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Bird Reports and Reporting

for Northeast Texas


Northern Flicker photo by Peggy Harding  
Northern Flicker (yellow-shafted);
photo by Peggy Harding


Northeast Texas Bird Report, June and July 2013 by David Brotherton


I usually think of these two months as months birders don’t get out, but through either ebird or direct reports to me, birders did their thing in 25 of the 26 NETFO counties during the period.  Thanks as always to Luanne for her prodding and editing.  


Five different counties reported Black-bellied Whistling Ducks with a high of a dozen found in Henderson county on 6/30 (ebird DL).  Canada Geese continued their summering habits in the area with several sightings being recorded, with a peak number of 41 recorded in Van Zandt county on 7/30 (ebird TG).  Four Blue-winged Teal straggled into June being seen in Navarro county on 6/2 (ebird DR).  A pair of Green-winged Teal were found at TXE on 7/2 (DB,ME).  Single Northern Bobwhites were recorded at the Sabine Mine area in Harrison county on 6/14 (DB,LB) and in Henderson county on 7/28 (DC,DL).  The only Pied-billed Grebe found during the period was located in Camp county on 7/12 (DB,LB).  .  


Six Wild Turkeys were found in Edgewood in Van Zandt county on 6/14 (ebird RK).  One of my favorites for the summer, Wood Storks were found in five counties during the period.  A Wood Stork was found in Wood county on 6/13 (ebird AH), the next day one was found in Henderson county (ebird BT).  Caddo Lake in Harrison county produced single sightings of Wood Storks on 7/4 (RP), and 7/13 (ebird CS).  While 23 Wood Storks were found in Franklin county off Hwy 37 just below the northern county line on 7/19 (DB,LB).  Twenty-one Wood Storks were found in Henderson county on 7/28 (DC,DL).  The max of 32 Wood Storks were found at a “swamp” area on CR 3510 in Camp county on 7/20 (PH,LP).   


Anhingas were noted in five counties with a max of six at LOP in Upshur county on 7/31 (DB,LB).  American White Pelicans were seen in six different counties during the period, one at TXE in Harrison county spent the entire period (DB,LB,ME).  A max of 54  American White Pelicans were noted at Cooper Lake in Delta county on 6/15 (DB,LB).  The lone Tricolored Heron noted in the area was found on 6/3 in Harrison county (LP).  The only Black-crowned Night-Heron recorded during the period was found in Henderson county on 7/20 and 7/25 (ebird LBe).  Yellow-crowned Night-Herons were noted all month at Pleasure Acres Lake in Smith county with a max of six (ebird MB, DG).  Two Yellow-crowned Night-Herons were noted at Cooper Lake in Delta county on 6/15 (DB,LB).   Two sets of observers noted Yellow-crowned Night-Herons at the “swamp” in Camp county, with a max of seven on 7/12 (DB,LB,PH,LP).  Two White Ibis were found in Harrison county on 6/3 (LP), and six were at Caddo Lake in Harrison county on 7/13 (ebird CS).  While at the “swamp” discussed earlier in Camp county one White Ibis was found on 6/10 and seven were there on 7/30 (PH,LP).  The only White-faced Ibis recorded during the period was found at Big Creek Lake in Delta county on 6/15 (DB,LB).  


Bald Eagles were noted at LTW in Rains county on 6/18 (ebird RK), at Ferndale Club in Camp county on 6/22 (ebird JHe), and two were found at Richland Creek WMA in Freestone county on 6/15 (ebird JS).  A local breeder, seven different counties reported Cooper’s Hawks during the period (m.ob).  A rare summer Sharp-shinned Hawk was noted in Henderson county on 7/17 and 7/21 (ebird LBe).  Another local breeder, Broad-winged Hawk was noted in three different counties Smith, Rusk and Gregg county with ten total sightings during the period. (PB,MB,LP).  A Swainson’s Hawk was noted in Red River county on 7/19 (DB,LB).      


The only non-Killdeer shorebird sightings during the period were two Spotted Sandpipers at LWP in Cass county on 7/21 (DB,LB), and one at LOP in Upshur county on 7/31 (DB,LB).  The lone Ring-billed Gull and Least Tern reported were found at Cooper Lake in Delta county on 6/15 (DB,LB).  Five Caspian Terns were noted at LOP in Upshur county on 7/31 (DB,LB).  Nine Black Terns were reported from Cooper Lake in Delta county on 6/15 (DB,LB).  Two Forster’s Terns were noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 6/18 (ebird RK), while six were noted at Cooper Lake in Delta county on 6/15 and one was on the Hopkins side of the lake on the same day.  Still six other Forster’s Terns were noted at Lake Murvaul in Panola county on 7/20 (DB,LB).  


The eastern-most White-winged Dove was noted in Mineola, Wood county on 7/14 (ebird BrS).  A Barn Owl was found at the same location as last year in Delta county on 6/15 (DB,LB).  Common Nighthawks become uncommon nighthawks in north-east Texas during the summer, 6/3 was the last observation for most of the eastern portion, except for five noted in Lamar county on 7/22 (ebird EJ).  Two separate observers noted a Black-chinned Hummingbird near the Jarvis College WMA in Wood county 7/7 (ebird TM) and 7/26 (LP).  Another sighting from Wood county of Black-chinned Hummingbird was reported through ebird at Lake Fork on 7/21 (ebird MW).   


Northern Flickers were noted on 6/13 in Henderson county (ebird KW), Rusk county on  6/22 and 7/3 (PH), and at Caddo Lake in Harrison county on 7/13 (ebird CS).  Crested Caracaras sightings were limited to Edgewood and LTW both in Van Zandt county on 6/14 and 6/18 respectively (ebird RK).  American Kestrel sightings were limited to one at Old Sabine Bottom WMA in Smith county on 6/21 (ebird MB),  one in the western edge of Harrison county on 7/15 (ebird JHa). While probably a family, four American Kestrels were noted at the North Longview Business Park in Gregg county on 7/27 (LP).


An Olive-sided Flycatcher was reported in Van Zandt county on 7/30 (ebird TG).  The eastern most Western Kingbird reported was from the Old Sabine Bottom WMA in Smith county on 6/21 (ebird MB).  Once thought to be a common breeder Loggerhead Shrikes were recorded only on four occasions during the period.  The sole Bell’s Vireo was recorded at the Sabine Mining Area in Harrison county on 6/14 (DB,LB).  Fish Crows were located in six counties with the farthest west being at Lake Tyler in Smith county on 6/30 (PB).  Potential nesters, a pair of Tree Swallows were noted at Big Creek Lake in Delta county on 6/15 (DB,LB), while another one was noted in Henderson county on 7/7 (PB).  Cave Swallows were found near Malakoff in Henderson county on 6/13 (ebird KW).  They were also noted in two locations in Smith county on 6/8 and 6/23 (PB).  While a dozen Cave Swallows were found in Edgewood, Van Zandt county and at LTW in Rains county on 6/14 and 6/18 respectively (ebird RK).  A Gray Catbird was noted in Marshall in Harrison county on 6/2 and 6/3 (ebird TA).  Another Gray Catbird was found at Pleasure Acres Lake in Smith county on 7/3 (ebird MB).  


Swainson’s Warblers were observed in Cherokee county on 6/3 (PB), Caddo Lake NWR on 6/14 (DB,LB), Fruitvale in Van Zandt county on 6/19 (ebird RK), and a pair of Swainson’s Warblers were found at Lake Gilmer in Upshur county on 6/21 (LP).  A Grasshopper Sparrow was found at the North Longview Business Park in Gregg county on 6/15 (LP), while a half-dozen were noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 6/18 (ebird RK).  A lingering American Goldfinch was noted in Lamar county on 6/3 (ebird EJ).  .



Locations and Counties:


Camp Co.: Ferndale Club, “swamp” CR 3510

Cass Co.: LWP - Lake Wright Patman

Cherokee Co.: 

Delta Co.:  Big Creek Lake, Cooper Lake

Franklin Co.: 

Freestone Co.: Richland Creek WMA

Gregg Co.:  North Longview Business Park

Harrison Co.:  Caddo Lake, Caddo Lake NWR, Marshall, Sabine Mines, TXE - Texas Eastman

Henderson Co.: Malakoff

Hopkins Co.: Cooper Lake

Lamar Co.:

Navarro Co.: 

Panola Co.: Lake Murvaul

Rains Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Red River Co.:

Rusk Co.: 

Smith Co.:  Lake Tyler, Pleasant Acres Lake, Old Sabine Bottom WMA

Titus Co.: LBS - Lake Bob Sandlin,

Upshur Co.: LOP - Lake O Pines, Lake Gilmer

Wood Co.: Jarvis College Wildlife Area, Lake Fork, Mineola

Van Zandt Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni,  Edgewood, Fruitvale





TA     Tom Allin
PB     Peter Barnes
LBe    Linda Belssner

MB     Mike Bloodsworth
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton

DC     D.D. Currie
ME     Mark Edmund
DG     Doug Ghrist
TG     Tim Gollob

JH     Joe Hanfman

PH     Peggy Harding
AH     Alice Hempel
JHe    Janie Henderson
EJ     Evan Janson
RK     Richard Kinney
DL     Dell Little
TM     Thomas Miller
RP     Roy Peck
LP     Linda Gail Price

DR      Donna Rizos

BrS     Brian Sanders
CS      Chuck Sexton
BSm     Brian Smith
JS      James Sipiora
BT      Brandon Thurston
MW      Mike Weber
et al.  and others
m.ob    many observers



For You Ebirders:


Lamar, Camp, Cherokee, Franklin, Fannin and Cass make it 22 NETFO counties to go over 100 species for the year.  That leaves Delta 98, Freestone 85, Red River 84 and Hopkins 82 the only four counties in the NETFO area with less than a 100 species for the year.  Van Zandt is still leading the year with 235 species with Smith at 221 in 2nd.  For August, Rains has more species seen during that month with 167 being recorded in past years than any other county in NETFO.  Panola with 40, Franklin with 44 and Camp with 51 are on the low end for August. Good Birding to All!  




Northeast Texas Bird Report, May 2013 by David Brotherton


What a month!  May had huge numbers of warblers and shorebirds pass through.  Thanks to all who sent their observations in.  Thanks to Luanne for her prodding and editing.  


Seven different counties reported Black-bellied Whistling Ducks with a high of 10 noted at Lake Bob Sandlin in Titus county on 5/10 (DB,LB).  The Lake Bob Sandlin Ross’s Goose (been here for years now) is still being seen 5/10 (DB,LB).  But another Ross’s Goose has been seen at LTW in Rains county on 4 occasions between 5/10 and 5/16 (ebird RK).  The last Gadwall was noted on 5/14 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  The last three Redheads were noted on 5/10 at Lake Jacksonville in Cherokee county (ebird CSm).  The lone Green-winged Teal was noted in Henderson county on 5/11 (DC,DL).  The 18th was the last date for Lesser Scaup noted at LTW State Park (ebird GC,SG) and at Tyler State Park (PB).  A lone Red-breasted Merganser was noted on 5/16 and 5/17 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  A pair of Ruddy Ducks was noted during the period at Pleasant Acres Lake in Smith county on 5/2 (PB).  

Three Northern Bobwhites were noted at the Sabine Mine area in Harrison county on 5/31 (ebird MB).  Observers found a Pacific Loon at LTW in Van Zandt county on 5/10 and 5/16 (ebird RK,CR).  A Common Loon was also noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 5/16 (ebird RK).  Neotropic Cormorants were found in five different counties during the month with a max of six at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  An American Bittern was found in Morris county on 5/6 (DB,LB,SF).  A Tricolored Heron was noted in Navarro county on 5/14 (ebird WS).  The last noted Osprey was found in Morris county on 5/6 (LB).  Swainson’s Hawks were reported all around LTW but found not east of there. A Common Gallinule was found in Rusk county on 5/6 (ebird BS).     


Two Black-bellied Plovers were found at LTW in Rains county on 5/9, while one was seen twice on 5/16 and 5/17 at LTW State Park (ebird RK).  A pair of American Golden-Plovers were found at Lake Tyler on 5/2 (PB,MB).  The lone Snowy Plover of the month was found at LTW in Rains county on 5/13 and 5/14 (ebird RK).  Semipalmated Plovers were found on three dates around LTW, with a max of 12 on 5/6 in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  The lone Piping Plover found in the area came from Lake Tyler on 5/2 and 5/3 (PB,MB).  The lone American Avocet reported came from LTW State Park on 5/4 (ebird RK).  A Willet was found at Lake Tyler on 5/15 (PB).  Lesser Yellowlegs were noted in five counties with a max of 25 at LTW in Rains county on 5/6 and 5/9 (ebird RK).  Upland Sandpipers were found at LTW in Van Zandt county with a max of 12 on 5/7 (ebird RK).  A Whimbrel was found at Lake Tyler on 5/16 (PB).  A Hudsonian Godwit was found at LTW State Park on 5/9 and 5/17 (ebird RK et al).  Three Hudsonian Godwits were found on the other side of LTW in Rains county also on 5/9 (ebird RK et al).   


Two Ruddy Turnstones were found at LTW in Van Zandt county on 5/16 (ebird RK), while a single Ruddy Turnstone was found at LTW State Park on 5/18 (ebird GC, SG).  A Sanderling pulled split services on 5/16 being seen at LTW Van Zandt county (ebird RK) and also at Lake Tyler (PB).   Semipalmated Sandpipers were found in five counties during the month with a peak of 24 at LTW in Rains county on 5/10 (ebird RK).  A Western Sandpiper was found at Lake Tyler on 5/2 (ebird MB), while a pair were found at Lake Bob Sandlin in Titus county on 5/10 (DB,LB).  White-rumped Sandpipers were found in five counties, with a max of 100 on 5/13 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).   A Baird’s Sandpiper was found at Lake Tyler on 5/2 and 5/3 (PB,MB).  While Baird’s Sandpipers were also found around LTW, with a max of five on 5/18 at LTW State Park (ebird GC, SG).  Pectoral Sandpipers were recorded in five counties, with a max of 16 on 5/7 at LTW in Rains county (ebird RK).  A Dunlin was found on 5/4 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK) and at Lake Tyler on 5/16 (PB,MB).  A Stilt Sandpiper was found at LTW in Rains county on 5/9 and 5/13 (ebird RK), another Stilt Sandpiper was located at Lake Tyler on 5/16 (PB).  Three Long-billed Dowitchers were found at LTW in Van Zandt county on 5/7, while one was found at the same location on 5/10 (ebird RK).  Wilson’s Phalaropes were recorded in six counties with a peak of 25 at LTW in Van Zandt county on 5/6 (ebird RK).


Franklin’s Gulls were found throughout the month with a peak of 100 at LTW State Park on 5/6 (ebird RK).  A pair of Herring Gulls were found on 5/6 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  The sole Least Tern reported during the month showed up at Lake Tyler on 5/22 (PB).  A Caspian Tern was found at LTW in Hunt county on 5/3, a pair was present on 5/6 and 5/7 in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  Another Caspian Tern was found at LOP Marion county on 5/22 (MD, BHe, JSt).  Fifteen Black Terns were found at Lake Bob Sandlin on 5/10, while four were located at Lake Wright Patman in Cass county on 5/12 (DB,LB).  Black Terns were also observed at LTW State Park from 5/16 through 5/18 with a peak of 24 on 5/17 (ebird RK).      


The eastern most White-winged Doves were noted in Texarkana, Bowie county (can’t get much easter) on 5/6 (ebird BSm).  Common Nighthawks  were reported from several locations with a peak of 30 at Tyler State Park on 5/16 (ebird BS).  Crested Caracaras were noted throughout the month at LTW (m.ob), but none were seen either east or north of there during the month.  Peregrine Falcons were noted at Lake Tyler on 5/2 (PB), LTW in Van Zandt county on 5/4 (ebird RK), and in Henderson county on 5/4 and 5/7 (ebird LBe).


Olive-sided Flycatchers were found in five counties during the period with 5/17 being “Max Day,” for two were found on that day at both LTW State Park (ebird RK), and in Upshur county (LP).  Tyler State Park hosted a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher on 5/7, 5/10 (ebird BS), and 5/18 (PB).  LTW State Park hosted a pair of Yellow-bellied Flycatchers on 5/18 (ebird GC,SG), and one was seen there on 5/23 (ebird RK).   The first Alder Flycatcher was record at Tyler State Park on 5/7 (ebird BS).  Other Alder Flycatchers were recorded from Sabine Mine area in Harrison county 5/16 (PB),  Jarvis College Wildlife Area in Wood county on 5/17 (LP), and Cass county on 5/19 (PH,LP).  Alder Flycatchers were also observed around LTW in all three counties from 5/14 through 5/23 (m.ob), with a high of six being seen at LTW State Park on 5/18 (ebird GC,SG).  The first Willow Flycatcher of the season was recorded at LTW State Park on 5/13 (ebird RK), with a max of six at this same location on 5/17 and 5/23 (ebird RK).  Outside of LTW, one Willow Flycatcher was recorded at Jarvis College Wildlife Area on 5/17 (LP).  Least Flycatchers were recorded in five different counties throughout the month with a  peak of two dozen seen around LTW on 5/14 (ebird RK).  Two observations of Western Kingbirds were made east of where they are normally found.  One Western Kingbird was found at Camp Tyler in Smith county on 5/16.  The other sighting was even further east, found in Longview in Gregg county on 5/24 by an visitor birder coming to watch his daughter at a softball tournament (ebird  RF).


Bell’s Vireos were recorded at Canton City Lake in Van Zandt county on 5/7 (ebird DOh), and two were recorded at Sabine Mines Area in Harrison county on 5/16 (PB).  While a single Bell’s Vireo was recorded at LTW State Park on 5/18 (ebird GC,SG).  Eleven observers recorded Warbling Vireos in eight different counties during the month with a max of  25 recorded at LTW State Park on 5/6 (ebird RK).  Boorman Trail in Longview hosted a Philadelphia Vireo on 5/1 (LP), while a pair were found at Tyler State Park on 5/7 (ebird BS).  An observer at LTW in Rains county recorded a Philadelphia Vireo on 5/13 and 5/17 (ebird RK).  Philadelphia Vireos were recorded at LTW State Park on six different dates from 5/6 through 5/18 (m.ob). 


Ever wonder why passerines chase the poor old crows away.  On 5/15 three observers saw an American Crow swoop up to where nesting Cliff Swallows were at the LOP dam and pull a swallow from its nest! (MD,BHe,JSt)


Red-breasted Nuthatches lingered into May with one being seen at Boorman Trail on 5/1 (LP), while the last one noted was seen in Henderson county on 5/7 (ebird LBe).  Ruby-crowned Kinglets lingered into May being reported from four counties with the last pair being reported from LTW State Park on 5/17 (ebird RK).  Gray-cheeked Thrushes were observed at Richland Creek WMA in Freestone county on 5/5 (ebird MS),  Rusk county on 5/6 (ebird BS), and in Henderson county on 5/11 (ebird DL).  Gray-cheecked Thrushes were also observed in Smith county at a pair of locations,  Pleasure Acres Lake on 5/7 (LP) and at the Old Sabine Bottoms on 5/13 (ebird MB).  Twelve different counties had records of Swainson’s Thrush during the month, with a max of 18 observed at LTW State Park on 5/7 (ebird RK).


Ovenbirds traveled in pairs.  Two Ovenbirds were at Richland Creek WMA in Freestone county on 5/5 (ebird MSt).  Two Ovenbirds were at LTW State Park on 5/6 (ebird RK).  The last pair of Ovenbirds were at Tyler State Park on 5/7 (ebird BS, BrS), while one by itself was at the same location on 5/11 (ebird BS).  A Worm-eating Warbler was located in Upshur county on 5/17 (LP).  Northern Waterthrushes were found in seven different counties during the month, the peak number was seven found at LTW State Park on 5/16 (ebird RK).  The last date for Northern Waterthrush was also recorded at LTW State Park on 5/18 (ebird GC,SG).  


Blue-winged Warblers were found at LTW in Van Zandt county on 5/6 (ebird RK), and at Old Sabine Bottom WMA on 5/13 (ebird MB).  One of my favorites the Golden-winged Warbler was found in four locations during the month.  One Golden-winged Warbler was found at Pleasure Acres Lake on 5/1 (PB).  Another Golden-winged Warbler was found in Longview, Gregg county on 5/10 (LP).  At Tyler State Park one Golden-winged Warbler was recorded on 5/1, five were recorded 5/7 and two were recorded on 5/11 (ebird BS, BrS).  At LTW State Park singles were recorded on 5/6 (ebird RK), and on 5/9 (ebird JHe, JRa, STi, STh).  


Swainson’s Warblers one of our sulkier but noisier warblers was located on CR 113 in Smith county on 5/2 and 5/23 (PB), while another one was located in Smith county in Lindale on 5/17 (ebird AH).  And still at a third location, Richland Creek WMA in Freestone county, one Swainson’s Warbler was found on 5/5 (MSt).  One of our commonest warbler migrant, the Tennessee Warbler was located in eight different counties during the month, with a max of a dozen being seen at LTW State Park on 5/6 and 5/7 (ebird RK).  The last date for Tennessee Warbler was also recorded at LTW State Park on 5/18 (ebird GC,SG).  Seen in ten counties Nashville Warblers went through in good numbers also, with a peak 24 noted at LTW State Park on 5/6 (ebird RK) and 23 at Canton City Lake on 5/7 (ebird DOh).  The latest date for a Nashville Warbler was 5/27 at Jarvis College Wildlife Area in Wood county (LP).  


A wow bird for north-east Texas, as far as I am concerned,  Mourning Warblers were reported from three locations.  One was found on 5/13 in Upshur county (ebird DLo).  Another Mourning Warbler was found at Jarvis College Wildlife Area on 5/17 (LP).  While Mourning Warblers were found on 5/16, 5/17 and 5/23 at LTW State Park (ebird RK).  And a pair were found from the same location on 5/18 (ebird GC,SG).


A Cerulean Warbler was found at Tyler State Park on 5/11 (ebird BS).  Magnolia Warblers were located in nine different counties.  The first four were found at Tyler State Park on 5/1 (ebird BS).  The peak number of Magnolia Warblers were eight found at LTW State Park on 5/13 and 5/17 (ebird RK), with the last date being 5/23 at LTW State Park (ebird RK).  A Bay-breasted Warbler was first found on 5/2 at Camp Tyler (PB), a pair were at Tyler State Park on 5/8 (ebird BS).  A Bay-breasted Warbler was found in Henderson county on 5/10 (ebird DC) and in Longview on 5/11 (ebird CSm).  While at LTW State Park one Bay-breasted Warbler was found on 5/10, four on 5/13 and singles on 5/14 and 5/16 (ebird RK).  


Blackburnian Warblers were located in seven different counties with a peak of six on 5/13 at LTW State Park (ebird RK).  The last date for Blackburnian Warblers were two found at LTW State Park on 5/18 (ebird GC,SG).  Thirteen different counties in NETFO reported Yellow Warblers!  The peak number was 35 found at LTW State Park on 5/18 (ebird GC,SG).  The last date was 5/23 at the same location when a dozen were recorded (ebird RK).  Chestnut-sided Warblers were located in ten different counties.  The max was an eight count at Old Sabine Bottom WMA on 5/13 (ebird MB).  The last date were two different sightings in Smith county on 5/22 (PB,BS).  


Palm Warblers were reported from LTW in Van Zandt county on 5/6 (ebird RK) and at Tyler State Park on 5/7 (ebird BS).  A Blackpoll Warbler was found at Atlanta State Park in Cass county on 5/12 (DB,LB), while another Blackpoll Warbler was found at LTW State Park on 5/13 (ebird RK).  Six different counties had reports of Black-throated Green Warblers.  The max was four at LTW State Park on 5/13, 5/16 and 5/17.  The last Black-throated Green Warbler was at the same location on 5/23 (all ebird RK).  A Canada Warbler was found at LTW State Park on 5/16, 5/17 and 5/23 (ebird RK).   Wilson’s Warblers were found in Smith and the counties around LTW.  The max was 25 found on 5/16 at LTW State Park.  The last date was 5/23 at the same location (ebird RK). 


The last date for Spotted Towhee was 5/1, with two sightings on that date both in Smith county.  One at Pleasure Acres Lake (ebird MB), and another at Tyler State Park (ebird BS).  The last date for Eastern Towhee was 5/6 in Rusk county (ebird BS).  Around LTW a peak of eight Grasshopper Sparrows were recorded in Van Zandt county on 5/6 (ebird RK).  Other locations where Grasshopper Sparrows were recorded were in Cass county on 5/19 (LP) and in Harrison county at the Sabine Mines where a pair were found on 5/31 (ebird MB).  LTW Van Zandt county was the eastern most location for Clay-colored Sparrow found on 5/7 (ebird RK).


The max of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks was 17 found on 5/2 and 5/3 in Kilgore, Rusk county (PH).  The last date for Rose-breasted Grosbeaks was 5/17 found in Daingerfield, Morris county (DB,LB).  Always a treat, a Scarlet Tanager was found at Tyler State Park on 5/11 (ebird BS).  Two male Bobolinks were found near the Red River in Bowie county on 5/12 (DB,LB).  The sole Yellow-headed Blackbird reported during the month was found LTW State Park on 5/6 (ebird RK).  Baltimore Orioles were recorded in nine counties with a whopping 75 recorded as a max at LTW State Park on 5/13 (ebird RK).  Pine Siskins stuck around at least until 5/27 when a pair were photographed in Daingerfield (DB,LB).



Locations and Counties:


Bowie Co.: Texarkana

Cass Co.: Atlanta State Park, Lake Wright Patman

Cherokee Co.: Lake Jacksonville

Freestone Co.: Richland Creek WMA

Gregg Co.: Boorman Trail, Longview

Harrison Co.:  Sabine Mines

Henderson Co.: 

Hunt Co.:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni State Park

Lamar Co.:

Marion Co.: LOP - Lake O Pines

Morris Co.: Daingerfield

Navarro Co.: 

Rains Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Rusk Co.: Kilgore

Smith Co.: Camp Tyler, CR 113, Lindale, Tyler State Park, Lake Tyler, Pleasant Acres Lake, Old Sabine Bottom WMA

Titus Co.: LBS Lake Bob Sandlin,

Upshur Co.: LOP - Lake O Pines

Wood Co.: Jarvis College Wildlife Area

Van Zandt Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni,  Canton City Lake





PB     Peter Barnes
LBe    Linda Belssner

MB     Mike Bloodsworth
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton
    Greg Cook
DC     D.D. Currie
MD     Mike Dillon
RF     Rick Folkening
SF     Sam Fowler
SG     Steve Glover


PH     Peggy Harding
BHe    Billy Heldt
AH     Alice Hempel
JHe    Janie Henderson
RK     Richard Kinney
DL     Dell Little
DLo    Debra Logsdon
DOh    Dale Ohl
LP     Linda Gail Price
JRa    Jane Ramberg
BS     Boyd Sanders


BrS     Brian Sanders
BSm     Brian Smith
CSm     Charles Smith
MSt     Michael Stewart
WS      Wilbur Stewart
JSt     Joe Stuckey
STh     Susan Thrower
STi     Susan Tiholiz
WT      Wally Taylor
et al.  and others
m.ob    many observers



For You Ebirders:


Morris, Upshur and Rusk joined thirteen other NETFO counties by going over 100 species for the year.,   Van Zandt went up 23 species to total 231 and still lead all of NETFO.  Smith, Hunt and Rains are all over 200 too.  The lowest counties so far this year are Hopkins with 65, Red River with 68 and Delta with 73.. The county that has the most species ever during June is again Van Zandt with 141 species.  The counties with the lowest numbers ever in June would be Titus with 35, Lamar with 40 and Hopkins with 48.   Most people don’t bird during June and July, I dare you to go out there and find a neat find! Good Birding to All!  Next report will be a combine of June and July.



Northeast Texas Bird Report, April 2013 by David Brotherton


Here they come!  Weather and birds!  Must be April.  Several fronts dropped lots of birds in the area.  Hope you got to enjoy them.  Twenty-two of the 26 NETFO counties had birds reported through direct emails to me or through ebird.  Highlights include Whimbrel, Red Knot, Hudsonian Godwit, Black-billed Cuckoo,  Scarlet Tanagers and Yellow-headed Blackbirds!  Thanks to all who sent in sightings. 


Eight different counties reported Black-bellied Whistling Ducks with a high of 30 noted at small lake near Daingerfield, Morris county (DB,LB,BFo,KF,SF).  The last Snow Goose was noted on 4/2 in Edgewood in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  A Ross’s Goose lingered in Rains county till at least 4/19 (ebird RK).  The “resident” Ross’s Goose at Lake Bob Sandlin dam area looks like he is going to stay another summer (DB,LB).  A high of twenty Red-breasted Mergansers were noted at LTW State Park in Hunt county on 4/1 (ebird RK).  One Red-breasted Merganser was found on LOP in Upshur county on 4/21 (DB,LB).   A  Horned Grebe was still being seen at LTW State Park in Hunt county on 4/27 (ebird CaF,RK).  Seven Eared Grebes were note at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/13 (ebird BCa).  


A Wild Turkey was noted in Lamar county on 4/6 (ebird WT).  Fifteen White-faced Ibis were tallied at LOP in Upshur county on 4/24 (MD,JSt).  A Black-crowned Night-Heron was noted on 4/29 at LTW State Park (ebird SPe).  Pleasure Acres Lake claimed the first Mississippi Kite of the season on 4/19 (ebird MB).  Always a treat for me, a Sora was found at Pleasure Acres Lake on 4/20 (ebird MB).  


High for the season 225 American Golden-Plovers were noted at LTW State Park on 4/1 (ebird RK).  Three Semipalmated Plovers were noted at LBS on 4/19 (DB,LB), while two were at LTW in Rains county on 4/26 (ebird RK).  Solitary Sandpipers were noted in five counties.  The most non-solitary Solitary Sandpipers were 6 noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/13 (ebird BCa).  Fourteen Willets were noted at TXE in Harrison county on 4/24 (DB), while a pair of Willets were noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/27 (ebird CaF,RK).  Thirty Willets were observed in Morris county on 4/28 (BFo), and 5 were at the same location the next day (KF,SF).  Lesser Yellowlegs were observed in five counties with a max of 40 on 4/26 at LTW in Rains county (ebird RK).  Upland Sandpipers were also noted in six different counties with a max of 35 at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/1 (ebird RK).  One extra cool sighting included a grandson.  An observer and his grandson Jackie found an Upland Sandpiper on 4/11 in Upshur county (ME).


A Whimbrel was noted at LTW State Park on 4/12 (ebird RK), while a Long-billed Curlew was found at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/1 (ebird RK).  A Hudsonian Godwit was found on the east side of LTW in Rains county on 4/26 (ebird RK), while four were noted the next day at LTW State Park (ebird CaF,RK).  A Red Knot was noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/27 (ebird CaF,RK).  Semipalmated Sandpipers were first noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/26 (ebird RK).  White-rumped Sandpipers were as easy as one-two-three.  One was found at Mineola Water Treatment Plant on 4/20 (ebird JCk), two were found at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/29 (ebird RK), while three were found at Lake Tyler in Smith county on 4/30 (PB).  Baird’s Sandpipers were noted in six counties with a max of 24 at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/26 (ebird RK).  Pectoral Sandpipers were noted in five counties with a max of 50 on 4/1 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  The first pair of Stilt Sandpipers were noted on 4/12 at LTW in Rains county (ebird RK), while other than LTW one was found at TXE in Harrison county on 4/24 (DB).  The first Wilson’s Phalarope of the season was noted on 4/12 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK), while the max of 53 were found at TXE in Harrison county on 4/24 (DB).


A Laughing Gull was noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/29 (ebird RK).  Franklin’s Gulls were first found in the area on 4/12 at LTW in Van Zandt county with a max count of 500 from the same location on 4/25 (ebird RK).  The lone Caspian Tern was located at Lake Fork in Wood county on 4/8 (ebird JCk).  The eastern most White-winged Doves were noted in Kilgore, Rusk county throughout the month (PH).  The first Yellow-billed Cuckoos were reported on 4/20 at both Pleasant Acres (ebird MB) and at Mineola Nature Preserve in Wood county (PB, JCk).  One observer was lucky enough to find not one, but two different Black-billed Cuckoos!  He found one on 4/19 at Tyler State Park and the other in Wood county on 4/22 (ebird BS).  The first Common Nighthawk was noted at Lake Fork in Wood county on 4/22 (ebird JCk).  The first Chuck-will’s-widow was heard in Morris county on 4/7 (DB,LB).  The first Eastern Whip-poor-will was noted at LTW State Park on 4/6 (ebird LBe), while one was heard in Morris county on 4/7 (DB,LB).  The last Yellow-bellied Sapsucker noted was on 4/8 in Edgewood in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  A Black-chinned Hummingbird was noted in the far western portion of the area in Navarro county on 4/3 (ebird SLa).  One belated report comes from Smith county of a male Rufous Hummingbird that overwintered from mid November till late March (DBi).


Crested Caracaras were observed this month in five counties with a high of six seen on 4/1 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  Single Merlins were noted on 4/24 at Mineola Nature Preserve (ebird TDr), and on 4/26 at LTW in Rains county (ebird RK).  April 19 was Peregine Falcon Day!  One was seen on that day at LTW in Rains county (ebird RK), and at LBS in Titus county (DB,LB).  An Olive-sided Flycatcher was found in Old Sabine Bottom WMA in Smith county on 4/26 (PB,CRi).  The first Eastern Wood-Pewee of the spring was found at Tyler State Park in Smith county on 4/17 (ebird BS).  The first Acadian Flycatcher was noted at Mineola Nature Preserve on 4/20 (PB,JCk).  The only Least Flycatchers observed during the month were at LTW State Park, with the first two being found on 4/25 (ebird RK).  The earliest Great Crested Flycatcher was noted in Kilgore in Rusk county on 4/9 (PH).  The first Western Kingbird was noted on 4/16 in Edgewood.  This was also the farthest east that a Western Kingbird was found.  The first Eastern Kingbird of the season was noted on 4/3 at Pleasure Acres Lake (PB).


Twelve different Warbling Vireos were reported with in six counties with an early date of 4/20 at LTW State Park (ebird RK).  The always tricky to me, Philadelphia Vireo was found in two locations during the month in Smith county.  The first was at Pleasure Acres noted on 4/11 (ebird MB), and the other two at Tyler State Park on 4/19 and 4/27 (ebird BS). Two Bell’s Vireos were heard at the Sabine Mine area in Harrison county on 4/27 (PB).  Bank Swallows were first noted passing through our area at LTW State Park on 4/6 (ebird LBe).  Cave Swallows were noted in four different counties during the period with the farthest east being at Pleasure Acres Lake on 4/3 and 4/25 (ebird MB).  Red-breasted Nuthatches were fun this season, they dwindled during April, but were still seen in six different counties during the period.  


Sedge Wrens were note in Harrison County on 4/17 and three were found in Rusk county on 4/25 (LP).  One Sedge Wren was found at Pleasure Acres Lake on 4/27 (PB).  There were two late sightings of Golden-crowned Kinglet, one of two at Tyler State Park on 4/3 (BS) and two in Gregg county on 4/5 (LP).  Single Veerys were noted at Tyler State Park on 4/22 (BS) and at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/26 (ebird RK).  A Gray-cheeked Thrush was found at Tyler State Park on 4/26 (PB,CRi).  Swainson’s Thrushes were noted in eight different counties during the month, the first being noted on 4/13 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird BCa).  That same location reported an amazing 45 on 4/26 (ebird RK).  The first Wood Thrush was reported in Henderson county on 4/6 (ebird BS).  Maybe the latest Hermit Thrush was one reported from Canton City Lake in Van Zandt county on 4/29 (DOh).  The first Gray Catbird of the season was noted on 4/9 at Pleasure Acres Lake (ebird MB).


Two Ovenbirds were noted at Yellow Dog County Park in Panola county on 4/28 (LP).  Two Blue-winged Warblers were noted in Wood county on 4/7 (LP), one was found at Tyler State Park on 4/19 (BS), another was found at a residence in Smith county on 4/21 (MB), and a total of three were found on 4/26 at LTW, two in Van Zandt county and one in Rains (ebird RK).  Swainson’s Warblers were found at Richland Creek WMA Freestone county on 4/14 (DC,DL), and at Tyler State Park on 4/16 (BS).  Another Swainson’s Warbler was found on CR 113 in Smith county on 4/29 (PB).  Tennessee Warblers were first noted in the area on 4/5 at Tyler State Park (BS).  The high count of Tennessee Warblers and Nashville Warblers was noted on 4/26 when 24 of each were noted at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).   A local nester, the first Kentucky Warbler was recorded in the area on 4/12 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  Normally earlier, the first Hooded Warbler was noted on 4/5 in Gregg county (LP).  Tyler State Park hosted both of our sightings of American Redstart one on 4/25 (ebird TDr), the other on 4/27 (BS).  LTW in Van Zandt county hosted our sole record of Blackburnian Warbler on 4/26 (ebird RK).  Noted in six different counties during the month, Yellow Warbler was first recorded on 4/20 at Mineola Nature Preserve (PB,JCk,CRi).  One of my favorties, a Chestnut-sided Warbler was found at Tyler State Park on 4/27 (BS).  A half dozen Prairie Warblers were noted at the Sabine Mining company area in Harrison county on 4/27 (PB).  First noted in March, Black-throated Green Warblers were found in seven counties during the period with a max of six found at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/19 (ebird RK).  The lone Wilson’s Warbler recorded during the month was on 4/26 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  The first Yellow-breasted Chat of the season was noted at Pleasure Acres Lake on 4/15 (ebird MB).


Clay-colored Sparrows were recorded around LTW throughout the month with a max of a dozen recorded on both 4/12 and 4/25 at LTW State Park (ebird RK).  A Grasshopper Sparrow was recorded throughout the month at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  A max of thirty Harris’s Sparrows were recorded at LTW State Park on 4/20 (ebird RK).  The first Summer Tanager was recorded at Pleasure Acres Lake on 4/8 (ebird MB).  Scarlet Tanagers were found in Panola county on 4/21 and 4/28 (LP), while one was also found on 4/28 in Harrison county (ebird RL).  Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were noted in four different counties in the area beginning on 4/26 at Tyler State Park (PB,CRi), and at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  The max were five Rose-breasted Grosbeaks reported from Kilgore in Rusk county on 4/30 (PH).  The first Blue Grosbeak was noted in Rains county on 4/13 (ebird BCa).  While the first Indigo Bunting was found at Tyler State Park on 4/11 (BS).  The first Painted Bunting was located in Panola county on 4/21 (LP).  The earliest Dickcissel was heard at LTW in Van Zandt county on 4/19 (ebird RK).  The lone Western Meadowlark identified during the month came on 4/1 at LTW in Van Zandt (ebird RK).  Two Yellow-headed Blackbirds were found on 4/22 in Wood county (BS), three were in Morris county on 4/24 (DB,LB,BFo,KF,SF).  While a dozen Yellow-headed Blackbirds were in Wills Point in Van Zandt county on the same day (ebird RK), and five were located Rusk county on 4/25 (LP).  The first Orchard Oriole was recorded in Harrison county on 4/17 (LP).  Baltimore Orioles were recorded in six different counties, the first pair were found on 4/19 at LTW in Van Zandt (ebird RK).  The max reported for Pine Siskins were 120 on 4/19 in Morris county (DB,LB). Several folks reported having Pine Siskins through the end of the month.


Locations and Counties:


Freestone Co.: Richland Creek WMA

Gregg Co.: 

Harrison Co.:   TXE - Texas Eastman,  Sabine Mines

Henderson Co.: 

Hunt Co.:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni State Park

Lamar Co.:

Morris Co.: Daingerfield

Navarro Co.: 

Panola Co.: Yellow Dog County Park

Rains Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Rusk Co.: Kilgore

Smith Co.: Tyler State Park, Lake Tyler, Pleasant Acres Lake, Tyler, Old Sabine Bottom WMA

Titus Co.: LBS Lake Bob Sandlin,

Upshur Co.: LOP - Lake O Pines

Wood Co.: LFK - Lake Fork, Mineola Water Treatment Plant, Mineola Nature Preserve

Van Zandt Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni, Edgewood, Canton City Lake, Wills Point




PB     Peter Barnes
LBe    Linda Bellsner

DBi    Dee Bishop

MB     Mike Bloodsworth
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton
BCa    Blaine Carnes
JCk    Janet Cook
DC     D.D. Currie
MD     Mike Dillon


TDr    Ted Drozdowski
ME     Mark Edmund
BFo    Buddy Fowler
KF     Kim Fowler
SF     Sam Fowler
CaF    Caleb Frome

PH     Peggy Harding
RK     Richard Kinney
SLa    Sharon Lane

DL     Dell Little

RL     Rosa Lovelace

DOh    Dale Ohl

SPe    Sandra Peterson
LP     Linda Gail Price
CRi    Clayton Rickett
BS     Boyd Sanders
JSt    Joe Stuckey
WT     Wally Taylor
et al. and others
m.ob   many observers


For You Ebirders:


During April, Titus, Bowie, Panola and Marion joined the rank of counties with over 100 species being seen for the year.  That makes 12 counties in the NETFO area that have crossed over the century mark for the year.   Van Zandt is still leading with 208 species.  At the end of April, the low counties are Cass with 49, Freestone with 54, and Red River with 57. The county that has the most species ever during May is again Van Zandt with 237 species.  The counties with the lowest numbers ever in May would be Franklin with 58, Hopkins with 61 and Marion with 69.  Good Birding to All!



Northeast Texas Bird Report, March 2013 by David Brotherton


March saw spring birds coming back.  Twenty-two of the 26 NETFO counties had birds reported through direct emails to me or through ebird.    Highlights include continuing sightings of  Rufous Hummingbird, Western Grebe and Lesser Black-backed Gull. Along with new sightings of Peregrine Falcon.  Thanks to all who sent in sightings. 


The max for the month for Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were 100+ reported in Henderson county on 3/31 (DC,DL). Snow Geese trickled through the area during the month with a max of 55 in Henderson county on 3/1 (DC,DL).  The last Snow Goose was reported on 3/26 in Edgewood in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  The max of 50 Canada Geese were reported on 3/16 at the Coon Creek Club in Henderson county on 3/16 (m.ob).  A wow of 2000 Northern Shovelers were reported at LTW in Rains county on 3/7 (ebird CR).  A max of 75 Northern Pintail were noted near Quinlan in Hunt county on 3/6 (ebird RK).  A max of 350 Redheads were noted on 3/6 at LTW in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).   After a slow winter, finally 100 Red-breasted Mergansers were noted on LTW in Rains county on 3/23 (ebird BCa).  A high of 1000 Horned Grebes were noted on LTW in Rains county on 3/7 (ebird CR).  One observer reported having a Horned Grebe on LOP in Marion county in full breeding plumage on 3/8 (MD).  The Western Grebe first found last month at Lake Cypress Springs in Franklin county was relocated on 3/10 (DB,LB).  The three Western Grebes found originally in December were relocated on LOP in Marion county on 3/13 (MD,BHe,JSt,DWa)


A duo of Anhingas were the first reported for the season on 3/16 at the Coon Creek Club (m.ob).  The first Cattle Egrets were noted on 3/18 at Caddo Lake State Park in Harrison county (ebird KC).  The first Little Blue Heron was noted at Lake Halbert Park in Navarro county on 3/12 (ebird DRi).  The first three Yellow-crowned Night-Herons were noted at Pleasure Acres Lake in Smith county on 3/26 (ebird MB).  The first Broad-winged Hawks were noted on 3/30 at both Tyler State Park (ebird BS) and in Henderson county (DC,DL).  A Swainson’s Hawk was noted in Van Zandt county on 3/23 (PB).  Four Bald Eagles attending a nest was a thrill for observers in Henderson county on 3/16 (PB et al).


A Virginia Rail was noted at the Grand Saline Marsh in Van Zandt county on 3/2 (PB).  American Golden-Plovers were noted in five counties during the period, four were first noted in Henderson county on 3/16 (m.ob).  The max for American Golden-Plovers were 75 tallied at LTW in Rains county on 3/23 (ebird BCa).  On the same day 30 were sighted at LOP in Marion county (MD,JSt).  While a Solitary Sandpiper was noted on 3/28 at Lake Tyler East in Smith county (PB).  At the same location and same day a pair of Lesser Yellowlegs were noted (PB).  Upland Sandpipers were found on 3/23 at LTW in Rains (5) and Van Zandt (1) (ebird BCa), while a max of 15 were noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 3/27 (ebird RK).  A single Upland Sandpiper was found in Henderson county on 3/31 (DC,DL).   Baird’s Sandpipers were first noted on 3/16 in Rains county (ebird RK, AL).  A max of 12 were noted on 3/23 in Rains county (ebird RK).  The only record of Baird’s Sandpiper away from LTW was one found on Cantrell Lake in Van Zandt county on 3/23 (PB).  A Western Sandpiper was noted at LOP in Marion county on 3/23 (MD,JSt).  The first Pectoral Sandpipers recorded during the period were 16 found in Camp county on 3/9 (DB,LB).  The max of Pectoral Sandpipers recorded were 19 at Lake Tyler East on 3/28 (PB).  Surprisingly to me after so many were spotted this winter only two reports of Long-billed Dowichers this month. Four were reported from LTW in Van Zandt county on 3/23 (ebird BCa).  And a Dowitcher sighting was also recorded at the Sabine Mines in Harrison county on 3/9 (DnW et al)


The Lesser Black-backed Gull at LTW was seen three times throughout the month in Van Zandt county, last date being 3/27 (ebird BCa,RK).  The eastern most White-winged Doves were recorded in Tyler seen several times during the month (ABu).  A Barn Owl was reported from Lake Richland Chambers in Navarro county on 3/12 (DRi).  The first Chimney Swift of the year was reported from LTW in Van Zandt county on 3/23 (ebird BCa).  The first Ruby-throated Hummingbird was noted in Kilgore, Rusk county on 3/19 (PH).  The Rusk county Rufous Hummingbird that wintered was last seen on 3/21 (PH).


The eastern-most Crested Caracara observed this month was in Franklin county on 3/10 (DB,LB).  A Peregrine Falcon was found on 3/31 in Henderson county (DC,DL).  The first Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was noted at Lake Murvaul in Panola county on 3/9 (MD).  The first Yellow-throated Vireo was recorded on 3/16 at the Coon Creek Club (m.ob).  The first Red-eyed Vireo was noted at LBS in Titus county on 3/30 (ebird SE).  A flock of 30 Horned Larks were noted at the Caddo National Grasslands in Fannin county (ebird MH).  The first Barn Swallow was noted in Van Zandt county on 3/2 (PB).  Cave Swallows were noted in Fannin, Van Zandt, Rains and Henderson county, with a max of 15 noted in Henderson county on 3/28 (LBe) and on Cantrell Lake in Van Zandt county on 3/23 (PB).  The Cantrell Lake observation was the farthest east observation.  The first Cliff Swallows were noted in several locations and by several observers on 3/16.  Eight different counties had reports of Red-breasted Nuthatches during the period.  A Marsh Wren was also noted at the Coon Creek Club on 3/16 (JBe, PB).  A Bewick’s Wren found in the eastern side of NETFO, that being Smith county on 3/28 was notable (ebird TDr).  After being mostly void of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, the first was seen on 3/14 in Navarro county (ebird MSt).  An early Wood Thrush was found on 3/26 in Henderson county (JBo).  A Hermit Thrush was heard singing, not a common occurrence in the NETFO area on 3/21 at Pleasures Acres Lake (PB).


A Sprague’s Pipit was noted at LTW Van Zandt county on 3/16 (ebird RK).  The first Louisiana Waterthrush was found at 3/16 at LTW Van Zandt county (ebird RK,AL).  The first Black-and-white Warblers were noted on 3/22 in both Gregg (LP) and in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  Northern Parula’s were first noted in several locations on 3/16 (m.ob), with a max of 47 noted at the Old Sabine Bottom WMA Smith county on 3/30 (PB et al).  A not shabby total of 25 Northern Parula’s were noted in Longview on the Delwood trail on 3/22 (LP).  I always think of St. Patricks Day as the first day for Yellow-throated Warblers; they came a day early this year, seen by several observers on 3/16 in Henderson county.  A Prothonotary Warbler was found at the Old Sabine Bottom WMA on 3/30 (JCk).  An early Nashville Warbler was found in Smith county on 3/23 (PB).  A pair of Black-throated Green Warblers were noted on 3/23 in Longview Gregg county (LP).  


The eastern-most  Spotted Towhee was noted at Tyler State Park on 3/30 (BS).  The first Lark Sparrows of the season were noted in Edgewood in Van Zandt county on 3/22 (ebird RK).  There were three reports of Le Conte’s Sparrows, 3 at LTW in Van Zandt county on 3/1 (ebird RK), two at LTW in Rains county on 3/6 (ebird RK).  While four Le Conte’s Sparrows were found at LOP in Marion county on 3/23 (MD,JSt).  The eastern-most Harris’s Sparrows were five found at LOP in Marion county on 3/23 (MD, JSt).  The highest count of Harris’s Sparrows were 14 found in Franklin county on 3/10 (DB,LB).  The eastern-most noted Western Meadowlarks were discovered in Harrison county on 3/10 (LP).  Only one report of Rusty Blackbirds occurred during the month with only eight being found in Harrison county on 3/10 (LP).  The first Orchard Oriole was noted on 3/30 in Henderson county (DC,DL).  Pine Siskins were recorded in several locations during the period with a reported high of 80 found in Navarro county on 3/14 (ebird MSt). 


Locations and Counties:


Camp Co.

Fannin Co.: Caddo National Grasslands

Franklin Co.: Lake Cypress Springs

Gregg Co.: Longview

Harrison Co.:   Caddo Lake State Park, Sabine Mines

Henderson Co.: Coon Creek Club

Hunt Co.:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni State Park, Quinlan

Lamar Co.:

Marion Co.:  LOP - Lake O Pines

Navarro Co.: Lake Richland Chambers, Lake Halbert Park

Panola Co.: Lake Murvaul

Rains Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Rusk Co.: Kilgore

Smith Co.: Tyler State Park, Lake Tyler East, Pleasant Acres Lake, Tyler, Old Sabine Bottom WMA

Titus Co.: LBS Lake Bob Sandlin,

Van Zandt Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni, Edgewood, Cantrell Lake, Grand Saline Marsh




PB     Peter Barnes
LBe    Linda Bellsner

JBe    John Berner

MB     Mike Bloodsworth
JBo    Jim Booker
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton
ABu    Ann Bush
BCa    Blaine Carnes

BC     Barbara Cavin

KC     Katie Christman


JCk    Janet Cook
DC     D.D. Currie
MD     Mike Dillon
TDr    Ted Drozdowski
SE     Susan Elliot
PH     Peggy Harding
MH     Meena Haribal

BHe    Billy Heldt
RK     Richard Kinney
AL     Annika Lindqvist

DL     Dell Little

LP     Linda Gail Price
DRi    Donna Rizos
CR     Chris Runk
BS     Boyd Sanders
SSt    Suzi Stein
MSt    Michael Stewart
JSt    Joe Stuckey
DWa    Dick Waldrep
DnW    Daniel Weaver
et al. and others
m.ob   many observers


For You Ebirders:


Harrison became the 8th county in NETFO to have 100 species for the year.  Currently Van Zandt is leading with 163.  Currently the low counties are Freestone with 14, Cass with 49, and Upshur with 55.  The county that has the most species ever during April is Van Zandt with 259 species.  The counties with the lowest numbers ever in April would be Bowie with 65, Franklin with 71 and Red River with 76.  Enjoy April!  Good Birding!


Northeast Texas Bird Report, February 2013 by David Brotherton

All 26 counties in the NETFO area had birds reported through direct emails to me or through ebird.  This was due in a large part to the Great Backyard Bird Count, as participants were asked to report their sightings in ebird.  Purple Martins and swallows made their 2013 appearance during the month proving spring is coming.  Highlights include continuing sightings of  Say’s Phoebe, Rufous Hummingbird and Lesser Black-backed Gull.  Along with new and old sightings of Western Grebe.  Other new sightings for the season include Sandhill Cranes, Cackling Geese and Short-eared Owl.  Thanks to all who sent in sightings. 


Three sightings of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were reported during the month with a max of 70 seen in Henderson county on 2/2 (DC,DL).  Five species of geese were reported during the month with max of 155 Greater White-fronted Geese noted at Cooper Lake State Park in Delta county on 2/16 (DB,LB).  While the next day, 2/17 the same location hosted the max Snow Geese found during the month with 5000 (ebird TDr).  On 2/16 the max of 100 Ross’s Geese were noted on LTW in Hunt county (ebird LS).  The max of 95 Canada Geese were reported on 2/2 near Crossroads in Henderson county (DC,DL).   The fifth species of goose reported during the period was Cackling Geese.   They were reported on three occasions in Henderson county 40 on 2/2 (DC,DL), 50 on 2/9 (PB), and 17 on 2/10 (LLa).  Three other Cackling Geese were found on LTW in Van Zandt county on 2/13 (ebird RK).    


The first Blue-winged Teal recorded during the spring was found on 2/9 at Lake Trindad in Henderson county (PB).  A high number for the eastern portion of NETFO, 67 Northern Pintails were tallied at LOP in Upshur county on 2/14 (RB,MD,BHe,JSt).   Red-breasted Mergansers continued their scarcity this season with few sightings and with a max of six being seen at LTW on 2/2 and 2/13 (ebird RK).  Wild Turkey were found in Quitman in Wood county on 2/2 (ebird RK) and at Pat Mayse Lake in Lamar county on 2/16 (ebird TDr).  A Red-throated Loon was recorded at LTW in Van Zandt county on 2/2 and 2/3 (ebird RK).  A Pacific Loon was found in LTW in Hunt county on 2/12 (ebird RK).   A Common Loon in full breeding plumage stopped by Tyler State Park in Smith county on 2/18 (BS). The three Western Grebes seen earlier in the season at LOP in Marion county were again seen on 2/2 (DB,LB).  While another Western Grebe was found near the dam of Lake Cypress Springs in Franklin county on 2/16 (DB,LB).  In January, I was impressed when seven counties had records of Neotropic Cormorants.  In February, nine counties had records!  With an a max of 175 found at LTW in Van Zandt county on 2/23 (ebird RK).  The maximum amount of Double-crested Cormorants recorded in Texas so far this year was noted at LTW when 15,000 were noted in Van Zandt county on 2/3 (ebird RK).  


The only Snowy Egret recorded during the period was found at LTW in Rains county on 2/2 (PB).  Six Sandhill Cranes were seen in Quinlan in Hunt county on 2/1, while another six were found at LTW in Van Zandt county on 2/13 (ebird RK).  On 2/2 five American Avocets were found at LTW in Van Zandt county (PB).  American Woodcocks were noted in Henderson county on 2/2 (DC,DL) and in Smith county on 2/5 (PB) and on 2/21 (ebird MB).


LOP in Marion county hosted a maximum of 34 Herring Gulls on 2/2 (DB,LB).  The Lesser Black-backed Gull at LTW was re-found on 2/3 in Van Zandt county (ebird RK).  The eastern most White-winged Doves were recorded in Tyler seen several times during the month (ABu).  A Short-eared Owl was observed at dusk near Bogota in Red River county on 2/2 (DB,LB).  The Rusk county Rufous Hummingbird is still being seen at the residence in Kilgore (PH). 


The eastern most Crested Caracara observed this month was in Wood county on 2/2 (ebird RK).  Merlins were noted on 2/2 at Pleasure Acres in Smith county (MB) and at Bonham State Park in Fannin county on 2/3 (ebird TDr).  The Say’s Phoebe is still being found (on most days) at LOP in Upshur county.  The latest noted date was 2/14 (RB,MD,BHe,JSt).  A White-eyed Vireo was seen and heard on 2/3 in Smith county (PB).  The first three Purple Martins were found at TXE in Harrison county on 2/7 (DB,ME).  The first (and only) Northern Rough-winged Swallow was noted in Henderson county on 2/23 (JBo).  Cave Swallows were noted in both Van Zandt and Hunt county on 2/13 (ebird RK).  Sixteen different counties had reports of Red-breasted Nuthatches during the period.  A Sedge Wren was noted at LTW in Van Zandt county on 2/13 (ebird RK).  A Marsh Wren was also noted at LTW in Van Zandt county but on 2/2, another was found in Quitman in Wood county on the same day (ebird RK).   Another Marsh Wren was noted at Bellwood Lake in Smith county on 2/23 (PB,DGh).  


LTW Van Zandt county had the only sightings of Lapland Longspurs, 10 on 2/13 (ebird RK).  Four Smith’s Longspurs were noted at LTW Rains county on 2/1(ebird CR).  A Yellow-rumped “Audubons” Warbler was noted in Kilgore in Rusk county on 2/13 (PH).  On 2/12 a Spotted Towhee was noted in Hunt county at the West Tawakoni City Park (ebird RK).  While another Spotted Towhee was located in Franklin county on 2/16 (DB,LB).  There were two reports of Le Conte’s Sparrow, one at LTW in Van Zandt county on 2/2 (ebird RK).  The other sighting was of a total of eight Le Conte’s Sparrows found at LOP in Marion county on 2/14 (RB,MD,BHe,JSt).   East of Lake Fork only three Harris’s Sparrows were recorded.  Those were found in Camp county on 2/3 (DB,LB).   The eastern most noted Western Meadowlarks were discovered in Wood county on 2/2 (ebird RK).   Few reports of Rusty Blackbirds occured during the month with only four being found in Lamar county on 2/16 (ebird TDr), and 21 being found at LOP in Camp county on 2/27 (RB,MD,JSt,DWa).  Pine Siskins were recorded in several locations during the period with a reported high of 58 found in Van Zandt county on 2/15 (ebird LEs).  Purple Finch were by far fewer and more sporadic.  Individual sightings were reported from Smith county on 2/10 (PB), Caddo NWR in Harrison county on 2/25 (MD,JSt), LOP in Morris county on 2/27 (RB), and two were noted in Edgewood in Van Zandt county on 2/12 (ebird RK).


Locations and Counties:


Camp Co.

Delta Co.:  Cooper Lake State Park

Fannin Co.: Bonham State Park

Franklin Co.: Lake Cypress Springs

Harrison Co.:  TXE - Texas Eastman, Caddo National Wildlife Refuge

Henderson Co.: Crossroads, Lake Trinidad

Hunt Co.:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni State Park, Quinlan, West Tawakoni City Park

Lamar Co.: Pat Mayse Lake

Marion Co.:  LOP - Lake O Pines

Morris Co.:  LOP - Lake O Pines

Navarro Co.: 

Rains Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Red River Co.: Bogota

Rusk Co.: Kilgore

Smith Co.: Tyler State Park, Bellwood Lake, Pleasant Acres Lake, Tyler

Upshur Co.: LOP - Lake O Pines

Van Zandt Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni, Edgewood

Wood Co.:  LFK - Lake Fork, Quitman




PB     Peter Barnes
ABu    Ann Bush

RB     Ray Berry
MB     Mike Bloodsworth
JBo    Jim Booker
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton
JCk    Janet Cook
DC     D.D. Currie


MD     Mike Dillon
TDr    Ted Drozdowski
ME     Mark Edmund
LEs    Linda Eskew
DGh    Doug Ghrist   
PH     Peggy Harding
BHe    Billy Heldt
RK     Richard Kinney
LLa    Lynn Lasswell

DL     Dell Little
LP     Linda Gail Price
CR     Chris Runk
BS     Boyd Sanders
LS     Laurie Sheppard
JSt    Joe Stuckey
DWa    Dick Waldrep
et al. and others
m.ob   many observers


For You Ebirders:


Hunt, Henderson, Rains, Navarro, Wood joined Smith and Van Zandt in the over 100 species counties club for the year.  Currently Van Zandt is leading with 132.  Currently the low counties are Freestone with 14, Cherokee with 23, and Gregg with 32.  The county that has the most species ever during March is Van Zandt with 194 species.  The counties with the lowest numbers ever in March would be Hopkins with 77, Cass with 79 and Upshur with 82.  Go find something neat!  Make me jealous!  Good Birding!



Northeast Texas Bird Report, January 2013 by David Brotherton 


January -- the start of a new year and the end of Christmas Bird Count Season.  This report highlights the findings of two of the NETFO CBCs held during the period.  The Tenaha-Timpson count held on January 1 had 102 species.  While the Tyler CBC held on January 5th matched it’s 50 year high with 113.  Yea!  Between ebird and directly sent reports, of the 26 NETFO counties only Delta and Red River did not have any reports during the month.  Highlights include a Common Merganser a Palm Warbler and continuing sightings from previous months of Western Grebes, Rufous Hummingbird and Henslow’s Sparrow.  Thanks to all who sent in sightings.  

Few sightings of Snow Goose occurred during the period with one being found at Lake Murvaul in Panola county on the CBC (BE,ME).  The high count of 125 Snow Goose came from Navarro County on 1/7 (ebird WS).  Navarro County also hosted the high count of Ross’s Goose, when 100 were found there on 1/20 (LBl).  Four Canada Geese were one of the highlights on the Tyler CBC (PB,DHo,RR).  Canada Geese were found in several locations during the month with a max of 24 recorded at TXE in Harrison County on 1/10 (DB).   


A female Common Goldeneye found during the Tyler CBC at Pleasure Acres Lake was noteworthy (DB,LB,DS).  Perhaps the bird of the January CBC’s was a beautiful female Common Merganser photographed on the Tyler CBC (MB,DGh,DPi).  A total of 50 Hooded Mergansers were tallied on the Tenaha CBC (m.ob).   Only 6 Red-breasted Mergansers were seen in the area during the period, those were found at LTW in Van Zandt County on 1/23 (RK).  A total of 1657 Ruddy Duck’s were recorded on the Tenaha CBC (DB,LB).   Two observers on different dates 1/3 (ebird TF) and 1/18 (ebird DaJ) each recorded a high of 100 Horned Grebes at LOP in Marion County.   Up to three Western Grebes were once again observed throughout the month at LOP in Marion County.  Three birds were observed from Tejas Village on the 3rd (ebird TF), and the 6th (DB,LB) and two were found at Lakeside Marina on the 23rd (MD,BHe,JSt).  An amazing seven counties had records of Neotropic Cormorants during the month, with a high of 100 birds tallied at LTW in Van Zandt County on 1/23 (ebird RK).   One Neotropic Cormorant was a highlight for the Tyler CBC (PB,DHo,CRi).  Lake Wright Patman in Bowie County held their normal high for American White Pelican where 1000 were observed on 1/19 (ebird TDr).   


The only Snowy Egret recorded during the period was found at LTW State Park in Hunt County on 1/19 (ebird AM).  Two Cattle Egrets were found in Van Zandt County on 1/7 (ebird RK).  An Osprey was observed on three consecutive days, on 1/10 at TXE in Harrison County (DB), on 1/11 at LFK in Wood County (SW), and on Lake Athens in Henderson County on 1/12 (LBl).  Okay it was probably not the same bird.  A Rough-legged Hawk was observed flying over Longview in Gregg County on 1/24 (LP).


Two different parties reported both a Virginia Rail and a Sora on the Tyler CBC.  One each was found at Bellwood Lake (PB,DHo,CRi), while a second set was found at Pleasant Acres Lake (DB,LB,DS).  Four Soras and two Virginia Rails were also found at the Grand Saline Marsh in Van Zandt County on 1/18 (RK).


A Spotted Sandpiper was found at Lake Tyler on 1/3 and 1/5 (ebird LBl).  Another Spotted Sandpiper was recorded in Rusk County on 1/18 (TWe), and one was found at LWP in Bowie County on 1/19 (TDr).  Greater Yellowlegs were recorded in 10 different counties during the period, with a max of six found in Hunt County on 1/7 (ebird RK).  The only Lesser Yellowlegs recorded in the area during period were found in Navarro County on 1/16 (LLa).   Least Sandpipers were noted in 8 different counties with a max of 150 at LTW in Rains County on 1/23 (ebird RK).   A dozen American Woodcocks were tallied on the Tenaha CBC in Panola County (DB,LB,DW) and another American Woodcock was found on the Tyler CBC (BS,DnW).  While an additional American Woodcock was flushed in Henderson County on 1/12 (DC,DL).


The peak number of 165 Bonaparte’s Gulls were noted at LTW State Park in Hunt County on 1/19 (ebird AM).  Three different observers noted a Franklin’s Gull at LTW on 1/13.  Two observed a bird in Van Zandt County (ebird CaF,RK), while the other observer noted one in Hunt County on the same day (ebird GB).  Lake Tyler held the peak number of 600 Ring-billed Gulls during the period on 1/27 (PB).  A wow of 14 Herring Gulls were noted at LOP in Marion County on 1/23 (MD,BHe,JSt).  Two Herring Gulls found on the Tenaha CBC were very noteworthy (BE,ME).  Lake Wright Patman in Bowie County hosted the max of 350 Forster’s Terns on 1/10 (ebird SCl).


The eastern most White-winged Dove recorded during the period was in Canton in Van Zandt County on 1/8 (ebird DOh).  Three Greater Roadrunners were noted on the Tyler CBC (m.ob). while one was found on the Tenaha CBC (DW).  Two other Greater Roadrunners were noted at LFK in Wood County on 1/24 (ebird JCk), while another was found at LTW in Van Zandt County on 1/23 (ebird RK). Only 18 Eastern Screech-owls were tallied on the Tenaha CBC (10 year low!) (DB,LB,DW).  Tyler CBC had a new high on Great Horned Owls when 11 were recorded (m.ob).    The Rusk County Rufous Hummingbird still is being seen at the residence in Kilgore (PH).  Tyler CBC had an amazing four species of woodpeckers at all-time high numbers, Red-headed (31), Red-bellied (165), Downy (90) and Pileated (35).


No Crested Caracara were observed east or north of LTW this month.  The only Merlin noted during the month was at LOP in Marion County on 1/23 (MD,BHe,JSt).  The only White-eyed Vireo reported was found in Smith County on 1/5 (JCk).  Red-breasted Nuthatches continue to be everywhere, they were located in ten different counties during the period.   While 41 White-breasted Nuthatches were an all-time high for the Tyler CBC (m.ob).   Two Sedge Wrens were noted on the Tenaha CBC in Panola County (DB,LB), four were noted on the Tyler CBC (DB,LB,LBl), while two other Sedge Wrens were noted at the Grand Saline Marsh in Van Zandt County on 1/18 (ebird RK).   An all time high of six Marsh Wren were noted on the Tyler CBC (PB et al), while another two were noted at the Grand Saline Marsh on 1/18 (ebird RK).   A Bewick’s Wren was a highlight on the Tyler CBC (PB,DHo,CRi).  While the only Blue-gray Gnatcatcher reported was found on the Tenaha CBC (DB,LB).


Three swallow sp were a highlight of the Tenaha CBC, flying over the raft of Ruddy Ducks on Lake Murvaul, unfortunately too far and too gray skies to identify to species (DB,LB).   LTW Rains county had two sightings of Lapland Longspurs, 12 on 1/2 and 18 on 1/7 (ebird RK).  Three different observers noted up to 8 Smith’s Longspurs on 1/13 at LTW Rains county (ebird GB,MCm,CaF).  The only Common Yellowthroat reported during the period was found at the Grand Saline Marsh on 1/18 (ebird RK).  A Palm Warbler was found in Henderson County on 1/24 (JBo).


Spotted Towhees continued to be a little more common this winter season, with one being found on the Tyler CBC (DB,LB,DS), two were at Tyler State Park on 1/3 (ebird BS).  One was at Pleasure Acres Lake on 1/26 (PB,JCk), and two Spotted Towhees were noted on Oney Road in Harrison County on 1/18 (ebird DaJ).  Lark Sparrows were almost abundant on the Tyler CBC with three different parties reporting a total of 9 birds.  A Grasshopper Sparrow was noted on two occasions on Oney Road in Harrison County, once on 1/11 (MDu), and the other on 1/18 (DaJ).  Oney Road, the location of where the Henslow’s Sparrow was found on the LOP CBC in December had two other sightings of the bird.   A Henslow’s Sparrow was found at this location on 1/1 (PB,CRi) and also on 1/10 (MDu).  These same observers found Le Conte’s Sparrows at this same location two on 1/1 (PB,CRi) and 6 on 1/11 (MDu).  The Tyler CBC had two parties bring in a total of three Le Conte’s Sparrows (PB,CRi,DS).  LTW in Van Zandt County also hosted three Le Conte’s Sparrows on 1/23 (ebird RK).  Harris’s Sparrows a winter favorite of mine, were found in several locations during the month with a high of 16 recorded in Henderson County on 1/13 (ebird DC,DL).  Six Western Meadowlarks were a highlight for the Tyler CBC (LP).  Another four Western Meadowlarks noted in Smith County on 1/21 (PB), these were the only Western Meadowlarks recorded during the period east of LTW.  Pine Siskins were recorded in several locations during the period with a reported high of 40 found in Morris County on 1/30 (LB).  Purple Finch on the other hand were more sporadic, a total of six were recorded on the Tyler CBC by three parties.  The only other location reporting Purple Finch were two noted at a residence in Cass County on 1/14 (RB).


Locations and Counties:


Bowie Co.:  Lake Wright Patman

Cass Co.

Gregg Co.:  Longview

Harrison Co.:  TXE - Texas Eastman

Henderson Co.: 

Hunt Co.:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni State Park

Marion Co.:  LOP - Lake O Pines, Tejas Village, Lakeside Park

Morris Co.:

Navarro Co.: 

Panola Co.: Lake Murvaul

Rains Co.: LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Rusk Co.: Kilgore

Smith Co.: Tyler State Park, Lake Tyler, Bellwood Lake, Pleasant Acres Lake

Van Zandt Co.: Canton, LTW - Lake Tawakoni, Grand Saline Marsh

Wood Co.:  LFK - Lake Fork




PB       Peter Barnes
LBl      Linda Belssner

RB       Ray Berry
MB      Mike Bloodsworth
JBo      Jim Booker
GB       Gailon Brehm
DB       David Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton
MCm   Mike Cameron
SCl      Steve Collins
JCk      Janet Cook
DC       D.D. Currie
MD      Mike Dillon
TDr      Ded Drozdowski

MDu   Michael Dupree
BE      Bonnie Edmund
ME     Mark Edmund
TF      Tim Fennell
CaF    Caleb Frome
DGh    Doug Ghrist   
PH      Peggy Harding
BHe    Billy Heldt
DHo    Dave Holdermann
DaJ      Dan Jones
RK      Richard Kinney
LLa      Lynn Lasswell
DL       Dell Little
AM     Art MacKinnon

DOh   Dale Ohl
DPi    Danny Pickens
LP      Linda Gail Price
CRi    Clayton Rickett
BS      Boyd Sanders
DS     Dennis Scott
WS    Wilbur Stewart
JSt      Joe Stuckey
DW    David Weaver
DnW   Daniel Weaver
TWe   Terri Wegner
SW     Sandra Wright
et al.    and others
m.ob    many observers


For You Ebirders:


Smith and Van Zandt counties were the first to tally over 100 species for the year, Smith is at 119 and Van Zandt is at 112.  The county that has the most species ever during February is Hunt with 165 species.  The counties with the lowest numbers in February would be Red River with 42, Cherokee with 45 and Camp with 51.   Good Birding!



Northeast Texas Bird Report, December 2012 by David Brotherton 


December, Christmas Bird Count Season!  Yes!  The results of four CBC’s are included in this report.  Caddo had it’s “Warm-up” count with 99 species being reported on December 1.  Lake O’ Pines had 111 on December 15th.  Longview had 106 on December 22nd, and Lake Tawakoni had 135 on December 29th.  Between ebird and directly sent reports of the 26 NETFO counties, only Fannin, Delta and Freestone did not have any reports during the month.  Some highlights include Prairie Falcon, Lesser-Black Backed Gull, Pacific Loon, Western Grebes, Rufous Hummingbird and Say’s Phoebe.  Thanks to all who sent in sightings.  And thanks to everyone for your patience!


A high of 28 Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks were found in Van Zandt County on 12/1 (ebird PB, RK).  The high geese numbers were reported from Navarro County on 11/3, Greater White-fronted Geese 40, Snow Goose 80 and Ross’s Goose 30 (ebird LL).  Seven Cackling Geese were reported from Lake Gibbons in Lamar County on 12/18 (ebird JM).  


There were three reports of Blue-winged Teal during the period, one at LBS in Titus County on 12/12, and ten in Panola County on 12/30 (LP).  Two were also reported on the Longview CBC in Gregg County on 12/22 (BM).  The high of 72 for Common Goldeneye during the period was found LTW in Rains County during the CBC (GC,RK,DMo).  The low water level on LOP may have affected the unusual low numbers for the LOP CBC.   The high for Hooded Mergansers were 25 found just into Red River County on Hwy 271 on 12/24 (DB,LB).  Red-breasted Mergansers do not seem to be very common this season.  A high of four were recorded at LTW in Van Zandt County on 12/1 (PB).  Surprisingly, Longview had one on the CBC in Gregg County (BC,PH).  


Two Northern Bobwhites were found at North Shore Marina in Navarro County on 12/2 (ebird DRi).  Six Wild Turkeys were found on the LTW CBC in Van Zandt county (RK).  The Pacific Loon was refound at LTW throughout the month in both Van Zandt and Hunt County, but not on the CBC.  A Pacific Loon was also found at LOP in Marion County on the CBC (DG,JMa).  639 Horned Grebes were found on the LOP CBC Marion County on 12/15 with most rafting in the evening at Alley Creek (m.ob).  The only Eared Grebes reported were found at LBS on 12/21 when two were observed (DB).  Up to three Western Grebes were observed and photographed at Tejas Village on LOP in Marion County on 12/14 (DB), and were  found on the CBC on 12/15 (WB,HK) and found again by others (m.ob) and still being seen till at least 12/22 at Lakeside Park (MD).  A Neotropic Cormorant, rarer in the eastern portion of NETFO, was found on 12/19 at TXE (DB,ME), and relocated on the Longview CBC on 12/22 (DB,LB).  While a record high of 34 Neotropic Cormorants were found on the LTW CBC.  Probably due to the many sandbars available American White Pelicans were reported in record numbers on both the LOP (961) and Longview (332) CBCs (m.ob).  


The bird of the day on the 12/1 Caddo “Warm-up” count on the Texas side was a Tricolored Heron found at Crip’s Camp in Harrison County (DJ,DM).  Second bird of the day was at least eight White Ibis also in Harrison County (m.ob).  Two lingering Cattle Egrets were found on the LTW CBC (RK et al)


Ospreys were seen at LTW and TXE during the month (m.ob) but three found on the LOP CBC in Marion county were the max (DG,JMa). All-time highs of seven Bald Eagle’s were reported on the Longview CBC, and 13 on the LTW CBC. Two Virginia Rails and four Soras were tallied at the Grand Saline Marsh in Van Zandt county on 12/29 (RK).  


A first-ever for the LOP CBC, an American Avocet was found at the Hwy 155 bridge in Upshur County (CBe,RB) while another individual was tallied at Lake Halbert Park in Navarro County on 12/30 (ebird DRi). A record total number of Greater Yellowlegs 43, Killdeer 241 were found on the Longview CBC.  While LOP CBC also had record number of Greater Yellowlegs 23, and Least Sandpipers 70.   At least six locations had Long-billed Dowitchers during the month with a max of 68 in Quinlan in Hunt County on 12/29 (ebird RK).  The max for Wilson’s Snipe was at Lake Tyler East in Smith County of 21 birds found on 12/16 (MB).  An American Woodcock was found in Smith County on 12/14 (MB).  Two American Woodcocks were found on both the Longview (Gregg County DW - Harrison County DB,LB) and LOP CBCs (Marion County LB,DW).  While three American Woodcocks were kicked up in Henderson County on 12/26 (DL).  


LBS in Titus County appears to be hosting the most Ring-billed Gulls in the area as 1200 were tallied on 12/26 (DB).  For the 2nd time in 24 years a Herring Gull was recorded on the Longview CBC at TXE (DB,LB).  The Lesser Black-backed Gull at LTW was re-found throughout the month in Van Zandt County and on the CBC (PB,BCa,RK).  A Franklin’s Gull was found on 12/26 at Lake Tyler in Smith County (PB).  One Franklin’s Gull was at LTW in Hunt County on 12/2 (ebird RK), and two were found there on 12/29 (ebird JCh,BT).


The max of White-winged Doves reported during the period was 20 found at Lake Trinidad in Henderson County on 12/8 (PB,JCk).  A total of five Greater Roadrunners were reported during the period with one found on the Longview CBC (DW).   Thirty-five Eastern Screech Owls were tallied on the LOP CBC, and 20 were totaled on the Longview CBC.   Two Barn Owls were found in Van Zandt County for the LTW CBC (RK et al).  The Rufous Hummingbird in Kilgore was present all month and allowed several visitors to photograph it (PH et al).   Another Rufous Hummingbird showed up at a birder’s house for some beautiful photographs at Lake Fork in Wood County starting on 12/13 (JCk).  On 12/3 the same house hosted a Ruby-throated Hummingbird! (JCk).  My feeder has nothing.


A Crested Caracara was observed in Hopkins County on 12/6 (MW).  A peak of five Crested Caracaras were found at LTW in Van Zandt County on 12/29 (ebird RK).  A Merlin was found on the LOP CBC in Marion County (WB,HK), while another was found in Van Zandt County on 12/29 (ebird RK).  A Prairie Falcon was found in Navarro County on 12/8 (PB), and another was found and photographed on the LTW CBC in Rains County (RK).


The Say’s Phoebe originally found in October at LOP in Upshur County stuck around to participate in the LOP CBC (CBe,RB,DB,LB).  A late Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was found near Edgewood in Van Zandt County on 12/4 (ebird RK).  Fish Crows were reported on both Longview and LOP CBC.  An impressive total of fifty Fish Crows were noted at TXE in Harrison County on 12/18 (DB,ME).  While two Fish Crows were reported in Lamar County on 12/19 (ebird JM).  


Five Cave Swallows were found on LTW CBC (RK et al).  At least 13 counties reported Red-breasted Nuthatches during the month.   The LOP CBC totaled 16 of the birds.  Possibly the biggest “miss” of the Longview CBC was that no Red-breasted Nuthatches were found. A Sedge Wren was reported at LTW in Van Zandt County on 12/8 (ebird JR), while two were noted at the Grand Saline Marsh in Van Zandt County along with four Marsh Wrens on 12/29 (RK). .  


The only 3 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were observed in Panola County on 12/30 (LP).  The only two Gray Catbirds reported during the period were found by two different parties on the LOP CBC (WBo,HK,DW).   An impressive (I’m envious) three Sprague’s Pipits were reported on the LTW CBC (GC,RK,DMo).   Can you imagine my envy when a dozen were reported at Lake Richland Chambers in Navarro County on 12/2 (ebird DRi). The only Longspurs noted during the period were at LTW, with 65 Lapland Longspurs and 57 Smith Longspurs being tallied on the CBC in Rains County (GC,RK,DMo).  Common Yellowthroats were recorded in Gregg County on 12/6 (LP), Lake Trinidad in Henderson County on 12/8 (PB,JCk), Bellwood Lake in Smith County on 12/23 (PB), and two were recorded at the Grand Saline Marsh in Van Zandt County on 12/29 (RK).  My favorite “possible” winter-warbler a Palm Warbler was reported at LTW in Rains County on 12/29 (ebird JCh,BT).  


At least in my opinion, Spotted Towhees were found a little more common this season in the eastern side of the NETFO area.  Spotted Towhees were found at Tyler State Park on 12/14 (BS), and two on the LOP CBC in Harrison County (DB,LB), and three on the Longview CBC (DB,LB).  A bird I have never found in the winter, secretive Grasshopper Sparrows were found in Lamar County on 12/19 (ebird JM), photographed on the LTW CBC in Van Zandt County on 12/29 (RK et al), and in Smith County on 12/30 (PB).  Two different sightings of Henslow’s Sparrows were found on the LOP CBC.  One was found at the Hwy 155 Marina in Upshur County (RB) and three others were found (two were photographed) in Harrison County (DB,LB).  Two of the birds found in Harrison County were relocated and photographed on 12/17 (BM).  On 12/19 a Henslow’s Sparrow was found in Lamar County, in another location the next day another Henslow’s Sparrow was found both (ebird JM). A Lark Sparrow was found on the LTW CBC in Van Zandt County (RK).   


Rusty Blackbirds were reported in several locations during the month with a high of 50 reported at Camp Tyler in Smith County on 12/11 (PB).  The most Brewer’s Blackbirds were ten found in Franklin County on 12/26 (LP). Vying for the eastern most Western Meadowlarks found during the month were eight found in Smith County on 12/24 (PB), and one on the same day in Red River County (DB,LB).    Few reports of Purple Finches were noted during the month with sightings in only 3 counties with a max of six at a residence in Smith County (ebird MB).  Pine Siskins on the other hand were found in over a dozen counties with a peak of 30 reported near Corsicana in Navarro County (ebird WS).


Locations and Counties:


Franklin Co.:

Gregg Co.:  Longview

Harrison Co.:  Crip’s Camp, TXE - Texas Eastman

Henderson Co.:  Lake Trinidad

Hopkins Co.:

Hunt Co.:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni, Lake Tawakoni State Park, Quinlan

Lamar Co.:  Lake Gibbons

Marion Co.:  LOP - Lake O Pines, Alley Creek, Tejas Village, Lakeside Park

Navarro Co.:  Lake Halbert Park, North Shore Marina, Lake Richland Chambers, Corsicana

Panola Co.:

Rains Co.:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Red River Co.:

Rusk Co.:  Kilgore

Smith Co.:  Tyler State Park, Lake Tyler East, Bellwood Lake, Camp Tyler

Titus Co.:  LBS - Lake Bob Sandlin

Upshur Co.:  LOP - Lake O Pines, Hwy 155 Bridge

Van Zandt Co.:  Edgewood, LTW - Lake Tawakoni, Grand Saline Marsh

Wood Co.:  LFK - Lake Fork




PB       Peter Barnes

CBe     Carole Berry
RB       Ray Berry
MB      Mike Bloodsworth
WB      Wanda Bosmans
DB       David Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton
BC       Barbara Cavin
BCa     Blaine Carnes
JCh      Juli Chamberlin
GC      Greg Cook
JCk      Janet Cook

MD     Mike Dillon
ME     Mark Edmund
DG     Dana Green   
PH      Peggy Harding
DJ       Diane Jones
HK      Happy King
RK      Richard Kinney
LL       Lynn Lasswell
DL       Dell Little
JMa     Jan Maitland
JM       Jake McCumber
BM      Bob Metzler

DM    Dorothy Metzler
DMo  Darlene Moore    
LP      Linda Gail Price
DRi     Donna Rizos
BS       Boyd Sanders
WS     Wilbur Stewart
BT       Bob Toleno
DW     David Weaver
MW    Matt White
et al.    and others
m.ob    many observers


For You Ebirders:


For 2012 Van Zandt ended up with 223 species, the most of any NETFO county.  Smith was 2nd with 219 species.  Other counties reaching the 200 level were Rains (212), Henderson (203) and Hunt (202). The lowest three for the year are Hopkins with 104,  Red River with 105, and Delta with 106.   The county that has the most species ever during January is Van Zandt with 180 species.  What counties could use some birders in January?  The counties with the least species ever in January are Hopkins with 67, Red River with 69 and Cherokee with 77.  Good Birding!



Northeast Texas Bird Report, November 2012 by David Brotherton 

November!  Between ebird and directly sent reports of the 26 NETFO counties, 19 were birded.  Some highlights include Couch’s Kingbird, Sandhill Cranes, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Pacific Loon, Cackling Geese, Rufous Hummingbird and Say’s Phoebe. Thanks to all who sent in sightings. Here’s the report for November. 

A high of 80 Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks were found in Edgewood in Van Zandt County on 11/16 (ebird RK).  The max of Greater White-fronted Geese was 35 in Navarro County on 11/3 (ebird MSa).  I was surprised by the few Snow Goose reports.  The max was 150 at Lake Fork in Wood County on 11/5 (ebird JCk).    Single Ross’s Geese were reported at LTW in Rains County on 11/15 (ebird RK), another was found in the same county on 11/17 (ebird BCa,DMo) and another single was found in the Van Zandt portion of LTW on 11/18 (ebird CHa,DHa).  Three Cackling Geese, rare for the NETFO area were reported in Van Zandt County on 11/1 (ebird RK).  


At the beginning of the month large groups of waterfowl were passing through the area.  The max for the state for 2012 (as recorded in ebird) was 1300 Gadwall at LTW in Rains County on 11/1 (ebird RK).  One thousand Green-winged Teal were also observed on 11/1 at LTW, Rains County (ebird RK). Two hundred Northern Pintails were observed at Lake Trinidad on 11/11 (PB).  A pair of Blue-winged Teals were noted at LOP in Upshur County on 11/11 (PH), and a lone one was found at LTW State Park in Hunt County on 11/13 (ebird MP).   A Cinnamon Teal was found at LOP in Upshur County on 11/10 (PB,WB,DB,PH).  The first of the fall Common Goldeneye was reported at LOP in Marion County on 11/10 (PB,WB,DB,PH).  The first of the fall Red-breasted Mergansers were reported from LWP in Bowie County on 11/3 (ebird CP).  Though the maximum of 50 Red-breasted Mergansers were reported from LTW in Van Zandt County on 11/12 (ebird RK).  


Twelve Northern Bobwhites were found at Lake Halbert Park in Navarro County on 11/23 (ebird DRi).  And a single Northern Bobwhite was found in Upshur County on 11/29 (LP).  A dozen Sandhill Cranes were heard and seen flying over Longview on 11/12 (LP).  One observer had three different sightings of Wild Turkeys in Van Zandt county (he could have shared).  Sightings were two near Edgewood on 11/16 and four at Wills Point on 11/19 and two at Wills Point on 11/20 (ebird RK).  A Pacific Loon was found at LTW in Van Zandt County on 11/17 (ebird BCa,DMo) and one was still being reported there as of 11/26 (ebird CWi).  The same bird possibly was seen on the Rains side of the lake on 11/17 (ebird DMo).  A Western Grebe was observed at Atlanta State Park on 11/4 (ebird LG,KH).  A wow number of 75,000 Double-crested Cormorants were reported from LTW in Hunt County on 11/15 (ebird RK).  This is the high for Texas in 2012 as reported in ebird.   American White Pelicans returned to wintering areas in good numbers, the max was 1404 noted at Atlanta State Park on 11/4 (ebird LG,KH).


A Sharp-shinned Hawk paid a prolonged visit to a local observer’s house in Smith County on Thanksgiving day.  Do you think it was hoping for some turkey? (ABu).  A Swainson’s Hawk was reported from Van Zandt County on 11/18 (ebird CHa,DHa).  A Sora was found at Lake Trinidad in Henderson County on 11/11 (PB).  A dozen Black-bellied Plovers were found at LTW in Rains County on 11/1. While a total of three birds were found in two locations in Van Zandt County on the same day.  And one was noted at LTW in Van Zandt County on 11/6.  All observations (ebird RK).   A Snowy Plover was noted four different dates at LTW in Rains County from 11/1 through 11/10 (ebird RK,CR).  On 11/1 350 Killdeer were tallied at LTW in Rains County (ebird RK).  This is the max number of Killdeer as reported this year in Texas according to ebird.  A pair of American Avocets were noted at Lake Trinidad in Henderson County on 11/11 (PB).  While five American Avocets were noted in Hunt County on 11/23 (ebird WW).    Six different counties had Lesser Yellowlegs reports, with a maximum of two at a pair of locations.  Two at LWP in Cass County on 11/4 (ebird LG,KH) and two at Lake Trinidad on 11/11 (PB).  Western Sandpipers and Dunlin were noted on several dates around LTW during the month with a max of 14 Western Sandpipers and a dozen Dunlin in Rains County on 11/15 (ebird CR).  An additional Dunlin was reported from Smith County on 11/10 (ebird WM).  A Solitary Sandpiper was noted at LOP in Upshur County on 11/10 (PB,WB,DB,PH).  A Stilt Sandpiper was at LTW in Rains County on 11/6 (ebird RK).  Long-billed Dowitchers were reported from five counties with a max of 125 seen at LTW in Rains County on 11/1 (ebird RK).  The first of the fall American Woodcock was noted on 11/20 in Gregg County (ebird MSa).


The max and first of the fall Bonaparte’s Gulls were noted on 11/2 when fifty wee tallied at LWP in Cass County (ebird CFr).  Franklin’s Gulls were noted on several occasions and places on LTW during the month with a max of 7000 on 11/5 (ebird CR).  Other sightings of Franklin’s Gulls were noted at LOP in Marion County with 10 on 11/10 (PB,WB,DB,PH), and one at Cooper Lake in Delta County on 11/22 (DB).   The Lesser Black-backed Gull at LTW was noted three times in Van Zandt County with a last date of 11/11 (ebird RK).   Thirty-two Herring Gulls were noted at LTW in Van Zandt County on 11/6 (ebird RK).  A late Caspian Tern was noted at LWP in Bowie County on 11/3 (ebird CP).


White-winged Doves were reported in four counties with a max of 18 in Sulphur Springs on 11/22 (DB).  A Greater Roadrunner was noted in Harrison County on 11/21 (LP) and one was at Cooper Lake State Park in Delta County on 11/22 (DB).  The NETFO annual owl prowl on 11/10 produced six Eastern Screech-Owls and two Barred Owls in Marion County (m.ob.  27 to be exact).  A Barn Owl woke up a birder at his house “screaming” outside the window at 3AM in Smith County on 11/22 (BS).  A male Rufous Hummingbird showed up at a feeder in Rusk County on 11/24 (PH).   Put those feeders back out!


 As far as I could find, a first-ever documented sighting of a Crested Caracara occurred in Lamar County on 11/2 (MW).  Several sightings of Crested Caracaras were observed in Van Zandt and Rains Counties with a max of three in Rains County on 11/15 (ebird RK).  Another Crested Caracara was in Henderson County on 11/11 (PB), and yet another was found in Navarro County on 11/9 (ebird WS).


The Say’s Phoebe found last month at LOP in Upshur County was seen several times during the month with the last date being 11/30 (m.ob).  A Couch’s Kingbird was heard, seen and photographed at LOP in Upshur County on 11/11 (DB,LB).  The last Scissor-tailed Flycatcher noted was on 11/11 at LTW in Rains County (ebird RK).  Fish Crows were reported in five different counties during the period with a max of four noted at LOP in Marion County on 11/17 (ebird CFe).  Four of the counties Bowie, Upshur, Marion and Harrison have traditional reports but one from Smith County at Pleasure Acres Lake was especially noteworthy on 11/2 (ebird MB).  


Three Horned Larks were the first of the fall reported in Bowie County on 11/22 (LP).  11/17 was the last noted date of Barn Swallow at LTW in both Van Zandt and Rains County (ebird BCa,DMo).  LTW in Van Zandt County also hosted the last pair of Tree Swallows on 11/17 (ebird BCa,DMo).  A late Cliff Swallow was still at LTW in Van Zandt County on 11/20 (ebird RK).   A gross error on my part omitted an outstanding sighting of 200 Cave Swallows going to roost in Campbell in Hunt County on 9/8 (MW).  While two Cave Swallows were at LTW in Rains County on 11/10 (ebird RK). 


Always a pleasure to see, Red-breasted Nuthatches were reported from 13 counties during the month!  Three even paused long enough to get banded in Marion County on 11/24 (JI).   Winter Wrens were observed at several locations during the month, but a pair of “singing” wrens in November caught an observer's attention in Cherokee County on 11/20 (CS).   Sedge Wrens were in Smith County on 11/20.  One was seen at Pleasure Acres Lake (PB), and one was observed in Whitehouse (ebird JHu).  Marsh Wrens were recorded in five different counties during the period.  No Bewick’s Wren was reported east of LTW.  


A pair of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were observed at LTW in Van Zandt County on 11/1 (RK) and another one was found at Lake Sulphur Springs on 11/22 (DB).  The sole Gray Catbird reported was found at Pleasure Acres Lake on 11/6 (ebird MB).  Single Sprague’s Pipits were reported from LTW in Hunt and Van Zandt County on 11/1 (ebird RK), and in Rains County on 11/5 (ebird CR) and 11/6 (ebird RK).  It seemed late to me, but the first of the fall Cedar Waxwings were found in Kilgore, Rusk County on 11/13 (PH).  A pair of Common Yellowthroats were observed at LTW State Park on 11/1 (ebird RK).


A Spotted Towhee was noted several times during the month at Tyler State Park (ebird BS).  Another Spotted Towhee was found in Smith County on 11/4 (PB).  The only other Spotted Towhee recorded in the NETFO area was found on a field trip to Hawkins in Wood County on 11/3 (m.ob).  Lark Sparrows were noted in Smith County on 11/10 (ebird WM), Henderson County on 11/17 (ebird JCk) and at Wills Point in Van Zandt County on 11/19 and 11/20 (ebird RK).  A large flock of 100 White-crowned Sparrows were discovered on a county road in Bowie County on 11/22 (LP). Rusty Blackbirds appeared to have shown up on 11/24, when eight were recorded in Marion County (JI), thirty were at Pleasure Acres Lake on the same date (PB).  (FYI the most Rusty Blackbirds reported in Texas this year were recorded at Pleasure Acres Lake in January!).  The first of the fall Brewer’s Blackbirds also turned out to be the maximum also when 800 were noted at LFK in Wood County on 11/5 (ebird JCk).  Pine Siskins were reported from five different counties with a max of 45 at LTW in Van Zandt County on 11/6 (ebird RK).  The first of the fall Purple Finches were recorded at Tyler State Park when four showed up on 11/15 (BS).


Locations and Counties:


Bowie Co.:  LWP - Lake Wright Patman

Cass Co.:  Atlanta State Park, LWP - Lake Wright Patman

Cherokee Co.: 

Delta Co.:  Cooper Lake

Gregg Co.:  Longview

Harrison Co.:  TXE - Texas Eastman

Henderson Co.:  Lake Trinidad

Hopkins Co.:  Sulphur Springs, Lake Sulphur Springs

Hunt Co.:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni, Lake Tawakoni State Park

Lamar Co.: 

Marion Co.:  LOP - Lake O' the Pines

Navarro Co.:  Lake Halbert Park

Rains Co.:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Rusk Co.:  Kilgore

Smith Co.:  Pleasure Acre Lake, Tyler State Park

Upshur Co.:  LOP - Lake O Pines

Van Zandt Co.:  Edgewood, Wills Point, LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Wood Co.:  Hawkins, LFK - Lake Fork




PB       Peter Barnes

MB      Mike Bloodsworth
WB      Wanda Bosmans
DB       David Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton
ABu     Ann Bush
BC       Barbara Cavin
BCa     Blaine Carnes
JCk      Janet Cook
CFe     Carol Ferguson
CFr      Cindy Franklin

DGh     Doug Ghrist
LG       Lenore Gifford
PH       Peggy Harding
CHa     Chris Harvey
DHa     Daniel Harvey
KH      Karen Holliday
RK      Richard Kinney
WM    William McFadden
DMo    Darlene Moore
MP      Michael Pease
LP       Linda Gail Price

CP      Craig Provost
DRi     Donna Rizos
CR      Chris Runk
BS       Boyd Sanders
MSa    Mike Sanders
CS      Cliff Shackelford
WS     Wilbur Stewart
MW    Matt White
CWi    Catherine Winans
WW    William Woodfin
m.ob    many observers


For You Ebirders:


For 2012 the NETFO county with the most birds is still Smith with 217 species seen during the year; but closing is Van Zandt with 216 with one month left.  A goal of mine, for the third year in a row all NETFO counties have recorded at least 100 species.  The lowest three for the year are Red River with 101, Hopkins with 104,  and Delta with 106.   The County that has the most species ever during December is Hunt with 181 species.  What counties could use some birders in December,  the counties with the least species ever in December are Bowie with 55, Hopkins with 69 and Cherokee with 71.



Northeast Texas Bird Report, October 2012 by David Brotherton 


Old summer friends leave.  New winter friends arrive.  Must be October!  Between eBird and directly sent reports of the 26 NETFO counties, 18 were birded.  Highlights include Lesser-Black Backed Gull, White-tailed Kite, Say’s Phoebe and Clay-colored Sparrow.  Thanks to all who sent in sightings.  Thanks to Mike Dillon for coaching me on standardizing my abbreviations.  Thanks to Luanne for patience.  Here’s the report for October.


A high of 66 Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks were tallied at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/22 (ebird RK).  The first Greater White-fronted Goose was recorded on 10/11 near Pittsburg in Camp Co. (LB).   

A strange sight. The storm that hit during the wee hours of 10/26 deposited over 350 geese in a residential neighborhood in Naples in Morris Co.  In the early morning darkness, son John had to be careful not to back his car out and hit Snow Geese walking through his yard and across his driveway. (JB). 


First of the fall American Wigeon were noted on 10/16 at Tyler State Park (BS).  A Cinnamon Teal was recorded at Lake Halbert Park in Navarro Co. on 10/5 (ebird DRi).  The first of the fall Redheads were noted at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/22 (ebird RK). First of the fall Ring-necked Ducks were found in Van Zandt Co. on 10/21 (ebird RK).  The first Lesser Scaups were noted at Lake Halbert Park on 10/13 (ebird DRi).  Four Northern Bobwhites were noted at Lake Halbert Park on 10/20 (ebird DRi). Tyler State Park hosted six Eared Grebes on 10/18 (BS)  The first of the fall Horned Grebes, a total of four, were found at Lake Gilmer on 10/27 (DB,LB).  


The only Anhingas  noted during the period were when four were found at Daingerfield State Park in Morris Co. on 10/8 (ebird JFi).  A max of 450 American White Pelicans were noted at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/15 (ebird CR).   Maybe the last of the summer Little Blue Heron was noted in Panola Co. on 10/3 (LP).  The only ebird Green Heron noted during the month was found at Tyler State Park on 10/12 (BS).  Six White-faced Ibis were noted at the Fish Hatchery in Henderson Co. on 10/13 (ebird LBl), while three were recorded in Navarro Co. on 10/15 (ebird MSt).  A single White-faced Ibis was found at Coon Creek Club in Henderson Co. on 10/27 (BJo).  A Roseate Spoonbill visited LOP at Lakeside Park on 10/6 (PB), and was found at the same location on 10/14 (BE,ME).  Presumably another Roseate Spoonbill was noted at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/22 (ebird RK). 


A White-tailed Kite, a not-as-common-as-we-wish species, was found at Pleasant Acres Lake in Smith Co. on 10/12 (MB).  A rather late Mississippi Kite was noted on 10/6 at Lake Fork (JCk).  A group of 600 raptors were observed and photographed swarming/kettling in Panola Co. on 10/2.  For those identified to species, 100 were identified as Broad-winged Hawks (LP).  The only Swainson’s Hawks noted in the area were found in Navarro Co., one on 10/12 (ebird DRi), the other on 10/15 (ebird MSt). 


A Sora like last month was noted at Pleasant Acre Lake on several dates during the month (PB,MB).  A couple of Common Gallinules were found at Coon Creek Club on 10/27 (DC,DL).  A Black-bellied Plover was noted at Lake Richland Chambers in Navarro Co. on 10/15 and another was found at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/22 (ebird DRi, RK).  Twenty American Golden-Plovers were found at LTW in Van Zandt Co. on 10/15 (ebird RK), while a single American Golden-Plover was noted at Lake Halbert Park on 10/12 (DRi).  A Snowy Plover and a Semipalmated Plover were found at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/22 (ebird RK).  The Snowy Plover was found again on 10/29 (ebird CR).  A total of 36 American Avocets were observed at Cooper Lake on 10/21, 23 on the Hopkins Co. side of the lake and 13 on the Delta Co. side (DB).  A single American Avocet was noted at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/22 and 10/23 (ebird RK, CR).  A solitary Solitary Sandpiper sighting was noted during the month in Titus Co. on 10/2 (ebird JCu).  Four Upland Sandpipers were found at Lake Halbert Park in Navarro Co. on 10/20 (ebird DRi).  The only pair of  Pectoral Sandpipers were noted at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/22 (RK).  Seven Stilt Sandpipers were tallied at Cooper Lake in Hopkins Count on 10/21 (DB).  A max of 70 Long-billed Dowitchers were reported during the period found at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/23 (ebird CR).  


Franklin Gulls were found at several places with maximums of 330 at LTW in Rains Co. on 10/23 (ebird CR), 380 were at LBS in Titus Co. on 10/28 and 1,500 were tallied at Cooper Lake in Delta Co. on the same date (DB).  The first of the fall Herring Gull was noted at Cooper Lake in Delta Co. on 10/21 (DB).  Presumably the same Lesser Black-backed Gull  reported last month was found on LTW in Van Zandt Co. on 10/22 (ebird RK).  Up to four Caspian Terns were tallied at LOP in Marion Co. on 10/6 and 10/7 (PB,DB,LB,DGh,JCk).  


White-winged Doves were noted in six different counties in the area during the month (m.ob).  One and then two Barn Owls were noted at Lake Richland Chambers on 10/5 and 10/19 (ebird DRi).   Common Nighthawks seemed sparse to this observer with only ebird reports in Wood Co., one on 10/4 (JCk) and eight in  Navarro Co. on 10/19 (DRi).  The last Chimney Swift was noted on 10/12 in Longview, Gregg Co. (LP) and the last Ruby-throated Hummingbird was recorded on 10/27 in Rusk Co. (PH).  On the flip side, the first Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was found on 10/3 in Panola Co. (LP).  Crested Caracaras were observed on 10/22 at LTW, three in Hunt Co., one in Rains Co. (ebird RK).  A single Merlin was reported at Tyler State Park on 10/18 (BS).  The lone Peregrine Falcon reported was found in Navarro Co. on 10/15 (ebird MSt).   An Alder/Willow Flycatcher was observed at Pleasant Acres on 10/14, while a pair of Least Flycatchers were observed at the same spot on 10/2 and a lone bird was found on 10/4 (MB).  A Say’s Phoebe was located and photographed on 10/27 at LOP in Upshur Co. at the Hwy 155 Marina (LB,DB) and relocated on 10/28 and 10/31 (LP).


A very late Yellow-throated Vireo was found on 10/27 at Coon Creek Club (RBg).  The first Blue-headed Vireo of the fall was found at Daingerfield State Park on 10/8 (JFi).  A pair of Cave Swallows were noted at LTW in Van Zandt Co. on 10/22 (RK).  While the last 40 Cliff Swallows reported came from Lake Fork on 10/10 (JCk).  Red-breasted Nuthatches were recorded in seven different NETFO counties during the month (m.ob).  The first Brown Creepers were noted in both Smith (BS) and Gregg Co. on 10/16 (LP).  The first Golden-crowned Kinglet was noted on 10/11 at Tyler State Park (BS).  The first of the fall Winter Wren was noted in Longview (LP) and at Tyler State Park (BS) on 10/12.  The first Sedge Wren was found in Navarro Co. on 10/15 (MSt).  Pleasant Acres Lake was the location for the first of fall Hermit Thrush observed on 10/11 (DGh).  While probably the last Wood Thrush was found at that same location on 10/2 (MB).  A Spraque’s Pipit was found on two sides of LTW on 10/22 Hunt and Rains Co. (ebird RK).  


For our winter resident warblers, 10/7 was the date for both our first Orange-crowned Warbler Pleasant Acres Lake (PB) and our first Yellow-rumped Warbler at Lake Fork in Wood Co. (JC).  Lingering summer resident warblers at least hung on till 10/11 for a pair of Black-and-White Warbler at Tyler State Park (BS).  The next day at the State Park a pair of Northern Parula Warblers were found (BS).  Another lingerer, a Yellow-throated Warbler was found at the Fish Hatchery in Henderson Co. on 10/13 (LBl).  On 10/14 a male American Redstart was found at Pleasant Acres Lake (MB), the female was a day behind in Longview (LP).   Only a couple of true “passing through” warbler migrants were identified.  Smith Co. hosted two sightings of Black-throated Green Warblers, one at Tyler State Park on 10/11 (BS) and another at Pleasant Acres Lake on 10/8 (MB).  The most common migrant warbler was Nashville Warbler with a total of 26 sightings (m.ob)  recorded in four different counties with a max of seven at Tyler State Park on 10/12 (BS).  With the last Nashville Warbler being spotted on 10/29 at Pleasure Acres Lake (MB).  Magnolia Warblers were noted at Tyler State Park on 10/16 and 10/18 (BS).  Tyler State Park hosted our first towhees, when a pair of Eastern Towhee were found on 10/18 and a Spotted Towhee was noted on 10/19 (BS).


A rare for eastern NETFO Clay-colored Sparrow was recorded on 10/6 in Upshur Co. (LP).   First dates for other fall sparrows are as follows:  Field Sparrow at Camp Tyler on 9/27 (PB). Vesper Sparrow in both Navarro and Gregg Co. on 10/15 (MSt,LP).  Savannah Sparrow at Pleasant Acres Lake on 10/12 (MB).  Fox Sparrow at Pleasant Acres Lake on 10/28 (PB).  Song Sparrow in Longview on 10/15 (LP).  Swamp Sparrow at Pleasant Acres Lake on 10/7 (PB).  White-throated Sparrow in two places in Smith Co. on 10/18 (MB,BS).  White-crowned Sparrow in Navarro Co. on 10/21 (MSt).  The lone LeConte’s Sparrow reported was at Pleasant Acres Lake on 10/26 (MB).   The first Dark-eyed Junco was spotted on 10/25 at TXE in Harrison Co. (DB).     


The lone Summer Tanager and Blue Grosbeak were reported from Tyler State Park on 10/10 (BS).  The earliest Pine Siskin was found at Tyler State Park on 10/18 (BS).  And by 10/28 they were found at Camp Tyler (PB), and a dozen were located at LBS in Titus Co. on the same date (DB).  A “flock” of 100 House Finch was found in Longview on 10/15 (LP).


Locations and Counties:


Camp County:  Pittsburg

Delta County: Cooper Lake

Gregg County:  Longview

Harrison County:  TXE - Texas Eastman

Henderson County:  Coon Creek Club, Fish Hatchery

Hopkins County: Cooper Lake

Hunt County:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni, Lake Tawakoni State Park

Marion County:  LOP - Lake O' the Pines

Morris County: Daingerfield State Park, LOP - Lake O Pines, Naples

Navarro County:  Lake Halbert Park, Lake Richland Chambers

Panola County:

Rains County: LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Rusk County:

Smith County: Camp Tyler, Pleasant Acre Lake, Tyler State Park

Titus County:  LBS - Lake Bob Sandlin 

Upshur County:  Lake Gilmer, LOP - Lake O Pines

Van Zandt County: LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Wood County: LFK - Lake Fork




PB       Peter Barnes

RBg     Ron Baughman
LBl      Linda Belssner
MB      Mike Bloodsworth
DB       David Brotherton
JB        John Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton
ABu     Ann Bush
BC      Barbara Cavin

JCk      Janet Cook
JCu      Jeff Culler
DC      D.D. Currie
BE       Bonnie Edmund
ME      Mark Edmund
JFi       Joe Fischer
DGh     Doug Ghrist
PH       Peggy Harding
RK      Richard Kinney

BJo    Ben Jones
DL     Dell Little
LP      Linda Gail Price
DRi     Donna Rizos
CR      Chris Runk
BS       Boyd Sanders
MSt     Michael Stewart
m.ob    many observers


For You Ebirders:


For 2012 the NETFO County with the most birds is still Smith with 214 species seen during the year; but right behind is Van Zandt with 209.  On the other end the lowest three for the year are Hopkins with 87, Delta with 100 and Red River with 101.  The County that has the most species ever during November is Hunt with 193 species.  Looking for a place to bird?  The counties with the least species ever in November are Cherokee with 49, Bowie with 68 and Morris 70.  (Luanne has her assignment for the month!)



Northeast Texas Bird Report, September 2012 by David Brotherton 


Look up and raptors are flying by.  Look on the flats and see shorebirds.  Look in the woods and see “different” warblers.  It must be September!


The only report of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks occurred when seven were observed at LBS in Titus County on 9/30 (DB,LB).  First of the fall Gadwall were noted on 9/15 at Lake Trinidad in Henderson County (PB,LiB,DC,DG,DL).  A max for the area of 500 Blue-winged Teal were noted at LTW in Rains County on 9/14 (ebird CR).  First of the fall Northern Pintail was noted at LTW in Rains County on 9/10 (ebird CR).  And first of the fall Green-winged Teal were noted at Lake Trinidad in Henderson County on 9/15 (PB,LiB,DG).  A Common Loon was noted at LFK in Wood County on 9/23 (ebird JC).  


Eighty-three Wood Storks were observed at the upper end of LOP in Morris County on 9/8 (DB,LB).  Seventy-two were found near Lake Trinidad on 9/29 (TF).  Up to 39 Wood Storks were counted just south of Longview in Gregg County on 9/9 (BE,ME,PH,WB,JL,CH), and others were spotted at the same area on 9/10 and 9/11 (BM). Thirty-four Wood Storks were observed at LWP in Cass County on 9/1 (MD,CM).  Up to thirty were noted at Lake Trindad, Henderson County on 9/15 (PB,LiB,DC,DG,DL) and four were flying over LOP at the 155 Bridge in Upshur County on 9/8 (DB,LB).


An Anhinga was observed at TXE on 9/11 (ME et al), while six were noted at Tyler State Park on 9/25 (BS).  The Brown Pelican first observed last month was observed again at LWP in Cass County on 9/3 (MD,CM). At CCR a Tricolored Heron was noted on 9/1 (ebird LiB).  A Tricolored Heron was noted at LBS in Franklin County on 9/8 (DB,LB), another one was noted at Lake Trinidad on 9/15 on that same date another one was found on CCR (PB,LiB,DC,DG,DL). A Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was noted at Pleasant Acre Lake on 9/18 and 9/22 (PB,DG).  At the 9/11 NETFO September meeting held at TXE observers were treated to ten Black-crowned Night-herons (ME, et al).  Seven sightings of White Ibis occurred during the month with maximum sightings of 30 at Lake Trinidad on 9/15 (ebird LiB), 12 at LOP in Marion County on 9/9 (TF) and 11 at LBS in Franklin County on 9/8 (DB,LB).  Sightings of White-faced Ibis included nine at Lake Trinidad on 9/15 (PB,DG), four at LOP in Morris County on 9/8 (LB), and a single bird was found on LOP in Upshur County on the same date (DB,LB).  Roseate Spoonbills visited TXE on 9/27 (DB) and Lake Trinidad on 9/29 (TF).


Two Swallow-tailed Kites were observed and photographed at Richland Creek WMA in Freestone County on 9/1 (PH, LGP).   Those looking up were rewarded during the period. A max of six Sharp-shinned Hawks were observed flying over Daingerfield State Park on 9/28 (DB,LB).   A max of seven Coopers Hawks were noted over Tyler State Park on 9/25 (BS).    The max for Broad-winged Hawks noted during the period were 400 at Tyler State Park on 9/25 and 100 on 9/27 (BS), thirty-seven in Longview on 9/20 (LGP), thirty-six and twenty at Daingerfield State Park on 9/28 (DB,LB) and 9/22 (PH), while nineteen were observed over Pleasant Acres Lake on 9/22 (PB,DG).  The only Northern Harrier was reported at the Daingerfield State Park hawk watch on 9/21 (PH,JH,MD).


Three Soras were noted at Pleasant Acre Lake on 9/16 and 9/22 (PB,MB,DG). An American Golden-Plover was noted at LTW in Rains County on 9/11 (ebird SG,DM). A Black-bellied Plover was observed at LBS in Titus County on 9/30 (DB,LB).  A Semipalmated Plover was noted at CCR on 9/1 (PH, LGP) and another one was noted at LTW on 9/10 (ebird CR).  Six sightings of Solitary Sandpipers were noted during the period with max of three at Lake Trinidad on 9/15 (LiB,DC,DL).  Another three Solitary Sandpipers were noted in another location in Henderson County on the same date (DC,DL).  The maximum count for Greater Yellowlegs during the period was six at TXE on 9/13 (DB,ME).  The max for Lesser Yellowlegs was seven at LTW on 9/14 (ebird CR).  An Upland Sandpiper was noted at LTW in Hunt County on 9/4 and two were noted  at the same lake in Rains County on 9/21 (ebird CR).  The lone Sanderling discovered during the period was found and photographed at LOP in Marion County on 9/9 (TF).  Four Semipalmated Sandpipers were also noted at LOP in Marion County also on 9/9 (TF).  While a single Semipalmated Sandpiper was noted at CCR on 9/15 (PB,DG).  Six Western Sandpipers were found at TXE on 9/13 (DB,ME), and up to 2 were found at LTW in Rains County on 9/10 and 9/21 (ebird CR).  Least Sandpipers were found at several locations during the period with a max of 130 at LBS in Franklin County on 9/8 (DB,LB).  A Baird Sandpiper was located at CCR on 9/1 (LGP), and at LTW Rains County on 9/11 (ebird SG,DM), while three were at LOP in Marion County on 9/9 (TF).  The max during the period of 27 Pectoral Sandpipers were found at LOP in Marion County on 9/1 (PB).  Up to four Stilt Sandpipers were tallied at Lake Trinidad on 9/15 (PB,LiB,DC,DL) and a pair were found at TXE on 9/13 (DB,ME).  Five Buff-breasted Sandpipers were found at LOP in Marion County on 9/9 (TF), while two were at LTW in Rains County on 9/14 (ebird CR).  The only Long-billed Dowitcher reported during the period was found near Lake Trinidad on 9/29 (TF).  A pair turned out to be the first of the fall Wilson’s Snipes located in Henderson County on 9/15 (DC,DL).


Seven Franklin Gulls were spotted at LTW in Rains County on 9/10 (ebird CR).  A Lesser Black-backed Gull was found on LTW in Rains County on 9/10 and 9/14 (ebird CR).  A Caspian Tern visited LTW in Rains County on 9/11 (ebird SG,DM) and another was found at Lake Trinidad on 9/15 (PB,LiB,DC,DG,DL).    While six Caspian Terns were photographed on LOP Marion County on 9/30 (TF).  Only one report of Black Terns was reported during the month and that was at Lake Trinidad when up to five were reported on 9/15 (PB,LiB,DC,DG,DL).


White-winged Doves were noted with 20+ numbers in Tyler (21) on 9/8 (MB), and 26 at Lake Trinidad on 9/15 (PB,LiB,DC,DG,DL).  While a farther east than normal White-winged Dove was found at Lake Cherokee in Gregg County on 9/2 (BC,HK). Greater Roadrunners were recorded at LWP Cass County on 9/1 (BM) and at Tyler State Park on 9/19 (BS).   The September TXE NETFO meeting was serenaded by three Great-horned Owls on 9/11 (ME, et al).  Two Common Nighthawks were reported in Henderson County on 9/14 (ebird LiB) and another was reported in Smith County on 9/7 (MB).  The maximum number of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds were thirty reported in Rusk County on 9/5 (PH).  A Black-chinned Hummingbird was reported at Lake Richland Chambers in Navarro County on 9/9 (ebird DR).  A Rufous Hummingbird was reported in Gregg County on 9/20 (ebird SH).  Additional sightings of Rufous Hummingbirds were in Fannin County on 8/16 and 9/3 (RT).  Single Merlins were reported at LOP in Marion County on 9/9 (TF), Tyler State Park on 9/25 (BS), and at Daingerfield State Park on 9/28 (DB,LB).  Hawk watches reported a Peregrine Falcon at Daingerfield State Park on 9/22 (PH,JH) and two at Tyler State Park on 9/25 (BS), while an additional bird was observed at LOP Marion County on 9/30 (TF)..  Olive-sided Flycatchers were reported at Tyler State Park on 9/8 and 9/18, while Yellow-bellied Flycatchers were reported at the same location on 9/18 and 9/19 (BS).  Pleasant Acre Lake was the spot for the only Alder Flycatcher recorded during the period on 9/18 (PB).  Willow Flycatchers were found in Smith and Gregg County on 9/6 (MB) and 9/24 (LGP) respectively.  Three observers had a total of six individual sightings of Least Flycatchers during the period. (MB,CR,BS).


A Warbling Vireo was found at Tyler State Park on 9/28 (BS).  Forty Cave Swallows were observed at LTW Rains County on 9/11 (ebird SG,DM), while twenty were observed at Lake Trinidad (PB,LiB,DC,DG,DL).  Three Bank Swallows were noted at LTW in Rains County on 9/11 (SG,DM) and in Henderson County on 9/15 (PB,LiB,DC,DL).  A Red-breasted Nuthatch was found at LTW State Park in Hunt County on 9/16 (ebird MH) and on the other side of the lake in Rains County on 9/21 (ebird CR).  The first of the fall House Wren was found in both Hunt and Rains County at LTW on 9/11 (ebird SG,DM).   The first Marsh Wren of the season was found also at LTW in Rains County on 9/20 (ebird CR).  A Sedge Wren was found at Tyler State Park on 9/25 (BS). The first of the fall Ruby-crowned Kinglet was noted at Tyler State Park on 9/18 (BS).  A Swainson’s Thrush was found at LTW in Rains County on 9/11 (ebird SG,DM).  The first of the fall Gray Catbird was found at the Longview’s Boorman Trail on 9/20 (LGP).  An early American Pipit was found at LTW in Rains County on 9/21 (ebird CR).


Northern Waterthrushes were found at LOP, Marion County on 9/9 (TF), 9/11 at LTW in Rains County (ebird SG,DM), and at Pleasant Acres Lake on 9/16 and 9/18 (PB).  There were a total of 26 individual sightings of Nashville Warbler during the period, the earliest being two found at LTW State Park on 9/4 (ebird CR), while a max of 8 were counted at LTW on 9/11, five in Rains County and three in Hunt County (ebird SG,DM).  And another eight Nashville Warblers were seen at Tyler State Park on 9/27 (BS). There were two sightings of Mourning Warblers during the period, both in Smith County.  One was at Pleasant Acres Lake on 9/18 (PB), the other at Tyler State Park on 9/19 (BS).  During the period there was only one sighting of a Magnolia Warbler that being at Tyler State Park on 9/25 (BS).  Yellow Warblers were the most common warbler migrant through the area with a total of 88 individual sightings, with a max of 25 being observed at LTW State Park on 9/10 (ebird CR), and the same number tallied the next day (ebird SG,DM).   Boorman Trail produced the first Black-throated Green Warbler of the period on 9/14 (LGP), while one was found at Tyler State Park on 9/23 (BS), and a third bird was also found in Smith County on 9/25 (PB).  A total of 28 individual sightings of Wilson’s Warbler occurred during the period with the first being at LFK with five being found on 9/3 (JC), the maximum was eight at LTW Rains County on 9/11 (ebird SG,DM).  A Palm Warbler was found in Fannin County on 9/22 (RT).


A first-of-the-fall Lincoln’s Sparrow was found in Smith County on 9/23 (PB).  A total of Seventeen individual sightings of Baltimore Orioles were recorded during the period beginning with a maximum of four in Henderson County on 9/3 also recorded on 9/9 (ebird LiB).  Acting like they were in the “valley” two Baltimore Orioles were visiting a hummingbird feeder in Longview on 9/8 (CT, DT).  A very “early” (or maybe he never left?) American Goldfinch was noted at LTW Rains County on 9/11 (ebird SG,DM).


Locations and Counties:


Cass County:  LWP - Lake Wright Patman

Freestone County:  Richland Creek WMA

Gregg County:  Longview, Boorman Trail

Harrison County:  TXE - Texas Eastman

Henderson County:  CCR - Cedar Creek Reservoir, Lake Trinidad

Hunt County:  LTW - Lake Tawakoni, Lake Tawakoni State Park

Marion County:  LOP - Lake O Pines

Morris County: Daingerfield State Park, LOP - Lake O Pines

Navarro County:  Lake Richland Chambers

Rains County: LTW - Lake Tawakoni

Smith County: Pleasant Acre Lake, Tyler State Park

Titus County:  LBS - Lake Bob Sandlin 

Upshur County:  LOP - Lake O Pines

Wood County: LFK - Lake Fork




PB       Peter Barnes

LiB      Linda Bellsner
MB      Mike Bloodsworth
WB     Wanda Bosmans
DB       David Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton
BC       Barbara Cavin
JC        Janet Cook
DC       D.D. Currie
MD      Mike Dillon
BE        Bonnie Edmund

ME       Mark Edmund
TF        Timothy Fennell
DG       Doug Ghrist
SG       Steve Glover
PH       Peggy Harding
CH      Carolyn Horn
SH       Steve Hough
MH      Mary Humes
HK       Happy King
JH        Janie Henderson
JL        Joyce Landers


DL      Dell Little
BM     Bob Metzler
CM     Charles Mills

DM     Darlene Moore
LGP    Linda Gail Price
DR      Donna Rizos
CR      Chris Runk
BS       Boyd Sanders
CT       Cathy Thomas
DT       Dave Thomas
RT       Randy Treadway


For You Ebirders:


For 2012 the NETFO county with most birds is Smith with 210 species seen during the year.  On the other end Delta only has 66 and Hopkins has 73 species for the year.  The county that has the most species ever during October is Hunt with 215 species.  The counties with the least species ever in October is Panola with 37, Upshur with 56 and Red River with 58.    Plan a Trip!



Northeast Texas Bird Report, July & August 2012 by David Brotherton 


Hurricane Isaac ended the period with a little rain, but made a statement with what it dropped in our area.  A Great Shearwater and Royal Terns!  Wow!  A Common Ground Dove and a Brown Pelican highlighted a large list of other birds seen during the period.  I tried for the most part to keep the report in the same order as the new taxonomic bird list.  Notice that the Kestrels and Caracara’s aren’t with the other birds of prey.  This is my first time doing this in a while.  Thanks for all the observations, and please forgive the mistakes.  (I put in a few mistakes on purpose just to see if you are looking.)


Two Black-bellied Whistling Ducks was recorded in Franklin County on 7/4 (DB), and another two were observed in Van Zandt County on 7/13 (ebird CS). Eleven youngster Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks were observed in Morris County on 8/3 (DB,LB).  While 10-12 Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks were observed at Lake Palestine during the period (GR). A Mottled Duck was found at TXE on 7/25 (DB,LB). Blue-winged Teal were observed in the NETFO area by 8/17 (m.o.b.), with a maximum of 160 at Trinidad Lake on 8/26 (DC,DL).  The first of the fall Northern Shoveler was observed at Trinidad Lake in Henderson County on 8/18 (PB,LBe).  A Ruddy Duck, and a Ring-necked Duck spent the summer at TXE (DB,LB,ME).  


Hurricane Isaac on 8/31 left us a Great Shearwater at Piney Point at Lake Wright Patman in Cass County.  The bird was observed by at least eight observers.  (CM, MD, BH, JS, MW, and 3 of MW’s daughters).


A covey of nineteen Northern Bobwhites seen in Smith County pleased and surprised the observer on 8/25 (PB).  Two Wild Turkeys were observed near Pat Mayse Lake on 7/8 (ebird GC, SG, DM), while another one was observed at Camp Maxey on 8/21 (ebird JM).  The first Wood Stork reported was found 8/11 below Will’s Point in Van Zandt County (JC).  Another Wood Stork was observed on 8/19 flying over the Hwy 67 pond just north of the Sulphur River in Bowie County (DB,LB).  Three Wood Storks were found in Henderson County on 8/18 (PB,LBe), two were found in the same county on 8/25 and another was found in a different part of the county on the next day, 8/26, (DC,DL).  A Least Bittern was reported at LRC in Navarro County on 8/10 (ebird DR).  Three American White Pelicans were observed at Trinidad Lake on 8/18 (PB,LBe).  On that same date 18 were observed at LOP in Marion County (DB,LB).   A Brown Pelican was spotted at Lake Wright Patman in Cass County on 8/25 (DB,LB).  A Tricolored Heron was observed at Trinidad Lake on 8/18 (PB,LBe) and on 8/26 (DC,DL).  Two were also sighted in Camp County on 8/17 (DB,LB), and another was found at TXE on 7/25 (DB,LB).


A maximum for the area of 15 White Ibis were spotted at Lake Trinidad on 8/18 (PB,LBe) and 11 were again sighted in this area on 8/26 (DC,DL).   Other sightings of the White Ibis include one at TXE on 7/19 (DB,ME), six in Camp County on 8/17, two at the Hwy 67 pond, Bowie County on 8/19 (DB,LB), and two others were found in Henderson County on 8/25 (DC,DL).  Two White-faced Ibis were also noted at the Hwy 67 pond on 8/3 and again on 8/19 (DB,LB).  Lake Trinidad produced 16 of these birds on 8/18 (PB,LBe).  Six Roseate Spoonbills were spotted along the Hwy 259 Bridge on Lake O’ Pines in Morris County on 8/28 (DB).


An Osprey was observed at TXE on 8/21 (RP), another bird was spotted at Lake Gilmer on 8/17 (DB,LB).  Another Osprey was found at LWP in Cass County on 8/19 (ebird HH).  Mississippi Kites were quite plentiful during the last half of August with high numbers being reported at several spots, 25 were observed in Panola County on 8/18 (LGP) and 78 were observed in Upshur County on 8/17 (DB,LB).  Two Coopers Hawks were found in Longview on 7/25 (LGP),  one was found in Smith County on 7/14 (ebird MB), and finally another one was observed on 7/8 at Lake Fannin(ebird GC,SG,DM)  A Bald Eagle was found Coffeemill Lake on 7/6 (ebird DC,DL).  Another one was found on Lake Fork on 8/21 (ebird JC).  An adult was at TXE on 7/16, 7/18 and 8/23 (DB,RP).  And two were observed at LMV on 7/29 (ebird CW).  A max of three Broad-winged Hawks were observed in Gregg County on 7/4 (LGP).  A Swainson’s Hawk was reported near PML on 8/20 (ebird JM).


A total of seven American Coots were sighted in Henderson County on 8/18 (PB,LBe).  A Piping Plover thrilled observers on 7/24 at TXE (DB,ME). Six American Avocets were found at TXE on 7/6 (DB,ME), and another one was observed there on 7/25 (DB,LB).  Two not very Solitary Sandpipers were found on 8/3 at Hwy 67 Pond(DB,LB). A more Solitary Sandpiper was found at Pleasant Acres Lake on 8/22 (PB).  Five were found at Trinidad Lake on 8/18 (PB, LBe). And two were found at CCL on 8/18 (PB), four others were found in Henderson County on 8/26 (DC,DL).  Greater Yellowlegs were observed at TXE on 7/25 (DB,LB) and six were there on 8/16 (DB,ME). Lesser Yellowlegs were found in Camp County on 8/17 (DB), found in Lamar County on 8/21 (ebird JM), and five were found at CCL on 8/18 (PB).  The earliest fall Upland Sandpiper was discovered on 8/11 at Camp Tyler (PB).  Three were found at the GCL on 8/17 (ebird RB), 3-5 were reported on 8/18 at Trinidad Lake (PB,LBe).  On 8/19 two were spotted in Bowie county (DB,LB) and they were also reported from Camp Maxey on 8/20 (ebird JM).  Five Semipalmated Sandpipers were reported from CCL on 8/18 (PB).  One Western Sandpiper was identified on 8/16 at TXE (DB,ME).  Six Pectoral Sandpipers were reported on 7/25 at TXE (DB,LB), with 20 being there on 8/16 (DB,ME), while four were found on Trinidad Lake on 8/18 (PB,LBe), while on the same day six were found at CCL, along with ten Buff-breasted Sandpipers, and a Wilson’s Phalarope (PB).


An adult Ring-billed Gull was at LBS on 8/17 (DB,LB).  Black Terns appeared at many areas (m.ob) during the last part of August with the first being observed at TXE on 8/16 (DB,ME).  The most observed was 18 at Trinidad Lake on 8/18 (PB,LBe). Hurricane Isaac also dropped an amazing total of 5 Royal Terns at Lake Wright Patman, Cass County on 8/31 (MW).  White-winged Doves continued their eastward trek with two being reported in Mt. Pleasant on 8/3 (ebird BSD).  And two White-winged Doves were seen regularly in Tyler (AB).  A Common Ground Dove, one of our few ever NETFO records, was found near Lake Trinidad on 8/26 (DC,DL).    Single records of Greater Roadrunners were noted in Jefferson on 7/1 (PB), Franklin County on 7/4 (DB), Lake Fork on 8/18 (JC), and in Navarro County on 8/21 (WS).  Another Greater Roadrunner was reported three different times on 7/14, 7/28 and 8/14 at Pleasure Acres Lake (ebird MB).  Two Barn Owls were spooked out of on old structure in Delta County on 7/7 (DB,LB) and another was reported in Navarro County on 7/31 (ebird DR).  A Common Nighthawk, rare in the NETFO area during the summer, was reported in Hunt County on 7/6 (ebird DC, DL).  Ruby-throated Hummingbirds started hitting feeders in full swing the last half of August with a peek reported of 15 reported in Daingerfield on 8/25 (DB,LB)  


A Rufous Hummingbird and a Black-chinned Hummingbird were reported on the western edge of the NETFO area on 8/22 in Navarro County east of Corsicana (ebird WS).  An American Kestrel made an appearance in Greenville on 7/25 (MW), while another one surprised observers on 8/17 in Pittsburg, Camp County (DB,LB).  A Crested Caracara was found in Navarro County on 8/20 (ebird DR), two others were found in Henderson County on 8/26 (DC,DL).  August 18th must be the day to find them, an Alder Flycatcher was found in Smith County (ebird MB), and in Henderson County (PB) on the same day.  An Olive-sided Flycatcher was reported in Bowie County on 8/19 (ebird HH).  And another Olive-sided Flycatcher along with a Least Flycatcher and a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher were reported in Lamar County on 8/21 (ebird JM).  Another Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was sighted at Lake Bob Sandlin State Park on 8/24 (DB,LB).  Two Traill’s Flycatchers were found on 8/11 at Camp Tyler and another one was found at Pleasure Acres Lake on 8/22 (PB). No Western Kingbirds were reported this summer east of Hwy 19 through Sulphur Springs (ebird m.ob).


A maximum of 30 Cave Swallows were reported in Fannin County on 7/6 (ebird DC, DL).  Five were also reported in Hopkins County on 7/7 (DB,LB) and five were also found in Franklin County on 7/4 (DB). A Bewick’s Wren was noted with great detail on 8/18 at Trinidad Lake (PB,LBe). Nine reports of Yellow Warblers occurred during August in the area (ebird m.o.b) with the first being three reported on 8/11 in Smith County (PB).  Baltimore Orioles always a treat during the summer in the area, were reported on 8/21 in Lamar County (ebird JM) and in Smith County on 8/26 (PB).  


Counties and Locations:


Bowie County: Hwy 67 pond just north of Sulphur River

Camp County: Pittsburg

Cass County: Lake Wright Patman

Fannin County: Lake Fannin, Lake Coffeemill

Gregg County: Longview

Harrison County: TXE - Texas Eastman 
Henderson County: Trinidad Lake, CCL - Cedar Creek Lake
Hopkins County: Sulphur Springs

Hunt County: GCL - Greenville City Lakes, Greenville

Lamar County: Camp Maxey, PML - Pat Mayse Lake

Marion County: Jefferson, LOP - Lake O' the Pines 
Morris County: Daingerfield

Navarro County: LRC - Lake Richland Chambers

Panola County: LMV - Lake Murvaul

Smith County: Camp Tyler, Lake Palestine, Pleasure Acres Lake, Tyler

Titus County: LBS - Lake Bob Sandlin, Lake Bob Sandlin State Park, Mt. Pleasant

Upshur County: Lake Gilmer

Van Zandt County: Will's Point

Wood County: LFK - Lake Fork





RB       Ron Baltzegar
PB       Peter Barnes

LBe     Linda Bellsner
MB      Mike Bloodsworth
DB       David Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton
AB       Ann Bush
BC       Barbara Cavin
GC      Greg Cook

JC       Janet Cook

DC      D.D. Currie
MD     Mike Dillon

BSD    BettySue Dunn
ME      Mark Edmund
SG       Steve Glover
BH       Billy Helt
HH      Huck Hutchens
DL       Dell Little

JM       Jake McCumber

CM      Charles Mills


DM     Darlene Moore

RP      Roy Peck
LGP    Linda Gail Price
DR      Donna Rizos
GR      Gloria Rognlie
CS      Charles Smith
WS     Wilbur Stewart
JS        Joe Stuckey
CW     Carol Wells
MW     Matt White


EBIRD Notes:


For you eBirders, there are only two of the 26 NETFO counties that have totaled less than 100 species in 2012; they are Delta and Hopkins counties.



Northeast Texas Bird Report, December 2011 by Peter Barnes 

On Dec 3, 105 species were observed on the Caddo Lake Winter Bird Count, which covers areas in Louisiana and Texas. The Longview CBC on Dec 17 and the Lake O’ the Pines count on Dec 26 each netted 104 species, and the Tyler CBC on Dec 31 yielded a record 113 species. Birds reported below on the Caddo, Longview, Lake O’ the Pines and Tyler counts were in Harrison, Gregg, Marion and Smith Cos., respectively, unless otherwise stated. There were good numbers and variety of waterfowl this month, but land bird numbers were low, with particularly few sparrows.

A Red-throated Loon was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Dec 10 (GC), and 3 were present on Dec 30 (GC). Single Pacific Loons were at Lakeside Park on Dec 28 (TF) and Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Dec 30 (GC). An Eared Grebe was a nice find at Bellwood Lake on the Tyler CBC (DC, DL), and a Red-necked Grebe at Lakeside Park on Dec 27 (TF) was the first in north-east Texas since 2004. Two Ross’s Geese flew over Athens on Dec 20 (JB), and 19 Canada Geese were tallied on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC, 3 in Marion Co. (ME, GP, DG) and 16 in Upshur Co. (DB, LB). Sixty-nine Canada Geese were also a new high for the Longview CBC. The Caddo Lake Count produced 2 Blue-winged Teal (BM, DM, TW) and a new high of 114 Green-winged Teal, and 15 Redheads were notable on the Longview CBC. The Tyler CBC yielded a Surf Scoter, new for the count, at Lake Tyler, (JB, LBe, ZS), and 4 Common Goldeneyes (many observers), 28 Northern Pintails (MB, SS), 9 Snow and 2 Canada Geese (PH, BC, AB), and all-time highs of 320 Ring-necked Ducks and 149 Gadwall. The Lake O’ the Pines CBC netted 6 Red-breasted Mergansers (DB), a 10-year high count of 711 American White Pelicans and an Osprey (ME, GP, DG). Northern Harriers were on the uptick, with a 10-year high of 4 on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC, an all-time high of 4 (Marion Co.) for the Caddo Lake Count, and 3 on the Tyler CBC. Three Ospreys were spotted on the Longview CBC (BM, HK, BC).

A Wild Turkey was heard on the Caddo Lake Count (TB), and a Sora was noted on the Tyler CBC (DC, DL). New for the Caddo Lake Count were a Willet (ME, GP) and 5 Greater Yellowlegs, 4 in Harrison Co. (ME, GP), and 1 in Marion Co. (PH, BC). A Lesser Yellowlegs at Texas Eastman in Longview (ME) and a new high of 22 Greater Yellowlegs were tallied on the Longview CBC, and 13 Greater Yellowlegs were spotted on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC in Upshur Co. (RB). Twenty-nine Wilson’s Snipe, 27 in Harrison Co., were a new high for the Caddo Lake Count. An extremely late American Golden Plover was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Dec 10 (GC), and a Snowy Plover in Rains Co. was very unusual on the Lake Tawakoni CBC on Dec. 30. A Franklin’s Gull was photographed at Lakeside Park on Dec 28 (TF). There were 10-year high counts of Forster’s Terns (145), Belted Kingfishers (23) and Eurasian Collared Doves (26) on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC. The Longview CBC also had 22 Belted Kingfishers, tying the previous high count. Single White-winged Doves remained in and south of Tyler through Dec 8 (AB, SS), 8 were near the Tyler airport on Dec 29 (PB), and 33 were over Texas Eastman in Tyler on the Tyler CBC (DB, LB, DS) suggesting that more are on the way.

A Northern Flicker of the Red-shafted race was over Harrison Co. on Dec 22 (BS), and 115 Pileated Woodpeckers were a new high for the Caddo Lake Count. Four Cave Swallows were noted on the Dec 30 CBC at Lake Tawakoni, where they now regularly winter. A Say’s Phoebe was a good find near Cooper Lake, Delta Co., on Dec 2 (MW, RT). Four Fish Crows were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 17 (DB, LB, ME). The Lake O’ the Pines CBC netted a good total of 163 Fish Crows and a 10-year high count of 1,487 Cedar Waxwings. Only single Loggerhead Shrikes were seen on the Longview and Lake O’ the Pines CBCs, and only 6 on the Tyler CBC. A Marsh Wren and a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher were observed on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (both DW), and single Marsh (LE, CT) and Bewick’s Wrens (ME) were noted on the Longview CBC. The Tyler CBC netted 2 Marsh Wrens (DC, DL). A Sprague’s Pipit was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Dec 10 (GC). Mountain Bluebirds have been seen far east of their usual range this winter, and two were near Cooper Lake, Delta Co., on Dec 2 (MW, RT). The Longview CBC doubled its previous high with 2,762 American Robins

Two Harris’s Sparrows were south of Tyler on Dec 18, one was near Whitehouse on Dec 23 (both PB), one was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 17 (DB, LB), and 10 were a good total on the Tyler CBC. Thirty-seven Fox Sparrows were a 10-year high count on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC. Single Spotted Towhees were at Tyler State Park on Dec 16 (BS) and at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 17 (DB, LB). A male Indigo Bunting in breeding plumage was very unusual in Tyler on Dec 11 (BS), as all males should have moulted into basic plumage long before December. The first Purple Finch was in Canton on Dec 4 (DOh), and 20 were seen on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (PB, DS). The Lake Tawakoni CBC on Dec 31 netted 5 McCown’s Longspurs and 90 Smith’s Longspurs in Rains Co. Eight Pine Siskins were spotted on the Tyler CBC (JB, LBe, ZS). Thirty Rusty Blackbirds were seen on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (ME, GP, DG), 236 were a good total on the Tyler CBC (many observers), and 50 Brewer’s Blackbirds were a new high for the Longview CBC (BC, HK). A Western Meadowlark was observed on the Tyler CBC (PB, RR).

Counties and Locations:

Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County: Athens
Marion County: Lakeside Park
Smith County: Lake Tyler, Tyler, Tyler State Park, Whitehouse

Van Zandt County: Canton




PB       Peter Barnes

LBe     Linda Bellsner
RB       Ray Berry
TB       Tim Bister
MB      Mike Bloodsworth
JB        James Booker
DB       David Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton
AB       Ann Bush
BC       Barbara Cavin
GC      Greg Cook

DC      D.D. Currie
MD     Mike Dillon
ME      Mark Edmund
LE       Lisa Evers
TF       Tim Fennell
DG      Don Gwynn
PH       Peggy Harding
HK      Happy King
DL       Dell Little
DM      Dorothy Metzler
DOh     Dale Ohl


GP     Gene Peiter
LP      Linda Price
RR      Ross Rickett
BS      Boyd Sanders
DS      Dennis Scott
SS       Suzi Stein
ZS       ZoeAnn Stinchcomb
RT       Randy Treadway
CT       Candy Troop
TW      Tom Walker
DW      David Weaver



Northeast Texas Bird Report, October & November 2011 by Peter Barnes 


October was a slow month, marked only by good numbers of Franklin’s Gulls. With November, waterfowl and other winter visitors began to arrive, with unusually high number of Northern Pintails and late reports of Piping and Snowy Plovers.

A Pacific Loon was at Holiday Marina on Nov 14 (RR), and 137 Common Loons, 671 Horned Grebes and 1071 Ruddy Ducks were remarkable totals on Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Nov 23 (DB). Cooper Lake, Hopkins Co., held 500 American White Pelicans on Oct 2 (DB, LB), and 850 were present at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Nov 18 (MD, RB). Thirteen Canada Geese landed on Pleasure Acres Lake on Oct 14 (MB), 50 Greater White-fronted Geese flew over Tyler State Park on Oct 15 (BS), 6 were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 23 (ME), and a Snow Goose was at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Nov 27 (PB). Ducks were hard to come by at most accessible locations, but the Trinidad Power Plant Lake held an impressive 2000 ducks of 10 species on Nov 13, including 40 Northern Pintails and 250 Canvasbacks on Nov 13, and 10 Northern Pintails and 200 Redheads on Oct 30 (all DC, DL). Northern Pintails were more common than usual, with 20 at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Oct 16 (LP), 3 at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Oct 29 (PB), 3 at Camp Tyler (PB) and 1 at Tyler State Park (PB, JC) on Nov 19, and 3 at Lake Tyler East on Nov 26 (PB). Seven White-faced Ibis were at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Oct 8 (RS), one was at Lake Tyler East on Oct 16 (PB, JW) and 37 White Ibis were at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Oct 15 (LP). A very late Green Heron was in Gregg Co. on Nov 19 (LP).

An American Bittern, 12 Soras and 4 Virginia Rails were at the Grand Saline Marsh on Nov 8 (RK), and one Virginia Rail was there on Nov 23 (LP). Two Crested Caracaras were in Trinidad on Nov 13 (DC, DL) and a Merlin was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Oct 29 (RK). An American Golden Plover, rare in the fall, was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Oct 15 (PB). A Black-necked Stilt was a good find in Bowie Co. on Oct 8 (DB, LB, WB) and a Sanderling was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Oct 29 (RR). Thirty Semipalmated Sandpipers were an impressive number at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Oct 28 (MD). American Avocets are typically late fall migrants, with one in Red River Co. on Oct 1 (DB, LB), 5 at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co, on Oct 8 (RS), 5 at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Oct 31 (MD), 4 at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Oct 29 (RK), and 1 at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Nov 18 (RB, MD). A late Piping Plover was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 30 (RK), the previous latest NETFO record being Oct 3. A late Snowy Plover was also at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Nov 20 (RK) and 29 (CR). An American Woodcock was at Tyler State Park on Nov 17 (BS) and 120 Long-billed Dowitchers were at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Nov 18 (MD, RB).

Franklin’s Gulls were more numerous than usual, with 130 over Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Oct 15, 600 over Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Oct 19 (both PB), 100 over Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Nov 5 (NETFO field trip), 30 at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Nov 14 (MD), 19 at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Nov 18 (MD, RB), and a high count of 1500 at Cedar Creek Lake, Henderson Co., on Nov 11 (DC, DL). Two Greater Roadrunners were in Kilgore, Rusk Co., on Oct 29 (LP), and 3 were in Cherokee Co. on Oct 30 (LP, PH). Single Rufous Hummingbirds were in Greenville on Nov 8 (RBa) and in Chapel Hill on Nov 17 (MB). A White-winged Dove was seen again in Tyler on Oct 7 (BS) and Nov 22 (AB), and 2 flew over Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Nov 27 (PB). Two Bewick’s Wrens were in Wood Co. on Nov 25 (LP), 2 Marsh Wrens were at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Oct 15 (LP) and one was at Pleasure Acres Lake on Oct 16 (PB, JW). A lingering Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was in Van Zandt Co. on Nov 20 (RK).

An American Redstart was in Gregg Co. on Oct 8 (LP), and a Yellow-throated Warbler was near Atlanta on Oct 9 (RB). Two Wilson’s Warblers were in Longview on Oct 15 (ME). Single late Black-throated Green Warblers were at Lake Tawakoni State Park (RK) and in Henderson Co. (DC, DL) on Oct. 29. A Spotted Towhee was in Chapel Hill on Oct 15 (MB), two visited Lindale on Oct 21 (HP), and one was at Tyler State Park on Nov 18 (BS). Clay-colored Sparrows were more abundant than usual, with one in Tyler on Oct 14 (TK), two at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Oct 15 (PB), one at Pleasure Acres Lake on Oct 16 (PB, JW), and one in Rusk Co. on Oct 17 and 29 (LP). First-of-winter birds included a LeConte’s Sparrow at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Oct 19 (PB), a Harris’s Sparrow in Cherokee Co. on Nov 27 (LP), and 2 Pine Siskins in Trinidad on Nov 13 (DC, DL). A Western Meadowlark was heard in Cherokee Co. on Oct 30 (LP), one was at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Nov 27 (PB), and 100 Rusty Blackbirds were in Kilgore, Gregg Co., on Nov 21 (LP).


Locations and Counties:


Cass County: Atlanta
Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County: Trinidad
Hunt County: Greenville, Lake Tawakoni State Park
Smith County: Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Lake Tyler East, Pleasure Acres Lake, Tyler, Tyler State Park

Van Zandt County: Grand Saline Marsh, Holiday Marina




RBa      Ron Baltzegar
PB        Peter Barnes

RB        Ray Berry
DB       David Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton
WB      Walter Brotherton
AB       Ann Bush
JC        Jessica Coleman

DC      D.D. Currie
MD     Mike Dillon
ME      Mark Edmund
PH       Peggy Harding
RK      Richard Kinney
TK      Tamara Kratzer
DL       Dell Little


HP      Helen Mar Parkin
LP      Linda Price
RR      Ross Rasmussen
CR      Chris Runk
BS       Boyd Sanders
RS       Rick Schaefer
JW      Judy Wright



Northeast Texas Bird Report, September 2011 by Peter Barnes 


The continued drought led to the exposure of more mudflats than usual, with a good variety of shorebirds at local lakes. Passerine migrants, particularly warblers, were concentrated in remaining patches of vegetation and water. The ponds by Pleasure Acres Lake in Chapel Hill provided the most excitement, with a total of 19 warbler species reported this month. This would be an excellent total in spring and was extraordinary for fall migration.


Three Tricolored Herons and 5 Wood Storks were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 3 (NETFO field trip), 25 Wood Storks were at Lake Tyler East on Sept 8 (PB), 23 were at the Mineola Preserve on Sept 10 (PB, JC), and 10 were near Camp Tyler on Sept 12 (JD). Nine Plegadis Ibis, presumably White-faced, were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 3 (NETFO field trip), 9 were at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Sept 11, 24 were there on Sept 24 (both PB), and 1 was at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Sept 24 (DB). Two Northern Pintails were at Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on Sept 5 (PB). Twelve Soras were a good concentration at the Grand Saline marsh on Sept 27 (RK). A Northern Harrier was notable for Tyler State Park from Sept 7-20 (BS). A Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk in Camp Co. on Sept 24 (LP) was unusually early, as this subspecies is usually found here in winter. The last week of September is the peak of raptor migration, and 200 Broad-winged Hawks were reported over Chapel Hill on Sept 25 (MB). A Peregrine Falcon was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 3 (NETFO field trip).


Semipalmated Plovers were at Lake Tyler East from Sept 3-11, with a high count of 6 on Sept 3 (MB), 3 were at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Sept 11 (PB), 3 were at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Sept 24, and 1 was in Bowie Co. on Sept 23 (both DB). A Ruddy Turnstone was a great find for Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Sept 2, as were 3 American Avocets on Sept 9 (both MB). This location held a Wilson’s Phalarope on Sept 8 (RS), 2 Baird’s Sandpipers on Sept 9 (MB), and 50 Western, 1 Baird’s and 11 Stilt Sandpipers on Sept 11 (all PB). Buff-breasted Sandpipers put in a good showing, with 4 at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 3 (NETFO field trip), 10 at Lake Palestine on Sept 5 (9 in Henderson Co., 1 in Smith Co, PB), 11 at Lake Palestine, Smith Co. (RS) and 4 at Lake Tyler East (PB) on Sept 8, and 1 at Lake Tyler East on Sept 11 (LP, PH). Sanderlings were also more widespread than usual, with 3 at Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on Sept 8 (RS), an unusually high count of 20 at Lake Tawakoni State Park and 2 at the Holiday Marina on Sept 28 (both RK). Two Western Sandpipers were at Martin Creek Lake State Park on Sept 7 (LP), a Short-billed Dowitcher was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 3 (NETFO field trip), and an American Avocet was at the Holiday Marina on Sept 28 (RK). Terns were scarce this fall, with only single Caspian Terns at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 3 (NETFO field trip), Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Sept 10 (PB), and Lake Tawakoni State Park on Sept 28 (RK), 4 Caspian Terns at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Sept 23 (JC) and one Black Tern there on Sept 10 (PB).


Up to 3 White-winged Doves remained in Tyler through the end of August (AB). Two Cave Swallows were at Pleasure Acres Lake on Sept 11 (PB) and 12 were in Athens on Sept 10 (JB), Two Alder Flycatchers were at Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on Sept 2 (MB), two were at Pleasure Acres Lake on Sept 8-11 (MB, PB, LP, PH) and 19 (MB), one was in Rusk Co. on Sept 8, one was in Gregg Co. on Sept 10 (both LP), and one was at Lake Tyler East on Sept 11 (LP, PH). A Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was at Martin Creek Lake State Park on Sept 12 (LP). Ninety migrating Scissor-tailed Flycatchers carpeted the mudflats and bushes at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 3 (NETFO field trip), making for an impressive spectacle. A Bell’s Vireo was at Pleasure Acres Lake on Sept 4 (MB) and a Philadelphia Vireo (LP, PH) and an extremely early Cedar Waxwing were there on Sept 11 (PB).


Warbler numbers and variety were impressive, with Yellow and Wilson’s Warblers being the most numerous. Pleasure Acres Lake held a high of 5 Wilson’s Warblers on Sept 11 (PB, PH, LP), 14 and 19 (both MB), a Canada Warbler on Sept 8 (PB), 11 (PB, LP, PH) and 19 (MB), single Mourning Warblers on Sept 5, 8 (both PB) and 14 (MB), 2 on Sept 11 (LP, PH), 2 Magnolia Warblers on Sept 11 (LP, PH) and 19 (MB), one on Sept 18 (PB), and a Chestnut-sided Warbler on Sept 11 (LP, PH). American Redstarts were unusually common, with 1 at Pleasure Acres on Sept 3, 3 there on Sept 19 (both MB), 1 there on Sept 22 (PB), 2 in Gregg Co. on Sept 10 and 1 there on Sept 28 (both LP). An extremely early Orange-crowned Warbler was at Pleasure Acres Lake on Sept 3 (MB), a Canada Warbler was at Martin Creek Lake State Park on Sept 7 and in Rusk Co. on Sept 8 (both LP), a Blue-winged Warbler and a Chestnut-sided Warbler were at Tyler State Park on Sept 7 (BS), and a very late Northern Waterthrush was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Sept 28 (RK). Five Mourning Warblers were a good total at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Sept 4 (JC) and one was in Athens on Sept 10 (JB).


An early Savannah Sparrow was at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Sept 11 (PB), and 2 Clay-colored Sparrows were unusual at Caddo Lake NWR on Sept 13 (MD). Two lingering Painted Buntings were at Pleasure Acres Lake on Sept 11 (LP, PH). Single Baltimore Orioles were in Rusk Co. on Sept 8 (LP) and 22 (PH), Pleasure Acres Lake on Sept 11 (LP, PH), 19 (MB) and 22 (PB), Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Sept 4 and 26 (both JC), and Canton on Sept 12 (DOh), and 3 were at Pleasure Acres Lake on Sept 18 (PB).


Locations and Counties:


Harrison County: Caddo Lake NWR, Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County: Athens
Hunt County: Lake Tawakoni State Park
Rusk County: Martin Creek Lake State Park
Smith County: Chapel Hill, Pleasure Acres Lake, Tyler, Tyler State Park

Van Zandt County: Grand Saline Marsh, Holiday Marina




PB       Peter Barnes

MB      Mike Bloodsworth
JB        Jim Booker
DB       David Brotherton

AB       Ann Bush
JC        Janet Cook
MD     Mike Dillon
ME      Mark Edmund

RK       Richard Kinney

DOh     Dale Ohl
RS        Rick Schaefer



Northeast Texas Bird Report, Summer 2011 by Peter Barnes 

It was a long, hot summer, with most bird activity reported in August, as shorebirds and passerines began to move south. Single Anhingas were in Camp Co. on July 31 (LP) and at Old Sabine Bottom WMA on Aug 31 (MB). Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were widespread with a high of 31 at Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on Aug 28 (GR), 4 at Caddo Lake, Marion Co., on June 29 (VA), 5 at Lake Fork, Wood Co. (PB, JC, PH, LP, DS, JW) and 5 in Smith Co. (PB, DS) on July 2, and 4 in Delta Co. on July 3 (LP, PH). A Red-breasted Merganser was unseasonal at Lake Gilmer on Aug 5 (DB, LB). Single Tricolored Herons were in Navarro Co. on July 16 (DB, LB), near the Sugar Hill cemetery on Aug 3 (LP, PH), and at Lake O’ the Pines, Upshur Co., on Aug 10 (LP), and 4 were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 4 (ME). A White-faced Ibis was at Lake Tyler East on Aug 25 (MB), and 9 Plegadis Ibis were at Lake Bonham on Aug 28 (PB, MD). A Black-crowned Night Heron was a good find at Cedar Creek Lake on July 26 (LiB), and more Yellow-crowned Night Herons were reported in Smith Co. than usual, with one south of Tyler on Aug 7, 3 at Pleasure Acres Lake on Aug 9 (both RR) and 25 (PB), and 2 at Tyler State Park on Aug 27 (BS). The first Wood Storks (26) were in Anderson Co. on July 16 (DB, LB), 8 were near the Sugar Hill cemetery on Aug 3 (LP, PH), one was over Gregg Co. on Aug 11 (LP), and 25 were in Smith Co. on Aug 28 (LP). Single Roseate Spoonbills were at Caddo Lake, Marion Co., on Aug 11 (VA) and in Smith Co. on Aug 28-29 (LP, PH, PB).

Four hundred and fifty Turkey Vultures were an impressive sight at Lake Crockett on Aug 28 (PB, MD). A total of 28 Mississippi Kites were spotted in many locations between July 1 and Aug 29 (many observers), with high counts of 6 over Marshall on Aug 18 (MD) and 6 in Rusk Co. on Aug 20 (LP). A Swainson’s Hawk was in Cass Co. on July 1 (MD) and a Peregrine Falcon was a surprise on Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on June 19 (PB). A Sandhill Crane on Aug 16 in Kilgore, Rusk Co., (PH) was remarkably early, with previous records being after mid-October. A Northern Bobwhite was in Delta Co. on July 2 (LP, PH). Two Wild Turkeys were in Harrison Co. on Aug 5 (RP). Seven Purple Gallinules were at the Little Sandy Hunting and Fishing Club on May 25 (CS) and 4 were at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on July 1 (JC). Five Common Moorhens were at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on July 2 (PB, JC, PH, LP, DS, JW), and an American Coot, uncommon in summer, was at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Aug 4 (MD). Shorebirds were in short supply this summer, with very few sightings. Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., held 2 Black-necked Stilts and 3 White-rumped Sandpipers on June 3 (RK), Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., had 3 Dunlins on July 31 (LP), and 3 Solitary Sandpipers were in Camp Co. on July 31 (LP). Cooper Lake, Delta Co., held a Piping Plover, 12 Willets and 3 Buff-breasted Sandpipers on Aug 13, and a Sanderling from Aug 13-20 (all MW, NW). Seven Semipalmated Plovers and 16 Western Sandpipers were good numbers at Lake Tyler East on Aug 22, as were 21 Western Sandpipers at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Aug 23 (all MB) and 7 Solitary Sandpipers in Smith Co. on Aug 28 (LP, PH). A Caspian Tern was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 3, and 2 Least Terns were there on July 12 (both RK). Three Caspian Terns were over Lake Bonham on Aug 28 (PB, MD), and Cooper Lake, Delta Co. had 12 Caspian, 20 Least, 50 Black and an amazing 2000 Forster’s Terns on Aug 30 (MW).

Nine Greater Roadrunners were an impressive tally in Van Zandt Co. on June 5 (DC, DL), and single birds were in Delta Co. on July 2 and Hunt Co. on July 4 (both LP, PH). A Broad-tailed Hummingbird was heard in Kilgore, Rusk Co., several times toward the end of July and from Aug 23-27 (PH), and a Selasphorus Hummingbird was in Cass Co. on Aug 21 (LP, PH). White-winged Doves have spread through much of the state, but are still uncommon in north-east Texas. However, 1-2 were in Tyler during the second half of June and on July 10-16 (AB, PB, DS), and one was in Rusk Co. on July 30 (LP), suggesting that they may finally be spreading in our area. Northern Flickers are uncommon breeding birds, usually near population centers in north-east Texas. A Red-shafted bird was unusual, near Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on May 23 (JuC), and single Yellow-shafted birds were in Kilgore, Rusk Co., on June 18 (PH) and at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on July 10 (PB). Two Fish Crows were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 4 (ME). Two Western Kingbirds were in Rusk Co. on June 22, and 2 were on a nest in Hopkins Co. on July 2 (both LP, PH). Pleasure Acres Lake held an uncommon Willow Flycatcher on Aug 26 (MB), as well as the more expected single Alder Flycatchers on Aug 13 (PB) and 29 (PB, MB). An Olive-sided Flycatcher was in Cass Co. on Aug 21 (LP, PH). On Aug 28, a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was at Lake Crockett and an Alder Flycatcher was at Coffee Mill Lake (both PB, MD). The Purple Martin roost in downtown Tyler in the last half of July provided an interesting spectacle, with up to 50,000 birds roosting in a small area (DG, PB, RR). Martin heads and wings were found near the roosting trees, suggesting predation by raccoons, which dismember their victims in this manner (fide DG). Five Cave Swallows were in Van Zandt Co. on June 5 (DC, DL). Six Cave Swallows were at Lake Bonham on Aug 28 (PB, MD) and 12 Bank Swallows were a good number at Pleasure Acres Lake on Aug 29 (PB).

A Bell’s Vireo was at the Sabine Mine on June 12 (LP). Two very late Yellow Warblers were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on June 3 (RK), and 3 Worm-eating Warblers were in Harrison Co. on June 11 (LP). A Black-and-White Warbler, presumably a local breeding bird, was in Henderson Co. on June 24 (DC, DL). The first fall Yellow Warbler was in Chapel Hill on Aug 12, and an impressive 11 birds were at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Aug 23 (both MB). An American Redstart was south of Tyler on Aug 29 (PB). Northern Waterthrushes were abundant in late August, with 6 in Smith Co. (LP, PH) and 5 in Fannin Co. (PB, MD) on Aug 28, and 4 in Smith Co. on Aug 29 (PB, MB). Two Wilson’s Warblers were at Coffee Mill Lake on Aug 28 (PB, MD). Single Mourning Warblers were at Lake Bonham on Aug 28 (PB) and at Pleasure Acres Lake (MB) and south of Tyler on Aug 29 (PB). A Cassin’s Sparrow was in Van Zandt Co. on June 5 (DC, DL) and July 6 (RK). The only Baltimore Orioles were in Tyler on Aug 29 (BS) and south of Tyler on Aug 31 (PB). Let’s hope for a cooler and rainier September that brings in a few more fall migrants.




Fannin County: Coffee Mill Lake, Lake Bonham, Lake Crockett 
County: Marshall, Sabine Mine, Texas Eastman in Longview
County: Cedar Creek Lake
County: Lake Tawakoni State Park
Rusk County
: Sugar Hill Cemetery
County: Chapel Hill, Lake Tyler East, Old Sabine Bottom WMA, Pleasure Acres Lake, Tyler

Upshur County: Lake Gilmer
County: Little Sandy Hunting and Fishing Club



VA      Vannessa Adams
PB       Peter Barnes
LiB       Linda Bellsner

MB      Mike Bloodsworth
DB       David Brotherton
LB        Luanne Brotherton
AB       Ann Bush
JC        Janet Cook
JuC      Julie Crouch

DC      D.D. Currie
MD     Mike Dillon
ME      Mark Edmund
DG      Doug Ghrist

PH       Peggy Harding

RK       Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little
RP       Roy Peck


LP       Linda Price
RR       Ross Rickett
GR      Gloria Rognlie 
BS       Boyd Sanders
DS       Dennis Scott
CS       Cliff Shackelford

MW     DMatt White
NW     NatalieWhite



Northeast Texas Bird Report, May 2011 by Peter Barnes 


With the drought and the drainage of much of Richland Creek WMA for wetland construction, few large waterbirds were reported. A Tricolored Heron was near the Holiday Marina on May 4 (RR). A Least Bittern was at the Grand Saline Marsh on May 5 (RK) and an American Bittern (MD, DW) and 3 late Hooded Mergansers (PB, DnW) were at the Sabine Mine on May 21. Three Hooded Mergansers were also at Lake Cherokee from May 16-20 (DO). Twenty Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were in Henderson Co. on May 1 (LiB). Seven Blue-winged Teal, including 4 young, were notable in Rusk Co. on May 26 (DnW), as evidence of breeding for this species in north-east Texas is limited. A Peregrine Falcon was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 4 (RK, RR). Single American Kestrels, uncommon local breeders in our region, were at the Sabine Mine (PB, DnW) and in Longview on May 21 (DnW), and a pair were in Gregg Co. on May 20 and 27 (LP). A Purple Gallinule and 2 Common Moorhens were a surprise at the Mineola Preserve on May 4 (PB), one Common Moorhen was there on May 28 (BS), and 12 Soras were at the Grand Saline Marsh on May 5 (RK). Two Northern Bobwhites were in Henderson Co. on May 1 (DC, DL), and 23 were at the Sabine Mine on May 21 (MD, MB, DW).


Eight Willets were a good count in Daingerfield on May 2 (DB, LB). Ten Wilson’s Phalaropes were at Texas Eastman in Longview on May 3 (DB), 3 Semipalmated Plovers, 3 Baird’s Sandpipers and 2 Wilson’s Phalaropes were there on May 4, and 4 Baird’s Sandpipers and 5 Wilson’s Phalaropes were present on May 12 (all ME). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., held 130 White-rumped Sandpipers and 4 Wilson’s Phalaropes on May 26 (CS). A late American Golden Plover was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on May 3 (RK) and 25 Spotted Sandpipers were a good number at the Mineola water treatment plant on May 4 (PB). The Sabine Mine held 2 American Avocets on May 8 (LP), a Ruddy Turnstone (PB, DnW), 16 White-rumped Sandpipers (PB, MB, MD, DW, DnW) and a Least Tern (PB, DnW) on May 21. Three Baird’s Sandpipers were in Athens on May 15 (LiB).


A Black-billed Cuckoo was photographed at Caddo Lake NWR in Harrison Co. on May 17 (MD). Flycatcher reports were sparse, with 2 Alder/Willow Flycatchers at Bellwood Lake on May 3 (PB), single Yellow-bellied and Willow Flycatchers at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (RK), an Olive-sided Flycatcher at Camp Tyler on May 12 and 22 (both PB), an Alder Flycatcher in Rusk Co. on May 18 (LP), and an Alder/Willow Flycatcher south of Tyler on May 22 (PB). In contrast, Philadelphia and Warbling Vireos were present in many locations, with a total of 10 and 33 reported, respectively. Two Philadelphia Vireos were south of Tyler on May 1 and 12, one was at Bellwood Lake (all PB), 2 were at Tyler State Park (BS) on May 3, and single birds were at the Mineola Preserve on May 4 (PB), Gregg Co. on May 27 and near Lake Striker on May 28 (both LP). Twenty-four Warbling Vireos were an amazing total at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (RK), 2 at Texas Eastman in Longview on May 5 (DB, ME),and single birds in Henderson Co. on May 1 (DC), at Bellwood Lake (PB) and Texas Eastman in Longview (DB) on May 3, the Mineola water treatment plant (PB) and Rusk Co. (LP, PH) on May 4, Gregg Co. on May 23 and Cherokee Co. on May 28 (both LP). A Bell’s Vireo was in the Pleasant Hill area on May 21 (LP) and 2 were there on May 26 (PB). Two hundred and seventy swallows of 6 expected species (Tree, Barn, Bank, Northern Rough-winged, Cliff and Purple Martin) were an interesting spectacle at Tyler State Park on May 3 (BS).


A Gray-cheeked Thrush was at Tyler State Park on May 3 (BS). Single Blackburnian, Magnolia and Bay-breasted Warblers were south of Tyler on May 1, a Blackburnian and 2 Chestnut-sided Warblers were at Bellwood Lake on May 3, a Canada, 2 Chestnut-sided Warblers and a Northern Waterthrush were at the Mineola Preserve on May 4, and a Chestnut-sided Warbler was south of Tyler on May 12 (all PB). Two Northern Waterthrushes were at Lake Tyler East on May 6 (MB). Tyler State Park had an impressive collection of warblers on May 3, with single Golden-winged, Bay-breasted, Canada, Worm-eating and Magnolia Warblers, and 2 Chestnut-sided Warblers (BS). Lake Tawakoni State Park hosted a Golden-winged Warbler, 3 Blackburnian Warblers and 4 Ovenbirds on May 3, a Bay-breasted Warbler on May 3 and 5, and 4 Chestnut-sided Warblers and 3 Magnolia Warblers on May 5 (all RK). A Palm Warbler was notable for Smith County on May 3 at Bellwood Lake and a Swainson’s Warbler was south of Tyler on May 22 (both PB). A Wilson’s Warbler was in Henderson Co. on May 9 and an American Redstart was in Athens on May 15 (both LiB). Three very late Nashville Warblers were singing in Panola Co. on May 28 (LP, PH), the latest previous NETFO spring record being from May 14.


Thirty Pine Siskins were still in Kilgore, Rusk Co., on May 4 (PH). On May 3, single Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were at Bellwood Lake (PB) and Kilgore, Rusk Co. (PH), and 6 were at Tyler State Park (BS), and 2 were at the Mineola Preserve (PB) and in Kilgore, Rusk Co. (PH) on May 4. A Western Tanager was a first NETFO record for our area on May 3 in Hawkins (BrS). Two Bobolinks were a great find in Van Zandt Co. on May 3, and 25 were a remarkable count at the Grand Saline Marsh on May 5 (both RK). On May 5, a Clay-colored Sparrow and a late White-crowned Sparrow were in Kilgore, Gregg Co. (LP), and a second White-crowned Sparrow was in Henderson Co. (LB). Cassin’s Sparrows exploded north and east of their usual range in Texas this spring, and 3 were heard in Pleasant Hill on May 7-8 (LP), 1 was in Smith Co. on May 11 (PB), 5 were in Rusk Co. on May 11 (LP), 2 were at the Sabine Mine on May 21 (PB, DnW), 3 were in Henderson Co. on May 22, and 7 were in Rusk Co. on May 26 (both LP, PH). We have no previous records of this species in our eastern counties. At least 30 Grasshopper Sparrows were at Pleasant Hill on May 7-8, and 2 Western Meadowlarks were in Gregg Co. on May 27 (both LP). Yellow-headed Blackbirds put in a good showing, with one in Daingerfield on May 2 (DB, LB), 12 at the Grand Saline Marsh on May 5 (RK), 2 in Rusk Co. on May 9 (LP, PH), and one at the Mineola Preserve on May 28 (BS). Forty-five Baltimore Orioles were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (RK), 6 were at Camp Tyler on May 2 (PB), 5 were in Henderson Co. on May 1 (DC, DL), 2 were at Bellwood Lake on May 3 (PB), 2 were at the Mineola Preserve (PB) and in Kilgore, Rusk Co. (PH) on May 4, and single birds were in Kilgore, Gregg Co. (LP) and Texas Eastman in Longview (DB, ME) on May 5.




Cherokee County: Lake Striker
County: Lake Cherokee
County: Pleasant Hill, Sabine Mine, Texas Eastman in Longview
County: Athens
County: Lake Tawakoni State Park
Morris County
: Daingerfield
County: Bellwood Lake, Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Lake Tyler East, Tyler, Tyler State Park

Wood County: Hawkins, Mineola Preserve, Mineola water treatment plant
Van Zandt County
: Holiday Marina, Grand Saline Marsh




PB       Peter Barnes
LiB       Linda Bellsner

MB      Mike Bloodsworth
DB       David Brotherton
LB        Luanne Brotherton
DC       D.D. Currie

ME      Mark Edmund

PH       Peggy Harding

RK       Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little
DO      Donna Orr
LP       Linda Price


RR       Ross Rasmussen 
BS       Boyd Sanders
BrS      Brian Sanders
CS       Cliff Shackelford

DW      David Weaver
DnW     DanielWeaver



Northeast Texas Bird Report, April 2011 by Peter Barnes 


April usually sees a major push of spring passerine migrants that peaks in early May. Migrant vireos and warblers were unusually early this year, highlighted by a Black-throated Blue and a Cerulean Warbler, both rare spring migrants in northeast Texas. Shorebird reports were few, but Marbled and Hudsonian Godwits were notable finds.


An Anhinga was in Gregg Co. on April 15 (LP), and 19 were an impressive count in Henderson Co. on April 30 (DC, DL). Two Tricolored Herons were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 14 (DC, DL), and one was at Lake Tyler East on April 30 (PB). A lingering Common Goldeneye was at Texas Eastman in Longview on April 16 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and a Northern Shoveler was still at Camp Tyler on April 30 (PB). On April 30, 84 Mississippi Kites were an impressive concentration at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co (RK), and 3 Mississippi Kites and a Common Moorhen were in Henderson Co. that day (DC, DL). Twelve Soras were at the Grand Saline Marsh on April 30 (RK). Upland Sandpipers are common migrants, and a high count of 48 birds were at the Sabine Mine area on April 11 (LP). An American Golden Plover was at Texas Eastman in Longview on April 7 (ME), 10 were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 14 (DC, DL), and 4 were in Rusk Co. on April 16 (LP). A Buff-breasted Sandpiper was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on April 30 (RK). The Marbled Godwit seen last month was still at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on April 2 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., hosted 2 Hudsonian Godwits, a Semipalmated Plover and 9 Baird’s Sandpipers on April 14 (DC, DL). Two Western Sandpipers were at Texas Eastman in Longview on April 16 (Tyler Audubon field trip).


Forty Franklin’s Gulls flew over Athens on April 18 (JV). Three Greater Roadrunners were in Freestone Co. on April 14 (DC, DL), and one was in Tyler on April 22 (JV). The first 2 Acadian Flycatchers were spotted at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 14 (DC, DL). A lingering Hermit Thrush was still in Henderson Co. on April 2 (DC, DL). Very early Warbling Vireos were in Chapel Hill on April 1 (MB) and at Tyler State Park on April 7 (BS), our earliest previous date being April 11. Single Philadelphia Vireos were at Tyler State Park on April 17 (BS) and in Gregg Co. on April 18 (LP). The first Swainson’s (4) and Kentucky (2) Warblers were found at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 14 (DC, DL). A Palm Warbler was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on April 19 (RK). Tyler State Park cornered the warbler market, with an early Blackburnian Warbler on April 5, a Magnolia Warbler on April 13, single Chestnut-sided and Cerulean Warblers on April 17, and 2 Worm-eating Warblers on April 22 (all BS). The most remarkable was an incredibly early male Black-throated Blue Warbler at Tyler State Park on April 1-3 (BS). A Chestnut-sided Warbler was in Van Zandt Co. on April 30 (RK).


Seven Clay-colored Sparrows were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 14 (DC, DL). A Scarlet Tanager was a great find at Texas Eastman in Longview on April 15 (ME). The Black-headed Grosbeak in Marshall last month stayed until April 15 (PHa). Four Pine Siskins were still in Henderson Co. on April 30 (DC, DL). The first Baltimore Oriole was spotted in Chapel Hill on April 19 (MB), and 2 were at Camp Tyler on April 30 (PB). Two Western Meadowlarks were singing in Rusk Co. on April 6 (LP), and 3 were there on April 9 (LP, PH).


Counties & Locations:


Gregg County: Longview
County: Marshall, Sabine Mine area, Texas Eastman in Longview
County: Athens
County: Lake Tawakoni State Park
County: Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Lake Tyler East, Tyler, Tyler State Park

Van Zandt County: Grand Saline Marsh




PB       Peter Barnes

MB      Mike Bloodsworth
DC       D.D. Currie
PHa      Peggy Hall


PH       Peggy Harding

RK       Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little


LP      Linda Price 
BS      Boyd Sanders

JV      Justin Valleau



Northeast Texas Bird Report, March 2011 by Mike Dillon


March sees departing waterfowl, and the arrival of early landbird migrants and breeding birds. This month was most remarkable for the impressive collection of unlikely yard birds, including Ross’s Goose, Sandhill Crane and Black-headed Grosbeak.


On March 2, a Pacific Loon was still at the Holiday Marina and a Cackling Goose was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co. (both RK). Peggy Harding had a Ross’s Goose barely make it over her house in Kilgore, Rusk Co., on March 12. Other impressive yard flyovers were 60 Snow Geese, 20 Greater White-fronted Geese and 7 Sandhill Cranes over Henderson Co. on March 5 (DC, DL). The first Anhinga of the spring was at Old Sabine Bottom WMA on March 26 (PB). Five immature Blue-winged Teal were in Rusk County on March 31 (LP,PH). The Cinnamon Teal, found late last month, was still at Lake Tyler East on March 9 (PH, JuW), and 45 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were a good number on Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on March 16 (GR). A Common Goldeneye, uncommon in our southern counties, was at Lake Striker on March 6, and a Redhead was in Panola Co. on March 10 (both LP, PH). The first Little Blue Heron of the spring was at Lake Tyler East on March 9 (PH, JW). Four Bald Eagles were a good tally at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on March 19 (PB, DG, DS, JuW). Single Krider’s Red-tailed Hawks were over Kilgore, Gregg Co., on March 14 (LP) and Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on March 19 (PB, DG, DS, JuW), and a Merlin was at Lake Tyler on March 5 (PB, DG). Sugar Hill Road was the place to be for shorebirds and 9 species were tallied there this month, with good numbers of Least Sandpipers (70) on March 5, Wilson’s Snipe (40) and Pectoral Sandpipers (22) on March 14, as well as single Baird’s and Western Sandpipers on March 14 (all LP). The first American Golden-Plover was spotted at the Sabine Mining company land on March 15 (LP, PH). Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., also held a good variety of shorebirds on March 27, including a rare Marbled Godwit, a Western Sandpiper and 25 American Golden Plovers (LP, PH). Texas Eastman hosted two Pectoral Sandpipers and four Spotted Sandpipers on March 29 (ME). A Solitary Sandpiper was spotted in Rusk County on March 31 (LP,PH).


Three Greater Roadrunners were in Cherokee Co. on March 6 (LP, PH), and one was in Gregg Co. on March 15 (VG). A Short-eared Owl was a great find at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on March 2 (RK). A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was spotted on March 25 in Lindale (ME). A lingering Red-breasted Nuthatch was in Kilgore, Gregg Co., on March 14 (LP). Forty Tree Swallows were a good number at Lake Striker on March 6 (LP, PH). The first Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher was spotted in Tyler on March 1 (JuW) and a pair at a nest were found on March 31 in Rusk County (LP, PH). The first White-eyed Vireo was at Lake Tyler East on March 14 (MB) and four more were spotted at Texas Eastman in Longview on March 29 along with one Red-eyed Vireo (ME). Eight hundred Cedar Waxwings swirling over UT Tyler were an impressive sight on March 21 (PB). The first Northern Parulas were observed at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on March 19 (PB, DG, DS, JuW), the first Black-throated Green Warbler was at the UT Health Science Center in Tyler on March 21, and the first Louisiana Waterthrush and Yellow-throated and Hooded Warblers were at the Old Sabine Bottom WMA on March 26 (all PB). Two Yellow-throated and two Black-and-White Warblers were at Texas Eastman in Longview on March 29 (ME). A singing Bachman’s Sparrow was a surprise at Sugar Hill Road on March 14 (LP). A Black-headed Grosbeak was photographed in Peggy Hall’s yard in Marshall, where it stayed from March 1-27 and again on March 30. The Lesser Goldfinch visited Peggy Harding’s yard again in Kilgore, Rusk Co., on March 10. Thirty Rusty Blackbirds were in Kilgore, Gregg Co., on March 14 (LP).


Counties & Locations:


Cherokee County: Lake Striker
County: Marshall, Sabine Mining Company land, Texas Eastman
County: Sugar Hill Road
County: Lake Tyler, Lake Tyler East, Old Sabine Bottom WMA, Tyler, UT Health Science Center at Tyler, UT Tyler, Lindale

Van Zandt County: Holiday Marina




PB       Peter Barnes

MB      Mike Bloodsworth
DC       D.D. Currie
VG       Vera Garlough
DG       Doug Ghrist

PHa     Peggy Hall

PH       Peggy Harding

RK       Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little


LP      Linda Price 
GR     Gloria Rognlie

DS      Dennis Scott

JuW    Judy Wright



Northeast Texas Bird Report, February 2011 by Peter Barnes


February sees the first hints of migration, with Purple Martins and swallows arriving and Blue-winged Teal starting to move north. We had a good variety of waterfowl this month, highlighted by a Cinnamon Teal.


Single Neotropic Cormorants were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Feb 15 and 17 (both DB) and at Cooper Lake, Hopkins Co., on Feb 26 (DB, LB). Geese sighted include the now resident Ross’s Goose at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Feb 5 (PB), 300 Snow Geese and 15 Cackling Geese in Fannin Co. on Feb 13 (PB, PH, LP, DS), and 20 Greater White-fronted Geese at Cooper Lake, Delta Co., on Feb 13 (LP, PH). The bird of the month was a Cinnamon Teal at Lake Tyler East on Feb 28 (MB), the first NETFO record for Smith Co., and a rare spring migrant in the Pineywoods. Thirty-six Black-bellied Whistling Ducks flew over Alba on Feb 20 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and an impressive 500 Northern Shovelers were at Cooper Lake, Delta Co., on Feb 13 (LP, PH). Twelve Northern Pintails, our least common dabbling duck, were at Lake Tyler East on Feb 6 (MB), 3 were in Rains Co. on Feb 12 (PB, DS), and 8 were around Lake Fork, Rains Co., on Feb 20 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Eighty Greater Scaup were a good concentration at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Feb 5 (PB), 2 Common Goldeneyes were notable for the Sabine River in Smith Co. on Feb 12 (PB, DS), and 30 Canvasbacks were at Lake Tyler on Feb 28 (JuW).


Richland Creek WMA hosted 5 White-faced Ibis (Navarro Co.) on Feb 5 (JW), and 12 White Ibis (Freestone Co.) on Feb 13 (DB, LB). A Krider’s Red-tailed Hawk was south of Bonham on Feb 12 (PB, PH, LP, DS). A Virginia Rail was photographed at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Feb 11 (JW). Four American Woodcocks were at the Sabine Mining Company land on Feb 21 (LP). Shorebirds included 4 Dunlin at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Feb 5 (DB, LB), and 52 Long-billed Dowitchers at Richland Creek WMA on Feb 13 (DB, LB), 43 in Navarro and 9 in Freestone Co. An early Franklin’s Gull was at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Feb 27 (DB, LB).


A Greater Roadrunner was in Chapel Hill on Feb 4 (MB), and 3 were in Fannin Co. on Feb 13 (PB, PH, LP, DS). The Common Ground-Dove in Athens was last seen on Feb 9 (JB). An unusually early Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was in Tyler on Feb 18 (JV). The Fish Crow expansion continues with 3 at Texas Eastman in Longview on Feb 15 (DB). Eight Common Yellowthroats were a good number for the winter at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Feb 25 (MB).


Smith County saw a mini-invasion of Spotted Towhees, with one in Chapel Hill on Feb 9, two on Feb 18 (both MB) and another at Camp Tyler on Feb 16 (PB). The blizzard to our north brought an American Tree Sparrow to Athens on Feb 6 (JB), the first NETFO record since 2003. One hundred Lapland Longspurs were in Fannin Co. on Feb 13 (PB, PH, LP, DS) and 20 were in Delta Co. on Feb 26 (DB, LB). A Summer Tanager, rare here in winter, was in Marshall on Feb 10 (PHa). This has been a good year for winter finches, with 7 Purple Finches visiting Ray Berry’s feeders in Atlanta on Feb 4, 5 in Morris Co. on Feb 4 (DB, LB), 3 in Gregg Co. on Feb 24 and 1 there on Feb 17 (both LP) and one in Canton on Feb 26 (DOh). Thirty Pine Siskins were in Morris Co. on Feb 4 (DB, LB), 30 were in Smith Co. on Feb 19 (PB), 5 and 2 were in Gregg Co. on Feb 10 and 24, respectively (both LP) and single birds were in Gregg Co. on Feb 17 (LP) and in Canton on Feb 25 (DOh). Rusty Blackbirds also made a good showing, with 18 in Atlanta on Feb 4 (RB), 160 near Camp Tyler on Feb 6 and 16 (PB), 20 at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Feb 8 (JW), 50 at Lake Tyler East on Feb 9 (MB), 70 at the Sabine River in Smith Co. on Feb 12 (PB, DS) and 22 in Hunt Co. that day (LP). A Western Meadowlark was at Lake Palestine, Cherokee Co., on Feb 13 (DB, LB).


Counties & Locations:


Cass County: Atlanta 
County: Bonham
County: Marshall, Sabine Mining Company land, Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County
: Athens
County: Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Lake Tyler, Lake Tyler East, Tyler

Wood County: Alba

Van Zandt County: Canton




PB       Peter Barnes

RB       Ray Berry
MB      Mike Bloodsworth
JB        James Booker
DB       David Brotherton

LB       Luanne Brotherton

PHa     Peggy Hall

PH       Peggy Harding

RK       Richard Kinney

DOh     Dale Ohl


LP     Linda Price 
DS     Dennis Scott

JV      Justin Valleau

JW     Jim Wright

JuW   Judy Wright



Northeast Texas Bird Report, January 2011 by Peter Barnes


January had some cold snaps and brought the expected loons and waterfowl, although overall numbers were low, perhaps because of the drought, which also made for reduced numbers of land birds. Winter finches were an exception, with good numbers of Purple Finches and Pine Siskins. The Tyler and Lake O’ the Pines CBCs on Jan 1 netted 107 and 112 species, respectively.


The Pacific Loon from last month at Lake O’ the Pines was still present on Jan 14 (DB). A Red-throated Loon was seen at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Jan 2 (CF). A Western Grebe was a good find at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Jan 15 and an Eared Grebe was spotted on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC in Marion Co. (both DB). A Neotropic Cormorant was found on the Tyler CBC (DC, DL). More than 5,000 American White Pelicans at Lake Wright Patman were an impressive concentration on Jan 15 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Four thousand Snow Geese and 10 Ross’s Geese were near Bogata on Jan 23 (DB), and one Ross’s Goose was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Jan 30 (DB, LB). A Cackling Goose and 7 Canada Geese were in Longview, Gregg Co., on Jan 6 (LP), 7 Canada Geese were in Anderson Co. on Jan 21 (MB), and 23 were in Camp Co. on Jan 30 (DB, LB). Greater Scaup were more common than usual, with 19 on the Tyler CBC (multiple observers), 20 at Texas Eastman in Tyler on Jan 14 (PB), and 107 at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Jan 15 (DB). Four hundred and fifty Canvasbacks were a good number at Lake Tyler East on Jan 17 (PB). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., hosted its usual large numbers of ducks, including 275 Northern Shovelers and 200 Northern Pintails on Jan 28 (MB), 3 Redheads on Jan 14 (JC, DC, DL) and 2 Redheads on Jan 28 (MB). Thirty-eight Hooded Mergansers were at Atlanta State Park on Jan 15, 8 Redheads were at the LeTourneau Bottoms on Jan 29 (both Tyler Audubon field trips) and 2 were at Lake Fork, Rains Co., on Jan 31 (JC).


A Snowy Egret, unusual in winter, was in Chapel Hill on Dec 31 (DS). Ten White-faced and 1 White Ibis were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Jan 14 (DC, DL, JC), increasing to 34 White-faced and 23 White Ibis, joined by 96 Great Egrets, by Jan 28 (MB). The same location held 3 Virginia Rails on Jan 14 (DC, DL, JC), an unusual wintering Common Moorhen, and 9 Northern Harriers on Jan 28 (all MB). A Crested Caracara was the second NETFO record for Smith Co. on Jan 29 (NF), and single Merlins were seen in Athens on Jan 21 (JB) and in Upshur Co. on Jan 29 (LP).Thirty-four Greater Yellowlegs were present at Richland Creek WMA on Jan 28, 12 in Freestone and 22 in Navarro Co. (MB). Two American Woodcocks were in Gregg Co. on Jan 25 (LP). A first-year Thayer’s Gull was a good find at Cooper Lake, Delta Co., on Jan 6 (MW).


Single Greater Roadrunners were in Hopkins Co. on Jan 23 (DB) and Rusk Co. on Jan 24 (LP), and 2 were in Wood Co. on Jan 30 (JC).. The Common Ground Dove was still in Athens on Jan 31 (JB), a White-winged Dove was a good find on the Tyler CBC (JC, AB) and another was in Daingerfield on Jan 11 (DB, LB). A Red-breasted Nuthatch was at Tyler State Park on Jan 19 (BS), 2 were in Franklin Co. on Jan 23 (DB), and 1 was at Lake Wright Patman, Cass Co., on Jan 29 (DB, LB). Five Marsh Wrens were an all-time high on the Tyler CBC (DC, DL, MB, DS, SS), and one was at Tyler State Park on Jan 8 (BS). Two Bewick’s Wrens were spotted on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC in Marion Co. (ME). A Tree Swallow and 11 Cave Swallows were unusual winter records at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Jan 11 (DC, DL, JC), and the Tree Swallow was still present on Jan 28 (MB). Two Common Yellowthroats were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Jan 21 (MB) and one was there on Jan 14 (JC).


Over 1,000 sparrows were in Chapel Hill on Jan 13, with a remarkable 208 Swamp Sparrows (MB). The Lake O’ the Pines CBC yielded a Henslow’s Sparrow in Upshur Co., 2 Spotted Towhees were in Cass Co. on Jan 15, and a Smith’s Longspur was near Bogata on Jan 23 (all DB). Winter finches were abundant, with 16 Purple Finches (BS, BrS, MB) on the Tyler CBC, 2 on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC in Marion Co. (DW), 2 at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Jan 14 (DC, DL, JC), 2 in Daingerfield on Jan 15 (DB, LB), one in Canton on Jan 26 (DOh), and up to 5 in Kilgore, Rusk Co., from Jan 14-31 (PH). Forty-six Pine Siskins were noted on the Tyler CBC (many observers), 3 in Marion Co. on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (LP), up to 32 were in Daingerfield on Jan 14 (DB, LB), and up to 100 visited Peggy Harding’s yard in Kilgore, Rusk Co., together with 200 American Goldfinches, throughout the month. Peggy also photographed a Lesser Goldfinch, only the third NETFO record, in her yard on Jan 24-25. Rusty Blackbirds were more plentiful than usual, with 180 on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC in Upshur Co. (ME), 75 in Bogota on Jan 23 (DB), 200 in Cass Co. on Jan 15, 300 were in Panola Co. and 450 in Shelby Co. on Jan 30 (all LP).


Counties & Locations:


Cass County: Atlanta State Park
County: LeTourneau Bottoms
County: Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County
: Athens
Morris County
: Daingerfield  

Red River County: Bogata

Smith County: Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Texas Eastman in Tyler, Tyler, Tyler State Park

Van Zandt County: Canton




PB       Peter Barnes

MB      Mike Bloodsworth
JB        James Booker
DB       David Brotherton

LB       Luanne Brotherton
AB      Ann Bush
JC       Jessica Coleman
JC       Janet Cook


DC      D.D. Currie
ME     Mark Edmund
NF      Neil Ford

CF       Caleb Frome

PH       Peggy Harding

DL       Dell Little

DOh     Dale Ohl



LP      Linda Price

BS      Boyd Sanders

BrS     Brian Sanders

DS      Dennis Scott

SS      Suzi Stein

JV      Justin Valleau

DW    David Weaver




Northeast Texas Bird Report, December 2010 by Peter Barnes


Good numbers of waterfowl were present in the northwest counties and winter finches were more abundant than usual, and the most notable sighting was an Anna’s Hummingbird. On Dec 4, 107 species were observed on the Caddo Lake Winter Bird Count, the circle for which includes areas in Louisiana and Texas. The Longview CBC on Dec 18 tallied 103 species, and the Lake Murvaul count on Dec 23 netted 101 species. Birds reported below on the Caddo and Longview counts were in Harrison and Gregg Co., respectively, unless otherwise stated.


Single Pacific Loons were at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Dec 19 (RK) and at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Dec 21-31 (TF, DB). Four Neotropic Cormorants were notable for the Tenaha Count (Panola Co., PH, BG, TD) and an impressive 100 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were at Callender Lake on Dec 8 (MK). Thirty-five Cackling Geese were at the Gambil Wildlife Refuge (Tyler Audubon field trip) and the fields near Bogata held 4000 Snow Geese on Dec 11 (PB, DS), 1500 Snow Geese, 4 Ross’s Geese and 70 Greater White-fronted Geese on Dec 12 (LP, PH), and 1700 Snow Geese on Dec 31 (DB). A Blue-winged Teal was spotted on the Longview CBC (PH, DM), 142 Hooded Mergansers were a good number in Trinidad on Dec 20 (TF), and a Common Goldeneye was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 28 (DB, ME). Thirty five White Ibis were tallied on the Caddo Lake Count (MD, ME, GP, DW). A Merlin of the pale prairie richardsoni subspecies was north of Pat Mayse Lake on Dec 11 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and single birds were spotted in Marion Co. on the Caddo Lake Count (PH, BC) and the Longview CBC (DG, GP). Two Sandhill Cranes flew over Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Dec 31 (JW). Grand Saline Marsh held 6 Virginia Rails and 5 Soras on Dec 21 (DB, LB). Eighty-seven Long-billed Dowitchers were in Trinidad on Dec 20 (TF), and 12 Greater Yellowlegs were an unusually high count in Morris Co. on Dec 4 (LP).


Single Greater Roadrunners were on Dudley Road on Dec 19 (PB), in Red River Co. on Dec 12 (LP, PH), Hunt Co. on Dec 20 (DB, LB) and Panola Co. on the Tenaha CBC (TD). A White-winged Dove visited a feeder in Daingerfield from Dec 24-26 (DB, LB) and another was in Harleton on Dec 22 (TF). An Anna’s Hummingbird was photographed in Chapel Hill on Nov 30 (MB), only the second NETFO record since 1999 and the first for Smith Co. The Common Ground-Dove was still in Athens on Dec 31 (JB), putting in an extraordinarily long appearance. A Say’s Phoebe was near Cooper Lake, Delta Co., on Dec 2 (MW), the first sighting of this species in the NETFO area since 2003. A late Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was photographed near Holiday Marina on Dec 6 (VP). Single Marsh Wrens were observed on the Longview CBC (PH, DM) and at the Grand Saline Marsh on Dec 21 (DB, LB). Two Red-breasted Nuthatches were in Chapel Hill on Dec 21 (DB, LB). Golden-crowned Kinglets were more widespread than usual this winter, with a high count of 18 in Morris Co. on Dec 4 (LP).


Eight LeConte’s Sparrows and a Grasshopper Sparrow were at Lake Gibbons on Dec 11 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Four Harris’s Sparrows were on Dudley Road on Dec 19 (PB) and one was in Red River Co. on Dec 12 (PH, LP). Good finds were a Henslow’s Sparrow on the Longview CBC (CT, LE) and a Clay-colored Sparrow in Rusk Co. on Dec 26 (PH). A Spotted Towhee was photographed at Camp Tyler on Dec 4 (MB) and another was observed on the Caddo Lake count (MD, DW). One hundred and fifty Lapland Longspurs were north of Pat Mayse Lake on Dec 11 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and 1000 were in Red River Co. on Dec 12 (PH, LP). Thirty Smith’s Longspurs were near Lake Tawakoni State Park on Dec 19 (RK) and 1 was in Bogata on Dec 31 (DB). It was an invasion year for winter finches, with a total of 68 Pine Siskins reported from Dec 19-31, 36 in Smith Co. (PB, MB), 30 in Rusk Co. (PH) and 2 in Henderson Co. (DC, DL). Twenty-five Purple Finches were spotted from Dec 18-31, 8 in Smith Co., 2 in Henderson Co., 13 on the Longview CBC and 2 on the Tenaha CBC (multiple observers). Thirty Rusty Blackbirds were near Chicota on Dec 11 (Tyler Audubon field trip), 80 were in Red River Co. on Dec 12 (LP. PH) and 340 were in Whitehouse on Dec 24 (PB). An all-time high of 11,258 Red-winged Blackbirds and 67,037 Common Grackles were tallied on the Caddo Lake count (many observers in Texas and Louisiana). Thirty Brewer’s Blackbirds were in Red River Co. on Dec 12 (LP, PH) and single birds were observed in Morris Co. on Dec 4 (LP) and on the Tenaha CBC in Shelby Co. (LP, DO).


Counties & Locations:


Harrison County: Harleton, Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County
: Athens, Callender Lake, Trinidad
Hunt County
: Lake Tawakoni State Park

Lamar County: Chicota, Gambil Wildlife Refuge, Lake Gibbons, Pat Mayse Lake

Morris County: Daingerfield, Lone Star 

Red River County: Bogata

Rusk County: Martin Creek Lake State Park

Smith County: Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Dudley Road, Lake Tyler, Whitehouse

Van Zandt County: Grand Saline Marsh, Holiday Marina




PB       Peter Barnes

MB      Mike Bloodsworth
JB        James Booker
DB       David Brotherton

LB       Luanne Brotherton
BC      Barbara Cavin
DC      D.D. Currie
TD      Tripp Davenport
MD     Mike Dillon

ME     Mark Edmund
LE       Lisa Evers
TF       Tim Fennell
BG      Becky Gullette
DG      Don Gwynn
PH      Peggy Harding
MK     Mike Kirkpatrick
DL       Dell Little
DM      Dorothy Metzler

DO     Donna Orr
VP     Vernon Patterson
GP     Gene Peiter

LP     Linda Price

DS     Dennis Scott

CT     Candy Troop

DW    David Weaver

JW      Jim Wright



Northeast Texas Bird Report, October-November 2010 by Peter Barnes


The absence of significant cold fronts or rain produced few sightings of passerine migrants or wandering gulls, and no Sabine’s Gulls were reported on the area’s large lakes this October. Activity picked up in November, the highlights being reports of Short-eared Owl, Common Ground-Dove and 7 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.


The first Pacific Loon of the winter was at the Holiday Marina on Nov 15 (RK), and an Eared Grebe was at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Nov 25 (DB). An Anhinga was at the Mineola Preserve on Oct 2 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and an American Bittern was at the Grand Saline Marsh on Nov 11 (RK). Nine hundred and thirty one American White Pelicans at Atlanta State Park on Nov 26 (DB) were the highest total reported since 2005, when 3000 were observed at Lake Wright Patman. Three White-faced Ibis were spotted at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Nov 13 (DB, LB, WB, PH, LP). A Ross’ Goose was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 17 (ME) and two flew over Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Nov 23 (MD). Two hundred and forty American Wigeons were an excellent tally at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 18 (ME). Single Northern Harriers were at Tyler State Park (BS) and Camp Tyler (Tyler Audubon field trip) on Oct 23, unusual for Smith Co, and one was in Gregg Co. on Nov 5 (LP). A Merlin was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Nov 17 (DB, LB). Grand Saline Marsh had an impressive 16 Soras and 2 Virginia Rails on Nov 11 (RK). Two American Woodcocks, regular winter visitors that are often hard to see, were observed in Gregg Co. from Nov 22-30 (LP). Three Solitary Sandpipers were in Smith Co. on Oct 16 (LP), and 14 Spotted Sandpipers were a god number at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 18 (ME). An American Avocet was at Lake Jacksonville on Oct 10 (DB, LB), and 6 Long-Billed Dowitchers were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Nov 19 (DB, LB).


A Short-eared Owl at the Grand Saline Marsh on Nov 11 (RK) was the first one reported in northeast Texas since 2007. It will be interesting to see if they return to their traditional wintering area at the Sabine Mining Company land in Harrison Co. Three Greater Roadrunners were in Gregg Co. on Nov 6 (LP). A Common Ground-Dove was a great find in Athens from Nov 9-18 (JB). There are only 6 previous records in the NETFO database, 3 of which were in the fall, from late September through late October. Single Red-breasted Nuthatches were reported at Tyler State Park on Oct 15 and 31 (BS), at Camp Tyler on Oct 23 (LP, PB), in Kilgore, Gregg Co., on Nov 10 (LP), and at Lake Wright Patman, Cass Co., on Nov 26 (DB, LB), possibly signaling a good winter for this species. A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was still in Van Zandt Co. on Nov 17 (DB, LB). Four Horned Larks were in Franklin Co. on Nov 20 (DB), and a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Dec 17 (DB, LB). A late Yellow-throated Vireo was in Overton on Oct 16 (LP), and the last Gray Catbird was spotted in Rusk Co. on Oct 6 (PH). The first Fox Sparrow of the season was in Cherokee Co. on Nov 22 (LP). Seven Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were an amazing find at Tyler State Park on Nov 20 (BS), the latest fall sighting of this species in the NETFO database. Fall records are rare in NE Texas and are generally of single birds. We have several October records, but only one from November in 1994. The first Purple Finch was spotted in Rains Co. on Nov 17 (DB, LB) and the last Baltimore Oriole was observed in Rusk Co. on Oct 4 (PH).


Counties & Locations:


Cass County: Atlanta State Park
Cherokee County
: Lake Jacksonville
County: Eastman in Longview
Henderson County
: Athens
Hunt County
: Lake Tawakoni State Park

Smith County: Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Overton, Tyler, Tyler State Park

Van Zandt County: Grand Saline Marsh, Holiday Marina




PB       Peter Barnes

JB       James Booker
WB     Wanda Bosmans
DB      David Brotherton

LB     Luanne Brotherton
MD    Mike Dillon
ME    Mark Edmund
PH     Peggy Harding


RK    Richard Kinney

LP     Linda Price

BS     Boyd Sanders



Northeast Texas Bird Report, September 2010 by Peter Barnes


It was a very slow month, with no significant storms to bring migrants down in our area. Two Anhingas were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 4 (ME). Three Black-bellied Whistling Ducks and the resident Ross’ Goose remained at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., until Sept 20 (DB, LB). Blue-winged Teal are usually the earliest ducks to head south, and 110 birds were in Bowie Co. on Sept 19 (DB, LB). The number of large wading birds reported was much lower than usual, with only 2 Tricolored Herons at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Sept 18 (Tyler Audubon field trip), 4 Woods Storks at Lake Fork, Rains Co., on Sept 18 (DB) and 4 Roseate Spoonbills in Bowie Co. on Sept 19 (DB, LB). Two Mississippi Kites and a Northern Harrier were over Tyler on Sept 17 (JV). The second half of September is the major window for raptor migration in north-east Texas, but with clear skies, the largest number of Broad-winged Hawks reported was only 16 in Rains Co. on Sept 18 (DB). A Peregrine Falcon was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 5 (RBa), and a Merlin was at the UT Health Center at Tyler on Sept 19 (PB). A Common Moorhen was at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Sept 18 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Three Buff-breasted Sandpipers were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 5 (RBa) and 2 were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Sept 4 (DB, LB).


A Sabine’s Gull was at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Sept 25 (RK). Three Black Terns were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 16 (ME). Ruby-throated Hummingbirds move south in September, and 30 birds were the high count on Sept 19 in Daingerfield (DB, LB). Fish Crows continue their expansion, with one bird noted at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 25 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Single Wilson’s Warblers were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Sept 18 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and in Henderson Co. on Sept 25 (DC, DL). Four Baltimore Orioles were in Chapel Hill on Sept 5 (MB), and 3 were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Sept 18 (Tyler Audubon field trip).


Counties & Locations:


Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview
County: Daingerfield

Smith County: Chapel Hill, Tyler, UT Health Center at Tyler





RBa     Ron Baltzegar
PB       Peter Barnes

MB     Mike Bloodsworth
DB      David Brotherton

LB     Luanne Brotherton
DC    D.D. Currie
ME    Mark Edmund


RK    Richard Kinney

DL     Dell Little

JV      Justin Valleau



Northeast Texas Bird Report, Summer 2010 by Peter Barnes


Richland Creek WMA usually hosts many post-breeding waterbirds, but the only notable high count this summer was of 90 White Ibis (86 in Navarro, 4 in Freestone Co.) on June 25 (DB, LB). A high of only 20 Wood Storks and 2 Roseate Spoonbills (both Navarro Co.) were there on Aug 28 (DOh), and 2 Tricolored Herons were present on June 25 (DB, LB) and Aug 28 (DOh). Elsewhere, 2 Wood Storks were in Upshur Co. on July 2 (DB, LB), a Roseate Spoonbill was a surprise in Morris Co. on Aug 1 (LP), and 3 were in Red River Co. on Aug 8 (LP, PH). Seven Anhingas and 24 White Ibis were nesting in Gregg Co. on June 5 (LP). Two Anhingas and a White-faced Ibis were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 29 (ME). Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks were widespread, with 7 in Pittsburg (MD) and 14 at Lake Bob Sandlin (DB) on Aug 20, 40 on Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on Aug 23 (GR), 2 in Texarkana on Aug 28 (PB), and single birds in Freestone Co. on June 13 (DC, DL), Quitman on June 19 (DB), Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on July 11 (DOh), and Red River Co. on July 10 (DB) and Aug 8 (LP, PH). The Ross’ Goose, first seen this winter, was still with domestic geese at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Aug 21 (LP). This species may have a propensity to stay where food is readily available, as one remained at Lake Tyler for several years. One hundred and seventy five Blue-winged Teal were an impressive concentration at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 26 (DB, ME).


A female/immature Northern Harrier was an extremely unusual sighting in Tyler on June 7, representing the first summer record for this species in north-east Texas (JV). A male Northern Harrier was also in Tyler on Aug 8 (JV), perhaps representing an early migrant. Single Swainson’s Hawks were notable in Lamar Co. on Aug 7 (PH, LP) and Red River Co. on Aug 28 (PB). Single, presumably breeding, Mississippi Kites were near Jacksonville on June 13, Cass Co. on July 4 (both PB) and at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on July 5 (LP). Kites are early migrants, and an impressive total of 58 birds were reported from Aug 1-29 in the north-east counties (PB, MD, PH, LP), with a high count of 28 on Aug 15 (18 in Red River Co., 3 in Morris and 7 in Cass Co., PB). Two Northern Bobwhites were in Rusk Co. on June 13, 12 were at the Sabine Mining Company land on June 27 (both LP), and single birds were in Rains Co. on June 11 (DB, LB) and near Bogata on July 10 (DB). A summering American Coot was at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on June 25 (DB, LB) and 5 Common Moorhens were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Camp Co., on Aug 20 (MD). A Wild Turkey was an interesting find at Hughes Springs on June 13 (DB, LB). Three Buff-breasted Sandpipers were in Red River Co. on Aug 15 (PB), and 6 were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Aug 20 (DB). Upland Sandpipers are early fall migrants, the first one being spotted on Aug 1 in Morris Co. (LP), with high counts of 50 on Aug 8 (PH, LP), and 41 on Aug 28 (PB), all in Red River Co. A Semipalmated Plover was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 12 and 26 (DB, ME).


A Laughing Gull and a summering Forster’s Tern were at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on June 11 (DB, LB), another Forster’s Tern was at Lake Lone Star on July 11 (PB), and 7 were at Lake Crook on Aug 8 (PB, PH, LP). A Least Tern was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Aug 20 (DB) and 6 Black Terns were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 26 (DB, ME). Greater Roadrunners were everywhere, with a total of 11 birds reported in 9 counties from June 2 through Aug 20 (multiple observers). Peggy Harding’s yard in Kilgore, Rusk Co., remains the hummer capital of NE Texas, with a male Black-chinned Hummingbird on Aug 12 and a Broad-tailed Hummingbird from Aug 15-28. Two Fish Crows were heard in Rusk Co. on June 17 (LP). Thirteen Cave Swallows were in Freestone Co. on June 13 (DC, DL). Tree Swallows are local breeders, and 1 was in Hunt Co. on June 11, 12 were in Henderson Co. on June 19 (both DB, LB) and 5 were on Sugar Hill Road on July 13 (LP). Flycatcher reports included single Alder Flycatchers in Lamar Co. on Aug 8 (PB, PH, LP) and Red River Co. on Aug 28 (PB), an Olive-sided Flycatcher at Tyler State Park on Aug 19 (BS). Western Kingbirds are now widespread in some of the northern counties (Delta, Lamar and Red River), but still notable in the south, where one was spotted at the Sabine Mine on Aug 20 (LP),


A Horned Lark was in Lamar Co. on July 10 (DB). Two Bell’s Vireos were heard and recorded at the Sabine Mine on June 27 (LP), and single birds were observed there on June 4 (DB, LB) and July 25 (LP), and another in Lamar Co. on July 19 (DB). A Louisiana Waterthrush was observed in Kilgore, Gregg Co., on July 15 (LP). A Swainson’s Warbler was near Jacksonville on June 13 (PB), a Prairie Warbler was in Marion Co. on July 5, 2 Prairie Warblers were at Sugar Hill Road on July 13 and 3 were at Pleasant Hill Road on July 25 (all LP). A Grasshopper Sparrow was heard at the Sabine Mine on June 27, a Bachman’s Sparrow was heard in Smith Co. on June 6 (both LP), and a remarkably early Savannah Sparrow was in Cass Co. on Aug 15 (PB). Previous recent reports of Bachman’s Sparrow in the NETFO area have been confined to the Gus Engling WMA in Anderson Co. A Baltimore Oriole was in Delta Co. on Aug 7 (PH, LP).


Counties & Locations:


Bowie County: Texarkana

Camp County: Pittsburg

Cass County: Hughes Springs

Cherokee County: Jacksonville

Harrison County: Pleasant Hill Road, Sabine Mine, Texas Eastman in Longview
Lamar County
: Lake Crook

Morris County: Lake Lone Star

Panola County: Sugar Hill Road

Red River County: Bogata
County: Tyler, Tyler State Park

Wood County: Quitman





PB       Peter Barnes

DB      David Brotherton
LB      Luanne Brotherton
DC     D.D. Currie
MD    Mike Dillon

ME    Mark Edmund

PH     Peggy Harding

DL     Dell Little
DOh   Dale Ohl

LP      Linda Price

GR     Gloria Rognlie
BS      Boyd Sanders

JV      Justin Valleau



Northeast Texas Bird Report, May 2010 by Peter Barnes

It was a lackluster spring, with smaller numbers of migrant passerines and shorebirds reported than usual. Warbler numbers were particularly low.

An Anhinga was notable at the Sabine Mine on May 15 (ME). The warm weather may have resulted in more lingering waterfowl than usual, including 3 Northern Pintails and 2 Northern Shovelers at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on May 1 (DC, DL), 2 Hooded Mergansers at Lake Tyler on May 1 (AB) and 6 at the Sabine Mine on May 15 (PB), and a Bufflehead at Texas Eastman in Longview on May 11-12 (DB, LB, ME). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., had impressive numbers of 200 Little Blue Herons, 100 Snowy Egrets and 68 White-faced Ibis on May 1 (DC, DL).

Six Mississippi Kites were in Panola Co. on May 30 (LP) and a late Northern Harrier was at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on May 1 (DC, DL). Migrant Swainson’s Hawks included 2 in Hopkins Co. on May 16, one near Bonham State Park on May 22 (both DB, LB) and one at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 21 (RK). A Crested Caracara was on a nest in Franklin Co. on May 30 (DB, LB) and a Peregrine Falcon was an excellent find in Marion Co. on May 2 (DB, LB). I received a belated report of 13 Willets at the Little Sandy Hunting Club in Wood Co. on April 24 (fide CS) and 12 Soras, a Black-crowned Night Heron, 9 Wilson’s Phalaropes and a Yellow-headed Blackbird there on April 25 (CS).

Twelve Soras were an impressive number at the Grand Saline Marsh on May 1 (RK). Northern Bobwhites are now rarely observed in our area, but many birds were reported this month, with 6 on Pleasant Hill Cemetery Road on May 6 (LP), 26 at the Sabine Mine on May 15 (Tyler Audubon field trip), one in Fannin Co. on May 23 (JC, LP), and one in Harrison Co. on May 30 (LP). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., had a Semi-palmated Plover and 50 Wilson’s Phalaropes on May 1 (DC, DL). The largest variety of shorebirds were reported from Texas Eastman in Longview, with peak numbers of 6 Western Sandpipers on May 7 (DB), 30 Baird’s Sandpipers on May 13 (DB, ME), one White-rumped Sandpiper on May 7 (DB) and a Wilson’s Phalarope from May 10-12 (DB, LB, ME). Two Black Terns were at Lake Bonham on May 22 (DB, LB) and 2 were at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on May 21 (RK). A Common Poorwill, completely unexpected in northeast Texas, was heard in Harrison Co. on May 30 (PH).

A White-winged Dove was photographed in Chapel Hill on May 8 (MB), one was in Cooper on May 14 and 4 were in Bonham on May 22 (both DB, LB). A Willow Flycatcher was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 21 (RK) and an Alder Flycatcher was at the Sabine Mine on May 15 (LP, PB, JC). Single Olive-sided Flycatchers were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., at Lake Tawakoni State Park, and at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co. on May 9 (all RK), and at Texas Eastman in Longview on May 11 (DB, ME). A Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, the least common flycatcher migrant in northeast Texas, was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 11 (RK). Western Kingbirds continue to spread eastward, with one in Pittsburg on May 22 (DB, LB). A Fish Crow was in Fannin Co. on May 23 (JC, LP), 3 were in Harrison Co. and 3 in Panola Co. on May 30 (both LP). A very late Red-breasted Nuthatch was in Overton on May 10 (LP) and a Bewick’s Wren was in Fannin Co. on May 23 (JC, LP). A lingering Cedar Waxwing was in Harrison Co. on May 29 (LP). A Warbling Vireo was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on May 1 (DC, DL), and single Philadelphia Vireos were in Gregg Co. on May 6 and Smith Co. on May 16 (both LP). Six Horned Larks were in Fannin Co. on May 23 ((JC, LP).

Warbler migrant reports were sparse. A late Orange-crowned Warbler was on Pleasant Hill Road on May 6 (LP), and a late Blue-winged Warbler was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 11 (RK). Nine American Redstarts were spotted, 2 in Tyler on May 10 (JV, VV), one at Texas Eastman in Longview on May 11 (DB, ME) and 6 at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 21 (RK). Only three Magnolia and 4 Chestnut-sided Warblers were seen, about half of the usual May totals. Single Magnolia Warblers were at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 1, Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 9 (both RK) and Fannin Co. on May 23 (JC, LP), and Chestnut-sided Warblers were at Lake Tawakoni State Park, Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co. (both RK), and south of Tyler (PB) on May 9, and in Fannin Co. on May 23 (JC, LP). Single Blackburnian Warblers were at Lake Tawakoni State Park (RK) and in Kilgore, Rusk Co. (PH), on May 1. A Bay-breasted Warbler was south of Tyler on May 10 (PB), and single Canada Warblers were south of Tyler on May 9 (PB) and at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 18 and 21 (both RK). A Worm-eating Warbler was heard at Tyler State Park on May 8 (BS), and 2 were in Harrison Co. on May 30 (LP). Single Mourning Warblers were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 9, 11 and 18 (all RK). Twenty-four Common Yellowthroats were a good number at the Grand Saline Marsh on May 1 (RK) and 7 Yellow Warblers were notable in Canton on May 4 (DOh). More reports of Prairie Warblers, localized breeders in north-east Texas, were received than usual, with one at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 2 (RBa, GC), one was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery Road on May 6 (LP), 9 at the Sabine Mine on May 15 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and two in Panola Co. and one in Harrison Co. on May 30 (LP). Three Swainson’s Warblers were at the Sabine Mine on May 15 (PB, JC, LP) and one was in Van Zandt Co. on May 21 (RK).

Late sparrows included a LeConte’s Sparrow at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 1 (RK), a White-crowned Sparrow in Upshur Co. on May 2 and a Swamp Sparrow in Harrison Co. on May 16 (both LP). A Grasshopper Sparrow was in Fannin Co. on May 23 (JC, LP). A Scarlet Tanager was heard in Harrison Co. on May 16 (LP). Only one Rose-breasted Grosbeak was spotted in Chapel Hill on May 5 (MB). Eight Bobolinks were in Greenville on May 12 (MW). On May 1, 6 Yellow-headed Blackbirds were at the Grand Saline Marsh (RK) and one was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co. (DC, DL). Four Baltimore Orioles were in Canton on May 2 (DOh), 3 were at Camp Tyler on May 4 (PB), and one was on Pleasant Hill Cemetery Road on May 6 (LP).

Counties & Locations:


Camp County: Pittsburg   
Delta County
: Cooper
Fannin County
: Bonham, Bonham State Park, Lake Bonham
Harrison County
: Pleasant Hill Cemetery Road, Sabine Mine, Texas Eastman in Longview
Hunt County
: Greenville, Lake Tawakoni State Park
Rusk County
: Overton
Smith County
: Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Lake Tyler, Tyler, Tyler State Park
Van Zandt County: Canton, Grand Saline Marsh





RB      Ron Baltzegar

PB      Peter Barnes

MB    Mike Bloodsworth
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton
AB    Alan Byboth

GC    Greg Cook
JC     Janet Cook

DC    D.D. Currie

ME    Mark Edmund

PH     Peggy Harding

RK    Richard Kinney

DL     Dell Little

DOh   Dale Ohl

LP      Linda Price

BS      Boyd Sanders

CS      Cliff Shackelford

MW    Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, April 2010 by Peter Barnes


The second half of April sees the arrival of many breeding birds in northeast Texas, and the main push of passerine migrants come through in the first week of May, with the bulk of the warblers, grosbeaks and orioles coming through at that time. The unsettled weather in mid-April brought in some unusual species, the highlights being a Black-throated Blue Warbler, Palm Warbler, Scarlet Tanager and Lazuli Bunting.


One hundred and one American White Pelicans were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on April 1 (LA), and one Anhinga was in Henderson Co. on April 24 (DB, LB). Two Tricolored Herons were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 4 (DC, DL), and an American Bittern was at the Mineola Preserve on April 17 (PB). Four Common Moorhens were at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on April 26 (JC) and one was in Henderson Co. on April 24 (DB, LB).


Two Bald Eagle nests were reported in different parts of Smith Co. this month (fide MB). A Merlin was at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 4 (DC, DL), and a Mississippi Kite was at Caddo Lake State Park on April 25 (DB, LB). Two Virginia Rails were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 4 (DC, DL). Shorebird reports were sparse, but included 12 Western Sandpipers and a Wilson’s Phalarope at Texas Eastman in Longview on April 27 (DB, ME), and 13 Willets at White Oak Lake on April 27 (MW). An extremely late American Woodcock was near Campbell on April 24 and 25 (MW), suggesting the possibility of breeding.


Fifteen Franklin’s Gulls were over Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on April 24 (DB, LB). A Whip-poor-will was in Cass Co. on April 28 (DB, LB). The Fish Crow expansion continues, with a bird over Longview on April 10 (DaW) and one at Lake Fork, Wood Co. on April 28 (JC). Single Western Kingbirds were in Henderson Co. on April 24 and Titus Co. on April 29 (both DB, LB). A Warbling Vireo was in Canton on April 27 (DOh), and the first two Wood Thrushes were reported in Henderson Co. on April 24 (DC, DL).


Among our breeding warblers, the first Prothonotary Warbler was spotted at the Old Sabine Bottom WMA on April 10 (MB), the first Hooded Warbler was in Henderson Co. on April 11 (PB, JC), the first Prairie Warbler was heard in Northern Parula, Cass Co. on April 28 (DB), and single Swainson’s Warblers were south of Tyler on April 18 (PB) and at Caddo Lake NWR on April 25 (DB, LB). Worm-eating Warblers are localized breeders and also migrants in our area. Two Worm-eating Warblers were a great find in Panola Co. on April 19 (LP), and although outside the NETFO reporting area, 20-30 birds were a remarkable concentration at Toledo Bend on April 18 (LP). Among the warbler migrants, a male Black-throated Blue Warbler at Chapel Hill on April 18 (MB) was the bird of the season, with the most recent previous NETFO sighting being in May 1995. A Palm Warbler was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on April 21 (RK) and another was a first record for Smith Co. at Tyler State Park the same day (BS). This may be an unusually good year for Palm Warblers, since many were reported on the upper Texas coast this spring. A Blue-winged Warbler was spotted in Panola Co. on April 17 (LP). The first Nashville Warbler was in Tyler on April 12 (EF) and the first Black-throated Green Warbler was in Panola Co. on April 19 (LP). An Ovenbird and a Chestnut-sided Warbler showed up in Henderson Co. on April 30 (DC, DL). I have received no reports of Blackburnian or Magnolia Warblers and hope that they are on the way in May. Wilson’s, Canada and Mourning Warblers are usually the last to pass through and should be coming in early to mid-May.


Scarlet Tanagers are rare migrants here, so it was notable to have two records, one photographed at Lake Tawakoni State Park on April 24 (VP) and another at Lake Fork on April 28 (JC). A Rose-breasted Grosbeak was in Chapel Hill on April 21 (MB), one was in Longview from April 21-24 (CT, LE), and another was in Chapel Hill on April 30 (MB). A Lazuli Bunting was photographed east of Tyler on April 23 (fide CS). Two Baltimore Orioles were in Camp Co. on April 23, 1 was at Lake O’ the Pines, Upshur Co., the same day, one was in Cass Co. on April 28 (all DB, LB), and 15-20 were in Chapel Hill on April 30 (MB).


Counties & Locations: 


Gregg County: Longview
Harrison County
: Caddo Lake NWR, Caddo Lake State Park, Texas Eastman in Longview
Hopkins County
: White Oak Lake
Hunt County
: Campbell, Lake Tawakoni State Park
Shelby County
: Toledo Bend
Smith County
: Chapel Hill, Old Sabine Bottom WMA, Tyler, Tyler State Park
Van Zandt County: Canton

Wood County: Mineola Preserve




LA      Linda Ainsworth

PB      Peter Barnes

MB    Mike Bloodsworth
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton
JC     Janet Cook

DC    D.D. Currie


LE     Lisa Evers

EF     Elizabeth Farley-Dawson

PH     Peggy Harding

RK    Richard Kinney

DL     Dell Little

DOh   Dale Ohl

VP     Vernon Patterson

LP      Linda Price

BS      Boyd Sanders

CS      Cliff Shackelford

CT      Candra Troop

DaW   Daniel Weaver

MW    Matt White




Northeast Texas Bird Report, March 2010 by Peter Barnes

March is the month when wintering waterfowl begin to head north, shorebird migrants begin to move through, and passerine migrants and breeding birds begin to arrive, whetting our appetites for the major push of arriving passerines in April and May.

A Pacific Loon was at the Holiday Marina on March 9 (RK) and at the nearby Van Zandt Co. boat ramp on March 15, together with a Red-throated Loon on March 15 (RBa, GC). Another Red-throated Loon was at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on March 14 (TF). A Brown Pelican on Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on March 25 (DH), was the third reported this year in north-east Texas. An Eared Grebe was spotted at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on March 4 (DB, LB), and 173 Horned Grebes were an impressive number at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on March 12 (DB, LB). Black-bellied Whistling Ducks put in a good showing, with 58 birds at Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on March 3 (GR) and 87 at Lake Bob Sandlin, Franklin Co., on March 5 (DB, LB). Geese were on the move, with 235 Snow Geese over Lake Cypress Springs, Franklin Co., on March 5, 4 Canada Geese in Red River Co. on March 4 and 170 Greater White-fronted Geese at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on March 4 (all DB, LB). Less mobile was the Ross’ Goose, first seen last month, which was still hanging around with domestic geese at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on March 6 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Sixteen Redheads were in Titus Co. on March 4 (DB, LB), and 20 were in Camp Co. on March 6 (PB, DS). Six hundred and twenty Ruddy Ducks were an extraordinary total at Lake Bob Sandlin, Franklin Co., on March 5 (DB, LB).

The Northern Harrier that has been wintering in Tyler was present until March 15 (JV). A Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk was observed in Panola Co. on March 6 (LP), and a Crested Caracara was a surprising find in Franklin Co. on March 28 (DB, LB). A King Rail was another surprise at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on March 6 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Huge numbers of American Golden Plovers were reported, with 297 near Bogota on March 26, 207 near Commerce and 8 at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on March 27, 133 in Franklin Co. on March 28 (all DB, LB), 15 at Pleasant Hill Road on March 15 (LP), and 7 there on March 19 (DB, LB). A Great Horned Owl was observed on a nest in Fannin Co. on March 27 (DB, LB). Four Greater Roadrunners were an unusual concentration near Bonham State Park on March 27 (DB, LB). Two White-winged Doves were in Commerce on March 27 (DB, LB). Two Fish Crows were at Texas Eastman in Longview on March 16 (DB, ME). Three Horned Larks were in Fannin Co. on March 27 and 2 were in Franklin Co. on March 28 (both DB, LB).

First-of-season warblers were a Yellow-throated Warbler at Texas Eastman in Longview on March 16 (DB, ME), a Louisiana Waterthrush at Tyler State Park on March 27 (BS), and many Northern Parulas at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on March 26 (MB). Harris’ Sparrows lingered later than usual, with one still in Gregg Co. on March 11 (LP), and 2 in Franklin Co. on March 28 (DB, LB). A Purple Finch was in Daingerfield on March 2 and 3 (DB, LB), and 6 were still in Morris Co. on March 28 (PB). Three Rusty Blackbirds were in Lamar Co. on March 6 and 20 Brewer’s Blackbirds were in Red River Co. that day (both DB, LB). Eight Brewer’s Blackbirds were in Franklin Co. on March 28 (DB, LB).


Counties & Locations: 


Fannin County: Bonham State Park
Harrison County
: Pleasant Hill Road
Hunt County
: Commerce
Morris County
: Daingerfield
Red River County
: Bogota
Smith County
: Tyler
Van Zandt County: Holiday Marina




RBa    Ron Baltzegar

PB      Peter Barnes

MB    Mike Bloodsworth
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton


GC     Greg Cook

ME     Mark Edmund

TF      Tim Fennell

DH     Dale Hartsfield

LP      Linda Price

GR      Gloria Rognlie

BS       Boyd Sanders

DS       Dennis Scott

JV       Justin Valleau



Northeast Texas Bird Report, February 2010 by Peter Barnes

The unusual amount of snow in much of the country did not bring any unusual northern birds to our area. The most notable sightings was a photographed Green-tailed Towhee, which is the first record of this species for the NETFO database.

Two Pacific Loons were observed at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Feb 10 (JC). Several locations had good numbers of ducks. Lake Tawakoni had 40 Common Goldeneyes (Van Zandt Co.) and 300 Red-breasted Mergansers (Rains Co.) on Feb 5 (both DB, LB, MW). One hundred and forty-four Canvasbacks were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Feb 1, and 462 Gadwall and 232 American Wigeon were there on Feb 2 (all DB). Lake Fork, Wood Co., yielded 70 Common Goldeneyes on Feb 28 (Tyler Audubon field trip). A Northern Pintail flew over Camp Tyler on Feb 20 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and 3 were at Lake LeTourneau on Feb 24 (LP). Three Blue-winged Teal at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Feb 5 (DB, LB), were likely to represent the first wave of northbound migrants. The Northern Harrier continued throughout the month in south Tyler (JV). Three Crested Caracaras were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Feb 5 (DB, LB, MW).

A California Gull on Feb 5 (MW) was one of the only gull rarities reported from Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., this winter. Two Greater Roadrunners were in Upshur Co. on Feb 7 (DB, LB). A Great Horned Owl in a nest over water at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Feb 28 was an unusual sight (Tyler Audubon field trip). Fish Crows are becoming regular in Kilgore, Gregg Co., with one bird reported on Feb 2 (LP). An early Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was at Lake Welch on Feb 14 (DB, LB). A Bewick’s Wren has been wintering in Athens and was still present at the end of February (JB), and another was in Canton all month (DOh). A Gray Catbird was in Sulphur Springs on Feb 10 (MW).

A Harris’ Sparrow was in Longview, Gregg Co., on Feb 14 (LP). A Henslow’s Sparrow was observed in Upshur Co. on Feb 7 (DB, LB, ME). The bird of the month was a Green-tailed Towhee near Clarksville, which was present throughout February until at least Feb 23 (JS). A Western Meadowlark was in Rains Co. on Feb 5 (DB, LB). Up to 6 Purple Finches were in Chapel Hill throughout the month and a Pine Siskin was there on Feb 8 (all MB). A Purple Finch was in Canton on Feb 11 (DOh), and one was in Daingerfield on Feb 10-11 (LB). The second Summer Tanager of the winter was at Lake Cherokee on Feb 23 (DO). Thirty-seven Rusty Blackbirds were in Rusk Co. on Feb 8 (LP), and 50 were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Feb 14 (DB, LB).


Counties & Locations: 


Gregg County: Lake Cherokee, Lake LeTourneau
Henderson County
: Athens
Hopkins County
: Lake Sulphur Springs
Red River County
: Clarksville
Smith County
: Camp Tyler, Tyler
Titus County: Lake Welch
Van Zandt County
: Canton



MB    Mike Bloodsworth
JB      James Booker
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton


JC     Janet Cook

FK     Richard Kinney
DOh   Dale Ohl
DO     Donna Orr

LP      Linda Price
JS       J.W. Smith
JV       Justin Valleau
MW      Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, January 2010 by Peter Barnes


The cold weather in much of the United States may have led to the large numbers of waxwings and robins this winter, although there was no invasion of winter finches. The Tenaha CBC on Jan 2 netted 105 species, including a remarkable new species of Northern Saw-whet Owl.


An Eared Grebe (DB, LB) and a Neotropic Cormorant (PH, BG) were at Lake Murvaul on Jan 2. Another Eared Grebe was at Lake Cypress Springs, Camp Co., on Jan 31 (DB, LB). Two Neotropic Cormorants were at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Jan 12 and 26 (JC). Two Brown Pelican sightings in one month was unprecedented, with one on Lake Palestine on the Smith/Henderson Co. line on Jan 15 (MB) and another at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Jan 28 (JW). Red River Co. hosted 20 Greater White-fronted, 10 Canada and 2 Snow Geese, and 51 Northern Pintails on Jan 10 (DB). Three thousand Snow Geese in Delta Co. on Jan 30 was the largest flock reported this winter (DB, LB). One hundred Snow Geese were at the Trinidad power plant lake on Jan 9 (DC, DL), and 2 were over the Lake Bob Sandlin dam in Titus Co. on Jan 17 (PB). An extremely cooperative Ross’ Goose was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Jan 31 (LP), and 2 Canada Geese were over Titus Co. on Jan 31 (DB, LB). Twelve Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Franklin Co., on Jan 31 (DB, LB). Two Redheads were at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Jan 8 and 20 (JC), and 6 were in Camp Co. on Jan 31 (DB, LB).


The wintering immature Little Blue Heron was still at Lake Lone Star on Jan 7 and 22 (DB). A Northern Harrier was a surprising find in south Tyler on Jan 22 (JV). Two Crested Caracaras were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Jan 9 (DC, DL) and 2 were at Big Creek Lake on Jan 30 (DB, LB). A Sandhill Crane was near Bogota on Jan 10 (DB). The Tenaha CBC tallied 34 American Woodcocks, the second highest count in the nation, and 4 were observed in Morris Co. on Jan 29 (DB, LB). One hundred Long-billed Dowitchers were an unusually high count at Long Lake on Jan 23 (PB, MD, DS). A Greater Roadrunner was in Longview, Gregg Co., on Jan 17 (LP), 2 were in Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Jan 26 (JC) and one was in Hopkins Co., on Jan 30 (DB, LB). A Northern Saw-whet Owl was heard in Shelby Co. on the Tenaha CBC (LP, DO). This species has never been reported in north-east Texas, but has recently been found to winter regularly much further south than was previously believed. Three Great Horned Owls were near Bogota on Jan 10 (DB).


Ten Fish Crows in Kilgore, Gregg Co., on Jan 22 (LP) were a remarkably high number away from their usual haunts further north. A Red-breasted Nuthatch in Tyler all month (JV) was one of the few reported this winter. Single Marsh Wrens was observed on the Tenaha CBC (PH, BG) and at Lake Bob Sandlin, Camp Co, on Jan 31 (DB, LB). Two Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers were seen on the Tenaha CBC (PH, BG, LP, DO) and one was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Jan 4 (DB). The Tenaha count also tallied 3 White-eyed Vireos (DO, LP, DB, LB) and 4 Gray Catbirds (DW, RB, DO, LP). The winter Cedar Waxwing and American Robin invasion continued, with the Tenaha CBC notching new highs of 5,816 and 1,305, respectively. Thirty-four Orange-crowned Warblers were also a new high on this CBC. A Yellow Warbler was a remarkable sighting at Lake Fork on Jan 22 (JC), as this species has never been reported in winter in NE Texas.


A Summer Tanager, rare in winter, visited the Brothertons’ feeder in Daingerfield on Jan 11 (LB). The plethora of Harris’ Sparrows continued, with one at Texas Eastman in Longview on Jan 4 (DB), 2 at Tyler State Park on Jan 16 (VV), 9 in Delta Co. and 5 in Hopkins Co. on Jan 30, and 2 near Pittsburg on Jan 31 (all DB, LB). A Henslow’s Sparrow was a great find in Canton on Jan 1-2 (DOh). A Spotted Towhee was found on the Tenaha CBC (PH, BG). An impressive 1,650 Lapland Longspurs and 7 Smith’s Longspurs were in Bogota on Jan 10 (DB). Single Purple Finches were observed in Chapel Hill on Dec 31 (MB), Shelby Co. on Jan 9 (DB, DW), and Canton on Jan 29 (DOh), and 4 were in a Tyler neighborhood all month (JV). A Western Meadowlark was reported on the Tenaha CBC (DO, LP). One hundred and thirty Brewer’s Blackbirds were in Bowie Co. on Jan 3 (DB), 2 were observed on the Tenaha CBC (LP, DO), 11 Rusty Blackbirds were near Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Jan 17 (PB), 50 were spotted in Upshur Co. on Jan 24 (LP), and 3 were at Cooper Lake State Park, Hopkins Co., on Jan 30 (DB, LB).

Counties & Locations: 


Camp County: Pittsburg
Delta County
: Big Creek Lake
Harrison County
: Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County
: Trinidad
Morris County
: Daingerfield, Lake Lone Star
Panola County
: Lake Murvaul
Red River County
: Bogota
Smith County
: Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Tyler
Van Zandt County: Canton



PB     Peter Barnes
RB     Ray Berry
MB    Mike Bloodsworth
DB     David Brotherton
JC     Janet Cook
DC    D.D. Currie

MD    Mike Dillon
BG    Becky Gullette
PH    Peggy Harding
DL     Dell Little
DOh   Dale Ohl
DO     Donna Orr

LP      Linda Price
DS       Dennis Scott
JV       Justin Valleau
VV     Valerie Valleau
DW     David Weaver
JW      Jim Wright



Northeast Texas Bird Report, December 2009 by Peter Barnes


December was notable for the unusual number of lingering breeding passerines such as gnatcatchers and catbirds, as well as good numbers of wintering waxwings and robins. On Dec 5, 103 species were observed on the Caddo Lake Winter Bird Count, the circle for which includes areas in Louisiana and Texas. Birds reported below on the Caddo and Lake O’ the Pines counts were in Marion Co., unless otherwise stated. One hundred and seven species were tallied by both the Longview and Tyler Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs) on Dec 19, and the Lake O’ the Pines CBC on Dec 26 netted 106 species.


A Pacific Loon was spotted on Lake O’ the Pines on Dec 22 (TF) and was still present during the CBC (DB, LB). Two Neotropic Cormorants were at Bellwood Lake on the Tyler CBC (DC, DL), and one was in Trinidad on Dec 22 (TF). A Little Blue Heron was near Lone Star on Dec 22 (TF). Thirty-one Snow Geese flew over Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 4 (DB, ME) and the Lake O’ the Pines CBC yielded 32 Snow Geese and 1 Ross’ Goose in Upshur Co. (DB). Twenty Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Franklin Co., on Dec 20 (DB). A Common Goldeneye was notable at Lake Tyler on Dec 5 (PB, MB) and 3 were at Texas Eastman in Longview on the Longview CBC (DB, LB). Three Red-breasted Mergansers were a good find at Bellwood Lake on the Tyler CBC (DC, DL). Good duck numbers included 600 Canvasbacks on the Caddo Lake count (BM, ER), 51 Hooded Mergansers in Trinidad on Dec 11 (DB, LB), and 482 Green-winged Teal at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 22 (DB). In contrast, duck numbers were low on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC and extremely low on the Tyler CBC, the latter netting only 250 ducks of all species, with no Northern Shovelers, 3 Ring-necked Ducks and a mere 7 Green-winged Teals.

Eight Bald Eagles were an unusually high number for the Caddo count, and 15 were a 10-year high for the Lake O’ the Pines CBC. A Crested Caracara was in Trinidad on Dec 11 (DB, LB). Thirteen Common Moorhens were an amazing sighting near Athens on Dec 11 (DB, LB), as we have no prior winter records in the NETFO database. A Sora was observed at Bellwood Lake on the Tyler CBC for the third consecutive year (DC, DL). Two American Woodcocks were spotted in Morris Co. on Dec 13 (DB), and 11 were in Harrison Co. on the Longview CBC (DB, LB, DW). Two hundred and ninety-seven Killdeer were a new high for the Tyler CBC. A lingering Franklin’s Gull was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Dec 20 (DB). Good numbers of Ring-billed Gulls were observed on all CBSs, with 1,818, 399 and 492 (10-year high) for the Tyler, Longview and Lake O’ the Pines CBCs, respectively.


Single Greater Roadrunners were observed on the CBCs for Tyler (BS), Longview (Harrison Co., DW) and Lake O’ the Pines (ME). The Lake O’ the Pines CBC yielded an impressive 74 Eastern Screech Owls, 12 Great Horned Owls and 9 Barred Owls (all DB, DW). Only 11 Fish Crows were observed on the Caddo count, the lowest total since 1994. Thirty-five White-breasted Nuthatches were a new high for the Tyler CBC. The only Red-breasted Nuthatch was spotted on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (LE, PH, CT). A Marsh Wren was present on the Tyler CBC (DC, DL) and a Bewick’s Wren was tallied on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (ME). A whopping total of 25 Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers were reported, with 1 at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Dec 1 (DB, LB), 9 on the Caddo Lake count (m. obs.), 2 at Martin Creek Lake State Park on Dec 6 (DR), 2 at Camp Tyler on Dec 13 and 19 (MB, SS), 7 on the Longview CBC (m. obs.), 1 in Franklin Co. on Dec 20 (DB), and 3 on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (ME, LE, PH, CT). A lingering White-eyed Vireo was in Upshur Co. on Dec 12 (DB), and another was spotted on the Tyler CBC (NF, JF). Sixteen Blue-headed Vireos were tallied on the Caddo Lake count (m. obs.). Three thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine Cedar Waxwings more than doubled the previous high count for the Tyler CBC. A Sprague’s Pipit, usually restricted to the Blackland Prairie, was a surprise south of Tyler on Dec 3 (PB). Seven Horned Larks were in Red River Co. on Dec 5 (DB, LB). A Gray Catbird was in Rusk Co. on the Longview CBC (LP, DO), and 4 were observed on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (PB, JC, RC, DnW, DB, DO). Eight thousand American Robins in a single roost were an impressive concentration south of Tyler (PB), contributing to the new high of 11,623 on the Tyler CBC. An American Redstart at Lake Tyler on the Tyler CBC (PB) was new for the count, and a Nashville Warbler in Caddo Parish (JI) was new for the Caddo count.


Harris’ Sparrows were everywhere, with a total of 43 birds spotted in 6 counties (m. obs.). Two Lark Sparrows were in Harrison Co. on the Longview CBC (CT, LE). Fifteen LeConte’s Sparrows were a good number at Camp Tyler on Dec 11 (MB), but they were missed on the Tyler and Longview CBCs, and only 2 were found on the Caddo count (Harrison Co, DM, TW, DR, JP). Fifty-three White-crowned Sparrows were a new high for the Longview CBC. Four Purple Finches were in Gregg Co. on the Longview CBC (GP), 2 in Cass Co. on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (DB), 7 on the Caddo Lake count [4 in Harrison Co. (DR, JP), 3 in Marion Co. (RB, GP)], and one in Canton all month (DOh). Three Pine Siskins were observed on the Caddo Lake count (RB, GP) and 1 on the Tyler CBC (JV, VV). Two hundred Brewer’s Blackbirds were a new high for the Caddo Lake count in Harrison Co. (MD, DW), 10 were a 10-year high for the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (BC, HK), 5 were seen on the Tyler CBC (JC) and 2 were found in Gregg Co. on the Longview CBC (PH, WB). Rusty Blackbird numbers were low, with 57 on the Caddo count [35 in Harrison Co. (MD, DW), 22 in Marion Co. (WB, HK)] and 1 on the Tyler CBC (DC, DL).


Counties & Locations: 


Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County
: Athens, Trinidad
Morris County
: Lone Star
Rusk County
: Martin Creek Lake State Park
Smith County
: Bellwood Lake, Camp Tyler, Lake Tyler, Whitehouse
Van Zandt County: Canton



PB     Peter Barnes
RB     Ray Berry
MB    Mike Bloodsworth
WB    Wanda Bosmans
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton
BC    Barbara Cavin
JC     Janet Cook
RC    Ron Cook
DC    D.D. Currie
MD    Mike Dillon
ME    Mark Edmund

LE    Lisa Evers
TF    Tim Fennell
JF     Joan Ford
NF    Neil Ford
PH    Peggy Harding
JI      James Ingold
HK    Happy King
DL     Dell Little
BM    Bob Metzler
DM    Dorothy Metzler
DOh   Dale Ohl
GP     Gene Peiter

JP       Jason Pike
LP      Linda Price
ER      Eddie Ray
DR      David Ringer

BS      Boyd Sanders
SS       Suzi Stein
CT      Candy Troop
JV       Justin Valleau
VV     Valerie Valleau
TW     Tom Walker

DnW   Daniel Weaver
DW     David Weaver



Northeast Texas Bird Report, November 2009  by Peter Barnes

The month was most notable for the later-than-usual lingering of breeding passerines, including Great Crested and Scissor-tailed Flycatchers, Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers and Gray Catbird. Waterfowl started to arrive in numbers this month on the area’s large lakes, with an unusually large number of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks.

A Neotropic Cormorant was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Camp Co., on Nov 1 (PB), 4 were at Lake Murvaul, Panola Co., on Nov 22 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and an Anhinga was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 16 (DB). Single late Cattle Egrets were in Camp Co. on Nov 13 (DB, LB) and Franklin Co. on Nov. 21 (DB, LB, PB). A juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron was at Lake Murvaul on Nov 21 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Good numbers of Snow Geese were spotted, with 200 over Martin Creek Lake, Panola Co., on Nov 22 (LP), 66 over Lake Sulphur Springs on Nov 21 (DB, LB, PB), and 38 in Camp Co. on Nov 29 (DB, LB). Seventy-eight Canada Geese were in Lamar Co. on Nov 28 (DB, LB). Fifty-five Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, 45 of them at Lake Bob Sandlin, were an unusually high count in Franklin Co. on Nov 21 (DB, LB, PB), and 40 were over Pittsburg on Nov. 27 (DB). The first Canvasback was spotted at Lake Lone Star on Nov 1 (DB, LB). Five hundred Gadwall at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Nov 1 (DB, LB), and 200 Ruddy Ducks at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 5 (ME, DB) were unusually high numbers. Six Red-breasted Mergansers were at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Nov 8 (DB), and the first Hooded Merganser was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 5 (ME, DB).

A Sora was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Nov 1 (DB, LB). A extremely late Mississippi Kite was spotted in Canton on Nov 1 (DOh). Our previous latest fall sighting in the NETFO database was on Oct 2. An American Woodcock was at Tyler State Park on Nov 28 (BS). Five hundred Killdeer were an impressive concentration in Franklin Co. on Nov 21 (DB, LB, PB) and 10,000+ Franklin’s Gulls were also notable at Cooper Lake, Hopkins Co., on Nov 14 (DB, LB). Single Great Horned Owls were at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Nov 6 and 15 (JC) and at Faulkner Park in Tyler on Nov 26 (PB). A Greater Roadrunner was observed at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Nov 15 (JC). A Ruby-throated Hummingbird was still in Morris Co. on Nov 2 (LB), and a Fish Crow was heard at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Nov 1 (PB).

Multiple Scissor-tailed Flycatchers were present throughout the month (many observers), with the last one in Panola Co. on Nov 22 (PB, DS). A Great Crested Flycatcher was remarkably late on Nov 25-26 in Canton (DOh), almost 2 months later than our previous latest fall record. Two Marsh Wrens were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Nov 1 (DB, LB), 2 were at Lake Murvaul on Nov 22 (Tyler Audubon field trip), 1 was at Lake Cypress Springs, Camp Co., on Nov 29 (PB), and 2 Bewick’s Wrens were in Marion Co. on Nov 8 (DB). Late summer residents included 2 Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers, 2 White-eyed Vireos and a Gray Catbird at Lake Murvaul on Nov 21, 2 Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers at Camp Tyler on Nov 7 (all Tyler Audubon field trips) and 2 at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 24 (DB). A Common Yellowthroat was at Lake Cypress Springs, Camp Co., on Nov 28 (PB, DB).

The first Fox Sparrow was spotted in Cass Co. on Nov 8 (DB), and 20 Vesper Sparrows were a good number south of Tyler on Nov 26 (PB). Two Henslow’s Sparrows were an excellent find in Upshur Co. on Nov 28 (ME). A Purple Finch was in Canton on Nov 11 (DOh) and 2 were in Franklin Co. on Nov 29 (PB).

Counties & Locations: 


Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview
Hopkins County
: Lake Sulphur Springs
Morris County
: Lake Lone Star
Panola County
: Lake Murvaul
Smith County
: Faulkner Park, Tyler, Tyler State Park



PB     Peter Barnes
DB     David Brotherton
LB     Luanne Brotherton

JC      Janet Cook
ME    Mark Edmund

DOh   Dale Ohl

LP      Linda Price
BS      Boyd Sanders
DS      Dennis Scott



Northeast Texas Bird Report, October 2009  

A Neotropic Cormorant was at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Oct 10 (DB). One hundred and forty-five American White Pelicans were the high count for the month at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 14 (DB, ME). Waterfowl reports included 25 Canada Geese over Canton on Oct 4 (DOh), 14 in Pittsburg on Oct 9, a Ross’ Goose at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Oct 11, 4 Northern Pintails at Lake Bob Sandlin, Camp Co., on Oct 23 (all DB, LB), and 4 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks in Pittsburg on Oct 24 (DB). Lake Wright Patman, Cass Co., hosted good numbers of 250 Gadwall, 250 Lesser Scaup, 100 Northern Shovelers and 50 Northern Pintails on Oct 31 (DB, LB). A Tricolored Heron was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 1 (ME). Two hundred and ten Cattle Egrets were an impressive number at Lake Lone Star on Oct 10 (DB). A White-faced Ibis was at Pat Mayse Lake on Oct 16 (DB, LB). The first two Northern Harriers were on Pleasant Hill Road on Oct 11 (LP). Single Merlins were at Pleasant Hill Road on Oct 1 (ER) and at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 29 (ME). A Long-billed Dowitcher was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Oct 9, and 18 American Avocets were at Lake Bob Sandlin, Franklin Co., on Oct 23 (both DB, LB). A Caspian Tern was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 13 (ME).


Two Great Horned Owls were heard at Lake Cherokee on Oct 5 (DO). A Black-billed Cuckoo, a very rare migrant, especially in the fall, was at the Caddo Lake NWR on Oct 14 (ER). Lingering swallows included a Barn Swallow and a Northern Rough-winged Swallow at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Oct 9, 3 Cliff Swallows there on Oct 11, and 2 Tree Swallows at Lake Bob Sandlin, Franklin Co., on Oct 23 (all DB, LB). The staging of Scissor-tailed Flycatchers in October is a regular but impressive event, and 117 were seen in Pittsburg on Oct 9 (DB, LB). A Marsh Wren was spotted at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Oct 9 (DB, LB). A lingering White-eyed Vireo was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 14 (ME). The first Golden-crowned Kinglet was spotted in Henderson Co. on Oct 18 (DC, DL).


A Wilson’s Warbler was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 1 (ME). A Chestnut-sided Warbler, rare in the fall, was in Gregg Co. on Oct 7 (LP). The last Nashville Warbler was spotted at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 22 (DB). A Common Yellowthroat was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Franklin Co., on Oct 23 (DB, LB). The first White-crowned Sparrow was reported in Canton on Oct 19 (DOh). A Purple Finch, presumably one of the remarkably early birds reported in September, was in Canton on Oct 1 (DOh). A Spotted Towhee was in Red River Co. on Oct 23 (DB, LB). The last Indigo Bunting was reported on Oct 22 at Texas Eastman in Longview (DB).


Counties & Locations: 


Camp County: Pittsburg
Gregg County
: Lake Cherokee
Harrison County
: Caddo Lake NWR, Pleasant Hill Road, Texas Eastman in Longview
Lamar County
: Pat Mayse Lake
Morris County
: Lake Lone Star
Van Zandt County
: Canton



DB    David Brotherton
LB    Luanne Brotherton
DC    D.D. Currie

ME   Mark Edmund

DL    Dell Little
DOh   Dale Ohl

DO     Donna Orr

LP      Linda Price
ER      Eddie Ray


Northeast Texas Bird Report, September 2009  by Peter Barnes  


Storms and some cool fronts may have contributed to some notable fall sightings this month, including Least Grebe, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Whip-poor-will and Purple Finches.


A Least Grebe at Texas Eastman in Longview from Sept 12 (Tyler Audubon field trip)-17 (ME) was a first for north-east Texas and the farthest north that this species has been recorded in Texas. They may also be present but undetected elsewhere in our region, as they have been seen at Red Slough, Oklahoma, in the past. Lake Fork, Wood Co., yielded the first Common Loon of the fall on Sept 21, 4 Canada Geese on Sept 25 and 11 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, including 3 young, on Sept 5 (all JC). An Anhinga and a Tricolored Heron and were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 2 (ME, DB) and 10 (ME), an immature Black-crowned Night Heron was there on Sept 2 (ME, DB), 5 Anhingas were present on Sept 12 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and 3 Anhingas and a Tricolored Heron were still there on Sept 24 (ME). Thirty Wood Storks were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Sept 3 (MB). On Sept 5, approximately 40 Wood Storks (30 in Navarro Co., 10 in Freestone Co.), a Black-crowned Night Heron (Freestone Co.), 3 Plegadis ibis and an unusually high number of 6 Tricolored Herons (all Navarro Co.) were at Richland Creek WMA (Tyler Audubon field trip). Seven White Ibis were at Old Sabine Bottom WMA on Sept 19 (MB).


Late September sees the passage of the largest numbers of migrant raptors. Broad-winged Hawks are the dominant species, and impressive numbers of 2,280 and 1,271 birds passed over Daingerfield State Park on Sept 25 and 26, respectively (DB, LB, MD). Other migrants included a White-tailed Kite and 2 Mississippi Kites at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Sept 5 (Tyler Audubon field trip), 2 Ospreys over Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Sept 2 and 20 (both JC), and 2 Ospreys at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Sept 26 (PB).. A Swainson’s Hawk, a scarce migrant in the pineywoods, flew over Daingerfield State Park on Sept 28 (MD, LB). A Crested Caracara was in Hopkins Co. on Sept 4 (DC, DL). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., hosted the first Northern Harrier of the fall and 2 Western Sandpipers on Sept 5 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Eight Caspian Terns and 1 Least Tern were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 12 (Tyler Audubon field trip).


Single Great Horned Owls were observed on Pleasant Hill Road on Sept 9 (LP) and at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Sept 18 and 20 (JC). A Whip-poor-will, a rare migrant in our area, was heard at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Sept 18 (JC). Two Greater Roadrunners were spotted in Smith Co. on Sept 5 (JV). A Selasphorus Hummingbird, probably an immature male Rufous Hummingbird, was a second record for Smith Co. on Sept 3 (JV). A female Black-chinned Hummingbird, the third sighting for north-east Texas, visited Peggy Harding’s yard in Rusk Co. on Sept 9. Ten Tree Swallows were in Wood Co. on Sept 4 (DC, DL). An Olive-sided Flycatcher was at Tyler State Park on Sept 9 (BS), a late Eastern Kingbird was still at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 30 (ME), and a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was at Daingerfield State Park on Sept 30 (LB, MD). Two Fish Crows were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 11 (ME), continuing the trend of range expansion southward in east Texas. The first 2 Cedar Waxwings of the fall were reported from Longview on Sept 17 (CT). Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., hosted the earliest NETFO fall record of Ruby-crowned Kinglet on Sept 5 (DC, DL), as well as 8 Loggerhead Shrikes (7 in Freestone Co., 1 in Navarro Co.), a lingering Swainson’s Warbler, 5 Northern Parulas, a Northern Waterthrush and 8 Baltimore Orioles that day (Tyler Audubon field trip). Two Blue-winged Warblers, rare fall migrants, were in Palestine on Sept 25 (LJ). A Wilson’s Warbler was at Camp Tyler on Sept 20 (PB). Five Purple Finches were an amazing sighting in Canton on Sept 15 (DOh), as the previous earliest fall NETFO record is from early November.


Counties & Locations: 


Gregg County: Longview
Harrison County
: Pleasant Hill Road, Texas Eastman in Longview
Morris County
: Daingerfield State Park
Smith County
: Old Sabine Bottom WMA, Tyler State Park
Van Zandt County: Canton



PB    Peter Barnes

MB   Mike Bloodstone
DB    David Brotherton
LB    Luanne Brotherton
JC    Janet Cook

DC    D.D. Currie
MD   Mike Dillon
ME   Mark Edmund

LJ     Lynette Jackson
DL    Dell Little

DOh   Dale Ohl
      Linda Price
BS      Boyd Sanders
CT     Candy Troop
JV      Justin Valleau


Northeast Texas Bird Report, August 2009  by Peter Barnes  

Not surprisingly, there were few reports this month, as birders tried to stay cool indoors. Richland Creek WMA hosted a Black-bellied Whistling Duck and 2 early Green-winged Teal on Aug 7 (both Navarro Co., MB), and 200 Wood Storks (Navarro Co.) and 1 Roseate Spoonbill (Freestone Co.) on Aug 30 (both DOh). Single Tricolored Herons were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 20 (ME) and in Canton on Aug 28 (DOh). Raptor migration begins in August, with kites leading the way, and accipiters and buteos following in September. A Swallow-tailed Kite, always a spectacular sight, was an excellent find at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Aug 7 (MB), and a White-tailed Kite was there on Aug 30 (DOh). Mississippi Kites were unusually abundant this year, with 9 birds near Tyler from Aug 9-21 (PB), 9 in Rusk Co. from Aug 6-18 (PH), and 1 in Gregg Co. on Aug 5 and 9 (PH).

Mississippi Kites are also uncommon breeders, and up to 5 birds at one time were seen in the Canton area almost daily from mid-July to Aug 20 (DOh), perhaps including migrants and breeding birds. Two migrant Ospreys were at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on Aug 25 (JC). An Americal Kestrel, either a summer resident or early migrant, was in Kilgore, Gregg Co., on Aug 17 (LP), and two Crested Caracaras were in Henderson Co. on Aug 17 (DD).

A Greater Roadrunner was observed on Pleasant Hill Road on Aug 25 and 26 (LP). A leucistic hummingbird, presumably a Ruby-throated Hummingbird, was in Greenville from Aug 3-17 (RF). This bird was mostly white, with significant amounts of buff coloration, which, according to Tony Gallucci, an expert on pigmentation in birds, was due to residual yellow pigment that is visible only when the black and red pigments are missing. Tony noted that the green color we see on Ruby-throated Hummingbirds is not due to pigment but to light-bending effects. Two Fish Crows were a surprise in Kilgore, Gregg Co., on Aug 17 (LP), and another was in Longview on Aug 27 (DnW). They are not usually seen south of Lake O’ the Pines. A Wilson’s Warbler was in Rusk Co. on Aug 26 (PH).


Counties & Locations: 


Harrison County: Pleasant Hill Road, Texas Eastman in Longview
Hunt County
: Greenville
Smith County
: Tyler, UT Health Center at Tyler
Van Zandt County: Canton



PB   Peter Barnes

MB  Mike Bloodsworth
JC   Janet Cook

DD   Dan Dawson
ME  Mark Edmund

RF   Rhonda Fagan

DOh   Dale Ohl
      Linda Price
DnW  Daniel Weaver



Northeast Texas Bird Report, June and July 2009  by Peter Barnes  

Although the usual summer heat kept most birders indoors and the total number of sightings is limited, there were two extraordinary sightings of Long-eared Owl and Sandhill Crane, both unprecedented at this time of year.

A Black-bellied Whistling Duck was observed in Henderson Co. on June 13 (DC, DL), 5 were at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on June 18 (JC), and 7 were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on July 24 (DWo). Nice finds were a Least Bittern at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on June 21 (DOh) and a Black-crowned Night Heron at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on June 5 (JC). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., hosted 10 early Wood Storks, post-breeding visitors from Mexico, on June 13 (DC, DL), 250 Little Blue Herons, 20 White Ibis, 3 Plegadis Ibis, and 1 Wood Stork on July 24 (DWo), and 3 Tricolored Herons and 3 Anhingas on July 25 (DC). This location also yielded a completely unexpected Sandhill Crane on July 16 (TF). We have no prior summer records of this species, which is a scarce winter visitor. A White-tailed Kite was an early migrant at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on July 24 (DWo). A Northern Bobwhite was on Hut Horton Road, Harrison, Co., on July 12 (CT, LE). An Upland Sandpiper was over the UT Health Center at Tyler on July 29 (PB), signaling the beginning of fall shorebird migration. Eight Least Terns, 3 on nests, were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on June 13 (DC, DL). This is one of few nesting records of the endangered inland subspecies of Least Tern in our area.

Single Greater Roadrunners were spotted in Harrison Co. on July 12 (CT, LE) and south of Tyler on July 27 (PB). A dead Long-eared Owl was an unfortunate but remarkable find for Smith Co. on July 20 (JDa). There are only a handful of winter records of this species for north-east Texas, the last in 1999, and a summer record is unprecedented. Five Western Kingbirds were in and near Cooper and one was in Hopkins Co. on June 14 (PB). A Bachman’s Sparrow was singing in the sandy-soiled oak savannah at Gus Engeling WMA on June 3 (CS, PB). They have been summering here for several years, an alternative breeding habitat from their more expected pineywoods surroundings. Twenty-five breeding Orchard Orioles were an unusual concentration at Lake Murvaul on June 7 (PB).


Counties & Locations: 


Anderson County: Gus Engeling WMA

Delta County: Cooper
Panola County
: Lake Murvaul
Smith County
: Tyler, UT Health Center at Tyler




PB   Peter Barnes

JC   Janet Cook

DC   D.D. Currie
JDa  Jim Day

LE   Lisa Evers

TF   Tim Fennell

DL   Dell Little
DOh   Dale Ohl

CS   Cliff Shackelford
T   Candy Troop
DWo  David Wolf



Northeast Texas Bird Report, May 2009  by Peter Barnes  

With no storms or major cold fronts, passerine migration was unusually slow this year, with few reports of warblers and flycatchers. Water was drawn down to expose mudflats at Richland Creek WMA in early May, resulting in excellent shorebird habitat and spectacular numbers and variety of shorebirds.

Lingering winter visitors included a Common Loon at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 10 (GC), a Gadwall and 4 Northern Shovelers at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on May 9 (TF), and an extremely late Common Goldeneye at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on May 28 (DC, DL). The latest previous spring NETFO record for this species is March 30. Five American White Pelicans in Freestone Co. on May 30 were probably late migrants (DC, DL). Two Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were in Cherokee Co. on May 24 (PB). Single Anhingas were at the Mineola Preserve on May 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip), in Upshur Co. on May 25 (LP) and at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on May 28 (DC, DL). Three Tricolored Herons and 2 Roseate Spoonbills were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on May 9 (TF), a Glossy Ibis was there on May 9-16 (TF, DC, DL), 5 Tricolored Herons (4 Navarro, 1 Freestone) were present on May 16 (DC, DL), 2 Tricolored Herons, 6 Roseate Spoonbills and 300 White Ibis were observed on May 21 (PB), and 2 Tricolored Herons were present on May 28 (DC, DL). The Freestone Co. section of Richland Creek WMA yielded a Swainson’s Hawk on May 9 (TF), 4 Common Moorhens, an excellent find, on May 16 (DC, DL), and 2 Roseate Spoonbills on May 28 (DC, DL). A late Osprey was in Navarro Co. on May 30 (DC, DL).

Four Northern Bobwhite were along the Pleasant Hill Cemetery Road on May 24 (LP). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., held tremendous numbers of shorebirds, including 6 Black-necked Stilts, 1 Hudsonian Godwit, 6 Stilt Sandpipers and an amazing 258 Wilson’s Phalaropes on May 9 (all TF), 80 White-rumped Sandpipers and 130 Wilson’s Phalaropes on May 10 (TF), 2 Whimbrels and 4 Hudsonian Godwits on May 14 (CS), and 4 Black-bellied Plovers, 5 Hudsonian Godwits, 100 White-rumped and 8 Buff-breasted Sandpipers on May 16, and 111 White-rumped Sandpipers on May 28 (all DC, DL). Two Laughing Gulls and a Common Tern were at Holiday Marina on May 19 (GC). Six-8 Least Terns were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on May 16-28 (DC, DL, PB), with 2 birds on nests on May 28 (DC, DL). Two Black Terns were also there on May 28 (DC, DL)

A Greater Roadrunner was in Harrison Co. on May 23 (LP). A Northern Flicker, uncommon in the summer, was in Smith Co. on May 19 (JW). The only notable migrant flycatchers were an Olive-sided Flycatcher at Camp Tyler on May 18 (PB) and a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 10 (GC). A Philadelphia Vireo was at Old Sabine Bottom WMA on May 1 (MB), and a Warbling Vireo was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on May 10 (TF). On May 1, single Magnolia Warblers were at Bellwood Lake (PB) and in Canton (DOh), and one was at the Mineola Preserve on May 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Cherokee County yielded a late Blackburnian Warbler, as well as presumably breeding single Swainson’s and Prairie Warblers on May 25 (all PB). An exhausted Mourning Warbler was found in a parking lot in Tyler on May 4 (EF) and lived to fly another day. A Mourning Warbler and Chestnut-sided Warbler were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 10 (GC). Two Wilson’s Warblers were at the Mineola Preserve on May 14 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Canada Warblers are one of the latest warblers to pass through, with one at Tyler State Park on May 22 (BS) and another found dead at UT Tyler on May 19 (NF). Single Canada and Mourning Warblers were banded at Caddo Lake, Marion Co., on May 16 (TW).

Four Clay-colored Sparrows were at Camp Tyler on May 2 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and 2 very late White-crowned Sparrows were in Canton on May 5 (DOh). Single Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were at Bellwood Lake (PB) and in Canton (DOh) on May 1, and in Gregg Co. on May 5-6 (VG). A female Lazuli Bunting was identified in retrospect from photos taken in Chapel Hill on April 29 (MB). A Bobolink was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 10 (GC). Six Baltimore Orioles were at Bellwood Lake on May 1 (PB), one was at the Mineola Preserve on May 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and 2 were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on May 10 (TF). Great-tailed Grackles continue to spread, with 8 birds in Bowie Co. on May 10, and 4 there on May 25 (all CM).

Counties & Locations: 


Anderson County: Gus Engeling WMA,

Harrison County: Pleasant Hill Cemetery Road
Hunt County
: Lake Tawakoni State Park
Smith County
: Bellwood Lake, Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Lake Tyler, Old Sabine Bottom WMA, Tyler, Tyler State Park, UT Tyler

Van Zandt County: Canton, Holiday Marina
Wood County: Mineola Preserve




PB   Peter Barnes

MB   Mike Bloodsworth

GC   Greg Cook

DC   D.D. Currie
EF   Elizabeth Farley

TF   Tim Fennell


NF   Neil Ford
VG   Vera Garlough
PH   Peggy Harding

DL   Dell Little
CM   Charles Mills
DOh   Dale Ohl

LP   Linda Price

BS   Boyd Sanders

CS   Cliff Shackelford
TW   Tom Walker

JW   Jennifer Woolsey



Northeast Texas Bird Report, April 2009  by Peter Barnes  


The last week of April and the first week of May see the main push of landbird migrants come through north-east Texas, with the bulk of the warblers, grosbeaks and orioles coming through at that time. The storms at the end of the month brought in a trickle of passerine migrants, although the predominantly south winds keep most of them moving further north. The highlights of the month were a Tropical/Couch’s Kingbird, a Palm Warbler and 2 Lazuli Buntings.  


Three Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were at Lake Fork on April 16 (JCk), 3 were in Henderson Co. on April 18 (DC, DL) and a pair nested at Lake Bob Sandlin this month (JA). Two Tricolored Herons and a Black-crowned Night Heron were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 19 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and a Tricolored Heron was at Cypress Springs Lake on April 26 (PB, MD). A Swainson’s Hawk was south of Tyler on April 12 (PB), a Mississippi Kite flew over Lake Tawakoni State Park on April 25 (Tyler Audubon field trip), 3 flew over Tyler on April 29 (PB) and several breeding pairs returned to Tyler State Park this month (BS). A Northern Bobwhite, now a rarity in north-east Texas, was heard in Gregg Co. on April 16 (PB). A Purple Gallinule was at Gus Engeling WMA on April 27 (TR). A Hudsonian Godwit, a Buff-breasted Sandpiper, and 2 late Bonaparte’s Gulls were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on April 25 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Sixteen Spotted Sandpipers and 8 Pectoral Sandpipers were good numbers at the Lake Tyler dam on April 25 (PH).


A Greater Roadrunner was observed at Lake Fork on April 16 (JCk). An Olive-sided Flycatcher was heard in Canton on March 30 and April 12 (DOh). The March 30 date is remarkably early, as this species does not usually pass through until late April. The first Western Kingbird was spotted at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 19 (PB). A Tropical/Couch’s Kingbird was a remarkable find and the first record for Smith Co. at Lake Tyler on April 23 (EF, JCa, JCo). Couch’s Kingbird is expanding northward and one was documented in the Nacogdoches area this past winter. Six Marsh Wrens were a good number in Red River Co. on April 28 (MD). Two late Sprague’s Pipits were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on April 25 (Tyler Audubon field trip). The first Philadelphia Vireo of the season was at the UT Health Center at Tyler on April 29, and a Warbling Vireo was at Camp Tyler on April 30 (both PB).


Single Prairie Warblers, localized breeders in areas of young pines, were observed in Camp and Marion Cos. on April 28 (MD). Of the other warblers that breed in north-east Texas, the first Prothonotary Warbler was reported at Old Sabine Bottom WMA on April 3 (MB), the first Hooded Warbler was heard in Smith Co. on April 12 (PB) and the first Kentucky Warbler was at River Rd on April 14 (PB). Four Swainson’s Warblers were singing at their usual breeding sites at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 19 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and one was at Gus Engeling WMA that day (PB). Of the non-breeding warblers, the most unusual was a Palm Warbler, only the third spring NETFO record, at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 19 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and the 500th life bird for Dale Ohl. A Golden-winged Warbler was also a great find in Canton on April 30 (DOh). The first Nashville Warbler was observed in Upshur Co. on April 5 (PB), and the first Black-throated Green Warbler was at Camp Tyler on April 11 (Tyler Audubon field trip). A Blackburnian Warbler and a Northern Waterthrush were at the Mineola Preserve on April 26 (EF), 2 Chestnut-sided Warblers were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 27 (TR), 2 Magnolia Warblers were at Tyler State Park on April 29 (BS), and 1 was in Canton on April 30 (DOh).


Clay-colored Sparrows were unusually prevalent this spring, with one at Camp Tyler on April 11 (PB), 2 at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 10 (Tyler Audubon field trip), one in Longview on April 23 (PB) and another in Camp Co. on April 26 (PB, MD). A Grasshopper Sparrow was on River Rd. on April 14 (PB), and single late White-crowned Sparrows were in Rusk Co. on April 21 (PH), Camp Co. on April 26 (PB, MD) and at Camp Tyler on April 30 (PB).The first Indigo Bunting was seen on April 5 in Marion Co. (TW). Lazuli Buntings are rare spring migrants, so it was amazing to have single birds in Chapel Hill (MB) and Canton (DOh) on April 29. Thirty-one Pine Siskins were a good number in Palestine on April 18 (LJ), 15 were still in Rusk Co. on April 18 (PH), and 30 were at Tyler State Park on April 25 (BS). Seven Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were the highest count on April 29 in Chapel Hill (MB), with 2 in Cherokee Co. on April 22 (JPu), and single birds in Rusk Co. on April 18 (PH), Longview on April 23 (PB, MD), Tatum on April 26 (DnW), Chapel Hill on April 27 (MB) and the UT Health Center at Tyler on April 29 (PB). A total of 17 Baltimore Orioles were reported in various locations between April 20-30 (AR, JA, PB, MD, BS, MB, JCk), with a high of 5 birds at the UT Health Center at Tyler (PB). Ten Rusty Blackbirds were unusually late at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 19 (PB), and a Yellow-headed Blackbird was at Camp Tyler on April 30 (PB).


Counties & Locations: 


Anderson County: Gus Engeling WMA, Palestine

Camp County: Lake Bob Sandlin
Franklin County
: Cypress Springs Lake
Hunt County
: Lake Tawakoni State Park
Rusk County
: Tatum

Smith County: Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Lake Tyler, Old Sabine Bottom WMA, Tyler State Park, UT Health Center at Tyler

Upshur County: River Road

Van Zandt County: Canton
Wood County: Lake Fork, Mineola Preserve





JA        Jack Ainsworth
PB       Peter Barnes

MB      Mike Bloodsworth

JCa      Jamie Cantrell

JC        Jessica Coleman

JCk      Janet Cook

DC       D.D. Currie

JDa      Jim Day

MD      Mike Dillon

EF       Elizabeth Farley

PH       Peggy Harding

LJ         Lynette Jackson

DL       Dell Little
DOh     Dale Ohl

JPu       Jane Purtle

AR      Alice Rhodes

TR       Tal Roberts
BS       Boyd Sanders

TW      Tom Walker

DnW    Daniel Weaver



Northeast Texas Bird Report, March 2009  by Peter Barnes


Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
Photo by Joe Marsey
Dark morph Short-tailed Hawk
Photos by Beverly Grage
Click on photos for larger view


Three early Anhingas were observed in Henderson Co. on March 28 (DC, DL). One hundred and seventy American White Pelicans were gathering at Lake Bob Sandlin for migration north on March 4 (JA). Forty Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were a good number at Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on March 12 and 13 (JM), and 15 were in Henderson Co. on March 15 (DC, DL). Seven Long-tailed Ducks were still at the Holiday Marina on March 15, and one was present on March 23 (RK). One Surf Scoter also remained there until March 23 (RK). A Cinnamon Teal and 4 White-faced Ibis were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on March 22 (VE), and 2 Cinnamon Teal were there on March 28 (DC, DL). Approximately 30 Little Blue Herons and 150 White Ibis were good numbers at Alazan Bayou WMA on March 28 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Four early Cattle Egrets were in Palestine on March 7 (PB, MD).


The most remarkable record, perhaps ever for the pineywoods, was of a dark morph Short-tailed Hawk, found injured, probably hit by a car, on Oct 6, 2008, in Smith Co., south of Whitehouse. The bird has undergone surgery and is currently being rehabilitated. This species is a rare visitor to south Texas and a low-density resident in Florida. It has never been reported in north-central or north-east Texas, and it is amazing that one would have made its way to our region.


A Crested Caracara and a Solitary Sandpiper were spotted at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on March 28 (DC, DL). Two Snowy Plovers were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on March 23 (RK). The Glaucous Gull was seen again at Holiday Marina on March 1 (RK). Two Cave Swallows were spotted in Anderson Co. on March 7 (PB, MD) and 2 were at Lake Tyler on March 14 (JDa). An extremely early Olive-sided Flycatcher was observed in Canton on March 30 (DOh). This bird usually passes through in late April and May. The first Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher was spotted in Henderson Co. on March 14 (DC, DL). The first Black-and-White Warbler was reported on March 7 in Palestine (PB, MD), and the first Louisiana Waterthrush was observed in Van Zandt Co. on March 17 (RK). Northern Parulas, Hooded and Yellow-throated Warblers, White-Eyed and Yellow-throated Vireos had arrived by mid-late March, and were reported by many observers. Two Purple Finches were in Canton on March 13 (DOh). Seventy Rusty Blackbirds were at the UT Health Center at Tyler on March 12 (PB).


Counties & Locations: 


Anderson County: Palestine;

Nacogdoches County: Alazan Bayou WMA,

Smith County: Lake Tyler, UT Health Center at Tyler;

Titus County: Lake Bob Sandlin,

Van Zandt County: Canton, Holiday Marina





JA        Jack Ainsworth

PB        Peter Barnes

DC       D.D. Currie

JDa      Jim Day

MD      Mike Dillon

VE       Valerie Evans

DL       Dell Little

JM       Joe Marsey
DOh     Dale Ohl



Northeast Texas Bird Report, February 2009 
by Peter Barnes


The weather was mild, and loons, ducks and gulls were the main rarities reported at large lakes. A Pacific Loon and a Red-throated Loon were at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Feb 1 (MW), and a Red-throated Loon was at the Holiday Marina on Feb 3 (DOh). Lake Cherokee hosted 150 American White Pelicans all month, and 2 Hooded Mergansers from Feb 1-21 (DO). Long-tailed Ducks were at the Holiday Marina from Feb 3-17, with a remarkable maximum of 7 birds on Feb 4 (RK) and 17 (PB, MD), doubling the previous high count of 3 in north-east Texas. Two Surf Scoters were at the Holiday Marina on Feb 6 (MW) and 17 (PB, MD). Thirty-two Snow Geese were flying north over Morris Co. on Feb 1, an early sign of migration (DB), and 11 Greater White-fronted Geese and 1 Snow Goose were feeding at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Feb 28 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Ten Black-bellied Whistling Ducks and 1 Plegadis Ibis were at Lake Bob Sandlin, at the Camp/Franklin Co. line on Feb 25 (MD). Richland Creek WMA hosted 13 White-faced and 80 White Ibis, Hooded Merganser, Mike Bloodsworth 2 Virginia Rails (all Tyler Audubon field trip) and a very early American Bittern (DC) on Feb 28. This is only the second February NETFO record for this species, which does not usually come through until mid- to late March.


A Bald Eagle was observed carrying possible nesting material near Lake Lone Star, Morris Co., on Feb 24 (DB). A Mississippi Kite was spotted near Canton on Feb 25 (BS). The earliest previous record for this species is early April ,and a February sighting is unprecedented. A Crested Caracara was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Feb 28 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Five American Woodcocks were in Morris Co. on Feb 1 (DB). American Woodcock Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., had good numbers of shorebirds on Feb 28, including 150 Dowitcher species, 100 Greater and 100 Lesser Yellowlegs, 30 Wilson’s Snipe and 2 early Pectoral Sandpipers (all Tyler Audubon field trip). The Glaucous Gull was still at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Feb 21 (MD, PB), and another was at Holiday Marina on Feb 17 (PB, MD). This was part of an unusual spate of Glaucous Gulls reported in different parts of Texas. 


A Greater Roadrunner was near Camp Tyler on Feb 3 (JDa). A Rock Wren was at Lake Sulphur Springs on Feb 3 (MW), where it was also seen last year. A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Feb 28 (Tyler Audubon field trip), about two weeks earlier than expected. A Spotted Towhee was at Richland Creek WMA, Freeston Co., on Feb 20 (MB). Seven Brewer’s Blackbirds were near Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., Spotted Towhee, Mike Bloodsworth on Feb 17 (PB, MD), and 20 Rusty Blackbirds were at Lake Cherokee on Feb 25 (DO). Twenty-six Pine Siskins were a good number in Cherokee Co. on Feb 7 (CBe). 


Counties & Locations: 


Gregg County: Lake Cherokee

Hopkins County: Lake Sulphur Springs

Van Zandt County: Canton





CBe     Cheryle Beck

MB      Mike Bloodsworth
DB       David Brotherton

DC       D.D. Currie

JDa      Jim Day

MD      Mike Dillon

RK      Richard Kinney
DL       Dell Little

DOh     Dale Ohl

DO       Donna Orr

BS        Boyd Sanders

MW      Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, January 2009 
by Peter Barnes


The Tyler CBC on Jan 3 tallied 110 species, 2 more than the previous high, with new additions of Virginia Rail and Rufous Hummingbird. The Tenaha CBC on Jan 1 netted 99 species, close to the 10 year average of 100.5, and the Lake Tawakoni CBC on Jan 3 tallied 135 species.


Single Pacific and Red-throated Loons were observed on the Lake Tawakoni CBC in Van Zandt Co, and 2 Red-throated Loons were seen there on Jan 17 (RR). Seven Neotropic Cormorants (DC) were a high count on the Tyler CBC, 5 were spotted in Canton on Jan 18 (DOh) and 3 were at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Jan 17 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Extremely unusual were a Brown Pelican on Lake Palestine, a first record for Smith Co. on Jan 15 (JM), and a second at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., from Jan 22-29 (DB, fide DnW).


Two Greater White-fronted (Van Zandt Co.), 348 Snow (Van Zandt and Rains Cos.) and 6 Ross’ Geese (Van Zandt Co.) were spotted on the Lake Tawakoni CBC, 40 Snow Geese were in Rusk Co. on Jan 23 (PH) and 150 Snow Geese were in Trinidad on Jan 31 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Duck rarities included a Common Merganser, photographed at Greenville City Lakes on Jan 10, where it had been since before Christmas (MW), a female Surf Scoter at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Jan 17 (MW, RR), and 2 Long-tailed Ducks at Hanson’s Retreat, Lake O’ the Pines on Jan 29 (DB). Duck numbers were very low on the Tyler CBC. In contrast, unusually high duck numbers were observed on the Lake Tawakoni CBC, including all-time highs of 3,602 Northern Shovelers, 1220 Green-winged Teals, 120 Northern Pintails and 92 Common Goldeneyes. An early migrant or wintering Blue-winged Teal and 17 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were near Trinidad on Jan 31 (PB, MD), as well as 75 Hooded Mergansers (Tyler Audubon field trip).


Two Ospreys were observed on the Tyler CBC (DH, AR, SR) and one was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Jan 30 (DB). A Crested Caracara was spotted in Hopkins Co. on Jan 28 (DB), and 3 were near Trinidad on Jan 31 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Two Virginia Rails in Tyler were an unexpected addition for the Tyler CBC, together with only the second CBC record for Sora (both DC). Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., hosted a Snowy Plover on Dec 31 (MW) and only the second record of Black-bellied Plover for the Lake Tawakoni CBC.


The Glaucous Gull was seen again at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Jan 10 (DB), 11 (DWo), 17 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and 29 (DB). A first-winter Thayer’s Gull and a Lesser Black-backed Gull were at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Jan 17 (MW). Two Barn Owls were notable on the Lake Tawakoni CBC in Van Zandt Co., and 12 Barred Owls were a new high on the Tyler CBC. A male Rufous Hummingbird was observed in Chapel Hill from Dec 17-Jan 30 (PB, DS), and single Greater Roadrunners were in Smith Co. on Jan 2 (CBe) and outside Tyler State Park on Jan 17 (JCa). Seventeen Greater Roadrunners were a new high on the Lake Tawakoni CBC. A White-winged Dove was a new yard bird for Peggy Harding in Rusk Co. on Jan 8. A Rock Wren was seen on the Lake Tawakoni CBC in Van Zandt Co., and 4 Marsh Wrens were very unusual on the Tyler CBC (DC, DR, JP, DS). High counts were obtained for all wren species on the Tyler CBC, with 236 Carolina, 9 Winter, 8 House and 6 Sedge Wrens.


Single Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers were observed on the Tyler CBC (JC) and the Lake Tawakoni CBC. A Palm Warbler was notable on the Lake Tawakoni CBC in Van Zandt Co, and a Common Yellowthroat was in Trinidad on Jan 31 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Eleven LeConte’s Sparrows were an unusually high number on the Tyler CBC (PB, JCa, JP, DR, DS). Four Lark Sparrows were seen on the Lake Tawakoni CBC (Van Zandt Co.) and one was observed on the Tyler CBC (DH, AR, SR). One hundred Harris’ Sparrows were a good number on the Lake Tawakoni CBC (Hunt, Rains and Van Zandt Cos.), 3 were spotted on the Tyler CBC (PB, JCa, JDa, AB, KB), and one was observed in Canton on Jan 18 (DOh).


The Tyler CBC tallied a Purple Finch (CBe, JPu) and 16 Pine Siskins (PB, JCa, DW), while the Lake Tawakoni CBC netted 2 Purple Finches (Van Zandt Co.), 38 Pine Siskins (Van Zandt and Rains Cos.) and 6 Smith’s Longspurs (Rains Co.). Six Pine Siskins were near Camp Tyler on Jan 18 (JDa), 3-6 birds visited Peggy Harding’s yard in Rusk Co. throughout the month, and 2 Purple Finches were in Cherokee Co. on Jan 25 (JPu). A male Summer Tanager, very rare in winter, was a one-day wonder at a feeder east of Tyler on Jan 4 (NF). Six Brewer’s Blackbirds were observed on the Tyler CBC (EF, NR, GR). Blackbird numbers were much higher than last year on the Tyler CBC, with 15,862 Common Grackles, 3,903 Red-winged Blackbirds and 65 Rusty Blackbirds (EF, DC, AB, KB, JDa). Brown-headed Cowbird numbers on the Tyler CBC were low again this year at 50.


Counties & Locations: 


Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County
: Trinidad

Hunt County: Greenville City Lakes

Marion County: Hanson's Retreat

Smith County: Tyler, Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill
Van Zandt County: Canton





PB       Peter Barnes

CB      Cheryle Beck

DB      David Brotherton

AB      Alan Byboth

KB      Kris Byboth

JCa      Jamie Cantrell

JC        Jessica Coleman

DC       D.D. Currie

JDa      Jim Day

MD      Mike Dillon


EF       Elizabeth Farley

NF       Neil Ford

PH       Peggy Harding

DH       Dale Hartsfield

JM       Joe Marsey

DOh     Dale Ohl

DO       Donna Orr

JP         Jason Pike

JPu       Jane Purtle

RR       Ross Rasmussen


AR      Alice Rhodes

SR       Sammy Rhodes

DR      David Ringer

GR      Gloria Rognlie

NR      Nick Rognlie

DS       Dennis Scott

DW      David Weaver

DnW    Daniel Weaver

MW     Matt White

DWo    David Wolf



Northeast Texas Bird Report, December 2008 
by Peter Barnes


One hundred and four species were observed on the Caddo Lake Winter Bird Count on Dec 6. The Caddo count circle includes areas in Louisiana and Texas. One hundred and seven species were tallied by the Longview Christmas Bird Count (CBC) on Dec 20, and the Lake O’ the Pines CBC on Dec 27 netted 109 species.


A Pacific Loon was at Tejas Village, Lake O’ the Pines, on Dec 28 (TF), and at the Van Zandt County Park on Dec 30 (RBa). The Caddo count had all-time high numbers for Double-crested Cormorant (33,866) and Canvasback (725). Notable waterfowl included a Ross’ Goose and 3 Snow Geese south of Tyler on Dec 26 (PB), 2 Red-breasted Mergansers at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 29 (DB), and 3 Blue-winged Teal, unusual in mid-winter, in Harrison Co. on the Caddo Count (BM). An Osprey was spotted at Martin Creek Lake State Park on Dec 5 (DR). The bird of the month was a first-year Glaucous Gull at Lakeside Park, Lake O’ the Pines, on Dec 28 (TF). A Laughing Gull was at Lake Wright Patman, in Cass and Bowie Cos. on Dec 22 (MD).

Thirty-six White-winged Doves were an unusually high count in Henderson Co. on Dec 31 (DC,DL).


A Marsh Wren was an unusual find at Tyler State Park on Dec 23 (BS). The Caddo Count netted a Bewick’s Wren (WB,LE) and an all-time high of 41 Orange-crowned Warblers. The Caddo Count tallied all-time high numbers for 5 sparrow species, with 78 Fox Sparrows, 220 Swamp Sparrows, 1335 White-throated Sparrows, 103 Savannah Sparrows and 529 Chipping Sparrows. A LeConte’s Sparrow was at Martin Creek Lake State Park on Dec 5 (DR). Smith Co. had all the other reports of less common wintering sparrows, with single Lincoln’s Sparrows south of Tyler on Dec 24 (PB) and on Bascom Rd, north of Whitehouse, on Dec 31 (JDa). Nine White-crowned Sparrows were a good number at Camp Tyler on Dec 16 (JDa), and 20 were south of Tyler on Dec 24 (PB). More Harris’ Sparrows were reported than usual, with one in Harrison Co. on the Caddo Count (DR, JP), two east of Whitehouse on Dec 23 (JDa), and 3 on Bascom Rd, north of Whitehouse, on Dec 31 (JDa). Seven Pine Siskins were in Smith Co. on Dec 10 (PB) and one was observed in Harrison Co. on the Caddo Count (DR, JP). Three Purple Finches were in Harrison Co. on the Caddo Count (DM, TW, DJ, JP, DR), and one was near Camp Tyler on Dec 22 (JDa). A Brewer’s Blackbird was spotted in Harrison Co. on the Caddo Count (MD). One hundred and fifty Rusty Blackbirds were an unusually high number in Smith Co. on Dec 28 (PB). 


Counties & Locations: 


Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview
Marion County
: Lakeside Park, Tejas Village

Rusk County: Martin Creek Lake State Park

Smith County: Tyler, Camp Tyler, Lake Tyler, Whitehouse




RBa       Ron Baltzegar

PB         Peter Barnes

WB       Wanda Bosman

DB        David Brotherton

DC        D. D. Currie
JDa       Jim Day


MD      Mike Dillon

LE        Lisa Evers

TF        Tim Fennell

DJ         Diane Jones

DL        Dell Little
BM       Bob Metzler

DM      Dorothy Metzler
JP         Jason Pike

DR        David Ringer

BS        Boyd Sanders

TW       Tom Walker




Northeast Texas Bird Report, October & November 2008 
by Peter Barnes


The weather was mild throughout the period with no major cold fronts, and wintering ducks and passerines arrived from mid-October onward. The most notable waterfowl reported was a female/immature Long-tailed Duck at Lake O’ the Pines, Upshur Co., on Nov 22 (DB). Thirty-five Black-bellied Whistling Duck were a very high count over Van Zandt Co. on Nov 25 (HBa). Eighty Canada Geese passed over Tyler State Park on Oct 16 (BS). Eight Red-breasted Mergansers were at the power plant lake in Trinidad on Nov 2 (DC, GC), and the first 3 Hooded Mergansers were observed near Camp Tyler on Nov 17 (JDa). A Canvasback was at the Canton City Lake on Nov 18 (DOh). Lingering large wading birds included a Roseate Spoonbill at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 21 (RK), a Little Blue Heron at Caddo Lake, Marion Co., on Oct 22 (DR), and 10 White Ibis in Henderson Co. on Nov 2 (DC, GC). Two Crested Caracaras were at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Oct 3 (Tyler Audubon field trip).


Lake Tawakoni hosted most shorebirds, including 2 Baird’s Sandpipers at the Holiday Marina on Oct 3 (RK), a Black-bellied Plover and a Semipalmated Plover in Rains Co. on Oct 3 (RK), a Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Stilt Sandpiper and a Dunlin in Rains Co. on Oct 4 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and a Snowy Plover in Rains Co. on Oct 26 (RBa). On Nov. 2, an American Avocet was at the Trinidad power plant lake and a late Solitary Sandpiper was in Anderson Co. (both DC, GC).


Twelve Inca Doves were an unusually high count in Longview, Gregg Co., throughout November (CT). Woodpeckers and Blue Jays migrate south in early October, and 15 Red-headed Woodpeckers were seen at Lake Tawakoni along the Rains/Van Zandt Co. line on Oct 3 (RK). A Rock Wren was an excellent find at Lake Sulphur Springs on Nov 18 (MW), only the second record for Hopkins Co. Two Scissor-tailed Flycatchers were the last ones reported, from Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 22 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Two early Golden-crowned Kinglets were in Henderson Co. on Oct 18 (DC, DL).


Five Blue-headed Vireos were an unusually high number at Tyler State Park on Nov 6 (BS). A Canada Warbler, rare in the fall, was at Wind Point Park, Lake Tawakoni, on Oct 1 (RK). Two lingering Black-throated Green Warblers were at Caddo Lake, Marion Co., on Oct 22 (DR). A LeConte’s Sparrow was at the Canton City Lake on Nov 17 and another was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 22 (both DOh). A Grasshopper Sparrow, unusual in Smith Co. in the winter, was at Tyler State Park on Oct 16 and Nov 6, two early Fox Sparrows were there on Oct 17, and a Bachman’s Sparrow was a very surprising find there on Nov 6 (all BS). A late Rose-breasted Grosbeak was at Tyler State Park on Oct 17 (BS) and a Western Meadowlark was heard at Cedar Creek Lake on Nov 2 (DC, GC). The first Purple Finch of the winter was observed in Cherokee Co. on Nov 28 (JPu).


Counties & Locations: 


Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview
Henderson County
: Cedar Creek Lake, Trinidad
Hopkins County
: Lake Sulphur Springs
Hunt County
: Wind Point Park
Smith County: Camp Tyler, Tyler, Tyler State Park
Van Zandt County: Canton, Holiday Marina




HBa       Heidi Bailey

RBa       Ron Baltzegar

DB        David Brotherton

GC        Greg Cook

DC        D. D. Currie


JDa       Jim Day

RK        Richard Kinney

DL        Dell Little
DOh      Dale Ohl
JPu       Jane Purtle


DR        David Ringer

BS        Boyd Sanders

CT        Candra Troop

MW      Matt White




Northeast Texas Bird Report, September 2008 
by Peter Barnes


Passage of hurricanes Gustav and Ike through north-east Texas brought in an unprecedented number and variety of coastal and pelagic species, including Magnificent Frigatebird, Bridled, Sooty, Royal and Sandwich Terns, Black Skimmer and Long-tailed Jaeger. With only one previous record of Magnificent Frigatebird in 1988, it was amazing to have 5 frigatebirds, presumably Magnificent, seen this month. Two were over Jacksonville on Sept 14 (CBe), and single birds were at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Sept 3 (MD), Lake Palestine, in both Smith and Henderson Cos, on Sept 14 (PB), and at the Holiday Marina, Lake Tawakoni on Sept 14 (GC) and 15 (RK).


Six Anhingas were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Sept 6 (Tyler Audubon field trip), 5 were there on Sept 20 (DR) and one was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 9 (RK). One hundred and twelve Neotropic Cormorants were an unusual concentration at Lake Tawakoni on Sept 9 (RK). Two Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Sept 7 and 8, and a Mottled Duck was at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Sept 9 (all RK). A flock of Roseate Spoonbills were observed south of Tyler on Sept 2 (fide NF), 3 Roseate Spoonbills and 2 Tricolored Herons  were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 20 (RK) and 2 Wood Storks were in Henderson Co. on Sept 5 (DC, DL). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., continued to hold many large wading birds, including 100 Wood Storks, 40 Roseate Spoonbills, 4 Plegadis ibises, 2 Tricolored Herons and single Yellow-crowned and Black-crowned Night Herons on Sept 6 (all Tyler Audubon field trip), and a Black-crowned Night Heron and 1 Tricolored Heron on Sept 20 (DR).


Three Ospreys were at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Sept 12 (MD), and 12 were over different parts of Lake Tawakoni on Sept 9 (RK). Eight Mississippi Kites flew over Tyler State Park on Sept 4 (BS), and one was over Henderson Co. on Sept 6 (DC, DL). A Swallow-tailed Kite was blown in by Hurrican Ike to Lake Bob Sandlin, Franklin Co., on Sept 12 (MW). Twenty-four Broad-winged Hawks were over Van Zandt Co. on Sept 9, and a Peregrine Falcon was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 8 (both RK). Fourteen Buff-breasted Sandpipers, 2 Stilt Sandpipers and 2 Semipalmated Plovers were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Sept 6, and a Willet was at the same location, but in Freestone Co. that day (all Tyler Audubon field trip). A Sanderling was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 8 (RK).


A Laughing Gull was at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Sept 4 (MD), and another was a first record for Smith Co. on Sept 14 (PB). Single Sabine’s Gull were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Sept 9 (RK) and at the Holiday Marina, Lake Tawakoni, on Sept 12 (GC). An early Herring Gull was at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Sept 9 (RK). A Long-tailed Jaeger, only the third record for north-east Texas, was brought in by Hurricane Gustav to Cooper Lake on Sept 4 (MW), and a Black Skimmer was at Lake Palestine, Smith and Henderson Cos, on Sept 14 (PB). Terns were the most amazing products of the hurricanes, with Cooper Lake hosting two Bridled Terns on Sept 3 (MW) and a Sandwich Tern showing some signs of being an intergrade with the "Cayenne" Tern yellow-billed subspecies of Sandwich Tern on Sept 13 (MW). Both species have never been recorded in north-east Texas. With only two prior records of Sooty Tern in the region, there were three sightings this month, with two at Lake Wright Patman, Cass Co., on Sept 4 (MD), one at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co. (MW) and one at the Holiday Marina (GC) on Sept 14. A Royal Tern was at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus Co., on Sept 14 (MW) and two were at Lake Wright Patman, in both Bowie and Cass Cos., on Sept 16 (MD). Caspian Terns were present in unusually high numbers, with 56 at Lake Tawakoni on Sept 9 (RK), 60 at Lake Bob Sandlin, Titus and Franklin Cos., on Sept 12 (MW), and 3 at Lake Palestine, Smith Co., on Sept 12 (PB), and one at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Sept 20 (DR). Four Common Terns, unusual in the fall, were at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Sept 9, and 3000 Forster’s Terns were an impressive concentration over various parts of the lake that day (both RK).


The Rufous Hummingbird in Longview, Gregg Co., in late August was still present on Sept 12 (DO). Five Western Kingbirds were further east of their usual range in Smith Co. on Sept 5 (fide BS), and another was near Camp Tyler on Sept 16 (JDa). An Olive-sided Flycatcher was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Sept 6 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Two late Eastern Kingbirds and an Olive-sided Flycatcher were at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Sept 20 (RK). Single Blackburnian Warblers, rare in the fall, were at Tyler State Park on Sept 3 (BS) and at Lake Tawakon State Park on Sept 9 (RK). On Sept 10, a Golden-winged Warbler was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., and a Prairie Warbler was at Lake Tawakoni State Park (both RK). A Wilson’s Warbler was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Sept 6 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and a Nashville Warbler was at Faulkner Park in Tyler on Sept 28 (EF). A lingering Painted Bunting was at the Mineola Preserve on Sept 20 (PB). A Baltimore Oriole was at Tyler State Park on Sept 3 (BS), 3 were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Sept 6 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and 2 were near Camp Tyler on Sept 7 and 10 (both JDa). A Brewer’s Blackbird, very unusual at this time of year, was near Camp Tyler on Sept 9 (JDa).


Counties & Locations: 


Cherokee County: Jacksonville
Delta County
: Cooper Lake
Hunt County
: Lake Tawakoni State Park
Smith County: Tyler, Tyler State Park
Van Zandt County: Holiday Marina
Wood County
: Mineola Preserve





PB         Peter Barnes
GC        Greg Cook

DC        D. D. Currie
JDa       Jim Day

MD       Mike Dillon

EF         Elizabeth Farley

NF        Neil Ford

RK        Richard Kinney

DL        Dell Little
DO       Donna Orr


JPu       Jane Purtle

DR        David Ringer

BS        Boyd Sanders

MW      Matt White




Northeast Texas Bird Report, August 2008 
by Peter Barnes


Most reports this month were of waterbirds and shorebirds, with excellent numbers at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co. This location had high counts of 12 Anhingas on Aug 2 (DC, DL), 60 Wood Ducks and 30 Pied-billed Grebes on Aug 16 (DR), and an early Gadwall and 6 Mottled Ducks on Aug 28 (PB, JDa). Seventeen Canada Geese of uncertain origin were in Anderson Co. on Aug 28 (PB, JDa) and 3 were at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Aug 31 (MD). Numbers of large wading birds at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., were higher than usual this year, with 400 Wood Storks on Aug 24 (DC, DL) and 28 (PB, JDa), 92 Roseate Spoonbills on Aug 24 (DC, DL) and 100 on Aug 28 (PB, JDa). High counts of 500 Cattle Egrets, 150 Snowy Egrets, 100 Litle Blue Herons, 15 Green Herons and 14 Tricolored Herons on Aug 24 (all DC, DL), and 200 Great Egrets and 200 White Ibis on Aug 28 (PB, JDa) were notable. Ten White-faced Ibis were there on Aug 24 (DC, DL) and 7 were present on Aug 28 (PB, JDa). Two Wood Storks were over Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Aug 17 (MD) and Aug 23 (DR).


An immature Bald Eagle and a Crested Caracara were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Aug 24 (DC, DL). Mississippi Kites are among the earliest fall migrant raptors, and 2 were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co. on Aug. 24, 2 were in Trinidad the same day (both DC, DL), and 2 were in Henderson Co. on Aug. 28 (PB, JDa). With water levels favorable for shorebirds at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., this location has unusual concentrations of shorebirds, with 2 American Avocets, 2 Long-billed Dowitchers, 3 Stilt, 100 Semipalmated and a remarkable 375 Pectoral Sandpipers present on Aug 24 (all DC, DL), and 3 Semipalmated Plovers, 12 Short-billed Dowitchers, 1 Wilson’s Phalarope, 6 Western, 6 Stilt, 10 Solitary, 300 Semipalmated and 300 Pectoral Sandpipers on Aug 28 (PB, JDa). There were many reports of Black Terns, with 24 in Trinidad on Aug 24 (DC, DL), 16 over the UT Health Center at Tyler on Aug 6 (PB), 5 at Martin Creek Lake on Aug 22 (DR), 3 at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Aug 24 (DC, DL) and one there on Aug 28 (PB).


A Greater Roadrunner was spotted in Cherokee Co. on Aug 25 (JPu). A Rufous Hummingbird was a surprise in Gregg Co. on Aug 29 and 30 (DO). The first fall migrant passerines reported were 2 Yellow Warblers at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co. on Aug 27 (MD) and a Baltimore Oriole near Camp Tyler on Aug 28 (JDa).


Counties & Locations: 


Henderson County: Trinidad
Rusk County: Martin Creek Lake
Smith County
: Camp Tyler, UT Health Center at Tyler




PB         Peter Barnes
DC        D. D. Currie
JDa       Jim Day

MD       Mike Dillon
DL        Dell Little
DO       Donna Orr


JPu       Jane Purtle

DR        David Ringer




Northeast Texas Bird Report, June and July 2008 
by Peter Barnes


The heat kept most of us indoors, and D.D. Currie and Dell Little were about the only people who ventured out birding this summer, contributing more than half of the summer sightings. Let’s hope for a cooler fall.


An Anhinga and 3 White Ibis were at Caddo Lake, Marion Co., on July 6 (DM, BM), and 6 White Ibis and 1 White-faced Ibis were spotted in Anderson Co. on July 25 (DC, DL). An American Bittern at the Mineola Preserve on July 25 (BS) was the first mid-summer sighting of this species since 1996-97, when one was observed at Cooper Lake in late July. All other waterbird sightings were from Richland Creek WMA, which hosted an excellent number of 14 Anhingas (Navarro Co.) on July 25, 70 American White Pelicans (Freestone Co,), unusual in summer, 3 Tricolored Herons and 8 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (all Navarro Co.) on July 11, and one Tricolored Heron, 2 White-faced Ibis and 2 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (all Navarro Co.) on July 25 (all DC, DL). After breeding, Wood Storks and Roseate Spoonbills are regular at Richland Creek WMA, and 23 Wood Storks (3 in Freestone Co, 20 in Navarro Co.) and 8 Roseate Spoonbills (Navarro Co.) were present on July 11, and 2 Roseate Spoonbills were there on July 25 (all DC, DL).

Three Mississippi Kites were over Marshall on June 5, 3 were at Lake Wright Patman in Bowie Co. on June 6 and one was in Cass Co. on June 8 (all MD). This raptor is generally considered to be a localized summer resident in forested areas along the Red and Sulphur Rivers in the far northeast corner of the state, so it was notable that up to nine birds spent July on a private ranch south of Longview in Harrison Co. (BGr), the highest number of summering birds in one location in the NETFO database. In addition, three nesting pairs were spotted at Tyler State Park on July 23, including one pair feeding a young bird (BS). Three Broad-winged Hawks, a more broadly distributed breeding raptor in small numbers, were over Tyler on June 19 and another was in Cherokee Co. on June 7 (both PB).


Shorebirds at Richland Creek WMA included 13 Semipalmated Sandpipers in Freestone Co. on July 11 and 6 Long-billed Dowitchers in Navarro Co. on July 25 (all DC, DL). Two Western Sandpipers were observed in Anderson Co. on July 25 (DC, DL). Single Greater Roadrunners were seen in Marion Co. on June 27 (MD), and in Henderson Co. on July 8 (MMo) and 26 (DC, DL), and two were in Cherokee Co. on July 21 (JPu). A Least Tern was at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on July 11 and 25, and a Black Tern was there on July 25 (all DC, DL). Two immature Tree Swallows were observed at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on July 25 (DC, DL), suggesting the possibility of nesting there.

A Gray Catbird, an uncommon summer resident in northeast Texas, was spotted at Martin Creek Lake, Rusk Co., on July 25 (MD). The bird of the summer was a male Cerulean Warbler at Caddo Lake, Marion Co., on July 15 (TW). This is a rare bird at any time in northeast Texas, with only 5 spring and 2 fall records in the NETFO database. A mid-summer record is unprecedented in recent times, although this species breeds in Arkansas and southern Oklahoma, so nesting in northeast Texas is a possibility. A Black-and-White Warbler, a thinly distributed summer resident, was observed at the Mineola Preserve on July 25 (BS). An American Goldfinch, unusual in the summer, was heard at Lake O’ the Pines, Upshur Co., on July 21 (MD).


Counties & Locations: 


Harrison County: Marshall
Smith County: Tyler State Park
Wood County: Mineola Preserve




PB         Peter Barnes
DC        D. D. Currie
MD       Mike Dillon

BGr       Bob Griffin

DL        Dell Little
BM       Bob Metzler
DM       Dorothy Metzler
MMo     Margie Mondor


JPu       Jane Purtle

BS        Boyd Sanders

TW       Tom Walker



Northeast Texas Bird Report, May 2008 
by Peter Barnes


Despite relatively few cold fronts and rain to hold up migrants, the month was notable for unusual numbers and variety of migrant warblers, with quite spectacular concentrations of passerine migrants at Lake Tawakoni in early and mid-May.


Two Anhingas and a Common Moorhen were at Gus Engling WMA on March 3 (DC, DL). Migrant raptors included one Mississippi Kite at Lake Tyler on May 3 (AR, JMu), 3 in Smith Co. on May 10 (PB, DS, AR), and a Peregrine Falcon in Rains Co. on May 11 (RBa). Shorebird reports were few, as water levels were high, limiting habitat in accessible areas. Seven White-rumped Sandpipers were in Anderson Co. on May 3 (DC, DL). Twenty-five Franklin’s Gulls were south of Tyler on May 8 (PB), and a Least Tern was at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on May 25 (DC, DL). A Greater Roadrunner was in Cherokee Co. on May 1 (JPu). A Bank Swallow was in Henderson Co. on May 3 (DC, DL) and 2 were at Camp Tyler on May 15 (PB).


Lake Tawakoni State Park had amazing numbers of migrant flycatchers on May 7, with 12 Alder, 6 Willow, 36 Least and 1 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher on May 7 (all RK). An Alder/Willow Flycatcher was south of Tyler on May 15 (PB), an Alder Flycatcher was in Canton on May 16 (DOh) and a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was at Lake Tawakoni State Park in May 16 (RK). Five Olive-sided Flycatchers were more than usual for May, with 2 at Camp Tyler on May 15 (PB), 2 in Canton on May 16 (DOh), and one at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 16 (RK). A Veery was observed at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 12-13 and a Gray-cheeked Thrush was there on May 13 (RK). Single Warbling Vireos were at Camp Tyler on May 3 (AR, JMu) and south of Tyler on May 15 (PB). Two Philadelphia Vireos were south of Tyler on May 8 and one was at Bellwood Lake on May 16 (all PB). Lake Tawakoni State Park hosted a good concentration of 12 Warbling, 2 Philadelphia and 4 Blue-headed Vireos on May 16 (all RK).


Migrant warblers were the highlight of the month, with good variety and numbers of common and less common species. Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co. held an astounding number of warbler migrants on May 16, including hundreds of Yellow and Wilson’s Warblers, 6 Chestnut-sided, 2 Magnolia, 3 Blackburnian, 3 Bay-breasted and 2 Canada Warblers, as well as a Blackpoll and 8 American Redstarts (all RK). Of the more common species, a total of 15 Chestnut-sided Warblers were reported this month, including single birds at Bellwood Lake on May 1 (AR, JMu), Tyler State Park on May 2 (fide BS), Camp Tyler on May 4 (JDa, AB), Canton on May 17 (DOh), 2 at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 13 (RK), and 3 at Rose Rudman Park in Tyler on May 16 (EF). Eleven Magnolia Warblers were seen, including single birds at Tyler State Park on May 2 (fide BS), Gus Engling WMA on May 3 (DC, DL), south of Tyler on May 12 and 15 (PB), Gregg Co. on May 15 (DnW), Canton on May 17 (DOh), and 3 at Tyler State Park on May 6 (BS). Eleven Blackburnian Warblers were an unusually high number, with single birds at Tyler State Park on May 2 (fide BS), Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 7 (RK), Canton on May 17 (DOh), 2 in Smith Co. on May 6 (PB, JDa), and 3 at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 13 (RK). An Ovenbird was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 7 (RK) and a Bay-breasted Warbler was at Tyler State Park on May 2 (fide BS). Canada, Golden-winged Warblers and Blackpolls are among our least common regular migrants, so it was notable that a total of 5 Canada Warblers were reported, including 2 at Camp Tyler on May 4 (JDa, AB) and 1 at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (RK), 2 Golden-winged Warblers were seen, one at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (RK) and one south of Tyler on May 7 (PB), and 3 Blackpolls were reported, including one at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 7 (RK) and another at Camp Tyler on May 15 (PB). Numbers of the later migrants, Wilson’s and Mourning Warblers, were about average, with 2 Wilson’s Warblers at Camp Tyler on May 10 (JDa, PB), 3 in Smith Co. on May 15 (PB), and 2 in Canton on May 16 (DOh). One Mourning Warbler was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (MW) and 2 were at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 13 (RK). Of our less common breeding warblers, 2 Swainson’s Warblers were at Gus Engling WMA on May 3 (DC, DL), and a Louisiana Waterthrush was at the Old Sabine Bottom WMA on May 2 (AR, JMu).


A Clay-colored Sparrow was in Fannin Co. on May 3 and a Bachman’s Sparrow was singing in Lamar Co. on May 2 (both MW). Two Grasshopper Sparrows were in Anderson Co. on May 3 (DC, DL). A total of at least 10 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were reported, which is more than average. One was at the Mineola Preserve on May 2 (AR, JMu), 3 were at Camp Tyler on May 3, 2 were near Camp Tyler on May 4 and 6 (all JDa), 2 were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 7 (RK), and 2 were in Cherokee Co. on May 7 (JPu). Lazuli Buntings are rare spring migrants in north-east Texas, so three reports of this species birds were notable, with single birds in Hunt Co. on May 3 (JMa), Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 7 (RK), and Smith Co. on May 2 (LBe). Delta Co. had an impressive count of 15-20 Bobolinks on May 2 and Fannin Co. hosted 8 birds on May 3 (both MW). Two Baltimore Orioles were at Camp Tyler on May 3 and one was there on May 4, and 3 were near Camp Tyler on May 1-3 (all JDa). A Baltimore Oriole was at the Old Sabine Bottom WMA on May 2 (AR, JMu). Lake Tawakoni State Park had an amazing 136 Orchard Orioles and 85 Baltimore Orioles on May 7 (RK).


Counties & Locations:


Anderson County: Gus Engeling WMA
Hunt County: Lake Tawakoni State Park
Smith County: Bellwood Lake, Camp Tyler, Lake Tyler, Old Sabine Bottom WMA, Tyler, Tyler State Park
Van Zandt County: Canton




RBa       Ron Baltzegar
PB         Peter Barnes
LBe       Lyle Becknell
AB        Alan Byboth
DC        D. D. Currie
JDa       Jim Day

EF         Elizabeth Farley

PH        Peggy Harding

RK        Richard Kinney
DL        Dell Little
JMa      Jennifer Maxwell
JMu      John Muldrow
DOh     Dale Ohl


JPu       Jane Purtle

AR       Alice Rhodes
BS        Boyd Sanders

DS        Dennis Scott
DnW     Daniel Weaver
MW      Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, March 2008 
by Peter Barnes


Wintering waterbirds are departing in March and passerines, such as some vireos and warblers, are beginning to migrate north or to set up breeding territories. We had a wet early spring, and some productive birding locations, such as Richland Creek and Old Sabine WMAs, were largely under water, limiting bird observation there.


Two Pacific Loons, one in alternate plumage, were at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on March 14 (TF) and 16 (PB), and a Red-throated Loon was there on March 14 (TF). Twenty Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were in Franklin Co. on March 25 (fide BS), and 9 were in Smith Co. on March 30 (GR). Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., hosted 2 Snow Geese, 3 Cinnamon Teal and a Solitary Sandpiper on March 22 (Tyler Audubon Society).


The wintering female Selasphorus (presumably Rufous) Hummingbird at Lake Cherokee remained until April 1 (DO). The remnants of the winter Red-breasted Nuthatch invasion lingered, with single birds still present in Henderson Co. on March 8 (DC, DL), in Tyler throughout the month until March 26 (AR), and at Lake Cherokee through March 30 (DO). The first Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported, right on schedule, on March 16 in Rusk Co. (CT), and a Blue-headed Vireo was spotted at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on March 22 (Tyler Audubon Society).


Most of the typical early-arriving warblers were reported, except for Prothonotary and Hooded Warblers. The first Black-and-White Warbler was spotted on March 9 in Henderson Co. (DC, DL), and the first Yellow-throated Warblers and Northern Parulas were heard at Caddo Lake, Harrison Co., on March 16 (DM, BM). A Louisiana Waterthrush was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on March 22 (Tyler Audubon Society), and the first Black-throated Green Warbler was at the UT Health Center at Tyler on March 26 (PB).


A LeConte’s Sparrow was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on March 22 (Tyler Audubon Society). Three Rose-breasted Grosbeak were remarkably early on March 16 at the Mineola Preserve (CT, LE, PH, BC). They usually don’t arrive in northeast Texas until mid-April. Pine Siskins visited Jim Day’s feeders in Smith Co. throughout March, with a high count of 18 on March 27, four were present elsewhere in Smith Co. on March 25 (PB), and one was at Lake Cherokee from March 18 through April 1. A Purple Finch was in Smith Co. on March 9 (PB), another was at the Mineola Preserve on March 16 (CT, LE, PH, BC), and up to 6 were at Lake Cherokee from March 11-25 (DO).  


Counties & Locations:


Rusk County:  Lake Cherokee
Smith County:  UT Health Center at Tyler
Wood County:  Mineola Preserve





PB         Peter Barnes
BC        Barbara Cavin
DC        D. D. Currie
JDa       Jim Day

LE         Lisa Evers

TF        Tim Fennell
PH        Peggy Harding

DL        Dell Little
BM       Bob Metzler

DM       Dorothy Metzler


DO        Donna Orr

AR        Alice Rhodes

GR        Gloria Rognlie

BS        Boyd Sanders

CT        Candy Troop



Northeast Texas Bird Report, February 2008 
by Peter Barnes, edited by Mike Dillon


February was marked by the unusually early appearance of some herons, swallows and passerines, perhaps related to the mild winter and global warming. The Arctic Loon at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., was seen again on Feb 10-19, together with a Pacific Loon, and a Red-throated Loon on Feb 14 and 19 (all MW). Several species of large wading birds that usually arrive in March and April were spotted at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., including single Tricolored Herons on Feb 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and 24 (DC, DL), a Little Blue Heron on Feb 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip), 3 Snowy Egrets on Feb 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and 2 on Feb 24 (DC, DL), 30 White Ibis on Feb 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and 44 White and one White-faced Ibis on Feb 24 (DC, DL). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., also had 7 Cinnamon Teal on Feb 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and 21 Greater White-fronted Geese, 1 Cinnamon Teal, 250 Northern Pintails and 15 Redheads on Feb 24 (DC, DL). Eleven Cackling Geese were in Henderson Co. on Feb 23 and a Ross’ Goose was in Navarro Co. on Feb 24 (all DC, DL). Twelve Hooded Mergansers were observed in Rusk Co. on Feb 10 (PH, HK, BC). A Common Moorhen, a rare breeder in northeast Texas, and almost never seen in winter, was observed in Rusk Co. on Feb 10 (PH, HK, BC).

Two Ospreys were over Texas Eastman in Longview on Feb 7 (DB) and one was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Feb 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip). A Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk was at Gus Engling WMA on Feb 16 (DC, DL). A Bald Eagle nest containing a downy youngster was found at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Feb. 25 (MW). A Crested Caracara was in Henderson Co. on Feb 16 and a Merlin was at Richland Creek WMA on Feb 24 (both DC, DL). Five Soras (4 in Freestone, 1 in Navarro Co.) were a good number at Richland Creek WMA on Feb 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Forty Long-billed Dowitchers were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Feb 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and 80 were there on Feb 24 (DC, DL). Thirteen Greater Yellowlegs were a good number in Rusk Co. on Feb 10 (PH, HK, BC). A Greater Roadrunner was in Cherokee Co. on Feb 28 (JPu). Cave Swallows continue to expand northward, with two in Henderson Co. on Feb 23, and one at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Feb 24 (both DC, DL). Other Cave Swallows were suspected of wintering around Lake Tawakoni this year, so it is not clear if these are wintering birds. The first Tree Swallows (7) and Cliff Swallows (8) of the spring were spotted at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Feb 24 (both DC, DL). The February date is unusually early for Cliff Swallows.


Fish Crows continue to expand their range in northeast Texas, and one was observed in Hunt Co. from Feb 21-28, with two more birds in Hunt Co. on Feb 28 (all MW). A Red-breasted Nuthatch was in Henderson Co. on Feb 16 and 23 (DC, DL) and one was in Cherokee Co. until Feb 24 (JPu). Two Bewick’s Wrens were at Gus Engling WMA on Feb 16 (DC, DL). A White-eyed Vireo was very early at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Feb 17 (MD), as they are not usually here until early March. A Gray Catbird was banded in Marion Co. on Feb 2 (JI), and a Summer Tanager was an unusual find in Rose Rudman Park in Tyler on Feb 5 (EF).


An early Lark Sparrow was in Anderson Co. on Feb 23 (DC, DL). Two Purple Finches were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Feb 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip), one was in Henderson Co. on Feb 23 (DC, DL), and up to 7 birds visited Jane Purtle’s feeders in Cherokee Co. until Feb 27. A Lesser Goldfinch was photographed visiting a feeder in Hunt Co. on Feb 22 (MW), where it has been present irregularly from mid-January. Five hundred and fifty Rusty Blackbirds were roosting in Hunt Co. on Feb 24 (MW), and 5 Brewer’s Blackbirds were in Anderson Co. on Feb 23 (DC, DL).


Counties & Locations:


Anderson County:  Gus Engling WMA

Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Smith County:  Tyler





DB        David Brotherton
BC        Barbara Cavin
DC        D. D. Currie
MD       Mike Dillon

EF         Elizabeth Farley
PH         Peggy Harding

JI           James Ingold

HK        Happy King

DL        Dell Little
JPu      Jane Purtle

MW    Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, January 2008 
by Peter Barnes


The Tyler CBC on Jan 5 tallied 106 species, 6 more than the 10-year median, and only two shy of the record of 108. The Tenaha CBC on Jan 1 netted 100 species, close to the 10 year average of 100.5.


The bird of the winter was an immature basic-plumaged Arctic Loon at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Jan 13 through 21 (MW, DOh, MD). If accepted by the Texas Bird Records Committee, this would represent a first record for the state. Three Eared Grebes were in Trinidad on Jan 26 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Two Neotropic Cormorants (DC, DL, AB, DR) and 6 Greater Scaup were spotted on the Tyler CBC (PB, DB, DS). Three hundred Snow Geese and 1 Ross’ Goose were in Trinidad on Jan 26 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Diving duck numbers were low on the Tyler CBC, with an abysmal tally of only 3 Ruddy Ducks (DC, DL; 10 year median 48), and only 26 Lesser Scaup and 20 Ring-necked Ducks (10 year medians of 59 for both species). In contrast, high counts of 337 Lesser Scaup and 132 Bufflehead were tallied on the Tenaha CBC. Four Redheads were in Titus Co. on Jan 12 (DB, LB), and 3 Red-breasted Mergansers were spotted on the Tenaha CBC (CT, LE, HK, BC). An Osprey was observed on the Tyler CBC (PB, JCa, JHa) and one was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Jan 24 (DB). One hundred and forty-five Red-breasted Mergansers were a good number at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Jan 12 (DB, LB). A Green Heron was an unusual winter bird in Tyler on Jan 7 (JKa). Three Plegadis ibis were at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Jan 12 (MW). An American Woodcock near Camp Tyler was notable for the Tyler CBC (AB, JDa, DR). A Greater Yellowlegs was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Jan 2 (DB), 2 were observed on the Tenaha CBC (DB, WBr) and a Spotted Sandpiper was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Jan 15 (MW). A Sora in Tyler was an unexpected addition for the Tyler CBC (DC, DL). A Herring Gull was unusual on the Tenaha CBC (PH, BG), and an adult Little Gull was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Jan 15 (MW).


Twenty-one Eastern Screech Owls were a new high on the Tyler CBC (AB, JDa, DR). A Greater Roadrunner was at Lake Tyler on Jan 3 (JoM). Eight Cave Swallows, presumably wintering birds but possibly early migrants, were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Jan 17 (MW). Throughout the month, 3 Red-breasted Nuthatches were in Peggy Harding’s yard in Rusk Co. and one was at Jane Purtle’s feeders in Cherokee Co. The Ash-throated Flycatcher, first located in December, was still in Van Zandt Co. on Jan 17 (MW, PB, MD). A Marsh Wren was observed at Lake Bob Sandlin on Jan 12 (DB, LB) and 2 were in Trinidad on Jan 26 (Tyler Audubon field trip). A Bewick’s Wren was notable for Smith Co. on Jan 22 and 25 (JDa), and one was in Henderson Co. on Jan 26 (Tyler Audubon field trip). A Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher was only the second sighting in the past 10 years on the Tyler CBC (TH, AC), and one was observed on the Tenaha CBC (PH, BG). A Gray Catbird was observed in Hunt Co. from late December through Jan 17 (MW), and 2 were tallied on the Tenaha CBC (DW).


A Yellow-throated Warbler in Hopkins Co. on Jan 9-10 (MW) was a first winter record of this species for northeast Texas A Common Yellowthroat was a good find on the Tyler CBC (DC, DL) and another was in Trinidad on Jan 26 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Two LeConte’s Sparrows were spotted on the Tyler CBC (DB, AB, DR, DS). A Lark Sparrow was in Smith Co. on Jan 4 (CB, JPu) and 20 Harris’ Sparrows were in Henderson Co. on Jan 26 (Tyler Audubon field trip). The Tyler CBC tallied 5 Purple Finches and 5 Pine Siskins, both of which were 10-year highs. Other Purple Finch reports were of 1-2 near Camp Tyler until Jan 3 (JDa), 1-2 in Rusk Co. on Jan 18-19 (PH), 11 in Henderson Co. on Jan 6 (DC, DL), 15 in Morris Co. on Jan 16 (DB, LB), and three pairs visiting Jane Purtle’s feeders in Cherokee Co. throughout the month. Two hundred American Goldfinches were an impressive concentration in Rusk Co. on Jan 18 and 10 (PH). A Western Meadowlark was a new bird for the Tenaha CBC (DW). Six Brewer’s Blackbirds near Camp Tyler on Jan 12 were the first reported in Smith Co. in several years (JDa). Only 75 Common Grackles (10 year median 1449) and 38 Brown-headed Cowbirds (10 year median 146) were observed on the Tyler CBC, and only 57 Common Grackles were spotted on the Tenaha CBC (10 year median 1617). The only reports of Rusty Blackbirds were of two at Lake Tyler on the Tyler CBC (PB, JHa, JCa) and 2 in Henderson Co. on Jan 26 (Tyler Audubon field trip).


Counties & Locations:


Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Henderson County:  Trinidad

Smith County:  Camp Tyler, Lake Tyler, Tyler

Titus County:  Lake Bob Sandlin





PB         Peter Barnes

CB        Cheryle Beck

DB        David Brotherton
LB         Luanne Brotherton
WBr      Walt Brotherton

AB        Alan Byboth

JCa       Jamie Cantrell

BC        Barbara Cavin
AC        Andree Clark

DC        D. D. Currie

JDa       Jim Day

MD       Mike Dillon

LE         Lisa Evers
BG        Becky Gullette

JHa       JB Hanlon

PH        Peggy Harding

TH        Tim Hunkapiler

JKa       Jerry Kassaw

HK        Happy King

DL        Dell Little
JM        Joe Marsey
DOh      Dale Ohl
JPu      Jane Purtle

DR      David Ringer
DS      Dennis Scott
CT      Candy Troop

DW     David Weaver
MW    Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, December 2007 
by Peter Barnes, edited by Mike Dillon


One hundred and six species were observed on the Caddo Lake Winter Bird Count on Dec 1, close to the average of 107 species. The Caddo count circle includes areas in Louisiana, and birds noted on this count were observed in Texas unless otherwise specified. One hundred and ten species were tallied by the Longview Christmas Bird Count (CBC) on Dec 15, and the Lake O’ the Pines CBC on Dec 29 netted 108 species. These totals were two and three less than their respective 10-year averages. The Lake Tawakoni CBC on Dec 29 yielded 138 species.


A Red-throated Loon was at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Dec 23 (MW), and 2 Pacific Loons were observed on the Lake Tawakoni CBC, one at Holiday Marina and the other at Lake Tawakoni State Park. More reports of Neotropic Cormorants were received than usual. Eighteen were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Dec 23 (DC, DL), two were observed at Lake Cherokee on Dec 15 (PB, CB), 5 were at Big Creek Lake on Dec 27 (MW), and 17 were spotted on the Lake Tawakoni CBC. American White Pelicans were at Lake Tyler for the second half of December, with a high count of 12 birds on Dec 18 (JDa). A Black-crowned Night Heron was seen in Rains Co. on the Lake Tawakoni CBC. A Snowy Egret, rare in winter, was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 15 (DB, SB), and a Cattle Egret and a remarkably high number of 32 White-faced Ibis were also unusual in Hunt Co. on Dec 23 (MW). Three Greater White-fronted Geese (BC, PH, HK) and 110 Snow Geese (70 in Texas) were spotted on the Caddo Lake count, and a Northern Pintail (DM, TW), 8 Cackling Geese (all in Louisiana) and an American Bittern (DR, JP) were all new species for the Caddo Lake count. A Cackling Goose was at Greenville City Lakes on Dec 21 (MW).


Six Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were on Lake Palestine, Smith Co. on Dec 27 (JM), and one was at Cooper Lake on Dec 6 (MW). Gadwalls were missed and only single Lesser Scaup and Ruddy Duck (both in Louisiana) were noted on the Caddo Lake count. In contrast, 500 Lesser Scaup and 25 Greater Scaup were at Big Creek Lake on Dec 27 (MW). Two male Common Mergansers were an outstanding rarity at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Dec 27 (MW). The Longview CBC netted a Blue-winged Teal in Rusk Co. (PB, CB), a Greater Scaup at Texas Eastman in Longview (DB, SB), 16 Redheads and a 10-year-high count of 120 Buffleheads. The Lake O’ the Pines CBC produced a high count of 384 Ruddy Ducks and 338 Redheads. A Blue-winged Teal was in Smith Co. on Dec 25 (JC), and a Sora was at Big Creek Lake on Dec 17 (MW).


Two Ospreys (1 in Texas) were spotted on the Caddo Lake count, two were observed on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (ME, HK, LE, WB), and single birds were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 13 and 15 (DB), Lake Tyler on Dec 22 (PB) and Chapel Hill on Dec 24 (PB, DS). Two Bald Eagles were observed on the Longview CBC (DB, SB, BM), and a Northern Harrier was a good bird on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (DB, LB). The Merlin first found in November was seen again at the Lake Tyler concession area on Dec 13 (JDa), and another Merlin (BC, PH, HK) was spotted on the Caddo Lake count. Eleven Crested Caracaras were a high total for the Lake Tawakoni CBC. The most remarkable raptor sighting this winter was a Prairie Falcon, a new species on the Caddo Lake count (BC, PH, HK) and perhaps the first record for the pineywoods.


Wilson’s Snipe and American Woodcock were notably absent on the Lake O’ the Pines and Caddo Lake counts, respectively, but one American Woodcock was spotted in Smith Co. on Dec 24 (PB). A Semipalmated Plover, very rare in winter, was observed at Lake Tyler on Dec 25 (JC). Spotted Sandpipers are regular winter visitors in our southern counties, but one at Cooper Lake on Dec 20 (MW) and 2 on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (CB, DLu) were notable. A second year California Gull, unexpectedly of the darker-backed californicus subspecies, rather than the expected albertaensis, was photographed at Lake Bob Sandlin on Dec 11 (MW). The Caddo Lake count had an all-time high 443 Ring-billed Gulls (231 in Louisiana). A Black-headed Gull was at Big Creek Lake on Dec 17 and the same bird was at Cooper Lake on Dec 27 (both MW). A Little Gull was at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Dec 13 and 29 (MW), and two late Franklin’s Gulls were at Greenville City Lakes on Dec 21 (MW).


One hundred Eastern Screech Owls were a remarkable tally on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (DB, LB, SB, DW). Two Greater Roadrunners were the first seen on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC in the past 10 years (LE, HK, WB), and one was in Hunt Co. on Dec 27 (TBr). A female Selasphorus Hummingbird visited a feeder at Lake Cherokee in mid-December at least till Dec 15 (DO). Hummingbirds of the Selasphorus genus include Rufous and Allen’s Hummingbirds, and females are extremely difficult to separate in the field. Rufous Hummingbird would be the expected species in northeast Texas. Five Red-headed Woodpeckers were an unusual concentration at Lake Tyler on Dec 18 (JDa), and the Lake O’ the Pines count tallied a 10-year high of 17 birds. Three Cave Swallows were an interesting find at Lake Bonham in Fannin Co. on Dec 14 (MW). This species has been expanding into northeast Texas in the spring for several years, but this represents the first winter record. The Red-breasted Nuthatch invasion continued, with 4 birds tallied on the Longview CBC, 7 on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (DW, DB, LB), 6 on the Lake Tawakoni CBC, one in Tyler on Dec 19 (TP), one in Henderson Co. on Dec 23 (DC, DL) and two at Jane Purtle’s feeders in Cherokee Co. throughout the month. A Fish Crow was at Lake Bob Sandlin on Dec 11 (MW). Two Marsh Wrens were notable on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (PH, CT) and A Bewick’s Wren was observed on the Longview CBC (DW). Two Rock Wrens were observed at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Dec 28 and 31 (MW). Matt observed a remarkable seven wren species on Dec 28, perhaps a first for northeast Texas. A late Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 3 (DB), and a Vermilion Flycatcher was a nice find on the Caddo Lake count (BC, PH, HK). Perhaps the most remarkable sighting this month was of an Ash-throated Flycatcher, first found on the Lake Tawakoni CBC in Van Zandt Co. on Dec 29, then photographed on Dec 30 and 31 (MW). This bird is rare anywhere in Texas in winter, and the only prior record of this species in the NETFO database is from the spring of 1996 at Caddo Lake.


A Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher was spotted on the Caddo Lake count (BC, PH, HK), and two were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Dec 13 (MW). Five Blue-headed Vireos were tallied on the Lake Tawakoni CBC. The Caddo Lake count recorded an all-time high 61 American Pipits (60 in Louisiana). Only one Loggerhead Shrike was found on the Caddo Lake count. The Longview CBC had 10-year-high counts of 405 Eastern Bluebirds and 1,791 Cedar Waxwings. A Gray Catbird was notable for Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Dec 23 (MW) and one was tallied on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (DW).


Pine Warblers are common in the pineywoods, but not in the Blackland Prairie, so one at Big Creek Lake on Dec 17 (MW) was notable. Three Common Yellowthroats (2 in Louisiana) were observed on the Caddo Lake count. Only one LeConte’s Sparrow (Louisiana) was found on the Caddo Lake count, they were missed on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC, and numbers were low on the Lake Tawakoni CBC. Five Harris’ Sparrows were a good number for Smith Co. on Dec 22 and 29 (PB, Tyler Audubon field trip). White-crowned Sparrows have been more common in Smith Co. than usual, with up to 25 birds on Dec 22 and 29 (PB, Tyler Audubon field trip). The Lake Tawakoni CBC netted 3 Grasshopper Sparrows, the first recorded in 10 years, as well as 10 year highs of 37 Purple Finches and 45 Pine Siskins. Winter finches were otherwise sparse, with 1-2 Purple Finches near Camp Tyler for most of the month (JDa), two in Canton on Dec 13 (DOh), 5 in Daingerfield on Dec 16 (DB), one in Hunt Co. on Dec 26 (MW), and three on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (DW, DB, LB). Two Pine Siskins were seen on the Caddo Lake count, 3 were in Canton from Nov 26 through Dec 2, and 1 was there on Dec 19 (all DOh), and none were observed on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC, where they are usually regular. Very few Brown-headed Cowbirds (2, Louisiana), House Finches (2, Louisiana) and House Sparrows (2, Louisiana) were observed on the Caddo Lake count. A late Lark Sparrow was at Cooper Lake on Dec 1 (MW). Thirty Eastern Meadowlarks were a 10-year high for the Lake O’ the Pines CBC. The only report of Rusty Blackbirds was of 17 around Lake Tyler on Dec 29 (Tyler Audubon field trip).


Counties & Locations:


Delta County:  Big Creek Lake, Cooper Lake

Gregg County:  Lake Cherokee

Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Hunt County:  Greenville City Lakes, Lake Tawakoni State Park

Smith County:  Camp Tyler, Chapel Hill, Lake Tyler

Titus County:  Lake Bob Sandlin

Van Zandt County:  Canton, Holiday Marina





PB         Peter Barnes

WB       Wanda Bosmans
TBr       Tyson Brennan
DB        David Brotherton
LB         Luanne Brotherton
SaB       Sarah Brotherton
BC        Barbara Cavin
JC         Jessica Coleman
DC        D. D. Currie

JDa       Jim Day

ME       Mark Edmund
LE        Lisa Evers
PH        Peggy Harding

HK       Happy King
DL        Dell Little
DLu      Deana Lum
JM        Joe Marsey
BM       Bob Metzler
DOh      Dale Ohl

DO      Donna Orr
JP        Jason Pike
TP       Truman Powell
DR      David Ringer
DS      Dennis Scott
CT      Candy Troop

TW     Tom Walker
DW     David Weaver
MW    Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, November 2007 
by Peter Barnes


It was a slow month with few reports of notable concentrations of winter visitors, but continuing reports of boreal forest seedeaters such as Red-breasted Nuthatches and Purple Finch.


Two Snow Geese were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Nov 2 (RK). Sixty Snow Geese were spotted in Henderson Co. on Nov 2 and Nov 23, and 30 were in Freestone Co. on Nov 24 (all DC, DL). One hundred and twenty five American White Pelicans were an impressive sight at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 5 (DB). Twenty-eight Hooded Mergansers and 90 Buffleheads were good numbers at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 20 (DB, ME), and 6 Red-breasted Mergansers were notable for Smith Co. on Nov 25 (PB). Five Northern Harriers were at the Sabine Mining Company land on Nov 28 (ER), a Merlin was a good find at the Lake Tyler concession area on Nov 10 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and a Crested Caracara was in Anderson Co. on Nov 16 (DC, DL). Nineteen American Avocets were a good number at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 2 (DB). A first-year Sabine’s Gull was at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Nov 2 and 3 (MW), and a Herring Gull was in Anderson Co. on Nov 23 (DC, DL). Two Caspian Terns were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Nov 3 (RK).


Two Short-eared Owls were spotted on Nov 26 and one was present on Nov 28 at the Sabine Mining Company land (ER). This is the first time that they have been seen here since the winter of 2005-6. The Red-breasted Nuthatch invasion continues, with 3-4 birds visiting feeders in Rusk Co. throughout the month (PH), 2 at feeders in Tyler 5-7 times (AR) and 2 more at a Cherokee Co. feeder all month (JPu). Single birds were also seen in Henderson Co. on Nov 16 (DC, DL), Morris Co. on Nov 18 (DB) and Rusk Co. from Nov 21 to 28 (DO). Inca Doves were reported in Longview this month (CT). A remarkably late Eastern Kingbird was observed on Nov 20 at Texas Eastman in Longview (DB, ME). This species is usually gone by the end of September. Two Scissor-tailed Flycatchers were still in Smith Co. on Nov 10 (Tyler Audubon field trip). A late Nashville Warbler was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Nov 3 (RK), and a Palm Warbler was a great find there on Nov 10 (RK). A Purple Finch was in Henderson Co. on Nov 23 (DC, DL) and one was in Cherokee Co. on Nov 23 and 25 (JPu). 300+ Brewer’s Blackbirds were an impressive number in Anderson Co. on Nov 16 (DC, DL).


Counties & Locations:


Harrison County:  Sabine Mining Company land, Texas Eastman in Longview

Hunt County:  Lake Tawakoni State Park

Smith County:  Tyler, Lake Tyler





PB        Peter Barnes

DB       David Brotherton
DC       D. D. Currie

ME       Mark Edmund
PH        Peggy Harding


RK       Richard Kinney
DL       Dell Little
DO       Donna Orr
JPu       Jane Purtle

ER       Eddie Ray
AR      Alice Rhodes
CT      Candy Troop

MW    Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, October 2007 
by Peter Barnes with thanks to Mike Dillon for his editing


October is usually a slow month, as fall migrants have largely departed, and most winter residents have not yet arrived. The mild weather this year made for fewer migrants than usual and delayed the arrival of wintering waterfowl and other birds.


An Anhinga was spotted in Henderson Co. on Oct 5 (DC, DL). Forty-six American White Pelicans were the highest total reported this fall on Oct 18 at Texas Eastman in Longview (DB). Perhaps because of the mild warm weather, 2 Roseate Spoonbills, a Wood Stork, and 3 Tricolored Herons were still at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Oct 13 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Six Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were also there that day (Tyler Audubon field trip). Twelve Greater White-fronted Geese were over Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 3 (RK). The first 15 Ruddy Ducks were reported from Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 25 (DB). A Merlin and the first Northern Harrier of the fall were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Oct 13 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Twelve Swainson’s Hawks and an impressive 232 Broad-winged Hawks were observed over Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 5 (RK), and a Crested Caracara was there on Oct 4 (RK). An Osprey was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 25 (DB).


A Sora was at Grand Saline salt marsh on Oct 10 (RK). Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., hosted 12 Long-billed Dowitchers and 4 Stilt Sandpipers on Oct 3, 22 Long-billed Dowitchers and a Stilt Sandpiper on Oct 5, and a Black-bellied Plover, 65 American Avocets and 100 Long-billed Dowitchers on Oct 10 (all RK). Three American Avocets were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 18 (DB). Single Great Horned Owls were heard in Morris Co. on Oct 25 (DB, LB) and in Smith Co. on Oct 30 (PB). Two Greater Roadrunners were in Titus Co. on Oct 11 (LB). The last Ruby-throated Hummingbirds were reported from Morris Co. on Oct 9 (LB). A Red-headed Woodpecker, uncommon in the western edge of our region, was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Oct 30 (RK). A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was still present at the Mineola Preserve on Oct 27 (PB).


The birding event of the fall was the invasion of Red-breasted Nuthatches in many parts of Texas, and 15 birds were reported this month, two in Cherokee Co. throughout the month (JPu), two in Tyler on Oct 9 (TP), one at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Oct 9, two in Van Zandt Co. on Oct 10 (both RK), one at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Oct 13 (NETFO field trip), 2 at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Oct 21 (RK, RBa), 2 in Smith Co. on Oct 24 (AR), one in Van Zandt Co. on Oct 30, and two at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Oct 31 (both RK). This is the highest monthly total for the fall since 27 birds were tallied by NETFO observers in September 1995.


10+ Brown Creepers were notable in Hunt Co. on Oct 28 (TBr). Single Sprague’s Pipits were over Lake Tawakoni State Park and West Tawakoni on Oct 30 (RK). A Warbling Vireo was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Oct 3 (RK), and a late White-eyed Vireo was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Oct 31 (RK). The first Hermit Thrush was spotted at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 25 (DB). A Canada Warbler, rare in the fall, was spotted at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 3 (RK). A Clay-colored Sparrow was seen in Tyler on Oct 9 (TP). Ten Pine Siskins were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Oct 20 (RK), perhaps an indicator that there will be an irruption of this species this winter. A late Orchard Oriole was near Camp Tyler on Oct 2 (JDa), and a Baltimore Oriole was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Oct 3 (RK).


Counties & Locations:


Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Hunt County:  Lake Tawakoni State Park, West Tawakoni

Smith County:  Tyler

Van Zandt County:  Grand Saline salt marsh

Wood County:  Mineola Preserve





RBa      Ron Baltzegar

PB        Peter Barnes

TBr      Tyson Brennan

DB       David Brotherton

LB        Luanne Brotherton

DC       D. D. Currie

JDa       Jim Day

RK       Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little
TP       Truman Powell
JP        Jane Purtle

AR      Alice Rhodes



Northeast Texas Bird Report, September 2007 
by Peter Barnes and Matt White with thanks to Mike Dillon for his editing


The absence of rain or cold fronts this month resulted in few sightings of fall migrant passerines, and the high water levels at local lakes made shorebirds hard to come by. Two Wood Storks were seen over Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 14, one was there on Sept 19, and 20 White-faced Ibis, unusually scarce this year, were there on Sept 29 (all RK). Twenty-five Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were spotted over Hunt Co. on Sept 21 (MW), and Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., hosted 2 Cinnamon Teal, uncommon in the fall, on Sept 29, and 6 early Northern Pintails and 2 Northern Shovelers on Sept 14 (all RK).


An Osprey was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 11 and 27 (DB), and a Bald Eagle was there on Sept 20 (CT). The NETFO hawkwatch at Daingerfield on Sept 22 netted 85 Broadwinged Hawks. A Common Moorhen on the Sabine River on Sept 3 (PB) was the first one seen in Smith Co. in more than 10 years. The few shorebird reports were mostly from Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., where the first Wilson’s Snipe of the fall was seen on Sept 19, and 3 Long-billed Dowitchers and a Black-bellied Plover were observed on Sept 29 (all RK). A Wilson’s Phalarope was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 7 (ME). Fall is the time to look for jaegers on our large lakes and a probable juvenile Parasitic Jaeger was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Sept 15 (GC, DC, DL). A Sabine’s Gull was also there that day (RR). Seventy-five Black Terns and 2 Caspian Terns were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 9, and 3 Black Terns were at the Holiday Marina on Sept 19 (all RK). Eight Black Terns were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 6 and 6 were there on Sept 7 (ME).


More than 40 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds visited Peggy Harding’s feeders in Rusk Co. in the first half of September, with 8 still present at the end of the month. An Inca Dove was in Cherokee Co. on Sept 22 (JPu). Six Bank Swallows were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 29 (RK). Red-breasted Nuthatches look set for an invasion year, as they have been seen in several parts of Texas, as well as in our region, with one bird at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 19 (RK), one in Cherokee Co. on Sept 22 (JPu), and another in Rusk Co. on Sept 29 (PH). Gray Catbirds were more evident than usual, with one at the Mineola Preserve on Sept 23 (PB), one in Rusk Co. on Sept 29 (PH) and another at Camp Tyler the same day (Tyler Audubon field trip). A Blue-headed Vireo was spotted in Cherokee Co. on Sept 22 (JPu) and a Warbling Vireo was at Camp Tyler on Sept 29 (Tyler Audubon field trip). The first Ruby-crowned Kinglet was reported in Henderson Co. on Sept 28 (DC, DL). A Swainson’s Warbler was still singing at the Mineola Preserve on Sept 3 (PB), a Blackburnian Warbler was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Sept 9 (RK), a Yellow-throated Warbler was in Smith Co. on Sept 26 (JDa), and 2 Wilson’s Warblers were at Camp Tyler on Sept 29 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Single Yellow-breasted Chats were at Camp Tyler (Tyler Audubon field trip) and in Rusk Co. (PH) on Sept 29.


An early American Goldfinch was over UT Tyler on Sept 2 (PB) and one was near Camp Tyler on Sept 20 (JDa). Three Lark Sparrows were observed in Cherokee Co. on Sept 21 (JPu) and 2 were at the Mineola Preserve on Sept 22 (PB, JCo, EF). Dickcissels are common fall migrants overhead, but they are rarely seen on the ground, so a cooperative perched bird at Camp Tyler on Sept 29 (Tyler Audubon field trip) was notable. Two Baltimore Orioles were at Camp Tyler on Sept 15 (Tyler Audubon field trip).


Counties & Locations:


Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Hunt County:  Lake Tawakoni State Park

Morris County:  Daingerfield

Smith County:  Camp Tyler, UT Tyler

Van Zandt County:  Holiday Marina

Wood County:  Mineola Preserve





PB        Peter Barnes
JCo       Jessica Coleman

GC       Greg Cook

DB       David Brotherton
DC       D. D. Currie

JDa       Jim Day

ME       Mark Edmund
EF        Elizabeth Farley

PH        Peggy Harding
RK       Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little
JP        Jane Purtle

RR       Ross Rassmusen

CT       Candra Troop

MW      Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, August 2007  by Peter Barnes and Matt White 


The very wet June and July raised local lake levels, markedly reducing habitat for shorebirds, so few were reported in August. One Anhinga was spotted in Anderson Co. on Aug 11 (DC, DL) and two were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Aug 26 (PB, DC, DL). A Black-bellied Whistling Duck was only the second recorded at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Aug 26 (PB, DC, DL). The largest concentrations of Wood Storks were reported from Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., which held 100 birds on Aug 11 (DC, DL) and 50 on Aug 26 (PB, DC, DL). Wood Storks were also present at Lake Tawakoni, in Van Zandt (10 birds) and Rains (7 birds) Cos. on Aug 12 (RBa), with 8 birds in Hunt Co. and 2 in Rains Co. on Aug 28 (RK). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., hosted 14 Roseate Spoonbills, a Tricolored Heron and 150 Great Egrets on Aug 11 (DC, DL), 15 Roseate Spoonbills, single Least Bitterns and Tricolored Herons, 300 Great Egrets and 100 Snowy Egrets on Aug 26 (PB, DC, DL). A Tricolored Heron was in the Freestone Co. section of Richland Creek WMA on Aug 11 (DC, DL). A Roseate Spoonbill was notable in Gregg Co. on Aug 21 (DB). Plegadis ibis were very scarce this spring and summer, the only report being a White-faced Ibis at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Aug 26 (PB, DC, DL).


An adult Bald Eagle was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 6 (DB), and an Osprey was at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Aug 11 (DC, DL). Up to 5 Mississippi Kites were observed in Rusk Co. from mid-July through Aug 25 (PH). Two Common Moorhens were in Anderson Co. on Aug 11 (DC, DL). The few shorebird reports came primarily from Richland Creek WMA, which held a Willet and a Black-bellied Plover (both in Navarro Co.) on Aug 11 (DC, DL), and 7 Solitary Sandpipers (6 in Freestone Co., 1 in Navarro Co.) on Aug 26 (PB, DC, DL). Two Willets flew over Cedar Creek Lake, Navarro Co., on Aug 26 (DC, DL), and an American Avocet and an impressive 11 Spotted Sandpipers were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 30 (DB, ME). Thirty-two Black Terns were at Lake Bob Sandlin on Aug 18 (DB, LB), and 2 Least Terns were at the Holiday Marina on Aug 31 (RK). 


A Great Horned Owl was heard throughout the month in Hunt Co. (TBr). A remarkable 9 Greater Roadrunners, including a group of 4 birds, were spotted in Hunt Co. on Aug 28 (MW). A Greater Roadrunner was also seen in Cherokee Co. throughout the month (JPu). An Olive-sided Flycatcher was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Aug 26 (PB, DC, DL), and one was at Lake Tawakoni State Park with an Alder Flycatcher on Aug 28 (RK). A Swainson’s Warbler was still singing at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Aug 26 (PB, DC, DL). Eight Baltimore Orioles were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Aug 28 (RK).


Counties & Locations:


Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Hunt County: Lake Tawakoni State Park

Titus County: Lake Bob Sandlin

Van Zandt County: Holiday Marina





PB       Peter Barnes
RBa     Richard Barth

DB       David Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton


TBr      Tyson Brennan

DC       D. D. Currie
ME       Mark Edmund
PH        Peggy Harding

RK       Richard Kinney
DL        Dell Little
JPu       Jane Purtle
MW      Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, June-July 2007  by Peter Barnes and Matt White 


Twenty-four American White Pelicans, unusual in the summer, were spotted at Lake Bob Sandlin on June 24 (LA). A Black-bellied Whistling Duck was observed in Morris Co. on July 2 (LB), two were at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on July 25 (DB, SB), and two were in Henderson Co. on July 15 (DC, DL). An Osprey, very unusual here in the summer, was at Texas Eastman in Longview on 4 occasions from June 12 through July 26 (DB, ME). They are apparently nesting at Lake Millwood in southwestern Arkansas not too far from here (fide MD). Single Bald Eagles were at Texas Eastman in Longview on June 28 (DB) and in Henderson Co. on July 15 (DC, DL). A Mississippi Kite, a localized breeding bird in northeast Texas, was observed in Morris Co. on June 24 (DB), and others have been over Marshall all summer (MD). A Crested Caracara was in Henderson Co. on July 15 (DC, DL). An early fall migrant Spotted Sandpiper was at Texas Eastman in Longview on July 17 (DB, ME). A Northern Bobwhite was heard in David Brotherton’s yard in Morris Co. on June 23 and July 2.


A Greater Roadrunner was observed in Smith Co. on July 20 (JPu). Inca Doves nested in Truman Powell’s yard in Tyler, and a fledgling was observed on June 25 (TP). Four adult and three fledged Tree Swallows were at their usual breeding location at Texas Eastman in Longview on June 19 (DB, ME), and one was at Lake Fork, Wood Co., on July 25 (DB, SB). Ten singing Wood Thrushes were heard in Daingerfield State Park on July 2 (DB, LB). Four Prairie Warblers and a Swainson’s Warbler were singing in south-east Anderson Co. on June 16 (DC, DL), and a Prairie Warbler was at Texas Eastman in Longview on June 19 (DB, ME). A Swainson’s Warbler was still singing in southern Smith Co. on June 30 (PB). Fledged Lark Sparrows were observed in Cherokee Co. in July (JPu).


Counties & Locations:


Harrison County:  Marshall, Texas Eastman in Longview

Smith County:  Tyler
Titus County: Lake Bob Sandlin





LA       Linda Ainsworth

PB       Peter Barnes
DB       David Brotherton
LB       Luanne Brotherton


SB        Sarah Brotherton
DC       D. D. Currie
MD      Mike Dillon

ME      Mark Edmund
DL       Dell Little
JPu      Jane Purtle



Northeast Texas Bird Report, May 2007  by Peter Barnes and Matt White 


It was a fairly lackluster spring, with fewer sightings than usual of most shorebird and passerine migrants, with most reports coming from Lake Tawakoni. Lingering ducks included a late Red-breasted Merganser at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 13 (RBa), and 2 Gadwall and a Lesser Scaup at Richland Creek WMA on May 31 (HH, CS). Eight Fulvous Whistling Ducks were a great find at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on May 19 (DC, DL). Hooded Mergansers are rare breeders in northeast Texas, and 3 young birds were at Texas Eastman in Longview on May 31 (DB, ME). A Least Bittern was notable at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on May 28 (MW). 150 White Ibis were a good concentration at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on May 19, and 2 Bald Eagles were there that day (both DC, DL). Forty-three Mississippi Kites were an impressive number at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 4 (RK), and one was in Bowie Co. on May 12 (DB). A Peregrine Falcon flew over Camp Tyler on May 3 (PB), and a Swallow-tailed Kite was seen in Anderson Co. on May 25 (HH, CS).


Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., held an impressive array of shorebirds, including 2 Ruddy Turnstones, 2 Black-bellied Plovers, 5 Hudsonian Godwits, 300 White-rumped Sandpipers, 1 Buff-breasted Sandpiper and 10 Wilson’s Phalaropes on May 9 (RK), a Hudsonian Godwit and 3 Marbled Godwits on May 12 (RK), a Hudsonian Godwit on May 13 (GC), 12 Baird’s Sandpipers on May 14 (RK), and 300+ White-rumped Sandpipers, 44 Dunlin, 14 Buff-breasted Sandpipers and 4 Wilson’s Phalaropes on May 16 (RK). Snowy Plovers are suspected of nesting at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., and 2-3 birds were reported there from May 9-16, and 1 was there on May 31 (RK). Three Baird’s Sandpipers were at Texas Eastman in Tyler on May 7 (PB). Two Least Terns were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on May 9 (RK), 4 were present on May 16 (RK), and a Caspian Tern was there on May 12 (RK). Sixty-five Black Terns were the first spotted this summer at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 31 (RK).


The Rufous Hummingbird that spent much of the winter in Peggy Harding’s yard in Rusk Co. was last seen on April 16. An Inca Dove was observed in Smith Co. on May 30 (JDa), and a Cave Swallow was in Smith Co. on May 5 (PB). A remarkable 24 Least Flycatchers were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 4 (RK), an Alder Flycatcher was there on May 4, 5 and 16 (RK), 4 were there on May 19 (GC, BS) and another was at Richland Creek WMA on May 19 (DC, DL). A Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 14 (RK) and 19 (GC, BS), and an Olive-sided Flycatcher was there on May 16 (RK).


Single Philadelphia Vireos were in Smith Co. on May 3 and 5 (PB) and in Van Zandt Co. on May 4 (RK), 2 were in Smith Co. on May 10 (PB), and 1 was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 12 (RBa) and 19 (GC, BS). A Bell’s Vireo was at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 4 (RK). More Cedar Waxwings were reported this May than usual, with 30 birds in Longview on May 21 (CT, LE), 15 at Bellwood Lake on May 22 (PB), 16 at UT Tyler on May 23 (RG), and 20 at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 31 (RK). A Veery, a Gray-cheeked Thrush and 18 Swainson’s Thrushes were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 4 (RK), and a late Swainson’s Thrush was still in Henderson Co. on May 20 (DC, DL).


A Swainson’s Warbler was singing in Smith Co. on May 1 (PB) and 5 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Lake Tawakoni State Park was the site of most migrant warbler sightings, the most notable being single Golden-winged Warblers on May 4 (RK) and May 19 (GC, BS), single Bay-breasted Warblers on May 3 (RK) and 19 (GC, BS), single Blackburnian Warblers on May 4 and 15 (both RK), and 2 Blackburnian Warblers on May 19 (GC, BS). A Golden-winged Warbler was a great find at Texas Eastman in Longview on May 2 (DB, ME), a Bay-breasted Warbler was at Bellwood Lake on May 11 (PB), 1 Blackburnian Warbler at Bellwood Lake on May 9 (PB, RG), and 3 Blackburnian Warblers in Smith Co. on May 13 (JDa). Of the more common migrant warblers, single Chestnut-sided Warblers were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (RK), Bellwood Lake on May 4 (PB), and 4 were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 19 (GC, BS). Two Magnolia Warblers were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (RK), one was in Smith Co. from May 5-9 (PB), one was at Bellwood Lake on May 9 (RG, PB), 2 were in Van Zandt Co. on May 5 (RK), and 5 were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 19 (GC, BS).. Thirty-six Tennessee and 18 Yellow Warblers were good concentrations at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 4 (RK). Single Mourning Warblers were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 4 (RK), Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 4 (RK), 13 (RBa), 14 (RK) and 19 (GC, BS). Wilson’s Warblers are uncommon in the eastern part of our region, and single birds were at Bellwood Lake on May 9 (PB, RG) and in Rusk Co. on May 14 (PH).


Three Clay-colored Sparrows were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 4 (RK). Three Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (RK), two were there on May 14 (RK), one was there on May 16 (RK) and one was in Smith Co. on May 2 (TT). A Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow, rare here in the spring, was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on May 28 (MW). A total of 8 Baltimore Orioles were observed in Smith Co. from May 1-9 (PB, RG, Tyler Audubon field trip) and a remarkable 36 were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 3 (RK). 100+ Orchard Orioles were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on May 14 (RK). Six Yellow-headed Blackbirds were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on May 14 and 3 were there on May 16 (RK). Increasing numbers of Great-tailed Grackles have been noted in Longview, and several fledglings and at least 10 nests were located there on May 24 (DM, BM). This is only the second location where breeding has been documented in Gregg Co., the other being the airport. A Pine Siskin lingered in Morris Co. until May 27 (DB, LB).




Gregg County: Longview

Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Hunt County: Lake Tawakoni State Park

Smith County:  Bellwood Lake, UT Tyler




RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes
DB       David Brotherton
LB        Luanne Brotherton
GC       Greg Cook
DC       D. D. Currie
JDa      Jim Day


ME      Mark Edmund
LE       Lisa Evers
RG      Ron Gutberlet

PH       Peggy Harding

HH      Hayden Haucke

RK      Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little


BM      Bob Metzler

DM      Dorothy Metzler

CS       Cliff Shackelford

BS       Bob Stone

CT       Candy Troop

TT       Tracey Tullis




Northeast Texas Bird Report, April 2007  by Peter Barnes and Matt White 

Loons and other waterbirds lingered a little later than usual and shorebirding was good at Lake Tawakoni this month. Despite a few cold fronts with rain, relatively few passerine migrants, particularly warblers, were reported.

A Red-throated Loon was at Lake Tawakoni on April 14 (GC, BS), a Pacific Loon was there on April 15 (RK, RBa) and one was at Richland Chambers reservoir on April 17 (TP). An Anhinga was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on April 21 (DC, DL). Two Black-bellied Whistling Duck were in Hunt Co. in early April (MW) and 1 was in Henderson Co. on April 21 (DC, DL). Lingering ducks included 2 Gadwall and 3 American Wigeon at Texas Eastman in Longview on April 25 (DB, ME), and a Lesser Scaup at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 29 (DC, DL, GC). Approximately 60 nesting Great Egrets were observed on Lake Cherokee on April 26 (DB, LB). A Northern Bobwhite, now a rare sight in northeast Texas, visited Jane Purtle’s yard in Cherokee Co. on April 20. Migrant raptors included 5-7 Ospreys at Lake Tawakoni on April 15 (RK, RBa), one over Truman Powell’s yard in Tyler on April 13, 4 Ospreys and 2 Mississippi Kites at Lake Tawakoni State Park on April 25 (RK), and a Mississippi Kite at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 29 (DC, DL, GC). A Bald Eagle was seen on its nest near Lake Bob Sandlin on April 11 and 13 (LB, DB), and a near-albino Red-tailed Hawk was photographed in Hunt Co. on April 16 (MW). Three Peregrine Falcons were an unusually high number for the spring, with single birds at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on April 16 and 27 (MW), and one at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 21 (DC, DL). A Merlin was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on April 16 (MW), and 2 Crested Caracaras were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 21 (DC, DL).

Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., cornered the migrant shorebird market, hosting a Long-billed Curlew and 2 Marbled Godwits on April 14 (GC, BS), 2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers on April 15 (RK, RBa), a Ruddy Turnstone, a rare spring migrant, 2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers and 100-150 Baird’s Sandpipers on April 16 (all MW), a Willet and an unusually high number of 36 Semipalmated Plovers on April 25 (RK), and 3 Hudsonian Godwits and a Piping Plover on April 26 (both MW).Two Snowy Plovers were also there from April 10-30 (MW, GC, BS, RK), and 5 birds were present on April 26 (MW). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., held 30 American Golden Plovers, 4 Semipalmated Plovers, 100 Lesser Yellowlegs and 50 Long-billed Dowitchers on April 21 (DC, DL), and a Black-bellied Plover, a Semipalmated Plover and the first 7 White-rumped Sandpipers of the spring on April 29 (DC, DL, GC). Seventeen Willets were at Texas Eastman in Longview on April 25 (DB, ME). A California Gull and a Caspian Tern were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on April 15 (RK, RBa). Single Caspian Terns were at Texas Eastman in Longview on April 25 (DB, ME) and at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on April 26 (MW).

A Greater Roadrunner was at Texas Eastman in Longview on April 20 (DB), and a Fish Crow was there on April 3 (ME, DB). In Hunt Co., a Greater Roadrunner was spotted on April 30, an unusually late Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was present from April 10-30, and a red-shafted race of Northern Flicker was there from April 21-30 (all TBr). White-winged Doves continue to spread, with a bird spotted in Longview on April 13 and 14 (CT, LE). A late Brown Creeper was at the Villages on April 6 (RG) and a very late Red-breasted Nuthatch was at Camp Tyler on April 22 (JDa). A Bewick’s Wren was unusual in Tyler on April 13 (TP). Two Wood Thrushes were singing at the Villages on April 29 (RG). Two Warbling Vireos were at Camp Tyler on April 16 (PB) and 2 were in Van Zandt Co. on April 29 (DC, DL, GC). A Horned Lark was a surprise at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 21 (DC, DL). A Hooded Warbler, unusual in the western part of our region, was spotted at Lake Tawakoni in Van Zandt Co. on April 1 (RK, RBa). A Northern Waterthrush was a good yard bird in Cherokee Co. on April 29 (JPu). Other notable migrant warblers included single Blue-winged and Magnolia Warblers banded at Tom Walker’s farm in Marion Co. on April 28, a Magnolia Warbler in Henderson Co. on April 29 (DC, DL, GC), and a Canada Warbler at the Villages on April 29 (RG). A Swainson’s Warbler, presumably a migrant, was a surprising find at Bellwood Lake on April 24 (PB). A Rose-breasted Grosbeak and a very late Harris’ Sparrow were in Van Zandt Co. on April 24 (RK) Two Vesper Sparrows were still in Upshur Co. on April 1 (ME). The unseasonable snow on April 7 brought 12 Pine Siskins to Cheryle Beck’s feeders in Cherokee Co. The most exciting passerine spotted this month was a male Lazuli Bunting near Lake Tyler, which was well documented by photographs (JMi). A Baltimore Oriole was at Lake Tawakoni State Park and 2 were in Van Zandt Co. on April 29 (all DC, DL, GC).


Freestone County: Richland Chambers reservoir

Gregg County: Lake Cherokee, Longview

Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Hunt County: Lake Tawakoni State Park

Smith County:  Bellwood Lake, The Villages,  Tyler
Titus County:  Lake Bob Sandlin





PB       Peter Barnes

RBa     Ron Baltzegar

CB       Cheryle Beck
TBr      Tyson Brennan
DB       David Brotherton
LB        Luanne Brotherton
GC       Greg Cook

DC       D. D. Currie
JDa      Jim Day

ME      Mark Edmund
LE       Lisa Evers
RK      Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little

JMi      Joe Lee Miller
TP        Truman Powell
JPu       Jane Purtle

BS       Bob Stone

CT       Candy Troop

MW     Matt White




Northeast Texas Bird Report, March 2007  by Peter Barnes and Matt White 

Continuing the trend from the winter, the weather in March was generally mild, Swallows trickled in a little later than usual in early March, followed by passerine migrants and breeders in mid-late March. Shorebird migrants began to arrive in the middle of the month.

The Holiday Marina at Lake Tawakoni hosted a Red-throated Loon (RK, RBa) and a good concentration of 45 Common Loons on March 25 (RK, RBa). Two Neotropic Cormorants were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on March 18 (MW). An adult and an immature Mute Swan were seen at Big Creek Lake on March 5, raising speculation that these could potentially be wild birds (MW). Approximately 20,000 Snow and Ross’ Geese were an impressive concentration at Cooper Lake, Delta Co., on March 2 (MW). A Cackling Goose was in Delta Co. on March 9 (MW), a rare immature blue morph of Ross’ Goose was in Delta Co. on March 10 (MW), and 2 Canada Geese were at Purtis Creek State Park, Van Zandt Co., on March 29 (RK). A Snow Goose and 250 American White Pelicans were at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on March 2 (DB), and 191 American White Pelicans were at Lake Bob Sandlin on March 10 (DB). Three Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were in Henderson Co. on March 11 (DC, DL) and 2 were on Lake Palestine, in Smith Co., on March 30 and 31 (fide GR). A Common Goldeneye was still at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on March 24 (Tyler Audubon Society field trip). The first Blue-winged Teal was reported at Big Creek Lake on March 6 (MW).

Notable raptors included an early Swainson’s Hawk at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on March 10 (MD), a Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk in Delta Co. on March 10 (MW), 2 Crested Caracaras in Van Zandt Co. on March 18 (MW), and single Ospreys at Texas Eastman in Longview on March 7 (DB) and at Camp Tyler on March 21 (UTTBC). A Northern Harrier was notable for Cherokee Co. on March 8 (JPu). An American Woodcock was still in Bowie Co. on March 27 (MW). Six Pectoral Sandpipers were the first reported this spring, at Lake Bob Sandlin on March 10 (DB), extremely early single Snowy Plovers and Sanderling were spotted at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on March 18 and 19, respectively (MW). The first Western Sandpiper was observed at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on March 19 (MW), and 24 American Golden Plovers were seen in Fannin Co. on March 21 (RT). Eleven American Golden Plovers and 10 Long-billed Dowitchers were at Richland Creek WMA in Navarro Co. on March 24 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and 3 American Golden Plovers were at the Gregg Co. airport on March 31 (MWo). The first Franklin’s Gull was observed at Big Creek Lake on March 6 (MW) and 2 Herring Gulls were at Lake Bob Sandlin on March 10 (DB).

A Greater Roadrunner was observed in Titus Co. on March 3 (DB). The first Purple Martin was reported on the unusually late date of March 1 at Texas Eastman in Longview (DB). These are usually one of the first spring migrants and typically arrive in early to mid-February. Other swallows arriving were the first Northern Rough-winged Swallow and Tree Swallows at Texas Eastman in Longview on March 5 and 7, respectively (DB, ME), and the first Barn Swallow in Hopkins Co. on March 6 (MW). Also on March 6, many Tree Swallows were observed entering nesting cavities at Big Creek Lake and 75 Cliff Swallows were at Cooper Lake, Hopkins Co. (MW). Two Cave Swallows were noted at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on March 18 (MW) and one provided a first record for Smith Co. on March 31 (PB). Two Rock Wrens were at Cooper Lake on March 2, and the two wintering at Lake Tawakoni State Park were still present on March 22, later than previous wintering birds (all MW). A Fish Crow was a little further west than usual at Cooper Lake, Delta Co., on March 10 (MW).

An early Yellow-billed Cuckoo was at Richland Creek WMA in Freestone Co. on March 24 (PB). The wintering Rufous Hummingbird in Peggy Harding’s yard in Rusk Co. was still present on March 31. The first Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was observed in Tyler on March 13 (RG). Two hundred American Pipits were a good concentration at Lake Bob Sandlin on March 3 (DB) and single Sprague’s Pipits were seen in Fannin Co. on March 21 (RT) and in Hunt Co. on March 29 (MW). The first Black-and-White Warbler, one of our early migrant/breeding warblers, was seen in Henderson Co. on March 10 (DC, DL). Other first-of-season reports for warblers that typically arrive in March included Yellow-throated Warbler at Texas Eastman in Longview on March 20 (DB), Northern Parula at Camp Tyler on March 21 (UTTBC), Prothonotary Warbler at Richland Creek WMA in Freestone Co. on March 24 (PB), Louisiana Waterthrush at Cooper Lake, Hopkins Co. on March 24 (MW), 3 Nashville Warblers in Rusk Co. on March 25 (PH), and Black-throated Green Warbler in Canton on March 28 (RK). An extraordinarily early Mourning Warbler was reported in Rusk Co. on March 26 (PH). This is usually one of the last warblers to pass through and typically arrives here in late April. Two Western Meadowlarks were observed in Hopkins Co. on March 3, a singing bird was in Titus Co. on March 24 (both DB), and an impressive concentration of 100 birds were in Delta Co. on March 9 (MW). The wintering Henslow’s Sparrow was still at Texas Eastman in Longview on March 5 (DB, ME). Eight Pine Siskins were still in Morris Co. on March 25 (DB, LB) and 2 were in Cherokee Co. on March 9 (JPu). Singing Great-tailed Grackles were at the Gregg Co. airport on March 17 and 31 (DWo, MWo) and are now widespread in Tyler.

Counties and Locations:


Delta County:  Big Creek Lake, Cooper Lake State Park

Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Smith County:  Camp Tyler,  Tyler
Titus County:  Lake Bob Sandlin

Van Zandt County:  Canton, Holiday Marina at Lake Tawakoni, Lake Tawakoni State Park





PB       Peter Barnes

RBa     Ron Baltzegar

DB       David Brotherton
DC       D. D. Currie
MD      Mike Dillon

ME      Mark Edmund


RG      Ron Gutberlet
PH      Peggy Harding
RK      Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little
JPu       Jane Purtle

GR       Gloria Rognlie


RT        Randy Treadway

UTTBC UT Tyler Birding Club

MW     Matt White

DWo David Wolf

MWo Mimi Wolf




Northeast Texas Bird Report, February 2007  by Peter Barnes and Matt White 


The relatively warm winter continued, accompanied by a dearth of reports of winter finches, such as Purple Finches and Pine Siskins. The 3 Tundra Swans reported in Clarksville last month, which were the first documented by photos in northeast Texas (MW), were last seen on Feb 15 (JSm). An estimated 1500-3000 Horned Grebes were an impressive, but fairly regular, concentration at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Feb 21 (RK). One hundred and eighty five Horned Grebes and 56 Common Loons were also good numbers at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Feb 11 (DB). Ten Ross’ Geese, 2 Canada Geese and 690 Snow Geese were in Hopkins Co. on Feb 4 (DB), a Canada Goose was at the Lake Tyler concession area on Feb 21 (UTTBC), and 140 Snow Geese and 40 Greater White-fronted Geese were observed in Trinidad on Feb 24 (DC, DL). Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., hosted a Snow Goose on Feb 9 and 15 Red-breasted Mergansers on Feb 11 (both DB). A Crested Caracara was near Trinidad on Feb 24 (DC, DL), a Merlin was spotted at Texas Eastman in Longview on Feb 10 (NETFO/Tyler Audubon field trip), and an Osprey was seen there on Feb 14 (DB, ME). Four American Woodcocks were heard in Gregg Co. on Feb 3 (NETFO field trip) and two were observed in Titus Co. on Feb 4 (DB). Five Herring Gulls were at Lake O’ the Pines, Marion Co., on Feb 11 (DB).


Two Greater Roadrunners were observed in Fannin Co. on Feb 4 (DB) and one was at the same location in Cherokee Co. from Feb 4-7 (JPu). It is uncertain if this may represent unusually early breeding by this species, which usually starts nesting in early March. An immature Rufous Hummingbird visited Peggy Harding’s feeders in Rusk Co. from Feb 8-28. The rash of Rock Wrens continued, with one spotted at Cooper Lake State Park on Feb 10 (MD). A flock of 600 Cedar Waxwings was an impressive sight in Tyler on Feb 15 (PB). An almost pure white leucistic American Robin was photographed in Smith Co. during the first half of February (DG). A cooperative Henslow’s Sparrow was observed at Texas Eastman in Longview on Feb 10 (NETFO/Tyler Audubon field trip). More than 100 American Goldfinches visited Jim and Cherry Day’s yard near Camp Tyler daily in early February. Two Pine Siskins visited a feeder in Daingerfield on Feb 8, and 4 were there on Feb 9 (LB, DB). Twenty-five Rusty Blackbirds, uncommon this winter, were seen in Gregg Co. on Feb 3 (NETFO field trip) and 50 were at Camp Tyler on Feb 24 (PB).


Counties and Locations:


Delta County:  Cooper Lake State Park

Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview

Henderson County:  Trinidad

Red River County: Clarksville

Smith County:  Camp Tyler,  Tyler




PB       Peter Barnes

LB       Luanne Brotherton

DB      David Brotherton
DC      D. D. Currie
MD      Mike Dillon

ME      Mark Edmund

DG      Dan Guillotte

RG      Ron Gutberlet
PH      Peggy Harding
RK      Richard Kinney

DL       Dell Little
JPu       Jane Purtle

JSm      Jim W. Smith

UTTBC UT Tyler Birding Club

MW     Matt White



Northeast Texas Bird Report, January 2007  by Peter Barnes and Matt White 


The Tenaha Christmas Bird Count (CBC) on Jan 1 netted 101 species. A Pacific Loon was at the Holiday Marina on Jan 10 (RK). Three Tundra Swans, rare in northeast Texas, were spotted near Clarksville on Jan 25 (JSm), and were still present on Feb 4 (MW, DB, PB, MD, RG). Approximately 1500 Snow Geese were an impressive sight near Trinidad in Henderson Co. on Jan 26 (Tyler Audubon field trip). A Snow Goose was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Jan 11 (DB, ME), and a Greater White-fronted Goose, perhaps the same bird seen earlier this winter, was at Lake Tyler East on Jan 13 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Three Snow Geese and 1 Ross’ Goose were in Bowie Co. on Jan 21 (DB). Twenty-two Common Goldeneye and 3 Redheads in Panola Co. were notable for the Tenaha CBC (DB, WBr). An Osprey was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Jan 29 (DB, ME). Two Greater Yellowlegs and a Spotted Sandpiper in Panola Co. (both DB, WBr) were the first reported on the Tenaha CBC since 1989 and 1988, respectively, presumably because of low water levels at Lake Tenaha.


A Greater Roadrunner was in Hunt Co. on Jan 8 (TBr). Seventeen Red-headed Woodpeckers were a good number for the Tenaha CBC. The Rock Wren wintering at Lake Wright Patman was seen again in Cass Co. on Jan 7 and 21 (MD), and the two Rock Wrens at Lake Tawakoni State Park were still present on Jan 26 (RK). Five Loggerhead Shrikes, now a notable Christmas count bird, were observed on the Tenaha CBC. A Golden-crowned Kinglet was unusual for Richland Creek WMA in Freestone Co. on Jan 6 (DC, DL). A Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher in Panola Co. (DB, WBr) and a Gray Catbird in Shelby Co. (DW) were spotted on the Tenaha CBC.


At Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., 4 Chestnut-collared Longspurs and a Lark Sparrow were observed on Jan 3 (MW), and an Indigo Bunting was a surprising find on Jan 10 (RK). Two Harris’ Sparrows were further east than usual on the Tenaha CBC (PH, BG), and 3 were near Quinlan in Hunt Co. on Jan 15 and 16 (TBr). A Henslow’s Sparrow was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Jan 29 (DB, ME). The warm winter has yielded few reports of winter finches, and the only report this month was of a Purple Finch and a Pine Siskin at Peggy Harding’s feeders in Rusk Co. on Jan 17 during a rare spell of cold weather. Twenty-two Rusty Blackbirds, which have also been scarce this winter, were noted on the Tenaha CBC (DB, WBr).


Counties and Locations:


Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview

Hunt County:  Lake Tawakoni State Park

Red River County: Clarksville

Smith County:  Lake Tyler East
Van Zandt County: Holiday Marina





PB       Peter Barnes

TBr     Tyson Brennan

DB      David Brotherton
WBr    Walt Brotherton

DC      D. D. Currie

MD      Mike Dillon

ME      Mark Edmund

RG      Ron Gutberlet
BG      Becky Gullette

PH      Peggy Harding

RK       Richard Kinney
DL       Del Little
JSm      Jim Smith

DW      David Weaver

MW     Matt White



Click here for Northeast Texas Bird Reports
November 2005 - December 2006




Reporting Bird Sightings

If you have interesting or unusual bird sightings to report, please e-mail your reports to birder10050(at)yahoo(dot)com.  David Brotherton compiles our local bird sighting reports, which are then published on our website and forwarded to the Texas Ornithological Society and the American Birding Association for their monthly and quarterly bird report publications.  

If you don't know which birds are common in Northeast Texas and which are not, be sure to consult the NETFO Bird Checklist (available at regular meetings of the Northeast Texas Field Ornithologists).  Another valuable resource is Matt White's Birds of Northeast Texas.  If you believe you have a truly rare sighting to report, immediately record on paper as many details about the bird as you can.  Then call for possible confirmation by others.  Try to get a photograph of the bird, if possible, and create a well-documented written account of your sighting.  Bird review committees and other researchers will need this to verify or validate your claim.  To help with submitting bird reports, the Texas Bird Records Committee offers a Rarity Report Form at http://www.texasbirds.org/tbrc/bird_rpt.htm



Northern Flicker photo by Peggy Harding.  Copyright © 1999-2013.  All rights reserved.

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Page last updated:  September 12, 2013


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