brain cells killed so far! 

SiteInspector Approved

AD 7-10-1999 -
   New p17 site And I must say so myself, should be jeolous! The interface to this site is so awesome! I'm considering converting the entire site to a PERL script. It'd be much easier to mannage.

AD 6-18-1999 -
   Ok, so the site was supposed to be on, but after many problems with them, and my ISP, I've decided to move my site to tripod! In other news, I just recently formated my Syquest removable harddrive on accident. Problem was, that's where all of my MP3's were at! ACK! I had at least 200MB of MP3's. Ohh well. t, out.

AD 5-31-1999 -
   Eeek! This page is so old, Jesus signed the guest book! Well, things have been strange lately. My ISP screwed over my e-mail, so I couldn't contact J or Klokwerk, and they couldn't contact me. I finally switched ISP's, and my e-mail now works. Same e-mail addy (I love aliasing) so if you e-mailed me, and I didn't get it, please resend! Ultra is on the way. I got word p17 finished it, and're just waitin, I guess. I'll try to update the graphics too pretty soon, if I can get linux up and running since that's where I have The GIMP. Soon as I get a copy of Ultra I'll have reviews fer ya! I'm currently d/ling the mp3s, the Diversion remix kicks! Come back same Plan Time, same Plan Channel!

AD 2-28-1999 -
   I just found out that the rest of the page wasn't updated to the new color scheme... Why didn't ya guys tell me!? :) Ohh well. I see no changes; all I see is racists faces (--Tupac)

AD 1-3-1999 -
   Happy new year, everyone! As you can plainly see, I've completly redone the page layout. Like the graphics? I made'em myself. Anyways. Not much more news.

AD 12-9-1998 -
   And time passes... Yes, I know I' haven't updated in a while. I've been -very- busy, and I had several problems that've prohibited my from updating. But here it is. You might notice the new banner. Yes, I am a Libertarian - one that believes in self-government, and the fact that the government is there to protect, not control. Anyways, I'm off to the wonderful world of chaos.

AD 10-28-1998 -
   I'm going to be opening a listener art page where people who like Plan XVII can submit artwork. Graphics, sketches, whatever. E-mail it to me

AD 10-24-1998 -
   Ok... I fixed the page -again-. It seams My first fix didn't do a thing. Here it is. Also, I am joining the Plan XVII rep program. If you like p17 music, join the rep program and help them out!
-- Telemakhos out.

AD 10-20-1998 -
   Whew! I finnally updated! It's been a month! Any ways... I found a problem with the layout: on smaller resolutions the black line in the middle goes through the words... I hope this fixes it, sorry for the wait, et al.

AD 9-22-1998 -
   Enigma Machine releaced! Soon to come, a review of both EM, and Diversion EP!

AD 9-19-1998 -
   I redid the site design. Tell me what you think. I need feedback. :)

AD 9-17-1998 -
   I added the Plan XVII Mailing List. Check the bottom of this page to join. P-17 has redone thier page! Check it!

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