Humans Who Fight the Mushrooms

From Left to Right:

Normal Human -
The standard human's suit looks like this. These humans do nothing special, if you don't consider blasting mushrooms to Smithereens special. Johnson, Reeman, and Ericson belong to this group.
Special Forces -
Humans wearing this suit go directly into The Mushroom Zone through one of The Mushroom Portals. They battle the mushrooms at their source. These humans are usually equipped with much bigger guns. Smith falls into this category and believes in BYORBG (Bring Your Own Really Big Gun).
Commander -
The Commander? Well... he leads the humans into battle, hates the bungling Ericson's guts, and when he does something right, he does it right. He wears a red air tank most of the time. And remember: There's only one Commander.
Pierre -
Pierre sees the Mushroom Wars as a chance to practice his mushroom slicing skills. You'll often see Pierre happily burning or chopping a mushroom. He uses his large assortment of knives to cut mushrooms in a variety of different ways, including the ever-popular Julian Mushroom.
Doe -
(John) Doe is the medical officer. He was actually artificially created in a lab, and that is why his name is John Doe. He was called that when he was being created and the name stuck. His suit is very plain compared to the others, but there is a bright red cross on his air tank.
Smith's Nymphs (Not Shown)-
Even though Smith has Velcro inside of his suit to hold all sorts of weapons and a remote control for the Smitmobile, he still cannot carry all of his weapons by himself. He is accompanied by an army of nymphs who obey his every command. The fetch weapons no matter where they are. The nymphs are about 6 inches tall.
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