Computer Capers

  Well, I often find myself in interesting situations in chat rooms. I have changed the names of the victims *achem* other chatters to keep them safe. BTW. None of this is real. It is just for a laugh.



Calamari: Hey does anyone know how to break into Marvel's head office?
Gregory123: As an artist?
Calamari: No. As a burgaler. I spent all my money on Overpower Cards now I want it back.
Gregory123: I bet you got a lot of enjoyment outta those Overpower Cards, didn't you?
Calamari: Well....yes I did.
Gregory123: Then why do you want to steal your money back?
Calamari: YOUR RIGHT! I am going to send them my last quarter. Will you join me?
Gregory123: No.
Calamari: Selfish Bastard.




Calamari: Hi!
Mike: I am a card dealer in the Edmonton Area. I have references.
Calamari: I am looking to sell a Wolverine Fighting Instinct special wrapped in tin foil.
Mike: You want to sell the special?
Calamari: No. The tin foil. I am asking for 25 cents.
Mike: Why would I want tin foil?
Calamari: I figure it has all sort of neat powers.
Mike: Will you throw in the special?
Calamari: Y'know. It is money-driven speculators like yourself that make this world a bad place to live.
Mike: Umm.....
Calamari: Y'know. I oughta beat you like a borrowed child.
Mike: Try me. I am a 26yr old 250lbs 6'4 mountain.
Calamari: Hey look over there! *runs away*