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The Night Before Impeachment

'Twas the night before impeachment
and throughout the White House,
all the creatures were sleeping
except Bill Clinton, the louse.
He handled a picture of Monica
and silently made a swear,
that someday, somehow,
they'd continue their affair.
Chelsea was in college
all snug in her bed.
With dreams of the scandel
dancing in her head.
When from the oval office
Bill heard such a clatter,
he sprang from his seat
to see 'twas the matter.
When what to his wonderus
eyes should appear,
but Monica, a cigar,
and a sign saying insert here.
But what about impeachment
Bill said sharp as a pin.
We'll rewrite the Starr report
all over again.
Santa overheard this
and said with a grin,
"Give this man a furby!
They're furry, small, and thin."

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