Starweaver's Online Book Of Shadows: Magickal Cleansing

Magickal Cleansing

There are a number of ways to do magickal cleansings of areas. I do them before a ritual or if I'm simply cleansing an area to get rid of negativity. If there has, for instance, been violence or extreme hostility, I will often cleanse an area. I cleanse a home I am moving into no matter what.

Probably the easiest way I have found to do a simple cleansing is the following: Get a broom. I use a 3 inch broom I purchased at Joanne's fabrics. It works every bit as well as any other broom and is a whole lot easier to hold. (smile)

Stand in the middle of the area you wish to cleanse. Make sure you have as much open space as possible so you don't end up tripping or falling. Make sure there is a door or window that is unlocked so you can easily shove the negative energy out. Briefly ground and center. Hold the broom out in front of you in both hands (or in my case, between the thumb and forefingers of both hands). I face south, but I'm not sure using a different cardinal direction would present any problems. (smile)

Close your eyes and feel the energies in the room. You will be moving clockwise (widdershins). Allow the broom to dip into the energy in the room and move it ever so slightly into a widdershins rotation. At this point, don't be surprised if the broom almost leaps from your hand or begins dragging you around the room in ever widening circles - much faster than you want to go. Don't drop the broom or you'll have to start over again. The broom will gather the negative energy up as you're racing around (gasp! pant!).

When you have as much as you can get without careening into your sofa or climbing ontop your table, direct the energy to an unlocked door or window opening the exit and moving the energy outside. Shut the door or window firmly, locking it. Then inscribe it with a pentacle, rune, or other marking (you can simply trace it with your finger), sealing it against a return. Voila! Cleaned area.

However, if there was a significant problem here - someone was murdered in the room, there was extreme violence, etc. you might want to also cleanse and bless the room using the four elements. I also use this the first time I use an area for a circle.

One method for doing an in-depth cleansing of an area is to take a seashell and put fresh water in it. Put a bit of sea salt next to that. Get an incense cone or stick and a candle. Light the candle and let it burn for a moment or two. Add the salt to the water, saying something like: With an element of the earth I consecrate this water. Then light the incense using the candle flame saying something like: With the element of fire I consecrate the air.

If one wants to use a Wiccan construct of moving deosil (sunward) one would then move around the area first with the water - dipping one's fingers into it and sprinkling the area saying something like: With water and earth I cleanse and bless this area. Once the area is cleansed and blessed the incence is taken over the same path, wafting the smoke while saying something like: With fire and air I cleanse and bless this area.

I then dispose of the water and salt in running water and allow the incense to burn itself into ash that is disposed of on the ground. One might wish to invoke the Lord and Lady/God and Goddess (or whatever you wish) to bless your home, circle, room, (whatever). This can be as simple as: "Lord and Lady, bless and sanctify my home and keep it from further harm." Some feel that all ground is sacred ground and - to an extent - I agree with that. However, there are times I am happier having done a cleansing.

My former HPS would also recommend a physical cleaning of the area to get rid of clutter or dirt if you are going to use it for ritual. This can be as simple as vacuuming the carpet or picking up a branch from the ground and moving it out of the circle.

Bright Blessings, Sierra SilverOwl

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