ames (2)

Klingon Honour Guard


Multi-player server list :- As far as i know no multi-player server lists are up yet anywhere for Klingon so i'll be posting one here as soon as some servers are up. If you know off or you yourself have any sin or klingon servers you want to me to include then e-mail the I.P address to me Here

Klingon Honor Guard Review :- Grab the klingon fonts HERE

The first thing that strikes you on entering the first level set on the planet Praxis, is the dramatic sense of atmosphere that Quake2 had and sadly Unreal lacked. This i believe that this is created by the level designers getting the lighting effects and shadows working together properly. In Unreal they had gone mentally over the top with color spectrums flashing about everywhere which gave the game an unreal 'how appropriate' feel to it. Klingon however does not suffer from this with the right balance between realism and special effects taking place. The first level opens with the player in the holodeck attempting to recreate a raid on the klingon city of Tong'pek, as part of the induction into the honor guard. A minute into the level you are thrust right into the middle of the action as klingons run at you from everywhere wielding D'K tang knives, which brings me to the second point. There are at any one time about three or four enemies attacking you on screen instead of being spread out in ones or two's like they were in unreal. The enemies work together in a team attacking from distance while maybe sending a guy scammpering off for re-enforcments and shouting commands to the others in the group. The enemies themselves are varied and distinctive from each other, they comprise of the recognisable klingon warriors and Andorians to the snow fists or Ro'ped of Rure Penthe. The whole package is then held together with one amazing storyline and some of the best levels i've ever seen in a 3dgame drawing on locations in the series and the Star Trek films. For example The ice prison of Rure Penthe from 'The undiscovered country' and klingon birds of prey are all excellently recreated to draw the player deeper into the klingon world.

One level that i thought really stood out was a mission where you infiltrate a transport craft and arrive on a Smuggler space station... que weightless expenditions around the stations hull, enemies teleporting in with vac suits to intercept you and the fear of being sucked off into an endless void. When i say endless i mean Endless... if say you shot a guy with a Ding Pach or spin claw they would slowly lift of the hull and go into a zero gravity spin (like the scene ontop of the enterprise in First contact) slowly rolling over and over drifting off into space. But do they dissapear no sir, they just keep on drifting with a long spray of globbulated blood arcing out of them.

However it is far from perfect, with some slightly suspect A.I on the enemies. Too much damage from the rockets and greneades. Doors that are frankly a pain in the arse, you have to stand right up against them for them to open... which immedialty throws away any stealth advantage you might have had. And finally the herendious jump from normal to hard difficulties in single player ...namly in hard mode they never miss, to highlight this try going from normal to hard and play the Prison level its bloody impossible. Saying that none of these niggles are enough to really drag the game down infact some even bring you back for more.

There are so many cool features and weapons in the game that it would spoil it to tell you about them all so instead i'll say this. If you like the hand to hand combat of Hexen2 with the engine of unreal and the gameplay of Quake2 buy this game and you cannot fail to go wrong

97/100 better than unreal and a top storyline to boot.

New Single Player Characters / DM skins :- To use the skins in single player games the following must be done. Unzip the download file and place the .pcx file into any directory you wish. Next Open UnrealEd and load the Klingons.U file from the /system subdirectory then select import on the right of the screen and choose the klingon skin (.pcx file just unzipped ) you have downloaded wherever it may be located. Set the name as DMmaleTex1 if its a male skin and DMfemaleTex1 if its a female skin and press ok. Finally the skin should appear in the texture browser on the right so just save the textures by overwriteing the original Klingons.U and your done (be patient though it can take up to two mins to do depending on your system). Close UnrealED down and fire up Klingon and start a New game.....

Sh' Mourg ('The Death Sentence') V1.1

By Navaho Raven for use in Single player or DeathMatch games in Klingon. Sh' Mourg earned her reputation as ' The death sentence ' after many victories against the Klingon Empire's enemies. She has no honor but her own warped interpetation of it, and as such is frequently disowned by the Klingon Empire whenever her actions are deemed dishonorable. After one such incident inside Federation space a price was put on her head, resuting in her joining the D'karr Assasins. The underworld of criminals that make up the D'karr Assasins used Sh' Mourg to infiltrate the klingon honor guard. Unknown to Kurn, Sh' Mourg has alternative orders for the mission in hand. For if the Duras sisters are allowed to continue there plot to kill Gowron, then there own attempts at his 'accidental' death will be destroyed, and with it their chances to control all Kronos....and Sh' Mourg's freedom. The D'karr sent ' The Death Sentence ' as insurance that this does not happen. Sh'mourg.ZIP

If anybody knows any way to use klingon skins quicker and easier for deathmatch or single play e-mail me here no.... HERE

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