On November 17, 1911, three Howard University undergraduate students - Edgar A. Love, Oscar J. Cooper and Frank Coleman - with the assistance of their faculty adviser, Ernest E. Just, created Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Since its inception, the men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity have worked to build a strong force of men dedicated to the principles of manhood, scholarship, perseverance, and uplift.
OUR MOTTO: "FRIENDSHIP IS ESSENTIAL TO THE SOUL" was derived from the Greek Phrase Omega Psi Phi.
Originally designed to promote the study of
Negro life and history. Today, Achievement Week is used to seek out
and give due recognition to those individuals at the local and
national level who have made a noteworthy contribution toward
improving the quality of life for black Americans (see also National
High School Essay Contest).
SCHOLARSHIP - The Scholarship Program is intended to promote
academic excellence among the undergraduate members. Graduate
chapters are expected to provide financial assistance to student
members and non-members. A portion of the fraternity's national
budget is allocated to the Scholarship Fund now called the Charles
R. Drew Memorial Scholarship Fund.
coordinates the multifaceted program of the various chapters. Most
chapters are involved in voter registration, "getting-out-the-vote',"
support of the NAACP, the National Urban League and hundreds of
other programs.
TALENT HUNT PROGRAM - Originated in the Sixth District (North
Carolina and South Carolina) and made its debut at the 1953
Cincinnati Grand Conclave. This program provides exposure,
encouragement and financial assistance to talented young people.
Currently, some participants at the national level are awarded
college scholarships.
MEMORIAL SERVICE - March 12 of each year has been established as
Memorial Day. Chapters are expected to conduct an appropriate
service to recall the memory of those members who have entered
Omega Chapter.
RECLAMATION AND RETENTION-Concerted effort at the national, district, and local levels to return inactive brothers to full participatory status.
National Achievement Week observance held in November of each
year. The contest is open to all college-bound high school seniors.
College scholarships are awarded to the winners, each of whom
must submit an essay on a theme/topic which is chosen annually by
the fraternity.
ASSAULT ON ILLITERACY PROGRAM - This program had its conceptual roots established in January of 1980, when a group of publishers
associated with Black Media, Inc. (BMI) was made aware that
approximately 44% of black Americans could neither read nor
comprehend beyond the 4th grade. Omega Psi Phi and numerous
other national organizations joined together to attack and ultimately
reduce and eradicate illiteracy among blacks through reading tutorial
The Omega Man
by Madonna C. Jackson
The different sides of you
I constantly visualize
I see a man
That will not compromise
He is the man that provides
In the center of the family
He stands
Like the tallest strongest tree
He's respected by many
He's diligent and true
Faithful and precise
He's Omega he's you
You enhance in your potential
You continue to stand
Through every disappointment
You remain the Omega Man
Inspite of oppositions
When faced with everything and more
You are Omega
Standing for all those before
Continue to enlighten
All that you meet
Whether it's the politician
Or a shoeless person on the street
You are the essencer of strength
The essence of a power some may not understand
You are the essence of manhood
You are the Omega Man
have only just a minute
Only sixty seconds in it
Forced upon me-can't refuse it
Didn't seek it, didn't choose it
But it's up to me to use it
I must suffer if I love it
Give an account If I abuse it
Just a tiny little minute
But eternity is in it
Benjamin Mays
I My Brother's Keeper"
If you were my brother's keeper
Will my best interest be at hand?
Or will you catch an attitude
When I can not meet your demands?
If you were my brother's keeper
Will you be there in times of need?
Or will you let our golden friendship
Be destroyed by jealousy, envy and greed?
If you were my brother's keeper
Would you always help me out?
Or would you take me to the green
when I didn't set it out?
If you were my brother's keeper
Would you put me right on track?
Lay down your life in times of need?
Would you always have my back?
If you were my brother's keeper
Would you let anything come between us?
Talk to me behind my back?
Would I ever lose your trust?
If you were my brother's keeper
Would you fight me over a girl?
Would you disrespect my family?
Would you divulge my secret pearl?
But I know you're my keeper
Because we have a common goal
Uplift is important and
I know you're my keeper
And our family is large and strong,
Knowledge and manhood is our infrastructure and
"Omega Dear" is our song
I know you are my keeper
And our bind is no fascade
You're always willing to die for me,
And our strength comes from God
I know you're my keeper
Proud, concientious, and bold
I know you will never leave me
Because your blood is royal PURPLE and your heart Is made of old GOLD!
"He Who Knows"
who knows not, and KNOWS NOT that he knows not, is lost, guide him.
He who knows not, and KNOWS that he knows not, is a child, teach him.
He who KNOWS NOT, and KNOWS that he KNOWS, is a fool, shun him.
He who KNOWS, and KNOWS NOT that he knows, is asleep, wake him.
He who KNOWS, and KNOWS that he KNOWS, is wise, follow him.
Where does the new MEMBER fall? He falls under a special CATegory:
He who KNOWS NOT, and CARES NOT, that he knows not, is left to fend
for himself.
"Three Friends"
were 3 friends ....Desire, Determination, & Dedication
They all wished to pledge the q-psi .... the first year they all made line....
but Desire was confused and fell off....
the other 2 pledges could go no further for without "Desire" they had
no will to pledge
the next year all 3 tried again ....
but Determination was weak and though Desire and Dedication tried they fell off
with no Determination they could not proceed....for they could not persevere
finally the next spring ....all 3 tried once more.... with a rejuvenated
and a unrelenting Determination they pledged long and hard....Dedication however
....stepped off...
Desire and Determination held to the path and completed the process ....
now i could tell u the moral ....but just think.....
of a Que
Many don't understand the qualities
That an Omega Man must possess
If you don't you never will
It's the secret of frat success
Could it be that unique style
The way he can arouse an ear
Could it be his power
That other fraternities fear
Could it be his passion
From the way his story is told
Could it be a simple touch
That turns everything to gold
Or maybe it's the way
He treats me like a queen
Or maybe it's his out-spoken charm
That keeps him in my dreams
Maybe this is something
Others would not understand
A tradition that continues today
The power of the Omega Man.
by Tanneka Howard
Oh God, as we draw nigh and ask your blessings today, we reflect on the fell clutch of circumstance that brougt us together as friends, molded us into neophytes, and permitted us to seek the great body of wisdom on the circle of life. Oh God, we ask that you enlighten us to: exemplify MANHOOD, not based on age, the accumulation of material wealth or disrespect to womanhood, but rather by limiting one's travels on the wide road of foolishness, so that we as men, live nobly by finding the narrow road of righteousness and responsibility; to value SCHOLARSHIP, not merely as a means of financial prosperity, but rather so we, as scholars, serve as lamps on dark paths of ignorance; to embrace PERSEVERENCE, not with unbridled ambition, but through the undaunted pursuit of dream stars so that we, as industrious men, serve as golden examples of the necessity to hold fast to dreams; and to commit ourselves to UPLIFT, not to establish a debt of gratitude among the less fortunate, but rather so we, as "social engineers", construct a better world. Finally, we ask oh God, that you allow us to recognize that OMEGA is an eternal quest; and therefore, all OMEGA MEN are linked by a mutual sense of relativity of purpose and action, requiring us to structure our behavior so that no criticism is levied on OMEGA. As the African proverb states: I am because WE ARE; and because WE ARE, therefore I am. We ask these blessings in honor of our collective ancestors. In particular, we ask in the name of JUST, COOPER, COLEMAN, and LOVE, founders of our beloved organization, the OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY, INCORPORATED. Amen.
Gary L. Flowers (2-83-LZ)
From 100% black stallion
to vanilla ice cream cone,
the phenomenal black woman
shall not bear the throne alone.
There's a new stranger in town
that has society on a roll.
Lookout! It's the phenomenal man
who's rising and taking control.
It's the suave motion in his walk
that you ladies mistook for a twist.
A phenomenal man he is
'cause he's there at your every wish.
It's that diploma or that degree
you mistook for a crack pipe,
erasing the wounds of a bitter history
and adding the soothes of a clean wipe.
Are black males extinct?
In this society that's a lie
'cause in every city in our world
black phenomenal men shall rise.
From Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
to the brothers of Omega Psi Phi,
from the peace of Phi Beta Sigma
to the canes of Kappa Alpha Psi,
from the campus of Howard University
to the pride of Texas A & M,
from the rugged street of Krenshaw
to the rugged streets of Harlem.
Phenomenal men roam God's green Earth
so ladies look as you wish.
You may cross over to other races
but black is always the main dish.
Phenomenal men are making a comeback,
just you wait and see.
From being the white man's burden
to being a black man with a degree.
It's the broad shoulders on his body
that support a level head.
Extinct? I think not!
Phenomenal men are never dead.
It's the boom in his voice,
the piercing glare in his eyes.
It's the persistent motion of his success
'cause phenominal men are determined to rise.
There's a new stranger in town
that has society on a roll.
Lookout ladies! It's the phenomenal man,
there to help you rise and take control!
From the plantation to the corporation,
phenomenal men show their faces.
From purgatory to the laboratory,
phenomenal men come in all races.
But it's the black phenomenal man
that's triumphing over all.
Rising from the word "colored"
that was printed on the wall.
As God is my witness,
we black men shall prevail.
Making a mighty grand entrance
in which everyone shall hail.
There's a new stranger in town
that has society on a roll.
Stand up and give props to the black phenomenal man,
here to rise and take control.
LeVoir N. Lewis
of the greatest stories that was ever told
The founding of the Royal Purple and Old Gold
Four great young Men who couldn't have had a way to know
That their fledgling fraternity would grow and grow
What they started at Howard has not yet ceased
A tenacious dog was unchained, a great power unleashed
great Men have followed them since they created this Wonder
Consisting of Omega Men, Que Dawgs, or, put simply, Sons of Blood and Thunder
Our mission is to cure the World's ills with our deeds
Fight poverty, homelessness, illiteracy-- whatever your needs
Our strength lies not in number, but in true brotherhood
Warm bodies are useless, they do our cause no good
the path to earn This may be quite rough,
We can't make you Men but Real Men do make Us
Don't seek to gain entrance by using th back door
Were Just, Love, Cooper, and Coleman at this
moment alive
We hope they'd be pleased that their creation has survived
We pledged to make This stronger, never surrender, always Persevere
There's not a wrong we wouldn't right for our Omega Dear
Marcus A. Johnson
UNKNOWN (not sure if the following is true)
In ancient Egypt only a select few were chosen to learn the rights of the dead. These were the ones who wrote with hieroglyphs and taught and buried the pharaohs. There were test that the chosen most go through in order to do this. In turn, in death there were stages that the dead must pass through in order to get to the other world. Remember the Egyptians believed that your body and possessions went with you, hence the elaborate burial rites and tombs (pyramids for Pharaohs, their wives and children).
1.. Your guide across the desert and through your trials was the light of the moon and the stars. Represented by the crescent moon or Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. If you followed this it would take you where you needed to go. Horus - "High, Above" The falcon-god of the sun & the pharaohs.
2.. You must cross the desert to come to the place of testing -i.e. crossing the burning sands - which was nature which is said to represent Alpha Kappa Alpha. Remember the Ivy - the Egyptian Goddess would be Qetesh: A Semetic nature goddess worshipped in Egypt or in the Book of the Dead Sekhmet -- Re created her as a weapon of vengeance to destroy men for their wicked ways and disobedience to him.
3.. After crossing the desert the first thing you would come upon was the Sphinx the guardian of the tomb or pyramid - which obviously would represent Alpha Phi Alpha. You needed to solve the riddle of the Sphinx to pass.
4.. The vessel for your passage, the Pyramid. Which of course was taken to represent Delta Sigma Theta. Their Greek representation in Minerva and the Egyptian equivalent is said to be Isis "the Throne", the goddess of magic & widow of Osiris or Satet "One Who Shoots (Arrows)", the Elephantine goddess of the Nile floods & fertility.. You enter the Pyramid where the rest of your journey is shroud in secrecy.
5.. You must learn. Your lessons were given to you on a scroll. Which is said to represent Kappa Alpha Psi. The god was Thoth "Leader" The ibis-god of wisdom, writing & the moon.
6.. Bastet - "Devouring Lady" The cat-goddess of the home & sunlight. According to one myth, she was the personification of the soul of Isis. She was also called the "Lady of the East". As such, her counterpart as "Lady of the West" was Sekhmet. Said to be a representation of Zeta Phi Beta and the testing of the soul of the dead.
7.. After you had learned all you needed to learn and prove your worthiness to Bastet, now came the ultimate test. Remember that the major organs were removed during mummification. At this point you presented your heart to Maat - which as I mentioned before is said to represent Sigma Gamma Rho. Maat measured your heart against the feather on her scales. If your heart weighed more than the feather you could not proceed on to the afterlife.
8.. Finally, you met Anubis "the Royal Child" the jackal-god of mummification & embalming. Having the head of a jackal (a type of dog) he is said to represent Omega Psi Phi. He assisted in the rites by which a dead man was admitted to the underworld. Anubis was worshipped as the inventor of embalming and who embalmed the dead Osiris and thereby helping to preserve him that he might live again. It is said that the final test given by Anubis were physical.
Author Unknown