’  and a few other locations with affirmations

it probably took about 10 minutes altogether

at the end we felt above our head to see if we could feel anything, kundalini I suppose

it was a neat experience and I plan to go back next saturday as the people were kind and I'm searching for something new in my life

I don't think this is really meditation, though

it felt more like a ritual of some sort !

I had come in late after being hopelessly lost

they were kind enough to run through it again for my benefit

afterward the leader asked me if I'd felt anything

I said that I felt almost springy warmth about 3 inches above my head

like when you put two magnets of the same polarity together just close enough that you can feel something between them, but before they start pushing apart

he said he was surprised that I felt anything the first time which made me wonder if I wasn't just imagining it ”



lol you are the sucker they have been looking for, that's a standard technique they use to imply you have some special ability or are gifted !

sri mataji  nirmala  devi knew all the tricks and her followers are trained in the techniques !

it's just crazy imo, but each to his own ! :o)

pulsed  electromagnetic  field therapy  reduces  benign hyperplasic prostates by an average of  57%  in dogs !

meditation is part of the larger context of   contemplative tableau

meditation goes wrong when it's not part of this  “ tableau ”  and you can see this quite often, people doing meditation who just become more wound up on themselves by  over-engraving of the brains default circuit !

I think people develop more out of meditation into contemplation over a while.............. :o)(

having sat with various groups I find it best not to pay any attention to the nonsense they spout and just do shikantaza which is really  “ instructionless ”  or just letting thoughts come and go and this has seen me through and kept me sane while being able to enjoy what ever benefits the group offers ! :o)

the people who control the groups and get to spout the bullshit are the least suited to doing that, such is the nature of power and those that hunger for and gain it ! :o)(

reggie watts makes some  appalachian  music ,  quite restful really ! :o)

göran backlund is a  pretentious  nut !

I live in an area with bacteria in the dust and air from cattle in the paddocks next to me and I occasionally get eye infections, they don't seem to resolve so I use colloidal silver as an eye wash about three or four times over several hours which I have found very effective, i'm not recommending that, just saying eye infections are serious and don't necessarily resolve so if you have one, it may pay go to a doctor !

i'll give you a little koan !

what is waiting at the end of time ?

if you are waiting at the end of time you are not going to be enlightened !

lucid dreaming is a form of brain damage or malfunction, too much waking conciousness in the dreaming state and parts of the brain activated that shouldn't be !

unbelievably some people cultivate it !

new research is showing that sleep problems actually cause physical brain damage ! :o()

meditation has a number  of downsides  that you need to be careful of

1.  interference with sleeping patterns and the sleeping state

2.  joint damage

3.  dvt type circulation problems

4.  lack of lymph movement through being still

5.  enhancement of schizophrenic tendencies through engraving of the brain default circuitry which why I always strongly recommend   quality   reading to balance up this engraving !


it's precisely my decades of meditation experience which give rise to my advice, having been around long enough to know what happens when it goes wrong !

lots of joint damage for a start !

don't do either full or half lotus is a big help with that !

if you know what the problems are you work around it !

mujushinkyo/wicked priest  writes

I could not say  ‘ it is ’  and I could not say  ‘ is not ’



well I can say it is and that's what makes me the 7th patriarch and not a dumb hick like you ! :o)


yes it is a worthless  question  !

sepeher g.  replies 

explain why!

given an example of a question that's not worthless

are all questions worthless?



there is some sort of creative font where this sort of thing is not an issue, you are stuck in an anti creative crucible that is murdering you..................

archaeoculus  writes

for the briefest of timeless moments, I saw all things

well, I've been there and came back, and I can definitively say that it is not intellectualizing and it is not physical hard work that gets you there either

It is just directly seeing



that's a distorted experience and really really bad news for you and explains your stupid rigidity and benighted ignorance.............

I say really bad news because you will shuffle blind though life having taken the wrong turning with no hope of ever getting on the right one !

much better to have never got involved than have done this sort of toxic shit because it can only result from really screwed up preparatory work...........

you are now certain of idiocy ! :o(.......)

you won't listen of course.............. :o(

surprisingly  archaeoculus   replied

So tell me what's exactly the way to enlightenment, I'm listening



jesus was enlightened because he was crucified, that's really what it's about !

it's an acceptance and recognition of this crucifixion !

the problem is that the number of people who have ever understood what this is about is very  small, one in a hundred million or so........

the other problem is that we don't live very long and left to ourselves without contact or   converse   with these people who  “ understood/understand ”  there is no hope because even genuine enlightenment experiences take two or three thousand years to work out !

so the basic mistake people make of which zen and reddit zen is full of in spades is they take fakes like kapleau and watts and the suzukis as reading material/guides and it completely fucks them up, they don't read Dylan Thomas or charles bukowski or sappho or heraclitus who are authentic   knowers   and just trim that thousands of years down to decades ! :o)

so basically you need to put the real work in with these people  (and I have my own writings of course ! :o)

and if you give it enough attention things will slowly come right, but the brain needs to be working well  (cut back on grains/white flour !)  and you have to move quite fast

this speed of movement is  S O  I M P O R T A N T

going too slow is the same as  (like the red queen ! )  going backwards !!!!!!!!!!!!!

“ well, in our country ”  said alice, still panting a little,  “ you'd generally get to somewhere else  ‑  if you run very fast for a long time, as we've been doing ”

“ a slow sort of country! ”  said the queen  “ now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place

if you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that! ”

you have a sensitivity to natural beauty and the ability to turn around ,  these are strengths.................

silence is golden, especially from you


silence is golden, especially from you  aah ha


silence is golden, especially from you haa ha !

silence is golden, especially from you haa ha


silence is golden, especially from you :o )

silence is golden, especially from you

“ are mantras ok in zen?

is it a practice in zazen to make use of a guru-given mantra? ”

I think the gurus just do that to keep the   twits   devotees suggestible

reddit zen is somewhat a resurrection of the old ch'an, like the 7th   patriarch   because it quotes the old chinese masters a lot which is different from the real life dogen pushing that centers and teachers do.............

it is effectively a form of converse with these old masters.............

time and memory is a strange place !





time and memory is a strange place !





time and memory is a strange place !

time and memory is a strange place

time and memory is a strange space !





time and memory is a strange space !





time and memory is a strange space !

time and memory is a strange space

huangbo  xiyun   enlightenized

infinity feeds all,  shines never and forever,  imperfect and perfect,  dull and bright..............

the morons of the world being a cause of an effect do not know............

the illumination of infinity infuses,  lacking that,  the morons on reddit zen prate meaningless forever..............

huangbo xiyun enlightenized

infinity feeds all, shines never and forever, imperfect and perfect, dull and bright..............

the morons of the world being a cause of an effect do not know............

the illumination of infinity infuses,  lacking that,  the morons on reddit zen prate meaningless forever..............

huangbo xiyun  enlightenized

infinity feeds all,  shines forever and never,  perfect and imperfect,  bright and dull..............

the morons of the world being a cause of an effect do not know............

the illumination of infinity infuses, lacking that, the morons on reddit zen prate meaningless forever..............

huangbo xiyun enlightenized

infinity feeds all, shines forever and never, perfect and imperfect, bright and dull..............

the morons of the world being a cause of an effect do not know............

the illumination of infinity infuses, lacking that, the morons on reddit zen prate meaningless forever..............

huangbo xiyun enlightenized

infinity feeds all, shines forever and never, perfect and imperfect, bright and dull..............

the morons of the world being an effect of a cause do not know............

the illumination of infinity infuses, lacking that, the morons on reddit zen prate meaningless forever..............

huangbo xiyun  enlightenized

infinity feeds all, shines forever and never, perfect and imperfect, bright and dull..............

the morons of the world being an effect of a cause do not know............

the illumination of infinity infuses, lacking that, the morons on reddit zen prate meaningless forever..............

huangbo xiyun enlightenized

infinity feeds all, shines forever and never, perfect and imperfect, bright and dull..............

the morons of the world being a cause of an effect do not know............

the illumination of infinity infuses, lacking that, the morons on reddit zen prate meaningless forever..............

sepehr g.  addles on  !

if you could not define what is healthy versus non-healthy food, you would get sick, perhaps even have hallucinations from food poisoning

distinctions are necessary in life



it's more distinctions are a flux rather than some fixed entity !

the song of the  mudfish  ! :o)(

the song of the mudfish ! :o)(

song of the mudfish ! :o)(

when you are the real deal you will be able to say something of your own account in the area of zen and ultimate reality
not as a  priest  promoting scripture !

when you are the real deal you will be able to say something of your own account in the area of zen and ultimate reality ,  not as a priest promoting scripture !

when you are the real deal you will be able to say something of your own account in the area of zen and ultimate reality, not as a priest promoting scripture !

the morons and wise touch glasses together

wise and fools

all abate in the breath of infinity ! :o)

pistaf  writes

you speak of enlightened, not enlightened

the moron, the wise

the  “ retarded ”  the able-minded

why elevate the relative over the absolute?



be honest with yourself, haven't you just added to the town rubbish heap with what you wrote ?

morons write moronic stuff, get it ? :o(

you are just a puffed up fool ! :o(


the morons and wise touch glasses together 

wise and fools

all abate in the breath of infinity ! :o)

the morons and wise touch glasses together

wise and fools

all abate in the breath of infinity ! :o)

the morons just want to elevate their own blind ignorance and slackness and to do this they have to try to knock down the genuinely enlightened !

when you get enlightened it's obvious  and the retards want hitting back down to the mud that they prefer ! :o)(

the morons just want to elevate their own blind ignorance and slackness and to do this they have to try to knock down the genuinely enlightened !

when you get enlightened it's obvious and the retards want hitting back down to the mud that they prefer ! :o)(

you are on  autistic  spectrum ,  cut back on grains  etc

ditch games and tv/movies

do some quality  reading

as has been suggested get time in areas of natural beauty..........!

happiness is an illusion ! :o)(

happiness is an illusion  !  : o )(

happiness is an illusion ! :o)(

happiness is an illusion ! :o)(

happiness is an illusion !

happiness is an illusion

sepehr g. writes / pontificates  ! :o)

“ If you do not use the definable ,  you will be led to delusion ”



If you use the definable ,  you will be led to delusion

“ If you do not use the definable, you will be led to delusion ”

If you use the definable, you will be led to delusion

too bad huangbo wasn't  enlightened  !  : o (

I was tempted to rewrite it from the enlightened persons viewpoint but it was such a junk heap of nonsense twisted and perverted that I couldn't do it !

I personally think he started teaching too early and maybe had a lot of administrative responsibilities, it's like an aborted fetus or something, half way there or perhaps 1/4 or one eighth and then it stopped and went backwards

too bad huangbo wasn't  enlightened  ! :o(

too bad huangbo wasn't enlightened ! :o(

too bad huangbo wasn't enlightened ! :o(

too bad huangbo wasn't enlightened ! :o(

sepehr g.  states

my  question  is scientific in nature but has  “ spiritual ”  implications



“ scientific ”  is definable ,  “ spiritual ”  is not !

the crap of religious studies education just makes for wrong minded morons !

they never unwind the disastrous effects of those studies and  flake along pretending to some understanding forever ! :o(

well those studies make insincere liars.............

the crap of religious studies education just makes for wrong minded morons !

they never unwind the disastrous effects of those studies and  flake along pretending to some understanding forever ! :o(

well those studies make insincere liars.............

“ what should i do then ? ”

be unreal about the real and real about the unreal !

sepehr g.  quotes  andrei tarkovsky  and asks

is this what you're trying to say ?

“  we can express our feelings regarding the world around us either by poetic or by descriptive means

I prefer to express myself metaphorically

let me stress :  metaphorically, not symbolically

a symbol contains within itself a definite meaning,  certain intellectual formula,  while metaphor is an image

an image possessing the same distinguishing features as the world it represents

an image  ‑  as opposed to a symbol  ‑  is indefinite in meaning

one cannot speak of the infinite world by applying tools that are definite and finite

we can analyse the formula that constitutes a symbol, while metaphor is a being-within-itself ,  it's a monomial

it falls apart at any attempt of touching it  ”

while this is cool, it's not addressing how subjective experience relates to the brain

it's a simple question



that's a good Andrei tarkovsky quote

you are not picking up what I am saying about recursion defeating attempts to make coherent meaning of symbolism !

it's the bink that spreads the tear and lubricants ,  if you don't blink then the eye will get dry !

it's the bink that spreads the tear and lubricants, if you don't blink then the eye will get dry !

the 7th zen    patriarch   sacked barry magid for disloyalty to joko !

you know what I am talking about barry ! :o(

god you're a rat ! :o(

I don't know why you blue  pillers  need to so pretend you have taken the red pill !

I don't know why you blue pillers need to so pretend you have taken the red pill !

humour needs to rip abit, it's all about the removal of context, you can't just use a formula that doesn't really target !

most  sermons  and  “ dharma talks ”  are junk imo, that's why it's really important to go for the highest   quality

Thoreau is quality,  shunryu suzuki is junk !

the problem is not watching your own thought processes, but not being skeptical enough about them ..............!

this is what reading quality poets and writers like Emily Dickinson really helps with !

sepehr g. in the  quotes  and my  replies  ! :o)

“ however, I am not ultimately interested in mankind's parades over non-existent tunes... ”

the non existant tunes interest me very much ! :o)


“ I simply asked you a simple question:  how does mind relate to matter?

this is the ultimate question in life ”

nah it's just voynich bullshit ! :o)

sepehr g.  threatens

answer my question or just end our collaboration now

how does the mind relate to the body?



mind like body is just an image, interestingly both are quantum and can only be ever known in insufficient images ! :o)(

god another boring turd up  himself  who thinks he's funny ! :o(

keep telling me you are funny, you just don't get it do you ! :o)(

god another boring turd up  himself  who thinks he's funny ! :o(

god another bring turd up himself who thinks he's funny ! :o(

god another bring turd up himself who thinks he's funny ! :o(

janette . . . ikz

what I am saying is that  your  lack of solitude/contemplative time on a daily basis is estranging you from the very much more advanced space that these questions are resolvable from, usually by being correctly perceived as voynich !

this what I mean by you not putting the work in !

to be fair this space is also traumatic and destabilizing and you may not want to go there ,  however please accept that the blue pill is your choice and stop blaming me ! :o)

“ I posted this to r/zen, but for some unfathomable reason it was deleted straight away, so let me try here on r/buddhism

I suffer from schizoaffective disorder, should I practice zen?

I started reading  “zen mind, beginners mind”  and it definitely made my anxiety levels go up, what with the text being vague and open to interpretation, and my brain starts to interpret in not so good ways

I'm afraid that it'll move my thoughts to a direction I don't want them to move, at worst triggering psychotic episode ”



the problem is you are reading junky schizophrenic pap, try the real   stuff  which is an antidote, not an accentuator

most people in zen have schizophrenia,  it's just they get by without a diagnosis ! :o)

recent research indicates that schizophrenia is a lot about the failure of the default circuit of the brain to disengage

93QP  replies  to the op

I have a friend who is schizoaffective and practices contemplative meditation and he says this helps him

he reads a prayer and then contemplates its meaning

in this way he is focusing on the thoughts of another healthy mind rather than his own thoughts



yeah this ties in strongly with recent research about the problems schizophrenic people have disengaging the brain default circuit and it seems to me that contemplative meditation would help as it is really the default circuit running pretty much by itself, so  a clearer picture is got of its tendencies and patterns !

singlefinger  mockingly  asks

please, mighty seventh patriarch,will explain to me how I am stupid because of my diet and grant me a map of the Way, so that I may become as enlightened as you?



god, your reply says at all, just a posturing phoney ! :o()

you took the blue pill, why complain about not taking the red, you made your choice ! :o(


I don't know why you blue pillers need to so pretend you have taken the red pill !

just a stupid up yourself who is not very funny ! :o(

humour needs to rip abit, it's all about the removal of context, you have just used a formula that doesn't really target !

canadian f/22 osho reading

“ my girlfriend's osho reading about what she wants to do with her life  ‑  interpretation? ”

she's sitting on the edge of some very negative life scenarios and wants to be careful not to get overextended and to develop some discernment to steer her through the coming rocky spots .................

for meditation or contemplative work,  you need material to work on  .. .. ... ... ... ...

reprocessing or working on problems or planning the day is one type of work.............

sorta decompression, organising and decluttering if you will..............

“ shikantaza ”  is another kind of work..............

in addition there's nothing more important than quality   reading ,  reading the half pie or mediocre stuff just messes you up permanently, the fact is most people get screwed up by meditation because they never really establish the useful   contemplative tableau   that profound insight occurs in !

be very wary of the default circuitry of the brain just burning a deeper and deeper rut

for meditation or contemplative work, you need material to work on, reprocessing or working on problems or planning the day is one type of work.............

sorta decompression, organising and decluttering if you will..............

“ shikantaza ”  is another kind of work..............

in addition there's nothing more important than quality   reading ,  reading the half pie or mediocre stuff just messes you up permanently, the fact is most people get screwed up by meditation because they never really establish the useful   contemplative tableau   that profound insight occurs in !

be very wary of the default circuitry of the brain just burning a deeper and deeper rut

“ I have been having sleep disturbances for about six months  (this time around).  either I cannot fall asleep, I wake in the middle of the night for hours, or I wake up too early and can't go back to sleep.  I have tried a number of things and continue to in hopes I can get a solid sleep again

my question is: when I wake up in the middle of the night and am awake for a few hours,  (ed.  female 33, she waits in the dark)  why do I fall asleep about an hour or so before my alarm goes off?  why is there a break in my sleepiness?  why can't I just go back to sleep immediately after waking in the middle of the night? ”

sleep is actually quite complex and goes through repeating cycles and stages, you wake when a cycle goes through a stage of light sleep and normally one would go back to sleep within half an hour or so as the circadian rhythm takes you back into a deeper stage..............

I think it's part of the insomnia that it takes so long for some to go back to sleep...........

some people do better on two sleeps a day, folapro which is a superior form of folic acid is quite helpful for   unwiring

going for an hour or so under red light before bed is helpful because red looks like dark to the circadian rhythm

my write up of what I do.............

diabetes is literally chemically frying the body through high blood sugar levels !

 painting by nikolai getman of his brother's execution on the 1st of december 1934

this is a painting of an actual event where the   artist's  brother aleksandr getman was likely executed in the nkvd cellars by the method of the executioners walking behind the victim through the cellars until at some time without warning they shot him !

you need to reduce your stress levels as you get older to keep those neurons  populating  the prefrontal cortext! :o)

the old cannot handle stress the way the young can, i think that's pretty obvious ! :o)

“ stress hormones are one mechanism that leads to  weathering of the brain ”

it's like zakaj ,  you  (ed.  sepehr g.)  don't do the contemplative work and have no idea of what a  “ contemplative tableau ”  is.............

over real on the real and unreal about the unreal ! :o()

it's like zakaj ,  you  (ed.  sepehr g.)  don't do the contemplative work and have no idea of what a  “ contemplative tableau ”  is.............

over real on the real and unreal about the unreal ! :o()

it's like zakaj ,  you  (ed.  sepehr g.)  don't do the contemplative work and have no idea of what a  “ contemplative tableau ”  is.............

over real on the real and unreal about the unreal ! :o()

god,  see the  morons  line up to imbibe crap  !  : o (

Irishman N7  replies 

really? XD



yes and you know it, that's why you went across to my reading of my    black  stream   poem to make a negative comment ! :o)

people like you are the scum of the earth, anti creative, trying to pull down any sensible and talented original work to be replaced with their macdonald's versions of creative art and writing !

eluveitie is entertainment and deception, macdonalds for fools like you ! :o)


what is it with  the madness of the irish ?
you were upset by my calling you out on your infantile aggrandizement of eluveitie

you are so lacking in talent you have to quote me as my writing is effective and you are dishonest to boot as you should have put that comment in quotations marks and attributed the source

irishman N7  replies 

how is eluveitie deception?



why are you replying to me, cause you have a sense that my poem is authentic and eluveitie is not !

look eluveitie is done for money, it's just commercial crap here for ten years gone to tomorrow............... I write for eternity !

irishman N7  replies 

you do realize what eluveitie's songs are about right? what their music is inspired by? the everlasting culture & mythology of the celts, they even speak ancient helivetic-gaulish, a language so ancient and unique it has been preserved  (for an eternity)  along with the instrumental tunes of the ancient celtic people.

And i'm sorry to break it to you, but your 662 view video with 8 dislikes will most likely not  “ last an eternity ! ”



look flakes like you fork over your dollars for rubbish, is that my problem ?

their music is inspired by the need for cash and any amount of nonsense about celtic mythology the moron consumers swallow is fair game to them !

sorry to break this to you, but you are not gifted with foresight and any prediction you make about the survival of this poem is your need to glamorize rubbish and put down authenticity !

proof of the pudding, give me a decent set of lyrics and music from them !

fakes like you fawn on rubbish, even if they could write well they daren't
because you are the audience and would reject it !

it's an old trick, gloss up half witted rubbish with a fake patina, in this case helivetic - gaulish - hogwash


you're an idiot, they don't use celtic at all, it's some sort of wanking  “ constructed ”  pseudo language and you haven't been able to deliver anything cause their sound is an unpleasant machine shop noise and meaningless lyrics that are talked up by all the fake pretends like yourself !

it's all pretend and no-one's heritage and certainly not any sort of sounds the celts of old would like or enjoy and as for the lyrics..........

you are a total consumer and have no discrimination about quality at all !

god,  see the  morons  line up to imbibe crap  !  : o (

god,  see the  morons  line up to imbibe crap  !  : o (

god, see the  morons  line up to imbibe crap ! :o(

be careful of india ,  it's one big giant con game  !  : o ( )

be careful of india ,  it's one big giant con game ! :o()

be careful of india ,  it's one big giant con game ! :o()

be careful of india ,  it's one big giant con game ! :o)(

be careful of india ,  it's one big giant con game ! :o)

relationship is continual  p  t  s  d  :  0  ()

relationship is continual p t s d  : o ()

relationship is continual p t s d  : o )(

relationship is continual p t s d

what's a meditation  professional ?

just an idiocy ! :o(

meditation is solipsistic ! :o)

what's a meditation professional?

just an idiocy ! :o(

meditation is solipsistic ! :o)

what's a meditation professional?

just an idiocy ! :o(

meditation is solipsistic ! :o)

though a golden  glover , reb anderson couldn't couldn't knock a granny over!

why you dogen worshippers miss that eihei was celibate and didn't hold any hope out for married/suburban with kids/in relationship types ever getting what it is about is just part of your stupidity I guess ! 

though a golden  glover , reb anderson couldn't couldn't knock a granny over!

why you dogen worshippers miss that he was celibate and didn't hold any hope out for married/suburban with kids/in relationship types ever getting what it is about is just part of your stupidity I guess !

Heraclitus had a completely invalid view of astrophysics and neurology by today's standards yet the validity of what he says wasn't affected and he remains the greatest philosopher of all time !

recursion evaluates consciousness as a meaningless concept ............. !

Heraclitus had a completely invalid view of astrophysics and neurology by today's standards yet the validity of what he says wasn't affected and he remains the greatest philosopher of all time !

recursion evaluates consciousness as a meaningless concept.............!

Heraclitus had a completely invalid view of astrophysics and neurology by today's standards yet the validity of what he says wasn't affected and he remains imo the greatest philosopher of all time !

recursion evaluates consciousness as a meaningless concept.............!

Heraclitus had a completely invalid view of astrophysics and neurology by today's standards yet the validity of what he says wasn't affected and he remains imo the greatest philosopher of all time !

recursion evaluates consciousness as a meaningless concept.............!

sepehr g.  asks

are you a neutral monism, double-aspect theorist, reductionist, physicalist, eliminativist, idealist, etc.?



i am a recursionist ! :o)

i worked for years developing skills in an area that i walked away from !





i worked for years developing skills in an area that i walked away from !





i worked for years developing skills in an area that i walked away from !

: o) (

i worked for years developing skills in an area that i walked away from !

dr. richard carrier  in  a   good   talk   [ starts at 24:00 ]   about his theory that the jesus myth was originally about an archangel type figure who lived in the heavens with no earthly corporeal presence and you can see this in those letters of paul that are authentic because his knowledge of christ is  “ revelatory ” ,  ie  a personal communication to him and not from an historical record !

interestingly, at the time they regarded the atmosphere as flyable going up to the moon and jesus who was killed by satan and his demons is buried just below the moon !

adhd and add are not diseases but different brain structures.....!

and modes of reality................

the old zen/mystical stories are just full of this sort of thing,  not a normal bod amongst them ! :o)

“ manifold applause from the boundless void ”

it's actually pretty quiet normally ! :o)

yeah there's definitely some asceticism required ......... :o)

it's to do with the displacement of attention, like is giving up computer games ascetic and productive !

d e f I n I t e l y  !  :o)

adhd and add are not diseases but different brain structures.....!

and modes of reality................

the old zen/mystical stories are just full of this sort of thing, not a normal bod amongst them ! :o)

“ manifold applause from the boundless void ”

it's actually pretty quiet normally ! :o)

yeah there's definitely some asceticism required ......... :o)

it's to do with the displacement of attention, like is giving up computer games ascetic and productive !

d e f I n I t e l y ! :o)

adhd and add are not diseases but different brain structures.....!

and modes of reality................

the old zen/mystical stories are just full of this sort of thing, not a normal bod amongst them ! :o)

“ manifold applause from the boundless void ”

it's actually pretty quiet normally ! :o)

yeah there's definitely some asceticism required ......... :o)

it's to do with the displacement of attention, like is giving up computer games ascetic and productive !

d e f I n I t e l y ! :o)

it doesn't  gel  with me,  it's  “meta” and not the doing itself,  this is a very common problem in mystical/spiritual inquiry and one I think you  (ed.  sepehr g.)  have ,  all about  and not actually  “ doing ”  !

99%  of people involved in zen construct some sort of  “anti-zen”  which you see in spades on reddit here, some bizarre ptsd travesty and having had a lot of rl experience of zen I wish I could say it's different in rl but it's not.................. most zen teachers are benighted frauds............

the reality is the great masters like joshu were celibates who in some cases were ordained at a very early age and this life long intense effort shows in a huge maturity and subtlety that is just not valued and alien to today's adhd macdonald's world...................

the other big thing that people don't do is have any sort of contemplative practice which is really about the establishment of the contemplative tableau that profound insight occurs in...............

heavy metals, carcinogens and  nanoparticles  in the inks  =  health and allergy problems later..............

ah,  the eleventh monkey  !  : o )

ah,  the eleventh monkey ! :o)

ah, the eleventh monkey ! :o)

ah,  the eleventh monkey ! :o)

ah, the eleventh monkey ! :o)

one monkey speaks,  ten monkeys reply  !  : o ) ( 

one monkey speaks,  ten monkeys reply ! :o)( 

one monkey speaks, ten monkeys reply ! :o)( 

one monkey speaks, ten monkeys reply ! :o)(

ewk,  you are man in a  shell  who can't break out  !  :o(

I wonder if your sleep problems are making for PTSD and I can certainly think of others here with what is effectively ptsd !

you know inadequate sleep causes literal physical brain damage ! ?

zen is just some sort of decoy or shield to deflect attention away from the real issues !

a good  article  on ptsd !

jason and matt abbott  interview  tim amoroso

“ my mother had guillaume-barré syndrome, which slowly paralyzed her and eventually led her to a coma

it was her nerves slowly deteriorating and gradually detaching from all of her muscles

she eventually woke up and recovered the use of all her muscles,  if very weak

she said she remembers just a single dream ,  ‘ near death experience ’  she said,  she was in a flowery field with st. pious of petralcina who comforted her,  and she felt relieved and warm in the sunlight

I was 9 and I'm just glad she made it it out alive and well ”

the underlying cause of tachycardia is a problem with the electrical circuitry in the heart

basically the heart movement is controlled by an electrical wave sweeping through it

magnesium taurate can help improve the electrical characteristics of the heart, I find the douglas labs brand best, maybe one tablet a day taken in two halves !


I have a friend who gets tachycardia, what she does which may sound a bit abnormal to you, is apart from taking the douglas labs magnesium taurate, is to get strong sun on the whole body aka sunbathing which makes cholesterol sulphate which is a very important cardiovascular health improver

also she is in her late fifties and does the novartis estalis sequipatches as    estradiol   turns on the right genes for rebuilding the heart !

how applicable to you estradiol is, I don't know, one would think not on account of your age,  (ed.  the OP is in her mid twenties, lesbian and her thyroid has been tested several times as ok!)  but one never knows !  :o)

something to think about for later years perhaps !

you will find this   talk   by Stephanie Seneff interesting, I was sceptical at first but even in winter here I am trying to get some solar noon sun on the skin and I think it has helped my heart health !

thomas ligotti is basically a sophisticated fake  !

thomas ligotti is basically a sophisticated fake !

thomas ligotti is basically a sophisticated fake

thomas ligotti is basically  a  sophisticated  fake  !

thomas ligotti is basically a sophisticated fake  !

thomas ligotti is basically a sophisticated fake !

thomas ligotti is basically  a sophisticated fake

thomas ligotti is basically a sophisticated fake

from day one, the world is just burning grief !  : o ) (

from day one, the world is just burning grief !  : o ( )

from day one, the world is just burning grief !  : o(

from day one, the world is just burning grief !  : o(

from day one, the world is just burning grief !  : o)

from day one,  the world is just burning grief !

from day one, the world is just burning grief !

from day one,  the world is just burning grief

from day one, the world is just burning grief

the whole attachment/detachment process is a horror, i'm  not going through it again ! :o)(

the whole attachment/detachment process is a horror

i'm  not going through it again  ! : 0 )(

the whole attachment/detachment process is a horror

i'm  not going through it again ! :o)(

the whole attachment/detachment process  is a horror ,  i'm  not going through it again ! :o)(

the whole attachment/detachment process is a horror, i'm  not going through it again ! :o)(

the real zen is being intelligently honest !

like if I ask which I am

“ do you have sleep problems ”



think you

can answer ?

the real zen is being intelligently honest !

the real zen is being intelligently  honest  !

the real zen is being intelligently honest !










basically the ideas are not his own  !  : o ( )










basically the ideas are not his own ! :o()


































katherine    mansfield   could write like   this   (page 16)

and some bastard gave her syphilis !




the gospel of  Thomas is very good  !  : o )

jesus   said   to them

when you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one

so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image

then you will enter the kingdom of god

the gospel of  Thomas is very good ! :o)

jesus   said   to them

when you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one

so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image

then you will enter the kingdom of god

an extract from charles bukowski's poem  “ brainless eyes ”

life itself is not the miracle.

that pain should be so constant,

that’s the miracle  —

that hammer of the thing

when you can’t even scream or weep

and it sits all over you

looking into your eyes

eating your flesh.

food at a retreat is a lot more important than it seems, one needs to be eating adequately or it can make a mess of you ! :o)

sounds like your circadian rhythm is wacked out ,  you can use blue/white light  (perceived as day)  and red  (perceived as dark)  to synchronize it !

also  “ folapro”  is  a  great  help  for  “ unwiring ”

my write   up


these modern led backlit computer screens look like bright daylight to the circadian rhythm so you really have to a have a regular time by which they are switched off !

these modern led backlit computer screens look like bright daylight to the circadian rhythm so you really have to a have a regular time by which they are switched off !

sounds like your circadian rhythm is wacked out ,  you can use blue/white light  (perceived as day)  and red  (perceived as dark)  to synchronize it !

also  “ folapro”  is  a  great  help  for  “ unwiring ”

my write   up

meditation instructions

sit in a chair for twenty minutes and just let things turn over  !  : o ) (

meditation instructions

sit in a chair for twenty minutes and just let things turn over ! :o)(

meditation instructions

sit in a chair for twenty minutes and just let things turn over ! :o)(

interestingly bromine is an  essential  element !

why excess weight is  causative  of diabetes and it's complications  !

“ in response to excess calories, mitochondrial activity is actually reduced in target tissues for diabetes complications, and such persistent reduction may lead to the release of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic cytokines and subsequent organ dysfunction ”

why excess weight is  causative  of diabetes and it's complications  !  !  !

“ in response to excess calories, mitochondrial activity is actually reduced in target tissues for diabetes complications, and such persistent reduction may lead to the release of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic cytokines and subsequent organ dysfunction ”

“  [..]  at the age of six she  (ed.  catherine of siena)  had the remarkable experience which may be said to have determined her vocation

with her brother she was on the way home from a visit to a married sister, when suddenly she stopped still in the road, gazing up into the sky

she did not hear the repeated calls of the boy, who had walked on ahead

only after he had gone back and seized her by the hand did she wake as from a dream

she burst into tears

her vision of christ seated in glory with the apostles peter, paul, and john had faded

a year later the little girl made a secret vow to give her whole life to god

she loved prayer and solitude  [..]  ”

some species of the genus  gigantopithecus  could have been around up to one hundred thousand years ago, that's close enough to possibly fit them into the sasquatch legend of the indigenous peoples of the pacific northwest coast ,  but i think the main impetus for the  “yeti legend”  is the discovery of the fossilized molar in a hong kong apothecary in 1935 by ralph von koenigswald from which the existance of a giant ape was quickly inferred

it's like the vampire legend, human schizophrenia fluffing around historical facts ! :o)

you are playing on a chess board with a pawn against my ten   queens   !  : o )

you are playing on a chess board with a pawn
against my ten queens  !  : o )

you are playing on a chess board with a pawn against my ten queens ! :o)

chipping steel with  concrete

both stones and adzes break

ewk's brains are splattered all over the lawn

but still the zombie moans on !




chipping steel with concrete

both stones and adzes break

ewk's brains are splattered all over the lawn

but still the zombie moans on !




when the inside is outside and the upside downside and the leftside rightside and the rightside leftside






when the inside is outside and the upside downside and the leftside rightside and the rightside leftside






when the inside is outside and the upside downside and the leftside rightside and the rightside leftside






when the inside is outside and the upside downside and the leftside rightside and the rightside leftside






when the inside is outside and the upside downside and the leftside rightside and the rightside leftside






space_ovaries  writes

you can love someone without attachment

zen doesn't mean absence of emotion



in actual fact it does, but this is getting into the  “ too hard for moron normals ”  box !

once you get into the enlightened/contemplative tableau territory

it's so very utterly strange and alien that ...................

told what you don't want to hear you  pule  like a baby !

zen is about being clear about life not some blind maudlin fool who can't let go of his attachments ! :o(

told what you don't want to hear you pule like a baby !

zen is about being clear about life not some blind maudlin fool who can't let go of his attachments ! :o(

told what you don't want to hear you pule like a baby !

zen is about being clear about life not some blind maudlin fool who can't let go of his attachments ! :o(

  you're  an   ignorant   fart   who   can't   handle   truth   !

you are  smug ,  wrongly  self  assured  and  hubric ,  all anti-zen and typical of the creepy product it produces ! :o(

ed.  by  anti-zen ,  i mean people who pretend to do what zen or the mystical path is about but in fact/actually go in the opposite direction becoming more bound and cretinous ,  what i call anti-zen !

  you're  an ignorant fart who can't handle truth !

you are smug, wrongly self assured and hubric, all anti-zen and typical of the creepy product it produces ! :o(

you're an ignorant fart who can't handle truth !

you are smug, wrongly self assured and hubric, all anti-zen and typical of the creepy product it produces ! :o(

you're an ignorant fart who can't handle truth !

you are smug, wrongly self assured and hubric, all anti-zen and typical of the creepy product it produces ! :o(

“ zen masters got married ”

w h o ?

“ zen masters got married ”

w h o ?

“ zen masters got married ”

w h o ?