PD Design and Associates



Whether you are looking for a contemporary, or a more classical home, PD Design can accommodate your preferences with our featured residential models. Our floor plans are logically composed and maintain an utmost sense of style, while keeping the home economical. We invite you to browse this site, and uncover the many elements that make our designs as unique, attractive, and well refined as they are.



Our Mission

In keeping with today's trends, we present four of our most interesting residential designs that are updated with variable frequency so as to keep up with, and exceed ongoing trends and styles. Each model is unique and innovative in its own way, employing design to make it adaptive in order to fit your specific needs. This is achieved through interactively coordinating with our customers and obtaining feedback and suggestions. Using design as our guiding tool, we create the most desirable home. Upon your review, and selection of the home of your choice, we then send you one set of construction documents for that respective home.

Company Profile

PD Design is a fairly small design firm in Michigan that arose from the abundance of residential development in its surrounding area. We have been in operation since 1994, and have grown since. Our team is kept small by preference in order to keep our ideas, and thoughts on an interactive level within the firm in order to maintain our standard of design.

We are confident that you will find our models appealing, and we look forward to your input.


Peter D'Aleo, (Head Designer)

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Contact Information

In order to better assist you, we have provided the following telephone number, and e-mail address. You may leave us messages anytime - 24 hours a day - whether it is regarding an order, or if you may have any inquires.

Telephone (toll free)
888 - 560 - 6683 extension 7532
Electronic mail
General Information: pddesign@architectmail.com
Webmaster: pddesign@architectmail.com