Item NameDescriptionImage
(If Available)
(color)-StickerA sticker of NDH's name. Available in: Red, Purple, Black, and Blue.Sticker$2.50
Bracelet/NecklaceHemp rope with beads and fimo clay. Handmade by Shane Porter.Braclets$5.00
SunglassesGlasses made by a cool dude. Purple lenses, black frames. Check back for other colors.Sunglasses$5.00
T-Shirts1997 Summer Tour T-shirts. Available in Green with Red lettering.Shirt$10.00
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When you have decided what merchandise you want to buy (I know, I know, it's a very hard decision) mail a piece of paper with what you want to buy to the address found in Contact and some other pieces of paper that are used as money. Please only send checks and money orders, cash is NOT a good idea. Make all checks and money orders payable to: Next Day Heir. You'll recieve your stuff in a few weeks. Shipping is free. *Yay!*

Album Title
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