NCFA in Victoria

With a committee of eight people gathering at the Royal Melbourne hospital, the Nurse Christian Movement was first established In 1913, However during the First World War, due to the Pneumonic Influenza Epidemic of 1918 the work was put on hold.  The recommencement of the work was accomplished in 1919.  A position of a Traveling Secretary was launched in an endeavour to establish NCM’s in other Metropolitan and Country Hospitals.  By August 1921 there were twenty one weekly Bible study groups.  In November 1921 the traveling secretary of the time visited Sydney to explore the possibility of a work commencing there, and this came about in 1922.  It was from this time that the national ministry among nurses began to develop.  In 1970 the name was changed to Nurses Christian Fellowship.


      Our Vision

Nurses have unique opportunities to provide compassion, justice and hope for people in great physical, emotional and spiritual need (Isaiah 61: 1-3. 42: 1-9. Luke 4: 18-19).  NCF (Vic) seeks to glorify God (Romans 11.36) by meeting these needs,  proclaiming Christ, and being a Christian voice in nursing.


      Our ministry includes

· Encouraging Christian nurses in their personal  faith and love of Jesus Christ.

· Equipping Christian nurses to uphold the truths of the gospel as applied to all areas of nursing practice.

· Promoting fellowship support and training amongst its members and leaders

· Establishing networks with tertiary nursing students in conjunction with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES).


      Main Activities


· Bi–Tri-monthly council meetings

· Production of quarterly newsletter (in conjunction with NSW).

· At least one seminar/workshop from a Christian perspective per year.

· Annual Prayer Brunch.

· Annual General Meeting

· Occasional varied fellowship gatherings.


      Membership Details

Full membership - $40.00

Students and Retired - $20.00


      NCFA in Victoria

         Contact: Rosemary Bulman, President

         P.O. Box 1062, Williamstown 3016.

         Phone:  03 9578 1600





Nurses Christian Fellowship Australia

Text Box:

Rhonwen Benn (L) AFES/NCF worker with nursing students and RN

at the NCF 90th AGM SEPT 2006

 Nurses gather at the ANCM/NCF Reunion Feb. 2006

Members present at NCF Professional breakfast in Melbourne

Our History

Vision & Mission

Main Activities


Contact us