this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don’t warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of  the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them  with the eyes closed  !

well i would never have got involved with zen if not for joining the local sitting group in auckland which luckily at the time didn't have a teacher !

i think brad warner is loose enough and sufficiently knowledgable about meditation for me to have been ok with him !

jason  writes

sometimes i wonder where all the really pretty women are

well i was delivering to this strip mall that hosts really high end stuff like  ‘ gucci ’  and  ‘ chanel ’

i’m getting out of the car bringing the pizza to this jewelry store and i caught eyes with this woman in a big expensive SUV, with her boyfriend or husband

she rushes out of the car and she’s dressed very well

i cross in front of her and look while she looks at me, i look forward while she keeps looking at me cuz i feel like i don’t have time

now i’m wishing i did look more as i realized that’s where all the really pretty women are, going to dinner with multimillionaires

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

when i was a young teenager i would write short stories

and my teacher, and in fact most of my english teachers, after reading it would at the top of the page write  “ rewrite ”

even if i was happy with it

jason  writes

i delivered a pizza to this old lady a month or so ago, we exchanged money and somehow i dropped a twenty, i left and she saw it blowing around her yard

she called the restaurant saying i dropped $20

i got back and she was outside reading, she said  “ that’s something one of my sons would do ” 

“ she is mentally young and although i don’t completely understand what that means, i partly do ”

different culture different life, money is the only thing that would persuade her to make it work

the dogma of  daoism  is the I-ching is not unbridled nonsense or sophisticated voynich depending on how charitable you feel !

coffee gave me bad tinnitus so i stopped drinking it !

coffee gave me bad tinnitus so i stopped !

coffee gave me bad tinnitus so i stopped

what is a religion ?

a good  question  on r|zen !

buddhist’s often argue that buddhism is not a religion, but in my view the essence of a religion is, is there some dogma that you can’t get past that makes the religion unmeaningful if it is dropped ?

in buddhism its the case the buddha is assumed to be an historical figure rather than fictional, if you take buddha as what he is ,  a pompous fictional character then the whole thing becomes pointless !

interestingly, is the pyrrhonist view that everything is just one ongoing indeterminate mess with probabilities of determination, dogma ?

“ i don’t know how i’m gonna finally quit pot ”

it will make you increasingly schizophrenic and derelict, ironically imo you are on the wrong end  of this  !

if you can read that and can’t understand it, there’s just no hope is there ?

in simple terms, you have low BDNF and pot damages your brain worse than most people

“ i started smoking like a month away from turning seventeen ”

i would say the above linked article applies to you

your trajectory is that of  bill meier  and without a lot of proactivity on your part, you will follow it !

you will need to be celibate and give good focus to the practical realities just to survive !

that is the real point of zen or catholic mysticism, in the absence of relationship and children, what is the meaning that makes life worthwhile ?

infinity as it is and for itself, that’s all i can say !

more  evidence  that life is a rare occurrence in the universe, even though the milky way exists in a void, yet it still will collide with the andromeda galaxy, how much more hazardous it must be for galaxies not in a void !

good article  on tarot

which has its origins in renaissance card games and not the occult !

“ kentucky fried chicken products are fried in oil which may contain the following  :  canola oil and hydrogenated soybean oil with tbhq and citric acid added to protect flavor, dimethylpolysiloxane, an antifoaming agent added or low linolenic soybean oil, tbhq and citric acid added to protect flavor, dimethylpolysiloxane, an antifoaming agent added ”

how they  cook

she has been  traumatized  but doesn’t know it, that multilingual is a form of child abuse !

let all the ties of nature  be renounced  forever

poor bob dylan ,  to  count his money  he has to prove his songs were literature !

roll on moby dick and odysseus !

to be fair it was better than lot of noble literature prize speeches !

as a premium plagiarist he has plagiarized literature too so the prize must be valid !

somehow i don’t think this comment of mine is going to go viral is it, the moronic phultrilizing turds can’t take anything except  “ nice feeling ”

how to  poach an egg

seems to work only i let the egg stand in the hot water for longer so the yolk gets firmer but not too cooked !

women live in their  own world

the world is far more interesting if you pay attention to what you find strange or anomalous rather than worry about the nonsense of others

the world is far more interesting if you consider what is strange or anomalous to you rather than worry about the nonsense of others

does a liturgy have to be boring craziness ?

what else could it be ?

zen is rather aristotelian in flavour

but it seems a complete disconnect to understand how such a substantial infiltration was made to china until you realise the influence of the indo-grecian empires on the western borders along the silk road and in fact  “ the blue eyed barbarian ”  from persia sounds very indo-grecian !

a lot of zen is simply a sort of a fake  aristotelianism ,  quite stylized and dogmatic, its a criticism i would make of huang po and daihu, they are philosophers and not mystics, anywhere you get real mysticism in zen you get people upset like with dogen and his  “ dreams ”  which in fact are visions !

philosophy attempts to establish the reality of infinity, but mysticism is the dwelling enjoyment of its actuality !

what is the point of endless arguing over what cannot be proved and can only be experienced to no point at all except one’s own solipsism ?

it is lovely to be able to write without the r|zen clowns crowding in with their venomous vomit, i have already had to ban one, like hanging a magpie up, the rest have got the message !

anne perry, a cause célèbre in new zealand and i have a memory of the christchurch star  photo

only a month ago on r|zen, but it seems  like eons

 its a  layered  reference !


yeah maybe drop the social media since it gives a sense of pseudo - involvement that is difficult to handle unless you are disinterested which you are not !

yeah maybe drop the social media since it gives a sense of pseudo involvement that is difficult to handle unless you are disinterested which you are not !

just because life’s a bastard doesn’t mean you have to be a bastard to other people

you show no real signs of concern for her welfare, just a sperm bucket for you  !

you show no real signs of concern for her welfare, just a sperm bucket for you

you get very self - centered on the manic upcycle

eileen, your going is one of the hardest things i have had to deal with

you look like you are here but you have gone from me

relationship is the central event in her life apart from her children, she’s always going to be multifactorial about it

relationship is the central event in her life apart from her children, she’s always going to be multifactorial

wow, she must like being fought over !

well you can clearly see her values


relationship is the first stage, the next stage is babies !

i think if she’s showing any interest in you its to add another cockerel to her  “ harem ”  that fights over her

why is everyone so keen to martyr me ?

they certainly are !

i think you lie under pressure and i think that is also a denial of what happened, you avoided having to take a more balanced look that upsets your world view and ideas about yourself !

pewdiepie on being targeted by the wall street journal for being a successful if somewhat indirect competitor

I    II

he’s very talented witty, ironic and sarcastic, a big shock for the dumbarse net !

huh, a T-bone steak is fillet in the small portion and porterhouse/sirlion in the large portion !

i think god is like dark energy, some large inconsistent and nonexistant factor and observation of what is occurring is like the  quantum fluctutations  really driving things

there was a lack of acceptance on my part of your increasing schizophrenia and there was nothing i could do about it, even though i knew that !

free code camp, the  future  of education ?

have a cry

life is unfair

and full of grief

have a cry life is unfair and full of grief

have a cry, life is unfair and full of grief

we both have grievances, we are not going to get along if we talk about them

what good does it do to complain about the way some-one is ?

what good does it do to complain about the way some-one is

yeah somewhere in my sick mind i was hoping   [-removed-]

your mind’s not sick, its just falling into cognitive style traps

if you ever become a guru then being skilled at identifying these traps are really what it is about, except all the  “ gurus ”  seem to only fall into their own and have no skill in discerning others !

“ now, researchers at the university of illinois at chicago and the university of chicago  report  that low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, does reduce stress, but in a highly dose-dependent manner :  very low doses lessened the jitters of a public-speaking task, while slightly higher doses  —  enough to produce a mild   “ high ”   —  actually increased anxiety ”

  “ i couldn’t shake the lens  religiosity  had given me ”

one of the members of one of my forums has become quite wealthy from the explosion in value of a digital currency, i’m really really pissed because i did look into it for awhile without going into any depth of research and discounted them because of a naive lack of confidence in the unbreakability of the cryptography

i’m pissed on several counts, the way i wasted useless time on retards arguing with them on the web when obviously the time was way better spent in research on digital currency and getting practical experience with wallets, exchanges etc

i’m a bit pissed with this person too for wasting my time with his cretinous religiosity and giving limited input on what he really knew which was cryptocurrency

 i’ve been fucking used by arseholes and it really hurts   .   .   .

at the end of the day money rules the roost and effectively one was giving one’s time away to toxic and thuggish stupids   .   .

 my life has been volunteer craziness   .   .

this is all i seem to do, failure, followed by sophisticated hindsight !

startingly  modern ,  but  cycladic ,  c. 2750bc

you have no control over him

with addicts their only loyalty is to the drug

he’s not your problem

you can get crossover between malign gut floras and the urinary tract

there is recent research showing that a beard has bacteria on that attack the bacteria causing the pain in the urinary tract







everything comes to an end


“ specifically, the siblings with autistic spectrum disorder had a higher uptake of the neurotoxin lead, and reduced uptake of the essential elements manganese and zinc, during late pregnancy and the first few months after birth, as evidenced through analysis of their baby teeth

furthermore,   metal levels  at three months after birth were shown to be predictive of the severity of autistic spectrum disorder eight to ten years later in life ”

the red pill concept of  “ sexual market value ”  can be a useful tool !

basically jacklyn has an extremely high sexual market value  (ed.  a nineteen and a half year old stunning buxom italian beauty with flawless skin)  and will trade on it !

jason wonders if he’s being stupid not to rule the possibility of a relationship with jacklyn out ?


r e p l y

its a good learning experience and if you rule out the possibility of a relationship it will get less real and the experience distorted !

its the very possibility that makes the learning effective !

tad brennan and jongsuh lee’s  restatement  of the third of agrippa’s five modes

“ epistemic grounding relations cannot be reflexive ”

this makes a lot of sense

like if i take that infinity can be known through fugue states as an axiom, it cannot be proved reflexively in itself

you have to come from a quite separate grounding which is of course your own experience !

incidentally this matches zen quite well !

in terms of the founding figures of christianity, buddhism and islam being real historical people then you have to come from the separate ground of historical verification and plausibility, which is what all the fuss is about !

jason  writes

if only i could get through my head that a relationship with jacklyn cannot be


r e p l y

she has a strong social group you are not part of !

i think you are brooding on what cannot be !

italian women are highly sexed and a lot of trouble, look at the difficulties the caesars had with their daughters !

you are like me, too damaged to successfully sustain relationship, marriage and children

this failure is really what zen is about, is there something more meaningful to life that trumps the conventional life ?

yes there is, unbelievably !

jason  replies

there would be a very high chance of me committing suicide if i was living a conventional life


r e p l y

yeah well that’s the big one !

zen is actually dogmatic

the incorrigible dogmatism of zen is that the bulk of the zen records and stories cannot be disputed as infallible !

the rather surprising twist is that philosophically zen is greek or indo-greek, particularly agrippa’s five modes of  the refutation of dogmatism !

whatever people say, their pattern is to quote records and stories and then comment so basically that’s a permanent induction of supposed infallibility !

the various sects in zen including buji and ewk’s  “ tang and songism ”  arise from differences in which records and texts are perceived as  “ infallible ” ,  tang and song records prescribed as infallible by ewkism and buji and the proscription of dogen  “ the  l. ron. hubbard of zen ” ,  whereas sotoshu prescribes dogen as infallible   .   .

the endless circus just goes on  forever

jacklyn would be a 100% burden you couldn’t carry, a good relationship has a productive synergy between the partners as well as mutual attachment !

pretty quiet , so many words consigned to oblivion !

time rolls on and who_knows, we may be outlived by message boards   .   .   .

reflection, fantasy, brooding, depression

jesus my brain doesn’t seem to be coming together for words today, i am rejecting everything i write

anyway    I  II

jason  writes

i’ve been looking at women as very intelligent recently, having trouble seeing their flaws

i guess running on emotions is a flaw

the problem with some oils like sunflower or canola too late in the day is they are stimulatory and interfere with sleep, olive oil doesn’t seem to have this problem

health and diet has to be the primary focus because without it, everything goes awry

a girlfriend requires good health and money or its going to be a mess !

a girlfriend requires good health and money or its going to be a mess

if women thought too much they would never have babies  !

if women thought too much they would never have babies

solipsism says  “ worry about yourself first ”

keysersozen shows how unenlightened he is

i can tell he will always be like this, pretending to an understanding he doesn’t have

the  OP  (section number  -107-)

keysersozen’s erronous reply

“ He had to learn how to glue the walking stick back together ”

i never realised jane austen had such a varied  and interesting  life, how being in the gentry is surprisingly fluid, underpinned by money of course, but there is a large pool of not so wealthy friends and relatives around the really big fortunes !

her account of her hand shaking with a hangover shows in my opinion she had underlying neurological problems which were a factor in her early death along with the medicinal arsenic !

last night i had the most godawful migraine, today i’m in the washed out postdrome stage but when it was bad i put a hot hot water bottle along my right sinus avoiding contact with my eyes as you don’t want them to heat up too much and lo and behold it took the sinus pain away, like flipping a switch, it stopped !

i don’t have much faith in mechanical things like exercises, but i am going to try this again for sure !

jason  writes

the pizza place owner and the redhead both play horses and so it's usually on the tv today they both bet on the first race, the redhead winning $75 and the owner winning $1200 with a $300 bet

you don't have to go to the track anymore to bet

the redhead is pretty good at guessing and he generally showed me how you judge your bet using the newspaper

redhead bet $20 and got $95

the redhead is $1500 in debt from horse racing but he just guessed the last two races and got it right, the number eight horse

apparently the owner has been playing horses for forty two years, when he walked away another coworker whispered to me  “ and look at how much money he lost ! ”


r e p l y

you could try  “ pretend betting ”  and see how well you do, i did know a guy who claimed to have made money for years, then he got too old and lost his touch

there’s a lot of  “ fixing ”  in horse racing, jockeys and owners making money, has to be paid for by the rest !

charles bukowski was evasive as to whether he actually made money

education is a conspiracy to make you as stupid as possible  !

education is a conspiracy to make you as stupid as possible !

education is a conspiracy to make you as stupid as possible

the grief of life just makes you cry  !

whaaa !

the grief of life just makes one cry  !

whaaa !

the grief of life just makes one cry  !

the grief of life just makes one cry

i am single  because

that is the most synchronous condition for solipsist identity !

buddhists are absurd con artists believing in their own con for no monetary gain !

buddhists are absurd con artists believing their own con for no monetary gain !

buddhists are absurd con artists believing in their own con for no monetary gain

buddhists are absurd con artists believing their own con for no monetary gain

the problem with zen is it is in the public domain and you are competing with all these schizophrenic viewpoints

zen is a flytrap for schizophrenia !

the problem with zen is it is in the public domain and you are competing with all these schizophrenic viewpoints

zen is like a flytrap for schizophrenia !

the problem with zen is it is in the public domain and you are competing with all these schizophrenic viewpoints

zen is a flytrap for schizophrenia

the problem with zen is it is in the public domain and you are competing with all these schizophrenic viewpoints

zen is like a flytrap for schizophrenia

god, all this  contact  with these very intelligent suicidal young women so many years ago !

i came across  this file  by accident, left off the website when it should be on it !

three years on r|zen was my suicide !

damaged dog and kid relating  to each other

if you are offended, that’s your filter about damage being bad !

dave/keyesersozen, you are a faith based pseudo-pyrrhonist, yes contradictory i know, but so are you !

its really weird to see people consumed by very old philosphical  paradigms   .  .

like it all hasn’t happened before ?

in terms of  astrophysics ,  my visionary experience with the 6th patriarch is a quasi-naked singularity

that is, it contains the effect of a naked singularity but in a nondisruptive way to the  functioning  of the physical universe   .   .

jason  writes  (long island, 27th may 2017)

andrew  i met this amazing ninety-three years old woman tonight on a delivery

she told me not to speak of her or i would die at midnight but my god i swear one of the most incredible people i've ever met

we talked for twenty minutes or maybe longer, she was a comedian and she had me laughing almost the whole time i was with her  !  probably the funniest person i've ever met

she told me to remember two things

“ don't let anyone insult you without your permission ! ”

“ laughter is the best medicine ! ”

she was so sharp and she said she would have never made it that far if she didn't laugh so much, she said from our conversation tonight i gained two maybe three years onto my life she invited me inside and she had this big house, she was saying fuck this that fuck that fuck my neighbors, so funny

then i left and i walked cooly to my car, i looked back and she was leaning on the doorframe and she had this enlightened face on smiling at me and waving, of course i waved back got in my car and we waved to each other again, didn't say bye didn't ask for each other's names   .  .  incredible person

completely alleviated me of these past two days, and she said i made her night cuz she said that since she made me laugh even with our age difference it means she's still got it

she kept referring back to this story of when she was twenty-one and writing comedy for others to perform, she wrote this whole skit and they were laughing at everything except for one of the jokes

so the performer gets off the stage and asks her  “ why didn't they laugh at that joke ? ”

and she said she was sad cuz she was twenty-one and trying to be a comedy writer, and she says looking back now she should of said something like  “ you bastard shcmuck !  fuck you !  it was your delivery that killed it ! ”

something like that, such a funny lady

she had a very nice house, she was married but she seemed like she had a very successful career, she was on a morning show with this guy regis philbin   .  .  she says she was young then too and regis came into the backroom and asked her questions like  “ what's your age ?  are you married ?  who do you write comedy for ? ”

she said she was so nervous and yeah he was asking this terrible questions, just boringly jotting her answers on a notepad then he left while her heart was beating almost out of her chest

then she got on the show and he was all so friendly and being all happy and smiling, she just said  “ phony bastard ! ”

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

lol i was standing there listening to this old lady and i tripped over myself and had to jump over part of a bush fall over autistic moment

she said she doesn't let old people into her mercedes benz unless they're wearing diapers cuz they'll piss themselves

she kept calling me stupid and wondering why i hadn't pissed myself yet

jacklyn is unusual, she’s a very high functioning autistic, she may think she fits in the normal world but she’s a square peg in a round hole !

“ she said she thought she was normal until she started working at the pizzeria ” 

that’s your relationship to her, you are both high functioning autistic

same with eileen and myself

you won’t even be able to be friends successfully

actually same with lisa cairns in your very good skype  interview , that’s why she relaxed, you were her own species   .   .

r|zen is pseudo – pyrrhonism versus belief

r|zen is pseudo – pyrrhonism versus  “ belief ”

r|zen is a pseudo pyrrhonism versus  “ belief ”

i read and reply occasionally on askdocs, a surprisingly high proportion of the problems people report are actually side effects of the existing medications they are taking

so i reply, such and such a drug or combination gives such and such side effects corresponding to your complaint

the reply is usually  “ fuck off you arsehole ”

reddit seems to be unduly composed of the insane and retarded, how do you get that ?

well  this graph  shows how

in any population .1% are going to be off the wall crazy, on reddit a tenth of a percent post 12% of the comments, so you can see what happens !

it applies particularly to message boards and the net, but perhaps also to politics, small populations of crazy by vociferous and disproportionate input form incredible real world biases !

i guess i’m feeling psychotic or something, didn’t take lithium aspartate today

i forget i’m the sane one

you seem a bit adhd

see you always will be on this knife edge, your problem is not jacklyn, but surviving or not ending up in jail

you’re on a knife edge too ?

  a way of looking at it is i am always being killed   .   .

“ justice ”  has a basis in a type of injury, you can argue over whether injury has a basis in anything

according to  carneades  who was very autistic, justice is an overt and very coarse tool essential for a society to function and actually historically, societies mode in and out of relative lawlessness   .   .

projections of outcomes have effects on outcomes  !

projections of outcomes have effects on outcomes

the thing about the young is, you can’t beat them because they have so much more vigour !

the thing about the young is, you can’t beat them because they have so much more vigour

i think even though there’s only two to three years difference between you, there’s a whole generation’s difference, you are old before your time and she is eternally young   .   .   !

zara larsson

lol, there’s a whole subculture out there !

looks a bit saner than the usual but i suspect drugs are the undercurrent !

a little  morality  tale !

the mike posner interview  is interesting  !

i took a pill in ibiza

to show avicii i was cool

when i got sober i felt ten years older

but fuck it, it was something to do

women don’t serve men, they serve children, men serve women !

she’s a young women at the height of her power of attraction making the most of it

she loves melodrama, not everyone likes melodrama !

kabbalah is suprisingly sophisticated, as per jewish  “ intelligence ”  i guess which is an intelligence of the semantic – pragmatic space !

an  explanation  from ariana grande

“ you have to watch your intentions, make sure you’re not giving in to your ego.  you have to numb your reactive state.  you have the power to change your reality ”  she says, clapping her hands together

“ you have to take a second and breathe and reassess how you want to approach or react to a situation or approach an obstacle, or deal with a negative person in your space.  that takes a lot of self-control and practice and, i guess, willpower ” she concludes with an embarrassed laugh

scientology blended with gnosticism ?

hmm, stretching causes  micro tears  in the muscle fibers !

hmm, stretching causes  “ micro tears ”  in the muscle fibers

well, well well, even only 74ml of wine a day has a  cancer induction  heft !

pot  (and tabacco use)  increase  the risk of gum disease, which is what you would expect from it skewing the inflammatory response

in town today i strained my right lower calf muscle running across a pedestrian crossing, this i think was from earlier damage doing a foot stretch, i swear any form of exercise causes more problems than it solves

so i limped around town that afternoon and evening

it made me look at other people with physical impairments, not something i usually notice  .   .

i have never seen a mouse die from warfarin poisoning before, i have heard them, banging and thumping away in the roof, but i was sitting comfortably by the woodheater this evening after a long day in town and a reasonable dinner at the RSL and a mouse rolled into view, that is literally rolling over and over in what i presume was agony with possibly a bit of green foam around the mouth

i watched it for a while and eventually thought i should put it out of its misery, so picked it up by the tail and tossed it onto the red hot coals within the woodheater   .   .   .

if you are contemplating a relationship, in your imagination fuse their face with yours to see what a child might look like  !

very rarely will you get a combination you are happy with !

if you are contemplating a relationship, in your imagination fuse their face with yours to see what a child might look like  !

very rarely you will get a combination you are happy with !

i can never get used to things outlasting people  !

i never get used to things outlasting people  !

i can never get used to things outlasting people

i never get used to things outlasting people

are you saying you have the only authentic enlightenment experience in the world ?

as i am the only one in the world, how could anyone else’s experience be authentic ?

are you saying you have the only authentic enlightenment experience in the world ?

as i am the only one in the world, how could anyone else’s experience be authentic ?

the buddhist subculture demonises donald trump !

  he traded peace and quiet for something   .   .

at his age !

What makes someone a buddhist ?

a combination of being a con artist and stupidity !

brad warner is a good example, cons himself and is stupid enough, though that’s a bit borderline !

i almost cried this morning because of money and jacklyn

well they all make you cry one way or another !

i almost cried this morning because of money and jacklyn

well they all make you you cry one way or another !

being a muslim is a huge cultural barrier to a relationship, the mindset is very different

she decided to sit across from me to eat her lunch after a day of imagining throwing things around the restaurant

i told her that i heard from a friend that  “ once you break up once, that’s it ”  her eyebrow twitched  “ you don’t want that ”  she shook her head no

religion always requires censorship, otherwise they cannot stand against the rationality of the world  !

religion always requires censorship, otherwise they cannot stand against the rationality of the world

fame brings all the arseholes out of the woodwork  !

fame brings all the arseholes out of the woodwork !

fame brings all the arseholes out of the woodwork

hitler was the atomic bomb that blew up in germany !

hitler was the atomic bomb that blew up in germany 

amazingly the  first homonin  was not wandering around an african savanna, but was moseying around  athens  !

women are more creatures of feeling more than thought  !

women are more creatures of feeling more than thought

brad warner’s awakening experience wasn’t genuine

god i can post  this  without the r|zen rabble hounding in on me ! : o)

so basically brad did give an  answer  and from that its clear it was not a genuine awakening experience

he’s just another stupid dreamer !

“ Alcoholism is associated with bacterial overgrowth in the intestines, as well as a shift in the types of bacteria found there, but little was known about the role of intestinal fungi in alcoholic liver disease

In this  study , Schnabl and colleagues found that fungi flourished in the intestines of mice with chronic alcohol exposure.  In turn, they noted, the fungal overgrowth exacerbated liver disease

Parts of the fungal cell wall, mainly a sugar called beta-glucan, moved through the mouse’s intestinal wall into the surrounding body cavity and organs.  Once relocated inside the liver, beta-glucan bound certain immune cells and triggered inflammation.  Chronic inflammation kills liver cells and ultimately promotes alcoholic liver disease. ”

just plod along, day by day, doing a few things  !

just plod along, day by day, doing a few things

travel, especially overseas, makes you see the world differently  !

travel, especially overseas, makes you see the world differently !

travel makes you see the world differently !

travel makes you see the world differently

women  =  children  =  need money, that’s how most people live    .   .    !

women  =  children  =  need money, that’s how most people live    .   .

women  =  children  =  need money, that’s how most people live

a relationship with a woman is not a peripheral thing, that and her needs will be the center of your life !

a relationship is not a peripheral thing, that and her needs will be the center of your life !

a relationship with a woman is not a peripheral thing, that and her needs will be the center of your life

a relationship is not a peripheral thing, that and her needs will be the center of your life

a lot of jane austen is about moneyless young men being unable to afford to be married

 its a paradigm that is showing its head again, centuries later    .   .    !

women lie !

so do men !

women lie

so do men

women lie !

women lie

s a d  r e a l l y  !  : o ) (

“ but not entirely 

 that  inexplicable  moment of beauty  ”

the beauty of his failed turning !

 ugly really, like with all of us !

jacklyn does things that remind me a lot of other women i know, it’s not so odd i guess   .  .   like she was taking a video of herself saying some inside joke with her family and her

her grandmother interrupted her speaking to someone else saying  “ thank you for saying happy mother’s day to me ! ”  she looks back to the camera and gives a really nasty face

i guess that’s how women really can feel about each other

jacklyn looks back to the camera to give a nasty face, morgan l. did something very similar in one of her snapchats

women feel more than they think

women feel more than they think

all our nutrition is secondary to the feeding of  the germline  !

we have a literal  second brain ,  its the nervous system of the gut !

i wish mine worked better and i was thinking, well at least the first brain works well and then i thought  (with the first brain of course) ,  maybe it doesn’t !

:  o ( )

lisa cairns has the best awakening

“ it was at a restaurant in bali ,  while eating banana fritters ,  that lisa had a profound awakening experience

it became extremely clear that who lisa truly was had never been a limited person, but a love that is boundless, never ending and not contained in one thing, yet is all things ”

from her  biography

tony parsons has a big influence in the uk, he’s quite fun but on balance i feel there’s   something missing

the problem with r|zennists posting  here

basically we don’t agree so any comments and OP’s are going to be disputative

three years of r|zen, i’m not into disputation anymore which as we have seen is endless

there needs to be an acceptance of me being right and the sub revolving around the viewpoint of true mysticism !

at the end of the day, its a wide world and if you think you are right then go to a subreddit where what others think matches your views rather than fight world war three every day like r|zen does !

“ i ate a pork sausage the other day and in almost no time i had some acid reflux ”

rice, soy or wheat fillers, same problem with all sausages !

there is no vice compared to that of virtue and there is no virtue compared to that of vice

there is no vice compared to that of virtue

there is no virtue compared to that of vice

i don’t know what i’m doing or where i am going !

i don’t know what i’m doing or where i’m going !

i don’t know what i’m doing or where i am going

i don’t know what i’m doing or where i’m going

an interesting  study  on white meat being healthier than red meat !

if you read reddit  askdocs  over a while, its quite apparent there is an std explosion occurring at the moment and honestly i would want a std test panel from anyone before i had sex with them

i am sure in a couple of years that will be normal, its becoming so bad !

has cynicism become  unfashionable  in american academia ?

it didn’t used to be !

sepehr asks

who is your favorite ukiyo-e artist of flora, fauna, and landscapes ?



r e p l y

its generally a high quality genre

 people are dicks, sometimes you just have to be more assertive  !

 people are dicks, sometimes you just have to be more assertive !

people are dicks, sometimes you just have to be more assertive

a mouse got terminated early this evening !

the black and white kitten/young tomcat caught one and played and played with it, the mouse just couldn’t move quickly enough to have ever had a chance

then in the space between him and his more conventionally coloured tabby sister the mouse had ended up closer to the sister and just sat there exhausted and traumatised while the sister began to get aroused and pounced holding the mouse in her mouth for a short while before the crushing sound of the mouse’s head could be heard !

“ i might be failing a shit test by checking her snap stories all the time, and quickly re-checking ”

nah you are passing your own test by seeing the real her, normally only happens after several years of marriage !

isn’t technology wonderful !

“ double yes ! ”

“ well she certainly has power over a lot of young men, and older men too you should see these drooling fools at the restaurant ”

well troy was fought for helen, the more fools the fighters !

“ well she certainly has power over a lot of young men, and older men too you should see these drooling fools at the restaurant ”

well troy was fought for helen, the more fool the fighters !

sex puts you in chains to them !

sex puts you in chains to them

sex puts you in chains

a bit of wine with food is not necessarily bad in small amounts but i need my wine pasturized and only about 30ml a day in cooking

 i have noticed that meditation helps people with addictive personalities !

i have noticed that meditation helps people with addictive personalities

jon  writes

i tried about a quarter of the chromium yeast gtf capsule and it seems to have an effect

had a nice taste to it


r e p l y

you need a digital thermometer to pasturize as too high a temperature denatures it and makes it less effective

alternatively you could try  chromemate  which doesn’t need pasturizing

you may be ok with chromium yeast unpasturized

a good digital thermometer brand is TFA, german made !

jason  writes

she says she’s tried a guided meditation on youtube and she’s tried to sit in a room quietly  “ but i kept thinking ”

i was gonna explain shikantaza but then i had to go on a delivery and when i got back she had left, i only got to say that i do two hours of meditation a day


r e p l y

one thing i learnt with dave is not to recommend other meditation groups or teachers who one knows are half arsed at best like kwan um zen and there must be something wrong with george bowman since dave seemed to have got so screwed up just from attending one or two short retreats with him   .   .

reddit zen has taught me that the case of zen is hopeless, every schizophrenic and mad dog between here and the black stump jumps on the bandwagon reducing it to meaninglessness   .   .

i do feel you have a future as a  “ meditation teacher ”  there’s really nothing else authentic around   .   .   .

some things stick in your mind and the old couple or old folks  story  in  “ letters from my windmill ”  by alphonse duadet recurs to me, i am not quite sure why ?

lana del rey  i fall  to pieces

you won’t survive unless you go into the detail necessary to sort something out !

you won’t survive unless you go into the detail necessary to sort something out

the australian red cross blood service is getting a bit shonky, they want my blood type, well its O positive, the most common !

a man with a good hand  in poker  doesn’t say anything !

a man with a good poker hand doesn’t say anything !

a man with a good hand doesn’t say anything

jason  asks

have you ever read about or noticed women’s attraction during   different times  of their menstrual cycle ?

when they’re most fertile being attracted to masculine alpha men and less fertile to feminine beta men ?

persuasion  is jane austen’s grief for her own life !

a te-shan quote from thomas cleary’s  ‘ teachings of zen ’

if there were any object, any doctrine, that could be given to you to hold on to or understand, it would reduce you to bewilderment and externalism

it’s just a spiritual openness, with nothing that can be grasped; it is pure everywhere, its light clearly penetrating, outwardly and inwardly luminous through and through

my rephrase

if there were ever any object or doctrines that could be given to you you to understand, the top of your skull would be riven from your head and the brains flood out

this is what being open does !

jason  writes

i am on episode four of the bbc’s  ‘ war and peace ’

pierre is reminding me of myself, a woman after him and himself out of control only thinking of her beauty, her being  ‘ empty upstairs ’ ,  i’m not sure jacklyn has impressed me beyond her looks, i did just say her difference is interesting but does she use it ?


r e p l y

tolstoy’s  wife  was certainly not empty upstairs,  but the marriage  was unhappy  and not a good deal for her

tolstoy went quite mad in the end !

jason  writes

i’ve found that when women get into relationships they don’t hang out or talk to their guy friends as much

happens to me, i have women friends and when they get into relationships i don’t talk to them nearly as much, i hardly have many friends now anyway

maybe i have friends still but i don’t have many conversations

speaking of this to him one day, doctor fragus remarked that he was surprised that no one  molested  him

saint ignatius replied  :  this is owing to the fact that i do not speak on religious topics.  but when the course  (ed.  education)  is completed, we shall act as formerly

since i know so little of god, i ask what is god  ?

since i know so little of god, i ask  “ what is god ”  ?

since i know so little of god, i ask  ‘ what is god ’  ?

since i know so little of god, i ask what is god

“ jacklyn hangs out with friends a lot, lots of guy friends too 

  maybe she posts those videos to get me jealous or something ”

maybe she has a lot of irons in the fire ?

men are only incidental to her real agenda which is breeding !

“ she goes out a lot, doesn’t seem like she can sit still for long

she’s trouble, i’m trouble, and i hope nothing happens

she’s doing something with me or at least she’s trying to ”

she doesn’t have to do anything with you, men’s heads fuck themselves about women anyway !

“ i’m an idiot

whoever that is and whatever that is

yeah i think about how you said men are blinded to women’s faults, something like that

well she’s damagingly dependent on her body image and so i’m not blind to that

it seems like she goes about things different, with a different style to most people

it’s her autism and maybe my blinders

i think she wants me to ask her to hang out, maybe not this weekend but soon, she’s getting comfortable with me

i told my father’s wife i was having feelings for her and her advice was  take things slow don’t rush

she actually gave good advice seeing as you told me women need time to get to know men

you’ve said jacklyn has a lot going on in her head and also have said she’s empty upstairs, she has talent but yeah she is shallow  .  .   expected when you just drive around with dumbass friends getting drunk and smoking cigarettes  ”

being injured is the price of being a sports professional, why take that shit on board if you are just doing it for health and fitness ?

the craziness of these days of amateurs fucking their joints and getting concussion for no money !

any form of concussive damage is completely crazy of course !

so brad skipped replying  to me  again, he meditates but he doesn’t do the real cognitive stuff like deliberately going into what is repugnant to him so his ideas can grow in accuracy and scope !

brad, where was  “ buddhism ”  in your  “ dai kensho ”  ?

    you constantly hit the wall of a certain closedness to more intellectually adventurous ideas   .   .    !

brad  replies

i have never had anything i would describe as  “ dai kensho ”  so i’m not sure what you’re asking

if you’d like to explain further perhaps i could attempt an answer


r e p l y

“ dai kensho ”  is some sort of massive insight into the infinite and true nature of this world that in my view corresponds to your experience on that bridge those years ago !

since that experience is life changing, i am asking if there was anything that spoke of some sort of validity of buddhism in it ?

having had some sort of similar experience what was spoken to me was the validity of zen and not buddhism and within the whole history of zen only a very few teachers as authentic   .   .

that’s the really hard part to get, zen is just full of crock and crap artists and it actually takes dai kensho to sort it all out !

i don’t think a true dai kensho experience which is a communication from infinity can validate buddhism,   .   .   your reply and views on this will be interesting !

well he replied with some crap including a dogen quote  “ even a partial glimpse of the truth is complete as a complete partial glimpse of the truth ”


r e p l y

i feel you have avoided answering my question !

“ a complete avoidance of answering a question is complete as a complete avoidance of answering a question ! ”

brad replies

i’m sorry you feel that way.  i answered as truthfully and straight-forwardly as i am able to based on what you asked me


r e p l y

what i asked is  “ where was buddhism ”  in your  “ bridge experience ”  !

feel free to actually address my inquiry and its implications !

ed.  brad is proving intellectually dishonest

sorta lying evasion, he presents a good front of intellectual honesty but in fact he’s not !

can’t tell unless you deal with him !

well he further replies

“ i already  did

 thank you for your question ” 


r e p l y

why be a fake ?

your answer says that your  “ awakening experience ”  wasn’t genuine, all these years a fraud and why ?

just plain crazy if you ask me and of course you don’t want to ask or unwrap what went wrong do you ?

you really seem to have no cognizance of being damaged by what you do  .  .  .

 baizhang/pai chang from thomas cleary’s translation  “ teachings of zen ”  followed by my inversion !

Don’t seek a buddha, don’t seek a teaching, don’t seek a community.  Don’t see virtue, knowledge, intellectual understanding, and so on.  When feelings of defilement and purity are ended, still don’t hold to this nonseeking and consider it right.  Don’t dwell at the point of ending, and don’t long for heavens or fear hells.  When you are unhindered by bondage or freedom, then this is called servitude of mind and body in all places

Seek a buddha, seek a teaching, seek a community.  See virtue, knowledge, intellectual understanding, and so on.  When feelings of defilement and purity are begun, still hold to this nonseeking and consider it right.  Dwell at the point of ending, and long for heavens and fear hells.  When you are unhindered by bondage or freedom, then this is called bondage of mind and body in all places

“ jacklyn sent me a picture showing half her face wearing no makeup ”

yeah that’s women, half made up, half real  .  .

“ i like what you said

just to clarify though she was in bed and probably didn’t have her whole face made up ”

“ jacklyn sent me a picture showing half her face wearing no makeup ”

yeah that’s women, half made up, half real  .  .

religion requires supernatural beliefs since if you look at just  “ reality ” ,  not much adds up in terms of the cultural mores the religion prescribes, the holocast would be an outstanding example !

judaism actually enabled the holocast by validating hierarchical control structures within the community to be used for organising movement to the death camps with very little nazi labour !

self-organized lambs to the slaughter !

how any one can still be a jew is quite beyond me !

buddhism is a religion because it requires beliefs, the principle one is that there was an historical buddha who was  “ deep ”  and not the fictitious reality of some sententious bore spilling the bullshit for two and a half thousand years of wiki-izing by the usual half brained idiots you find in religion !

plato and socrates were right  on to  the various cognitive  “ style ”  problems one sees so much in evidence on r|zen !

the rubáiyát of omar khayyám which is really the greatest publishing success story of all time, didn’t sell a single copy in the first two years, but had to be  marketed  !

a definition is an emergent property of use, therefore its pretty much useless to define anything !

a definition is an emergent property of use, therefore its pretty much useless to define anything

mary baker eddy’s life is more traumatic and bizarre than any book !

even her  memorial  beside  ‘ halcyon ’  lake is bizarre !

to rephrase ovid, you can learn most from your enemies

you can learn most from your enemies

in any army there will be better generals in the lowest ranks than the highest !

in any army there will be better generals in the lower ranks than the highest !

miserere mei deus,   sung  by the the choir of clare college, cambridge, directed by timothy brown

i had imagined thomas de quincey to be a solitary hermit-like figure but  his life  was quite different

the only purpose of pistols is to kill people  !

the only purpose of pistols is to kill people !

the only purpose of pistols is to kill people

game cancelled

 i really don’t think soccer goes anywhere for you and you can’t afford the split attention !

“ game cancelled ”

 i really don’t think soccer goes anywhere for you and you can’t afford the split attention !

occasional small doses of B6 just a bit into the evening meal help with digestion and sleep !

occasional small doses of B6 just a bit into the evening meal help with digestion and sleep

zakaj  asks

why do you think dogen was so fixated on the specific lotus sitting posture ?

sometimes he says stuff like  “ zen is just zazen ,  ‘ zen ’  is just a shorter term ”   —   and claims the sitting posture is the whole of zen  .  .  .   and then in another place he says ,  “ how could zen be limited to sitting or standing ”  ?

don’t you find this strange discrepancy in his writing ?

sometimes it’s brilliant, visionary, other times it seems just insistence on rigid monastic forms and rituals ?


r e p l y

i have only understood this very recently, but contemplative or meditative work is basically the endless turnover of the prosaic and rather nutty content of ruminations on our lives

however occasionally this breaks and something vastly greater comes through

i think dogen was fixated on zazen providing this sort of ruminative base and not everybody has the luxury of living like a hermit as i do !

from hermitage and solitary experience you have a better sense of the broadness of this rumination when its undisguised  .   .

you can pick this difference between roykan and dogen, both poetic writers

reading the tsurezuregusa which was written ninety years after dogen’s death gives a sense of the cultural milieu he was in which was superstition and religion crazy, he had to fit that context   .   .   .

i don’t do zazen, but i live by myself and basically do this sort of rumination all day, anything that comes through the  “ breaks ”  i write up  .   .

wow, the reddit user simulator on myself !

I didn’t have to replace the negative ones with positive ones, the bad ones with indifferent ones, the bad ones with positive ones, the bad ones with good ones.

there is an answer to the question of what life is about, but it takes time to understand what it is and to believe that it is and is important !

you won’t understand sisyphus unless you are sisyphus  !

you won’t understand sisyphus unless you are sisyphus

hmmm, mormonism is  a synthesis  of islam and christianity, even the prophets are plagiarists !

j.  is cool but she has flaws, she just posted a photo of herself wearing $200 sneakers yeezy boosts (kanye west’s overpriced clothing company)

what does a baby cost ?

what does the catholic church offer ?

gay sex and  outright insanity  !

“ i threw my pot stuff out ”

that’s good, but you need to get the sleep issue more under control or you will drawn back !

30ml of cask red wine a day in cooking, but not necessarily, can be in hot water to pasturize it, is surprisingly effective for sleep , i don’t know why

well 15ml might be enough which is about three desert spoons

its better with the harder to digest main meal rather than fruit and cream desert because it increases stomach acid

lift  your skirts  for the angel, mary !

i assume they had several layers !

god, put me really off the mormons !

just a bunch of breeders, doing god’s work i guess !

interestingly the angel gabriel/jibrī  also  ‘ revealed ’  the qur’an to muhammad, another breeder’s religion !

years ago i walked by this restaurant in rochester upstate new york, can’t remember what time of day, mid morning to afternoon, people drinking coffee outside and i walked too close to a man at a table and he started to go though some weird gymnastic motion then must have twigged i was harmless and stopped, later i found out that it was frequented by mafioso, i am sure by the fluidity of the motions the guy was used to delivering violence  .  .

maintaining a plateau you are comfortable in, or to moving ahead into what you don’t know ?

maintaining a plateau you are comfortable in or to moving ahead into what you don’t know ?

don’t stick your dick  in crazy

don’t have sex with a woman you are ashamed to be seen with in public as her lover

you know christianity is a load  of crap  when you see this !

joseph was a beta !

lift your skirts for the angel, mary !

scars form when the collagen scaffolding in skin is broken apart

instead of re-forming in their original and neat basket-weave arrangement, the collagen fibres grow back  in parallel bundles  that create the characteristic lumpy appearance of scars

i thought pot smoking this time wasn’t making me psychotic, but it is and i can pretend it doesn’t if i keep wanting holes in my brain

well i slept eight hours last night but it was with pot and the sleep was sort of lucid

you have never even read my  sleep page  in full have you ?

the simplest thing with sleep is to sleep twice a day every couple of days

two respaced charles bukowski poems, i almost seem to prefer him spaced this way, another cock-up charles ?

nothing’s news.  it’s the same old thing in disguise.  only one thing comes without a disguise and you only see it once, or maybe never

like getting hit by a freight train

makes us realize that all our moaning about long lost girls in gingham dresses is not so important after all

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

the illusion is that you are simply reading this poem.  the reality is that this is more than a poem

this is a beggar’s knife.  this is a tulip.  this is a soldier marching through Madrid.  this is you on your death bed

this is LPo laughing underground.  this is not a god-damned poem.  this is a horse asleep.  a butterfly in your brain.  this is the devil’s circus

you are not reading this on a page.  the page is reading you.  feel it ?  it’s like a cobra.  it’s a hungry eagle circling the room

this is not a poem.  poems are dull, they make you sleep

these words force you to a new madness

you have been blessed, you have been pushed into a blinding area of light.  the elephant dreams with you now

the curve of space bends and laughs

you can die now.  you can die now as people were meant to die  :  great, victorious, hearing the music, being the music, roaring, roaring, roaring

neither of you have it together enough for any relationship not to be a disaster  !

neither of you have it together enough for any relationship not to be a disaster

“ really my sleep has been bad ”

without adequate sleep the brain gets fucked, why don’t you put the work in where its needed and not live in fantasy ?

i think one of the big attractions of women for men is the woman valuing them !

its a big deal in a world that rides roughshod over you a l w a y s 

i think one of the big attractions of women for men is the woman valuing them !

religion  :  the game of treating nonsense as sense

then masturbating to it

r|zen  the game of treating nonsense as sense

then masturbating to it

you can love someone but it just doesn’t work out in terms of relationship  !

you can love someone but it just doesn’t work out in terms of relationship  !

you can love someone but it just doesn’t work out in terms of relationship

charles bukowski must have had very good Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor since between the concussion of fights and the alcohol he was almost a certain for some form of traumatic brain injury !

he was very careful  to steer clear  of marijuana though !

charles bukowski must have had very good Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor since between the concussion of fights and the alcohol he was almost a certain for some form of traumatic brain injury !

i actually think i am a bitter person because my life experience is very bitter  !

i actually think i am a bitter person because my life experience is very bitter

‘ notes from a newsstand ’ ,  filmed  by michael faller

 this one  is also quite good, more to it than meets the eye !

you are all solipsist universes

therefore it is possible to extract value from each one of you !

you are all solipsist universes

therefore it is possible to extract value from each one of you

you are all solipsist universes

still getting bullshitted by my ex, like i was the one that moved away

  in fact it was her that moved away though it was the brain damage of aging and other things  .  .

some degree of schizophrenia had set in and is still there now !

brad warner gets mystical

what i find interesting is whether his blog  post  gets linked from r|zen

this post is a bit literary, you know, actually thinking for yourself in a much more sophisticated standalone way compared to the commenting on the  “ scriptures ”  that seems to be the basic in r|zen

so its unlikely to be linked  .  .

the  “ pack ”  comes down hard on original thinking in r|zen and worse, when the writing is very effective, the OP’s get deleted as i found out !

r|zen is like some maximum security cell where all the biggest dumbest arseholes are put together so they turn on each other and leave everyone else in peace !

there  you have it, a funerary  garden  from 2000 BC

pair bonding is a fugue state of infinity, if that doesn’t tell you about fugue states, what will ?


there’s something  refreshing  about seeing satire, all the bullshit pinned for once, humorously !

hard to believe  this  is improv

the mysticism of most humans

goes into the mating, bonding and children game

the notion there is something left for what it takes a lifetime of celibacy to grasp is absurd !

andrew  writes

i think since people go into meditation without an adequate conceptual basis that just about everyone ends up psychotic to a degree

jon  asks

can you us give an adequate conceptual basis of meditation ?

is it merely just observing thoughts ?


r e p l y

drugs go in the wrong direction

the endless bullshit prose that you read goes in the wrong direction

if you ever went in the right direction, would you know it ?

no, you would think its the wrong direction !

jon replies

you forgot to put porn goes in the wrong direction

and i like prose!  poetry seems alien to me.  it makes me feel like a pretentious jackass, which i don’t like.  i suppose poetry is synonymous with higher brain functioning though, something that’s decaying in me

also, first you wrote  ‘ reading and writing poetry ’  as your response but couldn’t you also put literature in there ?

and yeah, that thought is there of the right direction being wrong.  i have a lot of passive aggressive towards you for that.  i don’t know when that started exactly, maybe last year or two years ago.


r e p l y

you are too loose in your thinking !

“ porn goes in the wrong direction ”  you have flared into me forgetting to put it in what i said, but the fact from your point of view is i did not put it in !

i did not add  “ literature ”  to  “ reading and writing poetry ”  because i was was excluding prose as lacking the holistic thought mode of poetry

honestly i think that this looseness of thinking and wrong minded inexactness or adoption of outright fallacy that is the hallmark of failure of  “ inquiry ”

you have taken what i said and tried to construct your own and deliberately skew meaning on it because you don’t like what i am saying ,  but find it hard to deny its truthfulness !

keysersozen doesn’t even go that far, his replies are just  outright  dissembling, you don’t fool me dave, you are a prime arsehole and leech !

what bugs me about you guys is how inconsiderate you are of my time, never thinking twice about wasting it with your self serving bullshit or ever actually doing anything real !

you are just all badly behaved and take advantage of my good nature !

l o w  r e a d i n g  a g e  a r s e h o le s !

the lot of you !

boarding school kills the personality  !

boarding school kills the personality !

boarding school kills the personality

it occurred to me that  painting  is a type of photoshopping, crafted at the pixel level  !

it occurred to me that painting is a type of photoshopping, crafted at the pixel level

on r|zen they post zen masters saying  “ work it out for yourself ”  a lot

these so called zennists then make some comment about how enlightened they are posting about  “ working it out for yourself ”  !

they never work it out for themselves

the disconnect is staggering and surely must be symptomatic of extreme hubric laziness or mental illness !

young women are full of hormones for sex and babies  !

young women are full of hormones for sex and babies !

young women are full of hormones for sex and babies

you are banned from  zen_mystical  for schizophrenia, that’s the one thing in my previous net experience i have found i have had to ban people for, otherwise those hubric inconsiderate arseholes just fuck everything up !

useful content will be rewarded, endless passive aggressive sniping will lead ultimately to being banned !

what i mean by  ‘ low brain blood sugar ’  is just endless retardation thinking it knows something !

what i mean by  ‘ low brain blood sugar ’  is just endless retardation thinking it knows something

jason  writes

i’d been thinking recently i forgot what my mother looked like ,  moving   .  .   not in a picture

i went to a record store, turned out they weren’t open yet so i decided to head back home

well i’m driving into my block and i see my father pulling out in his car, he’s with his wife going to get breakfast i assume

i’m looking at the passenger seat and i can only see my mother, wearing a yellow or pink shirt leaning forward looking at me and smiling, with her short hair from chemotherapy   .  .   she was still bright even then

she was alive for a moment

jason  writes

i think gullibility is taking things as true until you can prove them false, well i thought that today

well i’m doing a decent job of avoiding her in reality, i just can’t stop thinking about her

uh oh, sounds like love

i thought about hillary, tawny, and rina too, but in a more aggressive red sort of way

that wasn’t love !

there’s no  ‘ upfront ’  with women, they are revolving coils !

there’s no upfront with women, they are revolving coils !

there’s no  ‘ upfront ’  with women, they are revolving coils

there’s no upfront with women, they are revolving coils

What do you mean by  “ surburban materialism ”

hakuin was mystical  ‘ there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamed of ’  to quote samuel taylor coleridge

suburban materialism subscribes to common suburban views of reality which are strongly materialistic and psuedo scientific

let her teach you by the way she reacts !

let her teach you by the way she reacts

let the subreddits teach you !

let the subreddits teach you  

let the subreds teach you !

let the subreds teach you  

women always like to have beta males in reserve !

women always like to have beta males in reserve  

the switcheroo  saga  after judas maccabeus was killed !

“ You sound more bitter than usual. ”

 well i’m a bitter person, it must vary !

long term lead is stored in the bone, if it was a significant source then it would show in a blood test !

really i would not be comfortable with a blood lead level above .5 µg/dL !

the best lead test which i think is only done on a research basis is to look at the way lead is laid down over time in bone or the teeth !

she smokes cigarettes

hookah is more dangerous than cigarettes ?


“ compared with a single cigarette, one hookah session releases approximately 125 times the smoke, 25 times the tar, 2.5 times the nicotine and 10 times the carbon monoxide ”

if you smoke, you will die of a smoking related disease and they are usually very painful ways to go !

if you are enlightened tell us what zen is

if not then shut up !

young japanese women  dream  of issei

jason  writes

the first half is pretty predictable then the second half is good, the whole thing is worth watching imo

“ the sharing of  snorting straws  when abusing illicit drugs can transmit Hepatitis C and other blood-borne viruses like HIV ”

don’t get involved with drugs or crime, you will certainly end up in prison  !

drugs are a business, except you can get killed or go to jail for substantial periods

you don’t have the skills or savvy, you will like life better keeping clear of that !

new york has russian and eastern european mafioso, those fuckers are killers !

an interesting   video  of an ex drug dealer talking about how it was a mistake

don’t get involved with drugs or crime, you will certainly end up in prison

a good CDC page on  the problems  with hookah !

r|zen as an intense collection of the brain damaged

“ lesions in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex  reduced  cognitive flexibility

“ how free these areas are from disease, in particular the part known as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, may determine a person’s mental openness  —  necessary to appreciate the diversity of religious thought

 the prefrontal cortex was previously linked to having a cognitive function in spiritual experiences ”

she is a different life, a child in the future and having to support a family

you are like me, too damaged and barely surviving in life, its enough just to survive

there’s a number of effects for this powerful  image  :   optical clarity, surface tension,   laminar flow ,  lensing, refractive index

“ this  [2:08]  is for christianity the most important place in the world, exactly at the heart of it all ! ”

ed.  of the  edicule  in the church of the holy sepulchre

can’t stop selling can they !

a tourist trap from the third century on !

i rather like  the puzzle  of these crash videos, you can work out what happened !

retaliation  !

The earth is made out of pudding.

 The earth   Your brain is made out of pudding.

The earth is made out of pudding.

 the earth   your brain is made out of pudding

it is pointless to argue with anybody, any changed opinion requires a welter of other factors !

it is pointless to argue with anybody, any changed opinion requires a welter of other factors

where i differ fundamentally with r|zen

is there is a strong consensus on r|zen that huángbò xīyùn and yuanwu kequin are enlightened

they are not but really it will be too hard for most to ever understand this

between them there is a lot of material that can be quoted as scriptures so they are ready made for the  “ christian ”  scriptural approach that is the default posting mode on r|zen !

this reverence of those half-arsed frauds is also why ewk fits so well there and is at home whereas i never can be !

jason  asks

how does attraction happen between man and woman ?

i was watching this charles bukowski  video  yesterday, he says the most dangerous women would show up at his door


r e p l y

female leopards can temporarily mother the orphans of their prey !

donna williams  has died  !

her short story ,  ‘ the adventures of a weed ’  !

she was a robust spirit with a difficult life, godspeed donna and whatever the afterlife holds for you, i am sure it is about to be disturbed !

if you do it long enough, you’ll get dispassionate about anything  !

if you do it long enough, you’ll get dispassionate about anything

leaving r|zen is like tapering off a substance

you have to do it without damaging yourself and simultaneously extracting as much knowledge as possible

the first step is not to OP which was actually done for me as they were deleting most of my OP’s

here on  zen_mystical  i am OP’ing freely and actually its healing, little as i liked or respected r|zen, people treating you badly still has a strong negative effect  .  .

the next step i am taking is not to engage in any unsolicited replies

that is not to enter into any comments or OP’s that are not specifically addressed or reply to me so that no new thread heft is inducted

i think from this point it will pretty much die away

meditation  tipping  people into pyschosis

i think since people go into meditation without an adequate conceptual basis that just about everyone ends up psychotic to a degree

or more than a degree

meditation is probably only really safe if you have had prior dai kensho

“ how did you avoid women so well ? ”

i always could talk to them much better than other men so i also understood them quite well so i was naturally wary

“ oh yeah i think she trusts me, what should i even ask ? ”

ed.  an older woman at work

women know other women, she might give a bit of insight

she reminds me of  xyz’s  daughter, manipulative, suicidal, narcissistic, talented but shallow and potentially an alcoholic which she steps back from !

women stick together and work things out between themselves !

women stick together and work things out between themselves

it is crazy to put so much time into getting something so wrong and staying that way  !

it is crazy to put so much time into getting something so wrong and staying that way !

it is crazy to put so much time into getting something so wrong and staying that way

“ don’t belabour sound and form ”

a messed up reification ?

“ Can a dental infection cause psychiatric symptoms ?

Male, 24, caucasian, pre-disposed to  mental illness   ( obsessive-compulsive disorder )

I’ve been having gum pain and spitting puss since Monday this week

Simultaneously I started experiencing psychiatric symptoms akin to mild psychosis.  A near-death anxiety like being held at gun point for several day now and I've been completely paralysed, even on  diazepam  which I normally take to sleep and sometimes during the day for stress 

I have no idea what's going on because there are no external triggers; I'm generally in a better place in life than I've been for years, I feel safe and I have the people I love most in the world a phone call away in the same city.  Everything's supposed to be good but my body is in high-wire and it's quite unsettling

I've started myself on an Amoxicillin course which I had laying around from a previous gum infection today, but I plan to see a dentist as soon as I can afford it.  However, I would like to know if these two simultaneously occurring conditions can be linked.  Thank you ”

anxiolytic benzodiazepines suppress the immune system as well as having side effects like what you describe !

your actual question was perspicacious

“ Was it now, was it.  Or are you just being presumptuous ”

yeah, it was, you identified that your problems had a common cause which turns to be the diazepam !

you probably knew all along, sometimes our brain hides things from us, from your antagonistic response i take it that its not welcome news !

two russian motorcyclists travelling so fast they lost control and crashed

I    II

the car that the second motorcyclist hit was too slow to pull off the road ,  not paying enough attention !

these road cams make me thinking about safe driving a lot more !

i think they are a socially constructive force, they give a perspective that cannot be got any other way short of being police or ambulance personnel !

people who are not afraid to waste their time and your’s are truely frightening  !

people who are not afraid to waste their time and your’s are truely frightening

people who are not afraid to waste their time are truely frightening  !

people who are not afraid to waste their time are truely frightening

“ there’s nothing to attain, but there’s a lot to lose ”

schizophrenia is slow to leave !

“ there’s nothing to attain, but there’s a lot to lose ”

schizophrenia is slow to leave

by this river  anna-maria hefele playing the harp and singing in polyphonic  overtone

you are too stupid to realise the difference between a translation and the source and a transcription and what was actually said or written ?

you are too stupid to realise the difference between a translation and the source and a transcription and what was actually said or written

so waste your life pretending you are enlightened !

so waste your life pretending you are enlightened

meiji zen is a system for training undertakers and in its western implementation, corpses on how to be alive !

meiji zen is a system for training undertakers and in its western implementation, corpses on how to be alive

the problem with life is we are all kettles and pots unfortunately  !

the problem with life is we are all kettles and pots unfortunately

the problem with life is we are all kettles and pots  !

the problem with life is we are all kettles and pots

zenthrowaway17, you meta all the time and don’t do anything real !

well i guess an expertise in psychiatric medication side effects has to count for something !

you meta all the time and don’t do anything real !

well i guess an expertise in psychiatric medication side effects has to count for something !

“ my psychiatrist ”

how many people does he see a week ?

he is his wife’s and family’s ,  you are nothing to him !

there is nothing more pathetic than the mentally ill taking self esteem from those that loathe them !

try tinder for really really crazy !

(ed.  compared to ok cupid)

disclaimer  :  stds may be part and parcel of on-line sex clubs

 herpes, the gift that keeps on giving !

it will be a disaster in slow motion, enjoy the movie !

ed.  of a relationship

i remember a young guy who did ski stunts saying there was always a choice between better stunts and the risk of injury

he had some injuries !

the owner asked me to walk her to her car, she’s taking anxiety medication and she says she’s ocd, her words  “ i don’t know what i am ”

if you wanted to become a  “ guru ”  this is basically the clientele

meditation/contemplation is a sort of a software fix or patch

women who go their own way, just sit back and watch them get eaten by their stupidity !

women go their own way, just sit back and watch them get eaten by their stupidity !

women who go their own way, just sit back and watch them get eaten by their stupidity

women go their own way, just sit back and watch them get eaten by their stupidity

when you know what is primary, the secondary will be no problem !

r|zen is nothing but the secondary being substituted for the primary !

looks like you spend a lot of time in the secondary

yeah that’s actually a valid point i think about often !

when you know what is primary, the secondary will be no problem !

r|zen is nothing but the secondary being substituted for the primary !

when you know what is primary, the secondary will be no problem !

the reincarnation you believe in posits endless sockpuppets as the way things are !

what sockpuppet did you come from and what sockpuppet are you going to ?

its such a christian model to quote a bit of badly translated junk that was junk in the original texts and parade this as some sort of accomplishment !

it must be god’s word i guess and any amount of crazy schizophrenic meandering in justified as profound

welcome to the asylum of the criminally insane without too much criminality !

incompetent con artistry usually won’t get you locked up, but life sentences to r|zen are known !


you pretentious ass

yes you pretentious ass

yes you pretentious ass

again and again the one thing they do not get on r|zen is zen is non-scriptural

you can quote a zen master saying its non-scriptural and that is still scriptural !

zen has to be your own expression !

the thing with women, is you can look at the face so it deconstructs and you don’t see it as a whole and its always so frightening you never want to do it again !

ewk rejects philology and textual analysis and anything not consistent with ewk ! even to understand what philology was would instantly make him sane and obviously that is not going to happen !


“  Once upon a time in midwinter, when the snowflakes were falling like feathers from heaven, a queen sat sewing at her window, which had a frame of black ebony wood.  As she sewed she looked up at the snow and pricked her finger with her needle.  Three drops of blood fell into the snow

The red on the white looked so beautiful that she thought to herself  :   If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood in this frame

Soon afterward she had a little daughter who was as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony wood, and therefore they called her Little Snow-White.  And as soon as the child was born, the queen died  ”

i actually deal with a lot of people on a daily basis, but its through the net of course !

ewk, you come to a wall, but rather than climb it you paint some verbal picture that it doesn’t exist

zen patriarchs say  “ if you don’t climb it,  it doesn’t go away ”  !

you come to a wall, but rather than climb it you paint some verbal picture that it doesn’t exist

zen patriarchs say  “ if you don’t climb it,  it doesn’t go away ”  !

“ research shows  a clear link  between people’s mentalizing skills and the books on their nightstands ”

ewk, you have as much ptsd as an ied’d iraq vet !

ewk, you have as much ptsd as an ied’d iraq vet

you have as much ptsd as an ied’d iraq vet !

you have as much ptsd as an ied’d iraq vet

don’t assume people are honest about stds  !

including yourself  !

don’t assume people are honest about stds  !

don’t assume people are honest about stds

look ewk, you know i’m not insane and its more your problem, what does your posting achieve ?

you have created a persona you proxy into because life hurts too much !

being zen is to bear with hurt, being insane is to live in various proxy bodies !

What is a BUDDHA ?

go for a walk !

be at one with the trillion buddhas in all eons from before, during and past the empty and full eons !

What is a BUDDHA ?

go for a walk !

be at one with the trillion buddhas in all eons from before, during and past the empty and full cosmoses !

my website actually one of the bigger private ones on the web, over a thousand pages, all hand written in html 5 by me !

its banned in china and i did have one person i upset try to close it down !

mirror mirror on the wall

who is the biggest narcissist of all ?


mirror mirror on the wall

who is the biggest narcissist of all ?

when i talk to her it’s vapid

ed.  jason’s observation of an attractive, full breasted young woman

she’s hooked on the power of her body

i imagined telling her  “ you’re not your body you know ? ”

she has another five years of its power

then what will she do ?

marry a beta !

should i  glue  the bond ?  or do you think its a bad idea ?

you will have no control over the bonding

she’s hooked on the power of her body

pot is terrible though  .  .

we only have one life, don’t waste it !

you cannot mimic and expect to get it right  !

you cannot mimic and get it right  !

you cannot mimic and expect to get it right  !

you cannot mimic and get it right  !

you cannot mimic and expect to get it right

you cannot mimic and get it right

i guess my most important question i asked is if its still celibacy to have sex without relationship

sex is a relationship glue, doesn’t happen without some bonding

there’s always a violence in disrupted bonding

zen is nothing but mind to mind transmission outside the scriptures

if you are enlightened, you understand, if you aren’t you don’t !

you don’t !

don’t insult people unnecessarily  !

don’t insult people unnecessarily

sex is a relationship glue, doesn’t happen without bonding

there’s always a violence in disrupted bonding

beatrix  potter a competent amongst competents

myself, an incompetent amongst incompetents

rabbits are victims dealing with the powerful, its interesting to have that perspective

the  tale  of mr. tod

“ The forum revolves around Zen, not you ”

 you mean a clutch of the public semiotic ?

sodaspopcorn on r|zen writes

I always say

god love you and will never abandon a child in need

but also

   the holocaust????

I think

I think I just realized that GOD DOESN'T REALLY EXIST

and i feel like this is private enough of a forum to tell you that comfortably in secrecy


r e p l y

i think  “ god ”  is a voynich notion, but zen is about  “ absolute reality ”  and the ways in which it does exist, the non-existant existant !

voynich is something that is nonsense crafted to look like its sense

its dark humour but what i find amusing is all those jews getting killed for believing in a religion where in fact moses was a makeover of dionysus, the red sea crossing is in fact the battle of  kadesh  between the egyptians and hittites with the hittites being forced to swim across a river to escape and there never being any substantial population of jews in eygpt !

genesis and the flood are babylonian legends !

crazy to go to a gas chamber for that !

i do have a jewish ancestor that had the foresight to leave lübeck, a port city in northern germany at the turn of the ninteenth century

my view is that when zen adepts say the path or way they simply mean be open minded and investigate with a spirit of discovery as to how things are !

usually they are talking to dogma bound monks !

“ no dogma ”   !

jason  writes

i make a lot of mistakes

i end up learning a lot too

my  reply

the problem is ,  that if you fuck your memory with poor diet, pot ,  drugs or alcohol or being too busy with other stuff  (work or women!)  you just go in circles which is what is happening

thigns just go around and around passing the same point without any moving forward

jason opines that with people, everything is some micro-aggression

my  reply

 micro   macro-aggression

ewk, you are clearly insane to to the point of being unemployable !

whatever you say, its a fact you can’t get around !

you are clearly insane to to the point of being unemployable !

whatever you say, its a fact you can’t get around !

when you saw this before it  frightened  you, its your future with pot

alcohol and pot really fucks the brain

its the double action

your pot addiction is making you a derelict, why would any woman who is not also addicted be interested in you with that problem ?

oddly, i told   brad  about two weeks ago that he was just shoring up the reputation of buddhism and in return they loathed him !

big issue with zen to, all the sex maniacs and dumbarses just trashing zen’s reputation !

the millenials are mentally lazy !

the millenials are mentally lazy

knowledge makes you less of a victim !

 buddhism is fake, you need to know  why  !

knowledge makes you less of a victim !

knowledge makes you less of a victim

you can define  “ insane ”  as having crippling  “ cognitive style ”  problems, for instance ewk’s inability not to distort what is said to him

you can define  “ insane ”  as having crippling  “ cognitive style ”  problems

      the buddha is boring and stupid and as for those disciples  .  .  .  .

the buddha is boring and stupid and as for those disciples

the trouble with pot is it takes you back faster than you go forwards  !

the trouble with pot is it takes you back faster than you go forwards !

the trouble with pot is it takes you back faster than you go forwards

off to track the vast space of meaninglessness again  !

off to track the vast space of meaninglessness again !

off to track the vast space of meaninglessness again

bodidharma married huike and they had five children,  the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh  patriarchs !

bodidharma married huike and they had five children,  the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh patriarchs

bodidharma married huike and they had four children,  the third, fourth, fifth and sixth patriarchs !

bodidharma married huike and they had four children ,  the third, fourth, fifth and sixth patriarchs

bodidharma married huike and they had three children ,  the third fourth and fifth patriarchs !

bodidharma married huike and they had three children ,  the third fourth and fifth patriarchs

the room of a french officer killed in world war I kept  untouched

“ The parents of the dragoons officer maintained his room exactly as it was the day he left for the front.  When they sold the house in 1935, they made the new owners sign a clause stating that the bedroom where their son was born in 1896 could not be changed for 500 years ”

wumen was never enlightened and just enjoyed the joke of people taking his bullshit seriously !

zen is just a bunch of suckers for over 1400 years

wumen was never enlightened and just enjoyed the joke of people taking his bullshit seriously !

zen is a bunch of suckers for over 1400 years

wumen was never enlightened and just enjoyed the joke of people taking his bullshit seriously !

zen is a bunch of suckers over 1400 years

the r|zen template

paste a quote like it means something

make some really pissy pretentious comment

sign yourself

dumb and stupid

the r|zen template

take a quote like it means something

make some really pissy pretentious comment

sign yourself

dumb and stupid

Is there anything that you think you can say that will make me pass through the nogate ?

look carefully at what it says on the door

no fakes  allowed !

ewk, your problem is you start to believe your own shit  !

ewk, your problem is you start to believe your own shit

your problem is you start to believe your own shit  !

your problem is you start to believe your own shit

for a young person considering a relationship, do a detailed read and viewing of their facebook and instagram, that will tell you more than six months of living with them !

a poem by eileen, invigorated by chromium polynicotinate and mk-7 !

tree trunks

stranded on the beach

curved and bleached

like the rib cage

of whale

we had a really bad storm last year with a lot of whole curved tree trunks washed up on the beach, they got embedded in the sand all curved up like bleached rib cages

is r|zen a place for the bullshit the families won’t tolerate ?

is r|zen a place for the bullshit the families won’t tolerate

in my sitting i had being struck with a keisaku forced on me several times, but basically i didn’t like it !

r|zen resembles nothing so much as a repository for the criminally insane who are not criminal !

r|zen resembles nothing so much as a repository for the criminally insane who are not criminal

“ Can a poor diet really affect the ability to think straight ? ”

that seems like a crazy question !

ewk, life is an hallucination, tomorrow you will wake up in the matrix  !

life is an hallucination, tomorrow you will wake up in the matrix  !

ewk, life is an hallucination, tomorrow you will wake up in the matrix  !

life is an hallucination, tomorrow you will wake up in the matrix  !

ewk, life is an hallucination, tomorrow you will wake up in the matrix

life is an hallucination, tomorrow you will wake up in the matrix

battlefields are not just littered with the bodies of men but the lives of the mothers who raised them,  tragedies too deep to speak about  !

battlefields are not just littered with the bodies of men but the lives of the mothers who raised them,  tragedies too deep to speak about  !

battlefields are not just littered with the bodies of men but the lives of the mothers who raised them,  tragedies too deep to speak about

if you wear a copper bracelet or necklace, i would be wary of blue skin discolouring in the same place on the skin for extended periods since it could possibly be carcinogenic

you can change their locations or discontinue use for a while

the blue is copper in the skin that will feed into the body, you need  to think  about how much  !

the thing about the net with both lisa cairns and brad warner, you can pretty well pick up anything useful from them by reading or looking at videos

also they are your inferiors in ultimate understanding though of course one can still learn from them but really hardly anyone seems to understand what its all about, depressing really !

meeting people in person won’t do much, you need to live with them for a while, that’s what i got staying at the springwater, boston and providence zen centers

you are looking for answers where you don’t need answers, putting work in the wrong places, what you need is more work on the supplements and diet front, a better grip on pot smoking, and the development of skills that pay well !

i am getting quite good with a fly swatter, you have to allow that flys jump a bit before the swatter hits

jason’s experience is the flies in new york are smart !

this blue fucking bastard i swear saw me look at it, did a semi circle and fell on its back like it died

then i step over it cuz i think it’s dead and it fucking bites me

why are people so trusting of the information coming from religion ?

all the evidence is, it is highly distorted bullshit ! ?

part of the buddha myth seems to have been modeled on persian royal families, the name itself coming from the  “ Gâumata ”  murdered by darius the first !

“ migraine sufferers were 22 percent more likely to die from coronary heart disease and 30 percent   more likely to die more likely to die from stroke compared to people without migraines

migraine with aura is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in men and women but weaker than major established risk factors, such as cigarette smoking, diabetes, and high blood pressure ”

do you notice your declarative meta style empty of realistic content ?

do you notice your declarative meta style empty of realistic content

huike and quite possibly bodhidharma were executed

women hardly ever get executed !

bodhidharma must have been associated with a power clique that got  massacred  at lo-pin in  528

monmania is the obsessive development of one idea !

ewk, what i mean by monomania is your posting literally the same thing about  900 times !

can’t you see you are mentally ill ?

well i guess not that’s why you are mentally ill !

i wish bodhidharma were still around

he always knew what to say, didn't he ?

you would too after staring at a wall for nine years !

when i write, one has to follow the internal logic of what one writes, even though one may be uncomfortable with it or feel in some way it is not right !

ewk, your insanity is to be unnecessarily blinkered, but as we know your time here is just you entertaining yourself, your real life is family and breeding, things zen has traditionally been antithetical too !

you posting here is full of contradictions, this is your mental illness that you don’t notice !

 ewk, your insanity is to be unnecessarily blinkered  !

 your insanity is to be unnecessarily blinkered  !

your insanity is to be unnecessarily blinkered

thomas merton’s death by electrocution was a particulary  stupid death  and in fact his writings are of the same character

DC  is lethal becuse it contracts the muscle and doesn’t spasm like AC  !

what do you think it takes to be a really good soccer player ?

i suspect the really good players who last have a much lower head butt use than other players because there’s nothing that fucks the co-ordination and speed like concussion, and permanently

one sees it in  NFL  (not for long according to the players), the really skilled payers avoiding concussive hits and actually the opposition’s attempts to take them out by giving them concussive hits !

i don’t feel you understand what i write at all !

attention problems ?

things read again later can fall into place when on a first reading they didn’t !

cognitive style insufficiencies are crippling and don’t allow perception of themselves

cognitive style insufficiencies are crippling and also seem not to allow perception of themselves   !

cognitive style insufficiencies are crippling and also seem not to allow perception of themselves  !

cognitive style insufficiencies are crippling and also seem not to allow perception of themselves

monotopics like zen can get very boring and actually chase people away who have wider and more interesting views and experiences of life

monotopics like zen can get very boring and actually chase away people who have wider and more interesting views and experiences of life

well, this is just my view in the sense of its not a policy on r|zen, but i think a successful subreddit should allow interesting posts that raise the value of the subreddit almost regardless of the topic

monotopics like zen can get very boring and actually chase people who have wider and more interesting views and experiences of life away

that is if you remove quality posts on what might be considered  “ off topic ”  then that is also restricting the subbreddit to a certain type of person, dull and unsavoury even which is what seems to have happened

the fake promotes the fake  !

the fake promotes the fake  !

the fake promotes the fake

your only interest is in looking good and in trying to look good, you look bad  !

your only interest is in looking good and in trying to look good, you look bad  !

your only interest is in looking good and in trying to look good, you look bad

hey this is one  crazy painting  if you know a bit of the  history  behind it !

calumny  of apelles

“ on the right of it sits midas with very large ears, extending his hand to slander while she is still at some distance from him.  near him, on one side, stand two women  —  ignorance and suspicion

on the other side, slander is coming up, a woman beautiful beyond measure, but full of malignant passion and excitement, evincing as she does fury and wrath by carrying in her left hand a blazing torch and with the other dragging by the hair a young man who stretches out his hands to heaven and calls the gods to witness his innocence

she is conducted by a pale ugly man who has piercing eye and looks as if he had wasted away in long illness; he represents envy.  there are two women in attendance to slander, one is fraud and the other conspiracy

they are followed by a woman dressed in deep mourning, with black clothes all in tatters  —  she is repentance.  at all events, she is turning back with tears in her eyes and casting a stealthy glance, full of shame, at truth, who is slowly approaching ”

the r|zen idiots, the bottom turtles of stupidity

parading the nonsense of idiots and pretending to some greater understanding

puling babies vomiting spoiled milk

they think they are something

ewk, your life is full of breeding

zen is an anti-breeding paradigm

ewk, your life is full of breeding

zen is anti-breeding

your life is full of breeding

zen is anti-breeding

Rāhul was raised by his mother and grandfather, King Suddhodana.  When he was seven years old, the Buddha returned to his home city of Kapilavatthu at the request of his father who missed him dearly.  On the seventh day of his return, Yasodharā took Rāhula to see his father, the Buddha

She told Rāhula that since his father had renounced the palace life and as he was the next royal prince in line, he should ask his father for his inheritance of crown and treasure for his future sake when his grandfather would no longer rule the kingdom

After the meal, Rāhul followed the Buddha, saying  “Give me my inheritance” .  Nobody tried to stop him, nor did the Buddha prevent him from following him.  He then looked at his father and said, “ Lord, even your shadow is pleasing to me ”

in real life children abandoned by their fathers at a very young age  (newborn as in rāhul’s case)  are justifiably very bitter about it and often reject any contact with their fathers in later years

buddhism does have a strong theme of family abandonment being more than ok, even a preferred thing !

i think why that is, is buddhism is the pretence that  “ enlightenment ”  or zen understanding is possible outside a life long celibate context

it is not !

it sucks being a  creative  person in an anti-creative world !

translations cut different semantic spaces between themselves and much larger spaces with the source !

buddhism is just another religion with the usual thematic patterns !

buddhism is just another religion with the usual thematic patterns

  what is crazy ?

  what is  ‘ crazy ’  ?

  what is crazy ?

what is crazy 

there is no yardstick except your own experience  !

there is no yardstick except your own experience

women stare at men to process them  !

women stare at men to process them

its  a meta  on fugue states of infinity by some-one who has not experienced fugue and actually disbelieves in it !

what’s a fugue state ?

that’s for you to work out !

a lifetime’s work btw !

It takes a lifetime of work to figure out a fugue state ?  Can you teach me what it is ?

my maxims

the spiritual world is 99.9999% bullshit

zen is 99% bullshit

people in this area are disgusting, devoting their lives to conning others and themselves !

read around

get some slow time in areas of scenic beauty

get some daily solitary contemplation time in !

get married, have kids ,  forget zen, it only makes sense for the celibate !

get married, have kids ,  forget zen, it only makes sense for the celibate

i don’t know why you people in zen constantly pretend that whatever zen worthy you quote is what he actually said and not some translators and transcribers opinion !

its so fundamentalist christian, you have got your book, what’s written and you go forward from there only its a house built on sand !

i don’t think celibacy is different from developing some discrimination and understanding about women, if you don’t marry a bitch, you have done a good deed !

i don’t think celibacy is different from developing some discrimination about women, if you don’t marry a bitch, you have done a good deed !

the thing is you can’t change others so you want to watch out for the problems for yourself !

overconcern for others is just as much of a mistake since it displaces your attention from your own problems !

that’s actually the criticism you can make of ewk and other  “ missionaries ”  on r|zen

just step back and observe what happens  !

just step back and observe what happens

its easy to pretend on reddit !

real understanding, life competence, good writing, you name it !

its easy to pretend on reddit !

its easy to pretend on reddit

why do millenials think pretending is the same as actually doing something ?

why do millenials think pretending is the same as actually doing something

nanoparticles  in fumes

the results unequivocally showed that nanoparticles can travel from lungs to blood vessels and different organs

i cook fish to an internal temperature of  157°F/70°C

fresh fish should actually be very bland and not salty to the taste at all

jason  writes

i went to the beach today and i realized i can’t do it if i’m not celibate

stella and jorge   murdered

“ they’d been shot with a group of others, and their bodies were burned and then buried near a secret prison ”

what better way to advertise you are mentally ill than get tattoos ?

what better way to advertise you are mentally ill than get tattoos

people with a lot of tattoos might as well have a sign up   “ i am mentally ill ”

the sad fate of  mithridates  !

you need to go backwards and ask what you mean by certain things

  and then go backwards again !

    you need to go backwards and ask what you mean by certain things  .  .  .

you need to go backwards and ask what you mean by certain things

“ I’m a charlatan who believes his own con ”

 “ con ”  requires a level of intelligence you can’t apsire to !

sometimes migraine can be so savage it just leaves you gasping


its like a crocodile that has you in its jaws and keeps shaking you but you don’t die !

sometimes migraine can be so savage it just leaves you gasping




a crocodile that



in its









 die !

men too fragile and damaged to support a wife and family can end up committing suicide !

men too fragile and damaged to support wife and family can end up committing suicide !

men too fragile and damaged to support a wife and family can end up committing suicide

men too fragile and damaged to support wife and family can end up committing suicide

i think sometimes life can be too bitter, too bitter to experience or remember fully !

i think sometimes life can be too bitter, too bitter to experience fully !

i think sometimes life can be too bitter, too bitter

i only laugh out loud, i don’t talk to myself for fear that my father and his wife will really think i’m insane, i’m not too worried though cuz my dad is a bit looney himself

he answered the phone today  “ hey, you’re not dead yet ?! ”

your father sounds ok, there’s something about the portuguese, smarter and certainly more autistic than the average, the high fish diet because of the coast ?

ah ,  a sea trading nation, like london, everyone is very hybrid !

they’re definitely different !

only  FUIs ( fucked up individuals )  are attracted to r|zen

and zen !

that’s because life itself is fucked up and the only way to know that is to be fucked up yourself !

you were writing about your quantum connection with the 6th patriarch, how much do you think this exists with the  “ living ” ?

two or three years ago i was meditating in my room and it was almost a vision that you were there standing in front of me, you were a shade of red and visually there, i think i was stoned

“ you were a shade of red ”

 must be my blood ! : o()

what’s with my constant nightmares ?

we always have nightmares, but if our sleep is not deep enough we don’t forget them when we wake

its part of the function of sleep to partition dreams off as not real life, so they don’t become part of our memory and interfere with day to day life !

i don’t know why she’s  ‘ working ’  me, i don’t have money for her

why not treat that as a koan ?

i don’t have the retreat experience like you so i don’t have the experience with working on koans, i’ll think about it though

if you stay celibate, everything is retreat and you just observe and work things out

jason  writes

i saw jaclyn for the first time since she came back from her vacation, the one who works at the restaurant

well she came over and sat down across from me and started showing me pictures, she got a salad too and when she sat down with the salad she gave me this devilish look  (ed.  he later writes that this look has to do with sex)  that i know women give, do you know what i’m talking about ?  hillary and my friend christine did it too, recent ones i remember anyway

i think she smokes pot and she definitely smokes cigarettes, she has lots of friends like i’ve said.  she she she went to the doctor yesterday and she got a neurological scan done and the doctor concluded she has mild add

the test was she was supposed to watch this video while her brain was getting scanned and apparently the scan showed her mind wasn’t focused on the video but all over the place, fuck i might do the same thing if i was watching some boring video

she’s 20 and going to community college, she asked for my advice because she’s planning on leaving school, i told her to do whatever she wants but that i usually tell people who are questioning it to just leave

i think i heard my older male coworker say  “ i think he’s in love ”  regarding me, i was trying to keep my cool but i guess i’m having some lust starting to show, so if he knows she definitely does

she knows i’m staying working at the restaurant and said   “ its no problem ” ,  we were talking about how if you leave school you’re sort of stranded for work.  i told her to get married to some rich guy but i thinking she knows she can do that

i think she has digestive issues too, so autistic ?  there’s a low functioning autistic who  ‘ works ’  there occasionally and the restaurant knows he likes her, low functioning autistics seem to always like the girls i’m closest to

she probably has too many problems for me to handle

like i said she came over to talk to me but also this sixty year old who i think does heroin or some harder drug came over and sat next to me and started talking to her about cars for like twenty minutes  (ed.  sounds like aspergers syndrome), long enough that i had to get up and walk outside for a couple of minutes to get away

so i’m not the only one who is attracted to her

she walked away for a second and the redhead asked  “ would you know what to do with that ? ”  i shook my head no

my  comments

yeah another nightmare

 this is all good observation and writing !

“ she probably has too many problems for me to handle ”

yeah another nightmare !

what kind of feelings do women have ?  they can’t always be so calculated thinking about money etc. ?  or they’re calculating but with what kind of feelings ?

in the same way men work with things, women work with men !

in the same way men work with things, women work with men !

in the same way men work with things, women work with men

the thing about language is your value is in expressing yourself well, you will only be able to do that in your home tongue and in fact learning another language will screw your first language up

today’s zen is the mysticism of the suburbs

 the real zen is not !

what does my opinion matter

 what does his opinion matter ?

r|zen is just



mud pies

thrown west



from the east

alexander lobanov, meningitis at age five ? ,  deaf and mute as a consequence

images of power and aggression yet himself powerless except through his  art


your schizophrenia



an outstanding portrait photographer

a competent carpenter




the absurdity of spamming quite insane nonsense for free !

the absurdity of spamming nonsense for free !

the absurdity of spamming nonsense for free

“ never been to a retreat and never will ! ”

well it turns out he was  “ planning ”  a retreat so i replied

a retreat is just going to engrave the nonsense you read and spout, what’s the point ?

people, lacking introspection and solitary contemplative time have absolutely no sense of what zen is outside reading !

the big quote of joseph goldstein that is completely ignored by all the fairytale-ists

“ this in-depth teaching engages my tremendous love for intensive, long-term meditation practice, where people can immerse themselves in the retreat experience and see how it transforms their understanding ”

r|zen, hypocrites in armchairs !

r|zen, hypocrites in armchairs !

hypocrites in armchairs !

hypocrites in armchairs

pot and chilli upregulate the production of anandamide  calming inflammation  in the digestive tract

i eat a lot of fresh chilli !

“ the foot’s impact during walking sends pressure waves through the arteries that can significantly modify  and increase  the supply of blood to the brain

the foot’s impact during running  ( 4–5 G-forces)  caused significant impact-related retrograde (backward-flowing) waves through the arteries that sync with the heart rate and stride rate to dynamically regulate blood circulation to the brain ”

i’ve been waiting for my ex to get back to me to discuss a few matters for several weeks  (she only has a phone now) ,  a minute call the other evening to tell me she couldn’t stop, going out to a restaurant with her daughter and her daughter’s partner

the whole process has been one of the most instructive things in my life, i have had no contact for a year and a half and haven’t really thought about it, but the fact that its a break up and i am no longer on her list of priorties has really hit home

its not like someone leaving and coming back, they are truely gone from your life

of course this is also beneficial to me, one just has to learn to be patient, let things roll in their own trajectories and sit back and see how things are !

i am reification incarnated  !

i am reification incarnated !

i am reification incarnated

and that’s what zen is, true reification not poncy buddhist facsimiles !

‘ buddha wanked ananda ’

that is a reification !

buddha wanked ananda

that is reification !

buddha wanked ananda

that is reifying !

“ smoking pot or using cannabis in other ways during adolescence may serve as a catalyst for schizophrenia in individuals already susceptible to the disorder

our research demonstrates that cannabis has a  differential  risk on susceptible versus non-susceptible individuals, in other words, young people with a genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia  —  those who have psychiatric disorders in their families  —  should bear in mind that they're playing with fire if they smoke pot during adolescence ”

basically some people upregulate the brain protective neurotropic factor BDNF in the hippocampus

others don’t and the difference is genetic !

i probably wouldn’t hold down both jobs, too much when i’d rather be reading

you might have to focus more on income, cut back on the reading, you have to get into a more work skilled life situation while you are still young

what’s an example of a work skill life situation ?

skills that enable you to get better paying and healthy jobs

the two huge problems with r|zen

1.  the mods deliberately remove the most intelligent OP’s, i don't know why they do this, but the effect is to keep it dumbed down, ie its pretty dumb if you look at it objectively, retarded actually !

2.  zen is effectively contemplative mysticism, all the posters are in denial about this  .  .  .

endless scriptural wanking is the consequence

i’m not posting this as an OP on r|zen, can’t be bothered dealing with the idiot replies !

jason  writes

walking down a trail towards the water

clouds are spread across a light blue sky

birds hop along the trail too, red from the cardinals and blue from the bluejays

my view of things are changing

australia and new zealand being scrapie free are one of the few sources of lamb brains

 lamb brains meunière served in a paris bistrot

its actually very difficult to get lamb brains in these countries because the french and arabs take them all !

let there be  light

butoh    I  II    is like something out of hakuin ekaku, the literal writhing of ghosts !

Theology was the wrong word.  I meant living the Dao  

why throw your life away on voynich ?

Voynich ?

as per the voynich manuscript, worth looking up on the web !

“  . . the master replied  :   whenever you bring me the tea, i take it from your hands.  whenever you serve the meal, i accept it and eat it.  whenever you make a gesture of respect i lower my head in acknowledgment ”

 yeah you are a stupid slave being blindsided by bullshit ! : o)

when you are inside something, it looks quite different from being outside

ways and means etc

when you are inside something, it looks quite different from being outside

life is like 9 times out of ten, a lot of disappointment, you just have to keep trying and feel your way into things

there is no end point, you just have to keep learning when you do things so you are more informed

what does samadhi feel like ?  what is the perception ?

its a zombie state where buddhists secretly go out at night and eat peoples brains, much good it does them !

lucid dreaming cultists are so toxic they just want everyone else to get as brain damaged as they all are !

they have absolutely no understanding of what lucid dreaming is !

you people are so toxic  (ed.  lucid dreaming cultists)  you just want everyone else to get as brain damaged as you all are !

you have absolutely no understanding of what lucid dreaming is !

if you don’t do the work, you will make no progress  !

if you don’t do the work, you will make no progress

ewk, you are going in the wrong direction, life is an hallucination  !

ewk, you are going in the wrong direction, life is an hallucination

the one thing its really taken me so long  (overlong) to understand about the internet is how selective of certain types of people it is ,  not 1 in a hundred, but more like one in ten thousand, one is constantly dealing with very very  “ unusual ”  people !

of course i am very unusual too !

what ewk has done

is craft a scriptural analogue of zen out of the tang and song records !

these are highly filtered and bowdlerized, depersonalised even which fit the sort of projection he does

once you get into dogen and post dogen in japan the records are much more detailed on personalities and its very hard to hold up his version of zen in the face of real people and their flaws so this is why he so antagonistic to them !

the idea of mensch zen supermen is nice, but like most things supposed about life, unreal

the reality is its  (ed.  zen, mysticism ?)  contemplative work, if you don’t do the contemplation , you are not going to make progress are you ?

my transmission from the 6th patriarch didn’t involve a robe and bowl, i think that story is apocryphal !

reddit is an ideal platform for abusive incompetence  !

reddit is an ideal platform for abusive incompetence !

reddit is an ideal platform for abusive incompetence 

you are interested in steiner because of the vital role independent education and care plays in our society and you feel steiner is unique in providing that independence is a world made dull by conformism

we’re just animals, we all go screaming, i’m not looking forward to it !

we’re just animals, we all go screaming, i’m not looking forward to it

buddhism was founded on newborn abandonment !

buddhism was founded on newborn abandonment

quite a good explanation of attraction by an 18 year old hispanic bisexual woman

I know this will get downvotes as people hate seeing anything about hetero attraction on this r|actuallesbians (fair enough), but I can definitely describe the difference.  I'm about 95% gay, and really dislike the male body most of the time, but sometimes the odd guy will be insanely attractive to me.  Doesn't make sense but it is what it is.  I find it crazy that I can experience attraction for both genders because it is so different

Kissing a guy I'm attracted to (again, rare AF but happened once) is incredibly powerful and quite dark.  It literally feels "dark" to me, in terms of colour.  It's velvety, electric and black.  It feels like I'm being sucked up into a storm, because the guy is stronger than me  .  .  it's a very sexual thing and I feel submissive.  I want the guy to take control and just scoop me up and do whatever he wants with me.  I love the size of his hands, the strength of his arms, the way his whole build is so rigid and alien to me

With the first girl I kissed, it was fucking incredible and totally different.  I'm not trying to be cute like "it's all pink nail polish and two girls just having fun.  .  . ", but it DID feel very pastel-toned to me.  Again, I think in colours, and it felt baby blue/lilac.  The energy is TOTALLY different.  It's so, so feminine.  Not weak, not necessarily soft (even though she felt soft) . .  instead, the true meaning of femininty and what the female body is/can do.  Because there's a strange kind of toughness and strength behind being female.  . .  and you feel that energy so much when you're kissing a girl that you are attracted to

With guys, it's more lustful and "adult" because the guy is always kissing you expecting and wanting more.  I'm not hating on guys - it is how the male sex drive works.  They don't want to sit around kissing, however emotionally bonded they are to you.  It becomes uncomfortable to them or simply boring.  They don't want to hold their sex drives down and kiss for hours.  But I think that a lot of girls can (and I know I can)

It's different making out with a girl because it is so, so intimate that it feels like a mindblowing sexual experience in itself.  This might be because I way prefer girls, but as I've described above, I can find guys to whom I am very attracted

So yeah  .  .

guys - very lustful for both of us, very dark-toned, deep attraction, electricity, a sense of urgency (he's getting more turned on), I feel very submissive/enjoy that idea, I feel incredibly safe because he's bigger than me

girls - very strong attraction, equally lustful but in a lighter, less dark/"adult" way, sparkly, purple/blue feeling, thoughts of "this is me . .  THIS is the real me" (even though I can be attracted to guys), a whole experience

In some ways, guys can feel like a bit of a crazy drug experience.  It's lust but when it wears off, the romantic shit isn't as interesting to me. But girls remain interesting to me. Sorry about describing my attraction to guys on here, everyone.  But I really wanted to answer because I am bisexual and the differences are profound.  It's so, so interesting


We're never gonna get people to recognise that lesbians aren't "secretly into guys too" if we make it sexuality/this topic seem so fluid

It's fluid for me and many people, yeah, and I agree with you lol.  But imagine a hot girl that you aren't into.  Maybe she's your childhood friend ?  Just ANY girl you know who's conventionally beautiful but who you could neverrr sleep with.  How do you feel about imagining her naked ?  It's not for you, right ?  There's just inherently no interest

So, you have certain girls in your life that aren't attractive to you, even though you recognise their looks.  Straight girls just have a lot more of these girls in their lives !  Again, I do see what you mean, because straight girls seem to obsess over female models and singers and this does seem odd when they aren't sexually attracted to them

However, so much of it is emotional, as well.  I invest SO much of my time into girls, even when I have no interest.  I have always known this to be the case, and I've always been different this way.  When I was 11, I spent the whole day making my friend a birthday poster and writing down our injokes.  I probably wouldn't do this for a male friend.  Equally, if a guy insulted me I would just cuss him off and not care, but a girl's insult would hit me so hard and I'd feel so bullied and weak

So, it's physical and emotional stuff. .. ..  and straight girls are just wired differently to you

°       °       °       °       °       °       °       °       °

a different poster

Men can be attractive too, but at the end of the day sexuality's not really about how they look, it's a physical reaction you have to them

I can appreciate a man's attractiveness if he's like a male model but I have never felt anything like the way I feel, just looking at an ordinary woman

It's something extra . . . .  I remember when I dated guys it was such a "rational" thing, like "this guy is x, y, z so he's perfect for me", and I would like being around them and hugging them, so I thought that is a crush

But they would want more and I always had some aversion to that extra stuff they wanted, whether I admitted it or not.  I imagine that's how straight women feel about other women

yeah very german, an emotionality without too many brains !

yeah very german, an emotionality without too many brains

r|zen  :  downvoted for suggesting some-one do some research themselves !

if you have children, you have enough meaning in your life to never be motivated to sort what zen is about in any degree whatever !

ewk, don’t you have a family ?

what are you doing on r|zen, its for the childless stupid !

what has your research shown you so far or would that be way too much effort ?

i’m not interested in educating people who don’t give a shit about themsleves

“ The main reason for dental implant failure  (5 to 10%) is  peri-implantitis

In the  study ,  the research team created a new approach using a combination of silver, titanium oxide and hydroxyapatite nanocoatings ”

i have a missing tooth and i’m waiting for new technology  !

with the crazy, reason fails, that’s why they are crazy !

with the crazy, reason fails, that’s why they are crazy

its the  combination  of pot and alcohol that really really fucks the brain, this time around you really lost something !

you sound a very different person compared to a year ago, duller, more stupid, more hopeless

brain damaged, what can i say

you did it to yourself

what is potential in the child is never realised because of a character flaw in the adult

or simply, circumstance

what is potential in the child is never realised because of a character flaw in the adult

lucid dreaming rewires the brain so its permanently fucked !

ed.  i got brigade downvoted for this !

lucid dreaming rewires the brain so its permanently fucked

its a big jump from the second rate to quality reading !

quality reading takes you constantly into what you don’t know, yet is coherent when you start to unveil it !

jon  writes

I ran into a bear at least once maybe twice

Once I was with my cousin and I noticed a freshly clawed log to the side of the path and a few more paces I saw something dark in the middle of the path which I pointed out to him and we stopped and turned around

Another time I was alone and noticed another black thing except I wasn’t sure if it was a bear or a garbage bag so after looking at it for a few minutes I just turned back

I couldn’t tell what it was due to the way it moved and its colour

my  comment

all bears eat fresh liver, bottom line !

honestly, i never read philosophy, but  précis  of it !

philosphers spend a lifetime writing and it can take a person two or three lifetimes just to untangle what they say !

honestly, i never read philosophy, but précis of it !

philosphers spend a lifetime writing and it can take a person two or three lifetimes just to untangle what they say !

i was thinking, the deepest level of buddha’s birthplace  in lumbini  is a tree shrine with mineralised tree roots !

the date’s about right  550 BC

if you had some of those roots you would have the most authentic relics of  “ the buddha ”  ever !

“ the center of the shrine was unroofed, the team found, and contained mineralized tree roots, surrounded by clay floors worn smooth by visitors.

It was likely an ancient bodhigara, or tree shrine ”

so ,  this  is  a  platograph

i never really liked war and peace , but by god the bbc adaptation  brings it home, its acid !

pot smokers have highly boundarized mindsets  !

you have the highly boundarized mindset of a pot smoker  !

pot smokers have highly boundarized mindsets

you have the highly boundarized mindset of a pot smoker

when you read a translation you are reading some-one’s opinion of what some-one else said or wrote if indeed they actually did say or write what is claimed !

if you’re caught in the maze of religion, you will burn

if you’re caught in the maze of buddhism, you will burn

when they’re caught in the maze of buddhism, let them burn

they’re caught in the maze of buddhism, let them burn

he’s caught in the maze of buddhism, let him burn

for me the basic zen texts that cover the ground are  ‘ the blue cliff record ’ ,  ‘ the record of joshu ’  and  ‘ moon in a dewdrop ’  which is a translation of dogen, there’s very little in the way of useful translations of dogen who suffers the same problems of untranslatableness as ryōkan taigu

in general zen texts are such a voynich tangle of nonsense its de rigueur to have a good grounding in non zen mysticism because and i see this endlessly happening, is people just get lost for their lifetimes in zen voynich mazes  .  .

jon  writes

Whenever I meditate at night it brings up shit and I have trouble sleeping

Wtf  is this

Its like I drank coffee or something

I feel stimulated or buzzed

This always happens when I meditate at night ,  which I don’t do often mind you


r e p l y

maybe its not a good idea to do it at night then

after you see the shit that comes up repeatedly, you get more used to it

jon  writes

Yeah that’s what I thought, not to do it at night

And when I say the shit that comes up I mean I get all energetic or agitated similar to drinking too much coffee

I don’t mind the content of my thoughts or what pops up aside from that


r e p l y

you might be minding more than you know !

also the mind has to work on something which brings us back to quality reading and to be honest what you read is second rate !

that’s a big jump from the second rate to quality reading !

quality reading takes you constantly into what you don’t know, yet is coherent when you start to unveil it !

jon  replies

I went to the river and sat there for maybe ten minutes in the afternoon plus I did maybe like twenty minutes at home

my  reply

that’s what i do, go out and walk through some senic area in the wilderness

why pretend to understand something when you don’t ?

why pretend to understand something when you don’t 

its really not safe to live in a country that is not your first language

schizophrenia that can admit to itself that it is schizophrenic is not really schizophrenia

but schizophrenia that can’t is !

master linji took the high seat in the hall and said  :  one person is on top of a solitary peak and has no path by which to leave

another person is at the busy crossroads and has neither front nor back.

which is ahead, which is behind ?

don’t make the one out to be vimalakīrti and the other to be fu dashi.  take care of yourselves

a monk picked up a stick, went up to the high seat and beat linji with it, chasing him out of the hall  (the beating wasn’t too bad, linji was old!)

he then took the high seat and said to the stunned audience, when/if you are on the top of a solitary peak you can see the paths by which you came up and down !

a person at a busy cross roads knows they are not always busy and can wait !

ahead and behind is the toxic drivel of generations of pretenders !

the monk then got down, picked up his pre-packed travelling gear and left, spitting on the crumpled figure of linji by the side of the hall entrance and headed off down the path away from the monastery !

are you still feeling negative to  learning  two languages ?

knowing two languages is to deplete competency in both !

anna akhmatova and osip mandelstam stayed to difficult lives after the russian revolution because of that, vladimir nabokov didn’t (well he didn’t have much choice !)

i pissed away uselessly my life

i pissed uselessly away my life

i pissed away my life uselessly

its a universe of presumptive idiots  !

its a universe of presumptive idiots  !

its a universe of presumptive idiots

“ A small poem about my current predicament  

As soon as I blink

I’m already lost in words

As soon as I speak

  I’m already caught up in intellection ”


r e p l y

the wigwan of guntree

got caught having a pee

is the pee

or is it not

he soon got his dick





men will never understand the  emotionality  of women

men will never understand the emotionality of women

one wounded man leads to the death of other men

the world is infested with sad failed spiritual  ‘ seekers ’  !

the world is infested with sad failed   ‘ seekers ’  !

for a woman of sixty, my ex has a lot of teenage angst !

do they ever lose it ?

some do ?

 400KB, photographer: peter levin, tehran 21/4/17

my parents are in iran on a group sightseeing tour, women have to wear headscarves and the men can’t wear shorts, doesn’t sound too onerous to me !

it seems difficult to imagine ending up in prison for wearing shorts but i am sure if you persisted, that is what would happen !

apparently there were several hotels with the same name as the one they were booked into and of course they went to the wrong one !

a missive from gael

A muddy day yesterday, wrong hotel same name as the desk looked totally bemused by our arrival, I'm not surprised.

It did have a big advantage being right in the Middle of things.

Up at six already as we were woken to be going for an eight thirty getaway

Then we were up on the side of a mountain which meant a two hour trip back last night and missing out on our buffett

They had given our seats away but we managed with a salad bar in the breakfast room

The Prime minister of Georgia is here, Peter and I got into the lift with four armed heavies, I was a bit suspicious so asked if that was Georgia in America, food excellent you would be jealous of breakfast lovely white cheeses walnuts stewed cherries hot hard boiled eggs funny teas no alcohol, anyway the men are missing it in the evening, sour cherry drink last night very refreshing.

Everyone very compatible, nice woman and her anaesthetist husband from Dunedin, must ask if Freya is a patient, Cathy Buchanan, they have four daughters, people from Huntly, Aussie whose wife refused to come and wear black chadors, he said a lot of the women hated the trip last time :  people are very unadaptable

I have been chatting to some lovely Iranian women beautifully dressed in long slim jackets and lots of trench coats, lovely different coloured head scarfs, they feel the younger ones willl not wear them in the future, I love seeing the black clad women scuttling along some are quite short over slim black leggings

McQuillan’s are very nice and easy going getting on a bit, Maureen can hardly walk

lots of love, mum

p.s.  Dad taking really nice photos

i have no expectations of people agreeing with me, just use net message boards to further my own understanding and development !

when all is said and done, it is still interactions with people, somewhat more extreme than real life, but has a utility because and despite of that !

this world is a manifestation of something else

what is that something else ?

this world is a manifestation of something else

the diamond  sutra  or the cyberiad of stanislaw lem ?

the realised one asked  :  would all the dust of the planets, subhūti, that there is in the trigalactic megagalactic world-system be a lot ?

subhūti replied  :  lord, the dust of that many planets would be a lot

any dust of these planets preached by the realized one, lord, has been preached by the realized one as dustless

thus it is called  ‘ the dust of the planets ’

any world-system there is has been preached by the realized one as systemless 

thus it is called ‘ a world-system ’ 

my cousin’s wife went to a waldorf steiner school and is very impressively an independent thinker because of it !

to an ex

in the end anything that happened is just your’s or mine’s opinion on it

washed away in time’s tide !

in the end anything that happened is just your’s or mine’s opinion on it, washed away in time’s tide !

his teammates take him off on the stretcher of glory

more soccer  punishment

where  the vegetarian diet relies on rice and wheat

amazingly this comment was deleted on r|zen, obviously upsetting a mod who eats nothing but rice and wheat

your intellectual diet seems to consist of the saccharine !

your intellectual diet seems to consist of the saccharine

i think state education is very screwed up

jason  replies

state education was the cause of a lot of my problems when i was younger


r e p l y

i think its slowly collapsing and private schools like steiner and montessori will be become more important

what i think is meant by the way is just a sort of open minded inquiry

zen masters chase some state of being or the way that resolves their lives

there of course is no such state

   idiots chase zen masters  .  .

monks get trapped within the system !

monks get trapped within the system

artifical sweeteners alter   I  II   the sugar metabolism by providing a stimulus but no sugars to metabolise !

its interesting to speculate on the effect on the skin and gut micobiomes !

r|zen buddhism seems to mean posting fancy crap about it and being completely avoidant in real life !

and  who the hell  are you ?

ewk, you have hallucinated some deformed child you call zen  .  .

you have hallucinated some deformed child you call zen  .  .

ewk, your reply is that of a crazy, you box yourself away where no-one can touch you  .  .  .

can’t get hurt, but can’t make needed changes as a consequence

change always hurts

to see yourself more objectively hurts