Welcome to my Homepage! Let me start by saying that I have a wonderful, crazy life! My husband, the person who means the world to me, is my best friend and inspiration. This homepage was his idea (Maybe he just wanted me to stay away from his stuff?) Anyway, the other light of my life, or should I say lights of my life are my new twins, Hunter and Jenna. These little babies are the most adorable and loving babies I have ever seen (This is my page so I can brag *LOL*). Everyday I look at them with amazement: I can't believe we created them! Please read their long birthstory! I also have a 6 year old step-daughter, Katie, who keeps me busy as well.
And if you want to see a really beautiful child, take a look at my neice Miranda.
My husband and I are huge Seminole fans, partly becuse we met at Florida State University . We live for Gameday and the big FSU v. Gators football game!