Final Fantasy 7 (nes)
The PSX Classic now on the NES!

This game, recently found by an ex-Nintendo employee, was the work of SQUARE to try and bring back the NES. SQUARE had secretly been working on an NES cart for quite sometime, but in the end Nintendo of America(NoA) had the last say in the games fate. NoA shot the idea down without even putting the cart into a NES and playing it! When asked, NoA said that the NES was dead and putting a dime into it would be a waste (A source close to NoA says the real reason is because all the employees have stolen all the NESes for Nintendo's Headquarters).

After rejecting the idea of a new NES game, NoA refused to return the only copy of Final Fantasy 7(nes) to SQUARE. In an attempt to kill the NES once and for all, NoA told one of there employees to burn the game. That employee took the game and quit NoA! When asked what happened to the game he said it had been destroyed but instead he took it home and played it! This employee sent me these images of the game as a thank you to the NES Community for getting him back into the love of the NES.

FF7 Opening
ABOVE: The opening to Final Fantasy was also used in the opening of Final Fantasy 7(nes). Since Nintendo hated the game so much they added the NOT to the Copyright information just before it was to be burned.
FF7(nes) Secret: Push AB and the game resets!  
FF7(nes) Cart
ABOVE: A picture of the actuall cart! Click it to see an up close version!
Final Fantasy 7(nes) is an ALMOST EXACT replica of Final Fantasy VII for the PSX, without all the graphics. Some of the names were changed to fit them in (VINCENT is now known as VINCE). The game seems to run on the same game engine as Final Fantasy I, and because of this SQUARE decided to have some of our favorite FF1 characters make a return (I've seen GARLAND and all 4 Fiends!). The game was to come with a 400 page explorers handbook, but was never finished. The graphics are astonishing! SQUARE did an excellent job of bring CLOUD and the gang to the Gray box.

SQUARE did add a special feature to this addition though. SQUARE put in some extra plot line on how Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy 7 are connected by Time Travel. It seems GARLAND didn't invent the Time Travel devise he used in Final Fantasy, but SEPHIROTH did. It seems that the CLOUD is a descendent of the FIGHTER from Final Fantasy. The plot gets totally confusing and has something to do with GARLAND and SEPHIROTH being related. Then, GARLAND is traveled to SEPHIROTH's time period, but something goes wrong with the Time Travel and GARLAND is cloned and can't travel back to his own time period. I really got confused, but was just happy that this game is for the NES!

  FF7(nes) Secret: You can play as GARLAND!
In a final note, I'm glad that some Major companies of there are trying to bring back the NES. NoA has not the vision we all share for the beloved system. One day we can hope that NoA will see the light and bring back the NES, but until then we will have to play and remember, and hope SQUARE tries again with Final Fantasy 8 (Which if I have time they will!).
ABOVE: A screenshot of one of the final battles where your party must fight SEPHIROTH and the 2 GARLANDS!

The above was FAKE! If you didn't understand that it was FAKE then you seriously need to go outside and look at the sun for a few hours (NOTE: I Don't recomend looking at the sun for hours!). The above images are (c) SabinXL so If you use them and don't ask you will be punished by a Fire Flower, and maybe some lawyers.