A Note From Beige: Hope is the belief that if you take the leap, you will learn how to fly. Love is when you find the person to take the leap with you. For me, being a Pagan is a large part of learning how to fly.

Having said that, the following pages are emotional outbursts that I created when extremely ticked and trying to calm myself with raspberry vodka. Though they are entertaining, they are also highly opinionated and extremely rude. Take the warnings seriously, they are extremely angry work. Please do not email me about how much you hate these pieces if you do. In the light of day, I cannot believe I wrote them; but in the darker corners of the night..........well, best we don't go there. You either understand or you do not.

"Just because most people get their introduction to Paganism from RPG's does not mean we have to portray ourselves according to their (censored) fantasies. Pagans are real people, with real lives, and real concerns. We are nice people when it is time to be nice, but watch out for us when it is time to not be nice." (Excerpt from a 1994 interview)

Some of Beige's past articles have been the subject of hate and smear campaigns due to her outspoken nature. Her views on many of the fallacies of Paganism are well known. For those that have never seen her column, we have a couple of cautionss.
Beige's Rages is an ongoing series of columns that is designed to make you think, but are not designed to be agreeable. Her combination of satire and sarcasm are designed to make you look at the issues she discusses in a new manner. At least once you will find something in these columns offensive (maybe even more than once). The opinions expressed in these columns are NOT the opinions of WWPN and sometimes are not even the opinions of Beige herself. She is well known for taking the opinion pieces of other writers and ripping them to shreds with their own logic as well as writing from a viewpoint that is "the opposite of everything." Some of her language may be questionable, and her ideas definitely go against the Pagan status quo, but love her or hate her, she is going to make you think.

For those that are thin skinned GO NO FARTHER!!!!!  For the rest, sit back and enjoy the Rages.

Table Of Contents
Fluffy Bunnies
How To Use A Search Engine
Public Education
Roundhouse Jab At Pagan Rights
Stir Or Get Off The Cauldron
To Ride A Pewter Chatroom

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