this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don’t warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of  the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them  with the eyes closed  !

you’ve had a difficult life, always had to fight !

but you don’t have to fight, just let everything go and flow with what seems right !

you’ve had a difficult life, always had to fight !

but you don’t have to fight, just let everything go and go with what seems right !

i gave up on the five ranks, they are voynich !

i gave up on the five ranks, they are voynich

ewk, i figure you are like don quixote, which is why i put  that  up

you were always unbalanced, but zen has made you quite insane, like the don with   chivalrous romances  !

the world is infested with sad failed seekers !

you are destined to be one of those sad failed seekers the world is infested with !

ewk, zen never existed in the first place, its just some dream you have created !

zen never existed in the first place, its just some dream you have created !

i have a neighbour back who smokes a bit of pot and has been away for four months with very little access to it and is much better for not smoking, saner and more dealable !

i think if you knew her as a child and friend its a good idea not to have sex

she's far more valuable as a friend than ex, i would keep away from sex with her

what does a man bring into a relationship ?

what does a woman ?

relationships are intrinsically  “ female centric ”

    a man is just along for the ride under the illusion its all about him  .  .  .

i think women are more empathetic and men more empirical

a man is just a crutch for the woman to stand with ?

that’s certainly the female view, they won’t deny it !

a robot to be manipulated into doing their bidding !

if you do, then you don’t have to ask do you ?

if you do, then you don’t have to ask !

do you ?

if you do, then you don’t have to ask !

if you do, then you don’t have to ask

what is silent illumination supposed to be ?

“ silently and serenely one forgets all words  

   clearly and vividly it appears before you ”

tommyrot in other words !

a quote from instant zen

once when the great teacher xuansha was cutting down a tree, a tiger bounded out of the woods

the teacher’s companion said  “ it’s a tiger ! ”

the teacher scolded him and said  “ It’s a tiger for you ”

well we know Xuansha lived at least !

the teacher   scolded   pushed him at the attacker and said ,  “ it’s a tiger for you ”

ewk  worshipping  yúnmén wényǎn

its a  layered  reference !

camille claudel ,  a much better sculptor than auguste rodin, butchered by her family  !

the notion of koans themselves is extremely flawed, its just multichoice for idiots !

they are a substitute for literary sophistication and understanding and at best its a poor pretend !

there is also no basis for one person setting themselves up over others as a teacher, though of course experience, facility and correctness may vary hugely  .  .  .

why is basketball so successful despite it being almost exclusively for tall people ?

its non - concussive !

who is most susceptible to concussion ?

tall people !

you need money but nothing is worth damaging your health

ed.  on teaching soccer

be careful not to  head butt  or take it  in the face  in soccer and be subtle about talking about the issue, it will upset, just be careful there

the soccer rule committee want to be innovative and ban it but coming up with new rules to make the game more interesting but non - concussive

jason  writes

i had about eighteen people over on saturday night, it was a relaxed party with the fire going

well this girl who i’ve told you about was there, the one who posted the alpaca video to my facebook page, and i’m outside and then she were looking at eachother and she jerks her head towards the house, so she gets up and goes and so do i

of course i don’t have sex with her, she’s tried like five times.  usually it’s at a party where she’s drunk, i might be a little drunk

well an important point is that after she started staring at two other guys, both of whom she’s had some sort of relation with, she’s staring so obviously switching between all three of us

one of the guys there that she was looking at has a good job, his grandfather is big time at an architect firm in nyc

so she says let’s hang out monday, i say fine and then i text her monday and she says she needs to do schoolwork, cool with me, she then says wednesday  (today)  but i’m working till ten, she asks where i’m working and i tell her i was offered a job at home depot .  .  then she just stops answering

i asked her are you ignoring me now ?  no answer, i’ve known this girl since we were nine

my highlight and comment

“ she asks where i’m working and i tell her i was offered a job at home depot  .  .  then she just stops answering ”

as you get older you are dropping out of the middle class to lower/working class, it is painful !

“ why do you do this ? ”   as opposed to   “ why do you do this? ”

very occasionally i will leave the space out because the reading is better without what is effectively an added pause

so its phonetic, not compressing the question mark onto the word it follows !

it takes a while to get to know people

questioning a patriarch as to why he does things is not going to do you much good !

questioning a patriarch as to why he does things is not going to do you much good

what do zen masters mean when they say that magnitude does not exist ?

what do zen masters mean when they say magnitude exists and zen fakes say magnitude does not exist ?

my reply is a koan with a couple of different meanings !

also, its hard to grasp but it actually answers the original question !

what do zen masters mean when they say magnitude exists and zen fakes say magnitude does not exist ?

what is there to say ?

really there’s nothing to say !

what is there to say ?

there’s nothing really to say !

look through your reddit history with the eyes of someone who is looking at a person they don’t know and is trying to evaluate them !

are you happy with what you read ?

ewk, your lack of, and refusal to get in any meditative or contemplative experience is a wall you can never get past !

because of this the pattern is your continued ignorant and bigoted  “ suburban materialist ”  posting will continue !

zen and religion are full of  cannibal ghosts ,  yet i am still surprised to find i am eaten alive !

how much worse to be married or in relationship with one or have children thus such !

zen and religion are full of cannibal ghosts ,  yet i am still surprised to find i am eaten alive !

ever done any meditation ?

silent illumination can only be a theory by those who never have

 shikantaza on the other hand is a description of what actually occurs !

its interesting how the silent illumination heresy in zen persists or is recreated a thousand and more years later !

its interesting how the silent illumination heresy in zen persists or is recreated a thousand and more years later

ewk, you can pontificate on voynich forever, but anyone can pick you are not self aware  .  .

why not meditate a bit ?

it could help snap your encroaching mental illness !

institutionalization is palliative care for wreckage !

this is not unfriendly, one has only to read your history to see there is a problem  .  .

ed.  post deleted then put back on r|zen when i posted about the mods being protective of him, but it wasn’t helping him !

true mysticism is a particular blend of learning disabilites and abilities and psychosis and ultra sanity  .  .

only a particular  combination  has any validity hence the vast array and spread of  “ might have been’s ”  but not !

i think it takes a strong crazy streak actually

 as an animal we are too prone to like being fenced in !

hyatt moore, quite colourful, but under pressure to produce a lot of work unfortunately !

his five children are grown but he has the habit of painting with a large family to support !

not great, but competent !

maybe a bit commercial !

yeah without meaning or in fact a bit crazy !

oddly  abstracted down  into negative artistic territory, his real life intensity is way elsewhere !

Its hard to make a living when the gallery takes 50% of the sticker price;  I believe Picasso churned out thousands of painting which the family gradually release to keep the price high.    ‘ Damned if you do, and damned  . . . . . . ’ .  Lol.

or you can get accidently shot by a bourgeois young   lout  from paris on summer holiday like vincent van gogh was !

great art has too high a price imo, better to be happy and mediocre !

feeling tired i went to sleep this afternoon and had a most amazing dream !

it was sorta time travelling and i was in a beautiful scenic country in the edwardian era travelling on a train through marvellous landscape, farming plains then a mountainous landscape, then oddly in a large old school building that i got lost in and found the way back to the others following their voices

then a meal at a table on a lawn with the group i was with and then one of them asked, doesn’t this all seem different, too real i am going back  (ed. to where we came from ?)

i wanted to stay but the meal seemed to break up and i can’t remember much of what happened next, it seemed important to get back either with or before this person  .  .

as i was waking up i thought i couldn’t stay because they didn’t have good cataract operations in that era  .  .

earlier that day or on the day before i had been thinking how lucky i was that within the last several years cataract operations and lens quality had become so good  .  .

in earlier times i might be blind in about five to twenty years, down to one eye in less than three ?  .  .

was that a dream or vision ?

i don’t know

lying doesn’t make them not Buddhas, telling the truth doesn’t make us Buddhas

lying makes them not buddhas, telling the truth makes us buddhas

“ lying doesn’t make them not Buddhas, telling the truth doesn’t make us Buddhas ”

lying makes them not buddhas, telling the truth makes us buddhas

zenthrowaway17   writes

I want to be happy, but I’m pretty sure I’m incapable of making myself happy

So I basically just do fuck all


r e p l y

but you don’t get things right and insist on saying they are right

you don’t accept the downside of complete passivity which is to get things very wrong !

zenthrowaway17  replied

You have it backwards

The upside of total passivity is accuracy

I understand things very, very well

Unfortunately, I’m basically a talking rock.  I can’t act.  I just know what’s going on


r e p l y

 i thought you would make a reply to that effect !

ed.  he replied that he did have a habit of correcting people and there was no mystery there !

brian ruhe,  a real  genuine crazy  !

its just schizophrenic, sticking bits together to match totally insane projections without ever researching or testing for veracity !

zenthrowaway17  “ caught ”  me posting in askreddit and told me to get out of there, it wasn’t my turf !


r e p l y

the whole point of zen is we have  “ no turf ”

i don’t know why people have so much difficulty getting the basics !

what did you gain from your relationship with your ex ?

the ability to walk away from relationships and sex !

it took a while though !

for most of my life however, i was too obviously damaged for women to want anything to do with me !

how did you become less damaged ?

diet and  supplements  !

do you think i’m damaged ?


when the walls get knocked down, you see the view !

sensitive on the topic of having asperger’s syndrome ?

ed.  of zenthrowaway17

however you break the mould being bone idle ?

sensitive on the topic of being on autistic spectrum ?

however you break the mould being bone idle ?

“ once you have taken a step, the step just fades away like the wind passing by ”

daehaeng kun  sunim

once you have made a post on r|zen, it just evaporates like a fart dissipating !

actually i like her talks, you just have to translate past the korean and buddhist cultural baggage !

once past that, people are the same everywhere !

please bear in mind that unless you speak korean, what you are seeing is a translator’s opinion of what she is saying, not her actual words !

last week i fell out of my bunk which is quite high off the ground and felt the effect on my hip bone and neck for about five days !

this was during a nightmare, but in my entire life i have never fallen out of bed while alseep and the one unusual thing i had done that day was drink a litre of coles diet tonic water with aspartame in !

i think it affects the brain !

it also had acesulfame potassium in

my reply to  this  zen story

as each flap fades and another comes into being

 what does this mean ?

you are mock insane, so why shouldn’t your zen be mock zen ?

you are  “ mock ”  insane, so why shouldn’t your zen be  “ mock ”  zen ?

emma morano was born on the 29th of november, 1899, in the piedmont region of italy, when king umberto I still reigned (assassinated in july 1900)  !

she was officially the last person born in the 1800s still living

she had attributed her  longevity  to her genetics and a diet of three eggs a day, two of them raw and rarely ate vegetables or fruit !

i’m going to eat more eggs !

i find the contrast between outright insanity and  learning disability  interesting !

learning disablity can still be highly socialized but  insanity  never is !

इसकी   विस्तृत   दुनिया  !

इसकी   विस्तृत   दुनिया   !

इसकी   विस्तृत   दुनिया

the mumonkan like the blue cliff record are both actually literary works by authors

its like christianity and its conversion of a very fictional archangel called jesus into a historical person  .  .

its hard to extract money from congregations for works of fiction so you pretend they are real historical persons and suddenly the world is different with an afterlife and justice system that rewards being a sucker  .  .  .

ewk, did it ever occur to you that you have learning disabilities ?

did it ever occur to you that you have learning disabilities ?

did it ever occur to you that you have learning disabilities

as a side note, given that hakuun yasutani was not much short of a war criminal i have grown more sympathetic to philip kapleau’s transmission problems and in fact he has transmission from a korean lineage which is more valid than the farcial japanese  “ we should have won ww2 ”  lineages !

i was just thinking of my ex, a year and a half since we have broken up, i have escaped   .   ̲     ̲ 

i was just thinking of my ex, a year and a half since we have broken up, i have escaped

ewk, have a good cry, you are full of grief !

not saying its a bad thing, just you need to be more truthful about your life !

have a good cry, you are full of grief !

not saying its a bad thing, just you need to be more truthful about your life !

.  .  .  is not someone interested in dialogue    

if you monologue to yourself isn’t that dialogue ?

if you monologue to yourself isn’t that dialogue ?

if you monologue to yourself isn’t that dialogue

The root of the word  Dhyāna  is Dhi, which in the earliest layer of text of the Vedas refers to "imaginative vision" and associated with goddess Saraswati with powers of knowledge, wisdom and poetic eloquence

this term developed into the variant dhya- and dhyana, or "meditation"

jason  writes

don’t follow the norms

don’t follow the inorms

reality is a flowing inconstant

there is room

for second guessing


r e p l y

the norms don’t follow me

i don’t follow the norms

reality is inconstant

 don’t second guess me !

my latest vision, looking at the front/palm side of the hand, the fingers normal but the palm black and covered like with dead embers on a partially burnt piece of wood

wife, family and children, the illusion of meaning

wife and children, the illusion of meaning

i find brad warner interesting and learn from him

one of the problems with   dia kensho  is the rest of the world rubbishes it, so it is comforting to come across another like him with a similar experience !

its just a very strange space that unless you have had it, no-one else will relate and indeed they are quite anti because it is so deconstructive of  {a}  life and reality !

koans are a toxic food for baby rats !

they grow into big rats and claim to be cats !


a belgian animated film  (1979)  written and directed by raoul servais

don’t look outside yourself !

“ don’t look outside yourself ! ”

don’t look outside yourself !

don’t look outside yourself

you often jump into conversations you don’t know the context of ?

 ok you often do jump into conversations you don’t know the context of !

you often jump into conversations you don’t know the context of ?

you often jump into conversations you don’t know the context of

life is a sleepless dream !

life is a sleepless dream

i was thinking the other side of a  “ dreamless sleep ”  is sleepless dream !

i was thinking the other side of a  “ dreamless sleep ”  is sleepless dream

“ no-one wants you around as much as you think they do; you need to stop inflicting yourself on other people ”

15 minutes isn’t meditation, half to an hour a day at a minimum to be productive with it

anything is interesting, but you just sort of take the public face

you don’t delve is the problem

the really difficult things in life i notice, the problems come from a lot of different angles, there’s not a simple answer

 she’s trauma, perhaps your problem is too high a tolerance of it ?

she’s trauma, perhaps your problem is too high a tolerance of it

for meditation at home, just walk or slouch in or over a chair

i do in sum three hours every day which i guess is  “ professional level ”

if you insist on damaging your joints nothing beats full lotus !

the venerable jinje at 83, the re-elected  supreme patriarch of the jeogye order is too old, same problem as the popes, both religions are in a state  of decay  !

someone asked  :  sir, what is your teaching ?

yunmen replied,  just ask one of my detractors !

you’re up late this morning

yeah i had one long party last night

a pity party

i only ever sit zazen in a group situation !

at home i just kneel over or sit in chair or walk around mostly in the dark

“ practice ”  is like a wall to keep meditation from ever doing anything useful

twenty years of practice makes you more stupid than when you started, seen this so many times, hard to believe  .  .

a good  discussion  by brad warner on  religious experiences

i have had later just as  ‘ mind blowing ’  experiences, its very much an ongoing thing although some periods like now are rather dry compared to others

sometimes things can happen and you have no recollection, but a shift has occurred

its interesting how hated the visionary is by buddhism and zen, but that’s what dogen was, visionary  .  .

if the experience is authentic it won’t lead you astray like charles manson and whoever that teacher  (eckhart tolle?)  you referred to was, just another of the millions of stupid fakes that life and religion is infested with  .  .

you girlfriend must be good for you, you are more relaxed and personable

so on the one hand foyan is saying fakes claiming to understand when they don’t, should be knocked back

now the  second item  is someone being honest about not understanding, but claiming an inability to ever understand !

foyan says in this case they are mistaken, its actually quite accessible even to some-one like ewk, all they have to do is some meditative/contemplative work as per foyan’s description in the original  OP

again, just step back and look; what is it that talks wildly and speaks randomly ?  just turn your attention around and reflect.  go on working like this, and eventually you will be sure to awaken

if you don’t believe it, there’s nothing I can do about that

all three points i agree with foyan on

that’s quite interesting now i have worked through it, he has risen in my estimation !

are you kantian or utilitarian ?

i had always thought i was mostly utiltitarian, but guess i have a kantian  backbone  !

ewk, you’re like some sort of insect, put your stings in, then step back to enjoy the writhing ?

you’re like some sort of insect, put your stings in, then step back to enjoy the writhing ?

You tell people what they can’t understand isn’t appropriate

i don’t tell people anything. more meandering to myself !

i don’t tell people anything. more meandering to myself !

i don’t tell people anything. more meandering to myself

you cannot begin to understand until you admit to yourself you do not understand !

what’s the point of being an incompetent know-all obnoxious arsehole ?

beats me !

you cannot begin to understand until you admit to yourself you do not understand !

you cannot begin to understand until you admit to yourself you do not understand

rina’s in the ER for an ear infection according to her snapchat, never had one of those myself

very common in autistic kids, had a lot myself when young, though of course rina is 26 !

its a biofilm problem in the ear fed by suitable sugars in the blood

i always get a twinge in the ear when i eat a lot of pasturized fruit, blood sugars that fungi/yeast like going over the top

 woman's fingernails with icon and jewels

this is the most quintessentially female thing i have seen, they don’t care what the decoration is, as long as it is decoration !

our lady of  of guadalupe

never get sentimental about people, put your own survival first !

never get sentimental about people, your own survival first !

never get sentimental about people, put your own survival first

never get sentimental about people, your own survival first

jason  writes

so all women want support from a relationship ?

i originally thought support meant money, a place to live, but now i’m thinking maybe it also means supporting what they’re already doing and not changing much

yeah, i think that’s well put, but as i said before, they are much more open to change if it comes from the man they are having sex with, its biological in the brain !

ewk, is being so consistently obnoxious a social skill you really want to develop ?

is being so consistently obnoxious a social skill you really want to develop ?

is being so consistently obnoxious a social skill you really want to develop

how are you feeling ?

i am feeling pretty deflated about everything

 how else is one supposed to feel ?

how do you feel ?

i am feeling pretty deflated about everything

 how else is one supposed to feel ?

how are you feeling ?

pretty deflated about everything

  how else is one supposed to feel ?

how do you feel ?

pretty deflated about everything

  how else is one supposed to feel ?

what you can tell people again and again but they don’t get it, they are not reading what is said  (ed. of the zen records)  but goes through a chain of transcription, editing, publishing and translation so the final product is at best a guess of something that may not have been right in the first place !

and they sit there, fat little princes in their sleek stupidity pontificating from their newly discovered gospels like they mean something !

if you read this and diss it like most do then what can i say to such stupidity ?

nothing ! ?

if zen is not lit by your own interior coherence and logic, you are wasting your time !

a poem by  maggie  magnolia

Dawn rose so slowly

seductively unrobing

to music of morn’

Her veil of many colours

now lies strewn across the sea

it was the beginning of ewk’s twenty-fifth year of posting on reddit zen !

he had been fighting the fight, harassing the believers, reached the seventh millionth time of telling the self styled  “ 7th patriarch ”  he was mad, denounced the occultists, daoists and discordians; trouncing everything in sight basically !

he had had qualms about whether or not he really didn’t understand what zen was about, but had pushed them away, overridden by his aggressive, certain cognitive style

but now his children were grown, his wife had left him and with just obscure brands of tea for company he was beginning to wonder if perhaps he made a life mistake, all this effort in maintaining a stance that was so incompetent you could not begin to say it was flawed ! !

the imp of uncertainty, having lightly touched ewk’s brow gave it up as a bad job and walked away and so he types yet another post !

there’s no such thing as a copeable woman from a man’s point of view !

there’s no such thing as a copeable woman from a man’s point of view

being the 7th patriarch and the recipient of mind to mind transmission i can say zen always looks   in decline  because anyone with true understanding is so rare !

oddly, the nearest parallel to buddhism in the western world was the knights templar which also was   a merchantile guild  !

the interesting thing about the netflix period drama   “ victoria ”  is the reconstruction is enabled by queen victoria’s very detailed dairies

that is, she was in effect a writer as well as being queen !

there’s not many historically signifcant politically powerful people who leave personal written records, julius caesar being one and marcellus aurelius being another

she’s in good company !

an extract from thomas cleary’s translation  dhammapada  :  the sayings of buddha

as angulimalya was begging, he came to the door of a rich man whose wife was having a difficult birth, and had not yet delivered

the rich man asked, “ as a disciple of gautama you are a supreme sage  –  what method do you have to avoid birthing difficulty ? ”

angulimalya peplied to the rich man, “ i have just entered the path and do not yet know this method.  wait till i go back and ask the world honored one, and i’ll come back and tell you ”

then he went back and told the buddha all about this

the buddha said, “ go there quickly and announce, ‘ ever since i have been following the teaching of saints and sages, i have never killed a living being ’ ”

angulimalya did as the buddha said;  he went and told this to the rich man.  when his wife heard this, she delivered at once

the next week angulimalya accidentally ended up in the town’s poor quarter and the same thing happened, when he asked at a house for directions on how to get out of the slum, the father came to the door and asked for a remedy for his wife

angulimalya chanted what he had been told, but it didn’t work so he rushed back to buddha and asked him what to do

the great one replied, the poor are shit out of luck, the sort of bullshit i promote is only for the upper and middle classes

angulimalya did not go back !

if you were going to study zen without reading a book, how would you do it ?

observe how yourself, life and people really work !

its a good question !

i’ll put that on the list  :  observation of yourself, life and people

the  ‘ really work ’  is also important and can  not  be fun at times !

it strikes me as implicit.  right along with  really yourself  and  really life

i think there’s a divide between observation and working out, observation is passive and can leave you with errors, whereas working out is dynamic, rough, potentially damaging but clarifying of observations !

history opens one’s eyes as to the reality of politics !

politics is like some mania of the present but historical studies give perspective !

history opens one’s eyes as to the reality of politics !

the people in the place  (ed.  salmon filleting factory in alaska)  are usually more of a danger than the work !

women are usually a moderating influence, but mostly male working environments are pretty horrendous !

on ships and boats, its important to understand the captain’s word is law

it seems a lot of drownings are alcohol related

i know if you take vitamin e you need to take vitamin k, maybe vice versa also holds ?

because vitamin E has a half life of two and a half days in the blood, i find i don’t need to take it daily but six or seven days seems a suitable interval !

it thins the blood and is an antioxidant, a big deal with my migraines

the real zen needs a lot of contemplative time, when i stayed at centers i stayed as a guest which gave me that and reading dogen, he did the same

otherwise as a working resident all your time goes into the daily grind and you never progress much

i found towards the end of my stays i knew way more about the place and gossip than just about all the residents there !

ewk, you are clearly spoiling for a fight, don’t you have enough to do ?

you are clearly spoiling for a fight, don’t you have enough to do ?

jason   w r i t e s

so let me tell you about my day so far lol ! concerning this girl anyway

i was telling my older woman coworker yesterday how i don’t plan on dating for at least a couple of years, well i saw she and this girl who had been looking at me previously and i told you about were talking and i walked into a hilarious conversation

the older coworker was saying  “ he’s nice, and he has a good job so ”

jacklyn says  “ yeah ” 

she goes  “ so it’s good to keep him around ”

jacklyn didn’t want to hear me say that and all i can do is smile and say  “ love that ” ,  she looks at me pleadingly saying  “ you understand right ?! ”

either in the same conversation or later on my older coworker said  “ jason doesn’t plan on dating for two years ”  and unconciously i waved at jacklyn  “ nope no dating ” ,  that didn’t seem to deter her from the possibility of dating me as she said a bunch of stuff later on like asking me a ridiculous question  “ if you were a food, what would you be ? ”

she reminded me of my coworker at sweetwater in mass who we described as benign compared to hillary

i came to the realization today how men are more direct right away sort of people and women like to feel out the situation more

is it unfavorable to take krill oil later in the day ?

i don’t know the best time to take krill oil, its an immune suppressor and the immune system is most active on the morning and lowest on bedtime so it would seem better to take it in the morning ?

life is full of dashed hopes  !

life is full of dashed hopes  !

life is full of dashed hopes !

life is full of dashed hopes

schizophrenia is being irrational past the point of stupidity  !

schizophrenia is being irrational past the point of stupidity !

schizophrenia is being irrational past the point of stupidity

damien hurst and jeff koons, no salesmen anywhere in the world can compare  to these

kogen  almost drowns  during a flood at tassajara

yet he has drowned in the stupidity of zen

go figure

i don’t want to deal with you bastards  (wife and children zen) ,  you are just out to shaft me !

i’d never heard of celibate zen before I read it in your post

that’s why we get  “ being without descendants ”  a lot as a sort of threat in the records

they are saying you are without wife and family and will have no children, why don’t you get it right !

the zen in the west is predominantly a political construct whereby in japan during the meiji era, to ensure central government control and to fit the nationalist agenda, zen was forced to combine into a relatively homogenized and consistent product and priests were forced to marry as celibate priests have to great a hold on the local populace  .  .

the irony of the uptake of this meiji zen is it became discredited in japan after world war 2 because of its vociferous support of the war and funding and congregations dried up so they were forced to make missionary efforts in the west which succeeded dramatically because it filled the gap of a lack of mysticism in protestant christianity !

jason draws  with insight  !

even over 50 women still pursue romantic illusions !

even over 50 women still pursue romantic illusions

what fish do you find okay ?

smaller fish have a lot less accumulated mercury but there are depends !

salmon doesn’t have much mercury even though quite a large fish

bright orange is farm raised stuffed full of caretenoids  (orange pigment)  in the feed

if the fish is fresh it should not taste salty at all

the servers often try to give you older pieces, i point to what i want and make sure i get it !

a fish meal no more than once a week ?

there’s some sense to the old catholic rule !

there’s quite good research information on the web about mercury and other toxin levels in fish

ewk, you spend a lot of time on r|zen, why not be more personable and less abrasive in manner ?

a skill to develop ?

you even alienate those who agree with you !

man 80 grit has nothing on you !

why lay zen is inherently suicidal

 is that real zen koan we are all quite familiar with !

what is the meaning of life

if you take the meaning of life to be sex, family and children then you should take the meaning of life to be sex, family and children !

celibate zen has as its root, not an effect but a different prior cause the seeing of which is excluded by sex, family and children !

monks are celibate, don’t have children, don’t have unpaid debts, don’t own personal property, etc., as prerequisites for healthy close-group harmony in a monastery setting

do you live in a monastery ?  if you don’t, why would it make sense to follow a monastery’s rules ?

you are not familiar with the history of monasticism and none of what you write necessarily applies at all, historically monks were in fact very middle class, lived way better than the common people,  (more in line with the quite wealthy actually) ,  were capable of leaving substantial endowments, had families etc !

also because no religion is culturally ubiquitious now, you don’t have the broad based support necessary to financially provision people who become monks or nuns !

historically convents have been notorious as being high class brothels for the nobility, that was why teresa of ávila set up her own order, the convent she was in was of that nature !

the point i am making about celibacy is it is a different life path in terms of the koan if you will  what is the meaning of life

what was the meaning of bodhidharma coming from the west ?

what was alice doing in wonderland ?

where else would she be ?

the question was what !

the answer was where

no it wasn’t ,  she has heaps of wheres in both reality and charles’s writings !

she also has heaps of whats

even one of which you are apparently unable to mention !

i’m sorry I thought I just mentioned all of them

ewk is a fake too !

naw i’m just playing.  i actually misread your comment the first time but decided to roll with it.  worked surprisingly well, though i have no real answer

charles dodgson has a broad range of writings, you really need to be familiar with them and his life to nut this one properly !

the hunting of the snark is way better than anything in zen and one of the deepest mystical writings in english, only you can understand what he is saying whereas all the zen pretenders like to point at what is basically nonsense !

to understand zen you have to reconstruct sense out of the voynich  (which dogen does a lot actually)  and to do that you have to come from outside zen !

the translation  (ed.  of dogen) is gibberish !

what did he actually say ! ?

the key element of the layman pang stories is their suicidality !

that is, zen only makes sense in terms of celibacy and lay involvement is inherently suicidal !

its interesting that ewk contrasts layman pang with the celibate eihei dogen !

this bodhidharma guy, what was the meaning of him coming from the west ?

what was alice doing in wonderland ?

what was alice doing in wonderland ?

she went through walls and didn’t waste her time looking at them !

this bodhidharma guy, what was the meaning of him coming from the west ?

what was alice doing in wonderland ?

i really feel a lot better and with a sort of energy when i haven’t masturbated for at least a week

when i’m talking to women and planning on meeting them i abstain

yeah masturbation takes energy away

should i delete tinder ?

anything to do with tinder is going to take a lot of your time and focus !

ewk, your zen is voynich book reading, you fight the necessity for the huge amounts of contemplative work necessary to develop an understanding and actually is not possible for married with kids types like yourself !

rabidly frothing on r|zen is a disease from a life point of view for you !

yes i know, what i just said slipped past you didn’t it !

lol, yes dr. tarr

    signed professor fether ! :o)

yes dr. tarr

   signed professor fether ! :o)

Nobody knows what a Zen Master looks like anyway

 i have seen maybe a hundred zen masters, ugly worn men and women !

ewk  :  Nobody knows what a Zen Master looks like anyway


r e p l y

 i have seen maybe a hundred zen masters, ugly worn men and women !

At birth we come At death we go  . . .  Bearing nothing    —    chinese proverb

at birth we do not come, at death we do not go

something is always borne

she’s teaching you a lot, just don’t have sex or kiss her and you will be ok

the women on tinder are extreme, you learn things you can’t any other way, just be very careful, its a snake pit !

she actually did block me on imessage, which is apple’s text message

should i try to contact her or give it some time ?

leave her alone entirely, she’s such a mess you only benefit if she doesn’t contact you again

i was thinking you said something contradictory but actually both statements are true, that i’m learning a lot from rina and also i’d only benefit from not having contact with her again

right on !

a reddit  showerthought

quotes from the thread, the mark twain and vladimir nabakov quotes were the most common !

i do not fear death. i had been dead for billions and billions of years before i was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it  —  supposedly mark twain

the cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness  —  vladimir nabokov: speak, memory, an autobiography revisited

it seems to me that the life of man on earth is like the swift flight of a single sparrow through the banqueting hall where you are sitting at dinner on a winter’s day with your captains and counsellors.  in the midst there is a comforting fire to warm the hall.  outside, the storms of winter rain and snow are raging.  this sparrow flies swiftly in through one window of the hall and out through another.  while he is inside, the bird is safe from the winter storms, but after a few moments of comfort, he vanishes from sight into the wintry world from which he came.  so man appears on earth for a little while  –  but of what went before this life, or what follows, we know nothing  —  the venerable bede’s: history of the english people

life is a short warm moment, and death is a long cool rest !  you get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye; eighty years with luck, or even less  —   pink floyd: free four

my  comment

even great minds and wits have dreadfully conventional views !

i had a motorcycle for a while, in the end i flagged it, too dangerous and costwise a decent used car is as cheap and way better value !

another problem with motorcycles is you can carry very little gear on them !

you always need a car as well !

the women on tinder are extreme, you learn things you can’t any other way, just be very careful, its a snake pit !

i buy a motorcycle for $4000 new, i use it for a year not going much farther than around town and maybe a 40 minute trip once a week, can’t i sell it for not too much less ?

nah, vehicles always lose you money and you are too lacking in experience with motorcycles not to get stung

lol, vehicles are male tinder ! : o)

words and denial won’t make you any less insane !

or autistic !

: o)

words and denial won’t make you any less insane !

relationship is a predatory business isn’t it ?

all the dumb males lining up to get their heads chopped off  !

i think the story about the hermit monk giving his clothes to the thief means give all your money and time to the zen center !

these little stories have a very pointed aim imo !

forget kensho only dia kensho matters and you haven’t had it, you’re just the usual stupid pretending idiot !

the news is worse, actually you need to have it as a child and recovered it later as an adult, so obviously you have no chance !

just relax and over a couple of years you will get a different view of the relationship, she has her problems as well !

on breakups and exes

why put energy into something that no longer returns to you ?

why put energy into something that no longer returns to you ?

how far are you going to get trying to make the world fit your image of it, rather than observing the world to see how it actually is and even if there is any such thing ?

how far are you going to get trying to make the world fit your image of it, rather than observing the world to see how it actually is ! ?

yeah definitely  better  than a girlfriend !

cats don’t look at things in a human way at all,   dogs do  and all this cat people stuff is just stupid nonsense by morons !

ewk, could your obsession with and reverence of  mental health professionals  be because you are insane ?

could your obsession with and reverence of  mental health professionals  be because you are insane ?

could your obsession with and reverence of  mental health professionals  be because you are insane

i had an interesting experience meditating today

this has never happened to me before, and i’m curious as to whether this is common or if it means my meditation is improving

about 30 mins in (sat for 45) i noticed i wasn’t blinking at all for minutes at a time.  i just didn’t feel the need to, and when i did blink, when i opened my eyes back up it took a second to refocus them each time

my vision got extremely focused on what i was looking at  (the end of a stick on the ground) ,  and the ground around my focus point seemed to be moving; like there was water slowly flowing underneath it

almost psychedelic but i was perfectly coherent

anyways, it was cool and i hope it happens again

the visual cortex has six processing layers, what you will be seeing is something happening with the loss of usual stimulti

blinking spreads the tear lubrication !

brad warner is running into problems at the moment with a surprising number of his readers being SJW and expecting him to hold similar opinions and he’s saying zen is not about being a SJW !

i'm with  pepsi ! : o)

i find buddhism particularly bankrupt of any authenticity !

its honey to frauds and arseholes !

when a person is insane, you just cannot get through to them at all  !







wrong !

when a person is insane, you just cannot get through to them at all  !







   wrong !

when a person is insane, you just cannot get through to them at all  !

when a person is insane, you just cannot get through to them at all

  lastphrase-itis  !


yeah he seems to run a constant internal monologue on how successful he is !

yeah he seems to run a constant internal monologue on how successful he is

he seems to run a constant internal monologue on how successful he is

ewk, you don’t even do the karaoke, you just say the karaoke is good

you don’t even do the karaoke, you just say the karaoke is good

if women could inseminate themselves, they wouldn’t bother with men  !

if women could inseminate themselves, they wouldn’t bother with men

damien hirst  on belief

it occurs to me that buddhism is like his new exhibition  treasures of the wreck of the unbelievable

something fictional, unreal and not much use !

damien hirst’s new show in venice, treasures of the wreck of the unbelievable is a hackneyed trope and out of touch with today’s multi media

ed.  8th april 2017

the imagination is not stretched and the underwater coral growths motif ruins what might have been more interesting !

this  video  shows some of the exhibition, turn off the sound, the commentator is an idiot running on about trump and the american missle strike in syria !

an  interview  with damien

i had some contact with my ex recently after fifteen months of no contact at all, she was picking up her car i had stored here for her  .  .

i was shocked by how distanced we had become  .  .

its like a train i have got off and its been somewhere to different places and she has changed

alpha and beta males are just a sort of nomenclature

amira willighagen and patrizio buanne perform  o sole mio

amira at age nine  sings  o mio babbino caro in  ‘ hollands got talent ’

jason  writes

i was at the park maybe a year ago and i was walking down a path to the water

around the corner came this sketchy looking guy and his very pretty redheaded girlfriend, i’m guessing he was a pill or opiate addict

she stopped in the middle of the path and just stared at me as i was still walking down, he had to grab her by the wrist and pull her towards him where they disappeared down an unmarked trail

i followed where they went months later, it led nowhere really

zen is in fact highly intellectual and ewk’s problem is his retarded cognitive style

he is literally unable to take any criticism on board !

zen is in fact highly intellectual and his problem is his retarded cognitive style

she’s had an abortion and many lovers, her words

yeah she’s had a lot of life experience and despite what you think will always be a couple of steps ahead of you

she has chronic uti’s, stomach problems which she's trying to solve with apple cider vinegar, throws up a lot, a doctor has mentioned she might have ibs

i wouldn’t have sex with her or kiss, some gut bugs and uti’s can be sexually transmitted !

god knows what she picked up from the lovers !

she’s looking for a beta male to look after her now her looks are fading, usual redpill story

she won’t help herself with diet, supplements etc and any lover is a partner in a slow mutual suicide pack !

lovely world isn’t it !

unpasturized apple cider vinegar would contain yeast spores, that would make for throwing up, she probably has a yeast problem, but i am sure vastly prefers to be in various alcoholic and pot hazes than do anything useful like get to grips with the scd and bcd diets !

wow she’s sure a lousy trade !

imo its not useful and even problematic to meet her irl

are you really enlightened ?


what’s it feel like ?

its depressing to see things too clearly

xiangyan’s third enlightenment poem  presented  for yangshan’s approval

i have a function

seen in the twinkling of an eye

if others don’t know it

don’t call for the novice monk !

my  reply

i have ability

coming from infinity

when confronted

 cut the bastards down !

being celibate means not having to deal with the crazy !

being celibate means not having to deal with the crazy

when you are famous you have have  an apologist  when you don’t need an apologist

pepsi for once in their advertising life made  a classy satire  and jenner is probably too busy counting the money to reply

the payless apologist of course just rolls in his own moronacy !

r|zen, grey people, talking greyness, thinking it colour

grey people, talking greyness, thinking it colour

you can’t argue with resistant people and get anywhere

you can’t argue with resistant people and get somewhere

you can’t argue with resistant people

jason asks

what would make someone a better partner choice than you ?

excluding a woman who wants kids etc


r e p l y

the female pyschology is evolutionarily designed to be unsettled until tied down by children and even then  .  .

jason replies

you know when a woman is attracted to you

the female pyschology is evolutionarily designed to be unsettled until tied down by children and even then  .  .

jesus those young japanese men are  feminized

if you have a manual gearbox, braking is generally a combination of downshifting and using the brakes

because western protestantism is anti-mystical, there was a cultural gap there that ensured zen had a rapid uptake in the years following world war 2, but now zen itself has been supplanted by a modern miscellany of the usual nutcases

why zen has been so adversely affected is the teacher authority transmission system being long and dependent on personal favour is such that only the really stupid persist with it so the quality of teachers now is only a shade above moron  .  .

whereas the more talented simply set up on their own, with the net you don’t need the machinery of an organization behind you to provide publicity

so this has meant that zen organisations are suffering declining enrolments and income so you get savage infighting for declining resources, hence ryushin’s and myotai’s expulsion from mt. tremper  .  .

the one zen center that has very deep pockets is the rochester zen center, vast investment income and i think toni packer’s expulsion from there had a lot to do with a very attractive kitty being at stake as toni never seemed to care that much for money  .  .

or was not prepared to fight that hard for it  .  .

the  springwater center  she helped found is pleasant to stay at, non intrusive, no doctrine and well run  .  .

with women you are always competing with other men, you usually don’t know about them though

ewk, you are like a brick thrown through a window with a note attached to it

the note says  :  i cannot not change

ewk, you are like a brick thrown through a window with a note attached to it

the note says  :  i will not change

love is not within the personality, but outside it, that is why it is always outside our control  !

love is not within the personality, but outside it, that is why it is always outside our control

    your’re a fantasist, an arcane world of wise men offering sage advice   ̲    ̲    ̲    

possessed of some secret that cannot be fathomed by others

a grey man, talking greyness, thinking it colour  !

a grey man, talking greyness, thinking it colour

an ex   —   lives that used to be connected are no longer connected

lives that used to be connected are no longer connected

Just do it !

Just  don’t  do it !

‘ light and dark are a pair ’  the problem is telling which is which !

ewk’s problem is when cornered he runs !

his problem is when cornered he runs !

his problem is when cornered he runs

zen practice is just another proxy vehicle !

zen practice is just another proxy vehicle !

practice is just another proxy vehicle !

maezumi was an alcoholic and predator of young women, john loori was schizophrenic, shugen is a zombie, ryushin is what i don’t quite know, but there’s a schizophrenic streak and aspergers there for sure

meiji zen is just one mental health and sexual pleasure escapade !

i loved the ritual harikari on rysuhin’s deposition as abbot at mt. tremper

yes i have been a bad boy cheating on my wife with another woman  .  .

at a certain point questions can’t be answered as they are really life choices with the answers governed by how they turn out  !

at a certain point questions can’t be answered as they are really life choices with the answers governed by how they turn out  !

at a certain point questions can’t be answered as they are really life choices with the answers governed by how they turn out !

at a certain point questions can’t be answered as they are really life choices with the answers governed by how they turn out

ewk, in my view you are criminally insane, just minus the criminal part because you have too healthily rational a sense of your own skin !

do you let your car warm up even with the weather you’re having now ?

i almost forgot that women are so into money

depends on the oil thickness versus how cold it is, but cars should always be driven gently until they are fully warmed up

to appear poor is the best protection against women !

he’s wasting his life and you are wasting yours, what’s the difference

zen throwaway17  replies  supposedly facetiously referencing a zen quote, but in my view since he has been committed before, is not good for him to say

Well, I, I kill people and I eat hands, that’s, that’s two things


r e p l y

hmm, maybe you should be talking to the police ?

we don’t want to read in several years that you beat your mother to death with a baseball bat like  brian  !

bipolar schizoaffective, you have the same diagnosis !

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

delusion sweeps all before it !

    delusion and mania sweep all before them  .  .  .

he’s wasting his life and you are wasting yours, what’s the difference ?

he’s wasting his life and you are wasting yours, what’s the difference

a claim not to know is just a claim ! : o )

a claim not to know is just a claim !

a claim not to know is just a claim

shugen on how to waste your life spewing bullshit

john, your dharma heir is bringing your investment to its knees, the illusion of meiji zen is  falling apart   !

the sighted see, the blind do bad audiobooks  !

ed.  on a group on r|zen making an audio book of the mumonkan

one of the problems with public reading out loud is if you don’t understand something it comes across in the voice, that is my more rational explanation of why the mumonkan audio book doesn’t work !

one gains experience from doing these things so its not bad from that point of view !

the sighted see, the blind do bad audiobooks

r|zen is a great void into which we voice what will be agreed with or disagreed with

mainly disagreed with

      by blind non-understanding   ̲     ̲   _ 

r|zen is a great void

into which we voice what will be agreed with or disagreed with

mainly disagreed with

by blind non-understanding

it is just amazing what we put into the intensiveness of the  best days  of our life only to find later it was a complete waste of time

and something we so casually disposed of turned out to be oh so valuable had we persisted !

it is just amazing what we put into the intensiveness of the best days of our life only to find later it was a complete waste of time

and something we so casually disposed of turned out to be oh so valuable had we persisted !

this  is the kendall jenner pepsi ad all the fuss is about !

lol, modern life is just one long advertisment for sugared shit ! :o)

its actually a very good ad, try watching without the music to get a sense of its satiricalness !


Super rich is subjective based on where one is from and where one travels to.  That being said, a state rep once sat at my bar and got hammered.  I don’t pry but I’m pretty personable and can easily draw a good secret out of someone.

The gentleman proceeded to tell me that when he and his buddies were younger, they’d travel to Southeast Asia where they  (as reasonably wealthy Americans)  were gods.  He told me many of the wild things you’d assume happen over there under those circumstances, but the one that really caught me was that you could pay to kill a person.

Not pay to have someone killed, but pay a flat fee to be handed a man  (generally a prisoner with a life/death sentence)  and a weapon and end his life.  He had a strange satisfaction about him as he hinted at possibilities so I declined to further inquire, but it really changed my perspective on the literal price of a life  —   about 300 dollars depending.

Now transpose that idea to the ACTUAL elite.  If  “ regular ”  Americans in power can and have casually taken lives simply for the experience, there’s no way people in high power don’t regularly take lives behind the scenes for one reason or another.

over twenty-five years i have spent a average of say $1500 a year on old but useful 4wd’s including the purchase price and sometimes having two of them

my buying is spotty, sometimes good, but generally i pay too much  .  .  where i shine is maintenance and doing simple things like using very heavy oils on worn engines but being careful to ensure the engine is warm before stressing it so the oil is warm enough to flow, and reducing the air intake distance which makes a big difference with turbos in isuzu/jackaroos/bighorns

some electrical knowledge goes a long way, auto electrical work is amazingly expensive for what you get !

you really don’t understand the different perspective enlightenment gives and actually you are not interested in it

what can i say ?

filling your time with nonsense !

never go into debt to buy a vehicle !

never go into debt to buy a vehicle

mindfulness meditation/anapanasati really screws people up !

the practioners are the evidence of the flaw i am afraid !

any of that repetitive stuff is neurologically dangerous

it creates idiots

cigarettes need to be stepped off slowly, she needs to continually cut back, same with alcohol !

in my experience women don’t take men seriously unless they are in a sexual relationship with them !

do i feel like i’m wasting my time with rina ?

maybe if i was looking to start a relationship

not to keep learning


r e p l y

 the burden of learning is always there !

ask yourself what you are doing and why !

ask yourself what you are doing and why

krill and fish oils provide basic building blocks for the brain  !

krill and fish oils provide basic building blocks for the brain

i spend about 3 hours every evening contemplative

i have yet to see anyone on r|zen benefit from meditation, i presume this is because they can’t shikantaza and i have seen one contemporary teacher say you have to be enlightened before you can do it !

when dogen says shikantaza is enlightenment he was was being literal !

in other words you need a background of  ‘ quality ’  consideration before meditative or contemplative work can be useful in the zen sense, such a background of course is as far from r|meditation and r|zen as the sky from the sea or one side of an unsided universe from the other depending on your sense of scale ! :o)

jack and jill went up the hill is a story too !

jack and jill went up the hill is a story too

some women respect intelligence

doesn’t mean they won’t mess you around !

some women respect intelligence

lesbians in the shithouse  story

“ Hey everyone, i’m nineteen years old, and after my first time doing LSD, I ended up getting something called Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, where I have persistent visuals like visual snow, walls breathing, trails of objects, and all that good stuff.

I also have a lot of anxiety problems due to it, and these anxiety problems have started to make me feel stupid.

I feel like i can’t think straight, I feel detatched from reality, i have constant stress headaches, so yeah, I think meditation would be very helpful for me ” 

i advised him to take a quality krill oil to repair the brain pathways !

he didn’t know what it was !

i’ve read that the enso circle can be interpreted as a bright full moon.

is there connection with the lunar cycle in zen buddhism ?

zen is full of werebodhisattvas who euthanize you with boredom before eating you

weredemons  of course eat you alive !

ewk, i have told you this before, but being insane you can’t seem to grasp it, but your complete lack of real life zen experience which places the strongest emphasis on meditation and retreats has meant you just get stuck in the voynich, which of course there is a lot of and imo has actually made you mentally ill !

just put an hour aside a day instead of posting here and let that solitary contemplative time give you some understanding of yourself

real life zen also has a lot of catholics, contact with whom would have given you some understanding of the visionary versus hallucinations !

i can’t say strongly enough that to overinvest in something without real life experience of it is totally mentally ill !

you will not admit to this of course !

well he just made the usual, see a doctor and get pilled up post in reply and i replied as per below

you haven’t addressed anything i wrote, really you are quite mentally ill, i have only ever seen that sort of extreme stupid and hubric rigidity in the criminally insane !

“ i know everything that you people know, but you people do not know what i know ”

“ she calls to her maid again and again, even though there’s nothing needed, because she wants her lover to hear her voice ”

in actual fact authentic visionary experiences are extremely rare and as most of the so called masters in zen haven’t had them.

huang po and and daihui zonggao for instance, zen is littered with nonsense !

ewk, go see a dialectical behavior therapist, r|zen has sent you plain crazy and you need help !

ewk, worse than crazy you are extremely stupid, boring, repetitive, and narrow minded !

worse than crazy you are extremely stupid, boring, repetitive, and narrow minded !

worse than crazy you are extremely stupid, boring, repetitive, and narrow minded

yes, i too, are as dumb as you

yes, i too, am as dumb as you

yes, i too are as dumb as you

yes, i too am as dumb as you

yes i too are as dumb as you

yes i too am as dumb as you

sometimes i feel one gets wounded in this life too much   ̲   ̲   ̲  !

sometimes i feel one gets wounded in this life too much   ̲   ̲   ̲ 

sometimes i feel one gets wounded in this life too much

when you hurt some-one or get hurt by someone, something comes between you

when you hurt someone or get hurt by someone, something comes between you

one of the wonders of reddit, is if you put forth a view, there’s always somebody to argue with you !

one of the wonders of reddit, is if you put forth a view, there’s always somebody to argue with you

visionary experiences are the only authentic basis for transmission, ye of suburban reality !

visionary transmission is the only authentic transmission !

visionary transmission is the only authentic transmission

it is foolish not to see what we dislike in others in ourselves !

it is foolish not to see what we dislike in others in ourselves

what gets me about ron hubbard is when i got a bit interested in h.p. lovecraft, it was obvious he had pinched a lot of his ideas from him !

how can people be so dumb and blind ?

well we know don’t we !

the most frightening thing for you must be to be your own person when interacting with others !

why ?

you are an interaction of sharded masks !

when i told him he was sadly crazy, ewk advised that

Well, I don’t hallucinate and I don’t claim to be a messiah . . .  so I’m not sure why you think someone who claims to do that stuff has some new definition of crazy that’s of any relevance.


r e p l y

your problem is you deliberately distort, that is you lie about what is posted to you !

there’s a long history of visions with mysticism and you who are so keen on mental health live in an area where dialectical behavior therapy is strong

DBT is based on a vision its founder marsha linehan had in a chapel  !

as for messiah, what nonsense is that except for your ill-founded missionizing on r|zen ?

you are trapped in yourself, if you can’t take on board what i am saying, why not extend yourself that tiny bit by taking an interest in other subreddits ?

my explanation of my vision is  here

ewk you have two really bad intellectual habits, distorting what is said to you to fit your point of view and lack of detail research, either of which is enough to doom any serious academic career

ewk  replies

I’m not interested in your attempt to justify hallucinations as mystical.  That’s just irrational.  Go see a doctor.  Stop pretending you are a teacher


r e p l y

that sort of response is why i have come to the conclusion that you are clinically mentally ill

r|zen has made you worse

in the end it all comes down to what you need to think !

one of the of the issues with the mentally ill is they hurt those closest to them, you are unable to see the time you put into r|zen is hurting them of course and there must be other aspects your flawed cognition is driving you to that of course will be keep hidden

if you don’t think you are hurting your family, why not ask your wife ?

the one thing dogen did do was forge his transmission certificate from ruijing because, surprisingly as it turns out ruijing was strongly anti lineage

to understand why it was necessary it really pays to read donald keene’s translation of the tsurezuregusa of kenkō, which btw is a far more famous book than anything dogen wrote, one of the classics of world literature

its about life in kyoto a century after dogen ,  btw dogen is never mentioned in it which shows you that he was obscure

its obvious that the japanese medieval culture was like the western medievalism, hyper-religious and the main entertainment, japan only being different in its tolerance and encouragement of different sects

i don’t even think the notion of cult is applicable

that is the environment dogen was competing for attention in

also dogen’s background was tendai which was much more literary and artistic than zen, ie more culturally sophisticated

dogen also lived in a period of murderous warfare

you cannot understand him with the measuring stick of today’s culture, but must make the effort of historical research

ewk, you are defending a sandcastle from the incoming tide !

your sand castle is your construction of your fake sunburban buji materialist rationalist zen

your life is elsewhere, you don’t even care about it

go figure !

ewk, what you are doing is misguided ,  nothing can change that to guided  !

what you are doing is misguided ,  nothing can change that to guided  !

what you are doing is misguided ,  nothing can change that to guided

you have to put in ten thousand hours before you become good at anything

i have always felt its ten years and at three  productive hours  a day they almost match up !

ewk, you are defending a sandcastle from the incoming tide !

you are defending a sandcastle from the incoming tide !

being taught what you agree with is not being taught !

being taught what you agree with is not being taught

a quote by eihei dogen

teaching which does not sound as if it is forcing something on you is not true teaching

my better translation is

teaching which you agree with is not true teaching

dunning-kruger people like to fight

yes they do !

r|zen is a safe place to do this as in real life, being dunning-kruger they just end up bashed !

 the more you have to do with people, the more trouble they are !

the more you have to do with people, the more trouble they are

  the truth of mysticism is visionary in a world entirely in denial of the visionary  .  .   !

 the truth of mysticism is visionary in a world entirely in denial of the visionary  .  .

 the truth of mysticism is visionary in a world entirely in denial of the visionary

popular culture and humans are so moronic they have to recycle  medieval crap !

when you start to investigate the degree of plagiarism is mind boggling !

george lucas’s cribbing from alejandro jodorowsky’s   ‘ dune ’  pre-production sketches for star wars is disturbing !

popular culture and humans are so moronic they have to recycle medieval crap !

r|zen is a good space to be a hypocritical arsehole and i have to say you  (ed.  ewk)  make the most of it !

r|zen is a good space to be a hypocritical arsehole and i have to say you make the most of it !

ewk, you take matters that need years of research and thinking about and and instead with five minutes reading come up with some inept opinion that you then trot out forever, forever being wrong !

you take matters that need years of research and thinking about and and instead with five minutes reading come up with some inept opinion that you then trot out forever, forever being wrong !

I’m not clever, and I don’t have answers for you . . .

ed.  singlefinger advising  skills and pills  for anxiety

this is actually how you come across, but you won’t hear it !

people take pills rather than pay attention to diet, lack of exercise, sleep habits or drug/alcohol use and completely ignore that medications, especially combined medications have negative and often very negative side effects, especially those in the psychiatric area !

criminal insanity is really quite different from just about everything else in life  !

criminal insanity is really quite different from just about everything else in life

its very hard the steering

going where i am not sure

in a world that










its very hard the steering

going where i am not sure

in a world that





for that




reddit asksdocs

My brother  (24)  internally talks to himself

A rough description of it is it sounds like Kenny speaking through his sweater in southpark.  He doesn’t open his mouth but will sit or walk around the house talking like that.  Sometimes it even seems like he’s having heated debates with  “ someone ”   .   .

Rarelly  (maybe 3 times tops)  he’s had crazy sudden headaches that will stop him from doing anything.  He doesn’t have many friends and had it rough during school so part of me thinks he invented this internal dialogue out of lonelyness but it does worry me.

I have no idea how to approach him without embaressing him because he won’t really do it if anyone is around him but I can hear him through the door.

Should I approach him about possibly getting checked up ?  No insurance and live in the states so brain scans would be awfully expensive.  Has anyone delt with something similair ?  Part of me thinks its slight autism or schistzophrania.

He will also at times he he gets real excited tremble his hands extremly fast like a mouse or squirrel when they hold their hands together.


r e p l y

its likely adaptive and helping him

that he doesn’t do it with others around also shows  “ he’s all there ” 

probably a bit  ‘ aspergers ’  and you as well ?

paul koepke’s bergamask played by arianna  menendez  and laurel ann  maurer 

there are no answers, life simply goes in different directions, that’s all

an exclusion

gives rise


 direction !

there are no answers, life simply goes in different directions, that’s all

though i have been writing poetry for a long time, it still takes a lifetime to read other’s work !

though i have been writing poetry for a long time, it still takes a lifetime to read other’s work

what dr. pauza  is saying  is that the pain of nerves from herniated disks is not just impingement of extruded material on the nerve but inflamation of the nerve by material from within the disk !

disectomies do not solve this problem !

tiger woods is very mixed race which can create higher strong points and lower weak points, unlucky for him with so much natural athletic ability that connective tissue was the weak point !

also having so much money he has fallen into the usual trap of the very wealthy with expensive incompetent, surgically invasive, advice and action

connective tissue in my experience can heal quite well if left alone and not stressed and 1000iu of vitamin D taken for a year or so

scientology is a cretinized h.p. lovecraft !

if god was all powerful he wouldn’t need an afterlife to make his logic and notions of good and bad rational !

therefore god is not all powerful !

god is not god !

if god was all powerful he wouldn’t need an afterlife to make his logic and notions of good and bad rational !

god is not god !

swimming googles are the answer for peeling onions !

the eyes need that 100%  seal  !

the problem  with urinary tract  (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra)  infections is pathogens  lodging  in the tract tissue  !

i think she’s very autistic and maybe has enough sense to know you are as well and she’s already had some disasterous relationships ?

art courses are not worth  the money  ?

the  school  makes no difference ?

medications interact with each other and can amplify and create new side effects

drugs interact with each other and can amplify and create new side effects !

 some post enlightenment crap from shidō bunan (1603-1676)

the moon’s the same old moon

the flowers exactly as they were

yet i’ve become the thingness

of all the things i see !


r e p l y

the moon hangs different

the flowers shine brighter





    discard  .  .

ed.  the moon is different, the moon hangs differently ?

infinity is only hostile if you are afraid of death

i grieve to die








thomas moran,  rome  viewed from the campagna to the  green river  in south western wyoming

i nearly fell off a cliff after a day’s meditation retreat, it was at karekare on the west coast of auckland and i went for a walk along the cliff tops after the retreat broke up and slipped on some gravel, luckily there was a ledge i jammed myself into, just before shooting over to a one hundred and fifty foot drop !

but really retreats of that nature have a not safe for the real world mindset !

it takes some hours to regain a normal mindset !

a r|meditation OP

Has anyone else ever experienced this ?

Hello everyone.  I've been meditating for about six or seven years now on a regular basis.

About a year ago, I started having these recurring experiences.  They’ll be hard to explain, so bear with me.

Sometimes during my meditation, I’ll randomly get this vision  (i don’t know if its a vision or a astral projection or what)  but I’ll suddenly find myself in a place where everything is abandoned and there is nobody there.

Sometimes the buildings will be rotted/disintegrated like you’d see in a post-apocalyptic movie, but sometimes I’ll be in a building or a festival that is completely set up and taken care of as though people should be there, but I’m always completely alone.

This started seeping into my dreams too, I’m always dreaming of being in abandoned buildings/towns/festivals etc.

Just curious to see if anyone has experienced anything similar.  Is there some astral plane I’m projecting into that’s abandoned ?  Is it just a vision ?  Curious to hear your thoughts

my  comment

your visions are statements about mystical reality, the weirdness of life running without anyone there

but you are not progressing in understanding and are going in circles

his reply  :  ah  .  .  .  that makes a lot of sense, actually

my  further comment

its interesting, the six or seven years meditation have obviously had an effect, but at the same time the weakness of meditation is it can dig one deeper into a rut

my own experience is that the so-called spiritual teachers are clueless and one needs to do quality reading, that is great mystical minds across the ages because within the current generations there are usually just stupidity and ignorance

get enlightened and you won’t waste your time with balder-twaddle, other’s or your own  !

get enlightened and you won’t waste your time with balder-twaddle, other’s or your own  !

get enlightened and you won’t waste your time with balder-twaddle, other’s or your own

one reads through and thinks ho hum, but occasionally one strikes you as  quite insightful  !

when you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all  —  God

an  askreddit 

One of my pet rats was sick, and was getting medication for it.  However, I got a bad feeling, so I left work early and went home

She sat in the corner of the cage, looking out waiting for me, and she wasn’t well at all.  I sat down with her in my arms and cuddled her.  She relaxed and really enjoyed it, and after an hour or so, she twitched a little and peacefully passed away

As sad as it was, I’m so happy I was there for her, and didn’t have to come home to find her dead in the cage, uncomforted

This is not the first time I’ve experienced rats holding out until you are with them.  Its like they feel  “ OK, now I’m safe, now I can let go ”

religion is nothing but the preservation of bizarre and crazy magical realist landscapes for political, governmental and social purposes, written scripture is essential to that !

interestingly some form  of afterlife  or life continuity after death has always been an essential feature of religion so that soldiers are prepared to die in battle for what were always dubious causes

scripture is buying water beside the river

holding a bucket at a sewer outfall ?

.  .  zen is not scriptural which are the christian, muhammadan and buddhist models

“ idolatry of the book ”  is not a universal feature of these religions

its not so much idoltary but the preservation of a bizarre and rather crappy magical realist landscape

health before everything else  !

health before everything else

i had a vision involving the sixth patriarch, it sorta completely shifted the way i looked at the world, like solving a puzzle that moves all the blocks of your brain

that vision because it really was with the literal sixth patriarch confers on me the seventh patriarchy as is traditional in zen, mind to mind transmission from teacher to student

i’m patriarch because none of the other so-called successors to the sixth patriarch had an authentic understanding so actually i am the only true lineage holder from the sixth patriarch  .  .

its been lost for one thousand three hundred years   .  .

i did read a very old account of some-one  (likely a monk)  who also had a vision with the sixth patriarch ,  however he made no mention of any interest in the patriarchy, i don't think you have to pick it up if you don’t want to, i do so because there’s absolutely nothing around in terms of authentic zen  .  .

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

time is just a construct, there exist different permutations that the visionary world is able to actualize that make such a meeting and indeed voyage possible !

i don’t think we can read his words, the platform sutra is distorted but you can get a sense of his radically different view from it, its this radical difference that points to me that the sutra is not entirely distorted because of the uniqueness of that viewpoint !

i think i have cracked reddit zen, its the constant influx of dunning-kruger types

you knock them down and the next day there’s a new one !

“ when the world is divided into trolls and non-trolls   

   the mind’s essential peace is disturbed to no avail ”

 to judge and choose is  a disease  of the mind

so heavy in clichés, you are not used to writing sense are you ?

honestly write something in english and not pompous cliché-ese

so heavy in clichés, you are not used to writing sense are you ?

doesn’t r|politics satisfy your need to write endless self-righteous waffle ?

how speaks the forger ?

how speaks the forger

what games ?

games have rules, there’s no rules here, its all life serious !

ewk, you seem unable to answer any questions with a reading age of above five !

you seem unable to answer any questions with a reading age of above five !

you seem unable to answer any questions with a reading age of above five

why not read what i wrote instead of overlaying nonsense ?

why not read what i wrote instead of overlaying nonsense

what are you defending and why ?

you are using a mirror to reflect and reinforce your own delusion ?

what are you defending and why ?

r|zen is a mirror to reflect and reinforce your own delusion ?

what are you defending and why ?

what are you defending and why

sebastian   in  a  dream

a poem by george trakl

ewk, you seem to reply tangentially to what i say rather than address what i actually write

this is a very poor choice in terms of bad life skills to have and cause a lot of trouble !

you seem to reply tangentially to what i say rather than address what i actually write

this is a very poor choice in terms of bad life skills to have and cause a lot of trouble !

all zen masters have something to offer, particularly their life mistakes which you then go on to make yourself !

. .



all zen masters have something to offer, particularly their life mistakes which you then go on to make yourself !

i think where people come totally adrift is the lack of quality real life zen and simply do not understand that its all about personal enlightenment, being able to show that, and is not scriptual which are the christian, muhammadan and buddhist models

people just endlessly quote scripture or an equivalent on r|zen thinking this is zen, the personal enlightenment dimension is ignored or ridiculed !

scripture is paying in forged money !

some nutter goes on about how .  .  . zen .  .  .  [is] all about personal enlightenment, [and] being able to show that [one has reached personal enlightenment] .  .  . is a precept


r e p l y

precepts are religious rules, quite formal involving vows etc especially in the buddhist context

   i don’t find your post coherent  .  .

the point of precept is regulation, there’s an inherent legalism to it !

one might just as easily say personal enlightenment and not being able to show that !

i think that’s actually solipsist, ultimately only we can know, people have to reach a certain strata to see what it is about !

you are not talking from experience, why do you have an opinion ?

without the experience you can’t judge what other people say and so end up promoting bullshit !

your quotes are a very mixed bag of sense and voynich what can i say ?

instead of your nonsensical comment on the end why not do some real work and attempt to pare the quotes ?

gonna delete this like you have some other posts of mine because you can’t handle them ?

proxying into other peoples experience and lives is not going to get you anywhere !

proxying into other peoples experience and advice is not going to get you anywhere !

proxying into other peoples experience and lives is not going to get you anywhere

proxying into other peoples experience and advice is not going to get you anywhere

both kim jong-un and his father kim jong-il could see the problems with the way things were going, but decided to continue the same way anyway !

in fact kim jong-un is creating a situation favouring the west at the expense of china and all the west can do is lie low and see the way things break !

in terms of blackmail by far the largest population within their medium range ballistic missile reach is china !

lines from shinkichi takahashi’s poem  shoji 

the torn shoji flaps in the wind

like the universe, its frames are fading

 that’s zen ewk, stop framing !

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no poem

no reply

 : o ()

if jennifer lawrence  has autism ,  it is VERY mild

she doesn’t seem very introverted and she is a social person.  however, she might have asperger’s syndrome

she has a perspicacity about herself that comes from introversion or at least some considerable self-contemplation

she might be more if not for the alcohol

there’s an autistic streak there a mile wide, autism is not necessarily tightly coupled with mental and medical disability !

you have your view

i have mine

two views

 which is correct ?

you have your view and i have mine

two views

 which is correct ?

an   askreddit

I was shopping for a white dress when a lady came in with her son who couldn’t have been more than seven to nine years old.  I kept hearing snippets of the conversation in which she was basically snarling at him

He was quiet and when i would glance over he would always have a solemn expression on his face while who I assumed to be his mother berated him

She wanted to try something on and when he took too long to come with her she growled  "hurry the FUCK up"  and forcefully moved him

I had the words "Why are you talking to that poor boy like that ?  Is this how you want your son to feel is normal to be treated ?"  On the tip of my tongue the entire time

I was so close to walking up to her but my brain made me second guess.  What if I caused a commotion? What if I was wrong about the way she was treating him ?  I was just above my twenties and looked sixteen.  What if she made a stink about it ?  Silly what excuses and justifications come up when you’re questioning yourself  )

I didn’t say anything and kept shopping. :/

When I left the store, a car was coming towards me and taking  (their left, my right)  a left turn.  It was them

She was in the front seat looking like she was yelling and he was in the back seat with his face pressed up on the glass with the most broken expression I have ever seen on a child.  My heart hurt so bad that I wanted to chase after that car

Never again will I  NOT say something if i see something like that and I still hope to this day that little boy is doing alright.  I hope he is in the hands of someone who truly loves him and cares for him.  I hope that he knows it is not normal and is able to heal from it all. :((


r e p l y

touching account thanks !

any sort of non-confrontational conversation with her would have made her think !

jason  writes of a new tinder contact  (ed.  a very talented painter)

she has an obsession with recurring numbers and chakras is what made me think she has schizophrenia

.  .  .  and astrology which schizophrenics seem to love    

my  comment

she’s certainly  very talented ,  maybe even a name artist in this world awash with the not quite first rate but i think she’s looking for some-one  to  ‘ support ’  her career, rather like hillary ?

of course its the not quite first rate which sells, de kooning etc or even the outright third rate like damien hirst !

the first rate dies in poverty and ignomony i am afraid !

art in new york is  a con game , why not get into it ! ?

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her art is good enough to get her a monied lover, that’s probably what she’s looking for

she’s very unusual, william blake style with paintings and poems

sorta got the structure but the semiotics are missing when in reality they should go hand in hand, i don’t know how this deficit occurs !

jason  writes

did i tell you this story ?

my dad’s girlfriend  ( what the hell do i call her now ? )  told me it

we rent out the basement and we got a new tenant, my dad’s girlfriend was in the living room which has a big window into the street

anyway she saw the woman in this guy’s car kissing, she left the car and went into the basement, twenty minutes later some different guy parks and goes into the basement

i found her facebook and it says in a relationship

a puffy face means kidney problems, emily dickinson had a certain puffiness in both the known photos of her

there’s really something to  AWALT    —    a woman is only loyal to the extent you are her best option !

some-one else posted this, about brain scans showing that our self esteem gets hurt when we get a perception we are wrong

this is what joshu is doing, hurting the dumb monks self esteem with virtuoso repartee so that they can begin to get the gist of what zen is about

which is spending a lot of time in the area of hurt self esteem so we can begin to make more correct perceptions about life

brad warner also makes  the same point 

anything that starts to drag you  (ed.  ewk)  into that area you start kicking and screaming !

you and eileen had started strong both having some sort of agreement with autism

“ too much autism under one roof ”

You are mistaken

he says i am mistaken

i say i’m not mistaken


  is right ?

the james green translation of  ‘ the recorded sayings of joshu ’  is good, but zen requires that you come up to joshu’s level of understanding

when you are at that level you will be able to express yourself like joshu

promoting joshu in a scriptual manner is not what zen is about !

jason  writes

i’ve found  infinitesimals  interesting for a long time, even though i found math class not so interesting

.  .  but its just another system and sometimes in model theory, having different versions, different models of the same basic structure, give you  different intuitions  about them  and in in particular, this idea you can satisfy all these conditions at once, bigger than three, bigger than one hundred, bigger than a million with a single element can be useful for your intuition about numbers

my  comment

i must admit these talented teachers and theorists on numberphile make the subject very interesting and just open one’s eyes to the general incompetence of school math teachers, they have no ability to explain their subjects in a interesting and coherent fashion !

perhaps its just as well or there would be too many mathematicians ?

. .



an interesting quote from  ‘ the nameless city ’  by h.p. lovecraft

that is not dead which can eternal lie

and with strange aeons even death may die

that actually is the fundamental mystical truth, lovecraft was certainly in touch with something, but his books are straight and somewhat perverse fantasy, he himself never regarded them as being anything  but stories  and regarded himself as an atheist !

sage words  brad  !

all i really needed to do was to understand very deeply that my thoughts were just my thoughts

i didn’t have to replace the negative ones with positive ones, the bad ones with good ones

i just had to stop accepting my own thoughts as always being correct

at that point, the true situation started to become easier to see

those most lacking in knowledge and skills are least able to appreciate that lack

this observation is called the  dunning-kruger  effect

its core i think is that poor performers do not learn from feedback, an underlying narcissim and hubricity may be the root cause, this leading to an inability to take any-one else’s opinion seriously !

its opposite, talented people underating their skills is known as imposter syndrome

some people have a sort of blindness in respect of concepts, they can see and write the words, but they can’t see the concept !

some people have a sort of blindness in respect of concepts, they can see and write the words, but they can’t see the concept

well the celibacy is playing out pretty naturally

women are only looking for mates so they can get on with the next stage of their lives, breeding !

do you want children with this woman is always a good question to ask !

i only could’ve pretended to

if life should teach us one thing, its that we are basically inept at it  !

if life should teach us one thing, its that we are basically inept at it  !

if life should teach us one thing, its that we are basically inept at it !

if life should teach us one thing, its that we are basically inept at it

ewk, why do you cycle endlessly through a tired clichéd pseudo enlightened persona rather than deal with anything realistically on a personal level ?

why do you cycle endlessly through a tired clichéd pseudo enlightened persona rather than deal with anything realistically on a personal level ?

he’s like a burglar, always on the look out for opportunity, they don’t care, were, when or who

the damage is done now but i warned you about the effect of the unecessarily extended general anesthetic and how it was like concussion and you need to take it easy for several months, i think your judgment was affected

the lower spine is our weakest link in terms of half – pie evolutionary design

mazdak the younger, another  historical  prophet

he and his followers deaths was a pretty good massacre by any standards !

the brother of the massacring king killed as well to ice the cake !

every zen woman is a pale shadow of  jeong kwan


they grow their own vegetables and its a vegetable oriented vegetarian diet not the toxic rice and wheat flour that passes for vegetarian in the west !

she is doing something real and competent not the endless verbal babble that zen people fuck around with !

the visionary aspect of mysticism is always filtered out by the suburban pretenders which is why it is so little mentioned in the records and literature !

the suburbs just cannot go there !

but the nostrils that in the face that uttered those words were drawing no air; the words themselves were hollow in his mouth

eihei dogen criticising an explanation he was given while in china of a painting of nāgārjuna transforming into a round full moon

page  108

ewk, its only your version of the zen tradition that rejects the  ‘ visionary ’  which is why you keep wrecking yourself with the claim dogen was a fake etc !

he’s a hundred mile cliff you cannot even see to the top of, let alone climb !

ewk, you are just telling stories to yourself to avoid realities of your attitude and behavior

a lot of what you complain about is actually yourself  !

you are just telling stories to yourself to avoid realities of your attitude and behavior

a lot of what you complain about is actually yourself  !

you are just telling stories to yourself to avoid realities of your attitude and behavior

zenthrowaway 17, if there was an award for the most intellectually lazy person on the planet would you win it ?

If I did, I would certainly be honored to receive it

there you are ,  first recipient of the 7th zen patriarch most intellectually lazy person on the planet trophy, most of the rest of reddit zen being runners up ! !

First of all, I would like to thank God, because that was the first thing I thought of to thank

see, it went to the right person ! : o)

if there was an award for the most intellectually lazy person on the planet would you win it ?

i can already see that if i don’t control my mouth meeting this girl  (ed.  tinder date)  it will end up badly like h. ,  that trauma is really unpleasant, i’m already anxious about it

in fact it went very well with h. ,  you avoided who knows what std and never got involved in a true disaster area, but could look on and learn !

imo you have a strong talent for dealing dealing with women to your advantage

look at some pictures of genital warts on the web, that will instil a strong sense of caution !

they are not curable !

people can have herpes without ever having symptoms, but their partner gets infected !

i have seen it so much on reddit askdocs, pertinent information can be deliberately withheld

genital warts  —  that is one of the most disturbing things i’ve seen

if someone has the courage to answer

ewk, why do you cycle endlessly through a tired clichéd pseudo enlightened persona rather than deal with anything realistically on a personal level ?

if someone has the courage to answer

ewk, why do you cycle endlessly through a tired clichéd pseudo enlightened persona rather than dealing with anything realistically on a personal level ?

if someone has the courage to answer

ewk, why do you proxy endlessly through a tired clichéd pseudo enlightened persona rather than dealing with anything realistically on a personal level ?

its amusing to think about, human behavior is so much premised on living in a village, yet modern life is very much not a village  !

its amusing to think about, human behavior is so much premised on living in a village, yet modern life is very much not a village

my writing is intended for a general audience and what i have to offer is a very different and interesting perspective

why do you think people cut themselves ?

so will a woman only sincerely listen to me if i’m fucking them ?

women are very simple breeding machines that won’t do anything outside of their biology in my experience

close female relatives will listen but are usually simultaneously trying to boss you

i don’t understand the cutting either

from what i’ve been explained about cutting is that you feel pain in your head so you cut yourself so the pain is more physical

proxying emotional trauma into controlled physical trauma ?

its a modern social ill, not bearing with anything ! ?

there’s a strong element of bearing with things with meditative/ contemplative work, truer unpleasant perceptions about ourselves !

i think that the horror genre of which h.p. lovecraft is a good example relies for its effect on some idea of human sanctity and the disruption of that sanctity  —   some special postion humans hold in the universe that should not be violated ,  but of course they are just another animal    ̲     ̲     ̲ 

any horror story involving degredation to humans looks trivial because it is a dull fantasy to the real life horror humans inflict on other animals   ̱     ̲     ̲ 

its h.p. lovecraft’s  life  that is interesting, not his writings

onion  (especially raw) ,  garlic and zinc are haemolytic

there’s a study showing that beards have a bacteria that helps control urinary tract infections !

i’ve seen a constant stream of american women on reddit askdocs taking up to eight psychiatric meds with severe metabolic problems that any idiot can search on the web as consequential on those meds wondering why their health has collapsed

what the mad  look like  !

martin edmond, the only son of lauris edmond the new zealand poetess has an acute/dry   observational style  !

some women are attracted by rejection, most want to kill you

not much of a choice is there ?

well if rina was fucking you, then she would be much more amenable to taking your suggestions seriously, its biological, she knows she needs help and her biology only lets her do it one way !

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she’s smart and life gives very little opportunity to talk to other smart people so she just likes the convo i think

your intelligence makes you the alpha male to a subset of tinder women out there

some women are extremely attracted to intelligence, others go for beefcake types

several close relatives went for beefcakes with some smarts, that’s what they married

i read on on one of tawny’s posts about how much she loves bread

the astrology stuff is  a red flag  to me

actually with a leaky gut bread releases endomorphins

obviously tinder is very selective for very damaged intelligent women  .  .

she does have an artistic talent but conceptually is a bit fucked which i have to say is the usual case for women

i was thinking with time she would evolve into a better artist

yeah she may, but women don’t like to think abstractly and that’s what they all need !

copy and paste but with poor judgment and its a ghastly mess !

i hope i don’t intimidate her

she will be confident about her art and women are all confident in their inner core anyway, even when they shouldn’t be as you have certainly noticed

they do conform to the thinking of the men they are fucking, otherwise they don’t

i’ve explained the difference between visions and hallucinations before, you  (ed.  ewk)  just don’t seem to want to know because it doesn’t fit with your dreadfully suburban materialist world view

your zen is  “ family man zen ”  your life and your perpetuation through your children are the only things of any significance !

the 7th patriarch to ewk  (referring to the famous story of buddha picking a flower and only kashyapa recognising its significance)

“ show us the flower ”

 startled he looks around for the now absent ewk !

ewk, do you have some heavy drug use in your past, really you post like some-one brain damaged and i was wondering the cause ?

psychiatric medications as a child and young adult, or just bad genes or chicago lead ?

ewk  replies

Nope.  Sorry.  No drug use, no fear of doctors, no medications.


r e p l y

lead in the water then ?

zen is a construct and in the end there’s only mystical truth whether its joshu and the 6th patriarch or john of the cross and catherine of siena or  ibn ‘arabi  and rabia of basra or john keats and emily dickinson

accept no substitutes !

these people  are rigid too

the best documentary ever !

the trap of the net is you can be talking to people you would run a mile from in real life, is there any utility in talking to people like this ?







drug use is so endemic now that an essential new life skill is to try and figure out if a person is on drugs or has been damaged by drug use in the past

it can be very hard to tell sometimes but really the cognitive deficits cannot be disguised

there is always an inner core of irrationality

zen is entirely about being personally enlightened and surviving !

red pine/bill porter says han-shan was a leader in the an lushan rebellion and certain to be executed if he came out of the wilderness which means he had blood on his hands

zen is entirely about being personally enlightened and surviving !

zen is entirely about being personally enlightened !

zen is entirely about being personally enlightened

ewk, r|zen is a mirror in which you can reflect your needed image of yourself

what is your needed image ?

a wise savvy secret zen master who nods sagely and is silently approved of by  “ those who know ”

or a quite schizophrenic and autistic adult desperately looking for some basis for self esteem and having kludged together a shockingly badly build house but won’t leave it ? ?

ewk  replies

Read a book.  No image necessary.


r e p l y

ewk, i don’t have anything personal against you, the wall you have built up around yourself is killing you, what can i say ?

some degree of what i write always applies to me, what’s the big deal ?

reading, even quality reading is useless by itself, the contemplative aspect which to me is solitary quiet time is also the main workhorse !

i read very quickly and might have read a literal billion words in my life !

it is not that there is no image, but an image in identity with yourself !

ewk, r|zen is a mirror in which you can reflect your needed image of yourself

r|zen is a mirror in which you can reflect your needed image of yourself

you see it way better than i do, i find it difficult to tell when people are on drugs

their first loyalty is to the drugs and not you

sort of a perverse solipsism if you will

i don’t understand the enzymes well enough

houston zyme prime for carbs ,  afp pep for protein and no fenol for fiber and no fenol and zyme prime combined for intestinal yeast

you are young and fit and know a bit about diet and avoiding substances and the wrong women, this world of high paying labour is open to you

the thing about these jobs is to keep your health, handle the madness of so many toxic young men together and save and not spend the money

the basic problem with serving in the armed forces is your reference point is dying in battle, so that distorts the standard of care

my motorcyle buying advice

180cc four stroke would be ok, reasonable performance without being heavy

compression is everything in an engine

the piston goes up and compresses the air/gas  (called petrol here)  mixture in a cylinder which is then ignited by a spark, so you don’t want too much of the force to be dissipated by wear leakage

japanese brands are way the best

you could start looking at second hand ones just to build expertise

honda and yamaha are good

well 120 to 150 cc, not too big, not too small ?

the zen or mystical implementation of solipsism is well illustrated in this story

again, once in chen chou, as  (elder ting, heir of linchi)  was returning from a vegetarian feast, he rested on a bridge.  there he met three buddhist monks

one of them asked ,  “ what is the meaning of  :  where the river of ch’an is deep, you must plumb the very bottom ? ”

ting grabbed him and was about to throw him off the bridge, when the other two buddhists frantically tried to rescue him, shouting  :  stop  ! stop !  he has offended you elder, but we hope you will be merciful ”

ting replied ,  “ if not for you two, i would have let him plumb the very bottom ”

actually ewk quoted this story saying   .  .  I have no ambition to be a kinder, more tolerant, more merciful person than Elder Ting   .  .

my  reply

elder ting knew his subject whereas you are just indulging in schizophrenic rambling !

to be fair, its a well selected quote, however you just use it as a justification for buji nilhism, whereas if you were enlightened you would understand there is something !

solipsism is difficult to represent in a coherent manner as it is inherently recursive, ie that which is all is also not all since clearly to define it or you as its identity creates other which is not you and not your identity

there are answers and quality literature, philosophy and mysticism has always dealt with this !

ewk, when you get enlightened you will understand nothing is solved  !

why not take up golf and stop pretending ?

when you get enlightened you will understand nothing is solved  !

why not take up golf and stop pretending ?

when you get enlightened you will understand nothing is solved  !

ewk, the problem is the real work of mysticism which is contemplative and meditative and erodes self-identity frightens the bejeezus out of you !

you are an overconventional person with horizons so mediocre its disgusting !

gesshin is  getting married in august  2017

she is no longer interesting out of her traumatic experience of being a western zen nun in japan

this is what i have noticed ,  these people jabber bullshit but settle to some attitudinally suburban life and have children which is where their real interests lie !

yes ,  mr. suburban hubris

yes,  mr. suburban hubris

yes, mr. suburban hubris

yes mr. suburban hubris

for all the anti-muslim activity in western media, they never attack it at its weakest point ,  that muhammad was a fictional person

why don’t they do that ,  islam doesn’t last a minute when you consider its origins as totally plagiaristic of judeaism and christianity

well the problem is its only a small step from that to understanding jesus and buddha, those pillars of bullshit are also fake   ̲    ̲   _ 

the historical origins of jesus are well covered by dr. richard carrier

buddha is more difficult to piece together

but i have located its strands

1.  the original buddhism related to the wheel as its primary symbol and was without buddha and seems to have been a sort of merchant bank

2.  the son of a king gaumata was in fact a son of cyrus the great who was betrayed by his wife and murdered by darius I

3.  the discovery of a tree shrine at the lowest level of archeological excavation at the supposed buddha’s birthplace in lumbini, for those who don’t know, tree shrines are endemic in those northern regions

its obvious from the legendary life of buddha that it is a complete fiction because so much of it doesn’t fit reality   ̲    ̲    _ 

his abandoning his wife and newborn baby, the total arsehole pompousness of his pronouncements and the total spiritual stupidity and vacancy and the large readymade audiences for this crap

his not being persecuted or killed for what effectively amounts to a new religion, mani, almost the only real historical prophet had a much more typical fate   ̲    ̲    ̲

in general the personality is much more spaced out, unreal and lacks depth  .  .  .  a cardboard cutout really

also the docile and numerous disciples, in reality people are so rigid it takes at least several generations of cultural belief in whatever religion to generate that sort of mindless fanaticism and quiescent acceptance of dogmatic nonsense

you get plenty of trashy viral memes sweeping the internet, but you will never get what i just wrote as one

the morons gag on the first words  .  .

at least half  of the body’s total platelet production is occurring in the lungs


its like there’s this   huge problem  in america between poor diet, drugs, alcoholism and an excessively medicated society  .  .

my reply to brad warner and some guy criticising him as per the list just below  .  .

i’m all for snide ,  ironic and under the breath remarks, they make you real !

where imo you could improve is not to push buddhism so much, its all one way and like real life zen is mostly hostile to you !

interestingly dogen spent from ages twelve to seventeen as a tendai monk and he spent the rest of his life trying to fit zen into the tendai conceptual baggage !

ed.  i pulled this reply as being too involving for what should be periperal to me !

its hard to let go the past, but basically it doesn’t seem to want to do anything else

its hard to let go the past, but basically it doesn’t seem to want to do anything else

when i look at the material our dialogue has generated you are a good beta reader/writer, a minor talent is better than no talent !

you don’t have to be right !

you don’t have to be right !

you don’t have to be right

ewk  replies

I’m not interested in what interests you


r e p l y

sounds more like a spoiled child than a zen master doesn’t it ?

r|zen reddiquette for those who want to know is

1.  don’t write a really good post or you risk the mods understanding you and they delete it

2.  don’t use the words autism or retard

3.  if its way  ‘ off topic ’  kludge around to find some association with zen

most anything else goes !

ewk, instead of firing furballs why not write something both instructive for yourself and of interest to others !

instead of firing furballs why not write something both instructive for yourself and of interest to others !

women are a burden for men

you have to believe in what you carry a burden of

women are a burden for men

you have to believe what you carry a burden of

ewk  writes

I’m not interested in looking good

That’s clear to everybody at this point


r e p l y

I’m    not   only interested in looking good

That’s clear to everybody at this point.

i have an interview tomorrow at a smoothie and acai bowl place, basically i’m thinking a lot of unhealthy people will frequent that store ?

lots of viral exposure, kids and adults, job kills in more ways than one

i get this feeling that some people in this subreddit who disagree with sitting do so because they can’t do it

so they come up with excuses about zen masters and that’s not what zen is about

with shikantaza if you don’t mask the real process with stupid  ‘ practices ’  or koans, the self starts to deconstruct

in real life people avoid this process like the plague

well if your premises are wrong how can there be any validity to your question ! ?

well if your premises are wrong how can there be any validity to your question

“ yet you made this comment hoping it was the last in this thread ” 

is that true ?

actually i have learnt with r|zen there is no last comment, i only terminate if the thread seems to be going dry 

origin_known  asks

 What are you  saying  ?


r e p l y

fugue states of infinity are the only source of truth !

if you don’t know what i mean, you don’t know what i mean !

origin_known  asks

do you know what you mean

my reply


ed.  his nick is in fact origin_unknown is easy to satirize so i changed it

don’t let the fakes get away with nuthing !

. .



fugue states of infinity are the only source of truth !

if you don’t know what i mean, you don’t know what i mean !

fugue states of infinity are the only source of truth !

if you don’t know what i mean, you don’t know what i mean !

ewk, your problem is to accommodate brad warner you have to unpack your erroneous view of zen which you have an inkling you should do, but are totally unprepared to go down that road !

in short you have a gordian knot of an identity snarl !

you are not introspective at all, but the conventional proxyist

you are not introspective at all, but the conventional  “ proxyist ”

you are not introspective at all, but the conventional proxyist

i was not the identity i had spent so much time and effort establishing

brad warner  on a roll

some of the r|zen responses to this brad warner  video  have been strongly hostile and i think these people lack the meditative and introspective experience to make sense of what he is saying and indeed are strongly hostile to the notion that introspection is the central driver of zen !

origin_known  replies

.  .  .  In a round about sort of way, this video is a communication being directly spoken to us by the messenger. 

If I do not believe the messenger, then what use to me is the message ?


r e p l y

i never met any messenger i could trust fully, i just take what seems right to me and look at stuff over the decades i am antagonistic to but might be right !

it just amazes me, charles bukowski, what a genius he was, and an alcoholic, but he wasn’t afraid to look at himself in an uncharitable light   ̲    _    ̲

it just amazes me, charles bukowski, what a genius he was, and an alcoholic, but he wasn’t afraid to look at himself in an uncharitable light

on the one hand you have encoding which is living life through an abstracted form of reality like reading and entertainment

catharsis is a claim btw  .  .

and you have living life from experience only which results in an attenuated blindness and usually some over-mad direction

a good  summary  of the life of giacomo casanova, though it left out his constant infecting of women  with syphilis  and the amount of mercury he took  .  .

as a young man i read a lot of the many volumes of his memoirs in the auckland library

gustav mahler’s grandaughter alma  was murdered  in auschwitz

milo yiannopoulos is without question one of the great  public speakers ,  a bit toxic, but so was cicero !

zenthrowaway17  asks

are you suggesting an incel is not at all in the same category as a true celibate ?

that such a person probably jerks off a lot, indulges in all sorts of excess, and doesn’t really have the necessary restraint ?


r e p l y

a sexual relationship is such a different direction in life compared to celibacy

its is to be caught in the moil of breeding

restraint in emission gives energy and direction for males, the problem women have with celibacy is sex generates hormones essential to health with them

there is probably some minimum emission frequency necessary from a health viewpoint for men

incel and celibacy are always blurred imo

there must have been a culture of practical experience on being celibate from the monastic traditions that is lost to time now

religious orders traditionally have been very ambiguous, convents having reputations as high class brothels for the nobility and the old stories about the bottoms of convent wells being white with the bones of newborn babies

ostensibly celibate monastic institutions always have a background of homosexuality and paedophilia

the modern notion of incel can only exist where there is effective contraception, the high probability of sex leading to pregnancy and permanent stds in earlier times always brought these other factors into consideration !

reading on the reddit medical boards, stds are a problem again !

historically syphilis was some sort of watershed from a freer to a much more constrictive attitude to sex with the whole clutch of social attitudes that went with it  .  .

good running shoes  (i like asics gels)  and a keeping warm with track suit etc depending on the temperature are important

also starting slow and getting warm before running hard

avoid traffic fumes and those toxic fine particulates

the thing with running is not to do it to excess and get into injury or damage the joints

i was very good at long distance at school, but i never ran and only walk those sort of distances again !

so much in the way of sports and exercise now has a huge footprint of concussive and joint damage eagerly lapped up by the idiots doing it

i floss every evening just before bed with a fluoride waxed floss

religion, fools clucking to themselves  !

religion, fools clucking to themselves  !

religion, fools clucking to themselves !

religion, fools clucking to themselves

i am abit of an idiot,  i have proved that to myself many times   ̲    _    ̲

i’m a bit of an idiot,  i have proved that to myself many times   ̲    _    ̲

religion gives an audience for the dull and antiartistic

religion gives an audience for the dull

r|zen gives an audience for the dull and antiartistic

r|zen gives an audience for the dull

if it has to choose who is to be crucified, the crowd will always save barabbas

a quote by  jean cocteau  

miabelo responds in  the askreddit

deciding to respond to a guy’s message on pof.  i’d had my account for over a month and was sick of all the crappy horrible messages i’d been getting

this guy had messaged me a few days beforehand and we’d talked a bit and he was nice but for some reason i’d gotten into a funk, didn’t reply for a few days, and then decided i was just going to delete my account

that day i was going to actually delete it he sent me another message saying hey where’d you go ? ,  i debated replying, decided to give it a shot, and three years later we are still going strong

if i’d just gone ahead and deleted it, my life would be very different right now

correct visions are more real than material reality  !

correct visions are more real than reality  !

correct visions are more real than material reality

correct visions are more real than reality

ewk, as i keep telling you, your bizarre view of dogen is the rock you keep hitting and sinking on !

 how many years are you going to play this track  ?

   as i said, one day your children will be old enough to shame this bullshit you do on r|zen   .   .

he lived a real life, you need the bowdlerized zen of the tang and sung records !

you have fallen in the trap of meiji zen which is the fiction that non-celibates can address what zen is about  .  .

tobacco and alcohol are an extremely carcinogenic combination  !

tobacco and alcohol are an extremely carcinogenic combination

the first thing about dogen is he is an extremely literary writer and is so allusive that he’s almost impossible to translate so you are never reading dogen, but a translator’s opinion of what he said

second he is more tendai than zen

ed.  he was at tendai monk at mt. hiei near kyoto much longer than previously thought, from 1212 to 1217, that is from ages 12 to 17, his formative years

third he was celibate which gives a super intensity to what he says and tries to sort out

what zen is about is a developmental history, his views change

he was cut down by tuberculosis and this makes his last years less productive than they should have been, basically a blighted flower

if you are not a blighted flower and can see it, then you are never going to get zen

dogen is visionary which doesn’t fit with today’s ultra material realism !

rina knows she has problems and wants you to solve them for her, but the problem with substances is their first loyalty is to the substance and there’s nothing you can do about it, its why the drug scene is always so crazy and treacherous  .  .

jason  replies

she’s been on anti-depressives since she was 17 and smoking pot every day since 15 but  lithium water  is so out of the question

but even with the pills she’s still suicidal

she conceded she was maladaptive !

it took a lot to get to this point and now i’m  (ed.  rina)  just trying to keep it

my  comment

what’s she’s not factoring in is that she’s unlikely to commit suicide and within ten years will have a range of ghastly health issues and be a considerable burden on what family cares to have anything to do with her

jason  replies

when i get involved with these crazy women i can’t sleep, i probably slept like three hours total

idk what else could be going on with her, lots of lovers or something ?

rina was saying  just because anxiety works for you doesn’t mean it will work for me !

how do i respond to that ?


r e p l y

walk away, she’s a crazy stupid bitch who is just a heap of trouble

its been a good learning experience, interestingly there’s a post on her instagram page saying half of american women are that crazy

jason  replies

i saw that too, i was thinking  .  .  .  well maybe that’s you

she’s a substance addict

religion is the game of quoting nonsense and pretending it means something

r|zen is the game of quoting nonsense and pretending it means something

women and men dream in summer





just because we can drive doesn’t mean the direction we are going has much sense in it !

just because we can drive doesn’t mean the direction we are going has much sense in it

drugs and theft go together

drugs and burglary go together

there’s a surprising degree of polish and sophistication in certain areas of drug culture; intimidation, knowledge of the law and wheedling money !

there’s a surprising degree of polish and sophistication in certain areas of drug culture; intimidation, knowledge of the law and wheedling money

reading some e.e. cummings and charles bukowski might help break up your ideas of what english syntax should be

yeah i give spaces if i feel the writing needs it, a lot doesn’t if you read my reddit history

if its more poetic with a high semantic density then spacing is usually needed

and actually my reply  4 back  has that sort of effectiveness

“ you can take the reading age to the reader but the reader won’t take the reading age to what is read ”

i have spaced this because the semiotics are quite dense

. .



reading some e.e. cummings and charles bukowski might help break up your ideas of what english syntax might be

there’s some pretty slick arseholes in this world, so slick there’s no defense against them

i think this is the problem of fame, it brings the famous to the attention of these predators with the usual disasterous outcomes !

a good description of insomina in the song  welcome home  by radical face

sleep don’t visit, so i choke on sun, and the days blur into one

and the backs of my eyes hum with things i’ve never done

of pot ?  i bought it myself and then my one friend smoked half of it with me and then never paid me

there’s a sharing culture around pot but now that you point it out it is robbery

i’m actually going to try to go to this  “ friends ”  house tomorrow because i gave him my tax forms because he’s an accountant, i’m keeping it civil until we get it done hopefully tomorrow and then i was planning on telling him i don’t want to smoke pot anymore so don’t contact me for that reason

thanx for pointing it out, i’m just getting robbed

my  comment

you were set up by this friend, he’ll be in contact again

these druggies can be so polished and slick in certain areas

never give the goods before getting the cash !

the supermarkets know that !

never give the goods before getting the cash

the supermarkets know that

never give the goods before getting the cash

the real buddha gaumata got betrayed by his wife and murdered by   darius I ,  spectacular, not the blousy crap of legend !

its in chapter 3 of   ‘ from cyrus to alexander :   a history  of the persian empire ’

the world is full of unpaid missionaries  !

the world is full of volunteer missionaries  !

the world is full of unpaid missionaries

the world is full of volunteer missionaries

spacing in writing  is  a  cadence

spacing in writing is  a  cadence

spacing in writing is a cadence

defending a viewpoint reinforces its reality !

defending a viewpoint reinforces its reality

the song of meditation by hakuin ekaku

lost on dark paths of ignorance

we wander through the six worlds

from dark path to dark path we wander

 when shall we be freed from birth and death ?


r e p l y

a man dreams in summer

and dies in winter

my reply to an r|zenner upset by my spacing and puncutation

schoolmarm english is just a convention

   zen breaks rules since you seem not to notice  .  .

freaky-deeky   dutch

what does dogen look like without an opinion ?

now i think about it, we only ever see dogen through an opinion, the translator’s opinion, same for most zen !

a quote from the waves by virginia woolf

how curiously one is changed by the addition, even at a distance, of a friend

how useful an office one’s friends perform when they recall us

yet how painful to be recalled, to be mitigated, to have one’s self adulterated, mixed up, become part of another

my  comment

i had to read it a day later for the sense to fall into place, that’s usually how it is for me, the first reading can be quite a blank !

this is what r|zen  is really like , if you want to be like that, your choice

if i write a really really good post there’s a fifty percent chance the mods will delete it, they just have difficulty with anything of intellectual quality !

“ Law & Order :  Special Victims Unit ”  is some  weird fantasy ,  new york for sure

r|zen is the home for the drug brain trashed  !

r|zen is the home for the drug brain trashed

to a pot smoker squirming about my links

alcoholics never worry about liver or brain damage or cancer, take a leaf out of their book !

to a pot smoker squirming about my links

alcoholics never worry about liver or brain damage, take a leaf out of their book !

cult life  with eugene spriggs !

why wait until  60 for  alzheimers  ?

wow, jason sure has handle on these tinder women !

lol, she looks like hillary !

christ they are all fucking  insane  !

search  ‘ rina's instagram ’  in the sunday, february 5, 2017 entries

she’s on multiple medications including metazapine which says a lot !

she will be the walking dead from side effects within five years !

these people are such blind self entitled arseholes, a burden to everyone around them !

rolling through her  instagram  gives such an insight into who she is and her problems !

smoking and alcohol and heavy duty meds ,  c r a z y !

a not so fragile flower that is being blasted away !

jason, you had a very good convo with rina, man she has got issues, drinking, pot, medications, smoking no wonder she got upset !

also insomniac  .  .  but can’t do anything  sensible  !

when the flower fades it gets discarded !

i think she appreciates your perspective,  (ed.  still in communciation with jason)  she has a huge addiction problem across several substances, she needs to start tapering off them all and address the insomnia through things like my sleep page

she s quite autistic so there is a streak of realism there

like you and me ! : o)

if i was running a psychward i would have everyone on  wi-fi !

if i was running a psychward i would have everyone on  wi-fi

international politics is completely irrational because of its highly boundaryized nature, that is ,  the only way underlying realities come through is the breakdown of national boundaries, overt and covert, always a traumatic process !

one of the great secrets i discovered to help me get through life is to just work continually at everything, easy to do if you are celibate !

i’m still here and in very good health and physically able so it basically worked !

but i also needed to get supplements and diet  working right  !

One Anecdote had Kaiser Wilhelm II saying that if the British Army comes into Berlin, he will simply have them arrested

his mother was a daughter of queen victoria and prince albert !

even going back to roman times the germans have been losers in war, just incompetent at the strategic level !

had the germans and japanese run a unified nuclear bomb program from the beginning of the war they could well have had one at the same time as the allies though the germans of course were always severely hampered by the loss of that very intelligent race, the jews

you don’t murder a very productive portion of your middle class and expect to win a war !

kaiser wilhelm’s  grandmother  was an ardent pacifist !

the thing with staying at places and this includes even relatives is contributing in significant and practical ways that are helpful, manual labour etc, this will always make you welcome !

also keeping healthy and staying on deck  .  .   no pot smoking etc !

building practical maintenance skills is very useful !

you are still young and able bodied, make the most of it !

jason  asks

but i also wonder why you will write writes or w r i t e s ,  dunno and you don’t have to tell me

my  reply

i’m always experimenting with what works best, in this case its emphasis and reading speed

i don’t always get it right and you will notice i change what i do over a while

  these findings  indicate that cannabis users have an increased susceptibility to memory distortions even when abstinent and drug-free, suggesting a  long-lasting compromise of memory and cognitive control mechanisms involved in reality monitoring

jason  writes  (ed.  march 19th 2017)

“ i’ve been sort of fucking myself over smoking pot and now i have $15 to which i say good

i’m going to drop a couple of friends around here in new york who are really drug buddies as i see it as a mostly parasitic relationship where i do not gain much from them and they gain from me

the hippocampus shrinking from restricted circulation with pot use is 100% accurate, you can hardly use your brain to think ”

cardinal mezzofanti  hyperpolyglot

family are your only real friends in life !

family are your only real friends in life

people who do drugs are practiced and sophisticated parasites

jason  replies

diseased leeches for sure

people who do drugs are practiced and sophisticated parasites

people who do drugs are practiced parasites

this  is the problem with black magic, there’s always something going on under the bonnet  !

she’s just hit  an age  where she’s no longer attractive enough for random men to volunteer themselves to solve her problems

its going to be quite an adjustment with her health issues !

she may not make the adjustment

you will get used to it, people who would rather die than be rational

you just learn to keep clear and not burn your time and money !

you think like a carpenter

what good does it do you to create a building you don’t own ?

you think like a carpenter, what good does it do you to create a building you don’t own ?

“ Still stands ”

 stands still ?

 i am  a carpenter  of words and concepts !

i am a carpenter of words and concepts !

 why not look at your reply ?

 why not look at that reply ?

why not look at your reply

why not look at that reply

its part of your cognitive style insufficiencies that you didn’t understand my question !

implicit  context !

its part of your cognitive style insufficiencies that you didn’t understand my question !

look you can’t be a good carpenter and a good writer, accept what fate has allotted to you and your life will be more sane !

you can’t be a good carpenter and a good writer, accept what fate has allotted to you and your life will be more sane

“ I was driving the other day and I saw something on the road about thirty feet in front of me. As I got close I pictured a dead animal.  A dead armadillo  –  but when I got even closer the armadillo turned into a sweater sleeve

I saw the armadillo with my own eyes.  Was it there ? ”


r e p l y

yeah it was, you have a talent for what zen is about !

zenthrowaway17 claims to be able to leave his living situation which includes the occasional committal under the mental health act

“ Of course I can ”

  except you can’t ?

“ Of course I can ”

  except you can’t ?

 why be an apologist for zen, you have nothing to do with it in real life ! ?

john jorgensen in his book  inventing hui-neng  doesn’t deny the historical reality of hui-neng, just says he is heavily hagiographized

there is a stele which recounts a visit to  hui-neng

something of hui-neng comes through in the platform sutra despite the distortions  —  of a unique, skilled and highly idiosyncratic viewpoint that only comes about extremely rarely

of course i know he is real and not just magical thinking like so much of zen and all of buddhism !

i have doubts that the famous mummy of hui-neng is actually him as there was a tradition of monks taking substances before they died to aid in mummification and the mummy could well be one of those, but you never know !

a lot of zen buddhists prefer hui-neng to be a fiction, though of course in complete denial about buddha being a magically real construct !

proper enlightenment means you are able to identify other enlightened people

most people are fake or have screwed up badly though

proper enlightenment means you are able to identify other enlightened people

zenthrowaway17 on his visit to mt. tremper

That’s odd, I didn’t see any ball+chain get-ups at the monastery I visited

You sure they  (ed.  the monastics)  were prisoners ?


r e p l y

what else are the vows and precepts ?

why be an apologist for zen, you have nothing to do with it in real life ! ?

the issue of monastic life being a literal confinement is well known, long term residents get stuck because of poverty and not keeping up with real world work skills !

konrad ryushin  (ex abbot at the mt. tremper zen monastery)  bailed at sixty because it was his last chance to develop a practice as a therapist !

zenthrowaway17  replies

And if those words had real power, then you wouldn’t see people breaking them


r e p l y

you really have trouble thinking straight, surely if something is broken then it must have the power of containment to be broken ?

you are unable to look rationally at whether your belief is true or not

you have an over investment in the magical belief of buddhism

you are unable to look rationally at whether your belief is true or not

john cleese is a friend of david dunning

“ if you are absolutely no good at something, you  lack the skills  you need to know you are no good at it ! ”

“ people who are too stupid to know how  stupid  they are ”

a poem by eileen prunster

and i never will

she’s too busy


into a sane kind of madness

i can’t

reach her


oic, you are on the wrong side of  dunning kruger

poor performers do not learn from feedback suggesting a need to improve

prince william is  pretty cool 

his mother basically traded her life to save the british monarchy to provide a heir intelligent enough to be of value !

religion, why take bad novels as reality ?

religion, why take bad novels as reality

buddhism, why take a bad novel as reality ?

buddhism, why take a bad novel as reality

buddhists, do yourself a favour and read  this link ,  there is no noble truth saying you have to be as blinded as a blinkered horse pulling ten tons of shit and thinking it is doing good !

religions are magical realist constructs !

rather creaky, bizarre and internally inconsistent but there you are !

religions are magical realist constructs !

religions are magical realist constructs

the four noble truths are vapid bullshit, why do western buddhists push this boring nonsense when there’s much more magical things like

“ Devadatta tries to assassinate him  (ed.  buddha)  on three different occasions

The weight of these sins is so great that he is swallowed by the earth, descending to the most horrific of the several Buddhist hells, where he is impaled on three iron spikes, one from his head to his feet, one through his chest, and one through his shoulders

When Buddhist monks at the Siamese court saw the crucifixes around the necks of the French Jesuits, they assumed that it was Devadatta, that the foreign priests worshipped the Buddha’s nemesis

Several members of the French delegation reported that this dashed any hopes of conversion ”

bring back magical realism, not the watered down voynich pseudo philosophy that western buddhism has become

magical action by shakyamui, florid systems of death and rebirth, many literal hells and heavens !

don’t be fooled by imitations bring  the real  buddhism back !

Mystic understanding of truth is not perception or cognition

Mystic understanding of truth  is  perception and cognition

Mystic understanding of truth is not perception or cognition

Mystic understanding of truth is perception and cognition