Can the most Deadly Cancer be Prevented by Fasting?
Can Fasting cure some cancers?
Compare and Contract Homeopathy, Auto-immuneurine Therapy (AUT) and the Blood
Type Diet.
Defensive living. The goal of health care is to find ways to improve human health, for the greatest number of people. At the least cost. The ideal goal is for the average person to live to age 100 and be able to walk, think, talk and function to care for themselves. Gilgamesh is an ancient story of the human search for good health and longevity. Stone tables document this story as being real. (19) An even older story is the story of Shiva. And ancient original bamboo scroll, which were recently found, documents this history as also being real. (3) pg 105.
Right now, in 2010, every family, every person and every government in the world is facing massive health care costs. What if there was a health care system that was free? Free is good. This health system is available right now today. As soon as you finish reading this book, you will instantly be able to access this free health care system. Once you understand, it does
not matter if you are lost in the jungle, lost in a city or in the biggest prison, you will have instant access to this free system. Right now.
Free would allow governments to provide the health care all their people need. This is my proposal to provide a free health care system for every person in the world today based on what I have read and experienced in the past 40 years.
There is no one magic bullet to prevent disease. If we look at the main forms of medicine in the world today: Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurvedic, Allopathy, Chiropractic, Herbology, Psychology and folk medicine, we see they all have something valuable to offer. If you have a back ache, is the pain caused by a bad fall from a bus, or a diet lacking selenium (scoliosis ), that was triggered by the fall, or some unknown cause? Or maybe all three. That is why a doctor has to have the ability to evaluate the problems from all possible points of view. For that reasons, doctors are better off referring patients to several experts in different fields.
Chapter I How Does Homeopathy Work?
Homeopathy is a form of medicine that uses the smallest amount of an active medical substance, bodily fluid, herb, insect or drug possible, to produce the same effect, or symptom, as a large dose of a drug would cause. This means there is less damage to the patient’s liver. Liver cancer, caused by use of over-the-counter drugs is now a major cause of death in the US.(5 ) Pharmaceutical drugs flushed out of our bodies and down our toilets are now a major source of pollution in the oceans. Prozac is now being reported to be causing shrimp to loose normal mental functions, so they seek light and so swim to the surface of the ocean and so to their death. (6) (NPR radio 8-8-10) And less use of drugs means less damage to the shrimp and all life forms in the oceans.
Homeopathy is based on the idea that like cures like. Example, by putting, a 30c homeopathic remedy of sulfur into a patient, that may trigger a certain response of the bodies immune system to rev up to fight the sulfur. The bodies immune system is designed to fight foreign invaders. A 30c of sulfur may be seen as a foreign object is some types of people, who have certain conditions. So now the immune system has been programed to attack the sulfur, and any disease that has the same symptoms as the as the sulfur causes. Does this make sense? In other words, if you give an elemental sulfur compound to a healthy person, what symptoms will the sulfur cause? Doctor Hanamann figured out about 200 years ago, that if a healthy person can be purposely made sick, so they develop the same symptoms that a sick person has, by using a certain substance, like mineral sulfur, then that same substance: be it a drug, minerals, tissue or bodily secretions, would probably cause the body to heal itself. Their testing of this theory, “Provings” over the last 200 years has shown to be correct. This is the theory of homeopathy, and it works most of the time.
Homeopaths take a tiny amount of a drug or minerals and put it in a liter of water. They pound or shake the bottle a certain number of times, say 1,000 times on a leather pad. The dilution is repeated many times Then they take one drop from the final liter and put it on a lactose pill. This pill is given to a patient with a certain set of symptoms, based on a 200 year old set of case studies of similar symptoms.
Homeopathy works to treat symptoms with tiny amounts of substances containing a somewhat unknown and mysterious “Vital Force energy” created thru many dilution's. We know it is more than the power of suggestion, because it works on animals too.
Homeopathy is defined as working, “From the deep, to the surface. From the top to the bottom.” (2) The 3 stage normal course of healing observed by Hering, where symptoms disappear in reverse order from which they came.
When we are in the amniotic sac, we are just developing. Even in this state of being, one week after inception, we may be injured by what our mother experiences, ie., a car accident, or smokes, or drinks. The first part of the body that forms in the womb is the spine and the brain, the top and deepest parts of the body. Can such injuries by healed later in life? Maybe.
The healing crisis: Our feelings, our brain and spinal nerves get better first. Hering
says “When the physical symptoms get worse, (pain), and the psychological symptoms lessen,
we feel better emotionally, then healing is happening”.
Homeopathy uses human evaluation, case studies and diagnosis learned over hundreds of years, and passed down to the the next generation, to diagnosis and treat a disease. They do not use mere lab tests, machines or x-rays. The doctor asks about a hundred questions about how you feel. How you feel is the most important question. And then they decides which highly
dilute minerals or insect or bodily secretion, or highly dilute drug remedy, might work best. From the homeopathic perspective, symptoms are not the disease. Lab tests are not the disease. Symptoms accompany disease. Symptoms are evidence of a disease. Treating symptoms is like killing the messenger for bringing bad news. In fact, treating symptoms can suppress the body’s natural responses and inhibit the healing process.” (3) Cummings, pg 6.
Symptoms are like the dust clouds of an approaching army. Symptoms need to be read carefully. Most MDs try to hide the symptoms by making them go away. It is like dumping
chemical dispersals on a giant oil spill, causing the oil to sink to the bottom of the Gulf. “Look ma! No more oil in the Gulf!” The oil is still killing shrimp, but now it is invisible.
Symptoms are, our bodies of four armed forces working to defend itself against the stress: fever (body heat or a sauna to heal), refusing to eat (Fasting to heal), feeling sleepy (need for rest to heal) and pain (avoiding injury to heal). Symptoms are actually positive adaptive responses. From the heat created by the body and fired at the disease by the body, which we call fever. That is why many cultures (Finns, Japanese and Mongolians) take sauna baths once a week to prevent diseases by raising the body temperature artificially. Fever and heat fight disease.
There is a new form of Sauna developed in Portugal by Professor Serge Jurasaunas, using solar power and special sands from Japan that emits infrared in the range of 4-14 microns. The sand can betaken orally or the patient can be buried in the sand. The sand is heated daily by the sun & so holds heat for 72 hours, like a heat sink. He claims excellent results on removing
pesticides, cancer and arthritis.
This is a passive form of solar power that is now being built into new housing. (28)
Chinese medicine discovered 2,300 years ago that they could actually help the body attack the disease by moving heat from the hot parts of the body, to the cold parts, suffering from the infection, by using needles to push the heat alone lines of “nerves” of the body. Chinese doctors use needles to move heat along these invisible lines and so discovered the meridians of the body. New discoveries in the body are being made every day. Does homeopathy offer or use supplementation? What about sulfur? Here is a study that shows a patient who was deficient in sulfur, like MSM, and was treated with homeopathic sulfur.
How Dr. Andy Weil, MD, Discovered Homeopathy.
“On the day I went to my friend Dr. Greg Manteuffel’s homeopathic office, I had no pain. I recited my story to the doctor, precisely describing the symptoms. The questions went on for a very long time. Many of them seemed strange, certainly not the kinds of questions I was taught to ask patients as an allopathic doctor. For example: Are you a warm person or a cold person? What position do you sleep in? Do you like the fat part of the meat or the lean?
There were familiar questions about symptoms also, but Greg wanted to know all my symptoms, even the ones that seemed trivial to me and he did not seem to attach greater importance to those I though were the big ones, like my pain. He wanted to known all about the pain, but only from my subject point of view: its quality, duration, location, and so forth.
In my case the match was easily made, because elemental sulfur is a common and familiar homeopathic remedy that rapidly produces very clear symptoms.
The rest of the story is quickly told. I never was able to have my barium swallow, because the pain never returned, not once in the two years that thave passed since the time of my visits to a gastroenterologist and a homeopath. I have had no digestive or other serious problems and continue to avoid coffee and camphor.” (22)
Chapter II What is Amniotic Fluid?
Amniotic fluid is the fluid the baby floats in, inside the amniotic sac. The sac forms around the embryo from day one. As the embryo grows, it receive blood from the mother. As the embryo urinates out the surplus water into the sac the embryo is now swimming and living in its own urine for 9 months. The embryo drinks and breaths its own urine for 9 months. No wonder it is no valuable to drink as medicine for the brains, lungs and heart. Thus amniotic fluid is just your own urine, and it causes the sac to expand into your own hot tub. Your mothers blood continues to bring you water, proteins, hormones, anti neo plaston, minerals and vitamins. You then pee it out. What are you peeing out and drinking back in? Stem cells. In the early years of your growth, your cells are “plastic” in that any cell can become part of any organ. There are the much vaulted plurlipotent stem cells that all the medical community is researching today. Where is the free source of these stem cells? From the urine of pregnant women.
“Pluripotent stem cells. These are true stem cells, with the potential to make any differentiated cell in the body (but probably not those of the placenta which is derived from the trophoblast).

Three types of pluripotent stem cells occur naturally:
◦ Embryonic Stem (ES) Cells. These can be isolated from the inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocyst — the stage of embryonic development when implantation occurs. For humans, excess embryos produced during in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures are used. Harvesting ES cells from human blastocysts is controversial because it destroys the embryo, which could have been implanted to produce another baby (but often was simply going to be discarded).
◦ Embryonic Germ (EG) Cells. These can be isolated from the precursor to the gonads in aborted fetuses.
◦ Embryonic Carcinoma (EC) Cells. These can be isolated from teratocarcinomas, a tumor that occasionally occurs in a gonad of a fetus.
All three of these types of pluripotent stem cells can become any form of tissue.
◦ can only be isolated from embryonic or fetal tissue.” (30) -
Which is exactly where we are looking now in this paper. Your urine, especially the urine of a
pregnant woman would probably contain fragments of stem cells, making her urine most useful
for preventing cancer and many diseases.
Your urine now fills the sac you are in with your pee. You are now in your “fish” stage of growth. You are now floating in your own perfect “hot tub” of your own pee. You drink this fluid in, from day one. You also breath urine in to form your lungs, and so stem cells into your lungs, in your fish stage, and the urine causes your lung cells to develop, because of all the blood proteins, hormones, minerals vitamin and stem cells in the urine. You continue to recycle your urine daily for 9 months, drinking it, breathing it in and then peeing it out. A totally recycling process. Bet you didn’t know you were a born recycler did you? Recycling is good.
Researchers are still working with mice cells, while I have been working with human iPS cells for 27 years. Here is a recent 2010 news story.
“Human iPS cells. Just five months after the mouse study was published, the feat was repeated by three separate laboratories using human skin cells.3 One research group used the same genes as those used in the mouse study, whereas a second group used OCT3, SOX2, NANOG and LIN28. The techniques were efficient enough to generate one cell line for every 5-10 thousand cells treated. Although not extremely efficient, it is quite usable, since it is possible to obtain hundreds of thousands to millions of cells to carry out these kinds of studies. The technique was recently replicated for adult human skin cells,4 instead of skin cell lines, demonstrating that it could be used to generate patient-specific cell lines.
Do iPS = ESC?
Studies using iPS cell lines have shown that those cells undergo similar changes compared to what is observed with embryonic stem cells. Cell populations grew at the same rate, telomerase (which preserves the ends of chromosomes) was present in both iPS and ESC. Several genes that are silenced in fibroblasts, but active in ESC, were also active in the iPS cells. The iPS cell lines could be differentiated into heart muscle and neuronal cells, in addition to basic cell types (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm). Gene expression assays showed that 5,000 genes from iPS cells showed a five-fold difference in expression compared to those in fibroblasts, although 1,267 genes had a five-fold difference in expression between ESC and iPS cells. According to the James Thomson study, "The human iPS cells described here meet the defining criteria we originally proposed for human ES cells (14), with the significant exception that the iPS cells are not derived from embryos."3 (31) Rick Deem, god and science. -
What is AUT, (Autoimmune Urine Therapy)
and how does It work, in comparison to Homeopathy?
By comparing Homeopathy and AUT one can come to understand what they both are, and how they work differently. (5)
AUT uses the bodies ability to diagnosis a disease automatically. The body is constantly automatically monitoring your health patterns. Your body is always issuing an hourly diagnosis. Especially when you sleep. The diagnosis is sent by the brain to the organs, where complex organic compounds that can cure cancer and most diseases, called hormones and anti-neo-plastons (ANP) are manufactured, when you sleep. So if you develop one stray cancer cell on Monday, by Tuesday morning your body has manufactured a pint of the most advanced anti-cancer compound known to man. You just have to learn how to trust your body. No doctor is required. If you get heart disease or arthritis or malaria, your body quickly manufactures a unique Anti Neo Plaston (ANP), in one hour, that if recycled back into your skin, daily, by massaging urine onto your skin at night, or drinking the urine in the morning, the ANP can cure or treat the disease, even before it gets to stage one. Massaging fresh urine into your skin is superior to drinking, because you can obtain more sensitive hormones, ANP, etc.
The body manufactures the exact proper liquid medicine, in a natural response to the illness. No pharmacist required. Then the patient can catch their own perfect medicine in a cup or canteen, no matter if they are lost in a jungle, in prison, or trapped under a ton of rubble in an earth quake damaged house, and drinks it, or massages the medicine into the skin. If you get dirt in your eye, it is an excellent eye drop, for eye problems, ear drop for any ear infections, etc. It is the best treatment known for cancer and heart disease.
“All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.” -Schopenhauer
Chapter III Balancing of Interests.
Would you rather live free or die of cancer?
When you compare the effectiveness of AUT to any other form of cancer treatment on earth, AUT comes out at the least known, but the best treatment for cancer. No other treatment costs as little or is as convenient, or reliable, or safe as AUT. Some people turn up their nose at the idea of drinking their own perfect medicine daily, to prevent and cure cancer, because they have been brain washed into thinking of it as “gross”. Not as gross as having cancer. Change you thinking and cure your heart disease and cancer.
I will tell you what is far more “gross”. Going thru the horrors of radiation, and chemo and surgery to attempt to treat cancer. To most cancer patients, radiation treatment is far more disgusting than drinking my own fine urine “wine” daily. Would you be willing to massage aged urine onto your skin each night for a month to prevent or cure your cancer? I think I will have a drink now. I will flavor it with a little turmeric.
I would do anything to avoid the brutal treatment offered by cancer hospitals today.
If you feel the same way, you now have a free choice. Once you drink one glass of your own urine daily, for one week, you will find the taste similar to drinking a great German beer at room temperature, or a fine wine. Seriously. The problem is all in the mind.
This shows the way your mind, body and sprit are connected, in one form of medicine. Your brain detects the cancer. The body is told by your brain to make this unique perfect medicine just for you. You drink it. The cancer is washed away.
Do you believe in recycling? Do you understand what Paul Hawkins talks about in his powerful book, “The Ecology of Commerce”? (20) Then here is your chance to really do your part. To recycle your own “waste” into curing your heart disease and cancer. Does recycling now make more sense to you? “Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask what you can do for your self.”
What are the cultural factors that inspire people to adopt urine therapy?
Self defense. Many animals, like mountain goats drink each others urine as a form of self defense. Yes, they use urine for the water and as a way to prevent disease but they mainly drink all their urine to hide their travels, so they don’t leave any “P-mails” droppings for the mountain lions to follow.
The book, “The Hundredth Monkey” theory on cultural adaption. Many humans adopt new life styles first, by seeing others doing well, by adopting new health habits. The way I convinced my wife to join the urine drinking club, was, I drank several glasses of her fine urine. She saw that it did not kill me. She sees that over the 25+ years of me doing urine therapy, my skin seems to get better every year. Cultural adoption.
Over the years, I have spoken to people suffering from almost every known disease: arthritis, hepatitis, cancer, heart disease, TB, breast cancer, psoriasis, colitis, AIDS, etc. Some of them adopted by suggestion of drinking their own urine within one month of reading one book on urine therapy. (5) The rest suffered on their own cross of stubbornness. Would your rather live, by being a part of this very special club, or would you rather be rigid minded and die from cancer and chemo therapy? I feel the treatment offered by MD’s for cancer, radiation, will kill you before the cancer does.
Chapter IV How Was Gold Discovered?
Why did gold become the standard for value?
What is the gold standard for health care today?
I feel I have discovered a new gold standard for health prevention.
If you look at the history of gold and parallel it with the history of liquid gold, ie., urine therapy, you will notice that liquid gold has a longer and better history. Gold has been used as a coin and standard for trading since about 1,500 BC. Fairly recent. People were making jewelry out of gold as far back as 4,000 BC, but that still is 1,000 years short of when liquid gold was actually used as a form of medicine to prevent and cure cancer. A far more important use that mere trade. Gold has a limited value. Urine has an unlimited value.
How did this prior valuable medical knowledge about urine get lost? Various competing medical schools of though arose over the last 400 years and began pushing drugs, which addicted people for the last 200 years, just long enough to erase the memory of most people, three generations, about the power of free liquid gold, urine, to prevent cancer. However, now urine is coming back as one of the most important medicines in the world for fighting cancer, since history has proven that drugs, surgery and radiation do not work well. Especially since MD’s have driven the cost of health care beyond the reach of most people, even in America.
How long have people used urine to prevent disease?
Liquid gold, urine therapy, has been the gold standard for preventing disease for over 5,000 years, since 3,000 BC. In the beginning, it was one of the first medicines people had to experiment with. Logically, thirsty cave dwellers, not having been told it was “taboo”, when they were thirsty, and not wanting to leave the safety of their cave and fire, would drink whatever
was wet. Gradually they noticed that people who drank urine daily seemed stronger and did not get sick. Somehow they started using it to massage their skin. Women caring for babies probably began saving it to wash babies messy bottoms. They notice the babies skin did not get infections, and was so soft and pink, so the women began rubbing baby urine on their faces. There were probably a dozen original uses that people made of urine that gradually developed the first science text written on urine therapy, written on bamboo, over 5,000 years ago.
Yes, we can document urine’s used for over 5,000 years, because we have one of the original “books” written over 5,000 years ago on strips of bamboo, bound together with rawhide twine. At one time there were over 1,000 such books. We are lucky that one survived 5,000 years and was discovered in an Indian estate library. Don’t you just love people who save old things? (3)
Immortality has been both a spiritual and medical dream for thousands of years. Many believe that the spirit is immortal. So they ponder “How would it be possible for the physical body to also be immortal?” Once people become conscious of their power to improve their health, they tried to find ways to live longer. Not forever, just longer. “Spiritual” people claim they will go to heaven and live forever. Materialists look for science to guide their quest for longevity that just doubles their life here on earth.
One of the myths of immortality is that of vampires. They claim to live “forever” by sucking the life blood of young beautiful female victims. This is suppose to keep them young forever. There have been some famous rich people (John D. Rockefeller) who actually tried something like that, by getting blood transfusions from young people. He also had a wet nurse from age 40 to 100, who fed him fresh breast milk from her breasts each morning.
Those who drink urine believe that because urine is similar to mother’s milk and contains the liquified cell fragments from hearts, lungs, eyes, etc. that this is a form of science that can actually have the same effect as mythical vampires who suck the blood out of the young. Or the rich who can afford to hire a wet nurse or pay for blood transfusions. The obvious advantage of drinking urine is it costs nothing, so it equalizes the playing field for rich and poor alike. Of course, only those educated enough to understand urine therapy, so they can leap beyond the social taboos and myths will be able to live longer selectively, by allowing just those who can understand the hidden paths to longevity. This will overcome the monstrous social injustice doctors are trying to create with expensive treatments with vitamin E and bee pollen, promising a long life, but really just to make themselves rich, which helping the rich to live twice as long as most. So far, none of their gold plated “science of immortality” claims has born any fruit. If it had, MD’s would live to 100. None have. The average life expectancy of the average MD is only 56, according to the CDC. (8) Wallach
Playboy magazine ran 4 articles on immortality July 2010, titled, “The New Human. The next 20 years will change our idea of what it means to be human,” by Margaret Atwood, Mary Midgley, Joel Garreau and Ray Kurzweil. All four articles contained the idea, “There is no way to double life expectancy in a reasonable manner.” I would bet none of these authors take the two grams of vitamin C hourly, that Linus Pauling popularized in the 1960’s. Of course, none of them do real science research. None of the writers of such articles ever live to the magic number of 100. Why? They are all just philosophers. The blind leading the blind.
Chapter V What If Urine Can Help Double Human Life Expectancy?
That is the question we who research this topic are trying to answer. In the next 20 years, urine may become the main way to prevent and cure cancer and heart disease, if the present trend
towards more and more educated people using urine to investigate the value of urine to prevent and cure cancer, continues to grow. And the danger of allopathic medicine continues to expose itself as dangerous, deadly and too damn expensive. Allopaths can’t prevent cancer! They can’t even cure cancer. All they claim is they can try to “treat” cancer, heart disease and most other
But most of these MD’s are dying so young, they proved they do not know what they are talking about. No cigar for trying.
There is no one magic bullet for longevity. The answer may be a combination of modalities like AUT, Homeopathy, the blood type diet, Chiropractic and Yoga. Or something totally new and unexpected. “Forecasters have generally failed dismally to foresee the drastic changes brought about by completely unpredictable discoveries.” --Martin Rees, “Our Final Hour”.
Chapter VI Is Beer Similar to Homeopathy or Urine?
Beer is basically the herb Hops in an alcohol solution. Beer looks like urine. Beer was a precursor to developing homeopathic remedies. In fact wild hops is used to make the homeopathic medicine Bryonia alba/ (Bry.). (1) pg 45. Herbs are a valuable and powerful form of medicine. If you eat the herb Hops, your glands will manufacture an organic medicine from the Hops, which will be in your urine. The unity between herbal medicine and AUT is natural.
In AUT, the role of the doctor is just to teach the value of urine to: patients, government officials, medical students, soldiers and prisoners, so they will have the courage to treat themselves to prevent diseases like: cancer, malaria, dehydration & starvation, no matter where they are living or are captured or lost. Prisoners today would benefit greatly from using urine as their first line of medicine to prevent cancer, heart disease and AIDS. I have worked with such prisoners for 30 years. Prisoners are usually very grateful to hear my suggestion when they are facing twenty to life in prison. It costs nothing. All it takes is the understanding that the human body is a self healing mechanism.
Chapter VII Weight Control and Obesity.
What is the first step you and any person who wants to loose weight, needs to do to save their heart and their life from an early death due to obesity? Probably you need to get control of your mind and your spirit, so you can stop over-eating. That is hard to do. Here is one way this process can be done.
I recently did a nine day fast on nothing but water and urine with a group of nine women in Code Pink in 2009. The Depression was sweeping the country. We were trying to stop the Afghan war budget wasting money our schools needed. When I first began, I knew I could Fast two, maybe three days, because I had done a few Fasts in the past. So I joined the Fast, sleeping outside on the steps of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s mansion. After I got to day two, I felt fairly strong. I decided to go one more day. I told people how I felt. They all encouraged me to “Go just one more day!” I said I will try one more day. I knew from reading about Fasting that once you get beyond three days, you can go as long as you want to. As I slept on the third night, I noticed that spiritually and mentally I felt very stable. I did not really feel hungry. I also notice I did not have bowl movements. Just urine. Which I drank all of each day. I went to sleep about 9 pm, sleeping in my car, with a large-mouth empty bottle to leak into. I would wake up every few hour and empty my bladder of about a pint. At 3 am I woke up, filled the bottle, drank it back down and went back to sleep in my sleeping bag. The next morning I woke about 5 am and emptied my bladder again. I drank it all back down. I was feeling much stronger and better now. I knew I would feel full and so better if I drank all of it. I did not want to get hungry. Urine seems to be very good about suppressing the mental urge for food. About noon I told the group I felt fine, so I decided to go just one more day. One woman dropped out of the Fast. The next morning I felt stronger, but really missed the taste of food and just the joy of chewing a big juicy steak. But I decided to push myself for one more day of just water and all my urine each day. Does my experience help you to reduce your intake of food?
Fasting and loosing weight. Once a person gets use to drinking urine, they get use to the taste, and may notice that they no longer feel hungry. If you could no longer feel hungry, would that help you to stop over-eating? Maybe. Urine is a great tool for weight control, because it suppresses the mental desire for food.
This is the reason people who do Fasting, favor drinking urine to maintain their meditation. It would have been easy to cheat, because each day I left the Fast and went to work for 6 hours. But my interest was in really seeing how far I could actually push my brain, feelings and body into the mode of a pure spiritual experience that Gandhi talked about. Gandhi said he would Fast for weeks on just urine and herbal tea as a way to focus his mind to develop new strategies on how to politically fight the British, to drive them out of India. Fasting and mass marches was the main tool Gandhi used to figure out how to drive the Brits out of India. The British claimed a monopoly on the buying and selling of salt. They forbid people from drying out sea water to make salt. Gandhi broke their illegal monopoly on making salt by marching to the sea and scooping up a bucket of sea water. I intend to break the illegal monopoly MD’s claim to be able to cure diseases. I hereby say I will make medicine free by teaching millions to drink their own perfect medicine. Soon I will have 200 people doing this here in California. Then 20,000. By the time I am 99, I will a million patients living cancer free. Once I live that long, cancer free, the battle for free health care to prevent cancer will be won. Just like Ganghi, I may be able to lead a mass movement to break a monopoly.
This high spiritual modality achieved by drinking ones own perfect urine, makes mentation so peaceful, easy and simple. AUT allows you to conduct your meditation anywhere, without having to worry about food or water. You can just focus on relaxing, letting your mind flow with the cosmos and thinking about what you find interesting. All your worldly physical needs are met by just holding your empty cup in front of yourself and letting go. Let go. Let go.
Chapter VIII Recycling is the Main Modality of Autoimmune Urine Therapy.
AUT raises recycling to the medical level. It allows a person to achieve calorie restriction diet without malnutrition. (19) pg 20. Fasting is commonly done on just water. That defeats the main value to Fasting, as expressed by Gandhi, “To improve my thinking and to improve my health.”(25)
Fasting on just water is painful and causes great stress. While Fasting on urine is far more relaxing and fun, because you no longer feel hungry. Recycling eliminates one more “normal” daily function of having to feed your face. No more need to shop for food for 9 days. No more need to cook and wash dishes. No more need to pay expensive restaurant prices for second rate cooking. I find my cooking is always better than any restaurant. Plus I cook foods that are correct for my blood type. Someday there will be restaurants with menus that design dishes fit for your blood type.
What are the most common diseases that are treatable using auto immune urine therapy?
Allergies, arthritis, asthma, breast cancer, colitis, eczema, hay fever and tinnitus? (5), Armstrong (7) (12) Why does just the simple act of massaging urine on your skin, or drinking just one glass of your own fresh urine, prevent and cure all these diseases? Because your body is a self healing mechanism. I am sure you have read that before, but never understood the total mechanism. It works because your body operates on an auto immune system. You have probably read about auto immune diseases. Those are diseases that the body can automatically treat and cure, if you use your recycling program. Your body was built with a recycling system, but some societies have forgotten to teach their babies how to use the auto immune system. Due to necessity, society is now re-educating itself to understand this simple, easy and free system to prevent and cure many diseases like cancer and heart disease.
Chapter IX How Widespread is Cow Urine Therapy in India?
Cow urine has been drunk in farming circles in India for over 5,000 years. It probably began out of necessity in desert areas with local thirsty cowboys. Over thousands of years people realized it made them healthy, beyond just providing them with a source of water on the desert. People noticed that the cowboys skin was so smooth. They lived longer than most people and rarely got sick. Doctors adopted the idea from the cowboys and documented its obvious medical benefits.
“Managers in the new Go Cola factory use a urea distillation process, and after filtering, work with mixtures, using iguen principles of Ayurveda medicine for formulating healing drinks, lotions, soaps or powders against diabetes. His latest creation is "Go Cola, (purple cow in Sanskrit), a drink made from cow urine and herbs like basil and bacopa to compete with Western soft drinks popular in India.”
"We have several flavors of Go Cola: orange, lemon, rose and vetiver. Urine also has medicinal uses: as an analgesic, for general use for infections ...», states literature in the laboratory of Dr. VD Chandel’s research center.
Urine is a traditional ingredient in Indian Ayurvedic medicine: Gandhi and the former prime minister Morarji Desai used to drink their own urine daily, and several important gurus point out that cow pee can help cure cancer, diabetes or hypertension.” (26) Miami Heald, 7-26-10.
Chapter X Is There Any Modern American Diet Similar to AUT?
Yes, the Calorie Restriction Diet is similar in that a person using will power, who tries to eat less food, but more nutritious food and drink only pure water. Since urine contain most of the nutrients necessary for good health, this makes urine probably the best food to use to maintain a low calorie diet. Especially since urine has a calming effect, so it relaxes a person and suppresses the desire for food. My research, ie., drinking my own urine and doing Fasting, (I did a 9 day Fast only on urine and water), supports the work of Gandhi and thousands who Fast to improve their thinking and health. I have been drinking all my own urine for 27 years. I suspect that qualifies me as an expert. I have been writing articles about it for 20 years.
Chapter XI What Are the Key Nutrients in Urine?
This list of the nutrients in urine is what probably what first really inspired me and gave me the mental strength to be willing to speak out publicly for urine as a new form of medicine. Once you understand the very valuable, eye cell fragments, stem cells and anti-cancer compounds being thrown off my your body, into this rich soup, I call Owine (33) Kangas, which is similar to the word for urine in spanish, you will want to quickly incorporate Owine into your new healthy life style daily. This is the new food pyramid. This new millennium of health requires a whole new food. We cannot just accept the world as it is. We refuse to die as mere worms. We must invent a whole new life style to propel this new generation into living to age 160 and beyond. This is the fuel of this new generation that emerged, some at midlife, from the
papillon of the old dying generation into a new more beautiful life style. The butterfly generation.
Contents of Urine.
Urine contains these biologically active compounds:
Amino acids: alanine, carnosine, glycine, histidine, leucine,
lysine, methionine, phenylalinine, serine, tyrosine, valine,
hydroxyproline and other active substances.
Proteins in urine:
IgM and other proteins from your heart muscles.
Look at that list. Every one of those free substances has made scientific
headlines in the news over the last 10 years of stem cell research.
And they will next year.
By drinking your own urine, or that of your partner, or your children, you
will by living on the cutting edge of scientific research into stem cells and
the greatest cancer researchers in the world today. You will be living twenty
years ahead of the best minds in the world.
Enzymes found in your fresh urine:
lysozyme, and other enzymes made by your body, just for you.
Harmonies found in fresh human urine:
serotonin (makes women happy),
oxytocin, vasopressin, and many more.
These are the facts and science that totally pushed my buttons and
made me a dedicated urine drinker. Beer is fun but urine is funnier.
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are young cells made by the body in the process of growth. Where are they made? In the amniotic sac during the growth of the embryo. As the embryo grows in the sac, it gives off urine. This engorges the sac, creating a fluid environment for the new human embryo to “swim” and drink in. The fish stage of growth. Ontogeny recapitulate phylogeny.
Stem cells are able to become any any part of any organ or tissue. In our daily growth process the body makes millions of these “plastic” stem cells which float within the blood and so end up in the urine are able to travel to where they are needed to grow, repair and build eyes, brain, bone, heart and all tissue of the body.
The key character of stem cells, is they are not yet fixed into one function. They are “plastic”. If you watch a plant growing, you can see stem cells born and then move into being assigned to a certain part of a plant, where they assume a certain function and become permanently attached to that position and function.
The usual place stem cells are found is in embryos in the amniotic sac. Since stem cells are moved by the blood to various places in the body, many of them are found in urine, in the amniotic sac, still waiting for their assignment. Thus, in adults, fragments of nerve stem cells end up in urine, so when you massage urine onto your skin, you are massaging neuro stem cells and fragments of stem cells into your skin. This is one of the main reasons urine works so well to soften, improve and repair skin.
Neuro stem cells are cells found in an adult body that are used by the body to repair nerves. Thus they seem to remain in a plura potent, or plastic state, so that when fragments of them end up in the urine, they are readily useable by the body to become skin cell, if massaged into the skin daily. This give a new power to massage therapists to help their clients. Neuro stem cells are also easily absorbed by the brain to repair the brain, if you drink your urine daily. The fresher the urine is, the more active it is in repairing the brain.
Stem cells can regenerate any other type of cell. If a stem cell is placed on your skin, or in your heart, it will become a skin cell or a heart cell. The big advantage of urine therapy is that it uses fragments of stem cells, in their natural medium, blood and then urine, to transfer them to your skin, by rubbing fresh urine onto your skin. Proof of this process is that rubbing urine onto your skin keeps it soft and supple. You do not need to spend millions of dollars to obtain a line of certified stem cells from a lab. You are your own perfect lab. You are now in position to regenerate your own skin or heart using your own line of stem cells. One of the main uses of urine, is to repair brain cells. Just by drinking a glass of your own fresh urine each day, you can repair 1% of your brain each day.
Chapter XII Key Elements of a Free Health Care System.
Homeopathy, while a great advance over Allopathic medicine, it is still more time consuming and expensive than AUT. The goal of every doctor is to deliver healing as free as possible. Millions of people go without reasonable health care when they are children. The need for a job and money bar many people from access to a doctor under the money system. Under this new self vaccination system, no child ever needs go without health care.
The main principle of this new system is, “Most diseases are Preventable!” Why wait for a person to get sick? By implementing AUT, from day one, most people can live disease free for the first 100 years of life. This system makes Arthritis a disease of the past.
The thirst for money, the need for money to pay for huge hospitals, tends to interfere with prevention and healing. Today, millions go without basic health care due to a lack of money. AUT is a mechanism that can provide free health care to every person in this world instantly. All it takes is for education and leadership to reach everyone with this better idea that people can use their own perfect medicine to treat themselves, if they just drink their own urine. I realize this might be hard for some reader to swallow or even understand, at first blush, but it is a common form of medicine used in many areas of the world, including India, Germany and even the US. The people who use AUT, do so because their experience using AUT has proven to them that it works better than homeopathy or allopathic drugs. For 25 years I have worked with mo-dern pioneers of AUT to help people with cancer, prisoners and homeless people in San Francisco. I feel their pain. When I see people suffering from arthritis, cancer, heart disease, AIDS, skin diseases and TB, I often take the time to explain how massaging or drinking urine can help heal their problem. I recently made an audio tape with a prisoner (Richard Quarles) with cancer and AIDS doing 20 years in prison. This tape was made about a month after I had explained to him how he could help heal his cancer and AIDS using his own perfect urine. He & I later discussed how he changed his mind about urine, being as this was probably the best medicine he was going to have access to in prison for 20 years. He was very up beat that someone had put
the knowledge into his own hands, so he now has some control over his life while doing 20 years. We are all doing life. Only some are more obvious of the medical prison they are in.
“The Physician’s highest calling, his only calling is to make sick people healthy---to heal, as it is termed.” --Hahnemann, Organon, 6th ed.
I would up date that and say, “The Physician’s highest calling, his only calling is to teach healthy people how to stay healthy and avoid disease.” Defensive living. Avoid the car crash.
What if each person, recycling all their own perfect medicine, back into their own body, is a valuable form of healing?
Chapter XIII What is the Mechanism of AUT (Autoimmune Urine Therapy)?
To understand the significant differences between Homeopathy, the blood type diet and AUT, it is best to examine one common ailment: arthritis.
Most doctors describe arthritis as “an autoimmune disease, where your body appear to attacks the tissue of your own body. (11)
What is actually happening to your knee joints, that causes them to wear the gelatin off the ends of the bones, as you run, work and play, is you are grinding the gelatin off the ends of joints. This is normal. All parts of your body are constantly being replaced. The gelatin flakes off and then become liquid gelatin and is carried away in the blood to the bladder.
You now have a choice. When your out flow of gelatin exceeds your intake of gelatin, your joint upkeep becomes your down fall; arthritis. How can you replace your gelatin daily?
If you have a daily intake of gelatin, from eating chicken or beef soup daily, where the beef or chicken joints are cooked until liquid, you would have a daily intake of gelatin and minerals. This is why real chicken or beef soup works to prevent arthritis. Gelatin is a good food for blood Types O, A and B. (2)
Is there a vegetarian option? Yes. In most of the world, millions of people know that the gelatin, in our bodies, that has flaked off their own joints, due to use, is stored in their bladder. So millions of people recycle all their own perfect “joint juice”, their Owine, daily, to rebuild their joints daily. Thus, they do not need to kill animals to obtain the gelatin their joints need daily. They just need to drink all their own urine each day. Even just one cup in the morning works wonders. One more way vegetarians can live better without killing animals.
Many foods are blood type specific. Urine does not effect different people differently. When case taking in homeopathy, one must ask about which foods a person ate last night, before the person got sick. One must also ask what the blood type of the patient is, to have some idea of which homeopathic medicines may not work on that type of person. Since most people will be using their own perfect urine on themselves, one need not ask those questions, since your own urine contains the antidote to whatever your disease is. Your urine is your blood and so is your blood type. (2) pg 97. You are never allergic to your own urine, because it comes from your own blood type. Thus, it is a perfect food you are not allergic to.
Here is a disease that will help explain how this process works:
What is scurvy? Most people know that “scurvy is a breakdown of the gums of the mouth, and similar parts of the body, due to a lack of adequate vitamin C intake.” (14)
Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins, T. Levy, MD,JD. pg 35.
Most mammals’ bodies make vitamin C. This is why dogs live, on average, to 120, in dog years. The 4 mammals whose bodies do not make vitamin C naturally and so require a high vitamin C supplementation are: guinea pigs, fruit bats, some apes and humans. (6) Wallach, You cannot get an adequate intake of vitamin C simply from vegetables and fruit. Studies show that if you increase your intake of mineral ascorbate vitamin C to two grams an hour, you may be able to avoid cancer, arteriosclerosis and heart disease, so that you can live to age 160. This is a line of reasoning from Dr. James Lind, to Linus Pauling to Thom Levy. It is a line of thinking that has not yet been adopted by most MDs. That is why MDs in the US, on average, live to only age 56. (5) Wallach
Your body is a living, flowing river of gelatin, minerals, hormones, enzymes, anti-neo-plastons (ANP) and vitamins. Every day you lose 1% of your tissue: eyes, brain, heart, etc. Your urine contains not only all your own perfect gelatin, to prevent arthritis, but it also contains the copper that washes out from your spinal discs.
Every cell in your body is replaced every year. All the cells of your spinal discs, skin, eyes, spinal nerves and even your bones, are recycled out thru your bladder every year. Bones may take 2 years.
Chapter XIV Sexual Function and the Bladder.
What is the connection between male sexual potency and his bladder?
Most men notice they get an erection when their bladder gets half full. This scientific connection has been written about in human literature for hundreds of years. In the Canterbury Tales (26) there is the story of the maid who goes into the masters bedroom in the morning to bring him his breakfast. He throws off the bed covers to reveal he has an erection and asks the maid to sit on him to relieve his tension. She know more about male sexual functions than he does. So she agrees to satisfy him if he will first show her the power of him member, by pissing out the window, towards the morning sun, to see how far he can squirt. He is more than glad to demonstrate his power to her and the people walking on the street below. He unleashes a mighty stream of hot pee out the window. As soon as he does, his hard-on goes limp and the maid is saved from having one more job to perform.
The reverse of this, is that if a couple want to create sexual potency in a man, all the man has to do is drink two glasses of hot tea or pee one hour before he needs to perform. As soon as his bladder is half full, he will feel an erection coming on, if he is otherwise healthy. One test of a mans’ health is his ability to get an erection. Then the first test of health should be for his lover to give him two glasses of tea, or pee, wait for an hour, while snuggling and see what pops up. This technique may need some practice before it works perfectly every time. What will generally improve the overall health of any man or woman is if they recycle their own urine. Urine is a general body tonic that improve the health of all organs, especially the skin. Another useful vitamin to take, just prior to sex is Niacin, B-3, just before sex, because it warms up the skin and gives you a kind of nervous energy that can be fun.
Chapter XV Prevention. Homeopathy Treats Symptoms.
Homeopathy is not a form of medicine that advocates prevention as a major part of its practice. Nor is allopathy. Homeopathy and allopathy just try to treat just specific symptoms, after the fact. This require a person to get sick first. Then the doctor try to guess what has caused the illness. They both just treat symptoms.
The idea of prevention is based on looking at the body as a whole system of mind, spine, body and sprit. There are systems that functions like whole body tonics. Herbs treat the whole body. Ginger is a whole body tonic that has been used by people for thousands of years. Whole body tonic are far more useful than drugs that try to zero in on one specific disease. One person, one doctor, not even a computer, is just not smart enough to be able to understand all the thousands of interlocking system that make the body grow and function.
We would be smarter if we just help the body to function fully and prevent disease. In the book the “Magic Mountain”, by Thomas Mann, the theme is that some people went to the sanatorium to die. And they died. While those who, when they checked in and told the clerk, “I have come here to get well,” frequently got well and went back to living. Your sprit, your intention, determines a lot about your future. What is your intention in reading this idea? Do you come here to learn how to live to age 100?
Sugar Diabetes is a disease in which your body if forced to dump most of it organic mineral chromium out of the cells and into the urine, due to eating too much sugar, mash potatoes or processed carbohydrates.
Obviously, one of the ways to treat sugar diabetes is to recycle the chromium rich urine back into the digestive tract.
Chapter XVI The Blood Type Diet
The blood type diet is based on prevention medicine that effects the whole body: mind, spine, nerves and sprit. As is Naturopathy. As is Auto Immune Urine Therapy. For this reason, those forms of medicine that teach prevention, may be more cost effective, simpler, safer, easier for the people to use and so my prevail. Just recycling all of your urine each day is such a safe, free, simple form of prevention that I am shocked more people have not discovered it yet.
Example: Spinal discs. Did you know that the main mineral in the spinal disc is copper?
Every day your body looses 1% of the copper in your discs, if your diet does not contain a good supply of organic copper and zinc from foods or supplements. Most foods, that are suppose to contain copper, no longer due, because our soils have become anemic. (9)
If you do not recycle this copper, that washes out from your discs, and is stored for one hour in your bladder, you may develop a “spontaneously” ruptured spinal disc.(9) pg 212.
Spinal discs and tires. Just like the tires on your car contain steel wires, steel belts, to hold the pressure in your tires, when you are going around a sharp corner at 55 mph, to prevent blowouts, your spinal discs contain copper to maintain the strength and shock absorbing ability of the disc. To prevent blowouts of your discs.
If your diet lacks copper and zinc, your discs will become deficient, flaccid, wrinkled and weak, like an old ballon and suffer a “spontaneous” blowout, when put under even the simple pressure of walking upright.
Your own perfect liquid colloidal medicine, your own perfect “chicken soup”, your perfect urine, contains the perfect amount of copper, zinc and gelatin to repair your spinal discs. All it takes is for you to drink one fresh glass of this “joint juice” each morning.
As a test of this system, I have been drinking one glass each morning for 27 years. As a result of doing this recycling, I have not been sick, for even 1 day, in 27 years. At 69, my hair is still dark brown, as it was when I was 20.
Your body is amazing in that it captures all these “surplus” minerals and gelatin for your use, in your bladder, giving you a small window of opportunity to catch and recycle all the gelatin, copper and calcium from your body, back into your body.
In the average adult, the kidney filter the total volume of the blood 300 times a day, producing 1 liter (2 pints) of fresh perfect urine, passed out of the body 6 times daily.
(7) pg 261.
Your urine is a soup made from tissue from your body, contains tissue fragments from your: eyes, joints, heart, spine, brain and all parts of the body. Your perfect soup for renewal.
Organic & inorganic substances in your urine that are very useful for repairing the joints and whole body, because they are perfectly made from and for your blood type and body.
If this idea can be transmitted properly, in 20 years, most people on earth could be recycling this free perfect medicine, because people will finally recognize t
Part II is available when you send $9. by credit card, thru Pay Pal to Dr. Paul Kangas
7 Things you can do to get Universal health care in 2011..
Take 2 grams of vitamin C mineral ascorbate hourly.
Take responsibility for your own health care by doing things that will prevent cancer, colds & heart disease. Ask not....
2. Organize a local health care working group by calling me at 415 368 -8581.
3. Become an advocate for prevention. Write a leaflet & hand them out daily. Obama promises mandatory health INSURANCE, to keep the health care insurance companies healthy & rich. Fight Obama.
Meet Paul Kangas, in person, Sat., Aug, 2010, 6pm,, San Francisco,
401 Van Ness & McAllister,
Herbst Theater,
rm 215, second floor, .
Compare & contract Homeopathy & AUT (Autoimmuneurine Therapy) & the blood type diet.
A Declaration of human renewability.
Finding your inner doctor.
The goal of health care is to find ways to improve human health, for the greatest number of people, at the least cost. Right now, every government in the world is facing massive health care costs. What if there was a health care system that was free. Free is good. This is my modest proposal to provide a free health care system for every person in the world.
Clearly, AUT does just that. It costs nothing. All it takes is the understanding that the human body is a self healing mechanism. Recycling is a hot topic in the world today. What if each person recycling all their own perfect medicine, back into the human body is a valuable form of healing?
What is the mechanism of AUT, (autoimmuneurine therapy)?
To understand AUT, it is best to examine one common ailment: arthritis. Most doctors describe arthritis as an auto immune disease, where your body attacks the tissue of your own body.
What causes the immune system to lose control, is,
if you do not: supplement with colloidal minerals, fail to use AUT and do not eat right for your blood type, your body start attacking your own tissue.
Another source of RA (rheumatoid arthritis) & Juvenile RA is vaccinations, which inject toxic mercury into the child’s immune system, causing it to collapse.
There are many forms of arthritis.
It is a degenerative disease of all systems in the whole body that is first seen in the joints.
Most types of doctors call arthritis “inevitable”, like gray hair. It is not. People with a good diet rarely get arthritis. And if they do, they find they can cure it easily, just by correcting their diet.
Some forms of arthritis cause bone spurs to grow where ligaments connect to the bone. This form is easy to cure with a diet of liquid colloidal calcium.
Some of the symptoms of arthritis are: weight loss, pain, fever, rash, damages to the heart, eyes, arteries, skin, and muscles.
All this can be prevented and cured by using the blood type diet, AUT & homeopathy.
Prevention of arthritis. The first 3 steps to preventing arthritis are: eat right for your blood type, supplement with liquid calcium and phosphorus, AUT, drink one glass of your own urine each morning, and if you do develop any arthritis, get homeopathic treatments.
Treatment of arthritis should include liquid colloquial calcium at 2,000 mg/day and more if you eat meat.
Magnesium at 1,000 mg/day. Gelatin at 1,000 mg/day, 3 times a day. Tetracycline at 250 mg/ 4 times a day or H2O2 to deal with the Mycoplasma.
Vitamin C mineral ascorbate to bowel tolerance,
B-6 100 mg b.i.d.; B-3 450 mg b.i.d. as time release capsules.
Copper & zinc tables;
selenium 300 mcg/day.
Eat right for your blood type.
Herbs including licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (for blood type O), poison ivy, and alfalfa are useful, based again on your blood type.
Can chiropractic help? Yes, because chiropractic improves the flow of Chi, energy, thru your nerve system.
One adjustment every other month is a good place to start.
Most MD’s try to use powerful drugs, which really offer no cure, damage the liver & frequently cause ulcers.
Over 90% of the drugs MD’s use, pass right out of the body and end up in the oceans.
Such drugs cause the shrimp to lose their sense of survival, so they swim towards light on the surface, and so are quickly eaten by fish & birds. Drugs are destroying the world shrimp population. (SF Examiner 7-7-10)
When the drugs fail to fix your arthritis,
MD’s will offer your surgery, which also never works.
The reason Homeopathy works to treat arthritis is because they use forms of medicine, in the smallest amounts necessary, to effect relief. Thus there is rarely any waste to wash into the ocean.
Example: if a Homeopath wants to use selenium, they take 1 tiny particle of selenium and put in a gallon of water. They shake it 100 times. They then take 1 drop from that gallon & put it in a gallon of pure water. They then shake that 100 times. They then place one drop of this potentate water & place it on a sugar pill. That is a 30X potency of Homeopathic selenium.
It sounds strange, but it works. And has for over 150 years. Homeopathic is recognized world wide as effective, real medicine.
Drug based orthodox medicine has now become a major source of ocean pollution that is destroying the whole eco system because the drugs they use are too powerful and people take far too many anti-depression drugs.
Drugs do far worse damage to the oceans than the BP oil spill. Even if everyone taking anti-depressants & Tylonol, was to stop today, it might take 30 years to reverse the terrible damage already done to the oceans by MD’s. What is the alternative to drugs? Homeopathy, Naturopathic medicine and AUT.
We will be doing a colorful Power point presentation on how Bush killed JFK.
David Frost promised that this movie would be about , "the trial Nixon & Bush never got," for the murder of President Kennedy. Yet, in the movie Frost never raises the 3 facts that most clearly convict Bush, sr. & Nixon: both Bush & Nixon were in Dallas on 11-22-63, and both deny being in Dallas on that bloody day. E. Howard Hunt was a top CIA agent who worked for Bush & Nixon as their hit man. Thanks to a perfect hit on JFK, Bush was given the top post in the CIA. The goal of the Watergate burglary was to get the Dallas photos of Hunt & Sturgis out of the Democratic Party safe, to coverup the Bush assassination of JFK. Here again, Nixon won the debate with Frost. Frost did not do his homework well enough to really know what the cover-up was about. And Nixon knew this. That is the reason Nixon agreed to do the interview. It was just more of the cover-up of his real crimes in Dallas. Every single eye witness in Dallas was murdered by the CIA too.
Cure for cancer found.
The easiest way to prevent cancer is by taking 2,000 mcg of selenium daily.
An excellent source of selenium is from American Youngevity.
This is a great health insurance nutritional company that is better than the Single Payer system.
Better than Single Payer? Yes. Here is why. This system is working now. It costs only $6. to join this company to insure your health by taking all essential 69 minerals.
Behind Earth Day
Editor -- Regarding the Sept. 27 Open Forum article: Why was April 22 chosen as Earth Day? What event happened? I may know, because in April 1968, San Francisco State College celebrated the first Earth Day.
Following the oil spill in Santa Barbra, three biology students at S.F. State, who were also part of SDS, the Joe Hill caucus, decided to hold a event to unify the green and the red movements on campus. The administration gave us the main auditorium. We had eight speakers, including Guissippi Slater, Paul Kangas, Doug Kitt and Golden Gate Park's head gardener.
We decided to hold the first Earth Day on April 22, because that was V.I. Lenin's birthday. We thought using that date would unify the greens and the reds. So now you know the rest of the story.
San Francisco
Farmers give their animals all 69 minerals. For that reason, there is almost no Cancer in cows.
Cows fed minerals do not get cancer.
Isn't that interesting. Investigate that claim.
IF you want to join Youngevity, just call me at 800 982 3197, extension #3101, ask for Paul Kangas by name.
God I am glad we have the internet.
Hear his speech: One of the Things that Helped Stop the Vietnam War, was when One Thousand Young People withdrew from the Democractic Party in 1968 & created the Peace & Freedom Party. Today one million should switch to the Green Party to save America from the next war. If one million stand up against eh Democrats, that would help withdraw the troops.
Dr. Donald W. Miller, a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle, shares impressive research findings on the cancer-fighting properties of selenium.
As scientists have now determined, cells of all organisms, whether bacterial, animal, or non-animal, need selenium for proper functioning.
Selenium deficiency has been linked to a wide variety of disorders and diseases, including:
Cognitive decline
Cancer (including lung, prostate, colorectal, skin)
Heart failure
Coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis)
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), as set by the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board, is 1,555 mcg (micro grams)
of selenium per day, based on two studies that show this amount of selenium supports the optimal generation of glutathione peroxidase. This is believed to be adequate for 98 percent of the population.
However, this government recommendation did not take into account a previous finding that shows a dose four times higher (3,000 mcg) to have an anti-cancer effect, without being toxic.
Some of the scientific explanations for selenium’s anti-cancer effect include:
Increased antioxidant protection and immune system
Regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis (programmed cell death)
Suppression of growth of blood vessels supplying nutrients to the cancer
Inhibition of tumor cell invasion
The first indications you have reached an optimum selenium level, are "garlic breath".
As the selenium levels increases, if you go to levels above 4,500 mcg, your fingernails develop white patches, become brittle. You can avoid this by staying below 4,000 mcg. The best level for curing cancer is 3,000 mcg daily. Paul Kangas, ND, has done 3,000 mcg daily for 20 years, as of 2007.
Hair and nail loss occurs once selenium intake reaches 4,990 mcg per day, according to one study. Obviously, it is best to stay at 3,000 mcg daily. People with cancer, might want to go up to 4,990, to attack the cancer. Who cares if you go bald, if you can kill the cancer, without the side effects of death from radiation, chemo or surgery. August 27, 2007
As soon as the 2008 election is over, whomever wins, is going to bomb Iran.
There is no balance of power in the US. Congress does not operate as a check on the Presidency.
The People have to develop a mass, militant, organization with the power to stop Congress.
To stop the President when it engages in illegal conduct. To stop the Judiciary branch when it does illegal acts. Like it did installing Bush in 2004. That was a fascist move by the Supreme Court. Our nation is creeping towards Fascism. People look at the Democrats & think of fascim. Because they do the same thing as the fascist Republican Party. Right now the mass peace movement is our best bet. It is time for everyone to come out to the next march Oct 27th.
Watch what happens now on Sept 15th, when a million people go to Washington, DC to try to stop the war.
What will happen??
What will be the effect?
How will the media try to down play the positive effect?
Bush killed JFK. See the Photos. This slideshow will cover the secret history of George Bush, from the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba, to Dallas & the JFK assassination, to Watergate. No one covers it better than Private Investigator Paul Kangas, former Guard for President Kennedy and a former member of the US Bay of Pigs Invastion of Cuba.
In China, where cancer rates are much lower than here, Fasting is the first method employed in fighting cancer: taking away the cancer's food supply stops its growth immediately. Because cancer has a very high rate of metabolism, starving it is a logical first step.
Fasting is where one stops eating solid food and just drinks: real collodial mineral water, filtered water, (no tap water), H2O2 water, Miso soup, fresh raw beet/ onion/ garlic/ carrot juice, water with 2 grams of vitamin C hourly, almond milk, rice milk, and more. See below. The idea is to allow your body to take a vacation from digestion for 3 days. If you body can not find any food to digest, it will now digest cancer cells lurking in your bones, blood, & cells. Your body can cure your cancer, before you even know you have it. Fasting cures cancer.
Employment Health Care Prevention Contract.
I now require my employees to sign a Prevention Contract.
To work for me they must first agree they will follow my health care directives.
1 - They must sign and agree to take 2 gms of vitamin C hourly.
Best of all, I provide the vitamin C tables for free for them & all the members of their family.
2 - They must agree to take Chromium daily. I do this for all employees, but those who smoke are really the one this step is aimed at. I do not tell them they must quit. I just give them the tools they need to quit, then I watch to see when they actualy do quit. It works.
3 - Get one Chiropractic adjustment daily for the first month, free, then once a month after that. This is one of the best ways to get people to quit.
4 - Get one ear accupunture daily.
5 - Eat only foods that are correct for their blood type.
6- Drink 1 oz. of liquid minerals daily.
7 - Take amino acids daily: DLPA & L-phenylalanine.
8- Take Gelatin daily to prevent arthritus.
9 - Fast one day a week. This is one step I do with my employees. I do all the same steps too.
Because they see me Fasting on water & vitamin C for 3 days a week, they honor my leadership & follow my lead, by Fasting one day a week. They see I never get sick. They do it for their own good.
You might ask, How can you enforce such a personal agreement. Easy. I know if they follow this system, they will not get sick, or get heart disease, or cancer. So if they call in sick, I know, & they know, they broke the agreement. This program is part of my employee education campaign. Some people adopt the Program immediatly. Other adopt it slowly, when they realize it is in their best interest. This is how socialized medicine works. This is how a Free medical system works.
6 - Drink 1 oz. of liquid minerals daily. I supply the brand I want them to drink. This is a cheap form of workers health care. And they eventually realize that the company really does care about them staying healthy.
How can I afford to do this. Because it cost 50% less than any other system in the world.
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
7 -
This Prevention system works better than Single Payer & is available now.
Another means of creating an environment detrimental to the cancer are through the oxygen therapies.
In the 1930's, Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery that cancer metabolizes anaerobically (without oxygen) in a process very similar to fermentation. Knowing this, if we oxygenate the cancer site (and cut off its supply of sugars) we witness a dramatic change in its growth rate for more often than not, tumors begin to shrink. The oxygenating therapies involve supplements, exercise and rest, magnetic therapy, ozone and hydrogen peroxide therapies. Fasting cures cancer. Hyperthermia techniques, sometimes used to attack the actual tumor, can also attack the blood vessels feeding the tumor thus starving the cancer. Starving the cancer can also be accomplished by battling cachexia, the wasting syndrome that actually kills most cancer patients. Hydrazine Sulfate is used to stop cachexia.
Some other methods of starving the cancer employ shark cartilage, bovine cartilage, and other substances that halt or slow angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels). Fasting cures cancer.
Finally, we would be remiss in not making the obvious statement: the best way to fight cancer is to not get it in the first place. Prevention is the first step we must each take. Strengthening our immune system and the attainment of peace of mind should be our goal, since this is the place of perfect health. Fasting cures cancer.
If you do not have cancer, you might want to view cancer as a metaphor, for recent discoveries show that nearly all of our greatest killers and terribly degenerative diseases of the 20th century are the product of a compromised immune system. Arthritis, multiple sclerosis, candida, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), and AIDS, just to name a few, can be battled with many of the same weapons we have in our anti-cancer arsenal, at least until something better comes along.
The final determination of what will work and what will not is in your hands. The better informed you are, the better your choices, the better your chances. There are no quick fixes or magic bullets. Patient participation does not imply a do-it-yourself program; get a professional health care provider, and always keep in mind that you have the right to choose your own professional health care provider), and that choice should be guided by the words of the medieval physician Moses Maimonides who wrote: "The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it."
Fasting cures cancer. Healing a chronic degenerative disease means you will form a partnership with your health care counselor, naturopath. It means changing your life for ever; changing your life for the better. It means you have been blessed.
Yes! Fasting cures cancer.
Pancreatic cancer, arguably one of the deadliest forms of cancer, with just a 4 percent survival rate, over five years, could possibly be prevented by increasing levels of folic acid. Yes! Now we are getting somewhere on cancer. To see this site live, go to YOU TUBE paul 8 kangas now. For this reason, take supplements like Folic acid when Fasting to cure cancer.
Penny Royal
Reuters reports, of a very large, population-based study of men and women from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. This is a major clue as to Prevention! Folic acid is a cheap supplement available in every drug store and health food store in the world.
But your health freedom to buy Folic Acid, and all vitamins is about the END!
The AMA has a secret bill before Congress, to put all vitamins under the control of the AMA.
Today a bottle of Folic Acid costs $6. If we allow the AMA to get control of our vitamins, they will increase the cost of all vitamins by 1000%. That means a bottle of Folic Acid will cost you $60.
Highway robbery. This will happen in 2 weeks, if we do not act fast.
This new law is being rammed through Congress without a single word be written in the press.
The Public comment period will end April 30th, in just 9 days.
To add you name to the petition to oppose the new Codex Law, go to
Prevention of cancer is the best treatment. Now it can be done with just folic acid.
Prevention puts the power in the hands of each person. Power to the People. We should be teaching cancer Prevention using Folic, in our grade schools.
Most cancers can be prevented. Folic acid is 20% of the solution. If you do all 7 things suggested here, you can prevent and cure most cancers now.
The Media is saying the cancer rate is dropping, but it is not true. Most people who get cancer, die within 7 years.
Worse the rate of cancer in babies and children is skyrocketing. What is going on? The doctors of the AMA are lying to the journalists.
And the Media, instead of checking the facts, getting a second opinion, are just repeating the lies the AMA tells them. The Media is famous for just repeating the lies the White House tells them. They are doing the same thing with whatever lie the AMA tells.
If you agree we need to put Prevention first, write your local officials and ask them to take a written position on the need to teach cancer Prevention in our grade schools.
Write one letter to each official, all the way up to one of the candidates running for President. Do not let them off the hook with a form letter. Keep writing until they agree to personally start taking Folic Acid themselves. I guess that means you need to start taking Folic yourself, first. Surgery and Chemo do not work.
There is just one catch: The folic acid supplements must be taken together with food and vitamin supplements, and must be 5x the dosage recommended by the FDA.
Folate, which is also called folic acid, is a B vitamin, tiny amounts of which are found naturally in spinach, asparagus, chickpeas, kidney beans and lentils, and added to numerous grain products, such as flour, rice, pasta and rice cereals. Previous research has shown it may protect us from colo rectal and breast cancer.
The study: Led by Dr. Susanna C. Larsson, the Swedish team followed 36,616 women and 45,306 men who were between 45 and 83 years old in 1997 to determine if folate also protects against pancreatic cancer.
The subjects were already enrolled in the Swedish Mammography Cohort or the Cohort of Swedish Men for which they had completed food frequency questionnaires. The group was followed for 6.8 years, and during that time 135 cases of pancreatic cancer occurred.
The results: Even when such influences as demographics, smoking, body mass index, diabetes, blood type, exercise and the amount of dietary fruit, vegetables, calories, carbohydrates and alcohol were factored in, those who consumed the most folic acid supplements, (350 micrograms 1,000 mcg / day or more) were 75 percent less likely to develop pancreatic cancer, compared with those who had the lowest intake (200 micrograms per day).
Folate, derived from supplements, had the best effect, if taken with food, correct for your blood type. Those who also took 1,000 mg of vitamin C hourly, also did even better at Preventing all forms of cancer.
Notice the opening line was,: Pancreatic cancer, arguably one of the deadliest forms of cancer, with just a 4 percent survival rate, over five years,... do not believe the Media when they say death rates in cancer are going down. That is just wishful thinking.
Only 4% survived beyond 5 years!!
New studies show the use of Premarin is the major cause of breast cancer & heart disease in women.
The best form of Hormones for women to use to prevent night sweats, is urine therapy, because the hormones in urine are the womans own perfect hormones. Yes, your own body makes the best hormones you can use to prevent Menopause.
The study findings were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
This web site is doing a study of the Biggest Lies told to us by the Government & the NCI.
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, which makes top-selling hormone pills Prempro and Premarin, criticized the study as overly speculative. Company spokesman Dr. Joseph Camardo said hormone prescriptions continued to fall in 2004 but breast cancer rates did not decline proportionately, because many women drink wine, which is another major cause of breast cancer.
Ravdin said the company's criticism does not invalidate the cancer trends.
Breast cancer is the most common major cancer in American women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women. About 180,000 new cases are expected to occur in the United States this year and more than 1 million worldwide. More women die from heart disease than cancer, due to the use of Premarin. The best way to prevent cancer, is for women & men to take 2 grams of vitamin C hourly. That is what Linus Pauling discovered and his use of 2 grams an hour allowed him to live to age 94. His father died at 34 and his mother died at 44, so Pauling thought he would die young. That fear inspired his research and allowed him to make one of the most important longevity discoveries in the last 500 years.
Ovarian cancer is far less common. The British study found that even with the 20 percent greater risk from hormones, Premarin, the actual risk was very low: 2.6 of every 1,000 Premarin hormone users developed ovarian cancer over five years compared to 2.2 in 1,000 non-hormone users. The rate of all forms of cancer is lowest on people who drink a daily dose of one ounce of urine daily.
Still, that means about 1,000 extra ovarian cancer deaths from 1991 through 2005, said study leaders at the Cancer Research UK Epidemiology Unit in Oxford.
Hormone use has declined already, and the new report should cause it to fall further, Dr. Steven Narod of the University of Toronto wrote in an editorial accompanying the study in The Lancet. Wyeths stock is now falling rapidly. Anyone owning any Wyeth stock should sell it all immediately.
"We hope that the number of women dying of ovarian cancer will decline as well," he wrote.
Camardo, Wyeth's spokesman, said hormone labels already warn about an elevated risk of ovarian cancer, but the warning is in tiny letters and not designed to warm women. Sell all Wyeth stock.
Dear Editor, Regarding the article by Daniel M. Kammen, 9-27-06, Why was April 22 chosen as Earth Day? What event happened?
I may know, because in April 1968, SFSC celebrated the first Earth Day. Following the oil spill in Santa Barbra, 3 Biology students at SFSC, who were also part of SDS, the Joe Hill caucus, decided to hold a event to unify the Green and the Red movements on campus. The Administration gave us the Main Auditorium. We had 8 speakers: Guissippi Slater, Paul Kangas, Doug Kitt and including the head gardener for Golden Gate Park. We decided to hold the first Earth Day on April 22, because that was VI Lenin?s birthday. We thought using that date would unify the Greens and the Reds. So now you know the rest of the story.
Paul Kangas, Green Party 2008 Candidate for President,
Co-Founder of Earth Day, April 22, 1968, and
Co-founder of the SF Nuclear Free Zone,
Prop U 1986,
15 Boardman, SF, Ca 94103
An Open Letter to PBS Journalist Gwen Ifill.
What is the reason Black women in the U.S. have such a high death rate from AIDS?
Famous PBS Journalist Gwen Ifill asked this question in 2004, of Senator John Edwards. No one has given her a good answer yet. Let me offer a politically correct answer. Both Cancer and AIDS is caused by a diet lacking Selenium. Corn oil removes selenium from the blood. People who eat high amounts of foods fried in corn oil have the highest rates of all cancers. Kentucky fried death. Is the Coronel killing Black women?