this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items

that don't warrant a page by themselves

or seem to fit better here

pending poems  index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page

audio files are best listened to  with the eyes closed !

the layout is done with the internet explorer text size setting at  largest  and with a zoom of 125%, and my text rendering is done for these settings though they should be somewhat tolerant of a zoom setting or two up or down

re:  jacintha saldanha






re:  jacintha saldanha






why is everyone so upset with brad warner?  he's a slut, but not a super slut like sasaki,  i think his very successful  “hardcore zen”  books, at least in terms of publicity about zen have created  a public perception of zen being about sex  that dove tails with the almost universal sluttiness of zen teachers that upsets some of the more prim teachers that seem to be around now

there is a distinct  “unitarian church”  element in zen and to have a very public slut like brad creating a certain public image of zen they find mortifying !

it's all such aload of crap, brad is a better teacher than them, yet he's still well short of the mark, zen's greatness comes from it pre-meiji 1872 edict past and a long line of competent celibates, not these  married with kids  idiots promulgating their mental retardness over future generations : o)




my fucking god, there's married zen, and grunt zen and slut zen,

where is the real zen?


brad warner is a male slut, what do you  (ed. adam tebbe)  have to apologise for?  no wonder he sympathizies with sasaki : o)

actually that's a lovely koan, can male sluts be zen masters :o)  answer, let's not count : o)

shades of brad  “ ‘i can't help being good looking and a zen master’  he said as she ripped off his rather nice chinese robe.......... ”

ed. this post gave adam tebbe the excuse to ban me from the sweeping zen facebook page, which he was itching to do as i so clearly outclass him and every so called  zen master

















a fart








: o )

















a fart














looking at








readings          one            two



looking at








readings          one            two

matthias, having experience of both japanese-american zen and the korean kwan um school, i much preferred the korean zen because even though it is
somewhat institutional and hierarchical, it's more free and open
and they are easier as people and not so up themselves as
  the types that japanese zen seems to  attract : o)

oddly, even toni packer's center at springwater which was a breakaway from the rochester zen center and supposedly had rejected zen, still had that very characteristic japanese zen  “anal retention”  shall we say : o)

also the other important thing the korean style seems to have a better grip on is adequate body movement in retreats like the repetitive bows and walking chanting, i was reading some research the other day saying that 50% of those over 60 in the general population get  microstroking  in the brain, imo there's no way any-one over 50 should be doing zazen and given the general state of cardiovascular health these days with autopsies on american soldiers killed in afghanistan showing that young men in their twenties have the cardiovascular systems of 40 year olds..............

i would say you should never sit except kneeling style and preferably chairs, full lotus is just an invitation to stroke : o) and you really have to think about the cardiovascular aspect and your family history

but in general the effects of zen training seem to induct a sort of blinkeredness to what life really is and create a conceptual maladaptive rigidity and wrongness that calls the whole thing into question and my final observation after many years is that people just are not cognisant of the mismatch between what is a heavily recursive and life destabilising  “training”  procedure and the confliciting needs of family and relationship stability and financial security ---------------- the mismatch results in the ghastly mess of arrogant  “i know it all”  that is so characteristic of zen people

having lived celibate for a large portion of my life, i can now see that the zen i did was useful because i always was able to go the extra mile to sort out what was wrong from what was right in terms of what is it about and there's no way i could do that with a girlfriend or family !

brad warner is a good example of a talented person getting  “screwed up”  by zen from not having the space of real celibacy, but still seems to promote a sort of viability of casual sex and earnest zen search which is very appealing to those who follow him : o)

brad, if you want to see you are not real  (and imo you are one of the better zen teachers)  you won't reply to this in the same way you banned me from your board, you just can't handle this stuff that forces you to think right back to the real roots of who you are ! nishijima was a disaster area, half baked : o)

i really recommend   anabasis : 0 ) ,  if you do a google search with the terms  * adelaide anabasis *  the first link should be the university of adelaide  free ebook,  when you see how people used to live
you realise we live in certain fakeness


let unfold



let unfold, what unfolds





let unfold



let unfold, what unfolds





eshu,  (ed. martin)  the problem that brad warner has twigged to, is that zen changed in 1872 with the meiji edict permitting and encouraging monks to marry and it's principle function at which it was very successful was propagandising a rather blind and lethal form of  “holy nationalism”,  in short all the lineages are tainted, the sexual problems in western zen are the tip of the iceberg, the zen that came across to the usa was a bunch of unemployed ratbags from a deeply psychotic and toxic tradition, so what do you expect

any person claiming a japanese lineage should be deeply ashamed of their mistake in accepting it, the last authentic zen master was kusan, the korean monk !

brad warner is no fool, he's lived in japan and seen the disrespect zen is held in there because of their role in effectively promoting and enabling world war 2 and you just have to look at the repressive cultural aspects of zen to realise that they have their origin in something far more toxic than simple human bureaucracy and narrow mindedness, rather the manic and assassinative culture of japanese nationalism !

why there is a problem with letting monks marry is they then have mouths to feed and when that is the case anything goes for a yen : o)

what zen is really about is so difficult and requires such intense attention over a lifetime devoted to it, that it is out of the reach of family people and suburban living,
     but people like to pretend................

it's just like a puzzle that has to be solved in stages, the solving is life long

i'm not sure bankei is translated correctly, this issue of translators translating their own version of what they think is the case is H U G E

it's very important to read widely and not just get fixated on zen, like emily dickinson is very good value !

toni packer's book  “the work of this moment”  i found helpful, bought the book at a harvard bookstore and read it at the cambridge zen center !

understanding is a forever process, so you just plug away and let things shape, extreme understanding comes at too high a price for most so you just want to be accepting of some limitations and not worry too much, it's a very slow development anyway : o)

denise, for an english teacher your reading seems to have been limited, try xenophon's  “anabasis”  for a start !

the human brain has been shaped by continual tribal warfare !

the roman legions feared the german women more than the men, i think the women went through the battlefield afterwards doing not too pleasant things to the roman wounded !

denise, for an english teacher your reading seems to have been limited, try xenophon's  “anabasis”  for a start ! the human brain has been shaped by continual tribal warfare ! the roman legions feared the german women more than the men, i think the women went through the battlefield afterwards doing not too pleasant things to the roman wounded !

imo you are doing fine adam (ed. tebbe) and are handling it right, you have been through a bit in life and have an inner strength these people don't have, they would rather die than appear vulnerable, the only thing that you might like to consider from a commercial point of view is that zen has lost most of any potential new audience to neo-advaita and non duality, in a word it's stony broke with few prospects and likely to  stay that way

look a con's a con,

a fraud's a fraud

and zen teachers are demons

 who self applaud : o)

look a cons a con,

a frauds a fraud

and zen teachers are demons

 who self applaud : o)

look a cons a con, a frauds a fraud and zen teachers are demons who self applaud : o)

a poem by guan daosheng

i recall several plum trees by my distant mountain hall

despite the cold, jade flowers open on southern branches

the mountain moon shines

the morning wind blows

and i'm bitterly intent on returning to that clear fragrance again



i am remembering the plum trees around our mountain summer house

it's so cold in early spring yet the buds burst open on the south facing branches

the beauty of the moon shining on the rocks and streams

a wind in the morning

dreams of that fragrance and beauty

the web is like a bad dream,

it's like i keep waking up

in a psychiatric ward

and then i look at real life

and it's also a psychiatric ward





the web is like a bad dream,

it's like i keep waking up

in a psychiatric ward

and then i look at real life

and it's still a psychiatric ward





the web is like a bad dream, it's like i keep waking up in a psychiatric ward
and then i look at real life and it's
still a psychiatric



















































































a wealthy













T&Z first zen lesson :o(

just take the criticism and go with it,

    like i am extremely dualistic, judgemental and aggressive : o),

so yeah i am aggressive and judgemental,

 but is the judgement correct or not (first koan!)

i would ask for clarification

on what dualistic meant

    as it's just a voynich word in my experience : o)

do you really feel there's no justice

in your being called

what you seem to do

which is sell something

   for no commission : o)

   what r u selling and why?

T&Z first zen lesson :o(, just take the criticism and go with it, like i am extremely dualistic, judgemental and aggressive : o), so yeah i am aggressive and judgemental, but is the judgement correct or not (first koan!) i would ask for clarification on what  dualistic  meant as it's just a  voynich  word in my experience : o)  do you really feel there's no justice in your being called what you seem to do which is sell something for no commission : o)
what r u selling and why?

after the web advaita and zen scene

it's  nice  to see people

  who are intelligent and funny : o)

it's actually an act of huge delusion, egoism and lack of self insight to teach or set oneself up as or be a teacher which pretty well explains
any past, present and future state of affairs : o)

      as for these morons who promote the whole business ..................

zinc  supplementation  may offer some  protection  against box jellyfish stings, eileen and myself were taking 14mg of optizinc a day (much more than we do now!) and when in darwin  (northern australia!)  we went swimming and both of us got mildly stung by box jellyfish tentacles that were close to the waters edge and eileen was abit affected and i wasn't really at all, but we may have been saved from a more severe response by being
quite  “loaded”  with zinc so to speak : o)

eileen says she did feel strange for awhile and we waited to see what would happen, the test is, does it get worse?, which fortunately didn't happen

i really think it may have been a closer call than we realised

david, rest assured your boundless overconfidence and belief in being right will always protect you from any sense of what the real zen is about and a talentless hack like yourself will always be taking real talent like ikkyu as a proxy !

you have a nasty predatory streak which i guess is your sort of zen, look at the way you home in on what you perceive as the weakness of adam, whereas his being honest and transparent about what is happening is in fact the real zen, so unlike these frauds of teachers who conceal, conceal and conceal  : o)

the deeper issue with these communities  (ed. zen and religious)  is the way they self con like they are doing something meaningful and not wasting their lives propping up the second rate : o)

i will tell you, translations

     are not what was written : 0 ( )

i will tell you, translations are not what was written : o ( )

the real zen requires a certain distancing from sexual and family relations, this of course is the unpalatable truth that modern zen doesn't like !

what westerners call zen is not the real zen of antiquity but a japanese nationalism propaganda machine constructed by the meiji edict of 1872.

he  (ed. sasaki)  was just the usual pumped up male ego, why people give him the time of day i don't know...............

interestingly sasaki was thirty-two when world war two started and he was able to avoid war service, then take advantage of the chronic shortfall of men during and after the war !  NICE GOING JOSHU : 0)








master  :o)

no flies



mate !

sasaki has basically lived two life times, he's actually a very shrewd con artist, fled one life and his responsibilities and reputation problems in japan and and started up again in his second life in california which his exceptionally slow physical aging  (he died in 2014 aged 107 !)  enabled him to do !

in ex enemy territory too ! sugar wouldn't melt in his mouth,
one  w a y  smooth operator  :o)

basically his life was about womanizing and if that's not true to to the zen die, what is?

  god, another ghastly rumi translation : o (

when I am silent,

i fall into that place

where everything is music



when i am noisy, i make energy and things become more real,

not the fakery of silence and music : o)

i don't think the initial stanza is rumi at all,

but the usual bowdlerised

and sentimentally destroyed


words turned into candyfloss,

  so to speak :o)

a quote from dogen's shobogenzo, yui-butsu-yo-butsu,
translated by mike cross and gudo nishijima

  “the buddha-dharma cannot be known by people

it's just meaningless garbage

 i can know the buddha dharma

is orthodox,

his statement is heterodox!

well the first issue (ed. with dogen) and it almost stops there is that of translation ! you are reading someone's opinion of what written, and even very literal translations miss the mark widely because of the different language and culture

i'll quote howard goldblatt (translator of the 2012 nobel winner  yo man )

when you translate a text you’re taking this language and changing it into your own. it’s not rape, but i’ve taken it and done something terrible to it. that’s the only way i can make it available to everyone else. translators are always apologizing. we spend our lives saying  i’m sorry 

the second issue is that he was autistic with what would called today semantic pragmatic disorder and scripted, that is his writings are almost entirely a kalidoscope of hackneyed buddhist phrases, cliches and negations combined in kalideoscope like patterns

the miracle is that very occasionally the patterns occasionally combine to create something that comes across clearly and are quite profound

that's what his reputation rests on basically, but you wouldn't really know these passages from the general very very poor quality translations!

with zen it's helpful to understand the notion of  voynich  , that what zen is really about is not meant to be obscure, but  what we have been fed  through many centuries of professional  voyniching  is nonsense crafted to appear meaning something deeper, when all that depth can be summed up in the words  meaningless nonsense  : o )

there are other issues with dogen like text integrity, more than compounded by his own schizophrenic bullshitting/voyniching

occasionally i come across something by him that is  authentic  , but mostly it's half-arsed rubbish, still not bad for a semantic pragmatic disordered schizophrenic homosexual : o)

  well, i'm not sure about homosexual : o)

my  translation  of his death poem

my reply to some twit on the sweeping zen facebook page calling himself   “tao and zen ”  (eyes rolling : o)  quoting some bullshit by  thick that than  about how being angry is bad : o)

is that wisdom or his usual bilge? anger is also energy and as the sutra says,
avoid picking and choosing ! 

t&z,   “don't be angry”  is a social control technique used in cults to quell dissent and zen is a cult, and adam is on the boundary of that conflict : o)

be angry and take the piss out of con artists and fakery is my motto 

religion is a con and self con  : o (

i quite liked this poem,  mellifluous  , if lacking a certain depth/empathy  : o )

more  from  mark mcawley





adam (ed. tebbe) the big secret with zen is they are all mice with lion masks, don't let their squeaks bother you or put a cat on them : o)

adam, truth is with the individual, collectives always act to suppress individual talent and insight and just run with private hedonism, and perceived collective welfare

sasaki, he's sorta not the real thing but a crafted facsimile by his monastic training, but then zen only rewards these idiots !

zen is like catholicism,

why would you be involved

   except for the teachers  “perks” ?

being a teacher

means you have to be completely malfunctional

in any sort of rigorous conceptual thinking,

life smarts or planning

and blind enough

so that these weaknesses

don't give you any doubt

about being right

  or your fitness to pass advice on !

zen is like catholicism, why would you be involved except for the teachers  “perks”? being a teacher means you have to be completely malfunctional in any sort of rigorous conceptual thinking, life smarts or planning and blind enough so that these weaknesses don't give you any doubt about being right or your fitness to pass advice on !

the japanese, an intelligent but stupid race





zen is basically a celibate tradition and the meiji edict of 1872 permitting or even forcing the marriage of buddhist monks has created an illusion of a married/family religious tradition which is not the case and in fact  married zen  was  indistiguishable  from japanese nationalism, at least until after world war two!

the transplantation of this  “married zen”  from japan after WW2 into the usa also transplanted celibate traditions like zazen into married, relationship and family contexts and it simply does not work and is entirely inappropriate for these congregations !

zen today is some ghastly mess of sex scandals among teachers, wholly insufficient understanding and just general all round schizophrenia and fakery with bullshitting, excluding of what contradicts them, masterbatory practitioners bent on going to hell and taking as many as possible/they can with them

the problem is that the intensity of attention required just cannot be given in a family or relationship situation and life punishes in the usual way,
drink deep or taste not the pierian spring

what is zen about, infinity, god buddha the identity of that and it's tangible touch in life ! not wallowing in fakery, bullshit and the usual dreary human sexual provenance : o)

adamn (ed. tebbe) you write  “ I publish NASTY shit people say about me in the comments at the website? ”

you actually have me banned, not for writing nasty shit but giving good advice !

that's your problem, you are sucked into the zen fakery and ultimately support it even though you are at a superficial level critical !

none of these so called teachers have abloody clue what zen is about, dull grey people caught in a malfunctional breeding paradigm !

adam tebbe bleeding to  death !

cut back on wheat !

you are not clear, your thinking is just a toxic mess,
i'm not saying the others are any better or in fact are worse !

you are right to cry, giving your best years
to the support of a bunch of arseholes !

if you take one thing from this reply of mine it's meaninglessness and futility
as you won't publish it and may even not read or know of it
possibly having me on a spam filter !

ed.  i think he might have read it as he removed that video showing him crying which shows how wrong minded he is, it was one of his best ! ! ! !,  too afraid of being bruised i guess, i am sure it's not news to you adam that it happens anyway : o ) (

do yourself a favour and put it back up, show you are made of the real stuff and not the zen plasticine so prevalent these days : o(

version   one

version two, readings     one    and    two 

version   three 

karen carpenter, a voice that good had to have a shelf life !

it wasn't the voice that perished, but the brain  : o (

always it


the beauty of








an old soul  singing  about old souls





  listen to your moaning mind, just don't judge it !

   shikantaza is just letting it flow  !

 i don't think you have any clue about how hard and destabilizing the real zen is!

it can start to fuck your life up, that's what happened to dogen,

   but in terms of buddha, that's ok : o)

god dogen writes rubbish doesn't he, the suckers protraying this schizophrenic as actually meaning something !

the problem is that by the old view all that mattered was that water was sterile enough which town supply water is, but the problem now is the chemicals and in some cases toxic minerals like lead in the water !

that's why people take bottled water with them !

 turvy and topsy : o)

ed. reply  to

we're a pretty grubby species

by and large,


made blind by self love

  and stupid !

we're a pretty grubby species by and large, intransigent, made blind by self love and stupid !

jaques derrida  explaining  what he means by  very american !

i really think he's saying something more abstract about life in this video,

took me a while to see it ; o)

sasaki roshi, a zen masters zen master,  well then, he's twice diseased  !



one             two


three             four

   nina  simone ,  really  different  !

  backlash   blues 

to all the masturbating advaita/neo-advaita/nonduality and  new age  teachers, you are all unenlightened because you don't understand the mutability and impermanence of meaning

wanking on as though what you say has any synchronicity with infinity, rather  you slosh around in the dregs of being self-conned  : o)

to all the masturbating advaita/neo-advaita/nonduality and  new age  teachers, you are all unenlightened because you don't understand the mutability and impermanence of meaning

wanking on as though what you say has any synchronicity with infinity, rather you slosh around in the dregs of being self-conned : o)

eileen writes

i've often wondered if wormholes r the explanation for ghost sightings

not dissing ur vision by that

i mean an explanation for seeing already dead

like a fold in time sort of



did you follow what i was saying about singularities?

physics doesn't permit  wormholes ,  but it permits singularities or partial or pseudo singularities

singularities is a collapse of reality into infinity or pseudo infinity and returning

it's not a fold, quite a different mechanism

well in that sense, a sorta of fold back

(ed. elieen asked if it was like a fold back on itself! )

yeah time dissolves which is not a wormhole

eileen replies

yes ok wrong term

thanx for explaining

i really wanted to understand that

about ur vision

surprisingly a lot of people in zen are quite anti hui-neng being a real person because what he says is so contrary to what they do in zen now

religion is really about the human circus of breeding

hui-neng was a celibate monk and has that perspective which stymies the modern zen approach  wanting it both ways , a sexual/breeding paradigm and the insight of infinity, but they are not really compatible !

 a photo of the  mummy of the sixth patriarch taken at an unknown date before the mummy was damaged by the red guards during the cultural revolution

eileen asks

“ not certainly so he existed historically

  and not certainly so he didn't exist historically ”

would u mind explaining for me wot u mean by  that  please

my reply

historically, how much of hui-neng/the sixth patriarch is legend, fact ?

interestingly there was a mummy of him at his temple in china that was severely damaged by the red guards during the cultural revolution

apparently it was reconstructed, but there are the human bones you would expect in it and even jørgensen concedes it could be the original historical person as the mummy

  “ however as chein-chen saw the image of hui-neng in fa-ch'üan monastery in 750  (748? ed. hui-neng died in 713)  it is possible that the nan-hua monastery mummy may date back to the t'ang dynasty and may even be that of the  ‘ historical ’  hui-neng ”

the above quote is an extract  from

personally i think jørgensen needs the 6th patriarch to be an entire fiction as the platform sutra and other works purported to come from him totally diss seated meditation and the waste of time culture and plain wrong minded representation that arises around zen and buddhism !

buddha and jesus are entirely fictitious

the sixth patriarch may have existed,

you just can't say certainly that he did

jesus and buddha certainly did not

nor  muhammad

the chinese are more reliable than the middle east about historical people existing, with bronze memorial plaques being uncovered confirming the existence of some famous early zen monks !

well he was illiterate so what you read is likely distorted by the scribes

plus real meaning partly lost

plus fictions added in

he was actually very anti hierarchy and rituals etc

a fair portion of his life he seems to have been literally hunted by the orthodox hierarchy and nearly killed several times : o)

one time he was surrounded in a bit of bush which they set fire to ,  but he escaped by hiding in a rocky outcrop

lol, the chinese play for keeps





god knows what  new age  is?

adhd on steroids mixed with chronic fatigue syndrome?





god knows what new age is?

adhd on steroids mixed with chronic fatigue syndrome?





suicide, working a rotating hour nightshift in a hospice


suicide, working a rotating hour nightshift in a hospice





this is marvellous! i have just been working out the physics of

my vision with the 6th patriarch !

wormholes in space and time can't exist by virtue of the casuality constraint !

the marvellous renate loll giving a  talk  (58:40)  on the subject : o)

wow, what a genius, she actually identifies wormholed space as being covered by string theory !  (1:02:00)

so  there was  no  tunnel in time between me and the 6th patriarch!

that's very important !

the way it occurred and i know this is what happened at the time

was that the universe of me imploded /collapsed?

and a near singularity formed

which was close enough and specifically directed enough

for the contact to occur

and i actually came back out from the singularity

with the memory of that contact

this is a specific case of quantum  fluctuations  of space and time giving rise to a memory being carried out from the near singularity !

because it's quantum , it's also fuzzy as to the the exact historical occurrence of the 6th patriarch, that is , it's intrinsically unprovable one way or another !

  that is the true patriarch mind to mind transmission,

i have read about it occurring once in an old zen story

i just find it amazing i can synchronise what actually happened to me with the very leading edge cosmological and quantum physics theories today to the extent i can predict that loop quantum gravity cosmology is correct and  not string theory  : o)

ed.  september 2015 ,  (this page written 2012) ,  i am keeping an open mind about the theories, there are others and things are continuing to  develop  . .

i entered that space of infinite potential and with some magical and worked at synchronicity of quantum space time fluctations there was union with infinity !

it's interesting, i always thought that uncertainty

about the historical existence of the 6th patriarch

was important,

not certainly so he existed historically

and not certainly so he didn't exist historically

and i think that is the exact case

and will remain so forever

for those useless pricks

who will eventually cannibalize my life

   and make a religion out of it : o)

from that contact i think there are synchronicities that can carry forward into this more conventional relativistic space -/time : o )

 emily dickinson aged 29? and kate scott turner

emily dickinson aged 29? and kate scott turner !

she's really quite  butch

  “ and although we know that some men thoughtlessly laugh at experience to such an extent that they sometimes renew wars when defeated, and go to sea again after shipwreck, and return to meet difficulties to which they have often yielded ”

ammianus  marcellinus

thick hides and thin brains : o)

vain are the thousand creeds

that move men's hearts, unutterably vain,

worthless as withered weeds

or idlest froth amid the boundless main

emily  brontë

do you notice

that everybody

has something to say,

   but nothing's negotiable : o(

as tho spewing forth

what they know

and have got wrong

will somehow

swamp the universe

and everything

 will be right?

do you notice that everybody has something to say, but nothing's negotiable : o(

as tho spewing forth what they know and have got wrong will somehow swamp

the universe and everything will be right?

some prophets are without honor in their own country,

i am without honor in any country






infinity is real ,

 what is it telling you?

does it reject the false

 and accept the authentic?

the false saying it is authentic

 is doubly false !


infinity is real ,

 what is it telling you?

does it reject the false

 and accept the authentic?

the false saying it is authentic

 is doubly false !

  lisa,  infinity is real , what is it telling you? does it reject the false and accept the authentic? the false saying it is authentic is doubly false !

hmmm..........   keats  may have   “contracted a venereal disease for which he treated himself with mercury”  that would explain a bit about him and his later illness !

is   “ experiencing through the heart ”  a felt or is it really a constructed sense?

the true font of infinity is creativity !

if you are going plaster around the work of others

or generate a sorta of random text

with no real meaning

then what does that say?

human emotions are blinders and deceivers, 

and if you read the real rumi like in the  a. j. arberry  literal translation

you will see this is what he says,

not the  “pumped up kicks”

of the distorted sentimentality

that is in unending quantities

on the web passing as his work

but is in fact

fatuously simplified gooeyness

that conforms rigorously

to the translator's mistaken view of the world !

the true font of infinity is creativity ! if you are going plaster around the work of others or generate a sorta of random text with no real meaning then what does that say?

human emotions are blinders and deceivers, and if you read the real rumi like in the  a. j. arberry  literal translation you will see this is what he says, not the  “pumped up kicks”  of the distorted sentimentality that is in unending quantities on the web passing as his work but is in fact fatuously simplified gooeyness that conforms rigorously to the translator's mistaken view of the world !

the fact is the university arts system regardless of the prestige of the university
is so full of mindblowing cretinism
that it's a lost cause

the fact is  the university arts system, regardless of  the prestige of the university  is so full of mindblowing cretinism that it's a lost cause !

the fact is the university arts system regardless of the prestige of the university is so full of mindblowing cretinism that it's a lost cause !

be aware with the heart   is to fall into the usual human illusion : o)

 love has edges and the window that is open, is closed by love ,  now that is  truth  but a bit beyond  you hormonally driven nits  i suspect :o)

(ed. reply to yet another appallingly soppy translation of rumi)