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Northeast Texas Bird Reports

November 2005 - December 2006



NETFO Bird Report, December 2006  by Peter Barnes and Matt White 

Ninety-nine species were observed on the Caddo Lake Winter Bird Count on Dec 1, the lowest number since 1994, the first year for the count. One hundred and eight species were tallied by both the Longview and Tyler Christmas Bird Counts (CBC) on Dec 16 and the Lake O’ the Pines CBC on Dec 30. The Tyler total tied an all-time high.

The Caddo Lake count recorded all-time high numbers for Spotted Sandpiper (9), Brown-headed Nuthatch (69), Brown Creeper (33), Brown Thrasher (91) and Dark-eyed Junco (1503). Very low numbers were counted for American Kestrel (5) and Loggerhead Shrike (5), continuing a trend in recent years. Notably absent were Northern Shoveler, Canvasback, Sedge Wren, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, LeConte's Sparrow, and Rusty Blackbird. The Longview CBC failed to record Loggerhead Shrike, LeConte’s Sparrow (for the first time ever) and Bald Eagle, but got record numbers of Gadwall, Northern Pintail, Canvasback and House Finches. The Tyler CBC had new all-time high counts for Horned Grebe (3), American White Pelican (92), Ross’s Goose (6), Eurasian Collared Dove (33) and House Finch (129). Some of these increases were probably due to the record number of observers this year, but the increases in numbers of Great Blue Heron (55), Hooded Merganser (8, PB) Greater Yellowlegs (5, PB, SLr), Least Sandpiper (79) and Ring-billed Gull (2,654) may be due to the extremely dry conditions and the extensive mudflats that are now present at Lake Tyler. Notable high numbers for the Lake O’ the Pines CBC were 321 Horned Grebes, 60 Eared Grebes, 459 American White Pelicans and 67 Least Sandpipers (DB, SaB, KF).

An Eared Grebe was observed on the Longview CBC. The Tyler CBC tallied unusual numbers of Snow Geese (220), Ross’ Geese (6, PB, SLr) and Canada Geese (5), and 6 Greater White-fronted Geese were observed on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (BC, LE, HK). On Dec 3, a remarkable 9 Common Goldeneyes were spotted in Smith Co. (RG), 3 at Westberry Landing, 2 at Bellwood Lake, and 4 at the Lake Tyler concession area. Four Common Goldeneyes were also at Westberry Landing on Dec 24 (PB). Two Red-breasted Mergansers were new for the Longview CBC, and 41 Northern Pintail were a good number at Lake Tyler East on Dec 20-21 (RG, PB). A White-faced Ibis was a new bird for the Caddo Lake count (PM). Thirty-five Sandhill Cranes were observed in Freestone Co. on Dec 17 (MW). A Sanderling was observed at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Dec 30 (RR, BGi), providing a rare mid-winter record and the first December sighting for the NETFO database. Five Dowitchers, presumably Long-billed, were spotted on the Longview CBC, an American Woodcock (RG) was notable for the Tyler CBC, and 5 Greater Yellowlegs were spotted on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC. A Peregrine Falcon flew over Lake O’ the Pines in both Marion and Upshur Cos., on Dec 23 (DB). Two Northern Harriers were notable on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC, 2 Ospreys were found on the Longview CBC, 4 Crested Caracaras were an unusual number in Henderson Co. on Dec 9 (DC, DL), and 8 were a new high for the Lake Tawakoni CBC on Dec 31. A first winter Thayer’s Gull at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Dec 31 (MW) was the only unusual gull reported this month.

A Greater Roadrunner was spotted on the Tyler CBC (TH, AC). Two Fish Crows were new for the Longview CBC. The Rock Wren seen last month at Lake Wright Patman was relocated on Dec 21 in Cass Co. on Dec 26 in Bowie Co. (both MD), and again on Dec 29 (CM). The two Rock Wrens at Lake Tawakoni State Park in November were still present on the Lake Tawakoni CBC on Dec 30. A Marsh Wren was a good find for the Tyler CBC (RG). Ten Loggerhead Shrikes were observed on the Tyler CBC, 5 on the Caddo Count and none on the Longview or Lake O’ the Pines CBCs, continuing a trend of steady declines of this species. Two Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers (RB, TW) and a Gray Catbird (DW, BM) were found on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC, and the Tyler CBC yielded a rare mid-winter Nashville Warbler (AB) and a Common Yellowthroat (RG). A Henslow’s Sparrow was seen on the Longview CBC, 2 were found on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (RB, TW) and 3 McCown’s Longspurs were reported at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Dec 31 (MW).

Counties and Locations:


Hunt County:  Lake Tawakoni State Park

Smith County:  Bellwood Lake, Lake Tyler concession area, Lake Tyler East, Westberry Landing





PB       Peter Barnes

RB       Ray Berry

DB       David Brotherton
SaB      Sarah Brotherton

AB       Alan Byboth

BC       Barbara Cavin

AC       Andree Clark

DC       D. D. Currie

MD      Mike Dillon

LE        Lisa Evers

KF       Kahyon Freeman

BGi      Brian Gibbons

RG       Ron Gutberlet
TH       Tim Hunkapiller

HK       Happy King
DL        Del Little

SLr      Stephan Lorenz

BM      Bob Metzler

PM      Paul Miliotis

CM      Charles Mills

RR       Ross Rasmussen

TW      Tom Walker

DW      David Weaver

MW     Matt White



NETFO Bird Report, November 2006  by Peter Barnes  


The month was notable for a good selection of uncommon gulls and sightings of four individual Rock Wrens. A Pacific Loon was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Nov 4 and 19, and a Red-throated Loon and an Eared Grebe were also there on Nov 19 (all MW). Fifty-three Cackling Geese and 3 Ross’ Geese were at Greenville City Lakes on Nov 18 (MW). A Greater White-fronted Goose was at Lake Tyler East on Nov 1 and 8, 65 Snow Geese flew over on Nov 1, and the first pair of Greater Scaup were spotted there on Nov 8 (all UTTBC). Twelve Canada Geese were at the Lake Tyler concession area on Nov 4 (JDa), and one was there on Nov 18 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Eighty-five Hooded Mergansers were a notable concentration at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 9(DB, ME).


A Peregrine Falcon was at Westberry Landing on Nov 20 (RG) and a Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Nov 23 (DC, DL). A Black-bellied Plover was at Lake Tyler East on Nov 1 (UTTBC), 12 were at Westberry Landing on Nov 3 and 2 were there on Nov 10 (both RG). Two Snowy Plovers were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Nov 5 (MW) and 8 (RK), and 1 was there on Nov 23 (MW). Reports of Long-billed Dowitchers were unusually widespread, with birds seen at Lake Tyler East from Nov 1-15, with a high count of 6 birds on Nov 8 (UTTBC), at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co. throughout the month, with a high count of 65 birds on Nov 18 (RK), 5 at Westberry Landing on Nov 20 (RG) and 13 at the Trinidad Power Plant Lake on Nov 23 (DC, DL). More reports than usual were also received of American Avocets away from Lake Tawakoni, with 2 at Westberry Landing on Nov 3 (RG), 1 there on Nov 24 (PB) and 8 at Texas Eastman in Longview on Nov 9 (DB, ME). A Pectoral Sandpiper lingered at Lake Tyler East until Nov 15 (UTTBC). Two Dunlin were at Westberry Landing on Nov 3 (RG).


Lake Tawakoni was the prime spot for unusual gulls, hosting an adult Little Gull in Hunt Co. on Nov 21 and 22 (MW, RG), and in Rains Co., a first-winter Thayer’s Gull on Nov 19 (MW), a California Gull on Nov 4, 2 first-winter California Gulls on Nov 19 and a Laughing Gull on Nov 5 (all MW). Yet another California Gull was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Nov 19 and 24 (RK, RBa). Thirty Franklin’s Gulls were at Westberry Landing on Nov 3, and 300 flew over The Villages on Nov 5(RG).


A Short-eared Owl was a surprise at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Nov 28 (RK), and a Rock Wren was a great find at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Nov 5 (MD). This is the easternmost record of the species in Texas since the 1960s. Two Rock Wrens were at the Lake Tawakoni State Park from Nov 7-28, and a third bird was at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co. on Nov 7 (all RK). A Yellow-rumped Warbler of the Audubon’s race was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Nov 2 (MW). Five McCown’s and 1 Chestnut-collared Longspur were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Nov 23 (MW), and 6 McCown’s Longspurs were there on Nov 28 (RK). The first Pine Siskin was reported from Cherokee Co. on Nov 30 (JPu).


Counties and Locations:


Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Henderson County:  Trinidad Power Plant Lake

Hunt County: Greenville City Lakes, Lake Tawakoni State Park

Smith County:  Lake Tyler East, The Villages Marina, Westberry Landing





RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes

DB      David Brotherton
DC      D. D. Currie

JDa      Jim Day

ME      Mark Edmund

RG       Ron Gutberlet
RK       Richard Kinney

DL        Del Little

JPu        Jane Purtle

MW      Matt White
UTTBC UT Tyler Birding Club



NETFO Bird Report, October 2006  by Peter Barnes  


Warm weather continued through most of the month, and the small number of cold fronts brought in some migrant shorebirds and wintering ducks. Few geese were reported and wintering passerines have not yet arrived in numbers. A Neotropic Cormorant was at the Villages on Oct 6 and 9 (RG), 8 were at Lake Tyler East on Oct 18 (UTTBC), and 2 were at Westberry Landing on Oct 30 (RG). Twenty-six Canada Geese were in Anderson Co. on Oct 6 (DC, DL) and 5 were west of Tyler on Oct 11 (TP). A Greater White-fronted Goose was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 26 (DB). American White Pelicans pass through in the fall and were at Texas Eastman in Longview throughout the month, with a high count of 135 birds on Oct 26 (DB). Four Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were in Henderson Co. on Oct 6 (DC, DL) and 1 was at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co. on Oct 7 (Fort Worth Audubon field trip). Lake Tyler East had good numbers of ducks through the second half of the month, with 200 American Wigeon and 275 Gadwall on Oct 18, and 6 Northern Pintails on Oct 11 (all UTTBC). Five Black-crowned Night Herons were observed at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 5, and 2 were still there on Oct 19 (DB). Three Roseate Spoonbills were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Oct 7 (Fort Worth Audubon field trip), 1 was at Lake Tyler East on Oct 9 (CB), 2 were there on Oct 18 (UTTBC), 3 on Oct 21 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and 4 on Oct 24 (JDa). A Plegadis Ibis was also at Lake Tyler East on Oct 21 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and 24 (JDa). Eight Soras were a good number at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Oct 7 (Fort Worth Audubon field trip). Three American Golden Plovers were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 2 and 3 (MW), and 7 were at Lake Tyler East on Oct 9 (CB). Three Black-bellied Plovers were at Lake Tyler East on Oct 11 (UTTBC), 1 was there on Oct 13 (PB), and 2 were at Westberry Landing on Oct 27 (RG). A juvenile Piping Plover was photographed at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 3 (MW). This is the latest fall record for this species in north-east Texas by three weeks. Three Snowy Plovers, 1 American Golden Plover and 3 Black-bellied Plovers were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 23 (MW). Five Long-billed Dowitchers were spotted at Lake Tyler East on Oct 11 (UTTBC), 1 was there on Oct 13 (PB) and 18 (UTTBC), and 3 were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 26 (DB). Sixty Long-billed Dowitchers were an impressive number at Westberry Landing on Oct 15, 10 were there on Oct 30 (both RG) and approximately 90 were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 29 (RK, RBa). A late Semipalmated Sandpiper was at Lake Tyler East on Oct 18 (UTTBC), and Westberry Landing hosted a Western Sandpiper on Oct 30 and an unusually high number of 140 Least Sandpipers on Oct 29 (RG). Two Buff-breasted Sandpipers and 1 Wilson’s Phalarope were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 3 (MW). Reports of American Avocets were more sparse than usual, with 2 birds at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 5 and 12 (DB), 22 there on Oct 13 (ME), and 1 at Westberry Landing on Oct 29 (RG).

Five Bald Eagles were a good number at the Villages on Oct 27 (RG). A Peregrine Falcon was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 3 (MW), 8 and 29 (RK, RBa), and one was only the second spotted in Smith County in the past 9 years at Westberry Landing on Oct 15 (RG). 2 Merlins were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co. on Oct 7 (Fort Worth Audubon field trip), 1 was west of Tyler on Oct 11 (TP), and another was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 12 (DB) and 13 (ME). Few gulls were reported this month. Franklin’s Gulls are abundant around Lake Tawakoni in fall and regular throughout north-east Texas. However, there was only one report of 30 birds at Westberry Landing on Oct 29 (RG). A Caspian Tern was at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 5 (DB), one was at Cedar Creek Lake on Oct 6 (DC, DL), and 2 were at the Villages Marina on Oct 9 (RG). Twenty six Eurasian Collared Doves were an unusual concentration in Smith Co. on Oct 27 (RG). Ten thousand Barn Swallows were an impressive sight at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Oct 3 (MW). A Fish Crow was found at Texas Eastman in Longview on Oct 5 (DB). Two Rock Wrens were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Oct 13 (RK), and one was there on Oct 23 (RK). This continues a pattern of rare fall sightings of this species in the western parts of north-east Texas. A Winter Wren visited a feeder at UT Tyler on Oct 25 (DP, RG).

The first CedarWaxwings were a flock of 12 birds in Longview, Gregg Co., on Oct 29 (CT). A Gray Catbird was spotted in Rusk Co. on Oct 7 (CT). A Philadelphia Vireo, very rare in the fall, and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, another rare fall migrant, were at the Old Sabine Bottom WMA on Oct 7 (Tyler Audubon field trip). The first Lincoln’s Sparrow was reported from the Villages on Oct 6 (RG), and the first White-crowned Sparrow was observed in Tyler on Oct 28 (TP). A late Orchard Oriole was near Camp Tyler on Oct 2 (JDa). Great-tailed Grackles continue to expand in Tyler, with approximately 100 birds observed in south Tyler on Oct 26 (RG)

Counties and Locations:

Harrison County:  Texas Eastman in Longview

Henderson County:  Cedar Creek Lake

Smith County:  Lake Tyler East, Old Sabine Bottom WMA, Tyler, UT Tyler, The Villages, Westberry Landing





RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes

CB      Cheryle Beck

DB      David Brotherton
DC      D. D. Currie

JDa      Jim Day

ME      Mark Edmund

RG       Ron Gutberlet
RK       Richard Kinney
DL        Dell Little

DP       Darrell Pogue

TP       Truman Powell

CT       Candra Troop

MW     Matt White
UTTBC UT Tyler Birding Club



NETFO Bird Report, September 2006  by Peter Barnes  

Forty-nine Pied-billed Grebes were a good number at Lake Tyler East on Sept 24 (PB). Forty-three Canada Geese and 3 Cackling Geese were at Lake Halbert on Sept 9 (DC). This would be extraordinarily early for fall migrants, and these may represent feral birds. Two Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were in Henderson Co. on Sept 9 (DC). Five Roseate Spoonbills were at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Sept 9 (MD), 2 were at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Sept 15 (RBa), and 1 flew over Camp Tyler on Sept 20 (UTTBC). There has been only one sighting of Wood Storks in Smith Co. in the past 9 years, so reports of 3 south east of Tyler on Sept 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip), and one at Camp Tyler on Sept 13 (UTTBC), 18 (TH, SLr) and 19 (PB) were notable. A Plegadis Ibis was at Camp Tyler on Sept 5, one was at Lake Tyler East on Sept 9 (both PB), 8 were at Westberry Landing on Sept 23 (Tyler Audubon field trip) and a surprising total of 45 White-faced Ibis were at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Sept 10 (RBa). Three Tricolored Herons and 5 Black-crowned Night-Herons were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 7, 7 Black-crowned Night-Herons were there on Sept 14, 9 were there on Sept 21 (all DB, ME) and 2 adult Tricolored Herons were still at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 12 (MW). A Sora was spotted at Lake Tyler East on Sept 6 (PB) and one was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 19 (MW). Great Egrets migrate through in good numbers in September, and 246 birds were counted at Westberry Landing on Sept 10 (RG). A Buff-breasted Sandpiper was at Lake Tyler East on Sept 6 (PB, RG, TH), 2 were at Lake Halbert on Sept 9 (DC), 40 were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 12 and 20 were there on Sept 26 (MW). A White-rumped Sandpiper, extremely rare in the fall, was reported at Lake Halbert on Aug 26 and Sept 9 (DC), and a Sanderling was at Westberry Landing on Sept 21 (RG). Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., hosted a Sanderling and 8 Semipalmated Plovers, an unusually high number, on Sept 12, a juvenile Piping Plover on Sept 14, 2 Sanderling on Sept 26, 1 Snowy Plover and 9 American Golden Plovers on Sept 29 (all MW).

Single Ospreys were at Lake Halbert on Sept 9 (DC) and at Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Sept 10 (RG), one was perched on the ground at Camp Tyler on Sept 15 (JDa), 2 were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 27 (DB), and 6 were an impressive number at the Villages on Sept 21 (RG). The lack of clouds and absence of north winds made it difficult to observe any migrating hawks in the last week of September, and the largest number of Broad-winged Hawks were 12 birds over Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 21 (DB, ME). A Peregrine Falcon was a good find at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 30 (DC, DL), a Merlin was there, on Sept 19 (MW) and 21 (RK), and 3 Crested Caracaras were an unusually high number there on Sept 15 (MW). A Merlin was at Westberry Landing on Sept 21 (RG).

Late September and October are the best times to look for rare fall migrant gulls and jaegers in north-east Texas. The best find this year was a Jaeger species on Lake Palestine on Sept 1 (RG). This is the first record for Henderson Co., but unfortunately, the bird was too distant and seen for too brief a period for species identification. A Sabine’s Gull was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 12, and 2 were at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Sept 25 (both MW). Five Caspian Terns were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Sept 7 (DB, ME), 2 Caspian Terns and hundreds of Black Terns were at the Holiday Marina on Sept 7 (RK), and 2 Caspian Terns were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 30 (DC, DL). A Least Tern was at Cooper Lake State Park on Sept 8 (MD). Fourteen Black Terns were at the Villages Marina on Sept 2 (PB) and 12 were at the Trinidad Power Plant Lake on Sept 9 (DC). The first 3 Common Terns were observed at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 12 (MW).

A large hummingbird visited a feeder in Bowie Co. on Sept 9 and 10 (JA), and photographs confirmed that it was a Green Violet-Ear, an amazing find that is the second record for north-east Texas. There are 7 records of this species for Arkansas (Charles Mills, personal communication). Two Black-chinned Hummingbirds visited Peggy Harding’s yard in Rusk Co. on Sept 12 and the male Broad-tailed Hummingbird was last seen there on Sept 11. A female Rufous Hummingbird visited Wanda Bosmans’ feeder in Gregg Co. on Sept 10. More than 80 Bank Swallows were an impressive number at Lake Halbert on Sept 9 (DC). A Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was a good find at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie Co., on Sept 9 (MD). An early House Wren were at Lake Tawakoni State Park on Sept 8 (RK). Single Olive-sided Flycatchers were reported at Cooper Lake State Park (MD) and Lake Tawakoni State Park (RK) on Sept 8, and in Anderson Co. on Sept 9 (DC). Thirty-five Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers were a good number at the Villages on Sept 10 (RG). A Warbling Vireo, uncommon in the fall, and a migrant Yellow-throated Warbler were at the Villages Marina on Sept 8 (RG). A Prairie Warbler was a nice find at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Sept 7, and a Wilson’s Warbler was also there that day (both RK). A Worm-eating Warbler, rare in north-east Texas, was at the Van Zandt County Park on Sept 21 (RK). A Wilson’s Warbler was near Camp Tyler on Sept 10 (JDa) and 13 (UTTBC), and at Camp Tyler on Sept 20 (UTTBC). A Canada Warbler was also near Camp Tyler on Sept 13 (RG). A Scarlet Tanager, rare in the fall, was at the Texas Parks and Wildlife ponds south east of Tyler on Sept 9 (Tyler Audubon field trip). Two Baltimore Orioles were spotted in Henderson Co. on Sept 9 (DC), one was at Camp Tyler on Sept 13 (PB, RG, TH), 2 were near Camp Tyler (JDa) and one was in Cherokee Co. on Sept 17 (JPu).

Counties and Locations:

Anderson Co.: Palestine

Delta Co.: Cooper Lake State Park

Harrison Co.: Mike Dillon’s yard, Texas Eastman in Longview

Henderson Co.: Trinidad Power Plant Lake

Hopkins Co.: Sulphur Springs

Hunt Co.: Campbell, Greenville City Lakes, Quinlan, Lake Tawakoni State Park

Navarro Co.: Lake Halbert

Rusk Co.: Peggy Harding’s yard

Smith Co.: Camp Tyler, Lake Tyler, Lake Tyler East, TPWD ponds southeast of Tyler, UT Health Center at Tyler, The Villages, Villages Marina, Westberry Landing

Van Zandt Co.: Edgewood, Holiday Marina





JA        Janet Amburn

RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes

WB     Wanda Bosmans

DB       David Brotherton
DC       D. D. Currie


JDa      Jim Day

MD      Mike Dillon

ME      Mark Edmund

RG       Ron Gutberlet

PH       Peggy Harding

TH       Tim Hunkapiller

RK       Richard Kinney
DL        Dell Little

SLr       Stephan Lorenz

JPu        Jane Purtle

MW      Matt White
UTTBC UT Tyler Birding Club


August 2006 Bird Report by Peter Barnes  

The hot dry weather and extremely low water levels at local lakes resulted in reports of more shorebird migrants than usual, and a good variety of waterbirds and raptors were also reported. Anhingas are uncommon in the pineywoods of east Texas, so single birds at Lake Tyler East on Aug 20 (PB) and 26 (RG) were notable. An Anhinga was also present at Edgewood City Lakes on Aug 15 (RK), and 2 were at Richland Creek WMA in Navarro Co. on Aug 23 (PB). Four Neotropic Cormorants were at the Villages Marina on Aug 12 (RG). Nine Canada Geese were at Westberry Landing on Aug 12 and 28 were on Lake Palestine, Henderson Co., on Aug 27 (RG). It is unclear if these are released feral birds. Two Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were near Sulphur Springs on Aug 28 (MW). Four Blue-winged Teal were the first reported for the fall at Lake Tyler East on Aug 4 (DWo).

Richland Creek WMA, hosted most large wading birds, including a Black-crowned Night Heron on Aug 22 (Freestone Co., HH), 4 Tricolored Herons on Aug 26 (DC, DL), 15 Green Herons and one Wood Stork on Aug 23 (PB), and 2 Wood Storks on Aug 26 (DC, DL) (all in Navarro Co.), 75 White Ibis and 6 Plegadis Ibis on Aug 23 (Freestone Co., PB), and 17 White-faced Ibis (county unspecified, DC, DL). Two adult Tricolored Herons were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Aug 18 (MW), and single adults were there on Aug 21 (RK), 24 and 25 (MW). Most fall Tricolored Herons in north-east Texas are juveniles, as was one at Westberry Landing on Aug 27 (RG). Five hundred Cattle Egrets were observed at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Aug 24 (MW). A Roseate Spoonbill was a surprising find near Camp Tyler on Aug 22 (JDa). Six Roseate Spoonbills and two Wood Storks were at the more expected location of Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 24, which also had good numbers of other large wading birds that day, including 45 Little Blue Herons, 20 Green Herons and 45 Snowy Egrets (all ER). Eighteen Wood Storks and 4 Roseate Spoonbills were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 30 (ER). A White Ibis was at Lake Tyler East on Aug 4 (DWo) and Aug 26 (RG), and White-faced Ibis were unusually numerous in Smith Co., with 14 birds at Lake Tyler East on Aug 11 (PB), 15 there on Aug 20, 1 on Aug 24 (all PB) and 2 on Aug 26 (RG), as well as 3 at Camp Tyler on Aug 12 (PB) and 2 there on Aug 26 (PB, RG). Four Plegadis Ibis were also at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 30 (ER).

Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., was very productive, hosting small numbers of Buff-breasted Sandpipers throughout the month, with a high count of 32 on Aug 1, one immature Snowy Plover, a Black-bellied Plover and 12 Wilson’s Phalaropes on Aug 3, 2 Piping Plovers and 2 Willets on Aug 4, 2 Willets and 2 Long-billed Curlews, the latter being rare migrants, on Aug 20 (all MW), 2 Marbled Godwits on Aug 20 (RBa), 24 and 25 (MW), and a Black-bellied Plover and a Long-billed Curlew on Aug 25 (MW). A Willet was in East Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Aug 21 and a Black-bellied Plover was at the Holiday Marina that day (both RK). The mudflats near Camp Tyler, hosted a Dowitcher species, a Semipalmated Plover and 4 Wilson’s Phalaropes on Aug 26 (PB, RG). A Willet was spotted at Texas Eastman in Longview on Aug 24, and a Common Moorhen was there on Aug 30 (both ER). The summering American Coot was at Lake Tyler East on Aug 4 (DWo) and 7 (PB). This location also held 9 Solitary Sandpipers, 1 Western and 1 Baird’s Sandpiper on Aug 4 (DWo) 9 Long-billed Dowitchers on August 7, 10 Buff-breasted Sandpipers on Aug 11, single Baird’s Sandpipers on Aug 1 and 12, and a Semipalmated Plover on Aug 11 and 12 (all PB). A Long-billed Dowitcher was at the Lake Tyler concession area on Aug 5 (PB). Single early Common Snipe were at Camp Tyler on Aug 22 and one at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Aug 23 (PB).

A Swallow-tailed Kite stayed at Richland Creek WMA in Freestone Co. from Aug 12-26 (HH, PB, DC, DL). There were more reports of Mississippi Kites than usual, with 2-5 birds over Peggy Harding’s yard from Aug 3-28, 1-3 birds over Mike Dillon’s yard in June, July, and August, 1 over Palestine on Aug 3 (PB), 2 at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Aug 8 (MW), 1 over Whitehouse on Aug 12 (PB), 1 south of Edgewood on Aug 15 (RK), 1 over the UT Health Center at Tyler on Aug 24 (PB), and 3 at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Aug 26 (DC, DL). The first Northern Harrier of the season was observed at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Aug 24 (MW). Single Bald Eagles were at Westberry Landing on Aug 12 and 27 (RG). A Harris’ Hawk, only the second record for Freestone Co., was photographed at Richland Creek WMA on Aug 26 (DC, DL), and two Swainson’s Hawks were there on Aug 23 (PB). Single Crested Caracaras were near Campbell on Aug 3 (MW), and at Richland Creek WMA on Aug 23 (PB) and 24 (DC, DL). A juvenile Laughing Gull was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Aug 4 (MW). Two colonies of 50 and 30 Least Terns were present at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Aug 8 (MW). A Caspian Tern was at the Holiday Marina on Aug 21 (RK), and the Villages Marina had 3 Black Terns on Aug 12 and 8 on Aug 27 (both RG).

A Greater Roadrunner was spotted in Morris Co. on Aug 21 (JB, LB), and 1-2 were near Quinlan throughout the month (TBr). A Broad-tailed Hummingbird, rarely observed in north-east Texas, was heard and seen in Peggy Harding’s yard from Aug 26-30. An Inca Dove was near Quinlan on Aug 2 (TBr). The first Bank Swallow of the fall was reported on Aug 7 at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co. (MW). An Olive-sided Flycatcher was spotted at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Aug 26 (DC, DL). An American Pipit in Rusk Co. on Aug 16 (PH) was extremely early. Warbler migrants included a very early fall Black-throated Green Warbler at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Aug 7 (MW), a Yellow-breasted Chat at Camp Tyler on Aug 26 (PB, RG), single Northern Waterthrushes at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on Aug 23 (PB) and at Lake Tyler East on Aug 24 (PB), and an impressive count of 7 Northern Waterthrushes at Richland Creek WMA (both Freestone and Navarro Cos.) on Aug 26 (DC, DL). Three Swainson’s Warblers were still singing at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on Aug 26 (DC, DL). Three Baltimore Orioles were near Camp Tyler on Aug 31 (JDa).

Counties and Locations:

Anderson Co.: Palestine

Harrison Co.: Mike Dillon’s yard, Texas Eastman in Longview

Hopkins Co.: Sulphur Springs

Hunt Co.: Campbell, Greenville City Lakes, Quinlan

Rusk Co.: Peggy Harding’s yard

Smith Co.: Camp Tyler, Lake Tyler, Lake Tyler East, UT Health Center at Tyler, The Villages, Westberry Landing

Van Zandt Co.: Edgewood, Holiday Marina





RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes

WB     Wanda Bosmans

TBr      Tyson Brennan

DB       David Brotherton
JB        John Brotherton

LB       Luanne Brotherton


DC      D. D. Currie

JDa      Jim Day

MD      Mike Dillon

ME      Mark Edmund

RG       Ron Gutberlet

PH       Peggy Harding

HH       Hayden Haucke

RK       Richard Kinney
DL       Dell Little
ER       Eddie Ray
RTr      Robert Truss

MW     Matt White
DWo    David Wolf

MWo   Mimi Wolf



June and July 2006 Bird Report by Peter Barnes and Matt White 

The hot and dry summer has lowered lake levels significantly, resulting in more reports of shorebirds than usual, particularly from Lake Tawakoni. Large wading birds included a Wood Stork and 2 Plegadis Ibis over the Sulphur River, east of Commerce, on June 14 (MW), a Wood Stork in southern Cherokee Co. on July 14 (MD), 4 Plegadis Ibis on the Henderson Co. side of Lake Palestine on July 14 (RG), and 4 Black-crowned Night Herons at Texas Eastman in Longview on July 28 (DB, ME). Seventy-six Great Egrets were a good number at Westberry Landing on July 15 (RG), and 1 Tricolored Heron was there on July 23 (PB). Four American White Pelicans were unusual on June 13 at The Villages on Lake Palestine, 22 were at Westberry Landing on July 15 (both RG) and 10 were there on July 23 (PB), suggesting that they are spending the summer. More than two dozen American White Pelicans were also at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., during June and July (MW). Two to four Neotropic Cormorants visited The Villages during the first half of June (RG). Two Black-bellied Whistling Ducks flew over Greenville City Lakes on July 8 (RBa), two were perched on telephone wires in Pittsburg on July 9 (fide DB), and 2 flew over the Westberry Landing on July 23 (PB). Four Gadwall were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 18, and 3 Mottled Ducks were there on July 8 (all MW).

Almost all shorebirds were reported from Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co. A Snowy Plover was there on June 3 (RK), 4 (RK, RBa) and 9 (MW). Two young birds were there from June 30-July 10, and 2 adults were present on July 7 (all MW), providing the first strong suggestion of local breeding in north-east Texas. Two Willets, unusual in the summer, were there on June 17 and July 8 (MW). Southbound Willets typically arrive in the last week of June, so the mid-June sighting is earlier than expected. Three Long-billed Curlews, not previously recorded in north-east Texas in June, were a good find at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 17 (MW). This location also hosted 2 Dunlin on June 3, as well as all 5 peep species in June, including 6 Baird’s Sandpipers on June 3 (RK), 15 on June 4 (RK, RBa), 5 Western Sandpipers on June 4, 2 Semipalmated Sandpipers on June 12 (MW), and White-rumped Sandpipers, with a high count of 75 on June 4 (RK, RBa). The latest White-rumped Sandpiper was reported on June 22 at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on June 22 (MW). Early southbound peep migrants at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., included 5 Western and 2 Semipalmated Sandpipers on July 7, and 8-10 Baird’s Sandpipers on July 28 (all MW). Other fall migrants included 3 Spotted Sandpipers and a Short-billed Dowitcher at Westberry Landing on July 15 (RG), a Short-billed Dowitcher at Lake Tyler East on July 20 (RG), 10 Buff-breasted, 2 Western, 35 Baird’s Sandpipers and 2 Short-billed Dowitchers there on July 24 (PB), and 1 Semipalmated Plover on July 29 (PH, WB). Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., had 2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers on July 23, 8 birds on July 28, and a Wilson’s Phalarope on July 22 (all MW). A summering American Coot was notable at Lake Tyler East on July 20 (RG), and a Wild Turkey was unusual in Cass Co. on June 28 (MD).

Reports of summering Bald Eagles continue to increase, with one adult at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on July 25, a pair there on July 28 (both MW) and two adults at Westberry Landing on July 23 (PB). Mississippi Kites, localized breeders in north-east Texas, were found at several previously unknown locations, including a pair in Paris on July 29, two at Pinhook from July 15-29 and others in Addielou during this period (all MW). Only one Swainson’s Hawk, once more common in north-east Texas, was noted this year in Campbell. A Broad-winged Hawk, a low-density breeder in north-east Texas, was observed at UT Tyler on June 3 (PB), and a Peregrine Falcon, perhaps an extremely early fall migrant, was notable at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on July 19 (RK). Crested Caracaras have been hard to find in the summer in recent years, so singles south of Lone Oak in Rains Co. on June 25 and 27, and a pair south of Lone Oak in Hunt Co. on July 10 (all MW) were notable.

A California Gull of the interior albertaensis race was photographed at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 25-26 (MW). Two Laughing Gulls were present there on June 25, and one was still present on Aug 6 (MW). Six Least Terns were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 3 and 4 (RK), 10 were there on June 10 (RK), 20 were present on June 17 (MW), and one was feeding young there on July 20 (RK). Black Tern reports included 2 at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 18, 15 there on July 7 (both MW), and 37 at Texas Eastman in Longview on July 28 (DB, ME). A Franklin’s Gull and 2 Caspian Terns were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 27, and the first Ring-billed Gull of the season was noted there on July 10 (all MW).

Feeder watchers photographed a female Black-chinned Hummingbird near Campbell on July 30, only the second record for north-east Texas (MW), and a male Rufous Hummingbird in Quinlan on July 28 (TBr). A Tree Swallow was observed flying into a potential nest hole at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 4, and 12 Cave Swallows were seen under a culvert in Rains Co. that day (RK, RBa). Four Tree Swallows were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 10 and 18 (RK). One thousand Purple Martins were at Westberry Landing on July 15 (RG). A pair of Western Kingbirds were observed feeding young near Canton on July 1 (RTr), and a juvenile Horned Lark was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on June 17 (MW). A nesting Grasshopper Sparrow was notable for Lake Tawakoni in Rains Co. on June 9, 12 and 17, and a crèche containing 9-11 young was found there on June 26, indicating the presence of a colony (all MW). A Field Sparrow was unusual at West Tawakoni Park on July 7 (MW). Great-tailed Grackles continue to expand in north-east Texas. Five males, 3 females and 2 completed nests were observed at the Gregg Co. airport on June 2 (DWo, MWo). One male, 2 females and 1 nest were still there on June 17 (DWo, MWo). One was also reported in Henderson on July 3 (MD), and several dozen birds are now regular in downtown Tyler (PB).

Counties and Locations:

Camp County: Pittsburg

Harrison County: Texas Eastman in Longview

Hopkins County: Commerce

Hunt County: Campbell, Greenville City Lakes; Quinlan, West Tawakoni Park

Lamar County: Paris, Pinhook

Red River County: Addielou

Rusk County: Henderson

Smith County: Lake Tyler East, The Villages, Westberry Landing, UT Tyler

Van Zandt County: Canton





RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes

WB     Wanda Bosmans

TBr      Tyson Brennan

DB       David Brotherton

MD      Mike Dillon

ME      Mark Edmund

RG       Ron Gutberlet

PH       Peggy Harding

RK       Richard Kinney

JPu       Jane Purtle
RTr      Robert Truss

DWo    David Wolf

MWo   Mimi Wolf

MW     Matt White



May 2006 Bird Report by Peter Barnes and Matt White, edited by Mike Dillon 

Waterbirds from Richland Creek WMA and shorebirds from Lake Tawakoni dominated reports this month. On May 10, Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., held 500 White Ibis, 400 Great Egrets, 100 Little Blue Herons, and 1 Plegadis Ibis, and a Least Bittern was in the Freestone Co. section of the WMA (all PB, MD). A Tricolored Heron, an American Bittern and a White-faced Ibis were at Richland Creek WMA on May 12 (HH, CS), and 30 White-faced Ibis were there in Freestone Co. on May 19 (MD). Ninety White Ibis and 1 White-faced Ibis were there on May 26 (HH, CS). An American Bittern was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on May 6 (RK). Lingering ducks at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., included a Lesser Scaup on May 10 (PB, MD), 2 Gadwall, 2 Northern Shovelers and 2 Mallards on May 12 (all HH, CS). Other late waterfowl were 3 Gadwall at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on May 17 (RK), and 2 Canada Geese in Cass Co. on May 20 (MD). An Osprey was over Camp Tyler on May 7 (PB, AB), and Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., held an adult Bald Eagle and a Crested Caracara on May 10 (PB, MD), an immature Bald Eagle on May 12 (HH, CS), and a Purple Gallinule on May 18 (MD).

Impressive numbers and variety of shorebirds were at Lake Tawakoni on May 17, including 3 Willets, 9 Marbled Godwits, 1 Whimbrel, 1 Short-billed and 15 Long-billed Dowitchers, 1 Black-bellied Plover, 1 Snowy Plover in Rains Co. and 200 White-rumped, 6 Western and 1 Baird’s Sandpiper, 2 Sanderlings, 12 Wilson’s Phalaropes and 2 Dunlin in Van Zandt Co. (all RK). On May 18 at Lake Tawakoni, 3 Willets, a remarkable 12 Hudsonian Godwits, 7 Wilson’s Phalaropes, 10 Dunlin and 1 Semipalmated Plover were in Rains Co., and 4 Buff-breasted Sandpipers, 6 Wilson’s Phalaropes and 50 White-rumped Sandpipers were in Van Zandt Co. (all RK). Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., had 40 White-rumped Sandpipers and 3 Wilson’s Phalaropes on May 10 (PB, MD) and 1 Hudsonian Godwit and 5 Stilt Sandpipers on May 18 (MD). Richland Creek WMA also had 20 White-rumped, 10 Baird’s, 8 Western, 2 Semipalmated and 1 Stilt Sandpiper, as well as 1 Wilson’s Phalarope and 30 Lesser Yellowlegs on May 12 (HH, CS), and 12 White-rumped Sandpipers on May 26 (HH, CS). The Lake Tyler concession area held 40 White-rumped Sandpipers and 7 Wilson’s Phalaropes on May 7 (PB). A Baird’s Sandpiper was at Texas Eastman in Tyler on May 15 and 2 Wilson’s Phalaropes were there on May 24 (both PB). Three Black Terns were at Richland Creek WMA on May 12, 2 Least Terns were there on May 26 (both HH, CS), and 100 Black Terns, 1 Caspian and 1 Least Tern were at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on May 17 (RK).

A Monk Parakeet was in Gregg Co. on May 2 (DM). On May 7, Camp Tyler hosted an Olive-sided Flycatcher and a Willow/Alder Flycatcher (PB), and 7 Least Flycatchers were in Smith Co. (PB). Two Alder Flycatchers were at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on May 10 (PB, MD). Single Olive-sided, Willow and Alder Flycatchers were in Van Zandt Co. on May 14 (RK, RBa). Two Yellow-bellied Flycatchers were in Van Zandt Co. on May 17 (RK). Two Philadelphia Vireos were in Smith Co. on May 6 and 1 was still there on May 7 (PB). A Blue-headed Vireo was in Van Zandt Co. on May 12 (RK), and a Warbling Vireo was in Longview, Gregg Co., on May 14 (CT, LE). A Gray-cheeked Thrush was at the Van Zandt Co. Park, Lake Tawakoni, on May 6 (RK).

The most impressive variety of warblers was at the Lake Tawakoni State Park, Van Zandt Co., on May 14, including 1 Chestnut-sided, 2 Blackburnian, 1 Canada, 1 Mourning, 15 Wilson’s, 50-75 Yellow Warblers and 4-6 American Redstarts (all RK, RBa). A Canada Warbler was there on May 17 (RK). Smith Co. hosted a Chestnut-sided Warbler and 2 Blackburnian Warblers on May 6, a Chestnut-sided Warbler at Camp Tyler on May 7, and 2 Magnolia Warblers, 1 Wilson’s Warbler, 4 American Redstarts and 1 Northern Waterthrush elsewhere in the county on May 7 (all PB). Single Blackburnian Warblers were in Gregg Co. on May 5 (VG, TM) and May 8 (CT, LE). An Ovenbird visited Ron Gutberlet’s yard in Smith Co. on May 6, one American Redstart was at Richland Creek WMA, Freestone Co., on May 10 (PB, MD), and 2 were in Longview, Gregg Co., on May 14 (CT, LE). The only Scarlet Tanager was reported in Gregg Co. on May 5 (VG, TM).

A Clay-colored Sparrow was at Camp Tyler on May 7 (PB). A male Bobolink was a good find at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on May 10 (PB, MD) and 18 (MD). Six Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were notable for Smith Co. on May 6, and 2 additional birds were there on May 7 (PB). Smith Co. also held a Baltimore Oriole on May 6, and 6 Baltimore and 12 Orchard Orioles on May 7 (all PB).  





RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes

MD      Mike Dillon

LE        Lisa Evers

VG       Vera Garlough

RG       Ron Gutberlet

HH       Hayden Haucke

RK       Richard Kinney


TMa    True Mann
JPu      Jane Purtle
CS      Cliff Shackelford
CT      Candra Troop



April 2006 Bird Report by Peter Barnes and Matt White 


Migration peaks in April and early May, and shorebird migrants, primarily at Lake Tawakoni, were more in evidence than passerine migrants. Waterfowl included 4 Canada Geese over Smith Co. on April 13 (MD), 4 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks in Van Zandt Co. on April 6 (RK), and 5 in Henderson Co. on April 8 (DC, DL). The Cinnamon Teal was still at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on April 9 (RBa), 4 Cinnamon Teal and a Greater Scaup were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 8 (DC, DL) and a Cinnamon Teal was there on April 11 (PB, MD). Four Tricolored Herons were at Richland Creek WMA on April 8 (DC, DL) and 3 were there on April 11 (2 in Freestone, 1 in Navarro Co., PB, MD). April 8 was a good day for migrant raptors, with a Peregrine Falcon, a White-tailed Kite and 2 Swainson’s Hawks, one of which was the uncommon dark morph, at Richland Creek WMA , and a Swainson’s Hawk and Crested Caracara in Henderson Co. (all DC, DL). Six Ospreys were an impressive number at Lake Tawakoni on April 6 (RK), and one was at Lake Tyler on April 4 (PB).

With the drought Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., had extensive mudflats and unusually large numbers and variety of shorebirds, including 9 Hudsonian Godwits on April 9 (RBa), 6 Buff-breasted Sandpipers, 2 Snowy Plovers, 4 Sanderling and a Hudsonian Godwit on April 16 (RBa), 2 Snowy Plovers on April 22 and 23, and a Sanderling on April 23 (all RK). On April 18, Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., hosted the most impressive variety of shorebirds, including 2 Piping and 14 Semipalmated Plovers, 1 Marbled Godwit, 12 Sanderling, 36 Long-billed Dowitchers, 1 Wilson’s Phalarope, 200 Pectoral, 100 Baird’s, 500 Western and 1750 Least Sandpipers (RK). An early White-rumped Sandpiper was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on April 23 (RK). Thirty Baird’s Sandpipers and 6 Long-billed Dowitchers were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 8 (DC, DL), and a Black-necked Stilt was there on April 13 (MD). The wintering California Gull was still at the Southshore Marina in Van Zandt Co. on April 6 (RK). A Greater Roadrunner was in Cherokee Co. on April 25 (JPu). Three Cave Swallows were spotted in Rains Co. on April 6 (RK).

Smith Co. had an early Least Flycatcher on April 20, and single Warbling and Philadelphia Vireos on April 22, and again on the 23 (all PB). Two Blue-headed Vireos were at Richland Creek WMA, Navarro Co., on April 13 (MD). The Metzlers’ yard in Gregg Co. hosted a Warbling Vireo and a Chestnut-sided Warbler on April 30 (DM, BM). Swainson’s Warblers were heard at the Old Sabine Bottom WMA on April 13 (DP). A Northern Waterthrush was at Atlanta State Park in Cass Co. on April 15 (MD). The storm on April 29 brought 9 warbler species to Truman Powell’s yard in Tyler, including Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Bay-breasted and Canada Warblers, as well as Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. Two early Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were at Richland Creek WMA on April 13 (MD), and one was in Cherokee Co. on April 23 (JPu). Eight Lark Sparrows were an unusually high number in Cherokee Co. on April 20 (JPu). A Baltimore Oriole was spotted in Smith Co. on April 22 (PB).



PB       Peter Barnes

RBa      Ron Baltzegar

DC       D.D. Currie

MD      Mike Dillon

RG      Ron Gutberlet

RK      Richard Kinney
DL       Dell Little

BM      Bob Metzler

DM      Dorothy Metzler

DP       Darrell Pogue

JPu       Jane Purtle




March 2006 Bird Report by Peter Barnes and Matt White 


A Brown Pelican was unusual at Lake Tawakoni in Rains Co. on March 25 (RK, RBa). Four Common Loons were a notable high count for Smith Co. in Lake Tyler on March 4 (PB, RG), and 1 was still there on March 29 (RG, SL, TH). A Cinnamon Teal was a great find for Lake Tawakoni in Van Zandt Co. on March 25 (RK, RBa), and three were at Richland Creek WMA on March 30, where they are regular in spring (PB). Single Common Goldeneyes were at the Mineola Treatment Plant in Wood Co. on March 23 (PB, MD) and at Richland Creek WMA on March 30 (PB). Two Greater Scaup were at the Lake Tyler concession area on March 8 (RG, SL, TH), and 3 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were spotted in Morris Co. on March 29 (fide DB). An early Tricolored Heron was at Richland Creek WMA on March 30 (PB). A Peregrine Falcon was only the second reported in Smith County in the past 8 years at Camp Tyler on March 31 (AB). Lake Tyler hosted an Osprey on March 22 (RG, SL, TH). Three Bald Eagles were at Richland Creek WMA on March 30 (PB), and 1 was at Lake Tyler on March 1 (RG, SL, TH). A disoriented migrant Sora was in the Wal-Mart Garden Center in Tyler on March 29 (PB).


100+ American Golden Plovers were an impressive concentration at Lake Tawakoni in Rains Co. on March 25 (RK, RBa). Richland Creek WMA held 300+ shorebirds on March 30, including 1 Black-necked Stilt, 1 Stilt Sandpiper, 3 Dunlin, 100 Dowitchers, some of which were Long-billed, and 105 Pectoral Sandpipers (all PB). One of the California Gulls wintering at Lake Tawakoni was still present on March 22 near Southshore Marina in Van Zandt Co. (RK). The first Barn Swallow was reported from the Lake Tyler concession area on March 1 (RG, SL, TH), and the first Northern Rough-winged Swallow was spotted at Lake Tyler on March 22 (RG, SL).  


A Red-breasted Nuthatch was still in Ron Gutberlet’s yard in Smith Co. on March 25. Lake Tyler had the first Scissor-tailed Flycatcher on March 22 (RG, SL, TH) and the first Great-crested Flycatcher on March 29 (RG, SL, TH). The first Chimney Swift was reported on March 28 in Smith Co. (LB). Three Hermit Thrushes were still in northern Smith Co. on March 28 (LB) and one was at Richland Creek WMA on March 30 (PB). The first Louisiana Waterthrush was observed in Van Zandt Co. on March 15 (RK), and another was singing in Smith Co. on March 25 and 26 (PB). The earliest Hooded Warbler was spotted at Lake Tyler on March 29 (RG, SL, TH). An Eastern Towhee was still in Smith Co. on March 26 (PB). Harris’ Sparrows are among the first wintering sparrows to leave, and the last report was of 3 in Smith Co. on March 4 (RG, CG). Five Pine Siskins, not often reported this winter, were in Smith Co. on March 26 (PB). Two Rusty Blackbirds were still in Gregg Co. on March 12 (DPe). A “bicolored” Red-winged Blackbird, without the red wing, was an interesting oddity in Gregg Co. on February 27 and 28 (DPe).




PB       Peter Barnes

RBa      Ron Baltzegar

DB       David Brotherton

AB       Alan Byboth

MD      Mike Dillon

RG       Ron Gutberlet

TH       Tim Hunkapiler

RK       Richard Kinney

SL        Stephan Lorenz

DPe      Danny Perkins




February 2006 Bird Report by Peter Barnes and Matt White


Lake Tawakoni cornered the loon sightings, with a Pacific Loon at the Van Zandt Co. Park on Feb 12 (MW), and 2 Red-throated and 2 Pacific Loons at unspecified locations on Feb 24 (BGi). An immature Tundra Swan north of Lone Star in Morris Co. on Feb 11 (DB, LB) provided only the third reported sighting for north-east Texas and the first since 1984. The bird remained until Feb 13 and was seen and photographed by others (PB, WB, ME, PH, BM, DM). Six hundred Snow Geese were an impressive count over Smith Co. on Feb 14 (DB). Two Black-bellied Plovers, rarely here in winter, were at Lake Tawakoni on Feb 24 (BGi). Two adult Bald Eagles were seen on a nest on the south shore of Caddo Lake in Harrison Co. (TW).


The warm weather brought in 5 unusually early Tree Swallows and a Purple Martin to Texas Eastman in Longview on Feb 4 (NETFO field trip). Three Cave Swallows seen around a nest in Rains Co. on Feb 20 (MW) provided the earliest spring record for north-east Texas. A Common Yellowthroat, infrequently found in winter, was observed in Smith Co. on Feb 18 (PB). Seven Harris’ Sparrows were an unusually high number for the pineywoods region in Smith Co. on Feb 12 (PB, RG). Five Rusty Blackbirds were at Texas Eastman in Longview on Feb 4 (NETFO field trip).




PB       Peter Barnes

WB      Wanda Bosmans

DB       David Brotherton

LB       Luanne Brotherton

ME      Mark Edmund

BGi      Brian Gibbons

RG       Ron Gutberlet

PH       Peggy Harding

BM      Bob Metzler

DM      Dorothy Metzler

TW      Tom Walker




January 2006 Bird Report by Peter Barnes and Matt White


The Lake O’ the Pines CBC tallied 113 species on Jan 2, including a new high of 540 American White Pelicans (many observers), 3 Osprey (many observers), 2 Greater White-fronted Geese (WB, BC, LE, CT) and a rare Common Merganser (WB, BC, LE, CT), all in Marion Co. A Neotropic Cormorant was spotted in Smith Co. on Jan 3 at Lake Palestine (RG). Ten Blue-winged Teal at Caddo Lake, Harrison Co., on Jan 21 (DJ, BM, DM) were probably early spring migrants. Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., hosted 2 Black-bellied Plovers, 3 Western Sandpipers, 1 Dunlin and 1 Long-billed Dowitcher on Jan 1 (DHi, BGi), as well as single Dunlin, and Snowy and Black-bellied Plovers on Jan 8 (RBa). Four Lesser Yellowlegs were at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Jan 1 (MMo, AL), and 6 Greater Yellowlegs were counted in Marion Co. on the Lake O’ the Pines CBC (SaB, DB, ME, KF, ER). A Lesser Yellowlegs was also spotted at Caddo Lake, Harrison Co., on Jan 21 (DJ, BM, DM). Eighty-two Wilson’s Snipe in Marion Co. were a record for the Lake O’ the Pines CBC, and 20 were observed at Caddo Lake, Harrison Co., on Jan 21 (DJ, BM, DM). A Northern Harrier was observed in Rusk Co. on Jan 16 (PH, WB, HK, LE, CT). The first-winter California Gull in Van Zandt Co, was still present on the Lake Tawakoni CBC on Jan 1 (DHi, BGi). A Little Gull was observed at Lake Wright Patman at the border of Cass and Bowie Cos. on Jan 15 (BGi) and it was spotted again in Bowie Co. on Jan 25 (MD).


Sixty Eastern Screech Owls in Marion Co. were a record high for the Lake O’ the Pines CBC. A Greater Roadrunner was spotted in Cherokee Co. on Jan 14 (JPu). An immature male Rufous Hummingbird has been visiting Peggy Harding’s yard in Rusk Co. since Nov 6 and was still there at the end of January. The first Purple Martin of the season was a bit early on Jan 30 in Tyler (TP). A Red-breasted Nuthatch was in Ron Gutberlet’s yard in Smith Co. throughout the month. The Rock Wren was still at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Jan 1 (DHi, BGi). Two Marsh Wrens were spotted on the Lake O’ the Pines count in Marion Co. (RB). A single Loggerhead Shrike in Marion Co. was a record low for the Lake O’ the Pines CBC. A Gray Catbird visited Jane Purtle’s yard in Cherokee Co. from Jan 5 through the end of the month.


A remarkable 1,321 Lapland Longspurs were tallied in Rains and Van Zandt Cos. on the Lake Tawakoni CBC on Jan 1. Four McCown’s Longspurs were seen at Lake Tawakoni, 2 in Rains Co. and 2 in Van Zandt Co. on Jan 1 (all by RBa. DHi, BGi), and 6 McCown’s Longspurs were at Lake Tawakoni in Rains Co. on Jan 8 (RBa). Two Harris’ Sparrows were in Marion Co. on Jan 2 (RB), and 2 were in Smith Co. on Jan 28 (PB). A Henslow’s Sparrow was spotted in Cass Co. on Jan 2 (SaB, DB, KF) and seen again on Jan 7 (DB, LB). Three Purple Finches visited Ray Berry’s feeders in Cass Co. on Jan 15, and one was in Cherokee Co. on Jan 22 (JPu). One Pine Siskin was in Cass Co. on Jan 2 (DB), 21 were in Smith Co. on Jan 28 (PB), and 6 visited Donna Orr’s feeders in Rusk Co. from Jan 26-31. Twelve Rusty Blackbirds were at Caddo Lake, Harrison Co., on Jan 21 (DJ, BM, DM) and 10 were in Smith Co. on Jan 29 (PB).




RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes

RB       Ray Berry

WB      Wanda Bosmans

DB       David Brotherton

LB       Luanne Brotherton

SaB      Sarah Brotherton

BC       Barbara Cavin

MD      Mike Dillon

ME      Mark Edmund

LE        Lisa Evers

KF       Kayhon Freeman

BGi      Brian Gibbons

RG       Ron Gutberlet

PH       Peggy Harding

DHi      Derek Hill

DJ        Diane Jones

HK      Happy King

RK       Richard Kinney

AL       Annika Lindquist

BM      Bob Metzler

DM      Dorothy Metzler

MMo   Michael Moore

TP        Truman Powell

JPu       Jane Purtle

ER       Eddie Ray

CT       Candra Troop



December 2005 Bird Report  By Peter Barnes and Matt White


One hundred and nine species were observed on the Caddo Lake Winter Bird Count on Dec 3; 98 were spotted on the Tyler CBC in Smith Co. on Dec 17; 102 on the Tenaha CBC in Panola Co. on Dec 26; and a whopping 116 on the Longview CBC in Harrison, Rusk and Gregg Cos. on Dec 31. The Caddo Lake count tallied very low numbers of Pied-billed Grebe (22), American Kestrel (19), Barred Owl (2), most woodpeckers, Brown-headed Nuthatch (6), American Robin (232), Northern Mockingbird (19), Cedar Waxwing (4), Loggerhead Shrike (5), Pine Warbler (88) and Red-winged Blackbird (425). Bird numbers were low for most species on the Tyler CBC.


A Pacific Loon was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Dec 16 and 18 (RK), and a Red-throated Loon was there on Dec 30 (DHi, BGi). Texas Eastman in Longview hosted two outstanding birds, a juvenile Brown Pelican from Dec 9 (ME, DB) through Dec 31 (DB, SaB), and a White-winged Scoter from Dec 22 (DB) through Dec 31 (DB, SaB). Two Greater White-fronted Geese were over Lake Wright Patman (both Cass and Bowie Cos.) on Dec 4 (MD). The Caddo Bird Count yielded 335 Ring-necked Duck, an all-time high, and 1 Greater Scaup. Six Greater Scaup were an unusually high number for the Tyler CBC (PB), and 9 Redhead (DB, WBr, PH, BG, DO) and 8 Red-breasted Mergansers (PH, BG, DO) were notable for the Tenaha CBC. Two Northern Pintail (DB, WBr) were the first for the Tenaha CBC since 1992. An all-time high of 115 White Ibis were found on the Caddo Bird Count.


Single Ospreys were seen on the Caddo Bird Count and at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 22 and 31 (DB, SaB). Severe drought conditions that exposed miles of mudflats, combined with a warm winter, resulted in extraordinarily late reports of many shorebirds. Most reports came from Lake Tawakoni, which hosted the continuing Pectoral Sandpiper (Rains Co.) on Dec 1 (RK), a Baird’s Sandpiper (Hunt Co.) on Dec 11 (RBa), single Black-bellied Plovers (Van Zandt Co.) on Dec 11 (RBa) and 18 (RK), 5 Long-billed Dowitchers and 2 Dunlin (Rains Co.) on Dec 18 (RK), and an American Avocet, a Dunlin and a Long-billed Dowitcher (Rains Co.) on Dec 30 (DHi, BGi). One American Avocet, 1 Dunlin and 3 Dowitcher species were still at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 31 (DB, SaB). The American Woodcock reported in Smith Co. last month remained in Laura Bottone’s and Tappa Burt’s yard until Dec 12. Thirty-one Wilson’s Snipe were unusually high for the Tenaha CBC (DB, WBr, PH, BG, DO), probably because water levels were extremely low. Four Greater Yellowlegs (DB, WBr, PH, BG, DO) were the first for the Tenaha CBC since 1989.


At least 4 California Gulls were seen around Lake Tawakoni. The third year bird found in November was still present on Dec 1 in Rains Co. on Dec 1 (RK), a first year bird was there on Dec 14 (MW), a second-winter bird was at the Southshore Marina in Van Zandt Co. on Dec 18 (RK), and a first-winter bird was there on Dec 31 (RK, RBa). A third-year California Gull was also in Lamar Co. on Dec 16 (MW). An adult Little Gull was observed at Lake Tawakoni, Hunt Co., on Dec 12 (MW), and a late Franklin’s Gull was at the Lake Tawakoni State Park in Van Zandt Co. on Dec 6 (RK).


A Northern Bobwhite was the first one seen on the Tyler CBC since 1995 (PB). Single Greater Roadrunners were notable for the Tyler CBC (AR, SR) and the Longview CBC in Rusk Co. (BM). On Dec 9, 6 Inca Doves were observed in Gregg Co. (DPe), 2 were in Rusk Co. on Dec 26 (PB), and 10 were seen on the Tenaha CBC (ER, ME). The Rock Wren, first found in November at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., was still present on Dec 30 (DHi, BGi). Two Bewick’s Wrens were observed in Harrison Co. on Dec 19 (ER), and a Marsh Wren was found at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 31 (DB, SaB). A White-winged Dove was a first on the Longview CBC in Rusk Co. (BM). A Red-breasted Nuthatch was spotted on the Tenaha CBC (CB, DLu). Three Bewick’s Wrens and a lingering Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher were tallied on the Caddo Bird Count. Forty-one American Pipits were an all-time high for the Caddo Bird Count and 64 birds were also high for the Tyler CBC. Three Gray Catbirds were very unusual for the Tenaha CBC (DB, WBr) and 2 were in Harrison Co. on Dec 31 (ME). There were more reports of wintering Common Yellowthroats than usual, with single birds reported for Bowie Co. on Dec 4 (MD), Smith Co. on Dec 6 and 10 (PB), the Tenaha CBC (CB, DLu) and at Texas Eastman in Longview on Dec 31 (DB, SaB). A Black-and-White Warbler was new for the Caddo Bird Count (PH, BC, HK), and a Nashville Warbler, rarely reported in winter, was banded and photographed in Marion Co. on Dec 10, and retrapped on Dec 23 and 28 (JI, TW).


Perhaps the most remarkable sighting this month was a belated report of a male “Black-backed” race of Lesser Goldfinch that visited a feeder southeast of Tyler on Nov 30 (IH, DSi, GR). This bird has never previously been recorded in north-east Texas and is a rare visitor as far east as Dallas and Denton counties (Pulich, 1988). A Spotted X Eastern Towhee hybrid was observed in Smith Co. on Dec 10 (PB), and a Spotted Towhee was in Cherokee Co. on Dec 5 and 15 (JPu). Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co. hosted 12 McCown’s Longspurs on Dec 1 and 6 (RK), 4-6 Smith’s Longspurs on Dec 6 (RK), and 2 McCown’s Longspurs on Dec 30 (DHi, BGi). Four to five hundred Smith’s Longspurs were an impressive sight in Lamar Co. in mid-December (SLr), and 30 were also notable for Harrison Co. on Dec 19 (ER). Twenty-one Lark Sparrows were an unusually high number for winter at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Dec 13 (MW). Six Purple Finches were observed on the Caddo Bird Count, 3 on the Tyler CBC (LBo), and 2 on the Tenaha CBC (DW). Three Harris’ Sparrows were observed on the Tyler CBC (PB, RG, CG), 4 were spotted on the Longview CBC [3 in Harrison Co. (RB); and 1 in Gregg Co. (GP, DGw)], and 11 White-crowned Sparrows were notable for the Tenaha CBC (ER, ME, DW). Twenty-one Rusty Blackbirds were in Smith Co. on Dec 4 (PB), 70 were at the Lake Tawakoni State Park in Van Zandt Co. on Dec 11 (RBa), 77 were in Rusk Co. on Dec 26 (PB), 12 were observed on the Tenaha CBC (DB, WBr), and 247 birds in Rusk Co. were a new high for the Longview CBC (PB, BM).  




DA       David Arbour

RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes

CBe     Cheryle Beck

RB       Ray Berry

LBo     Laura Bottone

DB       David Brotherton

SaB      Sarah Brotherton

WBr     Walt Brotherton

AB       Alan Byboth

BC       Barbara Cavin

MD      Mike Dillon

ME      Mark Edmund

BGi      Brian Gibbons

BG       Becky Gullette

CG       Carol Gutberlet

RG       Ron Gutberlet

DGw    Don Gwynn

IH        Irene Hamel

PH       Peggy Harding

DHi      Derek Hill

JI         James Ingold

HK      Happy King

RK       Richard Kinney

SLr      Stephan Lorenz

DLu     Dixie Lum

BM      Bob Metzler

DM      Dorothy Metzler

DO      Donna Orr

GP       Gene Peiter

DPe     Danny Perkins

JPu       Jane Purtle

ER       Eddie Ray

AR       Alice Rhodes

SR       Sammy Rhodes

GR       Gloria Rognlie

DSi      David Sierra

TW      Tom Walker

DW      David Weaver

MW     Matt White



November 2005 Bird Report by Peter Barnes and Matt White


An Eared Grebe was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Nov 6 (RR), and a Pacific Loon and 6 Neotropic Cormorants were there on Nov 27 (MW, DA). Richland Creek WMA held 2,100 Gadwall, 900 Northern Pintail and 60 Redhead, 670 Snow Geese, 20 Greater White-fronted Geese and 10 Ross’ Geese on Nov 13 (PB, MD). Other migrating waterfowl included 20 Canada Geese and 18 Snow Geese over Henderson Co. (DC, DL), and 15 Snow Geese over Lake Palestine in Smith Co. (PB), all on Nov 27. Twenty plegadis Ibis were observed at the Bowie/Cass Co. line on Nov 11 (RBa). Single late Black-bellied Plovers were in Rains Co. at Lake Tawakoni on Nov 1 (MW) and 16 (RK). A Snowy Plover was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Nov 3 (MW, PB), Nov 6 (RBa, RK, RR) and Nov 16 (RK), and two juvenile birds were there on Nov 24 (MW), the latest record for northeast Texas. A Semipalmated Plover was also there on Nov 6 (RR). Late shorebird migrants at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., included a Pectoral Sandpiper on Nov 17-29 (MW, BGi), 8 Sanderling on Nov 3 (MW, PB), 2 Sanderling on Nov 10 (BGi), 4-6 Dunlin from Nov 16-29 (RK, MW, DA, BGi), and a Lesser Yellowlegs on Nov 27 (MW, DA). Twenty-four Dowitchers, presumably Long-billed, based on the time of year, were spotted near Trinidad in Henderson Co. on Nov 27 (DC, DL). An American Woodcock in north Smith Co. on Nov 26 was joined by a second bird on Nov 27, both in Laura Bottone and Tappa Burt’s back yard. Laura noted that the birds engaged in an odd rocking motion as if they were doing deep kneebends. It is believed that vibrations from this activity may induce earthworms in the soil to move so that they can be detected by the birds (Kaufman, Lives of North American Birds).


Single Crested Caracaras were spotted in Hunt Co. on Nov 27 (BGi), near Campbell on Nov 3, near Commerce on Nov 4 (both MW). A first year Thayer’s Gull was a first record for Hunt Co. at Lake Tawakoni on Nov 1 (MW) and a third-year California Gull was at Lake Tawakoni, Rains Co., on Nov 6 (PB, MW) and again on Nov 27 (MW, DA). Four Inca Doves were found at Lake Wright Patman, Cass Co., on Nov 12 (MD). A late Barn Swallow and 2 late Purple Martins were in Navarro and Freestone Cos, respectively, at Richland Creek WMA on Nov 13 (PB, MD). Rock Wrens are very rare fall migrants in northeast Texas, so it was quite amazing to have four reports of at least 2 individual birds: one at Lake Tawakoni in Rains Co. from Nov 10-29 (BGi, MW, DA) and one in Lamar Co. for a first county record on Nov 25 (MW). These are the 13th and 14th records for the region. This is the first time that at least two birds have been reported in one year. A late Black-and-White Warbler was at Lake Tawakoni, Van Zandt Co., on Nov 27 (MW, DA), and a late Indigo Bunting was at Lake Tawakoni on Nov 6 (RK, RBa). A Smith’s Longspur was at Camp Tyler on Nov 4 (AB). Twelve McCown’s Longspurs were observed in Rains Co. and 1 Chestnut-collared Longspur was seen in Hunt Co. on Nov 29 (both BGi). Two Harris’ Sparrows were seen at their usual wintering locations in southern Smith Co. on Nov 26 (PB), and a Spotted Towhee was notable for Cherokee Co. on Nov 22 (JPu). Six Great-tailed Grackles were seen in Camp Co. on Nov 24 (MD).



DA       David Arbour

RBa     Ron Baltzegar

PB       Peter Barnes

RB       Ray Berry

AB       Alan Byboth

DC       D.D. Currie

MD      Mike Dillon

BGi      Brian Gibbons

RK       Richard Kinney

DL       Del Little

JPu       Jane Purtle

RR       Ross Rasmussen

MW     Matt White


Reporting Bird Sightings

If you have interesting or unusual bird sightings to report, please E-mail your reports to birder10050(at)yahoo(dot)com.  David Brotherton maintains an E-mail mailing list to which he sends reports about uncommon and interesting birds in the northeast Texas area.  To be added to his E-mail list, send an E-mail to birder10050(at)yahoo(dot)comEach month David compiles our local bird sighting reports, which are then published on our website and forwarded to the Texas Ornithological Society and the American Birding Association for their monthly and quarterly bird report publications.  

If you don't know which birds are common in Northeast Texas and which are not, be sure to consult the NETFO Bird Checklist (available at regular meetings of the Northeast Texas Field Ornithologists).  Another valuable resource is Matt White's Birds of Northeast Texas.  If you believe you have a truly rare sighting to report, try to get a photograph of the bird, and/or record on paper as many details about the bird as you can.  Then call for possible confirmation by others.  Bird review committees will need photos and/or a well-documented written account of your sighting to verify or validate it.  To help with submitting bird reports, the Texas Bird Records Committee offers a Rarity Report Form at http://www.texasbirds.org/tbrc/bird_rpt.htm



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