this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don't warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them  with the eyes closed   !

the  reference point people in religion have is hagiographical, and not the real world

the  reference point people in religion have is hagiographical, and not the real world, as we know

when we are ill a layer of a sugar-like  substance  is inducted that coats the surface of the epithelial cells of the intestine

this offers protection against more pathogentic bacteria by favouring ones that can utilize the sugar coating or are favoured by signalling changes !

there is a price in terms of increased numbers and less control of that type of microbiome which may be a contributing factor to diarrhea and loose stools when ill, but on balance it aids survival and recovery !

pasta/ wheat flour is pro  inflammatory  in the gut !

it took the release of targeted protein/s by the hookworms to convert the inflammatory T-cells to  regulated  t-cells

there's quite a bit more to it than an allergy to gluten, its the signalling and toxin load from the microbiome the wheat flour feeds that is the issue

down with wheat flour, potatoes and grains

gutei was a paedophile ?

ed.  mumonkan, case three, gutei’s finger

“ its clear to me that there is something  unique about the experience of practicing zen in japan ”

my  reply

it's an autistic culture and the japanese are on  ‘ autistic spectrum ’

why don’t electric blanket maunfacturers pay more attention to magnetic field emission ?

poison  dart  frogs are something else

check out google images

a meister eckhart quote

“ what we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action ”

what were bodhidharma’s last words at heyin ?

“ I should have stuck to contemplation ”

infinity is only touched in overiding sorrow

infinity is only touched in an overiding sorrow

claire greenwood writes

you just have to sit  (ed. zazen)  for a long time, for many years, and then something develops

there's no wise words that are going to help you, because there is no substitute for doing it yourself

my  reply

that’s fundamentally flawed because if it were so then enlightenment would be too much of reality/this world and not some transparent half dead, half alive condition

engraving of the brain default circuitry is not enlightenment !

what people don’t seem to understand is progress has to be extremely rapid because there is so far to go

as sylvia plath said

“ there is no terminus, only suitcases

out of which the same old self unfolds like a suit

bold and shiny, with pockets of wishes

notions and tickets, short circuits and folding mirrors ”

patriarchs say they are so because zen always has an inherent tendency to buji, the place gets overrun with stupid creeps if they don’t stick up for themselves

kynurenine   which is formed during stress, is toxic to the brain

and is a  significant  cause of depression !

with exercise, muscle releases an enzyme that converts kynurenine to kynurenic acid which can no longer pass across the blood brain barrier !

“   al-bruni   says that bahram I ordered the execution of   mani

then at the order of the emperor, mani's skin was flayed and filled with grass, and hung it at the gate of gundishpur

bahram also ordered killing of many manicheans ”

now if buddha had been a real life person that is what would have happened ! :o)(

the existing religions always react, usually with fatal consequences

humans are not adaptable ! :o)(


kartir  hangirpe was a nasty bit of work ! :o ( . . ! )()

the whole problem with  “ self medication ”  aka drugs and alcohol is dehabilitating side effects

zen and r/zen is a the land of the damaged . . .

in fact this gives a way out, not wrecking, but building oneself

though it takes fortitude and a lot of work

not characteristics of the buji zen promoted here  (ed.  reddit zen)  btw ! :o)

attention to   diet ,    sleep  and intelligent    supplementation  work !

ghostmitten  replies in regard to being a hermit

why would you live with yourself when you can live with a sweet little sexual creature ?



because that is to be b l I n d ! : o ) (

“ we create images of the external world and use these   images

rather than the sensory stimulus itself for our thoughts ” 

ewk,  have you had any experience of living by yourself for extended periods ?

you seem stuck in a communal version of zen, your references to  “ family ” ;  your notion of this sub reddit  (ed  r/zen)  being a sangha . .

yet most of the zen masters you quote seem to have spent extended periods as hermits, why is that ?

in fact I think some of them only got back into the communal environment when they were old and needed care . . . the sixth patriarch's story sounds like that  . .

for myself I live as a hermit basically ! :o)


old could be as young as 40 in those days . . ! :o)(

interesting demographics, a fair portion of the population were dead by 60 !

ewk,  have you had any experience of living by yourself for extended periods ?

you seem stuck in a communal version of zen, your references to  “ family ” ;  your notion of this sub reddit  (ed  r/zen)  being a sangha . .

yet most of the zen masters you quote seem to have spent extended periods as hermits, why is that ?

in fact I think some of them only got back into the communal environment when they were old and needed care . . . the sixth patriarch's story sounds like that  . .

for myself I live as a hermit basically ! :o)

‘ on receiving my letter of termination ’   by  yuan  hongdao

translated by jonathan chaves

the time has come to devote myself to my hiker's stick

I must have been a Buddhist monk in a former life !

sick, I see returning home as a kind of pardon

a stranger here  ‑  being fired is like being promoted

in my cup, thick wine; I get crazy-drunk

eat my fill, then stagger up the green mountain

the southern sect, the northern sect, I've tried them all :

this hermit has his own school of Zen philosophy

his   life

“ yuan's return home, if ever actually intended, became impossible

his father wouldn't countenance it :  ‘ How on earth can someone hang up their carriage  (ed.  career)  at the age of twenty-eight ! ’ ,  he fumed ”

why brad warner clings so  tenuously  to the notion that jesus existed as an historical person is that once you accept jesus is just a  religio ‑ construct  then buddha is next on the list for   demolition   and once buddha goes, his/ brad's life is exposed as some weird fantasy . . .

gonna call me a hater brad  ?  you are crazy and need censorship to keep you that way  . .  !

lol, are you a self-identified jesus ! ?





david  makes a remark  on gesshin's   blog

I've just starting to read this blog

could someone ban this andrew person

gee, so much negativity

andrew have you ever heard of kindness and compassion

or open mind?



david, you are full of bullshit and don't like that being shown up ! :o)

gesshin is in an untenable situation and if she allows an uncensored blog, it will help her work out of it, of course people like you just want candy floss worlds that asphyxiate in sugar ! : o ( . ) . ( ) . . )

gesshin  balked  and deleted the above comment

which i rephrased and resubmitted as per below !

david, an open mind does not ask for people who we disagree with to be banned !

“ kindness and compassion ”  are a the sort of nonsense candy floss that certain saccharine addicted  ‘spiritual types’  like to throw around ! :o)

gesshin is in an untenable situation and if she allows an uncensored blog, it will help her work out of it, of course people like you just want candy floss worlds that asphyxiate in sugar ! :o)(

at first i thought this was   silly ,  then as i watched the video further

i slowly started to get what she was saying ! :o)

at first i thought this was   silly ,  then as i watched the video further, i slowly started to get what she was saying ! :o)

guitargreg  writing  on r/zen

I saw a spider building a web the other day

those mother fuckers are like well-oiled machines

he guided the thread with his left hind-most leg as he moved along, then reached across with his right hind-most leg and pressed it against the web frame, then his abdomen came down and secreted some sort of glue-like material that bound his thread against the frame, then he moved along to the next rung

unthinking, unfaltering, mechanical

like a robot

I probably watched that asshole for a good ten minutes

he slipped up a couple of times but always caught himself

he didn't seem to have any problem operating eight appendages at the same time

what we are and what we are not

an eternal swaying

back and forth

Buddha ! :o)

a poem by ikkyū sōjun

the mind cannot become the  buddha

the body cannot become the  buddha

only what cannot become the  buddha

can become the  buddha



what we are and what we are not

an eternal swaying

back and forth

Buddha ! :o)

a poem by ikkyū sōjun

the mind cannot become the  buddha

the body cannot become the  buddha

only what cannot become the  buddha

can become the  buddha



what we are and

what we are not







Buddha ! :o)

a poem by ikkyū sōjun

the mind cannot become the  buddha

the body cannot become the  buddha

only what cannot become the  buddha

can become the  buddha



what we are and

what we are not







Buddha ! :o)

what we are and

what we are not







Buddha ! :o)

actors are always abit gone upstairs  !  : o )

actors are always abit gone upstairs  !  : o)

actors are always abit gone upstairs ! :o)

actors are always abit gone upstairs !

actors are always abit gone upstairs

“ The day r/zen becomes r/eckhartbuddhism is a sad day ”



lol, every day is a sad day ! :o)

tolle or the real   Eckhart ?

“ truly, it is in darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is    nearest    of all to us ”

ewk, he even has a quote for you

“ what we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action ”

ewk's  replies 

“ I encourage you to discuss these views with a mental health professional

I'm serious ”

“ I encourage you to seek medical support before trying to teach people stuff ”

endless crap

the burden








endless crap

the burden







endless crap

the burden




“ no matter what kind of buddhism I practice, if I'm lazy ,   arrogant ,  or flighty about it, I'm probably not going to be able to find any nourishment in it, no matter how great a practice it is ”



the table is always the same as    set   for Philip larkin

an  r/meditation   post

my meditation and spiritual practice has become a replacement for what used to be an IV heroin and cocaine addiction

i've literally replaced drug addiction with a connection to source

the connection is really good shit

not in the same intensity way

but in its depth

I'm in a much deeper shift of consciousness than I ever experienced from any of the drugs I've abused, even psychedelics

the thing about zen is that it says the normative reality that  you  would shoehorn anything different from it into via meds or whatever is needed, tho of course it is just an appearance, appearances are what your type s e e k ,  t h e a p p e a r a n c e I n y o u r c a s e o f k n o w I n g w h a t y o u a r e o n a b o u t . . .

if you really read some of these zen quotes you and others throw up, they say normative reality is wrong . .

and the   dia kensho   experience of han shan is right . .

without many years of contemplative work . .  this understanding is always beyond you  . .

and you will be advising people with genuine spiritual insight to get med'd !


l o l ewk you will never change will you,  . . .

ewk  replies

I encourage you to discuss these views with a mental health professional

I'm serious



lol, you are  something ,  that's for sure ! :o)

to quote han shan

“ what ecstasy! I had sat in meditation all evening and then, during the night, I got up and looked at the sea

time had ceased

there was no movement in the ocean

no waves or ripples disturbed the water's surface

moonlight glistened on the still water as though it were shining on a field of snow ”

you need to see some glistening moonlight ewk ! :o)

the thing about zen is that it says the normative reality that  you  would shoehorn anything different from it into via meds or whatever is needed, tho of course it is just an appearance, appearances are what your type s e e k ,  t h e a p p e a r a n c e I n y o u r c a s e o f k n o w I n g w h a t y o u a r e o n a b o u t . . .

if you really read some of these zen quotes you and others throw up, they say normative reality is wrong . .

and the   dia kensho   experience of han shan is right . .

without many years of contemplative work . .  this understanding is always beyond you  . .

and you will be advising people with genuine spiritual insight to get med'd !


l o l ewk you will never change will you,  . . .

case one of the mumonkan

a monk once asked joshu ,  “ has a dog the buddha-nature? ”

joshu replied ,  “ give me the dog biscuits ”  : o ) 

case one of the mumonkan

a monk once asked joshu ,  “ has a dog the buddha-nature? ”

joshu answered ,  “ give me the dog biscuits ”  : o ) 

case one of the mumonkan

a monk once asked joshu ,  “ has a dog the buddha-nature? ”

joshu answered ,  “ give me the dog biscuits ”  : o )

case one of the mumonkan

a monk once asked joshu ,  “ has a dog the buddha-nature? ”

joshu answered ,  “ give me the dog biscuits ”  :o)

a    quote  from ‘ the orchard ’  page  74

one night a villager could not sleep owing to a pain in his side

a doctor said, “this pain is caused by his having eaten the leaves of the vine

I shall be astonished if he lasts through the night, for the arrows of a Tartar in his breast were better for him than the eating of such indigestible food ”

that night the doctor died

forty years have since passed and the villager yet lives

“ The world races on, and you get left   behind  ”

at the risk of being  “ spiritual ”  sa'di's   take  ( ed.  page 122 of  ‘ the orchard ’ )  is one really has to keep up !

“ one night in the desert of faid my feet became fettered with sleep

a camel-driver awoke me, saying ,  ‘ arise, since thou heedest not the sound of the bell, perhaps thou desirest to be left behind !

I, like thee, would sleep awhile, but the desert stretches ahead

how wilt thou reach the journey’s end if thou sleepest when the drum of departure beats ? ’  ”

it's just an awful feeling being alone/by yourself in the desert and watching the camel train/caravan pull away in the distance without you, wether it's part and parcel of  “ the way ”  I cannot say  . .  ! : o) ,  but bodhidharma may have been executed at heyin ,  things g o w r o n g !  . .  : o (

and there is a charge , a very large charge

for a word or a touch

or a bit of blood

or a piece of my hair on my clothes

so , so ,  herr doktor

so ,  herr   enemy

I am your opus

I am your valuable

the pure gold baby

what beats me about zen is why people come out dumber than they go in

what beats me about buddhism is why people come out dumber than they go in

what beats me about religion is why people come out dumber than they go in

the pretenders on the web in the mad sad world of ersatz buddhism

on sunset

i saw some writing in the sky

in golden glowing pinkish strips

in an ancient hallowed script

and of what it meant

not a word could i whit

the song  day is done  written and performed by  nick drake

i find the  lyrics  a bit empty and unfortunately predictive, but certainly musical genius cut short

with seated meditation what is observed is the default circuitry of the brain running amok and that’s also a hazard as it will more deeply engrave which is why it should just be a passing phase one grows out of

“ I thought john cage :  4 ' 33 "  for  piano  was pretty zen ”

my  reply

huang po took up a mandolin and made as if to strum the strings, but just held his hand above them and over five minutes just slowly moved his hands about

a monk came forward and said  “ given your playing that was the best option ”

the monastery infirmary was busy that day

rather than try to conform a subreddit to some imagined image of what it should be, ask yourself,  what is it teaching me ?

rather than try to conform a subreddit to some imagined image you have, ask yourself, what has it taught me ?

ecclesiastes chapter one   verse seventeen

and I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly

I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit

psychiatry is a brutal system and wants to be avoided

“ i do not have easy days at home now and i drift between fear and helplessness in sunny rooms where it is unspeakably cold

strange shudders of transformation, bodily experienced to the point of vulnerability, visions of mysteries until the certainty of having died, ecstasies to the point of stony petrifaction, and a continuation of dreaming sad dreams ”

georg trakl has certainly got that visionary blurring of reality

one can also see that in osip mandelstam and his poems

dealing with the translations of mandelstam though

georg takl's overt magical thinking reminds me of  janet frame

in silent surprise ,  god shines his golden eyes over the crematorium

the above is is my re-rendering of the georg takl  quote  below

silently ,  god opens his golden eyes over the place of skulls

love for a woman, is a business

when a woman falls out of love with you, they are looking  elsewhere

historically zen is pretty cultured with poets and artists, but today’s slobs stick to buji

roger waters was very influenced by t’ang poetry

I               II

“ I'm going to the psychiatrist tomorrow because I watch my life from my head and the person in the mirror isn't me ”

nothing wrong with that, its the degree of dissociation that is necessary for contemplative work

there’s some pretty murderous stupids in the psychiatric profession, you really want to avoid it, often nothing but harm

or you can do what most do which is spend the rest of your life groaning under med side effects

“ put the hate down man ”

your being so closed is the real hate

hongzhi    zhengjue's    is definitely definitely a celibate viewpoint ! :o)

it's interesting he became a monk at age 11, that's how you get that depth ! : o)

late starters don't cut the ice ! :o)

I think I will link ewk to   this  in a reply

hi ewk, you really want to read this   (ed.  same passage also   here  )

“ this worldly knowledge does not compare to returning to the primary and obtaining confirmation ”

that's what zen is about, the return and confirmation, you will never get the return unless you  “ keep turning inwards ” ,  this is what freaks you about visions because they are an inward turning ! :o)

the martial arts have always been strongly associated with zen ,  even today !

stay in your cocoon . .

stay in your cocoon . .

the problem with pot is it is toxic to the brain and kills neurons

the problem with pot is it is toxic to the brain and kills neurons

vision  I

vision  II

neversayzen  replies

you don't need any other kind of vision than the one we are born with to see this is all exactly flux in the obscuration of infinity



access to that vision is really too frightening and not of interest to most people . .

neversayzen  replies

I'm afraid of landing, not heights, not even falling, but landing is what hurts



the secret is we always getting hurt all the time . . . the only cure is attention and if you are able to, celibacy ! :o)

celibacy is not a virtue in itself, but enables a very pragmatic degree of concentration and focus !

of course it also h a s I t s h a z a r d s . . . :  o (

your subservience to the medical mindset is what is so sick about you ewk . . .

spewing your putrid conformist vomit all over reddit zen . .


proxied your life to the white coated lunacy of psychiatry ?

your proxing anything abnormal to be  “cured”  by psychiatry is just putrid ! ..

zen traditionally has always been an insane asylum . .

normative fakes like yourself . .

h a v e n o p l a c e I n a n y t h I n g a u t h e n t I c . . .


d I s g u s t I n g y o u v o m I t I n g t u r d !


wake up ewk, reddit zen is an insane asylum . .

zen masters are asylum inmates . .

you are so fake and obviously have huge issues in this respect that you can't acknowledge this reality and the reality of life as just another insane asylum . . .

you are scared to do any real contemplative work, because the house of normative cards that you are would just E X P L O D E ! ! !

you are stuck with imposing your cretinous neo christian world view on zen and prancing there while the truth of real contemplative work must escape you as being way too d a n g e r o u s f o r y o u as it would lead to your spontaneous combustion as all those foul gases of moronic normative attitudes I g n I t e in the f l a m e o f   R E F L E C T I O N ! :o)(

you will never done with your dancing in p u t r I d s h I t y o u d I s e a s e d  m o n s t e r !

I would encourage you to try some meditation so you can lift the lid of your stupid enclosure called   normal  and  let the white coats fix it  and see the beautiful roiling insanity of how everything really is come roiling/gushing out ...

you may think you are avoiding the roil, but that's just the blindness of d e n I a l . . .

ewk, what do you eat, your brain is j u s t f r o z e n ! : o(

your subservience to the medical mindset is what is so sick about you ewk . . .

spewing your putrid conformist vomit all over reddit zen . .

proxied your life to the white coated lunacy of psychiatry ?

a n o t h e r  z e a l o u s  l o t u s  s I t t e r  b e n t  o n  a l l  t h e  w o r l d  c r I p p l I n g  t h e I r  k n e e s   !   :  o  )  (

a n o t h e r z e a l o u s l o t u s s I t t e r b e n t o n a l l t h e w o r l d c r I p p l I n g t h e I r k n e e s   !   :  o  )  (

a n o t h e r  z e a l o u s  l o t u s  s I t t e r  b e n t  o n  a l l  t h e  w o r l d  c r I p p l I n g  t h e I r  k n e e s ! : o ) (

a n o t h e r z e a l o u s l o t u s s I t t e r b e n t o n a l l t h e w o r l d c r I p p l I n g t h e I r k n e e s ! : o ) (

“ konrad marchaj  (ed.  abbot of ZMM)  in his talk hints at an ultimate spiritual summit, wherein there is no  ‘ beyond ’    ‑   I cry bullshit ”

I don't think there is a personal summit, but infinity is infinity so to speak

dull hacks calling themselves zen masters are entirely the norm for zen, where do Dylan Thomas and charles bukowski and their genius and drinking fit ?

better to be a non-drinking genius ! :o)

in fact it is the contemplative tableaux that is what it is about, without that tableau  “sitting”  meditation is meaningless and with the tableaux established, dai kensho will naturally arise as is necessary, buji zen denies the necessary work of that tableaux and the role of dia kensho in enlightenment !

with that tableau ,  “ sitting ” ,  that is, zazen is a stage one grows out of . . .

n e v e r s I t a n y f o r m o f l o t u s . . .

martin edmond ,    lauris   edmond's son    blogging   2009  !

martin edmond ,  lauris edmond's son    blogging   2009  !

 the left foot of the west caryatid, amphipolis tomb, late 4th century bc

those are my   toes  !

a  hongzhi  zhenjue  quote

everything is unhindered, clouds gracefully floating up to the peaks, the moonlight glitteringly flowing down mountain streams

a  hongzhi  zhenjue  quote

everything is unhindered, clouds gracefully floating up to the peaks

the moonlight glitteringly flowing down mountain streams

a  hongzhi  zhenjue  quote

everything is unhindered, clouds gracefully floating up to the peaks, the moonlight glitteringly flowing down mountain streams

ewk  writes

hearing voices that tell you that you are king and stuff is what doctors are there for



king of what ?  lol reddit zen  .  .  .  : o ) (

all emperors ,  no servants  .  .  .

ewk  writes

hearing voices that tell you that you are king and stuff is what doctors are there for



king of what ?  lol reddit zen  .  .  .  : o )(

all emperors ,  no servants  .  .  .

reddit zen  .  .  .

all emperors, no servants  .  .  .





reddit zen  .  .  .

all emperors, no servants  .  .  .





reddit  zen  .  .  .

all  emperors ,  no  servants  .  .  .  : o ) (

reddit zen  .  .  .

all emperors, no servants  .  .  .  : o ) (

reddit zen  .  .  .

all emperors, no servants  .  .  .  :o)(

reddit zen  .  .  .

all emperors, no servants  .  .  .

“ ordinary mind is the way ”

what Nansen meant is you need to observe life and your own daily living

and that's actually the context in which visions occur   !   .  .  .

“ ordinary mind is the way ”

what Nansen meant is you need to observe life and your own daily living

and that's actually the context in which visions occur  !  .  .  .

“ ordinary mind is the way ”

what Nansen meant is you need to observe life and your own daily living

and that's actually the context in which visions occur ! . . .

“ ordinary mind is the way ”

what Nansen meant is you need to observe life and your own daily living

ewk posts an  extract  from yuanwu's commentary in the blue cliff record, case  51

yen t'ou always used this ability;  he taught his community saying ,  “ clear-eyed folks have no clichés to nest in

spurning things is considered superior, pursuing things is considered inferior

as for this last word, even if you've personally seen the patriarchs, you still wouldn't be able to understand it rationally ”



good  ol'  yen t'ou !

“ as for this last word, even if you've personally seen the patriarchs, you still wouldn't be able to understand it rationally ” 

well I have personally seen the sixth patriarch and I still don't understand it rationally ! :o)

ewk's    “ last  word ”

yeah. you claim you have  ‘ visions ’  and you are irrational when questioned about it...

see a doctor man.  get a professional opinion or two.


ewk I have to ask if you actually read this stuff you OP or is it just a vase for your foul  “ floral display ”  :o(

janet    frame

a  beautiful  person  slaughtered  by  the  idiot  pyschiatric  profession  !

janet    frame

a beautiful person slaughtered by the idiot pyschiatric profession !

janet    frame

a beautiful person slaughtered by the idiot pyschiatric profession !


a vision is more real than reality which by comparison is an hallucination  !

ewk  replies

that's what they preach over at  /r/psychonauts



well the test is whether in fact that's a claim or the reality !

authentic visions are always more real than reality and to do that there is always an outstanding semantic identity with infinity ! :o)

the weight of a vision comes from identity, drug induced experiences are a physiological disruption and remoding of brain function, that's without the semantic identity with infinity, i notice some degree of identity is claimed for  ayahuasca ,  but from looking at interviews with people who have done it, it's not, or rather something is missing by 10 miles ! :o)

so this is my beef with you ewk, the visionary aspect can take care of itself,    when ripe the beautiful black plum will fall . .     : 0 )

you are not developing, indeed walling yourself off in the opposite of the sort of semantic identity needed . .

what's more you know it, but can't be honest with yourself about it and no doubt will be pursuing me in endless threads forever of denial . .   :o)(

so what i am saying is if you don't have the semantic coherence and that means you have to also live it, then you won't have the authentic vision  !  : o )

a vision is more real than reality which by comparison is an hallucination  !

a vision is more real than reality which by comparison is an hallucination

a vision is more real than reality which by comparison is an hallucination

an authentic vision is super rational which is the problem, what it imparts is not wanted . .





an authentic vision is super rational which is the problem, what it imparts is not wanted . .





visions are super rational which is the problem, what they impart is not wanted . .  !  :o)

an authentic vision is super rational which is the problem, what it imparts is not wanted . .  !  :o)

an authentic vision is super rational which is the problem, what it imparts is not wanted . .  !  :o)

a vision is super rational which is the problem, what it imparts is not wanted . .  !  :o)

a vision is super rational which is the problem, what it imparts is not wanted . .  !

a vision is super rational which is the problem, what it imparts is not wanted . .

hagiography is the deliberate distortion of histories, usually religious to glamorize personalities and entrain doctrinal viewpoints . . .

hagiography is the deliberate distortion of histories, usually religious to glamorize personalities and entrain doctrinal viewpoints . . .

the great secret of reddit zen is that when you post it should develop you abit, not reinforce false positions !




the great secret of reddit zen is that when you post it should develop you abit, not reinforce false positions !




the great secret of reddit zen is that when you post it should develop you abit, not reinforce false positions ! :o)

the great secret of reddit zen is that when you post it should develop you abit, not reinforce false positions !

ewk writes that he   is

sane as a rainbow my friend



how sane are rainbows ?

to be a zen patriarch one needs to be both sane and insane . . .

you are actually quite insane, but you are well fenced... you need to jump the fence....




relax, why not be   silly ,  get some sense and levity into your life ! :o)

relax, why not be silly, get some sense and levity into your life ! :o)

Tibetan Buddhism is a very good example of what a waste of time  “ visualization practice ”  is, it's just something to fill the space of stupid monks between becoming a monk and dying . .

 lower antelope canyon arizona

yes, what zen is about is the coal that burns ,  if you get fooled by the hagiography then you get consumed and not able to walk the pit so to speak

you  (ed.  ewk)  like alan watts, d.t suzuki ,  reggie blyth and yuanwu are all c o n s u m ed  :  o )

using whole body sun to sulphate cholesterol

this is something that appears to work quite well,  it's not sunbathing for vitamin D  but to sulphate cholesterol,  which the upper end of the spectrum, probably blue to ultraviolet does, and this form of cholesterol switches the body into a circulation and heart friendly mode of operation !

so like today at 12.35pm  ( with the solar altitude approximately 47 degrees, vitamin D   meter   reading iu/min = 35 )  I went out naked and stood and rotated several times for 4 minutes and 30 seconds to get whole body sun, it was very fine and  4:30  is probably of the upper limit of what I could take without it knocking me about too much later

if it's winter/wintery  it gets too cold to hang about much more than 1 minute and 30 seconds

so these are quite short exposures but certainly do something positive, especially for mood and cardiovascular health, just be wary of taking too long in the sun, or chilled and getting knocked about later !  :o)

you also need to be taking oral vitamin D, like I will take say 250 iu today !

vitamin D doses need to be quite finely metered in my experience ! : o)

my  reply  to ewk who was  quoting  more yuanwu bullshit from the blue cliff record

yuanwu wasn't enlightened and neither are you ewk

you pretending fraud  !  : o)

said_too_much   replies

how do you recognize enlightenment from the outside ?

and is there an outside to recognize if from ?

and, finally, what is the label you look for  ‑  is it like a  “sell by date” ?

fraud or not, does it matter to anyone but you ?



“ how do you recognize enlightenment from the outside ? ”

when what they say isn't wrong minded bullshit like yuanwu and ewk excrete everywhere ! :o)

“ fraud or not, does it matter to anyone but you ? ” 

it's not that simple,  if you don't  “ call ”  it when it occurs, you partly believe and get caught up in the crap ! :o)

been through that one I can tell you ! :o)

if you think life has some point, look at   this   !  : o )

if you think life has some point, look at   this   !  : o)

if you think life has some point, look at   this   ! :o)

“ through the gateless gate,

is the same as not through ”

theoretically yes, but in practice no ! :o)

what is scary about visions is what they tell you and how one's brain can see so clearly what the situation is when as a person we don't have that view !

why people are so keen to replace their own real thoughts with clichés, I don't know  !  : o )

why people are so keen to replace their own real thoughts with clichés, I don't know  !  :o)

why people are so keen to replace their own real thoughts with clichés, I don't know  !  : o )

why people are so keen to replace their own real thoughts with clichés, I don't know ! :o)

why people are so keen to replace their own real thoughts with clichés, I don't know ! :o)

sometimes you have visions and you have absolutely no idea of what they mean

a large fir type tree, the trunk branchless until well above human height, but with that dense type foliage characteristic of cedars, there were other trees around, darkish, but this tree is lit with a browny yellow light very strongly in the branchless trunk area, more dim higher up and the tree covered with a spidery web type material, in wideish dense, long flowing strands in places

actually I do think I know what it means . .  ! :o)

zakaj  replies

interesting that you decide to share this on your blog

it must be that you think of visions as a form of communication

we use body language for instance; we all understand it, but we're not really able to articulate its meaning in sentences.

perhaps it's somehow analogous to how visions and dreams communicate without being conceptually grasped ?

I suspect poets understand language better than philosophers, or at least they're more intimate with it

who knows why, your vision reminded me of a poem by georg    trakl   called   ‘ a winter evening ’

translation  I

at the window, the fall of snow

it tolls long now, the evening bell

the table is set for many, as well

the house well-ordered, aglow

and many from their wandering

arrive by dark paths at the gate

the tree of grace blooms gold, if late

from out of earth’s chill sap it springs

traveler, enter with silent tread

pain has petrified the door

yet clean and bright on the table before

you gleam the wine, the bread

translation  II

window with falling snow is arrayed

long tolls the vesper bell

the house is provided well

the table is for many laid

wandering ones, more than a few

come to the door on darksome courses

golden blooms the tree of grace

drawing up the earth’s cool dew

wanderer quietly steps within

pain has turned the threshold to stone

there lie, in limpid brightness shown

upon the table bread and wine



thanx for your informative reply ! :o)

i think visions are that direct tangibility with infinity, that's why they can be so frightening, they are like a direct communication and infallible and one mightn't like what is said !

heidegger comments below on the opening stanza lines, “ window with falling snow is arrayed/ long tolls the vesper bell ”

this speaking names the snow that soundlessly strikes the window late in the waning day, while the vesper bell rings

in such a snowfall, everything lasts longer

therefore the vesper bell, which daily rings for a strictly fixed time, tolls long

the speaking names the winter evening time


yeah so your identification of the similarity is right, my vision is late autumn for myself, the approach of winter then . . .

it could also be being a bit snarled in z e n ! :o()

who knows, something weird might happen like being stuck permanently in late autumn ! : o)(

sometimes you have visions and you have absolutely no idea of what they mean

a large fir type tree, the trunk branchless until well above human height, but with that dense type foliage characteristic of cedars, there were other trees around, darkish, but this tree is lit with a browny yellow light very strongly in the branchless trunk area, more dim higher up and the tree covered with a spidery web type material, in wideish dense, long flowing strands in places

actually I do think I know what it means . .  ! :o)

sometimes you have visions and you have absolutely no idea of what they mean

a large fir type tree, the trunk branchless until well above human height, but with that dense type foliage characteristic of cedars, there were other trees around, darkish, but this tree is lit with a browny yellow light very strongly in the branchless trunk area, more dim higher up and the tree covered with a spidery web type material, in wideish dense, long flowing strands in places

you have been sucked in by a romanticized version of life ,  the haigoraphized zen is of course a fairy tale !

you have been sucked in by a romanticized version of life ,  the  haigoraphized zen  is of course a fairy tale !

you have been sucked in by a romanticized version of life, the  haigoraphized zen  is of course a fairy tale !

you have been sucked in by a romanticized version of life, the haigoraphized zen is of course a fairy tale !

lisa cairns and  solipsism   [10:30]

a ludwig wittgenstien   quote    from tractatus

[...]  solipsism strictly carried out coincides with pure realism

The I in solipsism shrinks to an extensionless point and there remains the reality co-ordinated with it

“ supplements containing the phytochemicals sulforaphane and quercetin are being trialled for their potential to decrease the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, on the back of new in vitro research at the university of warwick

the researchers found that vegetable-derived sulforaphane and quercetin were capable of stimulating the movement of Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2  (Nrf2) ,  a protein that controls the cellular expression of a host of protective genes in the body

“ Nrf2 regulates the cellular expression of a battery of protective genes countering oxidative stress, environment toxic insults, lipid peroxidation, macromolecular damage, metabolic dysfunction and cell senescence 

it senses challenge to homeostasis in the cell cytoplasm and activates a protective transcriptional response ”

such stress-responsive signalling was vital in resisting oxidative damage, cell dysfunction, cytotoxicity and mutagenesis, thereby contributing to resistance to drug toxicity, wound healing and decreasing risk of diabetes, vascular and neurodegenerative disease and ageing related disease

Nrf2 is the the body’s danger sensor, there is a continual movement cycle of Nrf2, which sees the protein oscillate in and out of the cell nucleus once every 129 minutes to sense the cell’s health

when Nrf2 is exposed to threats to the cell’s health it oscillates faster and activates an increase in the cell’s defence mechanism, including increasing antioxidant levels and the expression of a gene called Glyoxalase1 or Glo1

increased expression of Glo1 experimentally prevents insulin resistance  ‑  a metabolic state that leads to the development of type-2 diabetes

decreased expression of Glo1 has also recently been found to be a driver for coronary heart disease

phytochemicals as potent Nrf2 activators

the researchers successfully increased Nrf2’s cycle speed to 80 minutes by introducing vegetable sourced sulforaphane and quercetin

these  ‘ potent activators ’  therefore increased expression of Glo1 without putting cells under threat

“ by increasing expression of Glo1 through activation of Nrf2  (and other protective genes) ,  we would expect potent activators of Nrf2 which induce increase in Glo1 to be good candidate substances to include in functional foods to prevent type 2 diabetes and heart disease ”

the researchers chose sulforaphane and quercetin as well known Nrf2 activators of dietary origin, but many other Nrf2 activators would likely work via a similar mechanism

further research is required on the mechanism of Nrf2 oscillation  ‑  how precisely substances adjust the frequency, how this influences selection of different genes to be increased, and screening to find better health beneficial dietary compounds

“ frequency modulated translocational  oscillations  of Nrf2 mediate the ARE cytoprotective transcriptional response ”  ”

the imaginary is true









the imaginary is true, and the real fiction  !

the imaginary is true, and the real fiction !

the imaginary is true, and the real fiction !

the imaginary is true, and the real fiction

the imaginary is true









the imaginary is true, and the true fiction  !

the imaginary is true, and the true fiction !

the imaginary is true, and the true fiction !

the imaginary is true, and the true fiction


I think you should think of yourself and reputation, making a   stir   could leave you without a job and a bad reference  and they will just have benefited by your advice !

just work behind the scenes.

longer term you may want to leave the job, but let the job build skills for you to improve your re-employablity !

ewk,  do you know what I mean by hagiography ! ?

you are taking a hagiographized version of zen as real and building your own little construct on top of that . . .

what I find fascinating is with the more complete records becoming available that these people are looking much more real life, like the possibility that bodhidharma was executed and I did read something that indicated joshu was very short of food and uncared for in his last years . . .

this is all the real life mixedness of things, not superheroes ensconced with tenure in wealthy monasteries

you are actually stuck in a fantasy world and this is why my vision with the sixth patriarch upsets you, that's a direct truth and cuts past the hagiographized bullshit into the true reality of zen ! :o)

ewk  writes  to some-one else

I'm putting you back on the ignore list. Get some new friends or study Zen. Why follow me around tugging on my vestments ?



ewk, this is exactly where you go wrong, to take the benefit of reddit zen and everyone finds it difficult you need to not censor in any form  !  : o )

that's the real zen of the patriarchs

not the zombie book pushing you do  !  : o )

ewk  writes  to some-one else

I'm putting you back on the ignore list. Get some new friends or study Zen. Why follow me around tugging on my vestments ?



ewk, this is exactly where you go wrong, to take the benefit of reddit zen and everyone finds it difficult you need to not censor in any form ! :o)

that's the real zen of the patriarchs, not the zombie book pushing you do ! :o)

zakaj  writes

my acquaintance who was diagnosed with some kind of mental illness has these kind of   visions ,  she calls it  “ the other world ”

I think there is a connection between enlightenment and what is called  “ psychosis ”

it's a difficult subject, but there is something to it

it's possible that  “ meditation ”  only works in a certain way on people who have a predisposition for psychosis.

I understand psychosis to be a radical disconnect from the  group mind  ...

so what is the relationship between buddha and madman?

and what is a madman, beyond something socially unacceptable, something useless, something the herd has no need of ?

could it be that the olden times had a special place for people inclined towards what we call mental illness ?

instead of treating it like a sickness, they saw it as a spiritual problem ?

and the solution thereof lead to some kind of permanent psychosis called enlightenment ?

the problem with psychosis is that most people aren't able to function in society normally... but some are able to keep a  “ healthy ”  relationship between their psychosis and their normal life  ‑  which enables them to balance  “ this world ”  and   the other world



“ It's possible that  ‘ meditation ’  only works in a certain way on people who have a predisposition for psychosis ”

I have always wondered about that because no-one else seems to get from meditation what I got !

i'm always in a different world and really it's all I am interested in, reality only intrudes and needs attention to keep from getting  “ sacrificed ”  to the moron world and its needs one way or another !

as you say a lot of what is called  buji zen  is really a denial that this   other world   is enlightenment and perhaps more than just slackness  “ buji ”  is a reluctance to throw away  “ normality ”  and step into the true surreal  . . .

that's a thoughtful post thanks ! :o)

a collection of  insults  to ewk ! :o)

joshu and mazu spit in your face in disgust, you wanking zen fraud !

more stupid than a lobotomized walnut . . .

you chase seagulls on the town tip and think you know something  !  : o (

your face runs with the spit of the patriarchs yet you blithely crap on  !  : o (

ewk  writes

[...]  religion in general and soto in particular aren't alive



a zombie calling the corpse decayed ?

gonna spill more maggot ridden clichés ?

ewk   replies

making stuff up isn't saying anything



yet it is you who live in the badly made up world of hagiographized zen

of course you don't say anything, just point and pretend ! :o)

is the brick wall you have erected between yourself and what zen is really is about made up or a concrete brick by brick and mortar strip by mortar strip fact ?

when mumon wrote in case  1  of the transmission of the lamp

“ if you pass through it, you will not only see joshu face to face, but you will also go hand  in hand with the successive patriarchs, entangling your eyebrows with theirs, seeing with the same eyes, hearing with the same ears ”


















!     ?   :o)

ewk   replies

I don't know what you are talking about, but then I don't have mystic psychic visions

I just talk to people in an ordinary way



well you haven't  “ passed through it ”  have you

enlightened talk is never understood by the unenlightened  !  : o )

if it were as simple as reading some zen books  . . .

I wish I had less to say ,  it's like a raging flood   !   : o ( )

I wish I had less to say, it's like a raging flood   !   : o ( )

I wish I had less to say, it's like a raging flood  !  : o ( )

I wish I had less to say, it's like a raging flood  !  : o()

I wish I had less to say, it's like a raging flood ! :o()

I wish I had less to say, it's like a raging flood ! :o()

ewk,  do you have a list of phrases in an editor for your r/zen replies and cut and paste or is it just like some junk in the mind that keeps turning over the same stuff to make the same rattle ?

ewk  replies

I'm not turning it over when I paste it

you are



yeah I always am, but that's because I am enlightened

and not your sort of buji f a k e  !  : o )

so that's what gives you your  ‘ staying power ’ ,   a library of cut and pastes

of course you think that this sort of flat dullness is  ‘ enlightenment ’  and in fact it is the enlightenment of a man who has gone home for tea....

but for those truly adrift on the vast and remorseless ocean, we are always turning over ! :o)

you come up with some good phrases sometimes, the problem is just this brick wall you have erected ! :o)

ewk,  do you have a list of phrases in an editor for your r/zen replies and cut and paste or is it just like some junk in the mind that keeps turning over the same stuff to make the same rattle ?

ewk,  do you have a list of these phrases in an editor and cut and paste or is it just like some junk in the mind that keeps turning over the same stuff to make the same rattle ?

  “ meaning is a fluid ! ” 

when writing don't worry about the semantics, they will take care of themselves ! :o)(

  “ meaning is a fluid ! ” 

when writing don't worry about the semantics, it will take care of itself ! :o)(

  “ meaning is a fluid ! ” 

don't worry about the semantics, it will take care of itself ! :o)(

  “ meaning is a fluid ! ” 

when you write ,  you just want to trust that  “ inner space ”  to generate the content !

what you are doing is trying to make it fit what you think should be !

you just write it, even if it seems wrong in terms of what you think !

that is the talking of infinity or the actuality of Buddha or whatever ! :o)


  “ meaning is a fluid ! ” 

don't worry about the semantics, it will take care of itself ! :o)(

when you write ,  you just want to trust that  “ inner space ”  to generate the content !

what you are doing is trying to make it fit what you think should be !

you just write it, even if it seems wrong in terms of what you think !

that is the talking of infinity or the actuality of Buddha or whatever ! :o)

“   a disciple

except for the expressive silence

I am so tired of what it means to be

profound  ”



stop expressing silence then  !  : o )

it's  strongly  hagiographized

interestingly dogen was 54 years ! :o()

if the blue sky didn't have a full moon what then ?

nietzsche  is  pronounced  ‘ neecher  ’  not  ‘ neechee  ’  !




nietzsche is pronounced  ‘ neecher  ’  not  ‘ neechee  ’  !




nietzsche is pronounced  ‘ neecher  ’  not  ‘ neechee  ’  !

nietzsche is pronounced  ‘ neecher  ’  not  ‘ neechee  ’

nietzsche is pronounced  ‘ neecher  ’  !

nietzsche is pronounced  ‘ neecher  ’

our lives, Io infront of jupiter !

seen plenty of idiots like you  (ed.  kim_shlong_il)  crawl though depression and worse and won't lift a finger to help themselves, supplement, dietary, circadian rhythm and exercise wise etc !

born to bullshit and never understand how reality works ! :o)


kim_shlong_il  writes

I'm depressed and gay

remind me how meaningless life is

ewk  replies

It isn't meaningless at all

If it was then how could you be depressed and gay?

my  reply

how could you be ewk and have a brain ? :o)

ewk  replies

Is this smack talk and you aren't good at it? Or...

my  reply

It isn't meaningless at all

If it  wasn't  then how could you be depressed and gay ?

kim_shlong_il  posts

I'm depressed and gay

remind me how meaningless life is



vitamin   K2   helps with depression

there's a lot you can do !

kim_shlong_il  replies

where is my fucking bold text, fucker?



I thought you were depressed so I kept it quiet ! :o)

seen plenty of idiots like you crawl though depression and worse and won't lift a finger to help themselves, supplement, dietary, circadian rhythm and exercise wise etc !

born to bullshit and never understand how reality works ! :o)


kim_shlong_il  replies

i wonder why depressed people aren't motivated to help themselves

What's wrong with them?

It's almost as if they have some sort of mental illness



people are just designed to breed, any real difficulty in life and they just put themselves out with the garbage ,  you know, like reddit_zen_garbage !

kim_shlong_il  replies

all fuck machines praise the creator 0)_+_0-0-0{}{|[]][

vitamin   K2   helps with depression

there's a lot you can do !

just slip away  !





just slip away !





just slip away !





just slip away !

just slip away

“ counterclockwise is backwards, it'll send you farther away from enlightenment !  ; o) ”

it's by going backwards you get closer to enlightenment !

you have to step back into who you are, which is very modifying !

it's stepping back into who you are, which is where the progress is made ! :o)(

“ counterclockwise is backwards, it'll send you farther away from enlightenment !  ; o) ”

it's by going backwards you get closer to enlightenment !

you have to step back into who you are, which is very modifying !

it's stepping back into who you are, which is where the progress is made ! :o)(

“ counterclockwise is backwards, it'll send you farther away from enlightenment !  ; o) ”

it's by going backwards you get closer to enlightenment !

you have to step back into who you are, which is very modifying !

“ counterclockwise is backwards ,  (ed.  direction of kinhin)

it'll send you farther away from enlightenment !  ; o) ”

it's by going backwards you get closer to enlightenment !

“ counterclockwise is backwards ,  (ed.  direction of kinhin)

it'll send you farther away from enlightenment !  ; o) ”

it's by going backwards you get closer to enlightenment !

“ counterclockwise is backwards, it'll send you farther away from enlightenment !  ; o) ”

it's by going backwards you get closer to enlightenment !

“ yes, but divine wisdom can use the form of a human without falling into the human... ”

no it can't, you need to step into the I n a n I m a t e . . .

“ yes, but divine wisdom can use the form of a human without falling into the human... ”

no it can't, you need to step into the I n a n I m a t e . . .

divine wisdom ain't human wisdom, that's for sure !





divine wisdom ain't human wisdom, that's for sure !  :o ()

divine wisdom ain't human wisdom, that's for sure !  :o ()

divine wisdom ain't human wisdom, that's for sure !

god, reddit zen is full of nuts only interested in puffing their hubris !

god, reddit zen is full of nuts only interested in puffing their hubris !

our faces   vary   so much because evolution has favoured our being more easily recognizable and recognizing others more easily !

“ our highly visual social interactions are almost certainly the driver of this evolutionary trend ”

you can't go east if you are headed west  !  : o )

you can't go east if you are headed west  !  : o)

you can't go east if you are headed west ! :o)

ewk  asks

is there anyone who really has psychic visions ?  so far,  no .

the question isn't whether you are pretending, but whether you know it



r u saying that the visions of john of the cross and Catherine of siena are invalid ?

you are in fact !

visions in zen are there if you know what to look for !

you have come to zen from the wrong road, your views are very middle class protestant and basically you are trying to graft this onto zen, but not having any real life experience of zen you have no idea how mistaken your approach is !

protestant episcopalian/anglican is really quite anti the visionary aspects of mystical religion, this is because they undercut reality too much !

ewk  replies 

yes, religious people's visions are not valid

virgins don't have babies

a flying noodle monster did not create the universe   [ . . . ]



when you understand zen, you will understand that virgins can have babies !

: o)


“ a flying noodle monster did not create the universe ”

it's called string   theory  and it probably didn't, but describes a trivial non functioning form !





sepehr g.  asks

can you give me the convincing arguments about how buddha's historical antecedents are actually that of a tree shrine god?



since the character and life of this supposed historical person are completely unreal, that is there is no way they can have existed in historical fact or the combination of character traits and life events exist in any real person you are faced with having to explain the development of some legend !

the historical origins of buddhism appear to be some quasi   merchant   bank social construct which is not unreasonable given parallels in medieval christianity !

the most recent excavation at limbini has uncovered the oldest buddhist archeological artifact

“ digging beneath a central shrine, the researchers uncovered postholes pointing to a wooden railing surrounding a tree shrine and dating to around  550 b.c. ,  they also found an older brick structure

the center of the shrine was unroofed, and contained mineralized tree roots, surrounded by clay floors worn smooth by visitors

it was likely an ancient   bodhigara ,  or tree shrine ”

tree shrines were historically endemic in that region of india and still are today !

Buddhism and the life of buddha is some social religious construct and no different from christianity, islam and Judaism in this respect !

sepehr g.  replies

thanks. I agree. I always felt much of buddhism had that weird metallic taste of politics like bhagavad gita. it has a kind of  “obviously bullshit”  here kind of taste which you realize has ulterior motives when you dig deeper

for example, the emphasis on lotus posture as if it's an absolute must have something to do with encouraging some nationalistic ties or something

it's better not to idolize these fictions and be one's own beacon of light or so . . .  make one's own life a kind a poem that ends sweetly or so it has to be one's own work, like you said that mandelstam poem you quoted seems to point in that direction :

schubert in water, and mozart in birdsongs

and goethe whistling on the winding path

and hamlet reasoning with timid footsteps

measured the pulse of the crowd and believed the crowd

maybe before there were lips, there was already a whisper

and leaves circled around in treelessness

and those to whom we dedicate our learning

prior to any learning acquired their traits

I think people like emily dickinson, stonehouse  (shiwu) ,  and beatrix potter are better anyways

it doesn't make sense to take hagiography like the buddha too seriously as if they're literal truths

the inka of the leaves, trees, and one's own voice matter the most at the end of the day when we fall asleep . . .



good reply thanx ! :o)

you know you've been on reddit zen too long when you are not used to some-one taking on another viewpoint in an intelligent fashion !

: o )

songhill  writes

I guess for a while this   dude  thought  BOD  (Black Out Drunk)  was enlightenment

I like to see loser drunks pull themselves up by their own bootstraps

it helps to give other losers a reason to live instead of wasting their precious lives and harming others in the process



I don't think he thought  BOD  was enlightenment !

aren't we all losers here ?

your Buddhism is built on h a r m

songhill  replies

your're inverted.  you've got everything backwards.  hanging on to illusions as if they were real and final makes thee a loser.  it makes everyone losers



the h a r m you take is imagining  that there is anything but losing ! :o))

seung sahn was a celibate monk put into the promiscuous American sexual environment, he had affairs with several students, no-one is perfect . . .

make your own mistakes and don't blame me for them !





make your own mistakes and don't blame me for them !





make your own mistakes and don't blame me for them !





make your own mistakes and don't blame me for them !





make your own mistakes and don't blame me for them ! : o )

make your own mistakes and don't blame me for them !

make your own mistakes and don't blame me for them

sierpinski     dream

 sierpinski     dream

sierpinski     dream

you  can/ I  can  be  caught  in  a  koch    snowflake   !

you can/I can be caught in a koch   snowflake   !

the sort of    nonsense   you  (ed.  ewk)  are writing

is why zen is a  “ transmission outside the scriptures ”

the sort of    nonsense   you  (ed.  ewk)  are writing is why zen is a  “ transmission outside the scriptures ”

the sort of    nonsense   you  (ed.  ewk)  are writing is why zen is a  “ transmission outside the scriptures ”

the  best  of  zen   =   the  best  of  sufi   =   the  best  of  Russian  orthodox  and  other  mystic  Christianity   =   quality  literature  and  poetry   !

the best of zen  =  the best of sufi  =  the best of Russian orthodox and other mystic Christianity  =  quality literature and poetry  !

the best of zen  =  the best of sufi  =  the best of Russian orthodox and other mystic Christianity  =  quality literature and poetry !

the best of zen  =  the best of sufi  =  the best of Russian orthodox and other mystic Christianity

the best of zen  =  the best of sufi  =  the best of Russian orthodox and other mystic Christianity

visions are the essence of true mysticism  !

visions are the essence of true mysticism !

visions are the essence of true mysticism !

visions are the essence of true mysticism

zen has always held unenlightened people to be discards  !

zen has always held unenlightened people to be discards !

zen has always held unenlightened people to be discards !

zen has always held unenlightened people to be discards

“ and why is melancholia  (ed.  lars von trier's film)  zen ?

the director was talking full on crazy in his interview ”



why don't you figure it out ?

zen is full on crazy or haven't you noticed ?

tattoos are not good for your health !

nanoparticles, carcinogens, heavy metals in the inks

lol damn galaxies in their   fractal   tracing  !  : o )

lol damn galaxies in their   fractal   tracing ! :o)

the problem with cannabis is it is toxic to the brain, all I can say is there are better ways to deal with   sleep  issues

the problem with cannabis is it is toxic to the brain, all I can say is there are better ways to deal with   sleep  issues

there's more than meets the   eye   with chris grosso !

interestingly he is a good example of why zen has collapsed, it's just all neo-advaita non duality now . .

zen chases insight out of you . . .

just as bizzare of c o u r s e


ewk, because you have never done real life zen you don't know what has happened ! zen basically peaked in the early eighties then was gutted by doing what this guy is doing !

the teachers put out by the zen transmission system were/are such poor quality that zen just collapsed and these guys with a level of genuine insight instead of going into zen went into neo/advaita/non duality where basically they are self appointed . . . zen just creates tards, why be associated with it ! ?

but regardless he's pretty much in the area of zen !

it's not TMI, he's concerned with the issues zen is concerned about !

see you can be a sorta king here on reddit zen, but really these guys would eat you alive irl !

there's more than meets the   eye  with chris grosso !

interestingly he is a good example of why zen has collapsed, it's just all neo-advaita non duality now . .

zen chases insight out of you . . .

just as bizzare of c o u r s e

one of the problems with reddit zen  is the level of tard ,  you don't want to normalize on it . . .

one of the problems with reddit zen is the level of tard ,  you don't want to normalize on it . . .

one of the problems with reddit zen is the level of tard, you don't want to normalize on it . . .

you write yourself off !

you are always off target and won't put in the effort to be on target !

you know this ,  I m not telling you anything am I ?

you are always off target and won't put in the effort to be on target !

you know this ,  I m not telling you anything am I ?

you write yourself off !

you are always off target and won't put in the effort to be on target !

you know this, I m not telling you anything am I ?

you are always off target and won't put in the effort to be on target !

you know this, I m not telling you anything am I ?

the net as an alternative teaching and news medium is cleaning up the newspapers and universities, that is why they are so anti !

the net as an alternative teaching and news medium is cleaning up the newspapers and universities, that is why they are so anti !

“ one day you will walk away from zen  ! ”

time will show, you actually are showing signs of fatigue  !  : o )(

“ one day you will walk away from zen ! ”

time will show, you actually are showing signs of fatigue  !  : o )(

“ one day you will walk away from zen ! ”

time will show, you actually are showing signs of fatigue ! :o)(

“ one day you will walk away from zen ! ”

time will show, you actually are showing signs of fatigue  !  : o )(

“ one day you will walk away from zen ! ”

time will show, you actually are showing signs of fatigue ! :o)(

ewk, the emperor has no clothes there is nothing there and as I say one day  you will walk away from zen  !

ewk, the emperor has no clothes there is nothing there and as I say one day  you will walk away from zen  !

I just feel you will walk away from zen at some point, could be years away, but in your heart you know the falsity of what you are doing and it will catch up with you !

course my being around changes things, but how that goes I do not k n o w ?

ewk, the emperor has no clothes there is nothing there and as I say one day you will walk away from zen !

I just feel you will walk away from zen at some point, could be years away, but in your heart you know the falsity of what you are doing and it will catch up with you !

course my being around changes things, but how that goes I do not k n o w ?

ewk, the emperor has no clothes there is nothing there and as I say one day you will walk away from zen !

look there's a different world of literary  competence around if you would stretch yourself to see outside your blinkers !

you just come across as a crimped wanker, surely you want more for yourself ?

perhaps you don't ?

look there's a different world of literary  competence around if you would stretch yourself to see outside your blinkers !

you just come across as a crimped wanker, surely you want more for yourself ?

perhaps you don't ?

the voynich manuscript is fun

worth researching in depth over a while ! :o)

the voynich manuscript is fun

worth researching in depth over a while ! :o)

the voynich manuscript is fun. worth researching in depth over a while ! :o)

stupid is as stupid claims  !  : o (

god those buji wankers on reddit zen won't give an inch  !  : o (

stupid is as stupid claims  !  : o(

god those buji wankers on reddit zen won't give an inch  !  : o (

stupid is as stupid claims  !  : o(

god those buji wankers on reddit zen won't give an inch ! :o(

stupid is as stupid claims  !  : o (

stupid is as stupid claims  !  : o(

stupid is as stupid claims ! :o(

stupid is as stupid claims  !  : o (

stupid is as stupid claims  !  : o(

stupid is as stupid claims ! :o(

practice in fact gets used as some substitutive object to displace and distract from any real work in terms of what zen is about !

if you do, you don't talk about practice ! :o)(

basically the work is quality   reading   and time alone in contemplation !

yesterday I spent several hours by myself from late afternoon to dusk on a bit of deserted coast/beach, it doesn't get better than that ! :o)

don quixote is us all and our crazy mixed up lives pursuing whatever fata morgana . . .

what is wrong with the way English and English literature is taught in the usa, I have never come across such stupid blinkers twits in my life ! :o)

you can educate yourself so much better on the net !

the net now is some super rich library resource, way better than any university library !

what is wrong with the way English and English literature is taught in the usa, I have never come across such stupid blinkered twits in my life  !  : o )

what is wrong with the way English and English literature is taught in the usa, I have never come across such stupid blinkers twits in my life  !  : o )

what is wrong with the way English and English literature is taught in the usa, I have never come across such stupid blinkered twits in my life ! :o)

what is wrong with the way English and English literature is taught in the usa, I have never come across such stupid blinkers twits in my life ! :o)

you  are  a  tangled  curve  of  narcissistic  stupidity  .  .  .

you are a tangled curve of narcissistic stupidity . . .

you are a tangled curve of narcissistic stupidity . . .

the crap artists of reddit zen want it both ways ,  the no work of buji zen and not to look like slack half arses !

keep trying !

the crap artists of reddit zen want it both ways ,  the no work of buji zen and not to look like slack half arses !

keep trying !

the crap artists of reddit zen want it both ways ,  the no work of buji zen and not to look like slack half arses !

keep trying !

the crap artists of reddit zen want it both ways ,  the no work of buji zen and not to look like slack half arses !

keep trying !

the crap artists of reddit zen want it both ways, the no work of buji zen and not to look like slack half arses !

keep trying !

i think alot of young women are drinking now apparently without much damage protected by hormones so to speak, but when the hormones drop the damage sets in in spades with some degree of dementia and memory problems  !  : o ( )

i think alot of young women are drinking now apparently without much damage protected by hormones so to speak, but when the hormones drop the damage sets in in spades with some degree of dementia and memory problems ! :o()

i think alot of young women are drinking now apparently without much damage protected by hormones so to speak, but when the hormones drop the damage sets in in spades with some degree of dementia and memory problems ! :()

“ guru effect  ‑  the tendency for people to judge profound what they have failed to grasp ”

pretty much the same as voynich and you  (ed.  ewk)  are a prime sucker for voynich, acting like bizarre manic priest with all your quotes of garbage followed by your comments pretending they mean something ! :o)

“ guru effect  ‑  the tendency for people to judge profound what they have failed to grasp ”

pretty much the same as voynich and you  (ed.  ewk)  are a prime sucker for voynich, acting like bizarre manic priest with all your quotes of garbage followed by your comments pretending they mean something ! :o)

“ guru effect  ‑  the tendency for people to judge profound what they have failed to grasp ”

pretty much the same as voynich and you  (ed.  ewk)  are a prime sucker for voynich, acting like bizarre manic priest with all your quotes of garbage followed by your comments pretending they mean something ! :o)

sepehr g.  asks

how does that   verse   relate to this poem by emily dickinson ?

 H B141/636/219 1880 letter to susan gilbert dickinson " that Susan lives  -  is a Universe which neither going nor coming could displace  _______ "



I can see a similarity, but it's suprisingly difficult to put into words beyond that they are both solipsistic  and Emily dickinson's expression is way more sophisticated even than solipsism !

a good   quote    by kodo sawaki

you can't even trade a single fart with the next guy

each and every one of us has to live out his own life

don't waste time thinking about who's most talented



that's big problem with message boards, everyone trying to live everyone else's life and make it their way !

love, women go gooey and mens knees knock in fear ! : o)

love, women go gooey and mens knees knock in fear !

love, women go gooey and mens knees knock in fear

“ men, don't get married if you don't want to eat chicken every night ! ”


“ men, don't get married if you don't want to eat chicken every night ! ”   :o)(

“ men, don't get married if you don't want to eat chicken every night ! :o)( ”

“ don't get married if you don't want to eat chicken every night ! :o)( ”

sex for men over 50 is unpaid work  !  :  o ) (

sex for men over 50 is unpaid work ! : o)(

sex for men over 50 is unpaid work  !  :  o ) (

sex for men over 50 is unpaid work ! : o)(

sex for men over 50 is unpaid work !

the question of  ‘ mystical equivalents ’  is all resolved very simply by asking  ‘ what are they about ’  ?

since what we are really concerned with is what they are about , how could any mystical path have the sort of monopoly usually claimed for it !

the real divide is not zen versus sufi, Russian orthodox or whatever , but voynich versus sense and zen is just as high or even more so on voynich as /than the others !

mystical equivalents is all resolved very simply by asking  ‘ what are they about ’  ?

since what we are really concerned with is what they are about , how could any mystical path have the sort of monopoly usually claimed for it !

the real divide is not zen versus sufi, Russian orthodox or whatever , but voynich versus sense and zen is just as high or even more so on voynich as /than the others !

mystical equivalents is all resolved very simply asking  ‘ what are they about ’  ?

since what we are really concerned with is what they are about , how could any mystical path have the sort of monopoly usually claimed for it !

the real divide is not zen versus sufi, Russian orthodox or whatever , but voynich versus sense and zen is just as high or even more so on voynich as /than the others !

for zen you need to be a round peg in a square hole ! :o)

a square peg in a square hole is anti-zen

a round peg in a round hole is  N O R M A L  L I F E

for zen you need to be a round peg in a square hole ! :o)

a square peg in a square hole is anti-zen

a round peg in a round hole is  N O R M A L  L I F E

for zen you need to be a round peg in a square hole ! :o)

a square peg in a square hole is anti-zen

a round peg in a round hole is  N O R M A L  L I F E

for zen you need to be a round peg in a square hole ! :o)

a square peg in a square hole is anti-zen

a round peg in a round hole is  N O R M A L  L I F E

for zen you need to be a round peg in a square hole ! :o)

a square peg in a square hole is anti-zen

a round peg in a round hole is  N O R M A L  L I F E

what is zen ?

what is zen really  about ?

i n t e l l i g e n t   s e l f  a b a t e m e n t  !

what  is  i n t e l l i g e n t   s  e l f  a b a t e m e n t  !

why i s  t h i s  i m p o r t a n t ?

w  h  y ?

what is zen ?

what is zen really  about ?

i n t e l l i g e n t   s e l f  a b a t e m e n t  !

what  is  i n t e l l i g e n t   s  e l f  a b a t e m e n t  !

why i s  t h i s  i m p o r t a n t ?

w  h  y ?

what is zen ?

what is zen really  about ?

i n t e l l i g e n t   s e l f  a b a t e m e n t  !

what  is  i n t e l l i g e n t   s  e l f  a b a t e m e n t  !

why i s  t h i s  i m p o r t a n t ?

w  h  y ?

what is zen ?

what is zen really about ?

i n t e l l i g e n t

T H E  B U J I  Z E N  G A M E . .

the buji zen game is playing where everyone sits around farting all the time ,  saying, oh it's like the scent of roses !

the buji zen game is playing where everyone sits around  farting  all the time ,  saying, oh it's like the scent of roses !




the buji zen game is playing where everyone sits around farting all the time ,  saying, oh it's like the scent of roses !





the buji zen game is playing where everyone sits around farting all the time ,  saying, oh it's like the scent of roses ! : o ( )

the buji zen game is playing where everyone sits around farting all the time ,  saying, oh it's like the scent of roses ! : o ( )

the buji zen game is playing where everyone sits around farting all the time ,  saying, oh it's like the scent of roses !

it takes a real idiot to think they know something about anything without real life experience !

it takes a real idiot to think they know something about anything without real life experience !

it takes a real idiot to think they know something about anything without real life experience

derpygrooves  asks

why does your smiley have a nose omfg



omfg you are not very bright r u ?

smileys are icons of w a I t  f o r  I t   f a c e s  !

people in religion live in a hagiographized world !





people in religion live in a hagiographized world !





people in religion live in a hagiographized world !




people in religion live in a hagiographized world !




people in religion live in a hagiographized world !

: o (

people in religion live in a hagiographized world !

people in religion live in a hagiographized world !

people in zen live in a hagiography !

people in zen live in a hagiography !

people in zen live in a hagiographical world !

people in zen live in a hagiographical world !

people in zen live in a hagiographized world !

people in zen  live in a hagiographized world !

people in zen live in a hagiographized world !

oatgerm  babbles

the distinction between unenlightened and enlightened is one only the unenlightened make



the distinction between unenlightened and enlightened is one only the   un  enlightened  make

louiecat  replies

oh ?



yeah ,  you are unenlightened ! :o)

zen masters versus the monks or  dumb redditors  is always an implicit statement of enlightenment ! :o)

oatgerm  babbles

the distinction between unenlightened and enlightened is one only the unenlightened make



the distinction between unenlightened and enlightened is one only the   un  enlightened  make

below is from the translation of the diamond cutter sutra by paul harrison !

you can see there is some sense to it, but the reality is  buji ,  just pissing in the wind etc.

it's not the enlightened viewpoint and all the Buddhist sutras are like this, which is why the zen masters were/are so negative of the  (Buddhist ! ? )  scriptures !



“ what do you think, subhuti, can a tathagata be seen by virtue of the possession of distinctive features ? ”

subhuti said ,  “ a tathagata cannot be seen by virtue of the possession of distinctive features

why is that?

the very thing which the tathagata has preached as the possession of distinctive features lacks any possession of distinctive features ”

  at these words  the lord said this to the venerable subhuti, “ subhuti, as long as there is any distinctive feature there is falsehood, and as long as there is no distinctive feature there is no falsehood 

accordingly it is by virtue of the featurelessness of his distinctive features that a tathagata can be seen ”

quote  from john blofeld's translation of the records of huang po

if an ordinary man, when he is about to die, could only see the five elements of consciousness as void; the four physical elements as not constituting an  I

the real mind as formless and neither coming nor going

his nature as something neither commencing at his birth not perishing at his death, but as whole and motionless in its very depths

his mind and environmental objects as one  ‑  if he could really accomplish this, he would receive enlightenment in a flash.



this is so typical of yet another garbled dai kensho experience !

you twits on reddit zen in your bankrupt  buji hubris  imagine this to be something that can be reasoned !

another buji - zen quixote   confronted   by ultimate meaninglessness and not liking it?

when you get enlightened you won't be so middle class in your value system ! :o)

when you get enlightened you won't be so middle class in your value system !

when you get enlightened you won't be so middle class in your value system ! :o)