Peterborough SF
Writers' Group

writing spacegirl







Peterborough SF Club
Why not visit the homepage of our benefactors {membership not compulsory}

Nightmare Abbey
The new Gothic section of the Peterborough SF Club website. Find out about our local gothic roots.

Nicki's Homepage
Nicki is a regular member who provides illustrations and writes in a Gothic/Punk style.

Sam's Homepage
Includes a sample chapter from her novel, articles about schizophrenia, and an unnerving obsession with crows.

Visionary Tongue
Guest writer Simon Williams is a regular contributor to this publication.

The Quill Society
An online writers group for the young (12-24) writers, some good information here for writers of any age.

Sol Publications
Publish "Dreamers on the Sea of Fate", for which group member Cardinal Cox wrote the title poem.




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