This is a 1962 Beech Craft Musketeer
These fine Gentlemen are the owners of Valley Aviation Located at 4855 Janes Road Saginaw Michigan at Saginaw Harry Browne Airport. H. Melvin Johnson on the left, Flight Instructor and Ground School. Jerry McEwen Ground School instructor and recently moved to Kentucky. Call Mel today at: (989)753-4951 and let him help you get Your Private Pilots License today.
This is Valley Aviation Located on the Grounds of Saginaw Harry Browne Airport - 4855 Janes Road Saginaw, Michigan 48601
Mel Johnson in front of Valley Aviation 8/7/2002
This is H. Melvin Johnson's pride and joy, a Cessna 150. We lovingly refer to her as "Lola". Many student pilots have obtained their Private Pilots License leaning to fly in this plane.
Above photo is Bob Wesolek standing along side the clubs Musketeer. Below another view of our 1962 Beech Musketeer on the field of Saginaw Harry Browne Airport.
Above, Frank Ezop just received his Solo Flying Certificate at a Luncheon we had. Pictured from left to right are: H. Melvin Johnson, Frank Ezop, Jerry McEwen and Bob Wesolek.
Above H. Melvin Johnson is preparing to present Frank Ezop with his Solo Certificate. Frank far left, Jerry McEwen Middle Back, H. Melvin Johnson holding certificate and the sister of Bob Wesolek, Judy Neitling.