Ranks of the Order of Baaton
Having found your way into the courtyard of the rather large temple, you notice the formations of the knights are near perfect, ten men long and ten men wide - all in perfect intervals of one another. You come to realize this must be how they are aligned during a ceremony, the semblance to the discipline of a knighthood obvious in the demeanor of the supplicants and masters seen. But something bothers you about it all: the different symbols and such on their uniforms must indicate something, but what? A young elf, fairly tall, somewhat charismatic in his stature, appears beside you with his hands clasped behind his back; and you find yourself looking to his sabres with an interest. Finally, you work up your courage and ask the elven warrior what all of the symbols mean. He tells you merely ranks. And then proceeds to tell how they fall in the order of things....

Rank is an important part of any military organization, as it is through ranks and by ranks that orders are given and duties are carried out. This is no different in the Order of Baaton as it is in other knighthoods, guilds, or clans.

All members of the Order of Baaton Knights begin at the appropriate level of supplicant, a title that merely denotes a person's interest in the Order. Most training from a member is received at this ranking and upon completion of the initial training in the Code and Vision of the Order, as decided by the master or teacher over the supplicant, the character-in-training will then attain a minimum status of Follower. All other ranking is decided by the Council of Lords or the respected commanders of each facet if a position needs filling during times of military mobilization.


Sovereign of the Baaton
Being the single leader of the Baaton Knights, the Sovereign will perform all tasks necessary to keep the Order afloat. He or she will oversee all workings of the Order, and create policy as seen fit in order to maintain law within the Baaton both on and off the field of battle.
The Imperators are the chief commanders of the Baaton, men of great faith who are well-reknown and lead their own imperial legions of knights in all things while serving to protect the interests of the Order. Often, the Imperator will be found creating policy alongside the Sovereign, which makes their role a bit more political than lesser commands. There will never be more than two in service at one time. Currently the Knight General and the Knight Admiral are serving this function.
Grand Lord of the Baaton
Grand Lords of the Baaton, men and women of great faith who are well-reknown and lead their own standard legions of knights in all things while serving to protect the interests of the Order. Only four will ever exist at one time.

Lord Consul of the Order
Few knights are so sensitive to the will of the Sovereign and of Gamori to attain the rank of consul and the command of a division. Those that do are the pinnacle of the fighting Baaton, skilled in both spiritual and military affairs.
Lord Protector of the Sword
A Protector commands a battalion of knights, the glory of the Baaton military. These great men and women are responsible for the greater battles of the Order and on their shoulders rests its success or failure on the field of battle.

Arbiter of the Code
The Arbitrator is the judge, jury, and executioner. Enforcing the Baaton's Code and resolving disputes amongst its members, the Arbitrator wields a great deal of power and influence. Unlike other ranks throughout the Order, the Arbitrator answers only to the Sovereign. Thus, they are selected from only the most dedicated of soldiers.
The Archivists are a separate part of the Order all their own. They are not combatants, nor are they soldiers by a technical definition. Rather, the Archivist is the one who records the history of the Order as it happens. The knowledge of the present in the future rests solely upon their shoulders... and in their ink pots. Keep in mind, the archivists are not subordinates to field ranked knights; they follow the Sovereign, the Imperator, and the Council of Lords alone. On the other hand, nor can they issue orders.

Colnar of the Sword
Colnars are knights with a warrior’s heart who assist the Lord Protector in their duties. Those who distinguish themselves may earn a Lord’s mantle themselves. In addition, a Colnar is responsible for making sure the facet’s table of organization is full. Unlike Sardukaurs, the specialized nature of a colnar’s duty means that many who hold this rank persist in it for their careers.
A Sardukaur is given field command of a company and entrusted by his colnar to oversee some larger objective in a battle. They "cleanse" the field of foes of the Order.
These are young officers. By assisting a veteran Sardukaur in administrative and combat duties, they gain valuable experience against the day when they command their own platoons of knights.
Commanders of a squad and the only noncommissioned officer rank in the Baaton chain of command. They are given a great deal of leniency in the way of completing their assigned objectives.
A Corporal who has received specialized training in some area of warfare such as communications, survival, field maintenance, or heavy weapons. The time and expense of their training is reflected in the often intense competition for adepts among the knights of the Order. Baaton intelligence operatives often receive such training in multiple areas.
The fighting heart of the Order. Corporals are the backbone of all forces to the Knight Order. Along with Sergeants and Acolytes, these valorous men and women are often valuable wells of wisdom and experience for squires to draw upon.
These men and women have proven their devotion by completing their initial training and doctrine process but have not been tempered in their first battle.
Simply the recruits to the Order who are being mentored at present for induction as a Baaton Knight.

     The different facets of magi, fighters, and clerics are responsible for different abilities and use different proficiencies, as well as they are made of different classes of characters and essentially use different weapons. This is done to better develop and hopefully train an initiate to become not only a better role-player, but to also give the initiate some insight to the things that make a mage a mage and a fighter a fighter while allowing all classes to be equals of one another through respective levels. Under no circumstance is it meant to undermine an initiate in any way.
