Look around the latest site -
Really much of the same stuff but in a new format.
Go to Facebook and join in -- then join the Ware High 1969 group. It's a place to share photos, stories and to just catch up with each other!
Welcome to our latest web site.
Please be sure to send your latest email and mailing addresses to Paul and to Phil to keep the site updated
We're just getting better, like a fine wine...
Oh, and I'll be glad to take new photos from you for "then and now". :-)
Go to "Other stuff" to see some video!
New: We have a Snapfish "group room" where we can all upload and view photos and videos. Put reunion stuff there, but
share other things as well!
If you have not received an invitation to join it please send Paul an email now! You have to sign up to
use it.