MEETING LOG - APRIL 29/2000 - LOGGED BY SQUALL * Kiersah throws his head back and howls, signaling the attention of the pack (i go call savagewlf..just a minute.) * SlvrTln looks at Kiersah * Dedalia walks towards Kiersah and sits looking up at him * SlvrBld looks up at Kier * KalikaWlf rests her paws on either side of Deda, and looks at Kier, tail about her haunches. * Kiersah smiles and lays his ears back (back, she's coming) Thank you all for taking time out of you busy wolfish schedules of sleeping, sniffing butts *looks at Kali* and eating... and climbing trees! * KalikaWlf snorts * Kiersah grins and the pup * SlvrTln snickers AND climbing trees... * StormWolf wuff grins * Dedalia smiles * SlvrBld chuckles *** Colargol ( has joined #Nighthowls * KalikaWlf scowls at SilverTalon and Kier, then returns to being attentive Its been quite awhile since I have seen some of you, I hope this doesn't become a habit. *** Colargol ( has left #Nighthowls *** Colargol ( has joined #Nighthowls *** Colargol ( has left #Nighthowls *** KalikaWlf sets mode: +b Colargol!* *** ChewToy sets mode: +b *!*newbie@* * KalikaWlf <> *** SavageWlf ( has joined #Nighthowls Today is a very special meeting, for we are welcoming two wolves into our family...SilverTalon...and...uhhh..*blinks* Will someone please wake Shrike? *** ChewToy sets mode: +o SavageWlf * KalikaWlf grins * Dedalia giggles * Kiersah shakes his head...anyways... * KalikaWlf stands and pads over to Shrike, ears still perked to Kier, she lowers to pounce him SilverTalon, will you please step forward to the speaking mound? * SlvrTln limps up to the mound * KalikaWlf gives Shrike a good pouncing, then pads back and sits beside Deda. * SlvrBld hmms slightly, watching Kier and Talon * KalikaWlf watches Kier and Silver, tail wrapped around her haunches again. * Dedalia grins more at her good friend Talon SilverTalon, due to your recent sacrifices made to the pack, i know i need not even bring up the meaning of loyalty. You have proved your loyalty and courage time and time again. Protecting the pack, that will today become your family. I welcome you, brave wolf, with perfect trust, into our pack. If anyone here should be against this...speak up now... Well.. * KalikaWlf grins, "No, just kidding." * SlvrBld blinks, the grins at Kalika * Kiersah supresses a grin * Dedalia giggles Well... * SavageWlf pads forward * Dedalia looks at Savage * SavageWlf pounces Talon and wags her tail * KalikaWlf perks, looking at Savage * Dedalia fwaps a pinecone at her bum * SlvrTln acks you may proceed. *grin* Then let it be my honor to be the first to welcome you into the pack.... * Kiersah throws his head back and howls * LoboWolf lifts his muzzle to the sky and lets out a long, deep howl in chorus with Kiersah. * SlvrTln smiles * SavageWlf howls as well, her head risiing * KalikaWlf howls, tilting her muzzle back * Dedalia does her lil owlowlloowowolwllwolwol thing * SlvrBld howls as deep as posible * StormWolf howls respectfully :) * Dedalia sounds likes she dieing or somethin (lol) * KalikaWlf stops howling and grins down at Deda *** ChewToy sets mode: +o SlvrTln * Dedalia coughs a bit and stops * KalikaWlf chuckles and slurps Deda * Dedalia acks and smiles * SlvrBld ahems, looking back to Kier * SlvrTln steps off the mound and nods to Kiersah standing next to Kali * Kiersah smiles and nods * Kiersah clears his throat brb) * KalikaWlf nuzzles Slvr, then looks at Kier * Dedalia hops on Talons back tuggin on his ear a bit then looks at Kier, sitting on Talon * SlvrTln rolls ontop of Deda and smiles Now, the next order of business i'd like to address concerns the numerous recent attacks made on the pack by lone wolves. * Dedalia acks * Dedalia snuggles under Talon and looks at Kier As many of you may know, we only have one Guardian right now, who can usually only be on at odd hours. <> <> The purpose of a Guardian is to protect the pack and clearing, at all costs. * StormWolf lays down with her head up, listening <> This is by no means an easy job, for a Guardian must be ever watchful and vigilant * SlvrBld At times the job may be a dangerous one. This pack has also had very tragic events occur while certain Guardians were being too lax...but that is in the past... <> * SlvrTln listens to Kier I would ask for volunteers for this job, and these volunteers would be observed by the pack for a period of a few days, after which time i suggest we put it to a vote, so that the pack may chose whom they will make the most effective guardians * Dedalia blinks tiredly getting sleepy..kinda bored.... * Kiersah glances about... Are there any volunteers? * SlvrTln nods * SlvrBld hmms and step forward * SlvrTln steps forward also * Dedalia falls on Talons left paw * Dedalia acks and gets walked over * KalikaWlf frowns abit and drags Deda away from the paws by her scruff * Dedalia growls at Talon * Kiersah nods to Talon and Blood," are any other wolves brave enough to take up the challenge?" Can i? * Kiersah smiles down at Deda "Maybe when your older...." * Kiersah wags his tail * SlvrTln nods * Dedalia giggles a lil and nods * SlvrTln smiles slightly at Blood * SlvrBld smiles You up for the challenge ? * SlvrBld nods back to Talon with a grin *** Shrikey ( has joined #Nighthowls *** KalikaWlf sets mode: +o Shrikey <> *** KalikaWlf sets mode: -o Shrikey Ok, Blood, Talon....there will be a small vote held in a couple of days on the matter. I am. * Dedalia (posts a big sign on Shrikeys back saying LATE with an arrow pointing down at her) <> * SlvrBld nods to Kier * Dedalia (:P) <> <> <> * Kiersah coughs *** sedat23m (yasmin@ has joined #Nighthowls Well, while my mate is doing....whatever it is she does.... * Dedalia lies down resting her head on her moms paw We'll come back to the Adopt-A-Wolf, because she's the expert on that (i'm making pizza, leame alone :P) (lol) (oooh, I's an expert) ..... -> *Kiersah* you want my desciption and pic...or should I go put em up myself...unless you changed the pass on the page ... ;) * KalikaWlf cocks her head *** sedat23m (yasmin@ has left #Nighthowls I wanna go climb trees, tell her to hurry up! Anyways, I know many of you were here the last time when i brought up the idea of everyone writing a shirt story about their wolves. But i believe some of you were not, and since I'd really like to try it out (i think it'd give the characters more substance) i'm bringing it up again. * Dedalia (erps and remembers bout that) Basically the story can be about, but DEFINIATELY not limited to (lest it get boring) the origin of your wolf, and how they came to be with the pack. Or it can just be a particular happening that is important to your wolf. I'd really like for everyone to try it out, it can't hurt. It might even be the family tree Kalika and i pieced together * KalikaWlf nodsnods *** Angelis (Matrix@ has joined #Nighthowls And once everyone is done, i'll post the short stories to the list serve for everyone to criticize and laugh at...uhhh i mean read list serv? ugh....not enough sleep I meant the web page. * SavageWlf griggles what'd I miss? The other two topics i wish to discuss are the bot and exactly how its pathetic existance is being improved and the Adopt-a-wolf. But since Savage is making pizza and Blood is afk for a moment, we'll come back to that i am not making pizza So i'll take the last part of the meeting and move it here... now im eating it! :P *** ChewToy sets mode: +v Shrikey Is there anyone here who has anything to add? Any concerns or comments for the pack or how to make it better? It'd be a great help if you have anything you'd like to say...because i'm not a mind reader, although i pretend to be < <> Um...we should have Tree Climbers! To scout for emmamies! * Kiersah blinks and looks at Deda... << I have a concern, but it's more about the server>> * Kiersah chuckles... * Dedalia giggles and smiles <> for it>> * KalikaWlf grins abit * SlvrBld steps up the Kier I have one * Kiersah steps aside giving him room -> *SlvrTln* do you have a pic/description for ur wolf? * Angelis sits back and listens * SlvrBld walks up on the mound * Kiersah perks and gives Blood his fill attention full even Ok, the recent attacks made by the lone wolves are gettin' out of hand. In my leaving, I've fount an exact replica of our clearin', 'cept for the den and all * KalikaWlf looks at SB . . . Where... *perking* go bye bye? * Dedalia wimpers * Dedalia buries her head in her paws not liking this It's fairly safe, and the <>'s a little better as is the <><> * KalikaWlf nuzzles Deda Are you mentioning our clearing or this other one? The other. I dun wanna leave my fort... * SlvrBld looks at Deda "Fort?" * Dedalia looks up towards the trees wheres shes built a lil fort of pine cones brances and other stuff * Dedalia nods * Angelis puts her head on her paws as she lies down and watches the grownups have discussions * Kiersah hmmms... * SlvrBld follows her eyes, then smiles at the fort *branches Pretty. Tell us more about the advantages of us moving, Blood, besides the lone wolf threat ::the fort is a lil hard to see but can be seen by a group of branches, sorta like a sideways nest :: ::its like 12 feet up e,e:: * Angelis groans at the fact that she's gotta have two mircs open if you move... (oh don't sweat it dear...i have 5 open on a regular basis) << I have a crappy comp!! >> << going at 133 mHz... you'd think my computer crashes often... which it does >> (my comp sucks even more. ask storm :P) Well, the services are easier. Plus with me being an IRCop there, and you all being able to better voice you're opinions << I have other things to do too >> (What server is this?) << like having 5 IEs open at the same time next to this mirc >> )There's yer prollem dodo :P) <> (yer an irc op here?) (MY STORY IS DONE!) (oh..) < >> (*fwaps her head*) (okay... I IRCOp there too so :P) <> Anything else you'd like to add, Blood? Not really, it's more of an opinion, not a request. I have something to ad Yea? Then do so... we tried moving the pack.. but the network crashed for a bit. and in that time most of you joined up here. And we haven't continued pursuit of the move since. (we haven't neeeded to) but we always can move if we do need to << brb >> * SlvrBld nods *** arkadas_ (~ned@ has joined #Nighthowls Well, still, this is something that should be put to a vote i think So... hiii Just an opinion, just take it into consideration Everyone PM me, and let me know, stay here or move to NightStar? *** arkadas_ was kicked by KalikaWlf (Not a chat channel.) arkadas_, Welcome to our clearing. We are a role Play Wolf pack with no magical or shape shifting abilities. You are welcome to join us, but please as a wolf, or join #wolfshine as the off topic channel. *** arkadas_ (~ned@ has joined #Nighthowls arkadas_, Welcome to our clearing. We are a role Play Wolf pack with no magical or shape shifting abilities. You are welcome to join us, but please as a wolf, or join #wolfshine as the off topic channel. hiii <> Kiersah, now isn't the time to vote for it. we don't have much need right now. OK, now, don't all flood me with PMs at once We were going to originally move to gain members. * Kiersah glances at Savage... which, i left you alone for one night, and i come back and the pack is flooded with activity *** Angelis has quit IRC (Hoping is a waste of effort and time, just go relax... and take the time to enjoy the crisis.) * KalikaWlf hrms and watches the two, keeping quiet. * Dedalia snores * SlvrBld remembers the wolf rpg that wasran there on NS fer a bit (my mom wants me to get off...) <> ( bbl! ) <> *** Dedalia has quit IRC (Leaving) (brb) * Kiersah stands and looks at SilverBlood * SlvrBld looks back to Kier, walking from the mound, being done *** arkadas_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout for arkadas_[]) I think your idea is one with merit, but since so many have voiced opposition to it, we'll stay here for now. But thanks for at least having the balls to stand up and say something. * SlvrBld nods and the concern... * Kiersah sighs *** SlvrBld is now known as SlvrBlood A few concerns have been expressed recently about the bot, and how bad it sucks. Chew or Lobo? I would like to say, that at least we have one now, and thanks to the diligent work of SilverBlood, it will soon be in full working order Lobo Ah *** arkadas_ (~ned@ has joined #Nighthowls He is working on it, but it may take awhile, so please bare with us. (back) * Kiersah looks at Savage... *** ChewToy sets mode: +m * SavageWlf perks * StormWolf rolls over on her back then back again on her belly If you have any ideas, tell me, I might try it Would you like to say something about the Adopt-a-wolf ? Ahh okay Adopt A Wolf * Kiersah nods to Blood by July we need money to start flowing into Wolfpark once again it's 125 dollars a year... and Miska is adopted under "Night Runners Wolf Pack" so guess what...that means, as a pack, we pay for it. When we first started, we had 10 people. 12.50 a year. that's not bad. but then three or four left... (btw for more info on Miska see ) and Kiersah and I had to pay the difference. Wolfpark was expecting 10 payments of 12.50 and got about 8 payments... 6 of 12.50 and two of over 30 each. -> *SavageWlf* speaking of wolf you have a list of who payed? and i got a little notice about that... and had to explain that, the pack that i thought was loyal, was't. * SlvrBlood nods slowly and,needless to say, it was embarassing * KalikaWlf scowls to herself, looking down at the sleeping Deda to hide it they don't do group adoptions like this where they accept payments from other states/countries. (as in, all at once) *** SlvrBlood is now known as SB-Loggin and i had to do some major butt kissing to get them to let us adopt Miska...only to have a few just shove my efforts in my face... I DO have a list of those who didn't pay.... and those won't EVER be able to pay again too risky So...i know i may sound harsh to all those here that DID pay... but you should be abl to see my feelings on it. *** arkadas_ has quit IRC (Write error, closing link) any comments. Yes. yes ? I suggest we get the e-mail addys of all those interested, and send the info along through those means...that way we can be sure we have everyone's attention. And that way everyone has a copy of the guidelines, ect. so we can be clear on who owes what I can donate <<*writes it down*>> .... That's what we did last year And for themost part, it worked mostly but not all the ay I didn't know who was reading or not so if we do the email thing again, like last year you really think it would work better purely over IRC? When most are either idling or don't show? you will respond...tell me when you sent the payments... and such. *** Angelis (Matrix@ has joined #Nighthowls -> *Angelis* wb! * StormWolf cocks her head i will request a continued year of monitoring from them (so i know who is immediately going to be killed for our next meal) (heh) * KalikaWlf frowns and lays down. * Kiersah pads over to his sister and lays beside her Hm... Right.. So who all is interested in participating? any other comments? (yes, i'm touchy about this because i was embarassed when i gotnotices that people hadn't paid) I'll do it again... yeah I'm in You have my addy yep (:P gt) (g) (bye bye) <> <> Ok, 5 so far counting Savage and myself * StormWolf walks away,knowing she probably didn't show how much she loves the world... did you get storm on that list kier? um do now have her e-mail addy please? *** StormWolf has quit IRC (GRINS ALL AROUND!) Ok, so it would be roughly 21 dollars each how many people? 6? Anyone else care to make that a lower amount by helping out? Yes. I can send extra, if need be.. Nah Kali, thank you though * KalikaWlf nods and rests her head on her paws. *** Angelis (Matrix@ has left #Nighthowls OK, thanks guys. I have ya on the list now Oh wait....Ozymandias will contribute e-mail addy? OK, that brings us to $18 roughly Not bad. yup three more an it'll be even 12.50 <> Well, if anyone else decides you'd like to chip in, you all know my e-mail address (And I'll talk with Stpn when he wakes up) * KalikaWlf sits up (hey, if we get 20 ppl...6.25 i like that number *G*) (and 25 would make it 5 dollars.) OK * Kiersah sits up (hey, and 50 would make it 2.50! *G*) <> *** KalikaWlf has quit IRC (Oy.) Before i call this meeting to a close, i'd like to thank Kalika, for busting her ass with me to make this all possible, SilverBlood, for busting his ass to make the bot work, and Squall who is helping me with the webpage as we speak They are also helping me maintian my sanity wait...wait...wait... you actually have some sanity left? shreds...fine shreds... ok * Kiersah howls once more, welcoming the new members to the pack END MEETING LOG