An Attempt

Well... this, as most of my friends would know, is my first sorry attempt at a web page. I have no idea what I plan to do with it, if anything, but essentially, it's here because I hate going to Cmoye1's page, and seeing only an e-mail address with no link next to my name. I feel left out. So... without further ado, here's me.

The Dave

The Dave is just one of my many colorful nicknames. I've also gone by just Dave, Dav, Comrade, Tovarisch (the Russian for "comrade"), Tovi, the Propaganda Man, Herr Moore, and many others. Most of these were acquired while I was still in high school, which also happened to coincide with the time I was a devout believer in Communism. I've become a lot more conservative since I've gotten to college... now I'm a mainstream Democrat, though I still think the party has gone too moderate. Anyway.. I went to high school at Hunterdon Central RHS in Flemington, NJ, for those of you who care to know, and decided early on, that my one goal in life was to get out of that God-forsaken state. So I came to the University of Maryland. Go Terps! There are essentially two universal activities here at U of M: Feeling bad about the football team, and waiting for basketball season. That's it. Otherwise, life just consists of sitting in our rooms waiting for Something to happen. Which it never does. Something has been the biggest disappointment of my college career thus far. A lot of my friends here major in some science or other. This works well for me, since science majors spend all their time in their rooms with all their neat science gadgets, waiting for government majors like me to come along and take advantage of them. I'll tell you more about these folks later. They're really a decent bunch. Anyway.. I've babbled enough for this page... Let's see if I can't figure out how to do other stuff...

See? I've got one of these cute little counter things too! Wow. So few people out there who love me.

Friends! I've got Friends!

The Labyrinth: This is the home of the love of my life, Sara Foglesong.
The CMoye1 Pages!: Probably my best friend in the world, with the exception of the afore-mentioned Sara, Chris "CMoye1" Moyer
Phil Vogel: My best friend from Maryland, which is odd because he lives only half an hour away from me in NJ
Bryan Littel: One of the best personal web pages I've ever seen... it's worth going to
KJ's (lucky if you find it) Homepage: Another friend... gosh I've got so many :)
Matt Steele: Informative, Innovative... Odd...
Chris Dymek: A good, if quirky, friend of mine
The Site Formerly Known As Steve's Crappy Site: Steve Riedmueller.. he can be a frightening man.
L.C. Crotsley: I've got some poetry on her page.. go check it out
John Jung: Another friend from Maryland... He -Finally- updated his page!!!
Ronda Russell: Ronda's cool. that's all there is to say about her. :)
Donna Russell: No relation to Ronda, but equally cool.
Tracy's Land of Moosh: Tracy Schmid.. another of Dave's oddball arrangement of friends
Gretchen's Piece of the Web: Gretchen Dietze is a good friend from Del Val, but we won't hold that against her

Next page: More Davalicious stuff!
Go back: First Page
Skip to: Obligatory Friends Page
Skip to: Sports Page
Skip to: The Page of Things Scottish
Skip to: Bitch out UM Dining!
Skip to: Writings
Skip to: A small tribute to Sean Connery
Skip to: Survey o' the Dave
Skip to: Ode to New Joisey

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