pending poems 2 

this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don’t warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of  the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed

persistence is the only truth

that is, if you persist, you will find it

a lifetime barely covers the ground

persistence is the only truth

that is, if you persist, you will find the truth

a lifetime barely covers the ground

reasoning can be wrong

but practical experience never is, though it can be misinterpreted

what we call morality is really consequences

the only way you can de-grief your life is to remove what causes grief

at some point you can’t do that

martin bryant had no boundaries

but was too mentally retarded

to understand the consequences

when those who kept him in line

his father and lover died

he lost the plot

ed.  responsible for the port arthur massacre in tasmania

a lack of boundaries can be a problem with very good intelligences

because really there are no boundaries, only consequences

i don't have any boundaries but i am scared shitless

of the torture and slow dying prison is

execution by poor diet







malignity of





a lack of boundaries can be a problem with very good intelligences

because really there are no boundaries, only consequences

i don't have any boundaries but i am scared shitless

of the torture and slow dying prison is

it's the cycle through depression to mania that gives a lot of intellectual strength

it's the cycle through depression to mania

that gives a lot of intellectual strength

you have to allow that insight

can come from people and situations

one is not comfortable with

and actually insight is objective,

a common property so to speak

it's utterly objective

and exists independent of people

insight is actually

infinity in life

the test of greatness

is the hatred

it inspires in mediocrity

mediocre is so happy to be mediocre,

and so cruel to maintain its own comfort

that's what bugs me

the test of greatness

is the hatred

it inspires in mediocrity

mediocre is so happy to be mediocre,

and so cruel to maintain its own comfort

that's what bugs me

buddhist scripture

is more inane than christian,

it's quite liberating

to accept how inane

religious piffle is

and sneer at eight centuries

waste of time carving scriptures

on stone slabs

when thirty seconds of original

thought outweights it all


how utterly meaningless

those stupid statues,


and as for carving scriptures

    on stone slabs for 800 years!!!!!

like the pain

of going to the trouble

of posting a reply

to that recent parent post on  openblooms

to have it ignored

fruitless, empty and leaves a bad taste

that's a correct perception of life i guess

being in love is like freefalling forever,

there's no reference point

being in love is like freefalling forever,

there's no reference point

some problems

can't be handled by complete avoidance,

but by taking limited damage

love is a blurring,

not an abatement of identity

what i mean

is there is some abatement

against which love

looks pretty paltry

life is just the usual problem,

a billion acres of culturally received crap

that has to be unwound

god is a product of the mediocrity of human thought

the trouble with education is it's mired in the second rate

there's something

very depressing about pornography,

the same as prostitution,

a murderous depersonalisation

by the time i die

i might have worked out

how not to spill my blood

and have others lap it up

in everything i do

by the time i die i might have worked out how not to spill my blood

and have others lap it up in everything i do

no task is ever mindless,

they all endlessly intricate

if you look for it

no task is ever mindless, they all endlessly intricate if you look for it

if something can't be changed, there's no point in unnecessary aggravation

the big problem with work

is getting something back

more than the money

which is usually not very much

the big problem with work is getting something back more than the money

which is usually not very much

most people are intellectually completely unadventurous

timorous and cowardly when it comes to anything new

too soft on themselves

we are all victimised by the shape of our brains

better my work go unread than become swill for the swine

the problem with skipping

on the amount of attention

needed by health and wellness issues

is that it's not death that is the road out,

but slow and painful

and humiliating incapacitation

yeah i'm unstable, you are the stable one

so i have to back off a lot of what i think etc.

and just let it all wash out in an even amicable way

the clever have sharp teeth

to shred the intelligent,

which unfortunately

is an old story

heart is in what you do,

it's not that you do something with heart

all the phonies

do things with heart and compassion

while being very many miles away from it

the wall of heaven is the the impassable barrier to eternity beyond

only it's a bit more porous and passable than it seems

we are of that wall and also of that porosity and passiblity

true intelligence involves stepping into zones of emotional discomfort,

ratbag humans just bounce from one zone of failed emotional comfort to another

what can look like sweetness or generosity

is the hardship of necessity

what can look like sweetness or generosity is the hardship of necessity

the masses and their minders read what suits them,

an inquisitive and subtle intelligence

is such an unusual thing

all i have to do is stop stirring the pot and bite my tongue occasionally and just let things go on under their own momentum

there is a lot of power in seeing how things are without needing them to be a certain way

the trouble with love is it wants them to be a certain way

start something before it begins

that is, starting to do something before you begin it proper

getting some early practical feedback basically

what is the point of jealousy if you are not prepared to make up the shortfalls that the object of the jealousy is meeting?

men can have a shock as women approach menopause, like a really nasty shock as the hormones change and they don't put up with so much, that is, they become more like men

females have a loyalty to sex and not the person that males can find hard to understand.

just play the patience game and you will win

something not being wrong is very far from being right

one can love , but its a brutal process and its helpful to be a couple of moves ahead of the lover which can happen if they make a mistake and you put the work in

even in the strongest love there is always an element of a lack of requition

stupidity is quite an active process and requires some degree of intelligence, it is so thorough about removing what would defeat it

the tyranny of the talentless

it takes real talent to go for the unglamorous, the talentless always go for the pretty

sophistication is understanding of the human condition and the ability to do the intelligent option

    (eileen prunster)

when dealing with schizophrenics, its best to keep as much distance as is possible

poetry is to english as diamond is to glass

the quality of politicans is usually not better than what votes them in, sometimes it can be

with anything real you cannot see the way ahead

theres no grief like a lost love or anything more painful than to see someone falling out of love with you

there is an identity condition of infinity with the temporal but it speaks for itself and those who don't, won't or can't hear it, blubber away with the usual infantile religious crap

nostalgia seems such an intrinsic sign of mental decay

spam will exist until the ratio of response drops to represent a considerable economic cost

mediation is a mechanical analogue of self reflection

self reflection however has no context and is not mechanical

zazen, satori and zen are mechanical analogues

i don't love american culture, kitschy, aggressive, ignorant and boorish

eileen:  now i really know what bittersweet is

andrew:  the flower that evaporates in the hand

there is a sort of sex of the soul, seeing someone directly

savancy:  an extraordinary skill only matched by it's pointlessness

the purpose of zen is to kneecap the brain, which it does very well

its a world that shits on quality

our lives wear away on futilities

there is a lot of thuggishness and brutality in mediocre views

autistic spectrum is an adaptation and new forming of function in a different brain

tho it seems something like permanent crucifixion, its part of the solution, not the problem

the stuff i write is of eternity, not the puling ronald macdonald fandom that americans seem so enamoured of

grammar is inherent in the brain, in reality there is no grammar beyond the understanding of what is written

the evolutionarily assigned role for the male is a beast of burden for the female who is herself a beast of burden for her offspring

the human brain is full of an emotional veneer that disguises this

being right is a process, not an endpoint

notions of god are intrinsically limited

because if there is god then you also have to have a concept of god's justice for humans

since obviously there is none, then you have to develop the fiction of heaven and hell to make sense of the injustice of the world

so i will step away from the atheist viewpoint that says there is no god and say instead there is god but its a limited notion

eileen : “so i will step away form the atheist viewpoint that says there is no god and say instead there is god but its a limited notion” would u mind expanding on what u mean by this? do u mean god is a notion or do u mean there is a god but not as imagined by some

Andrew : “there is god but its a limited notion”

Andrew : you can't break the meaning apart of those words

Andrew : which is what essentially poetry is, you can't break the sense apart from the words

if you teach something, it completely destroys your sense of what you are teaching

all the tears from here to infinity don't mean a thing

imagine a man in a room with ten thousand pieces of blank paper stacked high

he takes one from the top and starts writing in pencil

he does this until all the paper is written on, then he takes the first one he started with, rubs it out and starts writing again

his name is life

have i disrupted the fatuous emotional haze of waiting at the end of time?

'waiting at the end of time' is a passive fatalism tucked up in comfy emotions to avoid feeling the icy hurricane one is swept up in

its a common maladaptive response to deep injury

a leaf in a stream, where is it going?

the decay of aging alters all perspectives

christine from PA

so proud so stupid

so american

why do turds outshine thier brains?

the hunting of the snark is quality, schrodingers cat and douglas adams are crap

why fart when you can smell of a rose?

autism is both dead and alive and therefore quantum

most mental health professionals are disguised schizophrenic's, safer to be that side of the system than the other

just because you have a leak, doesn't mean you have to sink the ship

the years sweep away under our feet

where is god in quantum uncertainty?

'they see an inch and think it's a mile'

an old man turned up at the gates of hell

the chief devil looked him over and said "jesus you look in bad shape, what happened?" (they swear a lot in hell for obvious reasons)

the old man said, alzheimers, pancreatic cancer and parkinsons

there upon the chief devil said the magic words "fucking shit" and the old man was changed into a young one

he said "i thought this was hell"

the chief devil said

that's so you can age all over again

love is working productively together, you want to weight that more when you worry about me and my attachment

if you have to go an extra mile its cause you don't get there without going the extra mile

god is objective truth

what you know about something has to be balanced with how useful it is to know it............

the nature of blind is you can't see, and not seeing that we are blind is part of the blindness, life is mostly leaving old areas of blindness to go into new ones and ultimately discovering we never left the old ones

women unfortunately cannot call a spade a spade. instead you get a three page essay on 'like a spade'

i'm getting used to women, anything they disagree with translates to me having a problem

the female condition, afraid to be afraid, but afraid not to be afraid

in fact life has a sort of inverted topology whereby what is imagined to be interior and not exposed is out there to see anyway

let people go thier own way

bite off more than you can chew and you get chewed

everyday a million miles to travel

in all directions

but the old brain and frame can no longer keep up

death overtakes

what is man

naught but a dream

mirrored on itself

theres no innocence in being gullible, it's just slackness looking for easy pickings.

a forum thread from, photo by john loori


some sadness of beyond death here

john loori photo

u need the red to live

its in this photo and conveys the nature of red quite well even if it doesn't conform to what red should be by theory but i have learnt to go on observation and not theory :o)

the nature of red may not change but it sure has different forms most of which i could do with out because of their painfully erosive nature

Anna S. wrote, what do you mean "u need the red to live?"

my reply:

red is what everything revolves around

i guess i am speaking of 'beyond death'

which is not a lot of fun actually

u need the red to live

but its not an answer per se like 'oh i have the red'

more just being aware of the turbulent stream we are caught in

the outcomes of aging are pretty ghastly

love and hate are human dreams that are never untangled in our short lives

the sea is wisdom

life is death
and death is life

literal or non literal


i use jesus and buddha for lavatory paper

we get a little beauty in life, precious little and then its over

when you go down a road again and again you notice its characteristics

solitude shows

what groups don't know

sight and blind

one of the secrets of life is not to hang too hard onto things and see if it hangs there by itself................

u need to steer by the pole stars of yourself

answers are just new questions

empty eons

passing the time

dead time

I have a single potential

It can be seen in a solitary twinkle

If you still don’t hear me

I call the acolyte and ask him.

by Xiangyan (9th century?)

my reply

there is no single potential

apart from complexity

and simplicity

the fundamental oscillation

claims and reality

never shall together be

except in eternity

sometimes it's easy

sometimes it's hard

sometimes the moon

comes down in shards

plants that grow up in the shade of the oak

will never overtake it

the blue cliff record, case 3

great master ma was sick.

the abbot asked him

how has your health been in recent days?

ma replied

sun face buddha

moon face buddha

my reply

yeah unfortunately

a full moon on a clear tasmanian night

how cold

my survival is at stake

i want to watch the beauty forever

but i will die

when reading the blue cliff record,

just go for the case

the rest is junk

though sometimes

there can be good stuff

in the commentary

but that is stuff the compiler is quoting,

the compiler himself is a bit of an idiot.

too long in that tasmanian moon,

i need some sun to survive.

don't expect largeness of mind in a woman.

through truthfulness and giving may there be some living

women write

sweet smelling


the mountain stream

ker plash splash

all the way down

this was a stream

i followed down

on the southern side

of beinn eighe

in northern scotland.

it goes past the car park.

stopping by the beach

swish the waves run up the stones

crish they run down


by the beach


the waves run up the stones


they run down

Lighthouse man I’m all at sea,

Shine your lighthouse light on me,

Lighthouse man can’t help us all,

Some are saved and some will fall,

He’ll show you where the danger lies

But he can’t help it if you capsize,

He’ll light your way but that is all,

Got to steer your own boat back to shore.

the above poem is by  eileen

consort with the dead and you become a corpse

stones and streams are a dream

wherein i would lie until i die

Rita came up on icq last night
splattered like a sparrow hitting a window pane
an angry blur of feathers
and then flew off again

emp - ty
richo - che
bang bang bang
kirshnamurti's dead

the jackals still pick out his eyes

crunch up his head

but he is still dead

males that don't meet female expectations
get deigned for eviscerations

depression is palpable

the fish rakes run

ruining a blue sea

depression is palpable
the fish rakes run
ruining a blue sea

a diamond's sparkle

is not big or small

long or short

but just as it ought

a diamond's sparkle
is not big or small
long or short
but just as it ought

the muse


and arrives

according to its own schedule

the muse
and arrives
according to its own schedule

star light
star bright
first star i see tonight
i wish i may
i wish i might
have the wish i wish to night

ed. this is a well known nursery rhyme that i like

rata tat tat
ass in a hat
i'm so high
the moon looks low
uh oh

oh i am dying
oh i am dead
the moon's come down
crashed in my head

rata tat tat
ass in a hat
i'm so high
the moon looks low
uh oh

oh i'm dying
oh i'm dead
blow me down
knock off my head

insight unto insight springs along the way
murder in the evening
brutality in the day.

note, the proper version is in manawa (auckland zen society magazine) i think,

will have to look up a back issue to get it

things long forgotten
toi-toi on a lakes edge
a metalled road and (paddlocked)? gate
folding unfolding
things long forgotten

toi toi

a metalled road and gate

the lap of waves on a lakes edge

 unbending road, what do we say?

existing because it can

constrained by possibility

strung between is and is not

curled within the vastness of inconceivability

enwrapt outside the universe

what do we say?

unbending road

 what do we say?

curled within

the vastness of inconceivability

existing because it can

enwrapt outside the universe

constrained by possibility

strung between is and is not

what do we say?

religion is flypaper for hypocrites

  rain on roof  —

eyes laden


day black dropped

dusk sky  -

an hour -

wealth for the poorest

tui song

perched on a cloud

  a tui singing -

dulcet drops

heaven fallen

noontide sun

foaming around my feet

white cottonwood branches

half lit in yellow

scouring the sky

boats bow wave

slicing a tender sea

a dolphin glints

glass frozen

macrocapa tree

standing against the sky

a soft green stream

washing through banks of blue

split the sun

spill its fire

flames of ice!

sitting on a cliff top

absorbed by the sea


white flecked -

manuka flowers

clock click


pull the sky

through a star


the moon

inside out


the sky

slitting eternities throat

sheep shit for roses

ashes in the urn

 how real is real ?

ashes in the urn

 how real is real?

black white grey

partiality solidify's things

walking into the dissolving dust

sky the blue in hieroglyphs

green streams of obscene dreams

aeons burst in a yellow star glow

purling, spinning

weaving dreaming

suchness seems

in likeness of these

i was looking at strawberries in the supermarket

and a child grabbed my shopping list exercise book

from the bottom of the empty trolley

he sorta hung over the side holding it

and we looked at each other,

i took it back.

his mother turned up,

told him to stop it or something,

i wondered wether he was autistic

so i said

( it's dusk as i am writing and the sea is sorta a dull blue in the distance )

“ well i can see the attraction of the book ”

since it was well used,

patched with a bit of tape,

had a sort of patina to an intelligent eye

but she said he would have thought

it contained photographs

i wanted to ask wether he was autistic,

i couldn't think wether it not

it might be something else,

said nothing and they moved on.