Obelisk of Seti I at Pza. Popolo (Rome)

North Face

Horus, Mighty bull, resting on Truth. Two ladies Menthu (God Hawk) two lands(?) Egypt Horus(?) of gold, Divine of Kephera, King of the upper and lower Egypt Maat-mn-Ra making monuments in Anu (heliopolis), eternal throne in similarity to the 4 pillars of the heavens signs lasting like the fore-court of the temple of the house of Ra, The company of the Gods are contented by what hath made the son of Ra Seti beloved of Ptah, beloved by bas (souls) of Anu (Heliopolis) like Ra.

South Face

Horus, Mighty bull, trampler on all foreign? countries. Two Ladies Stablisher of monuments for ever and for ever. Golden Horus satisfying Ra with its love. King of the upper and lower Egypt Maat-mn-Ra Noble, pure of Heliopolis / / / / for Ra lord / / / / the lords of the heaven and of Earth rejoice favoring the double of which they do for him, Son of Ra Seti beloved of Ptah beloved of Horus() like Ra eternally.

West Face

Horus, bull of Ra, beloved of Maat, Two Ladies (???) countries, vanquisher of Bedouins of Asia, Golden Horus, beloved of Ra, Its name making great his Ka. King of the upper and lower Egypt Maat-mn-Ra filleth Anu (Heliopolis) with obelisks, so that their rays may shine in the house of Ra flooding it of beauty. The Gods are united with rejoicing in the temple. Son of Ra Seti beloved of Ptah beloved of the Company of the Gods (???) temple to whom is given the life.
