Floyd News:                                                                                                  Site News:
4/19- Roger Waters summer 1999 tour dates                                                   4/19- More RealAudios added, news
and venues confirmed!!!! Check out                                                                 section updated. Continuing work on the
www.roger-waters.net for all the info.                                                               tablature page. Check back for more
We've been waiting for this for a few years                                                        info on the Roger Waters tour, and for more
now, so don't miss it!                                                                                        file additions. And as always, please
                                                                                                                        email me your files, comments, and questions.
 3/15- Interesting message posted at
www.roger-waters.net regarding the                                                                 3/15- Initial upload of Empty Spaces. 
revamping of the 1982 "The Wall" movie                                                           Having problems with the tablature page,
including unreleased footage. The soundtrack                                                    but hopefully it will be remedied soon
is also being remastered, reportedly by                                                              when I can find the time! More RealAudio
James Guthrie. The souped-up movie will                                                          and midi files will be added as I come
be ultimately tranferred to DVD. Also the                                                          across them. Thanks for visiting.
enigmatic phrase "Roger Waters to tour in
1999?" is included in the page. Check it
out for yourself!

(c) 1999 by Joseph O'Donnell

Please visit my other page, The Gravy Train.

Pink Floyd morph courtesy of Set the Controls
The files on this page are intended for private use. If anyone holds the copyrights to any of the files displayed on this page,
please email me and I will remove them immediately.
This page is unofficially dedicated to the music of Pink Floyd, and is of no official connection to the band members or
their record label.

