People for Peace in the Balkans

Art for Peace

CD-banner.gif (13263 bytes)

Weak Blood, a site hosting multimedia word art contributions from around the world that support peace, particularly perhaps in the Balkans.
Earth Echo
Peace Animation for Web Sites
Peace Art

Peace is the Target submitted May 27 by R. Richard Wojewodzki
Upanishadic Words on Peace  Word Graphics from Earth Echo
God of War and Goddess of Compassion
(submitted 4-20-99)

Logo ?
Three "The Target is Peace, only Peace is Victory" logo designs have been received so far to empower a global peace-environment-justice movement inspired by the tragedy unfolding now in the Balkans and the civilian use of the target symbol on television in Belgrade.   If you or someone you know would like to offer an additional design, please send .jpg sized.

If one or more of these, or others they may inspire, catch on in widespread usage shown in the media, it will help solidify the desire for "Global PeaceNow!" as a universal human resolve, which is the goal of the Global Peace Walk project.  These logos may be freely used without attribution in buttons, t-shirts, etc., to help promote this resolve and the recognition that Peace itself is the Target and only Peace is Victory!

Two designs ("Peace is the Target" and "Color Global Peace Target") are posted at along with one for nuclear abolition as the target.  These and future designs receivedwill also be archived for copying from messages posted to

PEACE Web-page BACKGROUNDS by Argotique using the "Target is Peace" idea.  These are free to copy, a donation for the peace from Edda, the artist.

Peace Symbol
Gerald Holtom designed the peace symbol in 1958 for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. The "N" and "D" are represented by the corresponding flag signals, according to the discipline of the "Semaphore" hand-held flag signalling system -- for more information, see the site: (Many thanks to Patrick for pointing this out!)

airmail.wmf (1536 bytes)Send news of other ART FOR PEACE efforts so that we can post them as well.

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This page was created by Aikya Param for all people interested in a just peace in the Balkans and everywhere.  Other pages by Aikya Param include Promise, Promise Awards, Hindu Web Graphics and Advaita Vedanta for Today.  Aikya co-manages the HinduWebring with Nitin Namjoshi.  Thank you to Argotique for some of the graphics on these pages..  Last updated on 07/07/99. Hit Counter