The Inside Story
WARNING! This section may contain spoilers for parts of the story!!!

The world is not quite what it seems. Obviously magic, and supernatural beings are here in existance. This page will attempt to explain where this all came from. This story is based in part on an RPG campaign i ran a few years ago. Anyone who was there for it will probably recognize some of the major events.. but the story is signifigantly altered. Please note that although religious names are mentioned, this story does not define a realistic way of life, and its all fiction. If i catch anyone praying to my gods, im going to smack you on the back of the head....

At the very base level, there are two realities. Like two dimensions, but with a much more defined border, and nearly imposible to cross between. Ours is generaly called the "Godless" lands. The other, "The Land of Gods". It's not heaven, and there are no permanant gods in our reality. Its a harsh fact, but there ya go.

In the land of gods, a god is a supernatural being of great power, but not omnicient (knowing all) they know happens if they are watching it. They can pay attention to alot of things, even without being there, but not everything. They are omnipotent and imortal, but are ballanced by a large pantheon. The gods typicaly live like normal mortals, surrounding themselves with their choice of priests and priestess's and taking residence in buildings and such. Some act like gods, some dont. In our world, there are no native gods.

Sometime in the far past, one of the gods accidently found the godless lands. He found that his powers were greatly diminished, and that the people of this world had a great inner power. Something that the peoples of their world didn't. When he returned, the council of gods forbade anyone from travelling to the godless lands. Talk of balance and morality, and the weight of the others in the pantheon forced those who would conquer from doing so.

Lasi (pronounced with a long I) one of the gods of chaos, found a way to send some of his priests to the other world to gather power for him. If he could gather enough power, then once there he would be more then enough to match any of the others, or even perhaps all of the others. When this was found out, Lasi was banished from the land of the gods, and two gods were sent to the godless lands to counter him. This was about the year 800 AD in our time. The two gods were Rax (God of chaos) and Tagart (God of nature and were beasts)

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All design and images are copy right 2000, Richard Gardner AKA kheldar
All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce without permission.
Not all episodes are suitable for younger viewers, therefore parents take a look first.
Remember to save the planet, we live here ya know!