about reenee
name: reenee
age: 13
birthday: December 12, 1988
sign: Sagatarius
location: Canada
eyes: blue/gray
height: 5'4"
hair: brown with highlights
likes: I like drawing, playing on the computer, eating, sleeping, warm blankets, playing my saxaphone, watching movies, annoying little brother, hanging out with friends, Cardcaptors, Vision of Escaflowne, Yu-Gi-Oh, Neon Genesis Evangelion, DBZ and other anime shows, gameboy, N64, etc.
foods: Cheese pizza, ice cream, chinese food, cinnamon buns and pinapples.
music: Rock, Rock Alternative and Anime Music
fears: Death, being higher then anything that you can see (example: up in the CN tower), little brothers, people who smile all the time(even when frowning), bees and internet shutdowns.
instruments: Alto Saxaphone and that little recorder thingy for a couple of years... oh! And I play with my brother's drum set sometimes.