all the photos on this web site was taken with my canon powershot a60, i will try and regularly update this site.
thanks to all those who have there face on this site and don't moan about it, and those of you that are moaning STOP!!!!!! ha ha ha ha, if your face is on this site it means most probably you are a friend or family, or some random person in the background.
if any of you are wondering what the random folder is well, i'm not a photographer but i like taking photos of various scenery if it catches my eye so check out some awesome things i've seen
latest updates:
21/08/2003: Pictures from our great day out yesterday to southend, look at all the hot babes in bikini's.
11/11/2003: I've added pictures of friends from peterborough, our special day assembly, and some nice photos of some when we went up the town park in harlow.