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Domestic Violence Links
To the Are you a Victim Page

This is a cause that is near to my heart. Having lived this lie, I never want to go back!
If you would like to read my story, please click here: My Story

Please click here: For what I have learned

There is hope! You are not alone!


Want to help?
Click HERE for a listing of State Coalitions provided by the
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Women's Resources on the NET

Domestic Violence Notepad
(Tons of excellent resources)

Domestic Violence Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
(provided by the Palidan Group)

Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence

Women's Rural Advocacy Programs

Women's Coalition of St. Croix

Multnomah County Domestic Violence Resource Manual

Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre

Domestic Violence Project of Santa Clara County

Community Outreach Health Information System

Communities Against Violence Network

Infoline - LA

DVShelter Tour

Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Inc.

Don't delay, one minute could save your life!


1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

Email me!