fun ways to recycle
Save our PLANET. Recycling made fun.

Here we are getting ready to enter the new millenium.Everyone wants to keep our planet clean,right? Well ,I'm making my page plain to show you that we don't need all that fancy things in life that later when we get tired of them that we would throw it out and clutter our lovely planet with trash.We all want our planet clean and healthy for our children and thiers.So why not join me and RECYCLE. So why do we get all this plastic and other useless junk in the mail ? What do we do with it? Well I decided to start this fun and helpful page to try and recycle some of our interesting stuff. I get dozens of free shiny discs from different companies to sign up on thier service. Their kind of pretty and I just knew they had to be good for something. Well , one day I woke up and it hit me. Here are some ways to recycle these shiny objects.Try some, it's fun. If you have any other recyling ideas or a "something" that you just know could be used for something , let me know. I'll figure it out and put it on a future update. My next project is trying to figure out what to do with our old sofas,if you have any let me know.{Those things take a lot of space in our dumps}Also,feel free to click on to my favorite links,and sign my guest book and let me know what you think.Feel free to share your ideas. ENJOY.
Pease remember,our animals need a clean planet to live on also.Together ,we can make Planet Earth a clean,and great ,healthy place to live .

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1-These nice shiny disks are perfect as coasters.
2-Perfect for reflecting candles.Just stick a votive in the middle.
3-Use them in your Christmas villiage as an icy pond and place a skater over the hole.
4-Use them as a mini frisbee.
5-Stick one in the bird cage.Keeps them busy as it sees it's reflection.
6-Place your crystal figures on them for extra light reflection.
7-Place smaller plants on them. Not bad looking.
8-Use it as a background on a fish tank for a unique look.
9-For the computer lover. Hot glue them to a frame of thier office picture along with some of thier favorite web stuff.
10-Turn one into a clock.The hole is already there for the hardware.
11-Make a computer doll.The disk for the face and a box the shape of a computer for the body,Cute.
12-Make a mobile out of them,
13-A nice coffee table for Barbie,stick some legs on it and place a centerpiece over the hole.Barbie will love it.
14-Would also make a nice dining table.Trust me ,Barbie is getting tired of everything being pink.
15-Another conversation piece is placing them behind your kitchen cabinet knobs.
16-Use one as a hair piece.A great new futuristic look for the millinium.
17-Another futuristic look is sewing them on a cool vest,lots of fun to wear,sew beads and brick brac in the middle.get creative.
18-Place one over a nice jar or vase and place that rose from a loved one in the hole and the flower will hold nicely in the center.
19-Glue a favorite picture over the hole and you got yourself a nice frame.
20-Cut up pictures from magazines or old holiday cards,glue it over the center and use it on the dinner table for salt & pepper or vinigrette.or what ever.
21-Cut up food pictures, glue it in the middle and let your children use it for play dinner plates.Fun.
22-Use it as place cards for your dinner party.Just rubber cement thier names over the hole
23-Dad can use them as cool tires when he builds a fun car for his child.
24-A perfect circle for quilter and arts and craft lovers.Use the hole to lift it up. works well.
25-Replace your mailbox flag with this.Spray paint it red and lets hear the mailman say he didn't see the flag.
26-Will also fit nicely behind some doornobs.
27-Very interesting behind shower curtain hooks.
28-Stick them to the corner of the door frame in your computer room.
29-Hang one from the cieling fan pull chain.
30-Stick them on the cieling and walls and use a disco light. really awsome.
31-Keep one in the glove compartment.Good for emergency mirro for putting on make-up.You won't have to worry about 7 years bad luck if you break it.
32-Perfect for a candle stick.Fits nicely through the hole and is great for collecting light and drips.
33- Great for use as napkin rings.
34-Glue them to the back of steps as a kick plate in those dark back staircases.
35-Use as a driveway reflector.
36-Excellant for placing your favorite perfume bottles on.
37-Have a flying disc contest.
38-Makes an excellant window treatment,just poke through the fabric and poof up.

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Amarylis' Home Page, Thank you with all my heart!!!
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