Outlook Assistant
Ultima modificación 19/07/99



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Agent Ring
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Summary info

Outlook Assistant will be your mail organicer. It uses MS Agent 2.0 as its user interface, so it can communicate with you by mean of voice recognition and generation.

It is integrated with MS Outlook, so it can access Outlook characteristics, in order to apply some user defined rules to make automatic some task, as for intance, clasiffying incoming and outgoing mail. Besides, it can analyze messages text, to add some characteristics to them, for example, it can determine the sort of item you are writting: a message, a task, an appointment ...

Download Outlook Assistant

Download with Cab's (test)

The best of it:


If you get a lot of messages every day, and you don't have time even to organize them, this program will help you a lot.

Message reading.
Advanced rules to classify messages: folders, categories, item class (message, task ...)
Rules are user defined, you can change them from outlook.
Source code available.
It's freeware.


Message reading

Full integration with MS Agent and Outlook, makes possible that your personal agent reads yours messages.
It can read only the subject or the full body.
You can choose if you want your messaged voice readed or read them your self on screen.

Message organization

Advanced and fully configurable rules.
Search criteria based on message's subject, body or other data.
Window to confirm the rules to apply to a message. It's posible to make an exception and not apply an action even if rules say so. Or you can apply an rule even if its conditions are not true.
Actions let you move or copy messages to folders, add some categories to them, or even change message class (mail message, task, notes, appoinment ...).
Message body text analisys. It searchs for some special tokens, to bring "today" date, bring the time, etc ... to the appropiate field in the item.
Nuevo!! Rule creation based on example messages: Outlook Rule Composer.


Distribution lists

If you want to get updates and support about Outlook Assistant, you can subscrite to these list, clicking on one list icons:

Outlook Assistant Announce

Announce of new version of Outlook Assistant.
New applications.
Bug report and solutions.

Outlook Assistant Support

Support for users.
Sugestions and new functionality request.

Outlook Assistant Developers

Discusion among  Outlook Assistant developers.
Announce of new funcionalities (prerelease).
Sugestions for news developments.

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Copyright © 1999,Oscar Mateo. Reservados todos los derechos.
Todas las especificaciones son susceptibles de cambio sin previo aviso.
Este software es gratuito, bajo licencia GNU, y se entrega tal y como esta. (Vamos, que si te da problemas no vengas llorando).
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