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Sleepless in Fulham: Rambling and gambling by David Young
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Laak of Enthusiam
Topic: Poker

Happy New Year! Oh dear - my first post of 2010 and it's mid-June! Facebook-led inertia strikes again. I've been woken out of my slumber by a reply to a post I made nearly four years ago, concerning Phil Laak. Back in September 2006 I wrote this:

and today, someone purporting to be the man himself has replied to tell me that Phil is now 'the bomb' since breaking the record for poker endurance by playing a 115 hour session at the Bellagio. I'm equally impressed and revolted. It can't be healthy. But well done anyway.

What's amazed me about this is that someone, possibly Laak himself, has bothered to comment on a 4 year-old post made on an obscure blog that hasn't had a fresh entry for six months! When I got the notification, it took me about twenty minutes to find the original. I'm curious whether someone bookmarked the original post at the time and waited until now to reply. Or whether Phil employs someone to trawl the internet looking for comments about him. I must ask him when I see him again. I say "again", because I've since met the man and his girlfriend Jennifer Tilly and found them both thoroughly charming. If you're reading this Phil (which I doubt), I once gave you, Jennifer and Neil Channing a ride back to the Metropole hotel from the Vic.

Anyway, apologies again for the lack of posts. I really do believe that Facebook, and perhaps Twitter too, are killing blogs like this. Andy Ward and Roger Kirkham are finding the same thing. It's hard to summon the enthusiasm to post a blog entry when these social network sites are so much more convenient for small messages that don't require long elaboration.

Friday, 11 June 2010 - 2:18 AM BST

Name: "Hal"

Laak comes across as un utter twat on telly, remember seeing him going off on telly in one of these silly high-roller games. Some other guys said "shit" or something similar and Laak went ballistic. 

When asked why he claimed it was because his (Laak's) mother did not like swearing. What a gent - send him down the Tate to see Rude Britannia.

But well done to him for staying awake that long. Pointless, but well done. 

Friday, 11 June 2010 - 3:19 PM BST

Name: "David Young"

It does seem a bit rich for someone who's chosen to be named after a terrorist to worry about causing offence. The original 'unabomber' killed three people!

Saturday, 19 June 2010 - 9:05 PM BST

Name: "anonymous"

And injured a few....


Quite an interesting character I must add.

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